Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, July 02, 1870, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
m. is.
. t.
LL LL3 Oil- -
8 It t ; & r t s o u $ p h I i f a n
la Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
. Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
SY D. M. C. GAULT '&-C0MP'Y,
OFPICE-Main street, between Court and
-Mill streets, two doors south of the Postoffiee.
SINGLE COPIES One Year, $2 50; Six
Months, $1 75 ; Three Months, $1 00.
Subscription must be paid ttrictly in advance
Onesquare (lOlines or less), first insert'n, $3 00
Each subsequent insertion.... 1 00
"A liberal deduction will be made to quar-;
-terly and yearly adrertisers. , j
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
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Transient advertisements must be paid for
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Q,A11 advertising bills must be paid
in on tfdly.
A Strange Story.
Tt was ; midsummer and hirh noon
when her soul dropped its humanity
I held her in my arms till the very end;
then I laid down the deserted chrysalis
of the immortal soul, and -left it for
awhile. I went out to commune with
myself; I wished to be away from the
idle gabble of those who thought them
selves able to comprehend and sympa
thize with me beexuse of our human
ity.- '
The fields were basking still and
green in the broad and yellow sunlight;
the cattle were resting in unreasoning
animal content in the cool shadow of
the flickering, foliage j the great blue
rimmed lake smiled, sparkled and crink
led in, the full moonlight. .
I saw these things, not in their real
ities,, but in their possibilities. The
fielder, bathed in sunlight, and vocal
with the-shrill-chorus of the insect or
che&t'ra, became verdurcless and silent,
and yawned into deep sepulchres for!
the entombment of all life J the beasts, i
ruminant and content, dec'ay again,
and be again reborn. All created life
to my grief-annointed eyes, was but a
whirling circle, and to die was but a
change of form.
But I held in my ban 1 a secret. It
would eoable me to make exceptions to
the . universal law I, an infinitesimal
atom of the universe, fad learned how
to contravene the apparently immuta
ble order of things.
- I had learned how to arrest decay.
This knowledge was no sudden inspi
ration. It was the result of a long, la
borious study and research. . It was a
successful result after many vain ex
perimentsa victory wrested from
countless failures. Not in my own
cause had I so ardently striven for the
possession of this secret ; it was for her,
ifiy beloved, my beautiful bride, who
had just died upon my breast. All uns
conscious of my dread knowledge, she
had calmly talked of the time when her
soul should be awaiting mine in another
sphere, while the perfect form which
rested in rav arms should bloom into
flowers, or be blown hither and yon by
. idle winds, like common dust.
I looked upon that sweet face, and
silently5 swore to myself what was so
dear to me should never become noth
ing. The breaking of one of creation's
laws weighed little with me in compar
ison with the utter loss of that dear
incarnation. True I could not bind
the soul to ejltth I had no power over
spirit, but only over matter but 7l
could render the body imperishable.
Perhaps I hoped at some future hour
the soul would revisit the temple thus
jcept inviolate.
Filled with this resolution, I return
ed to the body, and subjected it to cer
tain operations which my researches
liad proven would suspend the natural
iaw. that: governs lifeless matter. I
extracted all the blood from the body
and replaced it with a liquid prepara
tion. Further revelations I cannot
make. It is one of the secrets which
cannot be imparted. Each rash inquir
er must, at the hazard of life and rea
son, wrest it from among nature's well
guarded mysteries.
While 'the world slept I worked,
quickly and steadily. At last the morn
broke, and my task was finished.
Slowly and gradually rose the god of
day-r , He shone upon a new sight -unchangeable
matter. One rathful red
ray he shot through the oriel window;
it fel upon, the statu te llke figure, and
bathed it ae if in blood. There seemed
nothipg ominous in that sign to me
then,' v
Scarlet had been my JvifeV favorite
color, at,d I remembered this when I
prepared the room wherein to place the
body. The walls were hung with it
the floor was carpeted with it; aud
heavy folds of the same ensanguined
hue draped the high windows and ex
cluded every ray of light. The vast
ceiling was frescoed to represent a cur
tain parted in the center for the de
scent of an.angel,'and .he face of the
angel was the face of my bride.
All around the walls. -near to the
ceiling, burned continually tall, slender
spears of flame. In the center of the
room the ouly object in it was the
catafalque. Upon it, cQvcred with a
pall of white velvet, rested the form
which I had preserved from decay.
White and cold, like marble, but yet
flexibleit was and would remain the
only incorruptible animal matter upon
the globe. - .
In this mausoleum I spent the ma
jority of my time. No other human
being knew the secret guarded by those
locked doors. I held no converse with
my fellow men I lost count of the
days and months yes, even of the
years. My world was the scarlet-hung
garishly lighted room ; my companion
a human form, long lifeless, and immu
tably staid on the verge of dissolution.
I But as my crime was unparalleled,
so was my punishment -to be unprece
dented. ; There came at last a message from
the outer world. A kinsman lay dy
ing, and I oborcd the summons. The
night that succeeded that day's jour
ney was the first wherein I had not
rested beside my wife's bier, and slight
ly slumbered there ever dreamily con
scious of her presence.
Thrice that night I became oblivious
and each time it was broken by a loner,
wailinjr musical note. It was like the
sound of an iKolian harp, save that it
did not vary. It seemed to come from
a window which was close to the bed
head. I arose, and without lighting
my lamp, drew aside the curtains. The
window was high from the ground, and
CJS : ; :
being unbalconicd, was accessible only
from the interior. The moonlight,
aleful and dazzling, flooded the whole
silent landscape. I passed my hands
over the ? ash to see if I could discover
any hidden mechanism; but neither by
sight nor touch could I find the origin
of the lugubrious sound.
I find it impossible to explain this
phenomena, even to myself, and it is
difficult to describe it. It was like an
audible sigh, or breath made in a mu
sical note. It realized perfectly my
idea of
a iuemnon. smitten ny me
- r ... 1 . 1
morning sun
It came each time
when I was slipping into clumber, and
ceaed after the third tim when, hav
ing been broadly awakened, I afterward
slept by snatches. iU
At last the morn broke, cool and fair.
The sun, large and vellow, came slowly
rounding into sight above the horizon's
blue rim. I stood in the pardon look
ing at it. I was thinking how bright
ly and how vainly it. shone upon those
heavily draped windows behind which
lay my dead. I wished to be there.
Outside of that room the world seemed
big. and coarse, and hard. That form,
lifeless, empty as it was, was dearer
than any living mortal.
Ah me! I sighed the same odd,
weary eigh. The fresh, sweet morn
grew dark and old, and life hung upon
me like-an ill fitting garment. With a
passionate, hopeless moan, I turned my
back to the blushing, brightening East.
But, in so turning, I confronted a wo
man who was perfectly in consonance
with the new born day, and so out of
all unison vith my funeral meditations.
She was fair, as are all women when
fresh from Heaven's mint, and unpol
lutedvby worldly circulation. Her eyes
were dark, and clear, and azure, like
the summer sky at early eventide. Her
lips were folded in a kiss no passion
yet had caused to blossom. When she
smiled, little dimples came out and sun
ned themselves. She was the personi
fication of youth and vitality.
As our eyes met, seemed to me that
the corpse I had so long pressed to my
breast dropped from my embrace. A
great instantaneous revulsiou of feel
insr took place. Who "was I. that I
should seek to perpetnate and employ
death? Why had I believed that all
life lived but to die, when, in truth, it
died only to be reborn ?
"'Tis life, not death, for which we pant
Mo e life, an! fuller, that we want."
Why had I sought to keep a "mass of
matter from being recreated, ana stay-j
ed and fixed it on the verge of dissolu
tion 1 What mad purpose had I achiev
ep in thwarting kindly nature, who
would have made a thousand lovely
living forms of what I had decreed
should remain a horrible incarnation of
death 1
Thus did all morbid fancies and
ghoul-like ideas vanish before this
young girl's glance, like devils before
the flash of angel's wings. Frcun Jthat
moment T loathed my; work, I could
not undo what I had done I could not
destroy what I ha 1 madeiudistructible.
There was only left me the source of
oblivion. I persistently thrust away
from me all remembrance of that gar
ish mausoleum, its scarlet hangings, its
steady, uuflickcring lights, its awful si
lence. In this new life I. was like . one raised
from the dead. -I could not believe
that skies, wereever so blue or star
studded as before; fields so green or
moons go silvery. A presentimeut of
evil haunted me, but it came from the
past, and I resolutely turned my back
upon it, was defiantly happy.
The young girl who thus brought
me out of, death into life,., was, the
daughter of my host. She, her dying
father and myself, were the last sole
descendants of an old, pure-blooded
race. .The thought, of, connecting our
young lives must, therefore, have oc
curred to all three of us. Her father
feared her friendless future, I loved
her, and she looked forward only to her
loneliness unless ; she yielded to her
heart and became my wife. She knew
I had been married before, and that I
was a widower and she knew no move.
She learned this from her father. Nut
by any'&elf control could I bring my
self to speak to her directly about my
lost wife." i .
Our bridal wifs solemnized in the
presence of the dying; the old man,
her father, had so desired it, and he
drew his last breath as the final words
of the service 'were being pronounced.
I could hut notice how death had set
his seal upon my second marriage, but
I mentally scoffed at the omens. " As I
said before, I was defiantly happy.
I have spoken of my punishment
as being unprecedented. It was with
al so horrible, that now, when -1 atn
about to begin its recital, I hesitate
and feel that I can hardly hope for cre
dence. .
The third morning ,aftex.pr Car
riage, my wife woke me up by a cry of
mingled' terror and surprise. Upon
her pillow were one or two drops of
dried blood, and on her round arm and
white neck was the purple spot from
which they oozed. She 'professed ut
ter ignorance in regard to the affair,
declared that she had never slept more
soundly, and that the wound must have
been made during her slumber.
Finally, after much wondering and
arguing, we settled down in the belief
that it was the work of some insect I
noticed however, that, though she de
nied feeling. any pain in the wound,
she Iookad wau and appeared weak.
She hid the puncture with a ruff of
fine, soft lace. In a few days it had
faded to a little pink spot, and finally
From that night my wife grew daily
more languid and pale. At long inter
vals the mysterious wound was "'repeat-'
ed, though it did not appear upon the
throat a second time. First the right
wri.st was punctured and discolored,
and then the left. Hitherto I had re
frained from calling in a physician,
in consequence of my wire's entreaties
not to. After this third attack I con
sulted one. He came a solemn, be
spectacled old gentleman. lie spent
the first quarter of an hour in examin
ing the wound, and explaining why it
was impossible for it to he an eruption:
the next quarter in shaking: alternately
his lotion and his head,
The third wound, like itVpredecess
ors, grew gradually fainter and smaller
until it was invisible.' Its enervating
effects continued, however. 3Iy ! wife
had now be come so much of an inva
lid that she rarely rose from her couch.
Her skin was like wax, save for the
blue, thready 'veins'' which- ramified it.
I realized that, slowly, but surely, she
was wasting away. Another of thosa
mysterious wounds would literally suck
her life yet, how to avert it ?
Since, her last attack if such it was,
I had consulted every medical man ac
cessible to me, but they were all evi
dently nonplussed'. I did not under-
4 rate their skill because of their igno
rance in the case. I realized that this
was something far beyond the common
ailments of mortality. Suspicions, un
defined and yet JiorrjbTe, were ! begin
nk'g to revolve themselves in my mind.
Witchcraft, tpiritualism, deraonism, all
these in turn my distracted mind can
vassed and rejected, only to return and
canvass afresh. -
It was at ' this time, after the third
wound, and while I was in this mental
confusion, th.atI-w.as pacing" the street
with eyes downcast and mind distracted
I saw the" following advertisement post
ed upon the sidewalk : '"'"'
, 1
'What ia.it you wish to know ?" Go
to Dr., Stellare ; he knows what has
been, .which is, -and wliich will be
Nothing is hidden from him. No. 95
! r
;I' went straight from the reading of
this' placard to see the sage.
J. was .admitted into a sort of ante
room,. where the doctor soon joined me.
He inspired me with chilling awe. He
was- tall and emaciated. His black,
deep-set eyes flowed like coral with a
sort of lurid light, horrible to sec. His
heavy black, hair hung like some solid
mass "below his shoulders; his dressing
gown eve" if JP&a-calculated to strike ter
ror! to i the heart of the seeker of for
bidden knowledge. It was some kind
of black -stuff, with what appeared to
be yellow lines and spots mottling it.
A longer and closer inspection of these
yellow deyjees proved them to be danc-1
ingj grotcsqnely-postured, orange-hued
devils. Aftcrr making that discovery
the yellow hue would never resume its
original innocent aspect, but remained
fiendish to the end.
' Fixing his gaze upon me, he began,
in ji, low, sepulchral voice, and in a
tragic style, to announce the object of
my visit he stated it correctly. He
then turned, and lightly struck a cur
tain behind him with a hazeled wand.
; '-Behold !" he said.
The curtain parted and showed a
vista of darkness. At the further end,
in letters of blue flame, were the words:
"Trio living are dying that the dead
may live."
At the sight of these characters
thii oracular inscription my -heart
gave one convulsive bound, and then
seemed to become cold and still. I
asked no further questions ; I paid my
fee,j and rushed from the' house. My
suspicions were scarcely yet defined.
The thing which the blue letters hint
ed was too horrible for credence. Yet
there was no rest for me until I had
confronted the truth. To rid myself
of jib is dreadful, haunting terror, it
was necessary I should go back to the
scar'et chamber and look again
my! dead;
I I went, without delay, I did not
even return to tell my wife of my pro
posed, journey. I traveled night and
day, and reached my former home in
the spring twilight. The old house,
gray and ghostly, stood out agakist the
dun sky; the decrcpid old man, who
wa its only living occupant, peered at
mejwith hi3 dim eyes, not knowing me
at first sight. I rid mj-sclf of him in
a few words, and slowly mouhtcd the
stairs, and stood before-the door which
hid my awful ecorct. I had always
carried the key about me; I had it
now in ' my hand, pausing, hesitating,
trembling. Day and night the gas-jet
burned in that long unopened room.
Something, then, 1 should sec but
wh'at? The key turned smoothly in the
lock, the door moved easily upon its
hinges, and I stpod on the threshold
looking 'nt0 secret chamber. Under
tiro white velvet pall still lay the clay
form of one so madly worshipped. But
even from Where I stood, the rigid face,
one so wax-likp, had a delicate but
frejsh tint. ' It is the shadow of the
draperies, I thought. But the scarlet
draperies were, not near the body. Did
the muslin upon the breast move?
Yc3, it stirred.
"No, no,
I whispered;
is but "the
or the eras
But the lights burned straight
lowly, creeping
like a cat, step by
I step, never taking my eyes from the
body, !1 approached. The face was
faiiitly flushed with the huo of life
the. bosom had an almost imperceptible
rise and fall, but the eyes were closed.
If I they should pen I ith a deeper
at-effort, wherein I seemed to concen
trate all the energies which should
haVe lasted a lifetime, I put out my
haid and touched the wrist of the
dead. .
'Good God ! The pulse was soft and
even. li' :i:' "
My heart stood still, my blood con-
cepled, and a wave of darknass seemed)
suddenly to engulf me. I knew no
more. r . ,
Extra-ct from the Chicago Morning Chronicle,
-' ! r- April 1, 18
The above was handed to us for pub
lication, having been found among the
effects of , the late Dr. Crugar, who
died on last -lnursday at the Insane
Asylum in Jacksonville. Two months
ago the doctor was discovered in an in
sensible condition in oue of the upper
chambers of his house. He had re
turned home only the .evening before,
having been absent for more than a
yar; The "room in which he was
found was usually kept locked, the key
remaining io the doctor's possession.
Tie servant, seeing the key in the lock
(Concluded on fourth page.')
AiVy & bunseIIor-at-Iiaw
MciMiiiuvUle, Yamhill Co., Oregon.
Particular attention given to the study and
practice of Criminal Law, Collection of Claims,
Notes, Accounts, etc. ..,-;
.. J, IS. SITES, ill. D,h;'l
Physician .asid , Surgeon,
Having resumed practice,, will give special
attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of
tho!p-s of Women and Children.
jSsr-Offiee at his residence. ! :
Wy & Counsel I or-at-t'aw
Dallas, Oregon,
Will give speeial aitention to the collection of
Claims, and all business entrusted to his care.
REFERENCES Hon. JiAn Burnett; Hons.
R. S. Strahan & Simpson, Hon. A. J. Thayer.
15. fr JBOXl, iTI, IK,
Physician and Surgeon,
Dallas, Oregon
OFFICE At Nichols' Drug Store.
Physician ' anil Surgeoiij
Special attention :iven to Ohstetrics and
Diseases of Women.
Physiciafii ami Sin
Independence, Ogti. 1
T. V. 15. Einbrce.
PHYSICIAN tVsiiRfi Eoiir
Z3- Office at residence. 14yl
Attorney and Counseilor-at-Law,
Will practice in all the Courts of Record and
Inferior Courts of this State. ;
Watltinds &
Co's Brick, up
Hayden fc Jlycr,
ATT03li2iYS -AT-LAW.
Dallas, Oregon.
Attorneys & Counsellors -at-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,
Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
Dallas, Oregon. '
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Real Estate. -; 1
J. A. AppScgatc, v
Dallas, Polk County, C$rn. 1
Sj. J. WA It DJjX V9- ill.
Physician and Surgeon,
I.ewlsville, Polk Co., Ogn.. , -i
Has recently returned from the Atlantic States
AndoffcJs bis professional services to the citi
zens of the County.
Particular attention given to Female Dis
eases. 2-tf
Corner Commercial and state Streets,
Opposite Iadrt t Hush's Hank,
Will practice in the Supreme Court and the
Circuit Courts fof the Second and Third Ju
dicial Districts j 2vtf
Attorncys-At-Law, 5
; 3-tf -.-..,
' Lafayette, Oregon..
3 if
E. F. Rl'SSEtt,
lieul Estate Attorney. '
'Notary Public.
Real Estate Brokers and
Collection Agents, :
Northwest Cor. of First and "Wash.In.gfon
aireets, -
Special attention given to the sale of Ren
Kstate. Collections made in Oregon and the
Property, town lots, improved farms, stock
ranches, lands, &c., situated in the best portions
of Oregon and W. T., for sale on reasonable
terms. 3-tf
. A. P. FOltBES, ;.
At t'y & Co unsell or-a t-t a w, s j
lia'favette, Oregon. ' - , -
.-, -. .. -, 3-tf . .:
Physician, Surgeon & Accoucheiv
Bueiia VrIsta, Polk Co.; Ogn.j V u ?:
: Will attend promptly to professional call?. -
UA J :f5fiyiS 'LODGE No. O K
'gvr & A. M.,' Dallas, holds its regular com-,
SrXinunications on the Saturday preceding
the Full Moon in each month, unless the moon .
fulls on Saturday then on that day, at one.
o'clock. ."' i
ASV' on, tne Beconu i nunj in -iwu moui;
at 7 o'clock. P. M., for the purpose of improve
ment of the Craft in Masonry, and for'iiieh i':
other work .as. the Ma9ter may from time to ..
time order. '
All Brethren in good standing are. incited o : ; i
attend. By order of the ,W. M-. ;
MORE ' THAN 200,000 ?ERSOS
Bear testimony to the "Wonderful Curative
.1 3 Effect's of' " &a
131. josepn waiuei's
ft T" O '
? ?z (A i-i I J ' U It JN 1 A
Manufactured from the native Herns and Roots
" 'T of California, f
The Great RIood Purifier f;
Lar heen raost succcrsful. SJCTl DISllAf?
ES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD,, whiihi
is generally produced by derangement oi the
Cleanse the Vitiated , Blood whenever f.yoa
find its impurities bursting thTog?i t'hce'ki'n ift
Pimples," Ernptions, or ooreS; cleanse it when i
you find it otrstnrcted and sluggish in , the f
veins ; cleanse it when it Is fo"ul, and yonr feel-'
ings will tell you when.1 Keep the Woi'd hel
thy, and all will be wclL
" ; ' ' ' : AGENTS, "
JR. U, I!lcDOiAf.D & Co.,
Importing Wlioletnle '
Corner Pino and Sansome Street?,' San Fran- ,
Cisco, Cal., and Sacramento, Cal., and
34 Piatt 8'Tet, N. Y. : "J
V ' E. D. SLOATj :
Carriage and Ornaini ntl
.S I in X P AIIX T E TR9
Coramercia ftrsel, 2
Opposite Stirey s Bloclc.
21-tf : BALEiT
D served to customers tti shtiVt notice.
This establishment does not dispense tangle
foot or anything of that character. '
Cll at the Gtm. ' J 1
. : . 20-tf . : ' ... 4.
Corner Mill and Main streets, Dallas;
R iggs & " Ca in plic 1 1
n y -
Snshes. of all the common sizes. ard vfi;
a large variety of-'Dowrs nrd
the best workmanship, at tlieif Sash and Doof
Factory, which they offer for pwe as cheap asi
such articles can be purchased elsewhere. ;
They are also prepared to fill all special or
dors for work in their lino promptly, cheaply
and accurately. . " . .. ?
Give us a trial, and yoa will be satisfied. ,
cattle or sheep, mv CAMERA ai:d PHO
TOGRAPHIC S I OCK J al) my dwelling
house and .Gallery in Dallas. For particulars
inquire of B. F. Nichols or " - ;!" ? !' 'v
Final Scttlemciif.
of the estate of J. M. Rose, deceased, )
having filed his final account and asked for
final settlement of the same. It is ordered byi
the Qohrt that Tuesday, July th, 1870, be set,
for the final hearinp of said accounts ; and all
persons interested therein ore required to ap
pear in the County Court f-Polk -county, Ore
gon, on that day, and file their objections to
the same, if any "there be. :j ;
15-4w J. L. COLLINS, Co. Judga.
22 - -L - '"--m t '
S ca - ' S : - n ' v ' : , -4-
w . . s - - J J; o -
tS o ,
31 6VV
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