Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, June 11, 1870, Image 3

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Volk County OScial Directory.
" I'Olfc Cfinntv AAAFI aft'imAil rf "i.nnA
square mues. wuiaber or voters, 1,227. Acres',
f land under cultivation, 93.270. Value of
'assessable property, .SL524.513. The Land
. Offir fdr this' District is located at Oregon
iiyr w wen w aae, negisier j uenry vr arren,
W . V , . . ... ,... ' 1
CoMTt ..." 'Orvtcna;-rJlg, .J, L. Collins ;
'VommituQnert, E. C. Dice, I. Levcns.' Sheriff",
.T.W, Smith .;" Cikrfc, J. I. Thompson ..Assessor,
U.' Davis , Treitturer It. M. May J , tfrAooi ,Sa
pertnteHdctt. J. H Mjefj Surtmjor, S, T. Burch;
Coroner. C, D. Embree. ,r:.? . ,'
luaT urriB jLua. ciuci, uriugcport,
Buena Vista, Dallas (county seat), Eolu, Grand
Jtonde, Independence, Lnckiamute, Lincoln,
Lewisville, Monmouth, "Rickreal, Salt Creek
and Zena. y .v?.'
U. S. Mail leaves Dallas For Salem on Mon
day, Wednesday and Eriday at 7 a. m., rcturn
iog same days at 6 p. to. for Independence,
Hph Tueaila v mornitif t A I Sal. f!ri1r
each Tuesday at I p. m.r for Lafayette, Mon
day and Thursday at 3 p. m., returning Wed-
pnv and S:ifnrdv at 10 m V4, fp fluwnflia
Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. m., returning
Monday and Thursday at 3 p. m.
3f' E. Church.- D. L, Spaulding paster.
SeViees :at their church, north side ' of Mill
street between Main and Jefferson, as follows :
First Sabbath (in each; month) in the evening ;
2d Sabbath, at 11 o'clock a. m.; 3d Sabbath,
In the evening. 'Regular prayef meeting each
Wednesday evening. ;,; Sunday ' School every
Sabbath at 9J o'clock a..m.- '' l
IiaptUt Church.- J. W. Osborn, pastor." Ser
vices at their Church, corner Court and Jeffer
son streets, the Third Sabbath in each month.
CkritianiChurch.--T. F. Campbell, pastor,
Servicea at the Baptist Church second Saturday
and banday m eaca month.
" Methodist Episcopal Church (South). Hi R.
ISaxter; pastor. 5erviee,s the Jr irst baubatu in
each month at their Church, southeast corner
Washington and Churcjh streets.
t . ' - - , . . . .
PoRTt,A5D legal tender-rates, strong at 88 Jc
Camp MeKTisG.-The M,E. Church of this
neighborhood are holding a camp rneeti ng at
this time, nVar Etfendale, and about' two tuiloe
from Dalla?. ? .
ll Warm i WeAxnEB, During the past week
we havt had decidedly troji;nl weather, IIow-
ver, the great heat has le n modified by a
pleasant bteet).
; II A YI5G. Some ot our farmers have already
comenced making hay. The gra.s now being
n J
ut is in meadows on the highlands. The crop
is good.
Orii Daii't Mail. We have just learne
'that, Mr, Jas,iWadkina has been found, and
that he is making. preparations to go on the
daily route, betweoa Portland and Corvallis on
the 1st of July.
'Axsual Meetino. -The annual meeting o
the Christian Brotherhood of the State oT Ore
gon will commence on" Thursday next, June
10th, at their camp grouud on the La Creole
near Dixie ' ? - -
t EsTRATi"IIensB.--Mr,-II. Bierly; took up
five joese horses this week ; which be supposed
to be estrays. ' He- will keep them in hi pas
ture 'few days until the owner can reclaim
them. Mr, B. lies one mile north of Dallas.
Abm B rokes, On Saturday ; last, after the.
Democratic Jubilee, a man named John John-I
son passed so near a horse, on which the rid
er sat. that the animal gave a vicious kick and
broke Johnson's 'arm, . " ; ,
CAXiro'FiKED.Manj of our citizens heard
the reports of heavy cannonodinss on Thurs
day evening1 last, and say that it was Rcpublr
cans at Vancouver rejoicing "over the election
of Garfieldel We did not. hear the uns t al
though we always thought we could hear of a
Republican victory as far off as any' one.
DmECTORT. We have received, from ' Mr.
Henry Langley, publisher, . the San Fran
cisco Directory for 1870. It is a fine work,
and everyi page exhibits the great labor be
stowed in its compilation. Mr. Langley is en
gaged this year in getting out another PaciCc
Coast Directory, eunilar to the one published
in 1867. The canvasser 'will be here in a few
days, and we hope oar busfness men will give
him all the information he desires" and such
other aid as may lay ia their power.
RoADS.The Road Supervisors have been
working the public highways and in some lo
calities the way has been made good; especial
ly is this the case , between this place and
Bridgeport, on the Corvallis load, excepting in
the lane by Hart's place, , That piece of road,
although short, is very bad in winter and we
hope it will not be" neglected. Bat there is a
region of country that seems . to be- without
friends,' and that is the road between here and
(Salem, excepting perhaps a short distance by
Eola. There are many , short bridges on that
piece of road that ought to be repaired. ' Shall
It be done?1 '
CotraTTrCocBT. The bills in favor of the
following persons were audited by the County
Court this week and ordered paid i t t
LK; Kimes';:;...,.......,........ $ 5 00
F. M. Collins, Dep. Sh'Jf .....,. 24 25
'MrCOauIt Co...,...;. : 5;0rt
J.AI.' Thorapson,.M.M.,......,,. ............. 101 45
8, T.s Barch..;;M.;M...w. ............... 6 ,00
TLf It 'Ilarver.. 2 00
B.' Ilarver ...
Anarvey,;...i.....rMv 00
A."ll." Fryar ....,.,...... . 2 00.
Keit;::A........;........... 2 00
' J.V. 8mith...M -11 50
J. Levins, .. 1 12 00
J. II. Turner..c..n. '....' .'' 3 0,0
Total..,,...,.w...i.;...$270 20
Andrew Layson was appointed Road Super
visor instead ipf D Wailing, deceased asid
and Bamnel Goff instead of J. Biddle, who
eras not in the Road District for which be was
appointed. A license was 'granted to William'
Chase Hjf "Independence to retail spirituous J
Wxatheb Record tor May. -From Mr. T.
Pearce's weather record for May, ire make the
following; compilation j 1 Number of blear day
9, cloudy 12, rainy lO, , Rain, ; foil on the let,
2d, 3d, lith, 17th and 18th, and 27thi to ,29th.
Number of inohes. of rain during thamontb
2.46. T oa breeze blew J.7Jday, Wind
eotne from luatlouth,-,m every rainy day and
for a day or two before the rain. Thunder
was heard la the'southwest on the ' eveniogijof
the 17fh, ISth and 50th,".' Tbo "meaa tempera-'
ture for the month wm &2"j highest mean
on the 8th, and lowest 4t, oWthelSd and 29tn
The record for May, 1869; Bhows the mean
tempeTatufe for tba motth to be fiC? . highest
mean,8Qa, on the llth, and lowest '47"; on "the
24thi NutnWbf rainy days ll clear Inland
cloudy 4. The three 'springimontha ofs the
present year shows 16 rainy days for March,
with 5.77 inches of rainfall, 9 clear; 6 cloudy
and 2 snowy days; mean temperature, 39 ;
Aprii, 1 12 rainy dajrs, -with 6.52 inches fall of
water, 11 cleai "and 7 -cloudy days: 'mean tem
perature' 47j with . the record fo it W$ as
above, we had a total, rainfall oi 13.75 inches
39 rainy, 29 clear and 25 cloudy days.
Census. Census Marshal, B. Robh, has
commenced to take list of the ' people of Polk
county, and iu order to i expedite "business
every one should be able, to give prompt an;
swers to his inquiries, especially in the matter
of farm statistics. In order that all ; mav be
prepared we herewith' present a list of tho in
quiries that will be propounded The number
of acres of laud in a farm: amount improved.
wood land and other unimproved; cash' value
of farm and farminz implements. .Total
amount ; of wages paid during the year, in
cluding value of board. Number of horses,
mules, milch cows, , work oxen, other cattle,
sheep and hogs, and value of all livestock on
the 1st of June, .'70. Number bushels . of
spring and fall- wheat, rye, com oats, barley,
buckwheat, pounds tobaoco, wool, bushels of
Irish and sweet potatoes, value of orchard
products, produce of market gardens, number
pounds of butter, cheese, gallons of milk sold,
number tons : of hay, bushels of : clover and
grass seed,' tons hops, hemp, pounds of flaxr
bushels flax seed, pounds bees wax. , honey, val-
ne of forest pcodusts 'such as as saw-logs,
and cord wood, value ot home manufactories,
of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter,
and estimated : vlue of all farm productions,
including iuerease in value of stock and its in
crease within the last year. 5 .
PAiXTtsa. The contract for painting the
Court House was let to Mr. H, ,P. Shriver, at
$2 OS perWuare, two-coat work, be being the
lowest bidder. The last coat is to consist of i
virnish. No bids were put in for the carpen
ter work on the portico.
The Itesult
So far as heard from the election re
turns show the following majorities on
the State ticket :' ' V-: ?7
Counfir. . . rep. .
......... .... ...,..
Lane......... .....
Liu a..... ......
Hcnton ......... v.. ,... .... .. of
Union .
C'liimbia...................... ......... ..
Multnomah.. 4S0
Clackamas GS
Clatsop ,. eo ;
Washington ..V.;.;....V..'.7..7... 134
Yamhill ! 3
5Iarioa 503 '
Democratic majority....
. The couoties yet to" be heard from
are Josephine, brant and IJaker, Pern-
ocraticand Coos, Curry aiid Tillamook,
ItcDublican. The result will' not varv
two hundred either wa ' : : ?
In this District, Uoisc is. elected by
aoout twenty majority. Toweli 13 prou
ably defeated. . ' 1
July Fourth. We have heard of
no steps I being ; taken here ijet for
the celebration ofgthe Foufth of July.
... , . . , .
We are oft the opinion that something
should be done here ,in that direction.,
t 1 f , , J . ..
people, should have some national ho!iv
days, occasions on which we can with
propriety, review our past national his-,
tory and indulge in selMaudationv It
is necessary, to call to the minds of our
young folks the doings of-our patriotic
countrymen, of ; their. great deeds- and
good, Tor thus is love, of s country '"in
stilled, '
J5cside this, people should como. to-
gcther and criticise each other. It is
well tor one to know how his neigh
bor is dressed even. No one attends
public gathering but what he learns
somethins to his advantat?a. - Itls thie
.. ., , .w . o !i ,
plow that is drawn through the soil
that ii the brightest"; so with the minds
rtpi '$ih?QV&&. tt" contact with
others .the intellect is brightened.- "Let
us then, have a rousing celebration on
tjie Jjourth of July next, the 91th an
niversary of our Inde pendence.'. , j
i fjarfielde, regular Republican !nomi
hee for Delegate to Cohgfess from
Vttingtan;;Territory, - is elected ' by
majoniyii xne xaucpenueat uoage
didn't: W0l. verj;mu in that xem-
Thb Corner stono of tho ticw Com
mercial Hotel'' was laid with ceremopj
of Rnlam nn ft a f 11 rf! A tr . " i . 1 i I.
. :
Dr.-JVII. IcGora hus been bound
t i Qin nn .nhn-A
- : ' e . v ;
Of Tapo upon Mrs. A. M. Craword, Irt
Linn-COUUty - '-r-"0 l .
...Mr. U..Dlnsuiore, of Umatillai writes
us as follows, May 81st : 'T On a ranc
About ..nine miles from' r i UiuatilTal '6n
Umatilla river; one sheep, was f sheared
;whose- fleeco'weighed 16:pounds tlio
wool i was of ouo year's gtowth ouly;
It belongs to Burton k Job. I have
this from Mr. burton hi aiself.
. . - t, . o nrr.
. A nugget of gold valued at $3 90(5
iprviim. liiKpr couniv. owneu uv ui ;i
! : -W -t- : I. - . . ' 11... l-i
very nearly HoU4 gold,, containing only
a j small fragment oi ..qnf anu wortu
a .vi- . at.
5.10 Per ,oz. - aner eiaim. naa fai.waiya
kCu uuu w. uv.a. ... -----
coumy,ftanu :iia3 ,au uuuSa.
nttmhnr nt laPtrn ntinrnrpfa Vfirt in in I
value from toO, ?; On tjsanio VifT is entitled 83O0D0O; Washing
day a nugget that was valued at $11. tou IV rrifory Hb2;000 Oregon to
was picked up xm the claim of 31ooro ai nnn - '
& Col, at Jack Knife, the gulch next t&iSoKry1 tuT"
From .-(ho Forest Qtqxq 'Monthly iwe
take the following proceedings whten
were had at the Commencement Excr-
xlses at the .Pacific; University, at For-
est Grove: On Wednesday; the grad-
uating College class, consisting of
Messrs c FranlcL. Stott and r A. A.
Lindsley, delivered their orations and
received the degree of A, and the
class of young ladies who 'graduated
from the ladies' course,. consUting of
Miss O. Brown, Mis P. I. CUrke,' and
t . i .i i
Miss C. A. Neal. read their essays aud
received the degree ot u. d.
1 Tlifl honorarv detrrcD of A. 31. was
conferred upon llev,' Tims. Condon, of
tho Dalles, Uev. P. Si Knight, ot ba-
lem, and W. Lair Hill, Ksq , of Port-
land. The. decree 5 of D.!). Was con -
ferred on Kev. K.tJ. Auderson,of Port
The Gazelle remarks on the many
improvements in the way of building
at Corvallis this summer.
A peculiar geological specimen, from
lanuina liav, siuti to be troia uearins
quartz, has been received t at the ' Gu
said to have been diicovered.
The Uftzetle advises, the property
company and get an cngtoe. ; Good ad . iy?; mmi keep jlter. git
J . 0 ing it to another? Your word. ' 1
a v v
The Democrat,
thai Mesr,1
Beach; &-rMonteitl; of A Ibin have
men ui work diinUg " a4 iinlf 'race Tor
j the purpose of .cpjivcyiog 'the. water
j from the Calipooia into their mill and
propelling it.bf water Jostead of fttuam
as heretofore. They expect to have (he
water power va beroro'-iefaIlif i a
comes in.
The Oregon " City En fermUe has
been shown specimens ot coal, from, a
ledge within- halt mile or this city:
I discovered by J. Loathcrbach ,and M,
1 voenran, wnicn nas oeen ie,stca ana
prouounceu, to bo ol a superiorquality.
Its proximity to market will makc.it cf
great value.
Kvery indication promises well to
the farmcra of Grand Hondo valley.
"ys a "Mountain Democrat.',',. With-
V lho ,a8t fr bcod
prCseut ono, and never did thc urain
holds look more promising. 1 he tarm-
era all feel encouraged at' the prospect.
The Directors of ' theMerchninfs and
FarmerY Navigation Co.V (Uuipnija)
last week levied and assessment "ot forty
Per Cni "Pn l"e puau ,M ino
Company to meetthe expenses that are
bcinJ incurred in the ndrcaso of ma.
chinery, etc., for their new fcteamer'.- -
. lho Uoseburg An says : Intel
reached Empire Citv, on the
24th ult., that tlio 'schooncr Bunkala
tion.was burned at Caperlilanco'on tho
H of May, -She hud touted at that
limo an( othcf ouster ial4b HI he eon
strujfitionl 6f Ihhoase, swhenslie
dragged ashore and is supposed to have
been set on fire by the lime '6n-aboard.
She was owned by iA-i Miiainapson and
was sold lbr825ftilThis is the third
vessel lost by;tr same party siuco the
1 1st of Icbruary. in ttu-j , r,Ha
J.v .'Bailey "iBrownj? dfClarksvilie.
Tennessee, has received a patcnt for a
new; nrinttnirLvrcss; "iWlieretihdn tho"
. 1 ' .... .
j Ijouisville Courier Journal says that "a
man. who invents T Anything" under thc
disadvantages , of U 'prominent 'mitldio
name spelled out in that Way, deserves
j especial crgdjt.'.V.
,,The census . takers get two cents for
every name MKen, two cents lor every
farm, fifteen cents for every productive
establishment of industry two cents for
every deceased person,' anJv' two per
1 cent-, ot ttie whole amount enumerated
fyr'ioejal- iMhlxes', and ton VicnlV wr'JSfta iiiiSmi ; .1 liTr t
uTcleaphic Nummary. !
Washington, June'C A bill recj'
uUting labpr cpntractsj intended to ap
nl V Aft .0)'i npA i mm Jirra n tm n nrnt A t
il(.ta . L u.l . '..i .1...'.: JiJ! i Ofl A0KE8"0F FARMWO'
u"" - " - ' - P,uu- ? A
months and pnmdtmr for the return of
aucll '"AJlrtnese5 "tOr tbeir- 'o'wn'-coiiotrvl
vfV,l IK T -?
WaS rdcrrC(1 tOjho JudlCiarj . tonimit.
tCO. '
s Tbo Internal Rctenue' bill caraoTup
tarui 'ut .as fiaaiUOnal SCCtlODS anu
n -I'll.. . a I "v
then passed.
-r ; Tho Post rpfile
passed. ' : Jit! ;
; Tho: Ileconistruc
: 1k?ft I
o appropriation
nstruction ? Committee re
salvea as a rale tiot to remove pol tical
disabilities from uny person that has
nofc s, theretir.- ; - i
ir t; .... ....
va.sniaffton special nas a taDie-DreDar
f1 nt thi Trfl'llf nnnn.(,nM, ;
,ess th. m , ftf , :
Unnl. ,,1..,;- ;
Hws. together . K th ,thfl ,lmlnr,ft in
. . . , - ti th(.
. . v . . O... . . -
BiauiuvuK uuuki ll.u uU ltW. ;1 vttJllUr
i i way vs. uw uio uiukv uui niiitu
spread rapidly through the ' Hchtst
quarters. oi tlie city. , v tie names, wero
nrsir diVcovered in an old building tn
the north side of the Golden Horuv A
strong wind was blowing at the time
and the fire communicated quickly to
the adjoinioV buildings so that the ef-
forts of the firemen and citizens to
stop its progress were of no avail. In
a few hours residences of American,
Kftglish and Portuguese Ambassadors
consulates, the Kaomic Theater, many
i j ' i-
churches and "mosques, thousands of
nouses, me ricnest stores ana snops
Were reduced to ashes. The loss of
life by falling walls was fearful. It is
estimated that there were at least thirtyl
people killed or injured by this cause j
alone. 1 he loss of property is ideaM
cnlable.Ihe fire at this hour is burn-
ing furiously and the excitement Of that they have repIenUhel their stock of tio
, 0 , - i ware,-and have now on band a large assort
the people beggars dcHcription.l wJ mentof - . . . f
F.w lOUK. Juno u. a special J
says that rjiYate dispatches from; Con-
Jews, in Koumania trat from '4,000 to
8,000: other dispatches say that the
stories heretofore teloirranhed were cU
aggerated and that the number of those
massacred will not exceed 3,000.
OfEce, No. 61 Adjolcisg Telegrapli Office),:
t Treat ttreat, Portland,' Oregon.'
'"'''' v 7 . ' ... .
t Aceftanl?, K4ef Bends, Drafts and Mercan
tile claims of every dercriptfon throughout Or
egon and the Territeries, WILL BB MADE A
ED, at well as with a due regard to eronomy
in all buinc? matters intrusted to his care and
the proceeds paid over punctually. . V l ,
AciiIh! Rend This!
f f ary of f 311 a u eek and expenses, or
allow a eoinmiflon, to sell our new and1 won
derful inventions. Address v ; J
'- 'u A M. WAGNER A CO.,
Marshall, Mich.
Words of Weight for Wives and
The superiority of IIOSTETTER'S STOM- j
AC1I IHTTKUS over all other toalcs and cor
recti ves, as a rerrtedy for dyspepsia bllllous
ness, nervous alTeetans, and all complaints of
the YMcrnl oranf, and as a preventive nf na-
lurious diiiorders, is proverbial ; but perhaps
t is, not so generally Known that the iojrreili-
ents of this famous invijptant and alterative
exerciue a powcriui anu most beneficial influ
ence In that towhiftrnua and "distrissing class -of
HiIuicnU, of which Kd'i'nahy thousands of deli
cate .woman" are, the patient, UneoinlMal8ff
vlctiuis. lite special trouldes ot tue sex, com
mencing with (1iOt dawn , ofj .womanhood,
and exteiidrn'g'Wer 15 a period' of 'thirty-five
years,' are as readily "and,, ; ccrtAinly, , re
lieved by the operation or this admirable veg
ctablo' preparation, at any of the complaint
common: to both sexes, for whlcn U is rcconi
wendedaa a epecifio. .The attention of rootlK
efs is . nt itedti its balsamie "ffectin those-pe"
culiar cases of functional irregularity and irri
tation, ; which, when neglected or maltreated,
destroy the , health and eberttn the lives of so
many iilt-allds. .There is no need for the pow
eriul aud dangerous drugs t-o often resorted to
in such cases. The mild tonic and restorative
uction of the. BITTERS is ail the assistance
that;' nature "requires . in. its struggle to ver
corao the difficulty, and a vast amount of suf
fcrtng would , bo, , spared . to ; the sex, if they
placedlmplici faith in, this wholesome vege
taltle'invlorant, corrective, pod nervine, and
discariled tho, pernicious nostrums advertised
by ignorant and mercenary charlatans. 12 4w
' . f ... i . .- I
1 '
Iu rear of the Capital Hotel Corner
on. reasonable, terms. - Special attention
X 1U county, twu wilek from
Dallas,, on 5 tho road.gaJem. all under good
rence, reparret thts spring 17S acres nbw un-
der cultivation. 25 acres of timotbr mkdow,
aod weIl watftrl,ypring.nd wells i three
dwelling bouses and one good barn (on the
farm anl two.gobl bearing orchards. Belong
five, miles off, -and is tire nearest timber to the
valley and very valdableTor rails and building
purposes ; 61,, acres, of? oak timber twri miles
29 acres of oak timber one mile distant. These
traets of land together make pne of the best
! i r. .... : it . a a ' J I
TdTd advanu;iv inlo thre.r Four
Term,, 14
per acre, to be sold together for
Apply to ., , -
XlUMell & Ferry,
i! - ' l-l
R E A L";; E S T A TE A Q 1 1
' THE pill
8 Is invited to the improved faeilitieu'wbich
t have reeentljr made - to ' my apparatus, by
which lam able to take r. :' j i '"l
iiv JPictiire
''AT -'..
O n c
Thus making the heretofore tank -of! getting
correct likenesses or fJllIIIJItl.'v a
of smalt moment. c
-tf Gallery located on Main street
'j ' ".
5 !
J. w. cba
w; II. UA1 1 JtKLlIS.
1870. , ., 16.1m
pinvrpo TfV ivn mrr'TnoP
.. f-
Front, Street, one Door South of
7 rost UUiCe,
Dallas - - - ?- - - Oregou.
rriiiK undkusioned beo leave to
. JL Jnf.
Jnform.tbe ciluens of Dallas and: vicinity
, Box and Parlor Sore,
j Lvpper,
llnm and
. Iron Ware
VI everJ nron. rAiso large ruppi 01
heet Iron,
lre, Ac-
Ifavins crocurcd flia mvicc of a urt-fla8
workman we' are now constantly manufactur
ing all kind of tin furnishings for ttores and
for farmer use.- . Sueh.a. '1. ' j '
.Stove Holler. Coffee ahd Tea Pota,
Tea Kettlea, 9111k Pain. Dlj.yers,
v f I Lard and JIutter Cans.l
And - in k fact,: all articles of tlawarb usually
found in stove an tinware rkre, all jof which
we ofler for sate at prioo U.at wilt Justify pur
chasers to palroniae- us rathir than jSalein or
Ilrtlantl ehpic; ' .
rpccial atteulion will lie given to
.. .. .. ... ,.. (. -.
w-dfob-' Work
Of all kind?.
In connection with the stove aud tio itorc,
we will continue our j
Where wi!l he -kept all kinds of scasonahle
meats, bulb FRESH and SALT.' j
In exohanee f-r goods in our line we will
take all kinds of country produce, such as
Butt.r, Eggs, Chickens, Flour, Bacon, &c.
We invite the public -to call and I examine
Dallas, March , 1870. ,: 1-tf
Sale ofliatid lor Partition.
Circuit Court for Polk county, Oregon, if-
rued at the.Airil term, 170, I will, on the
11th lay of Juno, 1S70, between tho hours of
9 A. M. and 4 P. M., at the Court House door
iu said county, soil to, the highest jt idjet the
followitig decrit'cd Yroperty : lieinninj; at
the N. K. corner ol J.lias Harper sj Donation
land claim. No. 51,'T. 6, ?. It. C W, ir Sec. 22
and 33 thence -running west 40 coains to a
ftake, thence 8.' to-Ttwnship line, thence E 40
chains on said.T. line, thenco N. tM.plaCeor.be-
gtnntng. contnining Zl acres more or less, sit
uate. in Polk county, excepting ono third there
of, which has been set off and nstlcncd as tho
dower of the wtdow of fiarr.ett Haggard, dee'd.
from the N. end of said premises. J
Terras of sale J cnh in hand Iu y. S. gold
colli; balnnc in 12 months' with interest at
10 per ecu t. per antiumK purchaser giving ap
proved scenrity; , J. M. PHY,
s 10 4w ' ' 1 Kcfeiee.
8hcrift'f4 Sale.
aP mo directed, issued out of tho Circuit
Court of tho State of Oregon, for the county
of Polk, on a judgment rendered on the 23d
day of April, 1870, in favor of L. Rcltman and
against Reuben Doty, Jesse Ray, W. 11. Ray
for the sum of eleven hundred title en and 3ft
lOOths dollars, U. S. gold or silver (coin, with
interest at tho rate of ouo per cent, 'per month
from rendition of judgment, until paid, together
with costs and uceruing costs, I have levied
upon and neixcd and will expose at public auc
tion, in the town of Kula. Polk county,' Ore
gon, at the store of said Dtj A Ray, June the
i:ltb, 1870, between the hours of fi j o'clock A.
M. and 4 o'clock P. 3d, 4 said day, all the
goods, "wares and merchandise, such as Dry
Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Queen's Ware,
Stone-Ware, Spades and shovels, and various
other notions too numerous to men (ion. Sale
to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. j
14 4w . Sheriff of Polk Co., Ogn.
i i i i
S 4 V
j: pmdent' candidate fr CONSTABLE.
for Dallas precinct, '
Dallas April 30. 190.
in O Alt3 AT.1L tE THAT bCSlitfi
lMeaaant Hemes Ha a Goodly Land auii
consult..' ' - " - ? '-'. '
ferokm d CoHecttoa Amb
N. W. Corher of 1irt tn4 lVMbint
D. M. C. (UUMj
Fn r r?zrm Ta rsnyy j HffH
. avausL&i M.rJL au yAiiii.
Hallaa, Polk Coaty, Oreo
That is to Vaytbat the lands of -Shiwar"
scarcely attract the attention ef the Emi
grant wbn wishes to purchase desirable boot
in a fertile, healthy region, while lands 1 Ore
gon can be purchased for a small amyunt of
money. . j -;
J . We now ptodahn that special kttentioa wftl
be given to toe . purchase and sa4 ut jtteal. r.a
tale ; and moreover, we cheerfully impart tha
information, that we have a large amotiut ef
City Property,
Town Lots,
Improved, and
Unimproved Xandi
& toe It Ranches,
Timfier JLnnds, M
Eec, Etc., Etc. ; ;;
For sale at reasonable ttma
In lha Best Portions ef tha fittt,
j, .. i " r '..."
And In conclusion, wa Would imprtfli. ttpea,"
the minds cf persons desiring to tell Real
tate that . they incur no expense in placing :
their property in our hands, unless, a tale it
efiected, i , f.
't viif
Particular attention is directed t the fact
that a large amouni of desirable lands caa fee 1
purnhaaed at tho Uraach OS5i,
.1. ,.1
12 tf