S Ire r & rig o if 1 e p it b I u it. "DAhLAS, SAT UK DAY, AUG. C. f - . . An Editor Plays Ilase Dal!. The; delightful and tender game of JJjse Bail! Having broken out with fresh violeneo this season, the following sketch from the Traveler's Record is iu order: Tho doctor said we needed exercise. Prfctor knows. lie told us to joio baso nan; we joiueq. uougnc a dqcuv oi in structions, and for five days studied it wisely, if not too well. Uhen we pro cured; a sugarscoop cap, a red belt, a jrreen stint, yeuow trowsers, pumps. n colored shoes, a paper collar, aud a pur ple necktie, and, with a lot of other delegates, moved gently to the grouod. There were two nines. These nines were 'antagonists. The ball is a pretty ViMle drop of softness, the size of a goose-egg, and five degrees harder than a jrocjk. The two nines play against each other. It is a 'quiet game much lijio chess, only a little more chase than chc?3."- Thcre was an umpire. Ills position was n hard one. He sits on a box and Veils "fov;l." His duty is severe. ' $ took' the lat. It fa a murderous plaything, descended from Pocahontas to the head of John Smith. The man in front of me was a pitcher. He was ra nit pitcher, but he sent the balls He' caught it, too! 1 Umpire said 'jpJay." It is the most radical play I know of, this base ball. Sawing cord-wood is moonlight rambles eside base ball. So the pitcher sent a a!l toward me, It looked pretty com- so I let it come. Then he sent me auother. I hit it with the club and hove it gently upward. Then I started to walk io the first base. The mil in the pitcher's hands and some ody said he eaUglit a fly, Alas, poor ly! I walked leisurely toward the bse. Another man took the bat. 1 kdrned to sec how he was making it, and a mule kicked me on the cheek. The man said it was the ball. It felt Jike a mule, and I reposed on the grass. !fn ball went on. ' Pretty soon there were two more flte. and three of us flew out. Then the other nine came in, apd us nine went out. Just a? I was standing on my ftignUy, ia the left field, a hat ball, a ifeey cull it, cumc skyrocketing toward me. My captain yelled "take it." I hastened gently forward to where Ti Lnll was: flimlnf tr dp?(ptid. T hnv I 'gaod eye to measure distances, and I a t! a glance where the little aerolite Was to light. I put up my hands. How sweetly the ball descended. Every body looked j I felt something warm :d iny eye. ''MufBin !" yelled ninety fel low?.? '3IufRn be tl d ; it is a cannon aiU" 'or?; three' days I have bad pounds of raw beef on that eye, and yet it paineth. Then I wanted to go home, but my gentle Captain said "nay." So I nayed and stayed. Pretty soon it was my Strike. 'To bat!" yelled the umpire. went, but not at all serene was my went.'1 he pitcher sent in one hip "fci&K It struck me in the gnllet. ii If . t tlf til. I rouii ycuea me ump.re. lie sent in the ball again. This time I took it srpaare and sent it down the right field, through 'a' iajrlor . window, a kerosene amy a'ad rp!tip against the "head of in'' infant, who was quietly taking its nap in his or its mother's arms. Then I slung the bat, and meandered forth to the first base. I heard high words, looked. When I slung the bat, I JKad with it broken the jaw of the uu pirc, ana was nneu ten cents. The game went on. I liked it. It Ta En tnnoh fnn tn run frnm h.Kso tr iase iusfc in time to be oat out. hr ItV ' j . T 7 . 'V; j - t r - - ' ehase a ball three-fourths of a mile down hill, while all the spectators yell 'muffin!'' "go it!" "home run !" "go round again!" or "go round a dozen times!" Base ball is a sweet little game. When it came my turn to bat ift-r&t'A, I noticed everybody move back treated about twelve rods. lie was timid. The pitcher sent 'cm in hot. tut' balls in time of war are good. X ooat' Jiice 'eni too not lor lun. .fter awhile I got a fair clip at it, and ybti bet it went cutting the daisies down the right field. A fat man and dog sat in the shade of an oak, enjoying the game. The ball broke one leg of the dog, and landed, like a runaway engine, in the corporosity of the fat man. He was taken home to die. The & I went on a double-quick to the field, and- tried to stop a hot ball. Jl came toward raVfrom lo bat at the rate of nine miles a minute. 'I 'put up my hands the ball went sweetly sing ing On its way, with all the skin from my palms with it. ? ' ' More-raw beef. Tbat was'aa eventful chajp that first Invented base ball. It's such' f nh. I've jjlayed' five games, and this is the re sult: " ;- :l . 'Twenty se ve j dollars paid out for thirigsV, . -'?'!' i " r V )b bunged eyebadly bunged, , One broken little finger. One bump on the head. Nineteen lame backs. A'8ore jaw. One thumb dislocuted. Three sprained ankles. Five swelled legs One dislocated shoulder from trying to throw the ball a thousaud yards. Two hands raw from trying to stop a hot ball. ' - A lump the size of a hornet's neU on left hip, well backl '-A' nose sweetly Jammed and five uni forms spoiled from'rolliug in the dirt at the bases. ' I .have'played two weeks, and don't think I like the game. I've looked over the scorer's book and find that I've broken several bats, made one tally, broken one umpire's jaw, broken ten windows in adjoining houses, killed a buby, broke the leg of a dog, mortally injured the bread-basket of a spectator, knocked five other players out of time by slinging my bat, and knocked the waterfall from a school marm who was standing twenty rods from the field, a quiet looker on. I've used up fifteeu bottles of arnica liniment, five bottles of lotions, half a raw, beef, and am so full of pain that it seems as if my limbs were but brokeu bats and my legs the limbs of a dead horse-chestnut. A ?ase of Asiatic cholera has appear ed in Jersey City. The Alaska fur seal contract has not been giveu out yet. Failures in the cotton trade still con tinue at Liverpool. The prospects of the English har vest are improving daily. A French recruiting office has been opened ic Montreal, Canada. Peace has not been signed yet be tween Paraguay aud Brazil. Several Spanish Bishops will issue manifestoes condemning the civil mar riage law. Austria has prohibited the proclama tion of Papal infallibility in that coun try. It is reported that the Turkish Gov ernment has contracted with Americans for 200 cannons. MWI BANK EXCHANGE SALOON, Malu s'reet, : : Dallas, Ogn. TiriES, LIQUORS, POhTEK, ALE, 1 1 Bitters, Cigarfi, Candies, Ojstcr ami Sardines will be xervrtl to gentle men on the ootitu of tbe counter, bj a gentle man who has an eye to "til" oft the irmi.l. So come along, bojn; make no delay, ami we will aoon bear wbat you hare to ay. 32 W. F. CLIN PAX. HURGREN & SHINDLER, Importers and Dealer in FURNITURE AND Tbe Largest Stock and the Oldest fur niture House In Portland WAREROOMS AND FACTORY: CORNER SALMON AND FIRST STREETS, pqrixa xi), or i:c;o.v. 19 tf ! 1VOTICR. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR. i chased all the printing material usod in the publication of the Polk County Timet newspaper, together with all the books and ac counts belonging to said paper, hare associ ated ourselves together and hare engaged in the publication of a weekly paper, nt Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, to ha called the Oregon Tt e p c ft n . All debts due the Polk County Timet, both on subscription and advertising account, are now due, and prompt pay tneut is greatly de sired. All prepaid subscriptions of the Timet, not ex.tcndi.ng bpyond J.une Uth, 1370, will, in jus tice to the subscribers, be filled out by us. New subscriptions and advertisements are earnestly solicited. We beg to assure sub scribers and adrcrtilors that they will get val ue received for the patronage they extend to the REPUBLICAN. ; D. M. C OAULT, P. C. SULLIVAN. Dallas, Ogn. March 5, 1870, fTFT REAL ESTATE. COME YB THAT DESIRC Plvusaut lloujci in a Goodly Land and CODhUlt ' RUSSELL fc FERRY, Real Estate Broker, and Collection Agenti, N. V. Corner of First aud Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, OR D.M..C.GAULT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, At the Branch QJlce, IN Dalian, Polk County, Oregon That i o say. that tbe lands of ''Sbinar" scarcely attract the attention of the Emi grant wh' wihc to pare hate adrstrable home in a fertile, healthy rogion, while lands in Ore eon can be purchased for a small amount of money. We now proc?aim that special attention wili be given to the purchase and sale of Real Ks tate; and more vr, we cheerfully Impart tbe inftruiatiwu lbl we utit a large amount of 11 5 Proper 1 5 Town fiOlM, Improved, ami iiimprovcI L.'ukIn, Stock Ranches, Timber Lands, Etc., Etc., Etc. For sale at reasonable trui 1 .i i In tho Ilct Portion of the State. And in conclusion, we would impreil upon the minds of persons desiring to sell Real Es tate that they Incur no expense In placing their property io, our hands, unless a sale is effected. Particular attention is directed to the fact that a large amount of desirable lands can be purchased at the Branch Office, DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. D. . OAULTe Ileal Ustate Agent. 12-tf MIS CELL A NEO US. PREMIUM GANG- PLOWS ! THE BEST KNOWN TO MAN ! MASON'S CSAIVG PLOW "CHALLENGE." TITR UNDERSIGNED, HAYING PUR cbased tbe exclusive rij?bt from Wra. iIa son, for the District comprising the counties of POLK and MARION, is manufacturing thece Celebrated Plows, and is ready to fill orders for the same on short notice. Q. Come, Farmers, and encourage Webfoot Ingenuity & Enterprise And enable yourselves to raise Largo Crops. For Sale at my Shop at $100 each. T. II. LUCAS, 6 Dixie, Polk county, Ogn. DRUG STORE. Northwest Corner Main and Mill Sts., DALLAS, OGN. HAVING PURCHASED tbe OLD STAND formerly belonging to W. S. Robb, and wishing to live and let live, I will 8vtl at l"w rates, FOR CASH, everything in my line: Drus:3 Pa lent Jlccliciiic, And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, put up expreesly lor Medicinal ute. PEltFUM CHICS OV ALL KIXDS. I Stxht, Creum Tarfiir, Hird Seed, J'tiints, Oils, I V ., BrwJiCi, Domestic Dyes, ll'm'ting Voicdcr And ever) thing elie that is kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. I II. F. NICHOLS, Drupgi.t. DALLAS LIVERY, FEED & SALE a STABLE Cor. Malu and Court Streets, Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor. HAVING PURCHASED THE AROVE Stand of Mr A. H. Whitley, w have re fitted and re stocked it in urh a manner i will satisfactorily meet every w.n.t of tLe com niuuily. Hulen, kindle or double, IlarLft, Con cord IVaous, etc., etc., Furuibed at all hour, diy or night, on horl notice. npcrior .Saddle IIore. let by the Day or IVeek. TERIilS, RCASONAIILC. i T. 0. RICHMOND FICi:SlI ARKIVAL! OUR STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOi: TUB SPRING THAPE, I now open and tor a1e at our tore, on th Corner of Front and .Mill Street, Ial la, Oregon. TTe invite the attention of our f-afron to our New Stock, coniting of Drcmt Gc(kl, llfirtlvttrr, Croclery. Grocer im, Jhtols Sr Sivci, School ft (m tin, Stationery, frc.i In fact evorything found in Retail Storce, At Prices tj Suit tho Times, Country "Produce taken in exchange for Ooods Tboc bavrng old accounts nr5 requested to call and settle by CASH or NOTE. We thank the public for their liberal pat ronage in the past, and hope for a continuance of tbe eaiuo. N. A. J. D. LEE. Dallas, Marrb 1st, 1S70. Mf W. 13. TEA I, Wn son & Ca r r in gc .Ha U c r5 Main Street, Dallas. I HAVE ON nAND AN ASSORTMENT of Lumber Wagons, Exprecs Wagons and Buggies of various kinds, ready for sale. COME ON WITH YOUR CASH ! You all know what my wagons are; fori have been well patronited for tho last TEN YEARS, for which I feel thankful. And the last year they wont off like Hot Cakes. I am well prepared to do all kinds of work io my trade. I have in my employ the best Blacksmith in the County, who is prepared to do Shoeing in tbe best Style, on short notice, and every kyui of blncksmith work done in a neat and workmanlike manner, and according to Order, at reasonable rates. Also Painting done to order. Bring along Tour old Wagon 8 Buggies, and get them paint id. ' ' W. II. TEAL. Dallas, Alr.y 9, 1870. 6:fim NOTICE. I WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR HORSES, cattle or sheep, xny CAM lilt A and PHO TOGRAPHIC HTOCK; alwo my dwelling bouse and Gallery In Dallas. For particulars inquire of B. F. Nichols or 10-tf ' ; CHAS. LAFOLLETT.a Q UEENSWARE IN ABUNDANCE At - i. -V J. 11. LEWI'S. iLAUDEIV & D'FKAfKCE'S -NATIONAL. BUSINESS ' COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON, Is the most thorough and complete Institution of the kind on the Coast. It ia designed by its course of study and prac tice to place a UUSINES EDUCATION 'WITHIN THE REACH OE ALL. Every facility ia afforded for acquiring a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION Iu the shortest possible time, and at T II E L E A S T E X lE N S E . Every student will have an Actual fSllsitlC I'mctlCC, A- Miniature Worjd of Hutlness, rno which he is introduced after X h:vin; completed the Theory, and which ban the effect of thoroughly fatiiiliaruitig biiu with all the minutne'of rnl bticioefs. This fcuturo f the Inftitution alo alTordi an ex cellent practice in COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, Abd furnicliM" abundant jiprtotiitiea fr test ing the tudv!(t' kiiowlciJge ol COMMKUCIAL CALCULATIONS. In conducting tbi actual r-rnctioe, ro-rart n'ertbips are fi-riaed, ;iud !ntt) the !) ut tilt SululioJ and settitiuent cuuie., the suhject of PAirrXNlL'IIIi' SKTTLKItLNT I taken up and in ventilated, ond tbe piinci j lej1 ruvtital y .ipplitd. The ino.'t tb"r'Uh in.t rue jon afT rded it. l!u.-ii.i I'coiuai.rLiji ; a couw iu Uy n f-ractb;I Sbort-Ha:d Report r. fr tV btticfit of thote who wt.-U to mue thi u.e ful ?ut.j'-t. For circular!, Rivin;: full jarticu5tir. nddrcf I.AUDrN A DEUBA NCR. February UK-ly Wiilameite Iran Works Company NORTH FRONT AND E STREETS, POItTI.AM), 0(iX. IRON FOUNDERS, AND : h a 1 i: st n v i L ! 2: 21 rniiEsn wor.ics auk locatf.d on thf A. baiik of the river, nc -'! k north o! Couch's Wharf, and have facilities d r ttiriiing out mnrhinery j romotiy and tfiicii Mly. Wc have sutured the servios tf MriJohti Nation, n Directr of the Work, wbttfc expo riencc o t!ii. ? !i?t f.-r iteen years rivc hint a thorough knowledge f the vruiu kind? ol tnacbincry required tor iui aud tutilinj; rrpows. We lire trcyrcd In execute orders for all classes of Machinery and lloiler Work, such a MINING AND STEAX3CAT MACHINERY SAiVaiulFLOUlilM: MIM.S, QUARTZ MILLS, MIXING PUMPS, Ac, ic, Ac. Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all kin-li. Iron Shutter Work nt San Francisco Jnt ami Freight. Wheeler & Rnndall'i Patent Grinder and Amalamnler. Dunbnr's Self-adjusting Patent Piston Tacking Stevens' " " " Either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Cuartz Stampers, Shoes and Dies, Of tho best bard iron. 1 FURNITURE! 55 urea us, .otistsrcs, Tables, ISccIsiencls, A Variety of CH AIRS, r KUclien and Pa f lor use, KAW-IIIDK IIOTTOM CHAIRS, Of my own make. Shop near Waymirc'SiTIill IINVITR THE PITH LIC TO EXAMINE my stock. I shall be pleased to show you my good?, nnd better pleased when yoH hay. New Work put tip to order, and Repairing done at the lowest cash price. 37 WOT. C. WILLS. 4 LL SORTS OF GOODS SOLD FOR 2. Cash or Marketable Produce nt J. II. LEWIS'S S ALT. CARMEN ISLAND AND LIV ERPOOL Salt, in quantities to suit, at COX A EARHART'S Salem. (WAITERS. -DO YOU WANT SOME X Fins Cloth (faitcrs? if so. supply your selves at - J. II LEWIS'S. A T' FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. Br. .fnlicii Pcrrault, Dr. ot Medicine of the Faculty of Pa ri?, Graduate of the University' of Queen's College, and Physician of the St. Johji JlaptUte So- . elety of San Francisco. BPERRAULT HAS THE PLEAS, R. ure to inform patients and others seekingrnfidential needical advice that be can be consulted daily at his office, Armory Halt' Building, North East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Franeieco, Rooms Nos. 9, H. 11, first floor, np stairs, entrance on either Montgomery or Sacramento streets Dr. Pkrhaclt's studies hare been almost exclusively devoted to the cure of the various forms of Nervous ar.d Physical Debility, tho result of injurious habits acquired in yosta, which usually tetminate in impotence and sterility, arid permanently induce all the con comitant! of old age. Where a secret infirm ity exists, involving the happiness of a life and that of others, reason and morality dictate tie necessity of its removal, tor it is a fact that a premature decline of the vigor of manhood matrimonial unbappiness, compulsory single life, etc, have their sources in causes, the. germ of which is planted in early life, and the hitter fruits tasted long afterword; patients laboring under this complaint, will complain of one or - more of tbe following symptoms r Nocturnal Emissions, Pains in tbe Back and Head, Weaknwn of Memory and Sight, Dis charge from the Urethra on going to stool or. make water, Intellectual Faculties are Weak-, ened, Loss of Memory ensues, Id as are cloud-, ed, and tLere is a disinclination to attend to business, or even to reading, writing or the so ciety of friends, etc. The patient will proba nbly complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and, that Sight ami Hearing are Weakened, and slect disturbed by dreams; melancholy, sighing, piilpitution, fainting., coughs and slow fVrers ; while some have external rheumatic pain, an. I niw)lrcss of tbe body. Some of tbe most common fymptoms are pimples in tbe face,, and aching in different parts of the body. Pjtief.fr sniTering from this disease should ap ply iuitrK'Hat.ly to Dn. Pr.KRArt.T, c'uLer in person r by letter, as be will guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or eight weeks, ' i'iiticnts sufTirirg fnm venetial disease in any stage, (?oronh-a. Cltet. Strictures, Rulo, I ' leers, O" t :i iseous Eruptions, etc., will be treat ed successfully. All Syphilitic aud Mercurial Taint entirely removed froin tbe system. Pi;, Pr.i!i;A 1 i.t's diplomas arc iu bis ofiice, where patients c ut see for themselves that they are under the care of a regularly educated practitioner. ' -The best reference given if re- j jinr u. i Patients suffering under chronic diseases can I call ai;d examine lor themselves. We invite j iuvestigfitii in ; claim i.. t to know everything, j i;f-r to cure everybody, but we do claim that in i ail c:si-es ik-n un.icr tnatnicut we fulfil our. i promises. Wc particularly request those who, !:;ivc tried t!ii, l;n:i-fed dctof and that n'dver i tiscd phjsirian till worn loot and discouraged. to vail up'fti us. Low charges and quick eures. Luiib'S siii.rri g Jr m at y -uiplaint inciden tal to tLi ir s-x. .can ci.tsuU the doctor with the. f..M;l ar.ee of reiitf. I'etuale Monthly PJHs. Pit PiM:.t iT i ' the t i'ly ayetit in California f r Dn. Hion' 1'ui.n'tT M.i.th!y Pi!s. Their iuitiietisc sale bus l.l'lisl;cd their reputation, as a f. toaU r nfedy in n p-r at 1 td, and far in advaiiee of v ry otb r n meJy Hr suppression a:o! iregu!ari:uif and .tt r .bttruetii.i;s in f i -ionics. On the receipt of five d I'mrs, these Pil wil; b- s. i.t by m;l r expies to any part of the world. sc.re fn n eurimity or dntuaj't. Pcrsofis at a distance can be cured at h me, by ad lres-'ng a letter to Dn. Pkuhatlt, corner if acr-imeoto aud Moutgctnery streets, Ro-m 10 and 1 1. or Box VT-t. P.O., San Francisco, Mating the case a minutely ps possible, general habiis of Jiving, occupation, etc., etc. All communications conftdeiitial 14ly cox aV i;AiuAirjy WHOLESALE & RETAIL GRCCEHS moonr-s dlccit, ealem. ;ood! bv the Pat kacc at Hcdnced Hate. mio:;tf UuticrwocM.I, KaHicr & Co, Commercial street, Salem, Orff;on MANlTFACTtTRK ALL KINDS OF WA(5 OXS after the most approved style and the be.-t of wu kinnu.-hip, on short notice, and AT roilTLAM) PlttCIi-S! 21 If Saddlery, Harness,, S. C. STILES, aln st. (opposite the Court House), Dallas', "jl TAN 1 1 F A CT t' R F. R AND DEALER IN. JlL Harness, Saddles, Rridlos, Whips, Collars, Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest living rates. jSiJ-REPAIRING done on short notice. N, H A A S, DEALER IN CIJSTO.II MA1E BOOTS, State Street, Salem, Oregon Two doors from Express office. -IFST RECEIVED, A .GOOD STOCK OF, t French Kip and Calf Skins. California Kip' and Calf Skins, and California Sede Leather whieb I oli'er fir sale, cheap. . -w - ' Thcc highest price in cash paid for Fars and TTM..O t Farmers Attcntioti ! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING, HAD nearly twenty years practice in making wnjrons in Oregon, we feel confident we can do asTyood work as can be had in any, part of the State. -"' - Iron mid Hickory Axles, ".(Tliimblc Nkcins) On band and made to order on short notice. Lumber Waon? 513() I8() Cxpref Wagons..,. Call and examine our work. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms.' SIMEON T. GARRISON, ASA SHREYE. Dallas, April 14, 1370, . - 7 :3m