EBaasaaEassas: TOWN ft' COUNTY. NEWS. DALLAS, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1870. Polk County Official Directory. Polk county covers an area of about 1,250 iqoare miles. Number of voters. 1,227. Acres C . .4 ,!,. li!. a. ; n aha tr i - n i uuuer ciuuvauun, v.t.nv. v aiue oi assessable property, $1,524,513. The Land Office for. this District is located at Oregon Oity Owen Wade, Register ; Henry Warren, Jfcccerrer. ' i UOOJTY UFKICEKS. Jntlrc, J. U. Uolttns; C(Miiitffioitern, h. C. Dice. I, Levcnsf Sheriff", J. W. Smith ; Clerk, J. I. Thompson ; AnHxxur, II. David: Treinrr, B.. M. May: School Su periuteiident, J. II . My er ; Surveyor, S. T. Biirek : Uorvner, v. v. .buiureu. Post Office Towxs. Bethel, Bridgeport, Bucna Vista, Dallas (county scat), Eola.drand Konde, Independence, Luckiamute, Lincoln, Lewisville, Montnouth, lUekrcal, Salt Creek and Zena. U. S. Mail leaves Dallas for Salem on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. in., return ing same days at 6 p.m.; for Independence, each Tuesday morning at fl; fr Salt Creek, each Tuesday at 1 p. m.j for Lafayette, Mon day and Thursday at 3 p. m., returning Wed uesay and Saturday at 10 a. m.; for Corvallis, Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. m., returning Monday and Thursday at 3 p. in. EELIGIOTJS SERVICES IN DALLAS. 3f. E. CJntrch.D. L. Spaulding, pastor. Services at their church, north sido of Mill street between Main and Jefferson, as follows: First Sabbath (in each month)' in the evening: 2d Sabbath, at 11 o'clock a.m.; 3d Sabbath, in the evening. Regular prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. Sunday School every Sabbath at 9& o'clock a. m. Baptint Chnrcft. J. W. Osb'orn, pastor Ser vices at their Church, corner Court and Jetfer son streets, the Third Sabbath in each month. Chrintian Church. T. F. Campbell, pastor. Services at the Baptist Church second Saturday and Sunday in each month. Jfefhodiit Epitcopnl Church (SuHlJi). B. R. Baxter, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in each month at their Church, southeast corner Washington and Church streets. Poutl.vsd legal teudor rates, strong at 8SAc More Goods. Mr. J. D. Lee went to Port land this week after more new goods. Lost. A note of hand has been lost, for further particulaas see the advertisement. Rais. We have had a splendid rain here this week, that has benefitted the late grain very much. Grain Ripening. Wc hear of several fields of volunteer oats that are almost ripe enough to harvest. For Yiikka. Mr. Jas. W. Smith, our Sher iff, will start ou Monday next with cattle for YrekaJ California. Lumber. The attention of those interastcd is directed to the advertisement of the Buena Vista Mill Company published this week. The 8 team -dap California left San Frar.cisco for Portland on the 13 th. She will probably leave Portland on her return trip on Monday or Tuesday next. Weasels. One night this week a weasel en tered the chickcncoops on Mr. Ed. Delash niutt's place, and killed fifty young chickens Tae destroyer is not yef caught. A Sligiit Changs. Mr. P. C. Sullivan, having purchased the interest of Judge W. C. Whitson in the Okkgon Republican, will here after be interested in the publication of the same. Tall Grass. We bear that the straw in some oat fields in this neighborhood has al ready grown six and a balffect high. If any country can beat that for high, wo will inea? ure again when our grain gets ripe. Wild Ciierbv Balsam. The memory of Dr. Wistar is emba!mcd in the hearts of thou sands whom his "Balsam of Wild Cherry'" has cured of coughs, colds, consumption, or some other form of Pulmonary disease. lf.-2t ' In Progress. The annual meeting of ti e Chris fun Brotherhood of the State of Oregon, is now in session at their camp grounds on the La Creole, near Dixie. The meeting will con tinue through next week, and over Sunday the 26th. Rails. Land owners in this county are lu ily engaged at present drawing fence rails oat of the. mountains for the purpose of fur ther improving their estates. We have seen pome large loads pass through town wagons, Rid to. have on a huudred rails. One load per day is all that can be made. Deai. - Our exchanges convey the intellij gence of the death of Frank It. Stuart, former ly editor and proprietor of the Polk Com Time. lie had been sick, at Portland, most of the cummer and went down to ban trancisco a short time since, where he died.' There are no particulars given. Inquire Within. The mouth is liko a bouse to let However pretty U.raaybeex jterually, it is impossible to judge of its merits until yon have seen the inside. If behind the ruby doors there are plonty of pearl-white fix tures,you will exclaim at once, "How beauti ful l"- To impart the utmost possible brilliancy there is nothing like fragrant Sozodant. V : Fbcit CRors. The apple crop in this neigh borhood will be light this fall. Many farmers who have had a largo surplus heretofore assure us that they will have barely fruit enough for home consumption. This scarcity is occasion ed by heavy frosts that came in May. and by the ravages of thg,"cattapillar8 that destroyed the trees later. ' Sisgisg.Oq Wednesday eveening-last the musical societies, of Polk county, 1. et at this place, in convention, each society wa3. repr' fented, and we understand "avery pleasant meeting was had. Another meeting will take place on Tuesday evening next, but what busi ness is' to be transacted is not communicated to Ui. ' i: - ' Expired. The time of those subscribers who subscribe! for the Polk County Times, when that paper first started, has expired, and we will, without noliee to the contrary, discon tinue their papers. We would, however, like very much to retain all the old subscribers, for we think wo can furnish them with a good onnniv ri!,rwir firwi ihn ...wrfW lm , ' 1 ' " . amply remunerated for the smail expenditure necessary to keep their subscription alive. it - I ' . ! J DROwsEb. Mr. Fryar, mail carrier from Corvallis, tells U3 that on Saturday last a son of Dr. Wright's was drowned at Corvallis. Ho was bathing in the river and, as is supposed, cramped. He was seen to sink by persons at a distance, but before iid could reach him be went down for the last time. Thr body had not been found at last advis. Y ' Goose' Lakewam. On Wednesday last, Mr. John Medsear drove a band of about 1,000 sheep through town. He is on hi3 way to Goose Lake, and will cross the Cascade Moun tains by the Oregon Central Military Wagon Road. . Mr. John Ellis, ot this county, will start on Monday next with 60 head of cattle for the same destination. J Several families passed through on Thursday, bound the same Coal. Some weeks since we mentioned a coal bank discovered in the Coast Range Moun tains by Mr. Litchfield. Mr. L. is prospecting his discovery, and finds it to bo mora valuable than at first supposed: As he tunnels in the bank is found to be increased in size and the coal is better in qualify. From some speci mens we have seen, wc judge that it will make gas. Mr. L. intends fu'ly opening his lode this summer, and if he can make a profit on quarrying coal for the market he will do so. The only difficulty in the way now is a lack of easy and cheap transportation. At an early hour on Sunday morn ing, says the Statesman, five convicts escaped from the .Penitentiary. Two of them, Westcott and Indian Bub, were in the hospital, under treatment. In the evening, as the men marched from the reading room to their cells, three of them managed to slip iutb the hospital ward, and were concealed by the two sick ones. Dnrinjr the nitrht they took up the floor of five inch plank, which had became rotten, and m ide good their escape. Three are snppescd to have gone' in an easterlj' direction the other two up the river Parties are in .search of them in vari ous directions, and it is to be hoped they will all be retaken. One thousand dollars reward is offered by Major M. P. Berry for their arrest, in the follow ing suuh : James Hayden, 5 feet 62 inches high, sandy hair, partly bald, aged 28, $350. Chas. Sutton, 5 feet 2 inches, tattooed on right arm and hand, black hair, 2")0. John Williams, G feet high, anchor on left arm, vessel and letters E. A. M. on right, aged 29, 250. Wifl. Wescott, 5 feet b iuehes, curly hair, light complexion, hn3 ca tarrh in the head, aged 21, $100. In dian Bob, saddle-colored, 100. Each convict wore off a Gardner shackle. The" parting of young ladies is much adieu about nothing. An Iowa clergyman has been depos ed from his church for allowing his wife to use his name to advance the sale of sewing machines. , It is advertised that "An Old Fash ioned Girl" can be had at all the re- eetauie oooic stores, price, .i ou. Unmarried men should mvest. Oliver Wendell Holmes says - that widows who crT eay are firt to marry again. There is nothing like wet weather for transplanting. " An old lady who was asked what she thought of the eclipse, replied, t4We!l, it proves one thing that the papers don't tiUvays tell lies." Brigham Younp; is one of the rich est men in the world. A single New lork bank has invested 800,000,000 in securities on his account, and he is the third largest depositor in the Bank of" England. Josh Billings says : "Menny people spend their t?me in trying to find the hole whar sin got into the world." If two men break Through the ice into a mill pond, they had better hunt for some good hole to get out of, rather than get into a long argument about the hole they fell in. Governor Morton, of Indiana, is a permanent invalid. He walks with a cane in each hand, and addresses the Senate while seated in his chair. " Al though a paralytic there is no lack of enenry . in his manner, and his voice reaches every portion of the spaciou3 chamber and galleries. The indication3-aro that the coming will be the greatest base ball season for years. ;. Young, and old'mcn will neg lect their business to see their favor ites play a match game with some rival club.-. The amount of money which our national exercise costs is immense. Female GAMr.LTcus.There were no gamestressea among the Greeks ; and the Roman women were always too much occupied with their domestic af. fairs to und time to play. What will our modern ladies think when we state that the Emperor Augustus j scarcely wore a garment whieh had not 1 been woven by his wife, his sister or ; granddaughters? STATE ITEBIS. The Douglas county papers arc agi tating the subject of having a Couuty Fair at Roseburg this fall. .) Two fellows at Roseburg, says the Pbindealer, staked S00 each on the result of a prize fight, anc retired out of tovm to decide which should own the money. The law of leers put ft stop to their game arrangements. A new paper has bee;n started at Portland called the Oregoii Good Tern- p:ar. 1,1 is tue orgau 01 ine urupr iu this State. " : ' The State Journal contains the fol lowing account of a storm that passed over Euarcne last week : Last Monday and Tuesday he weather was very warm. Tuesday afternoon it became quite . oppressive, and resulted in the severest thunder storm that has ever visited this plaee since the country has been settled by white people. About 7 o'clock in the evening a dark cloud came up in the south-west, and in a short time the lightening commenced flashing in every direction followed by terriffic claps of thunder and some rain. A number of trees were set on fire iu sight of town by lightening, and, for a time, a bright fire blazed on the west side of Spencer Butte, and one on the foot hills south west of, town. A great -many trees were struck by lightening. The scene reminded us of a thunder storm on the Platte River more than anything we have ever seen in this country before. There was another thunderstorm on Wednesday evening but not so violent. Lightening is very unusual in this couutry. The same paper learns that Mr. AV. T. Wilson, of Ohio, has gone to Eng land to purchase Cotswold sheep for the purpose of shipping to Oregon this season, lie will have them nere as early ; as September, if possible. All wool growers should keep an eye to this enterprise, and avail themselves of the first opportunity of securing some of these sheep, as the business of wool growing is a p;3ri'ig one, and 1 11c Lots wolds are fast becoming the most popu lar breed in the United States. They are excellent both for wool and mutton being a large sheep and turning (ff a .heavy, fleece. Persons desirous of learning further in regard to these sheep can do so by addresstug Mr. Jerry Luckeyof this place. The Albany Register says : There is some talk of a' new paper in Albany soon. It will probably be a bedrocker, and advocate repudiation. The Statesman learns from Mr. E. 0. Cartwright that there is a prospect for an abundant crop of flax seed this season. There are aboiit 9,000 acres sown in this valley ; 3,000 for the use of the Pioneer Oil Mills, and the rest for the companies represented by Mr. Cartwright.' The 1 .Oregon 'an,. of the' 1 ith Inst., contains an account of an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Dr. Fowler, of Portland, who is in the employ of the North Pacific Steamship Co. ..The would be assassin fired a shot through the window into the bed where Fowler was sleeping. The sleeping man hap- poned to be lying on the back side 01 the bed, and thus escaped death. The same paper says that Capt. Biz Miller, whom everybody knows as an old steamboatmnn on the waters of the Willamette and Columbia, has, just been doing another job. of perilous nav ipation on the Upper Columbia. A dispatch from Wallula, yesterday, an nounces th.it he has run the two steam ers, Missoula and Cabinet, through Cabinet Rapids into Pen d'Ortlle Lake. People will , soon begin to think Copt. Baz can just run a steamer anywhere he chooses. From the J nrlison vo. Sentinel we learn that a company has been incor-i porated to bring in water from Apple-; gate to the mines about Jacksonville! The capacity of the ditch will be about five hundred inches. The capital stock' rti nn f n f 1 VUjUVV. , . . ; j The same paper is informed, by Mr. W. II. Woodbury, tint John McGin nisj mail carrier between Crescent City and Trinidad, was swallowed up in the quicksand while crossing lledwood Creek. There was a young man trav elingiyith him at the time.' -Mc. told him to wait until he- crossed to the other side before he started. Me. start ed, aud he and horse disappeared. ! Mr. Colwell informs the Sentinel that a rich goldbearing quartz ledge has lately been discovered at the head of tlndian Creek, on the divide, iu Jo sephine couuty. ' : The Jacksonville Newt says that Mr. Botfden has about eighty tons of quartz, which he is having hauled to the Occidental mill to be crushed. The ruill.will be started in a day or two. On:beiDg asked , if the government has a reserved policy about the Indians a few days ago, the Secretary of War said ; "Yes, if hostilities break, out there will be the . direct dealing with them. The Quaker policy is an expe dient tojjeep the peace ; but war is the immediate "alternative if t! c Sioux i want it. Telegraphic Summary. Washington, June 13. It is stat ed that the President has organized and is about to inaugurate a commercial policy which will bring to the United States the vast trade of tho Spanish American States now going to Europe. It looks- to a new treaty and intimate relations, and was suggested in his first annual message. ' Secretary Cox stated in an interview with Lawrence, that he did not believe it good policy for the Government to sell public lands in large tracts by treaty; tnat he believed there was no coustitutioual authority by treaty with the Indian tribes to sell lands which they hold in railroad companies or other parties, and that he was not in favor of such a treaty ; but-when such a treaty, had been made the Depart ment could not declare it void, but leave it to the courts to decide. Washington, June 13. A Times' special says the majority and minority of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Cuban question to-day officially published reports. The ma jority rcport'declares it to be the duty of 'the ' United States to recognize.the existence of a contest in Cuba, and to declare and maintain an inrartial net - tralityj give both parties the same ad vantages in intercourse and trade wnh the United States, and invites the President to remonstrate against the barbarous manner in which the war has been conducted. The minority submit as a substitute for their proposition a bill making it a misdemeanor to equ:p ships of war with the intent of being employed in the service of any Euro pean Province or State for the purpose of ubduing colonists claiming inde pendence, and providing for the for feiture of such vessels. The minority say they see no evidence that there is a Cuban revolutionary government in ex istence, exercising permanent, control over any part of the Island, and are constrained to believe that the consti tutional and political divisions on the control of the Island are mainly on pa per. - The insergents hoid no im portant city or town, have no capitol. or vessels afloat. This shows that there is no government inside of the Cuban camps. They look further upon ..the proposed declaration of neutrality as a concession of belligerant rights, which would enlarge the powers of Spain against this country ; at the same time they believe it to be the luty of the United States to preserve an impartial neutrality between the parties in strug gle, and against European supremacy iu any portion of the continent, lie mi nority report also recommends, the Government to maintain a naval force in the Cuban waters to protect the rights of all American citizens. The "Peeled Heels" aud "Dirty Stockings" contend for the base ball championship in Nashville. ' .-.WILLIAM DAVIDSO&, iOfSce, ITo. 64 (Adjoining Telegraph Office),: ' Froat street, Portland, Oregon. w SPECIAL COLLECTOR OV CLAIM?. Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafl3 and Mercan tile claims of every dcrcription throughout Or egon aud the Territories, WILL IJE MADE A SPECIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT ED, as well as with a due regard to ec onomy m all business matters intrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. REAL ESTATE DEALER, On Sea and Land the tive. Great liestora- As a remedy for the sea-sickncss which be sets the voyager on his way to and from Cali fornia, and for the disorders which assail the unact-limatcd emigrant in the unhealthy dis tricts xf the interior, IIOSTETTER'S STOXT-' ACII BITTEKS will bo fundequa!ly efiioa cious. On no pari of the continent has the snilue of this pure vegetable elixir, as a spe cific for epidemic diseases, been so clearly dc msnstrated as in the new States and Territo ries lying contiguous to the Pacific Ocean.; As a means of preventing the distressing and dangerous attacks of fever, and tho dysentcrie and diarrhieal complaints which are engender ed by poison in tho air, or by the use of water containing a vegetable or mineral taint inimi cal to health, it is confessedly superior to any other tonic or alte'rativo in the world. It nets as a preventive agent by strengthening and exhilarating the whole physical organization, and producing a regular habit of body. All that the human system requires, to enable it to resist the deleterious affects of malai.ia, is in creased vigor and vital activity, and these arc the inevitable results of a course ot this cele brated tonic and corrective. It promotes ap petite, facilitates digestion, controls the liver, regulates the bowels, braces tho nerves supcr iuduces sound and wholesome sleep, invigo rates without exciting the pulse, and imparts buoyancy to the animal spirits. The body and mind toncd:and cheered by its genial opera ration, are in a condition to repel n:l exterior influences which tendTto produce disease. Flux dysentery, billious remittents, chills and fever, rheumatism, Ac, are almost always caused by atmospheric poison acting upon an unfortified svstem. Erase up the organism, and cheer the spirits, with this-" wholesome medicated! stimulant, and then neither tho malaria gener ated by the filth- of crowded cities, nor the ex halation of new soils, nor the vapid wat. r of a springless region, will be likely to produce nny serious consequences. 16-4w Y1-ELCII-S PREMIUM SALMON BEST V" in market in kits or barrels. ' For sale at COX fc EARHAET'S, s .': i , '- ' . Salem, v NE W AD VtiR TISEMENTS. Male! 14 QH ACRES 0F FARMING LAND lyU in Polk county, twi miles from Dallas, on the road to Salem, all under good fence, repaired this ipring ; 175 aresnow un der cultivation. 25 'acres of timothy meadow, and well watered by springs and wells; three dwelling houses and one good barn on the farm, and two good bearing orchards. Belong ing to this prairie land is four timber lots, one lot of fir timber containing 110 acres,, situated five miles off, and is 'the nearest timber to the valley aud very valuable for rails and building purposes; 01 acres of oak timber two miles distant; 2G acres of, oak timber two miles and 29 acres of oak timber one mile distant. Tnese tracts of land together make one' of tho best grain and. stock farms in Polk county. Can be divided advantageously into three or four farms. ; Terms, $11 per acre, to be sold together for cash iu hand. Apply to a p ir REAL EST ATE .AGENTS, PORTL AND. OREGON, OK: D. M. C. GATJLT, Dallas, Oregon. 12-tf SALE. 320 ACRES GOOD PASTURE AND farming; land, on Lnckiamutc; 2(1 acres in grain, 6 aCre planted with white beans, good orchard bearing, and good range for stork. I - J Price $1,100, including crop, if sold before harvest. . Inquire of E&tssscl! & Ferry, Real fcstato Ag&its, Portland; Ogn., or of D. M. C. GAULT, Dallas, Ogn. 15-tf PJCTUJRE ftALLEUY. rjnilE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC S is invited to tho improved lacuities wuicli I have recently Jm.ide to my apparatus, by which I am able to take ! &Lv IHctures AT O n e Thus making the heretofore task of getting correct likenes?cs;oi .C11IJLIJU12X a matter of small moment. JT-.V Gallery located on Main street Dallas. j W. 11. UAT1EKLIIN. Dallas, April 22, 1S70. 8:1m! t .1. W. CRAWFORD 1 T. B. SEWMA5. lift .PIONEER TIN AND STOVE" STORE, ! Front Strast, one Door South of Ifcst Olflce, Dallas - - - - - - - Oresron. rglHE UNDERSIGNED beg LEAVE TO inform the titi.ens of .Dallas and vicinity that they have replenished their stock of tin- ware, and ment of have now on hand a largo assort- Cooking, Bex atl d Pallor Stoves, Tinicdre, Cvp2er, . v Brass and Iron Ware Of every description . Also a large supply of Sheet Iron, Zinc, Vi ire, &c- Ilavirg procured tho services of a first-class workman wo are now constantly maonfnetur irir nil kinds of! tin furnishings for stoves and for farmers use. Such a? Stove noilcrsj, Ccfice and Tea Pots, Tea Kettles, 5IiIk Pans, Dippers,! Lard and ISutter Cans. I And in fact, all articles of tinwaro usually found in stove i an tinware stores, all of which wo olTer for sale; nt prices that will justify pur- ehnsers to patronize us rather than Salem or Portland shops.j ' Fpoeial attention will be given to Wop Of all kind?. . I11 connection with the stove aud tin ttorc, we will coiiliuuj'j our . Ill EAT DARKEST, Where wiU ha! kept all kinds of seasonable meats, both FUES1I and SALT. In exchantfd for goods in our line wcjwill take all kinds Of countify rroduce, such as Butt r, Eggs,! ChickeAs, Flour, Bacon,! &c. Wc invite the public to call and examine our stock. .;CKA WF01tD: iN JS VV iVl A N . Dallas, March 4, 1S70. " ljtf SScrifJ's Sale, WW VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION.! TO me aircciud, issued out ot inc. circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the county f Polk, on ! a! judgment rendered on tho 23d day of April; 187". in favor of L. Bettman and against Reuben Dot', Jesse Hay, W.' II. Kay for the sum of eleven hundrel fifteen and 3fi lOOtbs dollars,) U. S. gold or silver coin, jwith interest at thejratc of one per cent, per month from reudition'of judgment, until paid, together with costs and accruing cofis, I have levied upon and seized and will expose at public'auc ii on, in the town of E da. Polk county,'! Ore gon, at the store of said Doty & Kay, June the 1.5th, 1S70, bet ween the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of sid day, all the goods, ; wares and merchandise, such as Dry (loods, Boot, hocs, Hats, (jueen's-Ware, Stone-Ware, $pades and Shovels, and various other nut ions too numerous to" mention.- j Sale to commence at H) o'clock A. M. ! J. W. SMITlt 1 i lw ShcriiT of Tolk Co., Ogn. Crawford & IVcwman, j OF THE j PMEBR TIX &ST0VII STORE II AVE A SEW ASD SELECT STOCK OP Japaiicd W Pots iorl are, Porcelain tlned Stew r I ruit, a. Great Vrariety of Gem Pans, Pressed Patties for Tarts, Cc in Cooking Spoons, Egg Beaters, Broil-' Fixtures of Improved Pattern Itoliin"- Pius, &c, &c. . CBAWFORD A XEWMAN. Dallas, Apiril 15; 1870. 7:tf MEAL ESTATE. COME AtL YE THAT DESIUD Pleacant llms ia a Goodly Land and consult - RUSSELL & FEEtRV, Real Estate Broken and CoUecttaa AfenU, N W. Corner of First and TVasliingtpa - ' ; . . street, PORTLAND, OREGON, OR D.M. C. GAULT, REAL ESTATE ACENT, At the Branch OJlce, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon That is . to Fay, tbat fhe lands of "Shintr" scarcely attract the attention of tho Emi grant who wishes to' purchase a desirable bomo in a fertile, healthy region, while lands in Ore gon can be purchased for a small amount vt money. ; . . " ; ; Wo now proclaim that special attention will be given to the purchase and sale of Keal Es tate; and moreover, we cheerfully impart the Cily Properly, Town tols, Farms, Improved, and . UnimproTed Lands, Stock Handle, Timber Lands, . Etc., Etc., Etc. For sale at reasonable terms, In tho Best Portloua of th KUU. ' And in conclusion, we would impreti apefe the minds of persons desiring to tell Krai E tate that they incur n expense in placing their property in our hands, unlets a tale ia effected. Particular attention is directed to the fact . . . f . 1. , 1 that a large amount i uesimme iiaai csa ee purchased at the Branch Office, - DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON. D. IH. C. OAUISV Real Estate Agent. 12-tf