& he r e 3 o n S e p-u b !i r n ti. COURT OFFICIAL PAPER. Dallas; Saturday, aug. c. Williams on the Chines Question. The Statesman of July 26th says : i 'On ihe 4th of July the naturalization '!, ,;ib Kt i !L.. . i . vnni -wnwn mrii-KPn n u. which v:is i the work of Senator Sumner, on which occasion much excitement prevailed on l .. . n..i l... Senator William?, from Oregon, which amendment read as follows : Provided, That nothing in this net shall be construed to'anthorite the u t uraliiation of persons born In the Chi nese Km pi re. That-paper then proceeds to give a lengthy extract from a speech of Sen- i-tor Williams, a part of which we copy For the purpose of showing that Williams is as conservative on theXJhi na quzstion as the Dallas Republican, making the same argument, but couch ed in much stronger language, and whether or not he ouuht to go to the Democrats, Iqi consequence thereof, we leave the Oreyonian to judge. The following is tho extract from AVilliams' argument, as given by the Statesman: Sir, the Chinese have been rapidly increasing iu the United States since the immigration commenced ; and every year thousands are going back to the country from whence they came, tell ing ot the beauties and attractions of this land, and the heart of this great empire is beginning to be stirred with the idea of immigration to this, to those people, land of promise an plenty. .Whether any steps can or ought to le taken to check this immigration or im jortation. is not now the question be fore the Senate ; but the question is, will Congress by a proclamation to these people, that if they will come hero they shall not only enjoy another rights aod privileges, but that they shall be vome participants in the political power f this country will Congress, by ssuch a proclamation, invite and eucourage this influx of paganism and pollution to oar shores? Sir, no man more frequcuntly than the Senator from Massachusetts tells us that popular intelligence is the palladi um of the-people's safety, Rut now by this legislation he proposes to com tint tfift destinies nf this natirtn n f-.r wt he can to a couutless horde of aliens, hose besotted ignorance is only equal . cd by their moral debasement. To Calk about the education of the ncnnle: to talk about intelligence among voters; to talk about the establishment of schools and the diffusion of knowledge as the guarantees of our free institu tions, and at the same time propose to jjive to in'liions of benighted and grov eling pagans the right to control the affairs of the Government, is a perfect absurdity. Sir, it is mere stuff and nonsense, whicL only deserves what it will receive, the derision aod contempt of the American people. Sir, wise men tell us, too, that morality, virtue, and religion are essential to the safety of oar institutions and the integrity of the nation j and while they proclaim this doctrine they propose to put tin politi cal future of the nation into the hands of the Josh worshippers of China, and surrender to their control, tho temptes and altars of our religion. Ignorance, idolatry, immorality, vice, disease, and prostitution are the deities of the Sen! tor's theory; and to them he is now ready to sacrifice the pride aud glory-of American citizenship. And I ak the attention of the Sen to this-fact that upon the Pacific coat "find; in most of the Western Stales it is ooly necessary that a declaration of intention shall be made to entitle a for eigner to vote; and so within a very vfcort time after a Chinaman puts his foot upon American soil he can become a voter, the political peer in all resprc's with-any Senator in this body. i I suppose the honorable Senator from Massachusetts feels entirely safe, en tirely .beyond the reach of any popular revulsion I know that he is inflexibly devoted to this theory of his j jind I have little doubt that if all the work men of Massachusetts, poverty-stricken and beggared, with their families fol lowing half starved and half clad, were to come to the Senator, and, lifting up their hands, iutplore hua to deviate one hair, from his theory for their akes, he would tthut the doors of his palatial mansion in their faces-, and sitting down, heedless of their erics, dream only of the triumph of theory. Pass this bill without oiy amendment and as soon as it becomes a law there are eighty thousand Chinamen who could in one day, or as quick ns the courts could do the work, make them selves voters ou tlu) Pacific coast. Think of putting the political power and control of that beautiful section of country into the hands of eighty thou and Chinamen: men who know noth ing of 'our Constitution, laws, customs, language, or religion, and whose idola troas. temping ate crowding aside the ebmchea of tho Christian faith. ' Sir, this is a (piesiion that addresses itself peculiarly to the Republican par ty. Let mo tell my friends not to be disappointed if this bill passes eiifiiin chising the Chinese, if, at the next elec tion, the bkek and white .laborers of the country should combine to crush the party ; which .invites composition with their; labor iront Chinese;, and if that combin-'tion shall be made, there will not be Renresentativcs cnoutrh of the Rcnubliean party in the other . - House of Congress, uftcr tlie next elec tion to, to tell the story of its destruc tion. ' Now, w most heartily .endorse the doctrine here taught by Senator Will iams so far as it relates to Chinese vot ing, and if ho had made the same ar gument, applied the principle, and pre dicted the same results in relation to r-. the enfranchisement of the Afiican race, thereby carrying out the senti ment and wishes of three-fourths of the Union Republicans in Oregon, then should we have been saved from this iugioriuus defeat ; then would our par ty bai o .'r to day have been floating in the breeze, with but one motto vic tory, and modern Democracy in Ore gon would have been hiding if.- deform ity among the shattered walls of its own destruction. And herein lies the inconsistency of the Senator's course; but this is precisely the dilem ma. which wc predicted: That if we should step over the line of r:iee, whieh deity tdono had fixed, we should find ourselves out upon a shoreless ocean, where no permanent stake could be stuck or line fixed equitably, until we should embrace all races of men. Now, we submit to the candid con sideration of the people who is the mot consistent, our Senator or' Sum ner? lie says that to be consistent with the Declaration of Independence, all men should have the ballot, irre spective of lace or previous condition. Williams says that Sumner is right in this, so far as the principle relates to citizens; but contends that all men, ir respective of race, should not be suf fered to become citizcu.3. Now, we think the course pursued by Sumner is far the most consistent and correct, for iC it is right to make citizens of the opposite races, it is right j to allow a' 1 the same privilege. Can Mr. Williams render any excuse for saying that a negro from Africa ought to have the right to come here aud have the benefit of cur pre-emption and homestead laws, iu order that he may he enabled to make himself and' family comfortable and happy; but that a man from China, possessed of more in telligence and education, and of better habits and morals, should not have that right? Rut Williams wants to go half way and stop. Sumner says it is too lute to go back on the principles of the Kiftccnth Amendment (universal suf frage). Williams says I am willing to concede that I was wrong iu toying the negro of the South only ought to have tho ballot, aud I. am willing to ad vauce with you, Mr. Sumner, so as to include the whole African race; but I want to prevent the abominable Chi naman. Sumner holds up to V illianis' vision, as Mark Anthony did the bloody robes of Julius Cnwar to the Romans, the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims '-That all mpi arje created cqu il." Willi ms becomes h X iiia'ed at the sight, aud charges Senator Sumner, (the greatest mind in the Seuate), of attempting to commit the dostinies of this nation, as' far as he can, ' to a countless horde of aliens, whoso besot ted ignorance is only equaled by t'.ieir moral debasement;" and with being the man who would elose his cars to the cries of the starving citizens of his own State, and be happy in his dreams of the triumph of theory. This is a huge charge, and must be consoling to the people of Massachusetts ; but Mr. Sumucr sits still and smiles over the consciousness that he has jot him. Mr. Williams thinks it would be a very dan gerous experiment to put the ballot in to the hands of eighty thousand foreign ers on 'tin Pacific coast, who, he claims, ars an iouorant set : but what about a ti million negroes in the South, far more ignorant and debased, and what about all Africa"? No danger, in tho estima tion of 3Ir. Williams, we suppose Samuer was one of the very few men iu the Senate who c-mld foresee the ef fect of the .principle involved in the th Amendment. " As wc have said, it t if carried out, universal suf- I frage; but Williams could not then sco far enough to discover it; ho had for-; gotten that ono of tho chief corner stones of the American Republic, . as! proclaimed by the patriots of the revoj lution, was, that this lafid, within thd jurisdiction of tho United States, should be the asylum for the oppressed of al nations, and that this was the prido o the American! people. How, then, can wc invite men to our shores under suclwi pretence, and then turn around to them, after they have come, and say to them you shall not make this the land of youi adoption!; you shall not become a citiren of this i couutry; you shall not have tho right o go into our forests, fell the trees and make a home for yourself and family under the benign benefits of tho home stead and pre-emption laws; we will not engage to protect you aud your property in war as well as in peace ? J It is impossible, unless we first take back all we have proclaimed to the world on that subject. Sumner saw at a glance that if.be curt Id, by any color of legality, incorporate into tho Consti tution of the Cuitcd States the princi- pie that whenever a man should be come a citizen of the United States, by virtue thereof, the ballot should paks directly into his hands, universal suf frage would in effect be accomplished, and now, when the fight comes as io . I who shall be citizens, Williams wakes I up bet to discover the terrible conse quences of his former course, and to the fact that he has been caught in the trap so itgeniou.-dy ret by Sumner; and now, on tho -1th of July, in tbe U. S. Senate, ou the question of citi zenship, be raves like a mad-man, while Sumner sits easy in his scat, looks calmly on and laughs at Williams' Ca lamities, and mocks when his fear Com eth. The truth is, both Sumucr ajid Williams are wromr; the former in a'd voeating universal suffrage, and the lat ter iu advocating universal negro siif frage and opposing universal citiaen hip. The only doctrine on which We cm survive is universal citizenship, for tha purpose of protection to both per son and property, make all equal before the law, but retain the reins of Gov ernment in our own hands, and confine the ballot to the white race. The Statesman U not sa!:sficd ; it (o still devotes most of its editorials f Pulk. This don't look much as though there was no braiua there In Lla j is sue of the 3d tnst., he charges us with trying to Sullivanize tho county. Now we suspect the editor is out of sorts simply because wc are trying to main tain a paper in I'olk ; wc suppose he imagiucs that Folk county, lying at cent to the great city of Salem, where tho notorious journalist (Mr. Clarkf) reside."?, ought not to attempt to main tain its identity in the newspaper line, and he exhibits great concern as! to whether or not we shall be able to live. Now, we supposed that we had a right to run a paper in Polk, and that, too, without consulting the editor of the Statesman ; and that wc had hcrcjthe privilege of speech and press, as tho' we reside 1 at Salctu. We will inyes i tigatc the matter, 31 r. Clark-e. I ivs ic me cuitor s alarm mat wc will not be supported, we will inform that 1 ,..t f . t .1 Ml gentleman that we run tho ItfcrujtM. can on our own money, and wc have no assistance from. Mr. Williams, and .our subscription list is growing every day, because we speak the sentiments of the people. Hadn't the Statesman better come down another dollar per annum on his subscription' price, in or der to add to its list of subscribers ? Now, Mr. Clark ef let us ay to you, on tho square, that wo really have ijpon our hands matters of too much import ance to spend tho time iu prosecuting a quarrel with an institution of your measure: and wo aro satisfied that it would not bo interesting to the people who might read it, and now tso .would say to you, that we would be very 'glad if you would simply mind your own business and let us alone in Polk; and, another idea, to be honest, wo feel -in consequence of our inexperience in this business somewhat timid in contend ing with a man of euch gigantic Intel lect and long experience But, if you shall say to us, as Prussia docs to France, "it's too late" and shall drive us to tho wall, wo shall, in tho best manner possible, defend ourselves Mr. Clark-c, have you been over iu Polk lately ? Perhaps wc havo progressed ut'juuu your lueas oi iuui:. aui. Clark-f, would it not bo a good idea for you to come over, visit your correspond ent, J. A. A., and learn how to repro sent tho sentiments of Polk. Mr. Clark e, will you please to restrain your angry passions toward us, Mr. Clark- Tho Oregonian of the 27th of July quotes a few lines from an answer to his charge that wc had assisted in Iead Jug the party to defeat in Polk. Of course we answered, as any man would have done who had been causelessly as sailed, and falsely charged ; and 4ie complains of our acerbity, and theu adds that he entertains no malice to ward us, otherwise -he should quote more fully. He never denied a state ment or answered a charge we made, and we supposed he had concluded to- quit as he was the assailing party ; but. for some reason, iu his issue of the 30th of July, he cotues out as if he had struck a ray of light, aud attempts to nply. Now, wc arc somewhat disappointed to learn that the editor of the Ort'jo niun entertained any particular love for us, and wo assure Mr. Scott that his expressed respect for us is fully recip rocated; and if it is our scerity that has kiudlcd this flame of love, then we are still happy iu thb consciousness of doing right: That Iliiemy of Mankind, Consumption can bo cured; but it is far better to prevent the cruel diseafe from fastening itself ou tin rystem, by the timely uso of a remedy nch as Dr. Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry affords. A Itare Chance lor a flar xafu. S I AM GOIN'O .EXCLUSIVELY. IX to lLo llmsy Cull.tr tuMii1, I will stl!. ia ItKAS.jXAlU.E TICK MS. .r tr.ih for govl t'jwu pri'pcrtv, tny t'lXL TEAM and Harms:. U. W. JIOHAKT. I..lUs, Ju j Srt, 1ST0. 22 I in A cl in i n 1 t ra t o rs A'o t i cc. TOTICK IS HLHEP.Y OIVKN THAT at the June term of the County Court f i'oik county. Oregon, the undersign! wasduly appointed Administrator of the cUte f KU--rtr S. Jur h, dce:md. All )tfrs'n having claims nairml aid estate are required ti pre sent the mine to the Adintnint mtr. witli jrji cr voucl.tr., within ix Month frwiti the dale ,f thisnutico. IiENJ. F. UliltCH, July 2:t, A. I)., 1S70. Adniritrtor. LIFK 1SSVRAXCV. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ol 'cw Vork. G. HILTOX SCIUIJNKU, SIDNKY W. CKOWFUT, Success I lie Criterion of Excellence. Ordinary Life Policies Absolutely Non Forfeitable From Payment of First Annual Premium. SPECIAL INSURANCE NON NUAL Onc Third of the Annual Premium loaned to the party insured, if dosired, A ml no Aotc Rcquirecl. Tho Business of the Company is on the Mutual Plan. No evidence could prove more conclusively how fully the public appreciate the new and liberal features of this Company, aud the well earned reputation of its leading Officers and Directors than tho IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE EMPIRE, - ."'Unprecedented and Unparalleled BY ANY COMPANY IN Europe or America. Applications for Agencies in places scntcd. will be received only from parties who can ke undouhtP,l rrL to qualification and integrity, anU should bo addressed to the nndero-nnri O. P. VON 1UIKIN & Co!, 332 Montfrnmtrv Qti 18ly Store 121 POLK COUNT Y, THE ELLEN DALE STORE, 2 1.2 Miles West of Dallas, HAS BEEN FILLED WITH THE largest and Ijfst stock of goods ever brought Into Polk County. Vbioh we propose to fell LOWF.lt thn any otlier store in the county, for CASH or PKODUCE.for which wc will .ay tho highest market price. Our stock eonfiit-ts of every description of goods generally kept in firot clais country store1. Aho constantly on hand a larje assortment ot I laimcls, Tweeds, Cniicres asii! Hard -Times, Made in the Ellendalc Mills, which we will! sell very chenp. E;lendak J n!y 1 70. IMf Sheriff Sale. TY VIKTITE OF AN EXECUTIOX, TO me dirtretcd, iMtied mt of the Circuit. Court of the irtate of Orejrou, for tli county' of I'olk, on a judgment rendered ly the Clerk in vacation, in favor of Ira F. M. liuller and HaitKt A. ifiier, fr the mm of eve.n hun dretl and eighty everi dollars uud fifty fii;t. ($7S7 .';)) iu U.S. gold or cilvtr coin, with in terest at the rate of Um per v.vi.l. per annoui from the' rendition of judnH-iit untrl paid, to gether with eoi-ts Mtd aceruiup- coisf. I have levied upon and will sell at j ut.iic auction, at the Court. llnue dnr iu the town of l)allas, I'olk county, On., onthe Jolh d;y of Auuet, 1X70, between the bourse of ii 'e!oek A. M. aud 4 uMoek I. M , all the . ri'ht. title an l interest of the sii l A. (Itiitier, in and to the fallowiii de.-icri'ed real j roperty, to-wit : 'ft'C undiidfd half of lot No. '.', iu f ntetiuiial j!h,el: No. i, aid known an the Livery StaMe; and the north half of Lot N. ii, in Lloek No. 1, aod known as tin Buteher hp : and ai, romiiOMn-iig 22 lt?tt south of the X. W. eon er f Lot Xo. ) .'nt in fractional Illock Xo. 1, them e fouth 22 feel, thent'c Ciist S3 feet, thenet- nith 22 feet, the nee west leet lo tlie j luee of begiuniur, kuuvvu as the Cooper Shy p. 'I ho i-id proptfty is located in the town of Indpendelife. ' Fale to Cvintftenee at 10 oVl-.x k A. M. Term? each iu hand, puM or.ilver eoiu. T. Ul'liClt, M.t ii.T iN.lk Co. vn 10 Iw Ity F. M. COLLINS. Wj.rity. CAPITAL LIVERY ST "f .1 Iu rear of the Capital Hotel Corner. SAI.IIM, OREGON. II ORSES AXD CARRIAtSES TO LL1 tn reasonable tcno?. Special attention paid to trarisient aioJ hoarding horsi-. ISOOTII A 1 LA. MUX DON. 2 tf Propria r. PrcsiJcut. Secretary. FOHFElTAIiLE AFTER TWO PREMIUMS. AN- l Q where tho Empire is not zholu repre- The Cheapest Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall Gv Manoftersfor the Pacific Coast. NE W A D VER TJ SEMES TS: Molhers, I've Found It V T7I0K YEARS I HAVE SEARCHED FOR, IP ft remedy that will CURE your children by removing tho CAUSE, and at last I tun say Eureka." TRY IT. CABMimfivE CORDIAL. This is a plea?ant antacid, and in large dofea laxatives in am all dcBee. an aittinRent medi cine: exeeedingly useful in all bowel aKsaiiona, especially of children. It In a safe, certaiu and effectual remedy for Cbolic, ..Uiarrbaa, Cho!er4 Morbuf, Fitinmer Complaint, Onpin;? Piiin, Four Stomach. CoHivcnef. Wind on tho Ptoinacb, Cryinfj and Fretlintr of Children. Jii Teething, there is nothing that equal t. H Koftens the (Jump, and render Teething ea.y; J It is no -humbug medicine, got up to Sell, but a really valuable preparation, havingbceii In use for several years it rfcommerdi Itself. Do not give your children tho "soothing svrni.s." for tL;v Btunifv without doing any permanent good. " Prepared by ' 1 ' MONMOUTH, OREGON. " - For Fale by Druggists. The trade supplied on reasonable trn.s. Hundreds of Tesiimo niali can be given if neeeary. .-tf DR. W. AV ATERHOUf E. " For Jioiit. 7A ACRES ENCLOSED LAND, - ONE and a half miles from Dallas, is offered lor rent. The renter-to take toe growing crop and to have pnsc?sion until next spring, (jood house and barn, forty aires in -grain, and even acres meadow; a large lxurir g orchard and earden. One wagon arda spun of hoies go with the place te do the work about the farm. Iinim di itc possession given. Terms $250 eaib, r satisfac tory trad. Inquire of Rl'SSELL A FERl Y, Rv.il Es tate Ageuto, Portland, or D. M. C. GAI LT. Dallnp, May 2?. 1970. 1.3 tf v DALLAS pM S20TI5L', COSITEIl MAIN & C:UPwT S THEFTS, Dallas, Oregon. I.. A. R Oil It, PHOPHIETOR. fflllirS JI0E.SE II AS RECENTLY REKN g refitted and rnrranjted. and it in now open for ih ac-oni!.io!aii'i -f the traveling public, whose patronage it respectfully olje itcd. The TARLE will af all f imen be fijimd w It provided with every dciicay ;f fhV 'eao.o, a well as fhe fiihciantials, tn. I our gio'.st. may rot assured of courteous anl prompt attend nne. The SLEEPING APARTMENTS will aUol he found clean. whIesfotie at I comfortable. 'iyLirery SU.b!e opp'ite the hotel. f t. A.'Rolllt. Dallas May 2$, 1?70. la if iaur. r ( 1840 T it Vain,--' 1 Family Modtci.je has been w.'l- ly ftni favt-ralily kcoT' i't our uvr.i uuii for cia twut.!ricf, ujwarii of TillllTY YEAHS! ? It l.a lo.-t uont- t f itii name 'iy rei;t- fi! trial, but c:iiiiut . tu cenjty a ironiut:it jiOFitinn in very family meiliciMtf eliest. It i.i an Kstt-rnal nnd Inttif.al Ittmedy. Fr i?a.nn.cr (' i:-p!:ih,t, tr ;ii.y olln'r fomi uf bor el li.c.ifJ 1 in chiKlren or n-lult?, it ia an almost ecrtaiu cure, awl- Ua?? wi!xut -inubt, been tbe laoft .uc ('t!.ful ju eiiiin, tLv various Kinds f CIIOLKIIA th.ia any other known remeJy. or the ni't skilH'iil ji!:yiei;in. In Iudia Africa anJ t'Lina. wliere this lrcalful diisa-'e i mora or less jirevalent, the Paia Killer is com Mcnl by the native ns will cs Fuiojoaq residents in theo eo!fni!', a sure remedy : and while it is a most effieient remedy fur p.iin, it i a per fectly fafj medicine, cvea in unskillful hauda. " Sold by all Dmsuts. Pi ire 2i ct?, 50 ct. and $1 per bottlo. -21-Iw . C. M. TATtMEXTKn. I F. J. BABCOCK. PARMENTER & BABCOCK, Manufacturers, aurt-Wholesale aud Itc tail Dealers Iu Commercial Etrcet, Salem, Oregon, AVE ON HAND THE LARGEST Stock of Furniture, Wincloir-Shades, IloUandiifi, and To bo found in Marion County. Alt kiuds of Picture Frames, -Coffin's nn.l Caskets made to order on short nptico and at reasonable rale. . PAKMKNTElt i EABCOCIC. Salem, March 23, 1SV0. lit Tlie standard teraedy for Coucha, 1u fluenza, Pore Throat, Uioopint; Cough, Croup. JAvcr Complaint, llronchltis, IlleeiUt."1 rf,i tli l.uns, and every ol eeilou of tho Throat. Lung and C Lest, lucltid iiiff ConsutHptlon, f . Wlstar's njitsom does I ot dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses tho I.uiiRs. allays Irritation, iu9 removtsjr the cause of the com pLaln ,:1.16 unlesnslrrn f2 ''JJHI?; P"Predby Hold by RKIUll CiTOX H TETTKR co San I'rancUto, and by dealers generally. . IO-ly 'WIS 70 5p "