Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, August 06, 1870, Image 1

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" FT"
; .v
VOL. 1.
KO. 23.
I '
. - '. ..... .......
I Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
Dallas, Polk County,. Orogon.'
OFFICE Main street, between Court and
Mill atreeU, two doors south of tho PostuGice.
SINGLE COPIES One Year. $2 50; Six
Months, $1 75; Three Months, $1 00.
Sbteripton mtt be paid itrictly in advance
t" " . ,
One square (lOliaesorless), first insert'n, $3 00
Each subsequent insertion 1 00
A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly adrertisers.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
Transient advertisement? must bo paid for
In advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills voust be paid quarterly.
Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on short notice.
gU VII advertising bills must be paid
Boiling a Coacoatut.
Tom is a genuine specimen of the
genus Piketus Oregoniauscs. He lived
at the Dalles, Oregon, where he had re
tired to enjoy city life, after having ac
cumulated a competency by lucky spec
ulations in cattle.
Tom was no foo on the contrary
rather sharper than the average of hi
kind, in matters and things that he
-knowed about."
Oue morning Torn . walked up town,
as was his wont, to see what was trout"
on, and stopped in front of the "Mount
Hood" saloon to exchange salutation?
with his friends, Jim C. and Vie T.,
who occupied arm chairs near the door.
dj. ining the ''Mount Hood" was a
igar, fruit "and genuine meerschaum"
pipe stand, and among the multitude of
wares exposed for sale on the sidewalk,
was a huge pije of cocounuts, arranged
like cannon balls.
Whats them asked Tom.
Cocoa nuts4 replied Jim quietly.
f'AVhat aro they fur?" asked Tom.
To eat," you darned fool, said Jim ;
didu't you ever see a coeoaout be
fore?" 'IIow do you eat 'em?" continued
Tom, waiving the . reflection upon hi
Why, boil there," continued Jitu,
with great immobility of face.
So without further delay, Tom pur
chased the largest one he couM find,
paying six bits therefor, and made bee
line for home.
The evening Tom came up town, and
entering the "Mount Hood," said to
Vic. in a ouiet tone :
The old woman has been a bilin
. that cocoanut all day, and it 'pears like
it ain't done yet every once in a while
ahe makes a dive after it with a two
prong'd fork, and it cavorts all round
.the kettle. What do you think ?
"Why," said Vic, "perhaps you did
not put any saleratus in the water,
fhat's it j go home aod put a handful of
faleratns in it, and keep on boiling it;
it may be an old one.
The next morning Tom started up
Jlaln j-treet, walking quite fast, with a
yery excited air about him, and. going
toward Vic and Jim, and pale, with
half suppressed passion, exclaimed :
''You thiuk you are mighty smart,
tJoo't yon, to tell a feller to go and bile
a cocoanut? Here we've been a bilin
and a bilin the cussed thing all day any
all night, and the blamed thing ain't
done yet. Now I'll just let you fellers
know that I don't near believe that's
the right way to cook a cocoanut no
A telegraphic dispatch, dated Oak
land, -oaglas county, Sunday the 24th,
i TJfer aftejuoon hree young girls,
i while in bathing in a n?U) poA near
: this place, wee drowned ; two daugh
ter of M. Hice, aged 9 and 11, and one
daughter of Thos. Batty, aged 12 years,
'jgaugliter of Crouch was rescued af
ter sinking a second time. .
Today. at Wilbur, a few miles from
here, tour youDg children of Mr. Clin
fcenbaerd's were out playing, and it is
supposed they. mast have found some-
thiner ooisonous. as tney were taicen
Ycry eick and shortly a' a ward ono of
ine cnuaren aieu, anu me uiucia mew
A Michigan Farmer annointcd his po
tato vines with rat rolsoa to destroy
S- . - - . - y " 1
e bugs, and the next morning (oupd
his herd of cowa dead, having broken
Jyoto the potato patch during the night.
Subscribe for tho IlEruBLiCAN.
From the Sublime to the Rld'cutous.
Old Judge Barlojr, of Virginia, af
ter enjoying the highest honers and re
tiring to private life, was prevailed on
to be a candidate for a local office. The
opposition trotted out an illiterate-rough-and-tumble
polician named Hill
Maples, against the old man. In ac
cordance with the strict rules of con
ducting a political campaign in those
days, Governor Harbour had to take
the stump with Maples. Uut Maples
could always beat him in abusive har
rangues. The final speech of the cam
paign made by Maples was abusive be
yond all preeedcut. The following is
Harbour's reply, which we think is the
most complete thing in its way we ever
read. fc?aid the Governor :
Ftltow Citizens; When I was a
young man, now nearly forty years ago,
your grandfathers sent me as their rep
rescntative for four terms to the Hi. me
of Delegates, and I was chosen Speak
er of that body. At a subsequent pe
rioJ I was twice elected Governor of
Virginia. Afterwards aud for ten
years I represented this renowned com
monwealth in the Senate of the Uni
ted States, where I may say I was the
confidante and perhaps I may .ay the
peer of Macon, King. Gaillard, I'ick
ncy, Van Huren. Mr. John Quincy
Adams subsequently conferred upon
me a place in his Cabinet, and lor tluee
years I shared his counsels in conjunc
tion with Clay, Wirt and McLean.
I was then appointed envoy extraor
dinary and minister plenipotentiary to
tho court of t. Janice, where it be
came my duty to conduct negotiation?
with the conqueror of Napoleon. Judge
then, fellow-citizen, of the ineffable
disgust I fe:l. after Mich a career, ,nd
in my declining years, at finding my
self here ti-iay engaged in a Io-( piti
ful . county cnfei-t with s-ichaj :
disagreeable little cuis as Hill Ma4.hs
Farming Pno-rrcTs A year r.go,
the balance of trade with European
nations was about nincty-eiiiht trillions
in gfld against us, all of which had to
be drained from the country and sent
to Europe to. pay for articles that would
not yield a cent to us in return, j This
state of things has changed for the bet
ter. Last June the balance was two
millions in our favor. They owe us,
instead of our owing them. Now, this
means that there are sixty millions
which will be spent in Europe, much
of it in matters which wiil reproduce
itfdf. It is well known that the farm
er feedeth all." and in whatever way
this amount of money is-spent.' the per
son spending; it must be led -by the
farmer. He ultimately receives the
money which they spend.
The continued news from Europe is,
that the wheat crop is injured by
drought. The war, too, will cause a
great additional demand for whw.t.
Doubtless our firms are o be benefit
ed by this state of things. Prices or
wheat have advanced in all American
markets, and will advance more.
A Practical farmer informs us that
he intends this season to try an expe
riment in watermelon raising, which he
has heard produces remarkable results:
Uury a bottle at the stem of the melon ;
place one end of a small string,' woolen
is probably best, in the bottle and insert
the other end into tho stem. Of course
tho mouth of the bottlcshouldbe higher
than the stem of the melon. As the
water becomes exhausted a fresh snpply
must be added. The melon iu this way
is fed gradually by capillary attraction
and grows to a size something less than
that of a sugar hogshead.
An Arkansas paper says: "The
coming woman came yesterday. She
arrived at the railroad station. She
came alone all the way from Hoston.
She met a stranger ai she alighted
from the train, whom she had never
seen before. The stranger was fasci
nated by her. They were at once mar
ried by a Justice of the Peace, and set
out for home in an ox cart. Heaven
bless them."
The people will nit foil to notice
that, on the passage of the bill : to. re
duce National taxation, and so ease the
taxpayers of their burden, all the votes
cast against reducing taxation, were giv
en by Democrats. Thirty-five Demo
crafi ccoogressmen voted against the bill
to diminish the taxes. i
1 .
In rcspopse to, an inquiry for news,
a resident of' feenicia.. replies :? yNpihr
in.goin on wuth a pinch of.snuff j there
wu a time when Sunday never passed
without five or six fights, but now you.
never hear of a muss once in a month."
Telegraphic Nummary.
Paris. July 20. The following
proclamation of the Emperor to the
army, on assuming com maim m pvisuu,
was "issued to the soldiers at Metz yes
terday : "I come to take my place at
your "head to defend the honor of the
flag of our country. You go to eoa.
bat against one of the best armed of
European countries, but other c un
triea as gallaut as this have not bceu
able to resist your valor. It will be
the same to-day. The war which now
commences will bo long and hardly
contested, for its theater will be places
hedged in with obstacles and thick
with fortresses, but nothing is beyond
perseverance aud the efforts of the sol
diers of Africa, Italy and Mexico.
You will privo once more what t ho j
French army is ab!e to accomplish
Animated by a hmiso of duty, main j
tamed by discipline, inilticncJ by love;
of country, whatever road we may take
across our frontiers, and we will show
ourselves worthy of them. All France
follows ynu with ardent praters and
the eyes of the Universe are-upon you.
Upon your success depend success,
liberty and civilization. Let each one
do his aufy, and the God of buttles
will be with m."
London, July 20. The Prussiaus
are entrenched at Siiat'ouis.
HlT.UN, duly 20. The Prussian
Government has; denied foreign mili
tary officers at army headquarters.
The North German (iizetie says of
l-!neIi,li nMitr.ililv tbat Mo"!:iid Mir
. ," ., . , , , i
pin s v ranee iin carmuges wiui which j
to slaughter Germans. t
Pa His, Joly "JO. The French pi-j
p ts are furious over the restrictions j
placed oa wji uevs by tho (ovtni
ment. The early abdication of the King of
Prussia is rumored here.
The Empress, on retiring from St.
(loud, issued a procl amitioa declaring
the departments of Mag ic, Haute,
Uhiue and Kusrhi&c in a .statu of $k::e.
London, July 20. A dispm-h
from Pcsth announces that Count An
drossy yesterday nured th 1 ;c t that
under all circumstance:! Hungiry will
act with Au-tiia.
A 7'i ne.i' special says the drain on
the gold market i.s subsiding. The
amount nnv on the way to New York
wj'l go a long viny n counteract
pre?surc iu the tnony market.
Street rumors of auccrssful . negotia-
tions between Lord Lyons an 1 Gram-;
mont at Paris, whereby tha prcserva
tion of prace is assured, are again in
circulation to day, but not generally
credittd. The war panic at the Ex
change continues. Six nuro failures
have been announced.
The rl vanee in the rate of inh rc?t
at the Hank of England to ." per cent,
was a precautionary measure rather
than on indication of the scarcity of
money. There hav ben thirty fail
ures at the .Stock Exchange fdnce the
beginning of the war, hence the de
pression of the Liverpool markets is
still very groat. ,
Coiunnf, July 20 A Iltlcna dis
patch says the southern ftigo was stop
ped by six highwaymen at a point fit
tren miles south of Pleasant Valley.
The passengers made a determined re
sistance and succeeded in driving the
robbers off. A passenger named Ch as.
Reynolds was wounded in the neck,
Hhoulder and foot, and is now lying in
a precarious condition. I. he staL'c
driver was wounded in the arm. The
stage was perfectly riddled with bul
lets fired by the robbers. The attack
ing party is supposed to be prisoners
lately escaped from the Virginia City
jail, and their object was to recover W.
F. & Co.'s treasure box. Officers arc
uow in pursuit of the fugitives.
One hundred and fifty Chinese work
ing on a plantation near New Orleans,
becoming dissatisfied, seized the con
tractor, to hoh him- a Iwatago. The
leaders were arrested.
The first application for a patent for
placer mines, under the new law, was
filed at the General Land Offi.co on the
25th. It was. for the Coney !t G,owell
ccmqn.t clajm in, Plumas county contain
ing forty-two acres.
A man and boy attempted to set a
house on fire in West . Orange, New
Jersey, on tho 25th, but failed, in the
attempt. They then threw kerosene
upon the clothing of a littlq girl, who
was alone on the premises, and set firo
to it, causing injuries supposed tube
Twenty, fire, thousand dollars have
been subscribed in New York citv lo
the German Patriotic Aid Society. (
j Hase JJall is becoming a sporting
I Japan had 123 earthquake shocks iu
two weeks.
j The orange crop of Florida is not
very promising this year.
i Prince Napoleon lus had Lis face
badly; disfigured by small pox.:
There is a tremendous rivalry be
tween tiie railroad Hues running to the
Sonth and West,
The Dutch say that Venezuela must
stop its outrages upon Dutch residents.
Cholera, smalNpox, and vomito, are
rapidly decimating the Spaui.fh troops
in Cuba.
; The friends of Horace Greeley and
. .Tames Gordon Hennet are alarujcd at
tiC state of their health.
j Colorado has a Greeley Colony.
I A man in Hoton shot himself at his
wife's grave the other day. j
Huso bill matches are comidg off all
over the country. j
The Cork riots were of a serious na-.
ture. A number of lives were It.
j The Comanche Indians in Tcxns arc
lather troublesome. A general war is
Mammoth Cave Ins any quantity of
ctaw-mdi. cat Iih, and spiders.
The exiled H mibons are very anx-
t us to return to f ranee.
! Twenty-five Enuhh noblemen have
hi -u d.ivcn iuto bankruptcy by
T'. .it i ....: ..:.. .!. .
tire iiunii ini 1 1: u a t ion iil iiic ai-
Cntiue HcTmblic has been kummarilv
! . "
New discoveries of dinu nd digging
aro rjporte.l, by bt.t advices, from
j Th buines.i portion of the town of
Cplbrook, New H'tmpshire, was de
stroyed by fire on Monday.
Dividend due Augn-t 1st are sub
ject to two au 1 a half per cent, income
tax uuJer the new law.
A coWcl wonnn in St. Louis stab-
hfd'her daughter, the o:her day, be-
ciuc she married a mulatto.
Victor Huo Sip.? an ioome of $7,
0(0 a year. He lives on 2,000, giv
ing the balance to his children.
i -
j New York has a woman who his no!
spoken to her husband in twenty-one
Y(Jar3. What a treasure .she mu.it b !
iTho girls at North Adams are such
s tpt ror
workman th;t
stiiv.d a poor s.k.v cl ou-tir :g them.
! The late Earl .of Clarendon, though
n't a brilliant sta!e.nian, was a hard
wi)rki:ig ihp!o:nafk-t, and, will be missed
iu ,iiijt;.Ht) pontic.
The Hon. John
Morrissev thinks
Fjirnsworth and Hutler ought to be ox,
polled fronj the House for disgraceful
."! Funds arc being raised' by subcrip
tron to' pay the passage of those Gor
mans willing to g and serve inth?
Prussian army.
A meeting of the silk manufacturers
is to be held in New York tin Friday
ntjxt, to orgiuizo a company to assist in
silk culture on the Pacific coast.
It is thought that war is inevitable
between Faance and England on one
side, and Chinu on the other, on ac
count of the recent massacre in Pekin.
A St. Lonis actor and the manager
had their "little trouble" on the stae
in presence of the audience, one even
ing last week.
A prize fight camo off in Grass Val
ley (Cal), on the 2oth, between An
drew Steele and John Rogers, for 200
a judo and 8800 added after the lino
money was divided. Twolvo rour s
wipro fought in twelve minutes, llogtr
coming out winner.
i'l he Mormons of Utah have turned
their attention to tho production of
gloves that rival those of - Paris in deli
cacy and workmanship, j ho gloves
aris made from genuine kid, raised in
the vicinity of Salt Lake.
piuoe of Wheat. Tho price now
being offered for wheat is finite reasons
abie, it being a dollar per bushtd in
Portland, nrj.d from eighty-five to nine
tyloents on the river according to loca
tion. At these figures our farmers can
mako a living by raising wheat.
Mc.Mluuvllle, Yamhill Cj., Oregon,
Particular attention given to tbe study and
practice of C'riiiiifiiil Law, Cv.lctUiKi ul Ciaima,
Notet, Accounts, etc.
Physician and .Stsrecsa,
Uallfts, Ogn,
Having re.nrnci! jract;cc, wiil jive fp?;?ial
attention tu OIjti'trie?, anil i!u treuuectit 1
lb itist'awfs of Women and CLiildrcn.
JRtQ-Ot&iio at hi reeWence.
L. viMtii. j . l. nviit.u.
Alt'y &. Vou tine 1 1 or-a t-I.a iv
Dallas, Oregon,
Will gire pt'f3a! aitftntioti t. the collection of
Claim, OW'1 all ruriuK enru.;nl to hu cure.
KKFKUL.NCKS Hon. John liurni-tt. Ilnf.
mj'oi, IIou. A. J. Thaler.
35 ;
. I 150A, 2.
Eliy:cian ntitl S'ureoss,
Daliasi, Oregon.
OFFICi: At Ni-hol' Dru? Pt.r?. r.1
iIiyit:i.'iii and XnvgvGn.
Iwla. Oregnii.
Fpertal altctt;?n given to Ohs'.ttric and
Dsi) ff Vt'i iitrn. Iff
j. i. i.ivi!;.(.v, aj, i.,
pAiyicirui and Stirgror,
InlppMit!fuce, Osrn.
T. V. 12. Emhrcc.
AUTV, YAM ill 1. 1. co.t oitDio::.
0(3 .-c at rr:-lent?. ' 14y
4i, (J 12
Attorney and Coan38llor-at-LaT;,
ai.i;.ti, uitr.tiuN,
Will jiraetice in all lie CT.rts of U-cr.r4 &rd
lofrri tr Curs of tl.5. State.
OFFICE!n WatkiaJs' .1 Cu'ii Brk-lt, nj
tir. I
Attorneys tx. Caunscllors-at-Liw,
Dallas, Orcgcn,
'Vill j rartirc in !1 ti e Court nftbe 1
Attorney and Cottnaellor-at-Lavv.
Dallas. Oregon.
pyiiiJ Attention pircn to Coliertiocs anJ fo
uiaUcr icrtaiiiin;; to Itvnl K;l.t!e. 1
I. .1. A si5eaJr,
A TTO II 7- i: V-.VT- L A 1
Dallas. P.:k Couaty, Ogu. 1
S'Ssy.Hsci.'iii a:2t' SisrsccK,-
l.ewisvillc, Volli CvM Ogm.
lias rci'cntlj rotiirncl from the A:!rintie rt rJcv
1 riT;J! hi profc?.Jit(uai st-rrit'ea to hi iiii
zens of the County.
Particular attention givtu lo rc;;u!c T"I
cnrn. 2-tf
s. n. K tlUHT. J m. r tot r
A V y 1 o u ns c I ! o r-a t - 2 a xr ,
Corner Commercial anl state Streets.
Opposite I.a:tl ; II u s-h's. tiiunL,
sai.hm o:ti:co
Will pfarticc in tho S iprrtna Court nr d Ihc
Circuit Courts of tho Sccuui oud TLifJ Ju
dicial District?. 2-tf
GEO. D. CCttllEV. U. M l"i!Ll-.Y.
LAFAYETTE - - - - onKCO.
?, tf
At Vy &C nil iimcII or-a t-Lair,
Lafayette, Oregon,
.1 tf
E. f. nrssEi.T,,
lUnl Estate Attorney.
c. r. rr.nnr,
Ary Public .
Ileal Estate BroSicr ami
Collection A&csxts$
Northwest Cor. of Fint and AYahlnoa
Streets, .
POR.TX.A3U' - - - - OUIIGON.
Ppeciftl attention pien to the of4 Ttcnl
Rstnto. Collections imulo in Oregon aud the
Property, town lotg, Improved farrog, Btoth
ranchcH, landp, iVc. Mtu.itcl in tho best, portion t
of Oregon and W. for. sale on reajonnhlc
terms. 3 tf
A. P. FOIilSE,
A t Vy&t 0 11 nse 1 1 o r-a t -Law.
Lafayette, Oregon.
Physician, Surgeon h Accouche
Stticiu Vista, Pclk Co., Ogn
Y ill attend proiDpily'to profeeioual call.
V Vr A
r & A. M.t Dallas, holds its regular coin
tnunicii.rtoin on the S-aturdaj prccetliug
tho" Full Aln in cntU ni.i.th, unit as th moon
full on Saturday thin ou that day, at ou
o'clock. ' ; '
Alfo, oo tho second FriJny in each raonth
at 7 o'clock. F. M , for the purpose of injrovc
meat 'of 'the t.'rai't in Maonrj, and. foiuMJi
uthr work a the ilatr juay frvur tm.71 tt
AlMirtthren in god tndiu2 arc UriNd to
alti-rfU, F.y order ot th6 W. M. s
Bi-ar tcetimvnr t the Wonderful CoraMre
i 3 EfTcctsof "a
k Dr. Joseph Walker's : j? s
fJ CAl.U'OK.M.V .
ilanafajtarcvl from the nativ ILrhs and Route
ol Cali orr.ia, -:i '!. ' "''
r.$- The Great ItiooJ Parlfur
r INi iaKl 1N". Hil.lOl?. U1.M1T
n:.NT ant INTlir.MlTTKNT ' FKVFi:.,
lEAfS OV THK ULOOD, " 1.1 Vf.lt,
lCIDNl.Vi ur.J KI.AZjDEK, (Uw illllKKS
have hfca m .st sofrt-l. fcUl 11 DlSfEAK
L'S urc caufed 1 y VITIATFD 15U)Ol, which
jreiMral'v r ro!urcd ly dcrungt uitnt M' tLe
DIUK.'sTlVli !( AN 8. . , , 1 , ,f
C!;'ftrt the Vitiated Dlood whcpcTcr ' jou
!ni! its iu)urjtiri" hnrtin tbrotib the kiu in
iii5.4. Fruptiony, wr ;VlarW it -ln
joti &nJ it oht'triicted nd rlcirb in jth
veil t i c!cn.c it wha it, t faul, aid your ietl
iUt;f will t':Il 30a when. Kutp thf Llood LcAl
thy, and all will be we'.l. - '
11. U. .TI cli OX A I l &c Co.,
linportlrtg' Wholoalc' "J
D iri'tt ti 1
Corner Fine and 5?aniKrae Slrcct, Fan Fran
cisco, Cal.. aud iwrainM.ti. Cat.,
zi ri&u tt,'X .
: ... 8 iy ? v' a
JarrSagc and Criiim ntal
Yjiirci: wrrs, mqucks and ?F.oAr,s
i served to t ustomers u Lort notiee.-
- Thi ei'JaUiji'jtntnt dwf? nt diptiiSe tangle
Toct tr ai:ythlL2 of that char&tScr.
tpt- X ill at the Cim'ji
v . ?ltf " '
8mh"ahd door factory,
Corner 3Ji2I ami itu s'i vets, Dallas
- . t .. m i , .... t
Li a Inre vartoty.of. Doors nt;d j"
3:i.hc), of lt the rmmon fit 9, ftd ofJiL
the best workmanship, at their Fash ul Doof
Factory, which thfyoffer for ohIc a thcap as
such articles can he purchased tlsvwhcre.
They ore ulso prepared to fill all fpectal o v
ders for work iu thcii line prtmptly, thcaply
and accurately. j ' 1
Gire us a trial, and yev: r.F? be ?tfl'.-
$ f ? $
prepared to furnifh all clafpcs with constant
riuploymcvit at home, the whole of the time or
for the ppre moment, ltutineea ttew;li;ht
and ' profitable.- Tersons of cithvrj poj eny
enrn fro'ui 50c. to to per evening. anT prtpTV
tiotial sum ly derof ti p iaeir whole' time to tile
bucinefs. Boy and ijirls enrn t:crly itim h
as men. That alt who te tTiiji notice way ?err
their address 'and test the biif incss we mako'
this unparalleled offer : To such a? are tot well
satiftlod, we will send $Fto pay for the trpubla
f wiitinp,. Full pnt tloulsrs, a valuabl h--pie,
whi h will do to cMntncnec work vrysnA
eopy'of "The People'? I.itcrarf dmpnntonM
inc of tho largest and bc.?t family twpparern'
published- all rent. free by Wail. vlteatWr, if
voiuwatit permanent, profitable wrk, addrcKf
E. C. ALtlSN & CO.. AiovsTA. Miistt. W
Agrcitts! ReaaHiist
ary of $30 a weeli and cxtpcbfci. of
f. -.-1 v A
zKJH tin
allow a corunujsiou, to pell our new sin d won .
derful iuventionf. AdVei V, .
" ' 4 " iu VAuNr.Rl cor
Jlrtrfh))!!. Micb.