COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. DALLAS. SATURDAY. AUG. 13. TWO of tjiesj, "The bees seo:n to ba svr.mniug. Tho j ai .! n.,..,-,- . 1 njdignaat over our article giving tlcs ficti iu relation to the s da of .the west tda rail road franchise to some strange r J'.'X tbo benefit of Ben Hulladay, aud its effect on the people, of the west side. fiove it appears to us that if what we Jtave related. jn relation to the matter had 5 not been correct those journalists would not have been so wonderfully exercised over it.. Truth when told jh regard to transactions fraudulent, per se, generally hurt, but fabity in relation to matters of this character liever injures, and consequently eisible people pay hut little or no attention to it; v$ we one!u.ue from the answer o! tjfi.c ?4TJf3 referred to, that we have given the true history of the affair. We have already answered the Orerinum, atidT now, last of all, comes James 4'Meara, in very bad spirits, and under takes, also, to deny what wo have said in regard to the afjjir, aud s lys : f The Dallas Kepulflcrtn devotes the biirgest portion of its editorial columns each week to a sort of combined warfare vn SenatGr Williams and Mr.-Iiollad.iy. In connection wi'.h the west side .Just what it aims at no reader Is com petent to divine, beyond the fact that ihe paper is down on both of these gen (iemen, The girl in the verso gave as 1 ev reason far not liking Dr. Fell, that f he did not like Dr. Full, and no better reason is apparent in the column of the Jfep'ubicaii for its attacks upon Senator Williams and Mr- Holladay." ,Ye have devoted no more of our volumes to Williams and Ilolladay' than no thought absolutely uecc'Siitry to , put.tho-p3Djj!e of. tha west side oh their j ; i guard against what we claim to be a eon j spiracy against their best interesti?, and j if, the editor of the Bulletin cannot see i pt what we aim, it is in cor.scriueccc of bis stupidity ; no ouc else is at any loss tp know. ' Am it is true, Mr. OT'leara, s yon 6uspcct, we du not like the course pursued by Ilulladay and William. We hare no acquaintance, pcrsjnally, jritb cither of those gentlemen, except that we have seen Senator Williams on his flying trips in the State during hi.s Bcnatorial career. We have no personal feeling against either, but with their course as public men vrc have a right to deal ia coJEtticn jvit Ji all others, and it U that" which ' v.c oppose. Due-? the editor now undrrstaLd? Nor;, Mr. O'Meary, we daumrr to your arwer because it is not f-peciGo. Your char ges of vu'garis-m arc irrelevant, and ydur, complaint that we we do not charge trie right parties has nothing to da witji the controversy. We wers not speaking of what transpired two or three years back, but simply giving the history of etttaiu transactions. Wc vrcre not talking of failures heretofore masje by an one; wc ycrc siuply &Lowir. the pen'plo how they were to be cheated out of a railroad on the west side for at Ica-d six years to come by the operations of Jieu Ilolladay, and those who woik with gnd for him. So, Mr O'Meara, you Hreout of court on that part of your answer; nor did we complain as you intimate, that Ilolladay had not built the road in a few weeks or since ho has had possession. Tt is the act of getting pplea$i&n pf which wc complain, and wp" plainly stated our opinion of the fihject, giving the falits and leaving the people to judge. The article finally utyns up by saying : "Of its misrepresentations In detailed pcrics"we have no occasion to ?pcak." r nd that i true, it does not dpny a f ingle, statement we made in relation to the matter. Let the people notice : We Said that the agent of the Phila delphia company offered to build tjie firjt twenty miles thU year, and that in consequence of the sale tq tfen Holiday we are only promised it within tic time prescribed by act of Congress two yoarg for the first twenty mile, and the balance in lour year making f ix in all, when wc could have had the first twenty miles jo six inonths, and the Bulletin dobs' not deny it ; and ys said that these nctiaga and doings fchow upon their face that tl,f Iff t0: delay: still longer pur railroad on the weitsido instead of ; advauctnj it, and we leave thc' pcple toirc W k.abo.t time to mako fpjrwva ; has not t).e first twenty miles of the vest road long since been located, the grading nearly all done uid a large amount of trestle work comple ted. Tliis kind of stuff is worse than, nonsense. Mr. Ilolladay lias no inten lion, in our judgment) of building one rod of road on tbo west side, but be I . .i .1. . 1 1 . P 1 . vor nt mc nanus ot me next Legislature fur himself and Williams, and this is the only reason, we imagine, why he has' at present men on the west side pretending to locate railroad lines in different directions. And how is it, Mr. O'Meara. that you taLo srch offense at our opposition to Mr. Williams? when sir did you be- come, his convert? and what is it that has so suddenly come over the spirit of your dream? is it true that you endorse the political course of Senator Williams;? and eau it be true that you aro fi-hting modern Democracy ? Mot aouudiug developments! Now, Jemmy you know our lore- j fathers were all from auld Ireland, and j duii't you know, Jemmy,, that O'Meary and O'Sullivan were both very promin ent names at Limerick, and Jemmy you know about ten years ago we were both Dimocrats together ; and don't you recollect, Jemmy, that when the. war broke out you wen, in with Jeff PaM and the Southern Confederacy, while 1 went in with the Union army to prevent you from disgracirg the flag of our glorious country. Jemmy, don't you rcmcmln r, that not many years ago, ' you claimed as a member of modern Dimocracy that if you could get into power you wouh! wic; out the national J Jcbt in thirty days without taxation j And, now, Jemmy, are you cognizant of the fact th;vt you belong to sriicho. y? i that jou have uhandoucd all your tune- 1 honortd piineipks of modern Demo eraey that you nrc the tool of the ' . . ----- i meatiest mouopulisls ou toe the I aetue j Coast ? that -you are to-day advocating universal su tirade, and a!l the Itadiea! principles of the Iejiubtiean party? that you aro a dilapidated, superanuated j institution, usqd by lien Holiday, and I despised by the people ? if you are, why j don't you be friendly ? Jem :r.y what V j beeotnc of the pig y TUB Crrroniau ha? never attempted j to answer any question wc have asked i or charso made by uS s0 and exeep! j that it claixs wo charge it wronjully when we sny ihat iu cel.: have been I bcautifnly changeable; and in order tu ! prove that we were wp it qu.-c from j its own col'im of the 20th of June, j 1 PA when ii ftnd.H it favored Xt-ro ...if i frago. sov, this is what we expected, and wo would call attention to the fact that our charge. wa, that neither t.o nor four years ago did the Qrr)oni't:t advocate universal Xegnt snlTrage, and, 7 ' I rjuolesuom a .date sub.?cr,ucnt to the campaign and eiec'Ion if LSOS. Gen ; llemen, that will not do; every one j understand that when wc said two or j lour years ago, wa had direet reference ; to the political campaign of 1SG3 and ; 18GS; and come? now your evidence of a date subserjnetit to both. That simply proves what wc charged, that before those elections you did not nor would not admit as tru'j the other ch srge made by the Democracy, that we, as a party, were opposed to Negro sulTnnge, but since the election of 1803 you have advocated it, and now do. This is pre cisely what wc charged, and the Ore ffmiion has proved our insertion' true, unless it can now bhow from its columns of a date prior to June, LSGS, that it favored iTcgra suffrage. Wc hope the Qregonian will produce the proof. We know, Mr. Orey onion whereof we speak. , The Jacksonville Nttw ay that the wile of Kuhji, who reside on Apple uatc, performed a bold feat rece ntly, being nothing less than the seizing on to and mastering by main strength, of a good sized cinnamon bear cub. She came across the animal while out gather ing berries, and had a tremenduui tusel wU'n it, young bruin celling in some powerful. blows, but Mrs. K. hung on like grim death to a - defunct monster, taking her capture homo with lu r, where z wnippeu out an me uogs ou me place. Heat that who can. Tiik same paper says ihnt Wednesday wtia the hottt fit day of the season. Tb thefrnometer stood 'as high 112 in the shade; and a load of ice, crossing the le.crt front Jintte Creek, is satd to have been diminished bv the extreme heat I U ou parting Io 200 The Orcjonian undertakes to apolo gize for the action of the ...Senate, in extending the citizenship to all Africa, in its usual style, by saying there is no danger of Africans coming here. But a short time since it made the same argument in reference to Chiucse, saying there was no danger of their desiring to become citizens', and that more were returning to China than were coming here. lflhero is no more danger of Chinese than of Africans coming here why not extend to them the same priv ileges? IJut since Williams has become so terribly frightened as. to Chinese Coining here aud taking the country if l hey arealluwod to vote, the Orcgonan as usual, vacillates and goes back on its record, and now thinks that there is no Manner from Africans, but sees great peril in the China question. Our last State platform emphatically opposes" any further extension of the elective fran- chise to opposite races. T.QrejonUtn stood Mjuarely on that platform. . Now the. late naturalization law repudiates the platform.', and the Oi-egonian says, in reference to it : " Inasmuch as all persons of African descent born in the United States are already citizens, there is no valid objec tion to allowing the few here who were born ht other countries to naturalize. " Who., now, U tuned up to the party ? aud who, now, is standing by the.-enti- merits of the great body of the party in j VII l'.MI, III'-" I'iIIOJ HCJI't lllU't V ! Of ("onion f Dut' vc will not lovc the A On n., inn Itere to ilutnlcr. You 3a not tell the jcojlo whether or not yuU f;iVor ih it other portion tcf ihe law which h-.ts tn native Africans! Stand np to thi- rack, Mr. Orcjoutun there V llo ..toppio now. Tell us; do you eiidure ihe pi jneiph? r policy ? Let se nowi, whether or uot , 'you dare to I'.teo thr intJ'ic. i Anot'Ur, little ijncsiion is 'ofttatin it ! the public mind, and about which great men iu nr own party differ. Sumner, Mut tun,; Tiinubull, uud other great men say the Chinatucti havca. gooda right to t'one here and become citizens a? Afri ctllt3 What part will you take iu thi re;;t que.-tion ? You claim w? have wrongeil by ?ajing you had no tui-nd of yo ir own. Now, if you come "ut " n, geai qucuon oi me a3 tauetne incoiiMMcuicour 'vith Williams or will you take that J!,!,5 (; iitde eour.e pursued by Sumner ntU Trumbull ?v llo considerate, Mr. 0'"','M,' are pon!ip. f'O" 'A' "K- fiery billow. t 11 be "th ,,r ,ccl ? bul e demand you Hl 'k' "M r e com- mrud the Orffnn a t to the ? eeeh of Trumbull on the Fourth of July, and one of 'Na.l)'' resolutions at the Drtno eratic meeting in New York, which wc here pve. Itrsoht't . Th-it Amerikv hcj bin it.,. ...I.J - h . ttt 1 I rt.ithnita ;n,, (,? - nrt. aetrt mined that it fhall ;llu. hepieh. wc protest agin any Chinese eomin iti on any term?, whatever, Ken butler Crispins won't save him, neither can our party be saved unless wc stop and commence to go back ou thii heresy, univci sal sufTra?. The! Portland papers crc full of laudations respecting distinguished men lately arrivcduit that port. From their tone a granger would cmc to the cuo elusion that all the extraordinary Men of. earth, past and present, had arrived in Portland. This is all well enough, hut some little mutters connected with the transaction engage our attention, ; Of course, the excursion down the tiver to meet the ship which had on board thoc distinguished characters, was all right, and just as it should be, and then j tie address of welcome, by Dr. Loryea, was a most magnificent production, of whieh any American may well be proud; it "was, in fact, the tight thing in the right place. There it was new, but must have been an imposing scene, to see Americans, with heads uncovered, paying their respects to lien Ilolladay s count.. And who is this that wears thn title of nobility hereafter to be worshippcdUn America ? How changed our habits.: But one thing explains another. Wo have now a right to ex. pect a title soon to bo conferred on James O'Meara. Confer it, Benjamin, aud let us know the worst, and what Found nt Last ! A remedy that not only relieve, but cure consumption tinJ its numer ous eatelites which revolvo around H In tho ebpo of ccughs, .cold, 'nfluenita, broncblti, etc. This remedy is Du. Wistaii's ITawam or SrAt'toiso's' asoful In oyery bouse, A New Advertising Dotlgc Ercry time it lady who u-8 fragrant Sozodo.nt opens mwulh he advertises the article.-- The state of tier 'teeth is 11 certiflcato oi it excellence. No spot darken their Kurface, no impurity clings to lhin ; tb cuhions in which they aro Bet are rosy, iiimI the Lrealli that through theui is BWtet us the hrceze of June. Eckeka! LckekaJ! KcnexAt!! What? Nature's eoTcreign remedy for healing the-sick. Dr. Pierce' Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis covery combines in harmony more of Nature' most valuable medical properties than was ever licfurs combined in one medicine. For the cure of nil coughs, wbcihvr itcutu or lingering, it has proven its Miperioritv over everything td'e. For "torpid liver," or billioubut s., and fir constipation of the bowel.-, it is a never-Jailing remedy. As a Mood puiifur lor the euro oi pimple, IdoU-Les, eruption aud nil humors it is uucqualud. SOTICU S Notice is HEiiniiY given that the luw firm of Vineyard A liutler is this hiy dissolved by mutual consent. h. VINKYAIID, aug!3"w N. L JUSTLKIt. a the Circuit Court Jur ihe Slnlc if Oregon, fit YfUnhUl eoiinlif, n. ('aioliiio 11. J;ori?!, Plaint iff, vs. Felix 0. Donis, rgpo FELIX J DORRI.S, SAID DEFEN- daiit: In tbo mime nf tbo t'tnte of Oicgoc, you are hereby rvquitt-d to appearand nnsur ibo eotnphiiat of the I'luimifl". liled auiort you in iLe above i.uined court, by Monday, tb'j Hih day of Novembtr, A. 1. 1S70, which U the Gft Any of tho ntxl regular term of aand court. f.Ibwing t ho expiration i tie time priir;hol in th. inl: r i.f the Ju.lgu of Miid court, bfibeof, nod iiiir than s ix v f'.a irtm tbtf lafe of said order and ot thi fflni' itioii. niid ih; firit publi'-ui i.'U hereof, or jndg- inel.t will hi; tak ii ag;iint yu tor want in rvi ! 1 7. ,..... u,..t , ."l.ov.. r. ,. ,.,:. .! nil von :i ri' ri ii ii I ri.ii r i.ii i ill I nj i i i i . 1 . I 1 .. i t. - . .! i .! . ; .. .. 4 -- ' 1 ' ' - A Stftrc ('hance lov a E'ar - - A 5 I AM COI.Nti LXCl.r?!V:-:i.Y IN' ' to li t- !lo.e tV!!iir Itsjini.".', I v i 1 1 .-til .oj ili:A.)"A!;L!; Tt I;M. orti.i l.' ..; - i j ti.u n-urtr, M'J FINli TK.XM a 1 Sf tU..Juv To', 1ST0. 22-lot A ssi inii ra t o v'h .'o t ice. N Bt be Jul tetlit t lb" tfy Cu.t .1 i f t'vlK ttitttit, Cii vj:tf, t.e titi-rMiiu ttuis. Ml.txtiitted Admitf ar tf the ,.' f llir- l.Xtll tH J' liwnd. All jcourt!. V,nnf ! Min 8"i.f Paid -!i' fir- r..i'iir-. ; .r.. iHllt ,.f tbi9 ,,,,.,. 15F.NJ. T. l5-ttl..'Jf. July A. ft . Adn,;,.iMr..,r. I It it I i.u.xtili f vvTil !Spp!y to id t-ort tor a I . ".-.' d,,-rv dis-olvin-th bon.lsof ,;,t, hnooy now ilSif :ui' of -theid A, U-m-r, m ti-tinu LUttu vou and her. nd 1-r thV cue :u'1 t-'.t'fU',". f u!,, X"rty, nnd ro-todv . ib'c tuinu, , bi dr. n. Tbo wc . ,h'4!i, l t of i-abi n.',rii..t:. by or.Urof'lb.- Hon. 1!. V i V. frj,,1,,,i:ll ",M,K,N"; and knuvn u t-iu , ll.d.e, Ju.le ot ,-id Vuu,t, .udc tbU -'wiU day i '"7 '"f V"T h'At ot l'ut life jssvi:axce. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OI Ai'W York. G. II I Li OX SCniliNKIl, SIDNEY W. CKOWFUT, StircrM the i'i Itcvicn of ICxccIIcixcc. Oidinary Life IVl"c:cs AbsohiteSv Hon; Forfeitable From Pavmcnt of FinT Annual Premium. SPECIAL INSURANCE NON FORFEITABLE AFTER TWO AN NUAL PREMIUMS. One Third of the Annual Premium loaned to the p.irty insured, if desired, And no Xotc Required. The Business of tho Company is cn the Hutu al Flan, No evidenco could prove more conclusively how fully the public appreciate the new nnd liberal fentures of this Company, and the well earned reputation of its leading Officers and Directors than tho .''.IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE EMPIRE, Unprecedented and Muparallclcd PY ANY -COMPAXY IN . ; ' -" - ' Europe or America. Applications for' Agencies in, places where the Empire is not already repre sented, will he received only from parties 'who can give undoubted references as to qualification and integrity, and should he andrrpsed to the undersigned. 0. P. VON ItHKIN & CO., 832 Montgomery Street, . Opposite Od4 Fellows' Hall, Ground Floor. - : 181t . The Ciieaiict Store in POLK COUXTY, the!ELLend;ale store 2 1-2 Miles West of Dallas, 'A ii bron AS HE EN FILLED WITH THE Ur?t and be.t .lock of goods oro.ia o ,!)t., i o.k u,. ,). Tnwl,p tine; exceedingly useful in allbowel afftion. Wbieh wo propose to n JAlh.h t ban , (ff trhf,tIren. It is a afe, certain W fu.V "r !" CnUll y' J "nnd efiVetod nmedy for Cbolic. Diarrhoea, I'UODUCK, for which we wdl pay the LigLct ; , y Complaint, Oriping market pru-c. J Our tck eonsuU of every HeKer.pttori ot goods generally kept in Crt cluss country store?. Also constantly on hand a laro assortra.iit ot Casiihcrcs anc3 Karii-Timcw, Miwle in th EHendulo Mills, which v: wi!ll e!l verv diifif. i: l. t.'dal duly It. VJit t-jhvvzd's Sale. TTY VniTITM (tV AN' I'. V rt'ITTIfiV. TO M ft ,r;r., f,,L cut Ol !. fJircnit Court of the State of Oregon, for thft county of, on a judgment n ud r,-d r.v the Cleric in vacation, iu favor of Ira F. M.'EulW and ariiii.r A. iJner, for tb t un' t( sevn bun- lr. d and t-igbtv teven dollars an t f.lly cent 3 :$7S7 M) iu U.S. gob! or silver t,i. vith in- tcrcst at the rale i i ten it cent i-r annum i rum i oe ryrxmoin oi ju-igiaiai uiiui pai i, i jrMber wi:h c sis und ceerulng co-ts I have iev i. d iir.ori nnd will at public t:$etj, at i!.c C llonw d.n.r in iht- town A' I.Uda. i Folk c-i:ntv, Ogn., on the l.'UU day of Aui-u.-t, ' ! tctwecn tie h-.ur oi 1 oVl''..k in liacOonul Uiook .No. 1. then, u sot;t!i ievt. I .1 .- 1.... .1 o .... ' 1 wiH s: l 4" i of be-uuiin-, kuowi j 11 :'oj.vr S!. .n. 'i J, c i i j i:v 'o-.T.tcl tu the town of ;;. t n.iv t '.'.'. .v,ii.t (n f..mnu'ti',e ni 10 nVlorl; A. 1. 'l-tm f.vb iu 'a..n 1. j:o.l or tiiur 20 Iw Uy I-. M. Ct!J.IN. i'vuty. CAPITAL .' f:.J,l rVrHKi Ul till. V ' j ' j tJ.i.ivM, tt i P,..,,H(.,-i Til ' I '"T I 'J ...... ' . ItUOiJl .1 l'I.A.M;M0.;. . p' President. Secretary. El Managers for the Pacific Coatf. I .... 1 ... 1. 1 I? .,'1 T..t . i NE W A D VER T1SEMESTS. Mothers, I've Found It! T.01t YEARS I HAVE SEARCHED FOR 1 a remedy that will CURE your children by removing the CAUSE, and at last I can sajr "Eureka." XKY IT. C ARM S U ITI VE CORDIAL - , df ; ..tringent inedi- This I? a pleasant antacid, and in large dopei v u Sn-r xu.t.noh. Cotivcnes. Wind on the ; ., r Children. In Teething', there" is iiothinar that equal it. It soft eiit the GuiiiK. and readers Teething cay. It is no humbug medicine, got up to sell, but a really valuable preparation, havingbeen iu for" ftverul years it recommend itself. Do not give your cniiu'en iuu -juuiuihs syrupj?," lor they etupiiy without doing atijc pi-uuttDont good. 1 Frej-ared by Br. Vv. TATRRIIOi;8E MONMOUTH, OREGON. For Fn'e by Drti?g';Kt3. The trade supplied on rvfis.Tiiitbk' t-ri. r:. Hundreds of Testimo- tiiii's cim La given if necessary. 13-tf LR. W. WATERIIOUPE. - For Xent. V ACRES ENCLOSED LAND, ONE t ) and a bnlf K.ilt-3 from Dallas, is offered j l'- rent. The renter to fake the growing crop and to have possession until next sprung. ''""d house and bars, forty acres in grain. and ' a-rvs meadow ; a large bearing orchard. ! ad t-rden. One wagon and a span of horse ' P b p:a"e te do ths work about the j '" ""'- ft ( ierm ?2. eth, or saii-facff;r.y trade, i Itiqulre of K US--'KLL &. FEllhY, Real E- ! tate Au.t rortiana, or D. M. C. GAXTLT. , j j 'a lias, M-y !vi si. 13-tf iil! EIGTI2E': & S7EEETS, I)a!Ia-, Orcjrotu ; J- A. HOUR, PROPRIBTOK' ) rrtir h has p.kcf.xtly bekn I refitted and r.'snanl, and it-'ii now f.r (b C t: '"'' tirir.O 'nli' n f the trarclio- T!. TABLTl w'd! ?.t nil time? he fun rid' welt : t -i. i. j ;rov . U-i with cri-ry u1jmov of the reason, fis ! w-i-li tb" ft:! :.ti'i:t!4, sin 1 or gutsott ratty j rot a-i-nrvd of C' urltous and jiruiuit attend' i .iK,-e. 1 i j ib FJ.i:;:?:?; ataiitmexts wi'.i also, ihe f--;td cl.nn, v, i.!c.'.i j ;in 1 eotiifortAhle. i ..:;?-Li vtr .?t-:bK noritu tic hot.!. i L. A. IIOBI!. IW!.t. :.:.r 2?. 13 tf I fr VbO?& R J. f) 170 in V.i!n:i'l r.tirttly Mcdx'ue ba been wide It r-!;4 f.v.raldy buv.w in wur owu aud lur v.ii toutitritf, uj.waru of Tt !t r,r,f f It? fnd name by repeat r iruli. but 4"!:?i;n4ts ti ocujiy a protuincitt j'!:titt ti: every fitttttiy tu'lieino ehet. " 1 1 ir- mi J.n r;:-tl rnl titt rnul Keiuedy. Fvr .I'ltv.i.vr C in; 'ski !, r ai.y other IVutu 1" tw i Hv ::-e in ebibiren or adttltx, it if an a!nit i t'fiwin ciae. and b., without duubt, be-!! tba siii m:;-- fi-!ui iu curing tlte various kind of tJliUl.KfiA Uih'i any other known remedy, er t'lt r.f!f : I; ill; itl jd.ysdoan In India, Africa and i inii, w lit.' re tia dreadful disease i ntaro or Icfs j-ri. v.:!.-iit, t!:o T.tin Killer id c.nsidttivd bv thv. .;itivc. as Will as Kuiriittn rt'Sidci.ts iu ibcc ''b:tif.-,. si gurt? remedy; nnd white it is ui'-st it ot rt tijcdy lVr pain, it is a Jer-fi-ffly .-Mo tmrdiviiic, even ia utikillful hauds ltm--tiHi?! i)f"Ui jiJiny fiich bottle. j-'o'd hy all Dro-irt. ; "' IVifi" 2o t-t, IU t t?, and $! per bottle. C. M. r.WCT.NTKIt. I ,F. J. DAUCOOK PARflcNTSR a DAECOCK, !t!anufactuiers. and Wholesale and Ke tuil Healers lu Xiii'iiitui'O. Conincrcial Street, Sakai, Oregon, I WAVE OX HAND THE LARfiEST' V i si ft ow-Sh a d e s, HoIlatidK, and To be found in Hl.irion County. ; ' Alt kinds of Picture Frames, CoEas nnd Caskets made to order on short notice and at ru&sanablo rat?is. r.UlMKXTER 1 DABCOCK. ' Salem, March 2:1, 1S70. 4-tf The standnrd rvmvdy for Coughs, Jn fluenxa, orf Throat, AV hooping t'uualt, Croup, l.tver Complaint, trunchlti. niecdiiifr ,nf tUi "l I.uurp, and every n fleet Ion of the Threat, l.nucrs and Chest, Inclad intr Consumption. ; ; : Wistnr's llaUnni does not dry up a Cup;h out loojeii9 U eleanscs the I, allays irritation, thus removi-4tf. the causo ot the com plaint. Votic genuine uulcis fcln-. cd I. HUTTs. Prepared by SliTH W. FOVVI.12 & SON, lloston. Sold by HliDDI GTON, IIOS- -s TETTUH A CO., San I'rancUco, aud by dealers generally. ' IO-ff 1