Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, July 16, 1870, Image 2

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Site Ortjon jUpubliran.
The Matter luPolkV
Tae 0egonjii funics out in its issue
of Wednesday and takes for the subject
"of its"leadei "What tne matter is in
Polk." It says, The Kepublicans lost
Polk Woutnty when they ought to have
carried it." How does the Oi egonian
.'fcnovr we ought to hare carried it ?
Does that paper think wa ought to have
TC&rrie.it against a fair majority of 30 or
40 votes? We supposed the majority
should rule in , repuMics like ours, j
Does the Oreqonian desire that men
should be purchased With money, body j
. , - - ......... 1 .
and mind, to act against their wishes
when they deposit their ballots, or does
lt desire that fraud and trickery should
be used to induce men to vote as it in
dicatcs"? 1 We say to the Oregonian,
thai tne democrats nan. m tnis county
; two years ago, a large majority, and they
liaa.at ine iaai election ; ana we ooiu u
v perfectly legitimate lor the political par-
ty mat nas a xair majority, w uavo aim
fcold the offices. - J
now is the Oregon'an effected by our
being beaten in Polk ? If we can en'
dure to live under Democratic rule so
far as the administration of this county
is concerned, the Oreganian in Multno
man ought not to complain. But we
think we understand what's the matter.
The members of the Legislature are not
favorable to the re-election of Mr. Wil-
iiaxrs No sir, Mr. Oregontan, nor
would, thehad the Republican ticket
been elected.
We do" not blame the editor of the
Oregonian for making a hard and re
spectable fight -for the man from whose
hands he is receiving such fat things,
and we fully understand that while the
action of Williams is hard upon old Polk,
, it has been the "making of the purp."
t. Tne editor says that 'Judge Boise
and Sullivan have not been willing to
accept any prominent measure of the
Republican partyfor the last five jears.
W here did the , Oregonian stand two
and four years ago upon what it calls
the promincot measures of the party ?
. Was it in favor of negro suffrage then?
Ko, it Opposed it upon principle and
principles never changg. What has
come over the spirit of the Oregonianf8
. . dream ? Why did it finally come out
in favor of that which but a short time
before' it so bitterly opposed, and de
clared it was not the principles of our
party? Simply because the Oregonian
had no independence. Simply because
it was and is the servile 'tool of Holla
day and George-II. Williams, having
no mind of its own and being troubled
with the very disease which Me. says
Afflicts Polk county. The truth is that
men of Sullivan's viewshavenot change
inind of Williams, nor have they soen
fit fn unrrpnUfir iht ritrhl nl unhuiUntn
1 the wrong. And they have done right
to fight the evils of Jthe party in the
party, instead of leaving itand we tll
the Oregonian now that three fourths
,oi the Republican party., in Oregon,
- .r.eret. as much as Mr. P. C. Sullivan,
; that negro suffrage became a success in
. pur party. It never was established
by the voice of the people. When
Williams made his first canvass in the
State, on reconstraction, he said that
.we must have negro suffrage in the
South to create a loyal element, but not
in the loyal States : and when asked if
it was to be forced noon the Northern
4-" ... i ,;,- .-.
ptatcs, be answered "no, that there
y?n& bnt one man In the Senate who
located it, and that was '01d Sumner."
These were his exact wcrds, as disconr
1 teous as they may scein, and the Ore
ffontan said amen. The very next ses
sion f Congress the Fifteenth Araendf
ment passed, supported by Williams,
' nd the 'Oregonian said amen. Then
j ' Williams discovered that the negro in
Jhe youth voted the rebel ticket, and
; Val 1 ho had made a jfligtake ; ; and ; the
Oregonian responded amen. Then
' -Williams declared, -with uplifted haqd,
'that no other steps should bo taken in
v: that direction, and the Oregonian hal
' loocd good ! Then tho flatijraliption
' laws were changed so as to include all
. frica, and the Oregonian said! that's
right and this is the trifling facilation
. that is to be arraigned against men who
have pursued a straightforward course
r;pon thp jucstion of puffragc.
It savs that this course was pursued
probably through notions of policy by
those gentlemen. Yes sir, and if the
Oregonian had" possessed the independ-
ence to have assisted i a carrying out
the same policy (which was the only
trrie one), the party to dayjjroiild haVet I
beeu in full and complete power in 'Or
egori, and tbisis the opiolon of all well
posted politicians : it is the course pur-
o.,.l k -! ,T,rt :,t
the benate of the United States, that
the Southern States were in the Union
for one purpose, and out for another;
and the Oregonian, that has beaten us
in' Oregon the villainy of whose pur- j
pose sua u uetnaue anuwu iu uue ume,
ifyoa desire : to continue this unwar-
rantable attack and controversy.
' : ' " 1 .
The article further savs there is a pa-
per published in Polk, which has be
come tne echo of the nehtleman in
Polt c(mnt. -hose doIict has led the
party Q dcfeai tne peope JUjge
whose policy has led the party to de-
feat an(J we an the editor of the
0r((J0niaH that that echo shall ring in
hj3 cara to his heart's content ; that is,
UDle88 he concludes to abandon the
aanetnm and take refWe behind the
Custom House. We have been beaten
on account of your vacillations. Good
men of our'party knew not what to do,
nor where to go. Four years ago,
Union men might honestly differ ; but
now there are no Union men to differ
The editor thinks the name Union is
not the proper one, and could only
serve during the war. We differ, and
repeat it is the only name which could
have . charm for those who organized
under it, the loss of which has taken
hundreds of thousands from our ranks,
and justly, too.
He then undertakes, in a sickly man'
ner, to apologue for Horace Greeley,
by admitting he is partially politically
insane, but thinks he ought not to have
been hung, or Jeff. Davis, either.
'When it is said that the only correct
policy in relation to ; opposite races
should have been maintained, .we sup
pose it is meant that the colored race
never should have received the elective
That is precisely what is meant, Mr.
editor. We say ftere must be some
lino established to which the elective
franchise should bo extended. That
line ought to have been the line of
race. That line fixed by that supreme
power who alone can make it thus.
And if this bo not bo the line, will the
Oregonian, after it has consulted Mr.
Williams, tell us what is tho proper
and equitabla line ? Then we ehall
know how to meet him, and then the
people can, as they finally will, decide
But he says "'the people of the United
States have pronounced their verdict
upyn the question of negro suffrage.
We deny it, and demand the proof,
"But the immortal Lincoln did not ad-
VOCate tho XClus'lOU of the Colored
race from the elective franchise
We reply that Lincoln did take the
ground, in his celebrated debate with
Douglas, that the only true principle
was, to give the black race their free
dom but exclude them from the ballot
, "Would anybody have believed the
Republican who had said, in tho' Jato
campaign, that his party was not in fa
vor of suffrage for the blacks and the
Fifteenth Amendment. lne suppo
sition is ridiculous."
Most ridiculous, we answer. and who
believed the Republicans whon. in the
r a it,an
I UwUf ww vi mv uu vru jkhiv ngu) iugj
pabliely declared theraselues utterly
onpoaedr to negro suffrage and 5 the
principles of the Fifteen th Amend.
ment j and did not our ; State platform
two VPSM a?o declare that the nnestion
of suffrage belonged to the State re
- J o- - - t
speetively, and (Joes not tho national
platform, on which the party stands to.
day. declare the same thing F Who is
it tbpn, that has. the best foundation on
which to stand, and who is it that has
changed front? (But men 'like' SoJIj
van, unless they will change thair cqn
victions of right and move in the cur
rent ' with the unsteady course of the
Oregonian, ought to go to tho Demo-
orats. Well, tha may be so j but we
can't exactly see, jqst now, where the
editor" of the Oregonian dhght to go.
L , ."If the Republican leaders in Polk
will oe4se to teaoh that the measures of
the party am wrong, and maintain that
they aro right, tho purty there will be
placed upon the tide that leads on to
We suppose that means if the lead-
era in Polk would cease to fight error,
and dsclare that wrong was right, then
they could be placed j upon j. the tide
which Jcada lo large amounof Hold
liday s money, and fat offices from the
hands of the immaculate -Williams.
? "lion. ii vr. Corbett.
The people of Oregon have just
cause to be croud of the courfco of Sen.
ator Corbett since he has been! honored
with a seat in tho Senate of: tho Uni
ted States. A life-long Republican, a
iruo ineuu, a pericci geoueman, ana a
man of fine abilities, he has achieved a
success in tho Senate that few have at
tained, and all might envy, jit is not
every man that deals in fine rhetoric
and long, windy speeches that makes
the best Senator or wisest statesman.
What the people want . is more work
and less talk. Mr. Corbett has proved
himself to be' tuch a Senator; s
In a quiet way he has been at work
for the State of which we feel so justly
proud. Other public men have receiv
ed more plaudits, bnt we 5 seriously
doubt if any Representative! from thia
StateTin cither branch of our National
Legislature, is more entitled itothegrat-
itudeiof tho people than he is. He is
always at his post of duly, punctual iu
business entrusted to him, and faithful
in its discharge. No charge, that we
know of, has ever been made against
him of having violated his word or sold
out his friends. 1
He may not have made as niany prom
fres as some, but we are certain that he
has been as true to bis pledges as any.
One thing is certain, that he has lost
no friend, but has made many in ad-
pi lion to the great number he had when
he took his seat in the Senate.
T-he Sentinel, under date of Jutj
9th, in its article on railroad and the
Senator, sa) st in speaking of what the
action of the memhera of the Legisla
ture who reside south of the Calipooia
Mountains in the election of Senator;
If , they will tote and act together
on the railroad question, they can elect
some one who will rote ana aso all bis
influence in Congress to iustaio Mr.
Williams' amendment. This should he
donft, whether ifelecttt a Republican or
Democrat. IF they divide, the U est
Side Dompany may elect a I Senator iu
their interest." f
Most certainly, Mr. Sentinel, the
people of the West Side intend to elect
a West Side man to the! Senate, and
one pledged to their interest, or let Mr.
Corhett, who hps proved himself a true
rnan, represent the State for two years
alone. - .'! -'"i I
The Sa legman gays that it Was duM
honorable for the Herald to publish
Mo.'g letter, it being private property.
If Mr. editor of the Statesman cjesires
to defend the dog who wroto that pl?fs
let him take up his pen and couuuence
the conflict. All such pusillanimous
aspersions and libels ought to he pub;
lished, wherever and whenever found.
: As wc expected, Sumner's amend
mcnt.Uo strike the word "white" from
our naturalization laws, passed. ' Ho is
the most consistent man in the Senate
on tho question of universal suffrage,
and occupies the true ground, inclqde
all opposite races or none.
But ; it seems . that, at
the evening
session of its passage,
the vote by
Lwh,ch u Psed was reconsidered and
the bill left so as to include all Africa
the greatest mass of ignorance in the
i.orll, and exclude the educated people
of lhat government which, has stood
fi"D om a time long prior to tho rise
and fall of Greece and Rome.
We see by the telegrams that friend
Scott, of the Oregonian, has been ap
pointed and confirmed Collector of Cus
toms at Portland.. We are not sorry.
May his reign bo happy, long and prps
JC The latest telegrams from New
York informs us that there has been a
great decline in printer's ink, since it
has been learned there that tho Pacific
Bladt is printed with brains.
John O. Shelton, aliai Sardines, has
at last started out and left town,' abus
ing Democrats and Republicans alike,
j Angther Arnold, on a very small scale.
1 Oi View York, : ' -! '
Success the Criterion or Excellence.
Ordinary Life Policies
Absolutely -Non Forfeitable
From Payment of First Annual Premium.
One Third of the Annual Premium loaned to the party insured, if dVsired,
And no IVotc Required.
The Business of the Company is on the Hutual Plan.
ktq evidence ConU nrove more conclusively how fully the pubiie appreciate
the new and liberal features of this Company, and the well earned reputation of
its leading Officers and Directors than the
Uniircccdeiitcd and Lu paralleled
Europe or
Applications for Agencies in place where the Empire is not already repre
sented, will he receded only from parties who can give undoubted references a?
to Qualification and integrity, and should
The Clicapciit JSIorc in
- w n ir nn it it
2 Silica West of Dallas,
largest and best sfxrk of goods rr
broht "mlo Polk County.
AVbih we roiH to sell LOWER than
any other store in the county, for CASH or
PRODUCE, for which we wilt pay the highest
market prie.
Our stock eonsints of eTery description of
gU generally kept in first class country
Also constantly on hand a large assortment
Of ;
Tweeds, ,
CasJiimcrcs and
Jfale ""In the Ellen,!? Mills, which wo willl
ell rery cheap.
Ellendale, Jnly 9, 1870. l-tf
Shcrifl'?i Sac.
tne directed, issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the county
of Polk, on a judgment rendered by the CJcrk
in vacation, in favor of Ira F. M. Butler and
gainst A. Gesner, for the sum of seven bun
dred and eighty-seren' dollars and fifty cunta
($787 50) io U.8. gold or silver coin, with in
terest at the rate often per cent, per annum
from the rendition of judgment until paid, to
gether with cots and accruing costs, I h,ave
levied upon and will sell at public auction, In
the town of Independence, Polk county, Ogn.,
Jhaisth Jayor "4?? M
a,nhJ Hht?utie ahd infest of & said a!
at the Livery Stable of Cooper uesner, on
Qesner, in and to the following described real
property, t5-wit: The undivided half of lot
No. 3, in fractional Block No. 4, and knows as
the Livery Stable; and . the north half of
Lot No. 3, in Block No. 4, and known as the
Butcher Shop; and also, commencing 22 feet
south of the N. W. corner of Lot No. (1) one
in fractional Block No. 4, thence south 22 feet,
thr.iee east S3 feet, thence north 22 feet, thence
west 83 feet to the place of beginning, kuqwa
as the Cooper Shop.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
' Terms cash lu hand, gold or silver coin.
S. T. UTJBCII, SherifT Polk Co. Ogn.
20-4w By IV M. COLLINS, Deputy.
gave Your Doctor's Dllla. When Dr.
Wistar'f Balsam of Wild Cherry will cure
coughs, colds, bleoding at the lungs, and arrest
the fell destroyer, Consumption, it does more
than most physicians can do. A single trial
will satisfy the incredulous, rj-:
waa' " WS'W ."
Glittering Tecth'Not only does Soio
dont impart the whiteness of the purest porce
lain to the toeth, but its polish, too. They glia
ten after being brushed with it, like the inner
surface of aq ocean shell, an 4 th.e effeot of this
peerless dentrifiee is to render the enamel as
bard and Indcstroctilla as adamant.
be artdrwed to the imdcmrned.
O. F. VOX 1UI KIN k CO.,
332 Montgomery Street,
Opposite Odd Fellows Hall, Oronnd Flor,
Managers for the Pacific Coast.
Tax fiaic.
issued by the County Clerk of P!k CV
Oregon, comroaotiing me to collect the taxe
due said county, by ditivss and sale if oeces
ry," for want uf personal property. I bav
lvUd upin the donation Land Claims of Ed
ward Oround and wifo, and of Wm. Fulton, in
Pecs. 30, 31 and 32, in T. v 8. of R. 4 W ., in
Polk county, Oregon, containing 570 acres o!
land; asseswd as the lands of John Polly. t
satisfy the claim of the county for taxes levied
thereon, against sid John Polly, for the year
IXG'J, and now remaining due and unpaid,
amounting to the sum of $17 50 besides penal
tics, costs and accruing costs; therefore I will
sell the said premises, to atisfyseid demand,
on Saturday the SHh day of July, 1870, be
tween the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court Jlouee
at Dallas, in said county, to the highest bidder
for gold and silver coin in band.
J. W. SMITH. Sheriff,
By F. M. COLLINS, Deputy.
Dallas, June 2jth, 1870. 17-4w .
Tax Sale.
authority of a warrant, duly issued by the
County Clerk of Polk county, Oregon, coin,
mantling tne to collect the taxes due said coun
ty, by distress ami sale if necessary, I have,
for want of personat property, levied upon tbe
south half of Sec 10, in T. 7, 8. of R. 5 W.,
N'rt. No. 1973, claim No. 48, containing 300
acres more or less, taken as the property of
the heirs, of Nelson Johnson, deceased, to sat
isfy tlje clajra of the county for taxea levied
on said premises, and now remaining due and
unpaid, for the years 186S and 1869, amount
ing to the sum of $44 80, besides penalties,
costs, and accruing costs ; therefore, I will sell
the said .premises to satisfy said demands, on
Saturday, 'the 30tb day of July, A. D. 1870,
between the hours of 9 'o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock P. M. of ait day, at tho Court House
dotf, at Dallas, in said county, to the hlghpfct
bidder for gold and silver eoin, in hand.
J. W. SMITH, SherifT,
B,y F. M. COLLINS, Deputy.
Dallas, June 2th, 70, 4 17-4w
having their mill in good running order,
make known to the citisens around Bncna
Vista and vicinity that said coiqpanj are pre
pared to furnish lumber at the following
prios $1012 50 per 1,000 feet
We have also a first class planer and match
er, and are prepared to furnish either plain or
dressed lumber, strictly" to order and with
punctuality and dispatch.
A good assortment of lumber now on hand.
JAS. HOLMAN, President of B. V. M. Co.,
WM. C. LEE, Secretary.
Buena Vista June 16th, 1870. lo-tf
Final Scttlcinent.
the estate of David Burden.
having filed his final aeoaunt and asked for a
settlement of tha tame, it is ordered by the
Conrt that Tuesday, the 6th day o? September,
oe sei ior .tne anal hearing or said ac
count; and ail perrons interested in said es
tate are requested to appear in the County
Court of Polk county. Oreeon. at that day.
and show cause, if any there be, why said ac
count should not be allowed and settled, and
said administrator discharged.
. J, U. MYER, Co. Judge.
July 9, 1870- ,19 1
NTIothcrs, I've Found It!
1 Oil YE Alls I UAytu ddavw-
a remed that will CURE jour children
by removing tbe.CAUSE, and at last I can aay
"Eureka TRY IT. '
. . - . nn'i TrTTWT PAR
Tbia it a pleaaant antacid, and in Urge date
laxative j to itnall acser, an attrinjrent medi
.TccedimrlT osefal in all bowel affetiont,
epeciall of children. It a aafo, certain
. . : m yt. liiB . ilia rrh -
and enectoal remeajr lor vowit r
Cholera Morbus, gumnjer Compiami, unpuK
Pain, Sour Stomach, CoetleneM, Wind on the
8tomaeb, Crying and Fretting of Cbildrep. Ja
Teething, there i nothing that equal it. It
softens the Qumi, and render Tetthing eay.
It i$ no humbug medicine, got up toiell,
but a really valuable preparation, caring oen .
in ue for several years it recommends itself,
Dtf not 'give your children tnr sooujwK
syrups, for tney siupuy wuaom uwiug
permanent good. , ; ; u ;
rreparea uj ; . ;
Dr. W;-WATEIllia
or Sale by DnrfgUts. The trade supplied
on reasonable terms. Hundreds of Testimo
nials can be given if necessary. "
13-tf . DR. W. WATEItnOUSE.
loi Ben t : "
and a half miles from Dallas, is offered
for rent. ' The renter to take the growing
erop and to have possession until next spring.
Good bouse and barn, forty aeres in grain, and
seven acres meadow; a large bearing orchard
and garden. One wagon and a span of Jiorsea
go with the place te do the work about the
farm. Immediate possession given.
Terms $250 cab, or satisfactory trade. l
Inquire of RUSSELL fc FERt.Y, Real Es
tate Agents, Portland, or
D. M. C. GAT7LT.
Dallas, May 28, 1870. 13-tf
Dallas, Oregon. -
L. A. UOBIl,
refitted and rearranged, and it is now
.pen for tbe accommodation oi tne traveling
public, whose .patronage is respectfully solic
ited." - V .- v:- - '
The TABLE will at all times be found well
provided with every delicacy of the season, as
well as tbe substantial, and our guests may
rest assured of courteous and prompt attend-.
be fuund clean, wholesome and comfortable.
Sir Livery Stable opposite the hotel.
Dallas, May 2?, 1S70. 13-tf
Tae fircat Family .MedUclne of tae
- Aire. "
Wave elapsed since the introduction . of the
Pain Killer to the public, and yet at tho pres
ent time it is more popular and commands a
larger sale than ever before popularity is
notjeonficed to this country alone; all over
the world its beneficial effects in curing the
ills that flesh is heir to," are acknowledged
and appreciated, and a a vkn Ktl-LKR its fame
is limited to no country, sect not race. It
Thirty years is certainly a long eoough time
to prove'tbe efficacy of any medicine, and that
the raise killbr is deserving of all its propri
etors claim for it, is amply proved by tho un
paralleled popularity it has attained. It is a
scrk and xffkctivr remedy. Sold hy all
Druggists. Price 25 cts, 50 cts, and $1 00 pec
Directions accompany each bottle. 1
c. v. par'mextkr. I r.J. babooc,
Manuficturers. and Wholesale and Re
tail Dealers In
Fu.i'iiitii.re, V
Commercial Street Salem, Oregon,
- Stock of i l. :;
Furniture, 1
To be found in Marion County, ;
All kinds of Picture Frames, Coffin and.
Caskets made' to order on short notice and a
reasonable rates.
Salem, March 23, 1870.
4. tf
The eUndard remedy for Coufrh, In
fluenza, Sore Throat, Hnoophij;
Couch, Croup, Liver Complaint,
Urotichltis, llleedlujr X of th
l.uiiro, and every affection of the
Throat. I. u;tK and Chest, Induc
ing' Consumption.
Wlatara llalaam does not dry up
a Cough, but loosena it, cleanse
the JLuitR, allays Irritation, thus
removitil; the cause of the com
ntalut None trennlne nnleiseJtrn
edl. IlUTTs. Prepared by 8 liTH
W. POWLli & SON, Ito&ton.
Sold by ltEDDINGTON, llOS.
TETTUU & CO., n Francisco,
and by dealers generally, , , lfly
1 im
if." s v