Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, July 16, 1870, Image 1

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    2Hu pr t jgou . ; llcpitblican
Is Iasued Every Saturday Alternoon at
D Alias, Folk County, Oregon. ,.
OFFICE:Main atre'eV between Cmirt and
Mill streets, two doors south of tho- Poatofiice.
SINGLE COPIES-One Year. $2 50; Six
'MaaMu..$l 75; Three Months, tl M. (.
Slerijitii mutt be p'niJ atrivtty in advance
One square (10 or first inserln,tS a
-Ecb 8absoqent insertitn-.'......i. '4 .Q
, ,A liberal deduction will be mada to quar
terly and yearly adrertiscrs.
Professional cards will bo inserted at $12 00
per annum. ; ": ' 4 .'"
Transient advertisements must be paid for
In advance to insure publiea'ion. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
Lezal tenders taken at their current ralne.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
furnished at low rates on abort notice.
aU advertising bills must be paid
month'y. AAA' ,T '"'
The workshops open wide their doors
At six oVock P. M ,
And workmen 1ssj forth by scores,
At sis oclo..k P. M. '
Of all the niinute. in array.
Of hour that go to make the day, ?
There none so welcome. so they say,
As six o'clock P. M.
'How many children show de'ight
At ix 0 r'o Jc P. M r
'How manj home are remb-red bright
At ix ..'clock P. M.
JTow many little happy feet
Go -ut into th buy .treet.
With joymi bonnd pap to meet,
At six o'clock P. M.
Thousands of tWes draped in white.
At six o'clock P. M.
The gathered fa H ics unite
At six o'clock P M.
And as they eat the fi-u 1 fare,
They quite fr-et ther loll a;i 1 care,
And drop their huvy -burtiiins thrrs,
At ix.oUcfc P. M.
.-Then blow, ye sfco-Irikini wlite, blow !
At tit Mwk P.M.,
And let the weary tU-fa g , v
At fix oYl.n-ft P. M.
'Itirt ontrreteH-'iTi bells. rln ont j t :
And tM the ire-Bun take the hour,
'And echo It all io I ;alo,ut
" "'Ti six 'el6ck P. M."
Myra Clark Galaes.
riewspaper reader have leen, tor
long time, f.imiiiur with the nutuerou
Jawfuitft of 3ir.s. G tines It is gratify
' inr to team that they are ended for the
present. liiey have LixumI to obab' v
iwrty yeans airi hi i.ist miu iiai uuiaiur
tu l ie itnHMjt4'U nir urcrt-v, puiiiii
her Ln noesion of her "nronertv in
New ()rleans. This property, nl(huiv;h
it does not emhrace .thai' w $ stud
for. is worth several iniillunH of dollars.
and'flte may well be satisfied with that
! t 1 til
4 Hie history oi njis remarKaoiQ , wo
man reads like a. romance.';.,; It U qua!
in 'New ()rleaf, ami was tle onlvehi'd
of Dai.t-1 Clark, a . wealthy aristocrat.
, H.mn after h death, interested nerxoos
kidnapped hi' r, and ttnt her to the far
West, where she was luruught up in to
tal i2;rorariee of her 'parentage. After
.he iarrid Mr. Whitney? her firf hns
--- Vkanrl n r fiinwlAnr fnf 1 tr IidV tliti-
secret of her hirth. and from that hour
she has never telaxed in herjeffirtS: to
expire the con.pivator who had de
frauded Iter, and to recover the posses
-sin of her rightful heritage. fJ'he case
was dragged through, courtafter court
And it length she "obtaintd a favorahk
decision in the Supremo Court of the
: United States. Jut at this irne the
rWf: brnke out ; Federal authontiet
could do nothing in New OrltMins. and
11 she has. been compelled to fight the
case over again. And, she ha sue
ceeded lItvis a "gicat triumph for a
V V m mm m m,m m, mm W r J M Vllf J
nothing appaJjed Vr. Gen. Gaines,
herllast husHand, was as much inter
csted in the case as she wuu, and he did
i good service in the cajtsc.-- The r cent
decree of J udge Bradley, putring Mrs
; uatocs to possession or n pqrtioo oi ner
I property, is entirely satisfactory to, her,
Vpd thai ends tho fatuous case. At
lanta (Ga.) Ntw fJra. ;
Brazil.' According to the official
Commercial reports- of the British Cop
.'..K ! fkn nnmliAr rf ol ?i voa in
BUJS IU JUiiiio, mi ...
that eountrv. ma v be estimated at 2,
000 000, valued from. fifteen dollars to
one thousand five hundred dol'arscaeh.
This difference arises from he varying
-health, age and .qualifications of the
' slaves. It is also asserted ' Utat the
1 slaves are fast dying out ; the rate of
;' births per (innim. - ,
1 ;An ex-pongrcHsman '' of Indiana has
jgot into troublo by fjshiog on Sunday
Work of Malignity.
From time to time scenes of violence
havc been' enacted in the .Southern.
States by ands of, loeh glorying jo the
name of the Ku Klux Klui, a name
that has a sound of' horror for the inno
cent end peaceable. In Georgia. Detu
ocratic, papers have sought to make' the
Kepublican administration responsible
lor such midnight assassinations. No
ticing this attempt, the Augusta (Ga.)
ytifaltonah Repuhticati brings this indict'
meut against the party leaders in that
State, and it will be perceived that the
charges are not altogether Jtiapplicable
to some Democratic wurk in this State.
We quote :
Tlie Governor states hut a notorious
ly palpable truth when hb says of the
Camilla riot that "it is the result ot
the determinatitn frequently and pub,
liely expressed by irresp onsible persons
of one political party . that. the . oher
parry onght not, and shall not, hold
political meetings." The only mi take
Ids Excellency falls into is, that; those
who thus threaten are 'irrespoi.sihle
pesons." You are iome of the ''per
sons!" ar.d you aTe, before God and
man, responsible for the existence ol
this prosct iptive and murderous feeling
now fi ling tho hearts of men who c uld
once lay claim to civihcilion.. This
demon's work is of your doings. You
have charged the he trt of men. and ''wo-'
mi-;i and little children with an unrea
sonabh and unrelenting hatred .of even-thin-
aiid everybody that refuses to
sing hoanr.ahs to the rebel I)em cracy.
In imitation f the serpent of old you
have clagged into the churches and
poisoned the hoty fountains at tho alUt
with unparalleled intolerance toward
every Christian hro'her who refused to
tnp the mad ravings of Benjamin Hill
with the beautiful and wouderful doc
frines-nf Jcsu Christ in his sermou on
the mount,. You h ive attempted to en
?er the sacred precincts of home, and
array wife agdnt hu band, si ter
gainst brother, and child against pa
rent.- Yu have donned the habilt
utenfs of the grave, and, at the mid
night' hour, when honest men were
a le?p,. your infimous Ku KIux Kl tns
have been infimid iting, whipping, and
murdering mn, for ; no other renson
tha t lhat thy were not Democrats
You h'tve intimidated the- respeetable.
conservative and honest citizens ol
vour own party, until they scarcely dare
say their .soul arc their own. You
have stifled every sentiment of coari
ty jn the hearts, of those over whom
you exercise any influence.- Yu en
eournge mob la v, violence, intimidation
and assassieation. You profess to be
tor peace, but it is only the peace of
the grave upon the inexorable eonditior
"f an ahso'ute surrender of everv pri
vate riht. Ynu say you recognize the
ah"litioii,nff slavecy, yet jot would not
ensliive the body, but ym would en
nl tve the minds and intellects of tucn.
Yon accuse men of lying, while the
truth i.-.not in you. You hate tSe
Goveinnitnt thrt. has magnanimously
spared your infamous lives for your
deViiish treason of the past, and are
now plotting fonts overthrow and de
struction. Vou abuse lintus u. Jui-
lock ' Ytiu are a set of pismires that
he ' can place ,under; his honest : feet
What cm you siv agiinst his private
character.' Nothing... Your whoh
stock in trade consists in . falsehoods
and slander. You are enemies of your
country, of your State arid of society.
Charles .Dickons is dcid ! sd says the
cable. And the cable is false. Dick
eus is not dead. ' ;
This Js a specimen of the talk with
which the preW is' frothing over just
now... What's the-use of torturing our
poor, honest, innocent language in this
manner? If any man. or. a greater
than man, ever died if there is a word
in all the languages spoken among J the
children ofanenj that indicates the dis
solution of the , tie which has united
soul and body-and if .there is not,
there should bo then Charles Dickens
is dend. The apostle charged to his
pupil to "hold fast the form ofsouud
words." If the press ganr wouid do
t'iffsame thing it would be Tvcll J W
might have less fancy writing, but we
should have more solid thinking. ,
v Theatrical bu ioess in San Francisto
is lively. Four knock -down fiiihts be
tween managers : and stari tho patt
week. '
Aconite .was the panacea for the
houseliold wars of a Wisconsin womon,
It operated more qnieklj than a divorce
Llxjei lencts of a Census Taker
function of the Grand Swalm
Head-LighL who sucks from Uncle
V:r v -t T J .i ,' -
Sams bottle -and goose quill fand Cen
8us Marsliai for the county of Gteenei
in i is paper of last week relates the
following moving adventure : j
. The duties of a cenus faker are on
erous Hod poorly paid, but what it lacks
in spe'ter is in some degree made 'up by
the large grist of the ridiculous and
and amusing that works itself out of
the htttnanity counted. A joke-master
general cotld find enough to keep him
in a happy hiood for a generation of
time. We 6toppcd at a laro bouse
wiih '- lot8 of people- living -in it, an l
were hospitably'entertained by. the in
dwellers there. There were a number
of buxom, rosy cheeked lassies in the
family, whose ntness for the wifiog of
any Greene county boy none cartgain-'
ay. .After the usual amount ' of tea
talk, a light was given us, and without'
directions where tO-find the couch that
was to furnish test for-one hujudred
and sixty pounds of Assistant Mar.-hal,
wih a lively hopes within us that we
could find our way without erring, we
hade the old folks gttod night and trav
eled away. The first room we went
into created a flutter, and we found we
had run on girl No. 1 and her lad,
doing up a good riot of sparking" We
Idurted out an .apology, and started
bed ward ,onee more. Some men are
bom unlucky, and others have it thrust
upon them. In our case it is mixed.
We opened the first door next appear
ing, when something mildly interrogat
ed: 'Damn yer," what d'yre want ?"
Wc didn't want anything, ant backed
out. Bight across the hall w were
tire our bed was awaiting us, and we
holfcd right into the rooai. just in time
to hear a smack that reminded us of
the time when our paternal took ,uh
;Cross Itis knees ami let a slipper drop
ith some force. We saw that WeJlras
not company for girl No. three aind her
fellow and left. jWc. went out !on the
porch and sat there on the be noli to the
dark shadow; pouderiogjn oar minds
he vanities of I. life and the unusual
amount of sparking goio on !iu the
ranehei We looked caretullydown to
the further end of the 14 foot; bench
and there was mother bunch -of boy
tnd girl m niixed up that we catdd
hirdly tell which had the waterfall.
We moved. The kitchen found us
next; and the young lady lhat jturned
tip therein was so determined toj inter
view us with a rolling-pin, that we fell
back in good ordeif followed by a Hi
bernian beriedictiin. Eight miles from
home; an orphan with poor clothes, an
ofSecr of the "best govertiment jthesun
ever shone on." tired and lost in a hoiise
where everybody was sparking every
body else,-was a condition awful in the
xtime. If we could have somebody
to spark, we could have burrie the mar
'yrdom with a heroiMn that wud
ltavedone much 'for us hereafter, but
is we had none to comfort us, we with
drew and slept in the stable, and judg
ing from the whinneyiu of the! horses
they were spat king, tool
Ic nAL FfiET; The celebrated anat
omist, I 'rofessor Ilyrtlof Vienna Uni
versity, recently opened one of his. lec
tores to his class with the singula!" ques
tion : 4 Which is ih,e most beautiful
fot,: considered from the anatomical
standpoint?" and then stid : Vlt is
retnarkablo, that ,thero can be so many
divergent opinions on this subject."
While the sons of men look upon a
small, slender and graceful , foot (a
htdy's foot) a ; an ideal one, j lie anat
omist utterly rejects; it as beautiful, and
only the large, long and broad foot is
the ideal one in his eyes. Even the
greatest classical writers of antiquity.
Horace Catullus, and others, lho had
greatnpprcciation of feminine 2 beauty,
never mentioned in tle descriptions of
their beloved and, as is well f known,
they-had mitiy their small fet, 'The
people behmging to the Celtic rice have
such small feet at.d hands that they
may be envied by mauy Kuropenn coun
fesscs. The native troops of ; tla Eng
lish army in India possess in England
their own armory, whero peculiar kinds
of weapons; are constructed for -them.
The sword hilts made for them are
much too small for. us to grasp with
ease. The greatest beauties ! of r Eu
rope, the Italians, have really long aud
broad feot. . . . - ' ! .. .
A' Wisconsin ccntlemaQ sat down on
i bee hive the other day. lie : regrets
the thinoesa of s his trousers. I -a. -i , .-
. "... . j.
A savngo donkey hag avenged the
wrongs of his race by tram f ding a; boy
to death on an 'English com moo. v
Telegraphic Nimiiiiary.
-'5 :v- f ' ..' - .. - ,
J J .. :-Jti. ;..!'? , , ,. i.l ;. ; --! ' ,
:a Washington, July 7. Jn the Sen
ate a memorial of California importers
agaipst the 'oppressive features of the
income tax was presented by Casscrly,
and adopted. '; ' 'a ' :--i
A bill to wake Tuesday-after the 1st
Monday of , November, auuifbr4u day
for the election, of Hepresentatives to
CorigTess, beginning 1 872, was amend
ed by an apportionment bill fixing -the
f number of; Hepresentatives at 3UI), and
by "allowing aty btato having a fraction
of 'population exceeding half , the
amount required for a representative,
an additional representative. The bill
passed, wt the s amendments require
the' concurrence of theUouse.
In the House, tltH conference report
on the currency bill was adopted, 100
to 70 The Missouri contested elec
tion case was decided in favor of M r.
Dyer, the sitting member, 108 to 55 '
85,000 was allowed to SwitzJer, con
tcstant,;.; -. . ,: : .
It is believed that the nimo' of the:
new Minister to England will go to the
Senate cet week, and it is probable
that the President will convene the
Seriate in executive sesieu on the Mon
day '-"following the adjournment of
Congress. The President has with
drawn the nomination of Hoots as Min
i-ter to Chili. ? The rumor of Fish's
resignation is untrue. t He remains at
the request of the President. He did
not desire the English mi.-sion. An
other geotletnah w.ll be nominated soon
II. f W Scott has been confirmed as
Collector of Customs for the WiUametic
District of Oregon. , Gen. Aekerman's
commission was signed today. He
had an interview with the President.
Chicago, July 8. The Tribune's
Washington special . rays there is no
foundation for the story that the Pres
ident has thought of recalling Ban
crtift. Both the President and Secre
tary Fish. wUh him to reuatQ where
be is. , .,; . ' a -
The Ways and Means Committee
are considering the tax bill, and have
agreed to the Senate proposition upon
thetncotne tax, nnmely : 2 per cent,
fof two years, .with S'i.QOO exemption.
The atnendmetit concerning , the trans
portation of goods in bond between cer
tain ports of entry was also agreed to.
On a number,of minor points thu Com
mittee will recommend non-concurrence
and a conference committee.
The Time special savs Gen. Sher
man had ao interview witlt the Presi
dent relative to Indian troubles. Sher
mart believes that the Sioux certainly
mean to go on a raiding expedition
along the frontier in Wyoming and
Dakota; andthat the --'military posts
should c strengthened. Per contra,
the Bureau docs not believe that a gen
eral Indian war is probable. Its in
formation is based on dispatches of the
Quaker agents. ; " :
i PakIS, July 7. The Minister of
Foreign Affairs has received informa
tion of a. massacre of French in Pekin.
Instructions will be . immediately ent
to the Commander of the French fleet
in Chinese waters, that no special ex
pedition will be despatched, as the na
val, force is deemed sufficient to vindi
cte the Outraged dignity of France.
!(LoNDoy, July 7. The Pot says
tfie Great Powers will be disposed to
sanctjon any energetic action of France
for , the pt'tiishment of the Chinoe.
It is thought the press is semi officially
inspired to speak for the English Gov
ernment. :
The Senate h is, by a decided : major,
ity, refused to strike oul the word
"white" in the naturalization law. This
action rerc oves the Chi nam atf Trom po
litical contests for a while at least, and
by. tho time the subject comes up again
thc American people will have thor
oughly investigated the subject, and
will be able to decide right. The- de
civsion' of the1 Senate suiti the "people of
the Pacific coist. They regard this
country as given to them by its foiind-
jers, and that we have the moral as well
the the legal right to admit within our
own . borders . whomsoever we wish.
Years ago the people, of the Uni.ted
States "formed a partnersbip, by, the
terms of which! they agreed , to govern
themselves. Now thoy have a right to
admit new partners or ', not. just -as
-cems good. Admitting the Chinaman
is not one of those proper acts.
Gol. F'fikVLrtnp; Branch team is a
;-?jxin-httOl i0f;coul hlaclc and -tnilk
white steeds. . Lord . Lovei . will , be on
hand with" hi comb.
At Vy fc luisc I lor-a l-I.a w
McMhiuviUe, Vamliill Ct., Ortg;yu. .
Particular attention givea to tberetody tnd
practice of Criminal Law, Collection of Claim,
Notea, Accoonte, etc. J ;;:.;j';' 'A"AU; a " t , r
'f ; jr. it. iTEs, n. d.o
Piiysiciau , a nil Surgeon,
. Dallas, OgH, f ,.,ffv;';i.
Having rnmed ftriicttee.l will 'jgiv special
attentj'io to Obstetric, aud l.be trcaticout of
tho diseMAcs of Women and Children.
tf-OlBce at bit rvfeidiocel v " ' '
L. VISKVARD. ' . : . K. X.m BCTLKH.
vii e: w n d & kutle if ,
Counsel I or-at-Lau
, ' Dallas, Oregon,
Will give speeial aitniiun to the collection of
Claims, and all luioe9 entrusted to bii care.
KEFEUUXCEfi Uon." Jolrn Burnett; Hons.
R. S. btraban 4 fcUtupson, lion, A. J..TUayr.
' ' - 35
B . IV f C. I, ill . i.?
riiysician and Surgeon,
Dallas, Oregon.
OFFIfE At Niche!' Drnsr Str. , ' Sfi
Ph y i c i an a n 1 1 8 ti rgc o n .
;in , .v Iala. Oregon. ; , : a' A.
Fpaeial attention given to Obstetrics and
Diiiii f ' Wi.men. f : Iff
4. U.JMVlDaO.', D.,f
Physician nnd Siucoii,
f iidepeiideuce, Ogn.
T. V. R. SCniMree.
'S&T" Office at reMcne i : , 14yl
C. . CURfi.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
sal. liii, oki:go
Will practice In all the Courts of Record and
Inferior Courts of this State.
OFFICEIn Watkinds A Co's Brick, p
stairs. . '.:', - ' . , -: , - ' I i
Attorneys U Coimsellors-at-Law,
Dalian, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of tbe Ftate. I
Attorney and CounselloratLaw.
Dallas. Orecou.
Special attention given to Collections and to
matter pertaining to Beat Estate. 1 ,
I. A. A p plcal c,
(Dallas, Polk County, On. r 1
Iay$iclaii and Surgeon,
LewLitillc, Folk Co., Ogu.. '. .
Has recclitly returned from the Atlantic States
AniloflfeJS LI protecttiijual service to tho cilia
ten of the County. v
Particular attention given to Female Di"
eases. ;
Jt. B.KVICHT. - J I W( t. LOl
Corner, Commercial autl stntc Strtctn,
Opposite I.add t ltuh8 Hank,
Will practice in the Suprctrio Court Rrd the'l
Circuit ;-Court of the bqcvnd ana ltira Ju.
dicial Districts. ' ? -2-tf
CKO. 1. ccr.RKV.
, t "C V R UG ?!& nil RLEY, ;
a J i Al It3riicys-Al-La .. ; j? ;.
"""" rr s-tr r:"'. . "... I :)
A I Vy& Con ns c 1 1 o r-a I- L a v,
Lafayette, Oregon.
S tf
b. r. Rvsr.i.t, ' c. r. rEnuv, "
Kail Ettte Attomty. AVfary '5oV.
Real: KNlalc llrokers and
Collection Agents,
NortUtsrest Cor. of First and Washington
;.. . t. , Sirotts, ., v t.
Ppecial attention given to the sale nf Real
Estate. Collcotians jnade in Oregon and the
Territories. . .' . ' . - n
Property, town lots, improved farms, stock
ranches, land. &c.l situated in the best portion
f Oregon, and W, T. for ale on reaaonnhle
terms. , . 3-tf t
t A. l FORBES, ' ,
A t Vy 4&otinscl!or-alar.
l4tfayette Orr goii :
mr mj fmm m l.t l jv7 '
Physician,' Surgeon & AccouctitT,
:h'Ji naeiia Vlsta;Pofk'Co.,i)gii4
' Will atend promptly to pcofessfonal ealtV, -
X a feNt xc tone B'Wtf tV'F-
i5f i. A. M., Dillas hold 1ta'v regular com
Vxmunicatioiis on tho Saturday preceding
tbe Full Mon in each month, bales the moon
full on SaUrday-r-kben oa that day, t .a
o'clock. . . - , ' , .
; Alfo, on tbe second Friday ia'eacb tnonth
at S o'clock, P. M , or the purpose rf Itnprofe
uieut ot the Craft in Masonry, and for Kich
other work as the; Master ?eay f tooi tim
liiueordcr.. ' ' ,
All Brethren In good et&ndwg are UvfUa to
atteud.Jiy order of the f. : vf l'
Bear tcetimony to tbe Wonderful CaS
A ECccts of . . jj.a
Si Dr. Joseph Walker's v
Manufactured from the native IIrl and Rooti
:' I'U: ' ot Cali:orjii.ii .':'".;'.'.'.';;;:..
r Tha Great HlooJ PcrificrtS2:
have been in't uccfftui. iM tu vic&ap
K4 .re cauiu-d Lv VITIATED BLOOD. Trbirh
is peuorally produced Ly dtraugtictiit oi lb"
riof the Vitiatti Blood whenever Tou
find Us iwpurities bursting -through-the skin in
1'iir. ivi. Kruntion?. or -orcs: clrause it . ahca
r..n fiiiit it nKmlrii-tpJ act nlfii'l'i.h in IIm
veins; cleanse it ythvu it Is fooL and yr feel-
ings vrm leu )u uin. iwet ue t;ooa ueu
thy, and ail will Ue welt.
: : - iAGESTSi ; '; .'.
II. II. 31 cflOtf AliE 'Sc Co
:,; . : Iuirrllttff Vholefale ;r l i l
-.V,D n:UG i I T.S :t
Corner Pine jud Sanrome Stmrts, San Fran
, cisco, CaU and tNcrameut, CtL, and
r-:-. 1 vs 34 Piatt srecvN."Y. - .-;?i
Carriage and Ornanii nf al
Commercia ftrset,
Opposite StarVtjr's "Bkck,
21 -t -.. 8AIEIT.
x erved to cuptotners on short notice. ,
'Thi estaMibracnt does not dispense tangle
fool cr anything of that character. f i :S ,
: p- C U at tlio C;tm,-tS? -
- " 5 '2vir ' ! ;.; .
Corner Mill and JIaJii streets Dils.
: Zl izzs & t a in l be 1 1
a larpre ". vari. ty of Pot-.rs - ard
Sashes, of all tho com as on Rd
the Vest workmanybip. at their Rafh and Ioor
Factory, which' thej offrr for sie'a cheap as
such attic lea cuu lo purchased elsewhere,
- They aro ho prepared to fill all i-pccial or,
dcrs fur work 4a their lice proiaptlyche'aply
And accurately, 1 r -. : , , y
Olve us,a trial and yon r.he satisfied,
preprcd to furnih all clni-ws with constant
inployment at hiae, the hl of ihe time or
Tnr the rparo moments. Itosincss" new, lijrht
nd proStbla. Pcrpops of either sex tily
earn from 50c. to $ 5. per cvitdfjr, and pr-por.
tjn.il sum hy dcvoti.Tg tht ir whdo time to ttse
liuinfs. Eo.vs ai d girl rain &orly ac t urh 1
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