Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 13, 1870, Image 1

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KO. 24.
4 ;
j ?
Is Iss8d Er r Saturday Afternoon at
DalUs lk'County, Oregon.
BY D;:P.'a. aAULT '&
OFFICErf. Io a-t, between Court W
Mill itretai J ' rs ;outh of tho PosWffico.
Stbteriptijn mitt I? paid itrtctlt in advance
.rr" "jadvestisi5Jrate3.
Onegqaare (lOIineorlesa), Brtt inscrt'n, i3 00
Eae'i ab3cquerjtiDscrtion.... ... ; 1 00
A, liberal deduction will b made, to quar
tfijj nd yearly aJrertiscrs. J; ''-
Professional cartld will bo insertoJ at $1 2 00
per annum. . . V TiV
Transient advertisements csast.bo paid for
in advance to in ?n re publHaUon. All other
adveriising bjils must bo pa!4 qaaiterly.
- Legal tenders taken at their torrent value.
. -. . , , , . - - i
BlaoiS and Job Work of every dcferiptioa
farisbed'at low rates on abort oott?.? .
ft- 111 advertising illf must be paid
lnoj iouowin exquisite pocm,v snys
the Portland Evening (Mnmerliat, was
writfenlivldthc lafo EiJward Illoekf
the giftcdiCiliforDta pdet. 00 the Gtn
of January, 18G7, and has P?vcr before
been published. It was giyeaby Uiq
poet Xo a friend who l?as About Up de
part oct a steamer for Oregon, Pollock
paying 5Take this ; you ...ay.pcr
haps, read and appreciate tho sen tt-
ment long after I have ecasd' to be
among the liuing :" p
Tliere eomthlne in tbc"rartiag"liOur '
Will-(tU tho warmcntbcart-i' r ' '
Tet kindredf nrad;t", lover?, friend?, "
Are fted H to part 1
lint tbi.rreffrn and wany a paog
lias pressed li on mr aind
Tbe one who rS $ happier
Tbao llope he lerrrea behind. ,
AdTntnr U8, dsjnperof. tfar.
To the wild denjor l2ak.f ron tier,
To solitado'Fr warj " .
gfiH fwimetbing cheers tv- heart tbal dart
S filn all of butnan kird' s.
t'And ibey wbO o are hnp?ir
Than those they leave behind.
The bride goes-to the brt tearoom's home
With doubfinga aad wHb tears,
Jiut diea not bprbtr rainbow spread
Across ber tlou'dVifwara?
Alas! the mother wis remains,
What comfort can she fi&il,
But tbistbe gone; i happier
' Than one she leaves behind?
B:are you a friend a'conrada dear ?
An old and valued friend ?.. v .-'
Be sore your term of iet eoncourso
At length will have an end I
And when you part - part you will
O take it not uokind, 0j
That he who gres is happier
Than you be loaves behind.
Ood will it se and so it i; '
The pilgrifos on their way,
Though weak and worn, more cheerful are
..Than all the rett who stay ;
And when, at laft, poor ruan. ubdued,
" Lies dowr, to dcth resigned,
3fay be not still be Jhappicr far
Than those he leaver behind?
w Beam i uiw ,. :"
Dutch Cure, for Xazlncss
. 't-". '
During a m.OjDtDg 'ralk, a merchant,
tvbo.was detainedTy business in Am
sterdam, came to a group'4..ip'CO who
were standing round kiel, fnfo which
ja. strongly built tin&&bQQptiAovtn.
A pipef.w.hie tiiout'asi ni tBre'v.top of
the well, had been-opecll, and p stream
Vfpf water from it wa? lining down into
the well andibnniQi&lly to fill
it. The fellow be1ow4iad iite enolugh
toy do if he dki 'ootiWnt to fs droVned,
Upkeep the watf rWtbyicanf )f a
-pump whtcli Vas kat flux bottoul? ofWine
for an :Cxplanation of what seemed
a hear tlej. cruel joke. i Sir' - re
un old man stjindingJbyi "fhat roan t3
es you iee, hellthy and strong. I hove
myself o.T,red Jilm work twenty titnes ;
Deverthcl?:f he alwajsrf allows laziness
to get the Lci.'cr of-himojl'iV'Mi'inAVe
any exCnsa td 'beg his bread l from doqr
todoorrt!.ijugh he might easily eatrt it
.h!aweIfyV-rk if he liked.-i WoW
now trying ts niake him feci that he
can work." JNho uses 1Kb strength
which is fr I farpis he will be savec)
if he letSvthcs hang idle jlte will be
drowned. JBui Kpt," continued tlie
old Dutchrnanc he went to tho edge
of the fcUi.ih3 fellow find out-tht
he has got 4 muscles ; in anhourwe
shal) let him uut with better resolutions
for thefaturc.' .
6ach"w.3jfT:o pase, and tBo cure was
effectaal.--C7flro. J
" v . ... ,,'
TatrrniULh dh Is a cefner-stone in
cbaracter,jiD If it be cct firmly latd
io yootb, Ihef will ererafur bo a weak
f pot in the fou'nc Jion
4 .-3 i;
fTbe Chinaman
. i - ?
fVi. .M 1 .1 . ni . . . . . 1
Ictn, which! commenced on" the Pacific
coast a few -Tears -back, has reached the
Apantitj Stat-4jdnd is engaging the at
tention of ourjmost able statesmen and
journaHss?','Thc Hearth and Home, a
fisscs the matter 6 much to our Uking
and in the same view with our leader
last. weck, that weuoto a few of the
'concluding paragraphs. It ' will be
seen lhat the writer opposes Chinese
vaETrago, 03 wo do, ut is willing that
hc( Mongolian shall come Hi ere the
same as the down-trgdden of other na
jttons.- After speaking of Uhe usual
good conduct of theCIiiuc?c, the writ-
ersa ys :
V We are not ainon tho?o who appre
hend any danger from this importation
to such an extent asm.iy be reasonably
anticipated Our politico digestive ap
paratu.4 has aecommpdated itself to n
trcrn'enous absorr.tion of Irish, Ger
mans,; and negroes y and it wo cannot
sfandrby way of dietary, a few'tensjof
thonVands, more oit le.-. of Chinese
w,ho corae merely as joufsiders, so far n
aiyote ; goes, and who will keep our
hopsijr-blast, anl, very possibly our
kitchen fics in better order thau they
have1 been for these few ye irs pat so
much the wor.-e for us. We have un
crgone a gonfl miny srriins in the
Wjiy iOf asinilxting foreign matcruU
iwhether s of race 0 reliirton ; in fact.
we may be said to live nationally..in
thw'rosnSct, in a nonnn! state of strain;
tand we see no reuson to look for worse
result from yellow skins' and 'Confu
ci lis than front black ones and the
Pofip.' I. i
'v'Thc great question as between labor
and capital, we may be adred, will
nlnnire on, and male tltc jreatv turmoil
of jho next twentv fire years, whethsf l
uninamen come or? no. v, mere is
some reason to hope that by their -patience,
their impcrturability. their reso
luto industry, and thfir hoarding jdispo
sition, they mayf'mike up a sort; of
thifd tloment in the strife, and act as a
buffer to moderate the crash between
labnr and capital; . V ; yi
Until we see fafthic and .better rea
son, we ccrtainlywilt not joinin any
crusade against. John Chinaman, wheth
er he comes to work two ycarsf one,
or whether he pegsoar heel tapsTor
takes: posses-ion of eui"-kitchens. : '
Yc arc in for it, by all the Tourth of
July orations that were "cvcrutterpd
(exeept Gen. Sutler's), and by these
tokens we are -'the home of the poor
and the oppressed' 'and of all people,
in fact, who fiud therosclvc3 unromfort
ab'e elsewhere. When we shut down
upon them, wo must change our flag,
and write a new Declaration of Inde
pendence. . , x v
Of course, there' np reasonift the
nature of things , why a' Dhclaration of
Independence should hot cott'C to a re
vision as much as a.praj'er book, or the
Hiblc; but, meantime, .what wo have
sworn to we must live by. -f"t
Let John Chinaman take his chance,
with the rest of m', - ' '
A Miracle. tn an' Israelite com
munity there lived; vllabliestccmcd
and beloved by ail. ""(fp ."provelieir
gratitude for services rendsretl thc'cdui
munity decided upon thcuggeltion of
aich merchant, to ..offer Jhc llabbi a
present ofa ton Of! wine, and,! that? alt
migh t con t ri bju tel to if , i t waf a greed
thati'lielijHinjiJd britjg a bottle ofine
andou( it. uitcTthe receptacle. The
RabbVtciyej!! with gratitude the, qfTer-'
Thg. and with much precaution deposUgd
the" precious liquor in big eclbr. f But
I' grief ! JVhen be wished to tastts Jtl a
miracle had operated. Instead of wifs
quantity 01 wine. Unhappily, eaclrhad
me same iuea. ?
i--;V:-;.- .... - Kl
;f GASTON; Ohio, has the oldcstcditor
in tkpi United States, frobablyj the
world.?-His name is John Sctoiaad
hibas edited and pudliihed the Canton
RcpostUorySox fifty-fire consecutive'
years. . uie -isjjow eigniy years ot age,
and has neverbcen a dav absent from
life. " Hcistili writes witb elcarncisrarlil
ins sanctum-uuring ins;- iongT canomr
he joundfenlytwatcr. llis honest Triehtis Ih'c "people -guard well their interests.
had all individually thought that a htittfo rvri. j 1 i? tr 11 j .
f..itSi!fM Lf'?. J?M deit'i-HolIadaj operate in his own
vigor, and has republished hU , firitj11 to cat yur Httla .'sister's shoroof
editorial, and address to the pullic in
tlie first nuin'ber ' of his paper, issued
3Iardi, Last week thcioid,
veterancelebraed thecomrnencent oN
uis Bity-sixin eauoriaj eampaigp.
vjasui'ticnn- is tae namo or -a
Aud now "on. -this". day-comes the
Orejonum in his own proper person, and
by J. Gaston a. pf caunsel, and denies
our statement' tltat' the people of the
west side had. een b'lkcd on theiaiU
road quclHvpn, and says T '
af Vc, baVty BtJijKircn ti tioiwbo
at some payia to explain ,the state of
affairs' relative to the proposed went side
railroajraml'tu detail some of the prin
eipal("raiH.?tions that have taken place
itplhU city;whcreby the affairs of that
projected cnteaprtse have been brought
into their present condition. " It will not
be amiss,. therefore, for us toniakc umc
riMnarkV.:n.- the : fullowing paragraph
whieh . appears ins the Daljas (Polk
county Jtepulttran :
K Aud then wanders where we obtained
our information. The editor thinks vrc
could Dot hsvo. obtained it from any
ucwspaperf publiihed at Portland. That
tn?iy be very trie, and4 'undoubtedly is,
but we caarassurc th&Oreponion that
if we had ho'other source obtaining
information except from Portland papers
we might; in particular case?, be in a
had predicament. We do not undc"
stand that., . It is immaterial? wbf-re or
how wo objm out intormaliou s that
wc havo it correct And how does the
Oreyoniaii answer us ? simply Ly saying
it is underslc rl in Portland that the fact
arc different-; I taay be so ohderstood
by some, bntwc claim that wc have
given the feet's. The Oreynnian says
the people should understand the facts
ajid not be misted. That is precisely
what we aro-trying to dnt keep the
people from being further bilked on this
subject. ,Thc-article then undci takes
to etvcMbeeontract tnde wt'h the
Pjiiladclphta;ai7tria!ljr and ives it Just
as we gave it, .tut the further oTer of
the agent of the Philadelphia company
while!here to fa rnth everj thing, the
editorssys, is ncwin Portland. Wei',
if he-knows nothing about it he should
not deny it or undertake I to enlighten
the petJpjc in relatiao to it. : " :
It is, saidtllullady ha "X made a slate
ment iti rgaratp the west side road.
Simply the opinion of "Mr. flollady, we
nppop, as ttiere is no pretention that
Mr. II f- had purchased the franchise
nor dvC3 he sotitay jitf tjie statement
referred to, tut the Oregon tan thinks
fhepetplc ara unwilling to accept the
said statement, but wc tell jthe Oregon
the people are nol willing to be
bilked any more by suvh irresrionsihle
statcmc;nti. That paper says the as
sumption on oct papt that thc road
would nrft be built as entirely gratui
tous. We said, and say now, that Pen
Ilolladay will never build the west side
rail roadman d this is the opinion of n
large majority of jhe. west, side people,
and we say-now as wc have heretofore
said, that iu ou opinion Iloliaday's
operatidns in railroad "Tuattcrs on the
'west side arc solely for the purpose of
humbuggjng the people' into his support
at the,n:xt session oft the Legislature.
Mr.'Scoft says there is certainly a chance
forja railroad now, but we say we had
j ' . .&.;,? .......
. 1 1. - -i. .. . . tXT'W
ttMtncp lor ar-Toaa Dciore v imams
dcfeatedithe Fengra route, and before
lloUaday, through a mah 6f straw pir
ctias'ed the" west side franchise. Let the
people judge and a short time will teach
10 is correct.
In; thomeatitime let
name ?, JjCt the people notice that the
Orjtgonidn dodges .cvcry " important
pofnt "wo biatcc and every direct question
WB B53S.,-
5 '
-A exchange tiotcy,a3 the most "har!
rowing? sight it ever saw, the spectacle
of &-cr4iinan io a dress suit of black
.harrowing in afield with a tall plug hat
. J0 -Tommy! that was abominable in
J the waiter,' Vh?." -.ia d - Tamm.
V&i&J ..tel1. lQ rnaj that ,1 was &U
ways to take her art?;' J
;A TVestern to'wtj is "without a news
paper, pecause J'tha lad W lewing soc
ety an'wers" juVt t well.'" , -
s-clroU- Crinoline.
Telegraphic Miisnmary,
LoNEOS, Ang. 3. N'oon.-Details of
tho fcaarabruck affair have been re
ceived. The, fight commenced at. If
yesteiday. The French passed the
frontier in force and tho.Prussian: were
driven fro'm a strong po-ution hy a heavy
fire of arfiiWv. Ttve French remained
master f tiiCpb4tiortwhich was gained
without serious loss. .The Kmperor and
Prince Imperial ; witnessed the affair
and then returned to Metz to dinner.
It is generally admitted by the
French themselves, that their hesitancy
has sacrificed their advantage of an
early start by making use of which they
might have overwhelmed Germany, but
Prance is now compelled to act on the
defense, ; ;-
LONDO.V, . August 5. Trustworthy
reports of the battle of iSaarabnick are
received, from which it appears thai
the "Prussians had only (5.000 men en
gaged on that occasion, a od the French
Pauis, August 5. Gen. Donay wa
killed iq the Wcissen burg battle, and
our troops were : forced to retire.
Fraskfort; Aug. 5. Five hundred
French Prisoners have arrival here
from -.Weissenhurg.-., The total .number
taken by the Prussians was eight bun
dred including eighiccu ofiiccrs.
Lonpo?, Aug. 5. The report of
the capture of Saar Louis 'came via
idrta and. w on founded. ' j
The io,8ucnceofnicKmpre?R Eugenia
to retain troops at Home ftiled. The
last of the French detachment leave
Home to day. .- :M
U&fSTAttg. 5. The Sorth German
threc-raisted schooner Scare was cap
tured by at French raan-ofwar to-day.
Pa ;ttisAiig.:n.Tbe French troops
engaged before W?!s.enburg, numbered
ly fight thousand, and had to contend
with a Prussian army corps including
picked troops of tho guard, but in pjtite
of the inferiority fitnmbers the French
resisted f tho assault " of the Pru-sans
-for several hour- witb admirable hero
bra, and the Prussian loss was bo hevy
that tlmy dtd not dare to pursue them.
At SaarouckiWe TiaTe broken the
Prussian line; while ours remain intact
The Baden Baden array yesterday
pressed forward over theFrench frontier
and advanced foiLau rhourg, where
they established headquarters and sizvd
ot;j2 b.ats. The French .loss at Neur
kichen was three killed and one woun
ded. They shelled St. Jrano h'tati .n
The Lit Iberta publishes private
dispatches seat at midnight from Str.is
hoiugwhich report that Marshal. Mi
Mal.on boat the Pru-dans yesterday
cveninsr. 'Causiog tho Ultcr to evacuate
Weisenbiurgiand telegraph comrnuni
eatin with Wcbsenhurg had beca rc
estnblished. ; .
McMahon bis now 70,000 nicu, and
will have 15.000 to day, concentrated
near Weisscubourg. The Prussian !os
in the recent engagement reached
10,500 men killed, wounded and pris
oners. '.
London, dispatches to-dajay the
defeat of the. Vreneh army at Weissen-
nourg wr.s a uisastrous one, ucnerai
Douys division, composed of picked
fiihting uisn, was utterly routed, tml
Weissenbourg was ia possession of tho
London, Au?. 09 a. m. Advices
fron tho scat of war say the corps under
McMahon, was then advancing after a
brush with the Prussians.
Last evening the French occupied,
and lljey still hold a strong position on
the Bavarian frontier. ;
The French line of operations is kept
in communication by means of under
ground telegraph wires.
Subscribe for the Uepuhj.ic.vn.
Matu s'rect, : I : Dallas, Ogi
: Bitters, Cigars, Candies, Oyaters.fr
and Sardines will be ecryed to gentle-li&
men on the outsiJo of the counter, by a gentle
man who has an eye to "bix" on the inside.
So come along, boys? make no delay, and
we will soon hear what you have to say.
32 W. V. CUNAX.
' Importers and Dealers in '
; (Vv':."" AND. '"' :. -'.
' I i;BEIrIISrGre
The JDarjrest Stock and tae Oldest For
ntturo Mouse tu Portland. ' -
; 7AnraooMs and pactorti
CpitlTlill 8Alil02T AUD nitST BTEESTf,
JLWy CouiBHclIoi'-at-aTjaiv
Jtlcllnuville, Yamhill Co., Oregon.
Particular attention given to tie study isrul
practice of Criminal Law, Co.Iectiou of Claims,
Notts, Accouuts, etc. . ,
Physician, and .tneR,
Dallas, c;gu.
riaving Tcmrr.ed practice, will give special
atteirtion te Ob.itetricf, and tho reatiuu;.t oi
th li.ea'a of Women and Cbi'.drca.
Jpr,OfTi..e at bis rtti-ience.
L. VlitKVARa. N. 1.. BCTLKH.
LWy & CojisascSIor-at-Law
Dallas, Oregon,
Will K'v srcc'a aitenlioti to tie coKct-tion of
Claims, and nil bti-iuers entrusted ti his rare.
1U:PKKEXC.$ Hon. J'diii Bnruett, Hons.
H. t'. ttraban JL giinpsor., 11 oa. A. J. Thayer.
PJiyiciati and Hurgcos;,
. Dallas, Oregoiu
OFFICE At Nicho!- Urng Store. 2&
V. 1. JliE'HtlL:?!!, !tl. !.,
Phvsiciaii aad Snrgccn.
a j
tlola, Ore-oa. .
Fjteeial attention given to Obstetries and
Dieae t VorBn, Itf
J. I!. DAV IlstX, 31. !.,
PliyMician and urcoh,
Iudcp?rfdenec. Ogi).
is. . ks. k;mrcc.
!2Jnie at residence. 14jl
Attornoy and CouRsellor-at-Law,
Ai4p..i2, oin;c;t)x,
Will practice io all tbe Conrts of IteeordTand
Infciior Courts of tbis State.
OFFICE Ia WatvUds A Co' Brick, op
Attorneys k CounscIlors-at-Law,
Dallas, Oregon. -Will
practice In all tbe Courts of tbe Ctto. 1
.IS. X. CQMa1K89-.
Attorney and Counscllcr-at-Law.
Dallas. Oregon.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Heal Iistato. 1
3. i. ?2Icgxitc,
ATTOSi'S- Y- AT- SU rtr,
Dallas. t,iik C.nty, 0,rn. 1
Sijys8cian and Siirgecis,
I.cwhvHle, foUg Co.. Ogtu.
Has recently returned from the Atlantic Ffte
And ofMs his profossbnal sor-jccs l- the cili
ns of tbe Count v.
Particular a'.teatioa given ti Fenia' DS
ea?.s. 2-tf
A t i ?j&CoalHi 1 ior-a t-La w,
Corner C'ommereial and state Streets,
Opposite Xadd iS Hush's Dsnk,
Will practice in tbe Sitpremo Court ar.d tbe
Circuit Courts of tbe Second and Third 'Ju
dicial Districts. ... - 2-tf
V R EY & VLV K ffiET,
AttorncVs-Ai-Laiv,v -
At i'y&Cou use I lor-a t-LaTT',
Ltifayctte, Oregon. ,
B- r. RrssRi.i., ? I
A'et Rtle ttorncy.
c. r. rEnnr,
Real Instate Bro!ier and
Collection Agcnls,
Eor'thwest Cor. of First and Washington
" Ctrctts,
Special attention given to tbo sate of Real
Estate. Collections made iu Oregon and the
Territories. .r
Property, town lots, improved farms, stock
ranches, lands. situated In tbt best portion
of Oregon and W. T., for sale on reasonable
V m 4 mm a 4 4 aft fa mM iA n
Phyciclan, Surgeon U Accoucher,
Ilueua Vista, Polk Co., Ogn.,
Will attend promptly to professional call
A ji;imm;s LUDuC No. o V
'r'& A. Mr, 14.U tiJ jiis regular c ra-
tbe FaUK?1 i tfli tatfc., .Lsli tacmowa 1
fulls on Eatiifday tbea 6n t bat day, at o
o'clock.,- .',.., . ", c '
Also, on tbo pceond I rtday m'eaeb month
at 7 ov'j.wfe. ! t ,JT the Ppo of iiaprow
meet of the Cfaft in Masonrj, and for soth
utbar work as tbo idsetcr may frvm tiiM to
titae order. .. ,
Alt Uretbren in good sf ancmg are nTted to
at-nd. JJy order of tLe W. U.
Uenr testimony t. tbo TTondcrfal Carativa
HH Efeetsof h9 '
! Matafactured from tbe native Herbs and Boot
I CaTrornia,
jar The Great Itload Purifier t3
have been ingt auocof sfol. SUCH DISEAS
KS are caused by V1TIATKD BLOOD, wbleU
iak aoraJ)v nrodaced by deraogtmect of tla
tilUH6rt R ORtlANt.- '-" -" T
Cleareo bo -Vitiated Flood wlienrrer yr-tx
find its impurities bursting tbrongh thekiu ia
Pimples. Krupftons, or Tjorcs; cleanse it abea
jou Cad it obstructed and slupifb in tie
vi(i; eU-aiie it w 1 1 r 1 1 it is loul. and yoorfetl
is will USI Jou ibcn. Keep tbe blood bcal
hy, and all will be well. '
55. 22. ?!cDOALf & Co,
Importlttg Wholesale
II C5 ! .I S.T'S,
Corner Pine atid Sansome tfec4s. fan Fraa
ciseo. Cab. ami acrau.ent. CaL, a4 '
34 Plott s'rect, X. Y ' ,
ij-ly ; , '
I'arriajrc and riinnunlal
OpposUj Siirksy's BlocV.
n-tf BALI If,
uaxn sTnnr.T, isdepesdexce.
JL served to rnstoniers u sbort notke.
Tbi establirfbini nt decs not dipenre tanglt-
loot tr fispiss; of tbat tl'.ravfvr.
.- . ' ; 23 tf '
Corner 5IH1 and Slain streets, 1 tUa
a largo .variety of Doors art I ' '
Sn?beF, of all tbe common site?, and nfJijJt
tbe best workmansbip, at-their Sash and D'MT,
Factory, wbkh they offr for salo as cbeap as-
sacb articles can be purcbused lstwhere.' , .
Tbey are also prepared to f 11 all special o,
ders rr wrrV in tbslr Hue promptly, cl'eap'y '
and accurately. , f "it ,x t .
Give us a trial, and you will bo satisfied, v "Wl. ,
prepnrcd .to furni h all classes witb cot sta&t
employment at borne, the hti ot tbu n,. .
for the spiro moments. Business new lisle
end profitable. Persons of "either sex easltr
enrn,from 50o. to $3 per evening, and a propor
tional sum by dcrotijjf tbeir whole time tft tb
business. Rots and jprls earn nearly as much
as men. " That all wbo ?eo this notice may send
tbeir address and test the business, we mala,
this unparalleled ofFVr: To such ir wot wlt'
satisfied, wo will send $1 to psy for tho trouLV
of writing. Full particular. vatw. t la "samV
pie, which will do to commence work n, snda
copy of 4,Tbe People's Literary Comj i Dion" .
one of tbe largest and best family V vspapera
publitbed all scnt-free bv tnsih R,tader, If
yon want permanent, profitable w k, address
E. C. ALLEN A CO , Arjt sta. Mt5. SO
Agents! Head Tliiat
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Wfe ttsLT.PA AGENTS A HAI.. r'
Ty ot $30 a week nnd azMtises. or
allots- a eommlsslon, to sail oar ow and -wan v
darfaltaventbrts- Addres s -t-.
'At - r j: .zl a
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