3&S tfoarjTir official paper; , IVij;AS.: SATUiUAlr; MUI.Y 16, ' I'o's Song1 of The Hells." The following incident Was related by, a member .of tho Baltimore bar, who at thu time ot it occurrence wad tbwt recently admitted o practice (The truth of tbe Matenient tn?y be depend ed on ; and' even the conversation in- .truduceil Ijjiyo. think, nearly word for word a3 reported to mo. At the period referred to there were several Htule storied houses on the east side .of. St. Paul street, between Lex- iugtoa .and Saratoga streets," each , of which contnjued but two nanus. They were rather massive -according to pres. rent ideas coustruoted ot brick, but have btnm for Jo-.i;' -time displaced by till aud stately building. One of the.o single storied houses was occu pied by my inf'rtuant.' The front apart inent was ued as a law office, tje rear 3 a sleeping room. ' 'J - y . ' , One calm and clar moonlight win t6riDi:ht, when, the snow lav deep on the city streets and roof, Mr, was making preparations to retire to bed, when. his front door bell was rnnsr. He aroused bis 'negro servant boy. who was nodding on his stool by the ehim ney corner, and sent him to open the "dew to his late visitor. " T 'The .boy 'almost immediately return ed alone. Ilesnid that .nobody was at xY. - ; J L..i - iL.i .1 ' me uiK)r, out mai n ucuneiuiiii waa standing in the snow in the middle of the street talking to himself-aud. toss ing his arms about. "'Mr.' now" went to the front - d wr himself, hen 'he ?opfiied it he found one who was evidently a gentle . mn ho could see tht by the moon light standing on the pavement fac ing him. ' ; -- ; ' ; ; ' . ' , m MVas it you who rang my bell ?' he aled. ' . Ves feir,M was the reply.'" "I owe vfiii an analncrv for lit iiritiiif vrtu t j -r .-j ------ -rt j - - an hour so unseasonable. Hut the fact is. fome thoughts have come into my mind which I wish to commit to paper, and seeing a liht in your back win dow (the h-ms"? stood on the corner of an alley), and coiisiderinir it a - matter or. course that a lawyer's office is sup plied with stationary, t took the liber ty of ringing vour bell." , ; . .a i i ij-it ' " iuu are vcrj wji'icomo sam ute lawyer;. walk in. Kir." t, " The stronger followed him into the , inner apartment, w litre a bright coal fire was burning in the grate. The manner of his ptet was ho imprefive o' intellect that Mr. ottered n bed; but the visitor-only asked the use of a chair, table and writiuif materials! S tbd negro by lay d jwd upon his pal et on the flr. and the young law yer r rectt i'u, bed. leaving the stran ger bending over the table. - - When Mr. awakened in the morning his straitge visitor was sitting in a cbatr. with hi.- bead upon the table, asleep. The motion made by the young lawyer on awakening aroused the stran ger. The latter seemed at once to be wide awake. He arose from his seat, thanked bis host for his hospitality, and gracefully apologized for his intru sion on the previous night. He was then about to leve the room. '.' "You are forgetting your; roana script," fcays the'young lawyer, point ing to some pieces of paper on the table. 'I bare a copy of what I have com posed," said the stranger, "and leave the original with you as some acknowl edgment of your kindness under cir oumitaoce4i so trying." - i- T 3Tfce stranger. left, -The lawyer did not know unt il a Jong time afterward, - when the Song of the Bells" of which he still has the original had ''been' published and become famous, ; that his singular visitor was Edgar A. Fashionable Lisbon is enraged be f eause tho king has decorated a ballet waiter.;' r::-. (i: 1., :jrx ' ; : -t The handsome Julian wants to. run for Congress as the independent wo man's candidate. :-.- Corporal punishment caused a young wocain of Maryland to drown herself '-lu tne canal.;:- - ''-' v v , Hetty Robinson is said to be the lady speculator who recently made the - rati on ueaenng. Miss Ielle Smith is to paint Stanton. He has already been whitewashed. iJSotton J'ost. . s The employees of John F. Henry have formed a Base Ball Club, tip top material, and we predict a first class Turo NewrV wagoners enjoyed prixe fight at the railroad depot, the Qth.er 'cay, th.eir, employer . acting as '-'.-' A' Louisiana' lady tried to.fill a light cd kerosene lamp, the other evening, and now mourns the loss of her two f young children. - Hefusrtl to sell a dark damsel soda water' has "brought a disloyul drugut.it lit New Orleans before the Court. That's ono of the effervestod rights of ithAL ESTATE. COMB Ail YE THAT DI2S1RC Ploasaut IIoia ia a Goodly Lund aad consolt ' Seal Esute Zraktrt ad Cllstien Agsats, N, W. Corn r of Flrat and Washington streets, TOI TLiND, OB. D.M.C.GAULT, I f REAL ESTATE AtSEIf T, At ths Br&sea OSes, 12f 'Dallas, Polk Coonty, Orejon. Tbt to Bny, thut the ?aa4 of "Sbinar" arw1j attract lb ttuti.B of tb Koii. grant wh wiche t purchnn m tiratl horn in a feriile. btatthj region, lands in Ore gon ran b tur;Lajei fwr aoaatl amount of oooey. ' ' . - We now pro1a(n that rectal atUntion will be riren to tbe pttrcbae and aale of RaatEn- tate; and moreover, we ebeerfaiij impart the tniwroiauvn taat w ka?e large amount of Cily Prop ly, Town lids Farms, Improved, ant! UniinproTcd 'Iinnd9 Stock lancliC9. Timber JLand9f Etc., Etc., &tc. 7ef tale at rtfteeaatle Urns, 4 la tht Dwat rsrtlsna af ta StaU, - And In eonelofllon, we woo!4 tnipraie npon tbe minds of persons desirinf to toll Real Es tate tbattbey Inenr bo expense in plaeing their property is oar bands, unless a sale is effected, ' . j v Particular attention is directed to the fact tbat a large amount of desirable laads earn be purchased nt tbe Branch OCee pALtAP, POLS COUNIT, OREOOy. J. t iVfile'C. GAVfsT, MIS CELLAR EQ US.' PREMIUM . gang. . " PLOWS! T!E BEST KHOVN TO EH All i iflASOi'S GAIVG PLOW ' "CnAffil.EIVGE 1- ' , TnR UNDBRSKINED, IIAVINO ,PUR cha9el the exclusive right, from WmL Ma son, for tbe District comprising the counties of POLK and MAKION, is manufacturing these Celebrated Plows, and is ready to fill orders for tbe same on short notice. i Come, Farmers, and encourage i ,1 Webfobt Ingenuity U Enterprise And ena.ble yourselves to ralae Largo Crops. ',' For Sale at my Khop at 9JOO 'each. ' - ,T. XI. 1L.UCAS,", ,: "s Dixie, Polk county, Ogu. ; DRUG STORE. f North west Cqrner Main and , 51111 8ts., ; DAI.IiAS, OGN. HAVING PURCHASED. the OLD STAND formerly. belonging to. W. S. llobb,, and wishing to lire and let liro, I will sell at low. rates, FOR CASH, everything in my line: - Drills, Patent lllcdiehscs, ? And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, put np . expressly far Medicinal use. PCltFLM CHICS OF AU KINDS. Cream Tartar, l ';!..- '. Bird Seed, 5 I'tiints, Oils, t 5 " Varnishes Rru?ie, 'Domestic Dyes A r : Wadiing Porder$t And ererjthlng else that is kept in a FIRST CLASS DUUO STORE. i j II. K XIC1IOLS, Druggist. DALLAS mm FEED SALE 1BLE i Cor. Slain anU Court Streets, Thos. O. ntchmond, Proorietor. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE Stand of Mr A. II. Whitley, we bar re fitted and re Hocked it in such a manner as will satisfactorily meet every want of tbe com- unity. '--,: -. ,- . v.;- ; -t: -: -4: Ilugglea, aliiIe or double. Hacks, Con- cqrd Wsjun, etc., etc., i FarnisLed at all hours, day or night, on -short notice. j Saperlor Baddlo flree, let by the Uay or week. TB RKS, liils o k a niir. I 4 T. G. RICHMOND FKESII AilRIVAIi! OUR STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR SPRING TRADE, Is now open and tor sale at our store, on the Corner of Front and Mill ftrcct Dal las, Oregon. W invite the attention -of oar patrons to our New Stock, consisting of Dress CooJs,' . j- Clcthtng, ' ;- r Hardware, j - - - -:,;7i'","'"'Crdr;ry. Groeerien, " ' "- Stationery, if Ct t : In fact eTerj thing found in Retail Stores, At Prices to Suit the Times. Country Prodaea taken in exchange for Ooodi! Those baring old accounts are requested to call and settte by CASH or NOTE. ' ' We thank ; the public for their liberal pat ronage in the past, and hope for a continuance of the same. N. A. J.D. LEE. Pallas, March 1st, 1870. ! 1-tf W. II. TEAIr, ! Wagon & Carriage Maker, Main Street, Dallaa - . i T n HAVE ON HAND AN ASSORTMENT 1 of Lumber Wsgons, Express Wagons and Buggies of Tarloos kinds, ready for sale. COME Oil WITH YOUR CASH I You all kn off what my wagons are; fori have been well patronired for the last TEN YEARS, for which I feel thankful, f And the last year they went off like Hot Cakes, I am well prepared to do all kinds of work in my trade. - v; ' . - ': I have.in my employ the best IHaeknlth in tbe County, who is prepared to do) Shoeing in the best Style, on short notice, and every kind of blacksmith work done in neat and workmanlike manner, and according to Order, at reasonable rates. . . ' Also Painting done" to order. Bring along you? old Wagons Buggies, and vet them paint ed. W.-II. TEAL. Dallas, April 9, 1870. , j . ,6:6m WOOL 'WAITED; TnE ELLENDALE MILL COMPANY will give tbe highest market .'price for wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co. ? Their Storo is also open, with a general as sortment of Dry Goods,-Groceries, Hard ware, e.y, 'fA,A ;;;r i 2tf TJEENSWAKE LN AJBTJNDANCE i urn B.TOINB.SS.. -;C6L;IiEGrE, , , PORTLAND, OREGON, ; Is the most thorough and ecruplete Tnstitatlon of the kind on tbe Coast. ? r , It is designed by its course of study and prac -'- tine to place a BUSINES EDUCATION WITHIN : THE BEACH OF ALL. . ' Erery facility Is afforded for acquiring a-" - SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION In the shortest possible time, and at ; THE LEAST EXPENSE. Erery student, will bare an y - Actual Htiiucs Practice, A Mlntatvre World of Ituslneat, ' TO WHICH HE IS INTRODUCED AFTER bavin completed the Theory, and wbi;h has the effect of thoroughly fainiliatiiiug him with all the minutae of reaK busioeiis. This feature of the Institution also affords an ex cellent practice in COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, And furnuhet abundant opportunities for test log the Student's knowledge of COMMERCIAL; CALCULATIONS. t In conducting this actual practice, eo -part ncrenips are ijrined, and when tbe day or dis tolutiod and settlement comes, the subject of PARTNERSHIP SETTLERENT Is taken up and inrettiated, ond the piloei- pies practically applied. Tbe mo?t theronsh tnstrnction Is afforded In Dusineia Peomaotbip; also, a courle la !E?Iioiioofinily, By a practical Short-Hand Ilcportcr, for the J.ncfit of those who wUb to pursue this use ful subject. For circulars, giving full parttcalsrs, address LAUD FN A DEFRANCE. i February l&. ly VHIameUe Iron Works Company KORTH FRONT AND STREETS, PORTLAND, C1GX. IRON FOUNDERS, AND BOILED I1UII,DCRS. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON THE bank of tbe river, one block north , of Couch's Wbarf, and have facilities tor turning out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the rrrvices of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Wwrkr, whose expe rience on this Oet f ir sixteen years gives him thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for talcing and' milling purposes. , . We are prepared t eiecnte orders for all classes of Machinery and Iiler Work, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY SAW and FLOUltlNCS 9IILI.S. QUARTZ MILLS, M1SISG PUMrS, jr -Jv'- Ac.,' Ac, Ac. -Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all kinds. , Irou Shutter . Work t Pan Francisco Cost and FreighU Wheeler A Randalt'rf : Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar! Self-adjusting Patent Piston Packing Stevens' " Either applied to old or new stesm cylinders. Quartt Stampers, Shoes and Dies, ' Of the best hard iron. ; I . FURNITURE! Bureau 9, . - v Xoun?e, : . Tables, HccUfcads, A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen and Parlor,aef , RAW-HIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS, ; Of my own make, '':' 1 r $lioi near Way in ire's mill I INVITE TnE PIJBLIC TO EXAMINE my stock. I shall be pleased to sbow'you my goods, and better pleased when you buy. y New Work put up to order, and Repairing done at the lowest cash price. 37 WEX.C. WILIS. A LL SORTS OF GOODS SOLD FOR Cash or Marketable Produce at .J. II.. LEWIS'S s ALT-CARMEN ISLAND AND LIV ERPOOL Salt, in quantifies to suit, at COX A EARIIART'S Salem. AITERS. DO YOU WANT SOME VjT Tine Cloth Qaibsnr if so, supply your aeTfvtM . n lwisu FREKOH MEDICAL OFFICE Dr. .fuUvn I'crrauif, Dr. of Medicine of the Faculty of Pa .rin, Ciraduate cf the University of . , Uutii'fc College and lhyieUu, , of the St. John Daptlsto So-y clefy of San Francisco. y; :::;; "c ) .) ': ry;S-'? !C ' ivy f DPERRAULT; HAS THE PLEA8r R. ' ore to Inform patients and others setkl ig confidential medical advice that he can be oirulted daily at his office; Armory Hall Building, North East'eorner of Montgomery and Sacrr.mento streets, San Francisco,; Rooms No?. 9, 10, II, first, floor, np stairs, entrance on cither Montgomery or Sacramento streets, I'B. PrRBAi tT's studies have been almost exclu'ively devoted to the cure of the various forn of Nervous and Physical Debility the remit of injurious habits acquired "In youth, which ' usually terminate in' impotence and sterility and permanentlv induce all tbe con comitants of old age. Where a secret infirm ity ix sts. involving the nsppiaeM of a life and that o' others, reason and morality dictate the nec sity of its removal, for it is a fat tbat a prenature decline of tbe vigor of manhood. rnatiinonUl ut(8sppiness, compuhory single life.ete.. have their sources in causes, the gerra of which is plnnted in early life, and the bittir fruits tasted long afterward; patients, labi ring .under' this complaint, will complain of one or more of tbe following symptoms: Nocturnal Emissions, Pains 'injbe Rack and Head, Weakness of Memory and Sltfht, Dis charge from the Urethra on going to stool or make water; Intellectual Faculties are Weak cned, Loss of Memory ensues, Idias are cloud ed, and there is a disinclination to attctd. to business, or even to reading, writing or the so ciety of friends, etc. The patrcnt will prota- uhlj complain ol iMztiness, verugo, ana inai Sight and Hearing are Weakened, and sleen disturbed by ' dreams ; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, ftnting. coughs and slow fevers ; whilj some bave external rbeumatie pain, and numbness of the ; body. Some ol the most common symptoms are pimples in the ftee, and aching in different pjrte of, the body. Patients suffering from this disease should ap ply immediat.ly to Dr. Pkeraclt, either in person or by letter, as be will guarantee a eure of Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or eight weeks, 'J' - Patients suffering frm Tenertal disease in any ftnge, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Iubo, Ulcers, Cutaneous Eruptions, etcJ. will be treat ed successfully. AH Syphditie and Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the system. Dr. PF.nni'i.T'a diplomas era in his office, where patients cm sec for themselves that they are un'der'tbe rare of a regularly edurated practitioner. The best references giveu if re quired. Patients snCcring under ebronle dieacs can call and examine for. theumlve. We invite iurestigslion ; - claim not to linow everything, nor to cure everybody, but we d- claim that in all cafes taken under treatment we fulfil our promises. We particularly request those who have tried this bted doctor and that ad er ased physician till worn out at.d diicouroeJ, to call upon us. Low charges and joick cores.; An suCcring (rro any complatnt inri den ial to their set. rn contuSt the, doctor with the assurauce of relief. .. Female Monthly Pills. Da. PraRartT l the orly agent for Dr. 'Iltorr'a Female Monthly PUK Their immense sale has ettallished ibt ir rrputaiin a a fonutle ivmedy unapproarhed, and for in advance of every other reuJy tur up'ra,'iins and irrrgulsrtttcs, and other obstructions in fe males. On' the receipt of fire dollars, thes liU, will be sent by mall or express to any part of tbe world, secure from euri'ify or .damage. Persons at a diefunee ran t cured at buuiv. by ad'Jreinga Ictti-r to Da. pRnnarLT, corner ot tacrainent'i and M'nffmfry struct, Koumi 10 aud II, or Uox. P. O., San Franrjcro, stnting tbe ca?e as minutely as pofitle, general hal-iis of living, i.eupatiun, i tc, etc All communications confSdentij! 14-ly ' COX fc UAKIIAKT, WHOLESALE a RETAIL GROCERS eiooucs SLOCS, SAXXRX. Goods by the Parka Re at Reduced Rate mvlOStf tin tier voo1, ISarkcr &. Coy WAGOX MAKERS, Commercial street, Salem. Oregon, MA-iftTFACTURE 'ALL. KINDS OF WAO OXS after the most approved styles and iho best of workmanship, on short notice, and AT POllTLA S I) PHICr.8! 21 -If Saddlery Harness. ' S. C. STII.G8, .i. M&Iu it (opposite the Court House), Da)la, MANI7FACTURKR AND DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips. Collars. Check Lines, etc., etcof all kinds, which he i prepared to sell at the lowest living rates. JE4BTREPAIRINO done on short notice. -DEALER IN CUSTOM IflABE BOOTS, State Street, Salem, Oregon,' Two doors from Express oSce, : JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD STOCK OF French Kip and Calf Skins, California Kip and Calf Skins, and California! Sola Leather, whieh I offer for sale cheap. :. ' - . FURS! FUIlS ! ! FURS ! ! I Thee highest price in (Sash paid for Fnrs and Hides. . . , - , '35 Farmers Attention! milE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ITAD Si nearly twenty years' practice in making wagons inOregon, we feel confident wo can do as good work as can be had in any part of the State. : ' , .. Iron and Rickorv Axles. (Thimble Skeins) , On hand and tnafdo to order on short noticet Lumber Wagons.,,....,. ISO 180 Cxprea Waffon..............vlT522S Call and examine our work. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. - . SIMEON T. GARRISON, . ASA SIIREVB Dallas, April 14, 170. Jt5lf you wibb tho very bcH'CABiMT Peo togkaihs, . you most call on BKADLliY- & KULOFSO-i,'42& Montgomery itm.t,'iSan ' 1cv.()VLt 13 a taint or infection In-' tho ha? us an organism which weakens the vital forces, and disorders or disarranges the function of the whole system. This taint or infection is most usually hereditary in the constitution, but it may also arise from habits of life, unwhole some food, etc. In time, If this disease does not show itself in an nicerons ; or tubercular form, it Induces those other diseases such as consumption, ulcerations of the iiver, stouiach and kidneys, salt rheutn, dropsy, etc. Tho best remedy ever yet dkcovertd i Dr. Walker' Vkoktablk ViartOAb BiTTuai.? it will euro the disease if not to Jar advaneed, and will eradicate the cause, , , , : . ..,,.,'.' VORDS OF M WD02L; -FoaToL'BO May, - .y" On tbe Ruling Pamon in Yomh and !Erly Manhood, witli bELF HELP fir the Eniug and Unfortunate, bent in scaled lvtur enveU opes, tree 'of charge, . Address, llovaao Asso ciation, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. S v x xxp IV KI sLE Ri : THE U 11 EAT 1 Family Hedlclto' cf ih(tr Age Taken Internally, ft Curee ': DtoenferyMoltraf Viarrhtra, . t Cramp and Pain in ike Stomach, 1 , Jlotetl Cowjiaiult, I'nSutert Colic, Liver Comfitiit, t)'fppia, ndietio ' " ' Sore Tiroaf, Suitten Vuldt, ' ' Corny h$, dee.. &e. ' "k Used Externally, It Cares , Roil; Ftlnn; &(. Rrviie, Ifttrnt. Seatft, Old Sore; Sprain; TiHtthathe, I'aitf in the Fact, Xturnfyitt, Ilhrunntitm, Fronted Fettr ":'' rfr., f-e., f-e, '."-'" ' "'' '-y"' . - . . -y w , . , j ' i' "i ' i' - -- BANK EXCHANGE SALG0II, Main 8reet, Dallas, Ogn. 1T7INES, LIQUORS, POKTER. ALEi ? J Bitters, Cigars,. Candies, Oysters and Sardines will be served to gentle men on the outside of tbe counter, by a gentle man who has an eye tobii" on the inside.. So come along, boys; make no delay, and we will soon bear what yon have to say. 32 W, F. CLINGAN. CSV STILES' HEADQUARTERS Main street. Opposite Court House, ' f iVcw $f ore ! IV cw Goods ! I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFER" A large assortment of t-Loicw 'PROl'ISMSS. GROCERIES, , WOOD EX. WAKE, TOBACCO,' FRUITS, CIGARS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc. Etc Also, a General Assortment of llOOTS; SHOW AM) GAITI2US. I design to keep' only the CHOICEST and REST articles and sell them at a inall Profit For Cash. MY MOTTO.Q.ulck sales and small prolits G J3. STILES. HURGREfJ & SUIHCLERi ' Importers and Dealers ia . : !. FURNITURE - AND :; : V'-.-t ' ' X5EXXIjVG. The Xarest Stock and the Oldest Fur- ulture IIourc tit Portland WAREROOMS AND FACTORY: 00HNE2 SALMON AND FIEST STUEETS POHTLAXD, oitr.r.oN. . '. l If '". ..... IVOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR, chased all tbe printing material Gd in the publipatioa of the' Polk . County Tim newspaper, together with all the biMks and e couots belonging to said: paper, have assoei ated ourselves together and bave engaged ia tho publication of a weekly paper, at Dallas, in Polk County, Oregon, to be. called the - . Oregon Kepxi'blicaxi All debts due the Polk Connty Timet, both, on subscription' and :. advertising account, am. how 'due,;, and. prompt payment is gre&tly de sired. v .' All prepaid, subscriptions of the Ttetes, not extending beyond June 11th, 1870, will, In jus, tlce to the subscribers, be filled out by as. New subscriptions ansl advertisements aro earnestly solicited. We beg to assure sub-, seribcrs and advertisers tbat they will .get val ue received for the patronage they exua J tc the REPUBLICAN, ' D. M. C, GACLT, -i ! P. C. SULLIVAN. Dallas, 0n. March 5, 1870. ; LLL2 y