-j V I- 7' f ! I . I " 'I i ; t ' -1st I J,. --V t t&h ? 0 r 1 3 o n 5 cp b H c it v. ' s COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. DALLAS, SATURDAY, JUNE Hi Forgive Them Lord,- They iiuow Kot What Th4' Do." j The election is? over, and die exult aut cry of victory comes thuIerfug up JiYpin the Democratic hosts ; hut even "tills, though evidently ample to satisfy the demands of the Republican ear, is uotsuiSeHJOt-For the Democratic The loud voice of large deposits jf confined gunpowder has therefore been united with' the Vociferous, yell. ' The loud clamor ,b heard abovethe hhs ofRe publicans, the wail of the sea. breeze ana the death rattle of our mountain torrents. Democrats sayj they ,have carried county and Sta(e j suppose they MYPrrrJ?CU this, exultation! an empty JtriVute to victory, ox ';' do they rejoice because something of importance has been accomplished by- it? If it be ' true1, bow ? ' In what way or manner are jhe Democratic voters who thus re joice lbej'benefitted.'by "it?, Are the co an mty officers they have elected CO pJniRcs hanOMi, if they Tiad beieii elected They have1 not claimed that any of the officers ?of our 'county ' were t o well paid, while1 we have. They nSadenopi6'hiiC to'reduce the pay of county officers, - but we did. i Is there Anything to judicate that the necessary county expenses, building aod repair inbridgesJarrying: on the ' co'uy. busiuess &c. is going to be; any 7m linger a Deiuocratie than a Republican administration, unless we presume that Democratic administration will neg- lect ts duty to the whole people of the county ? Wc. think , not. How then, nnlftss the Democratic County Court rc fusii Joiilfylllli' tax necessary Zto pay tjje Koneist debts of the county, are, the Democratic masses of the -county to avoid being tared heavily as they - hjire'been under Republican rule. r T-go beyond the county, to;- the. State, what have they accomplished by ejecting their-candidatcs ? The argil T;cat,that applies to the county applies t Hie State; and there Is nothing to indicate thai the taxes of the people mil be reduced nor their area $f free doca be enlarged-by a Democratic. vie tory,ut tbe contrary. . , t . '' 'j: To gd' beyond" the' State to the'na-" tWiiPie ' grfurteenfh and) .Fifteenth' trhmities and , the general irule the tx ctplibnsl endolreed'the princijples 'estabX llshcd; by. (hem.- Whati then,; could the' l)eniocratid. 'Congress nj an' f rora this State expect1 to accpmplish in; the na tfon against the Constitution of ; the lThited"8tatcs and both national par ties ty.t About as, m uch .ja the Pope's : bull against the comet--nothiog. , So far as the railroad and other inw terests, in which - the people of this Staeare , directly interested; areicorl-; oeroed. it is evident that the election of Slater tinresult In '-damage, M any thing, beoftUsehe would go to Congress to act with a minority therer inimical to national aid to internal improvements, unless like Jo. Smith -he disregards the obligations of J'party Xft make, a long matter short, if ; we regard the bltt i interests bf th e pcople;-1 of 5 t b is State, these sonorous Democrats, .while they are rejoicing over a Democratic victory (unless they are tijistaken as to Hhj?UV party,' hag pp'led a majority of Titf i)afe really celebrating a calamity to them aid 0 .'iQtit we wiH" not roph &l gnfaw mn hope fbrjbebesV 1 1 '? We may be heaten, but we are not Jrath, Jjotyjh . cjrmhed to earth, wilt iie . again, ..i,. 5 v ;v, dri-; "5 - The eternal year ofj God are ben, ' . . While erroJ wounded writhe in' pain," ' ' 4 d falling, dies amid hit worshippers." W&Qtv&p M Republican State Centra) Committeeihld.a rnceting Jat week; and decided that it is not !CXpe 4ient tCfcalf a State Con ventfod -previ ous to thu election of the local officers in Augu comm. ivtee wa appomi ed to prepare an address to thejRepub Jicaus '.(.! i the , Sta tp, -i impressing upon .(hem necessity and ; impbTtarJce, of ptQiopi ; aud thorough ofgahiaatiaq in every county, and stating in plain and explicit language what are the rights ana duties of colored voters under the fifteenth Amendment," eb that this tslass tuay bo prepared to act and voto luiciueqiyr. v.); -f Ji . - ... -. Amendments have become parts of the Constitution y and both' parties have, if we "allow - the'rotf Jto 'control the ex The JLetslature . AU is speculation on the political complexion "of the Lecislatum this yreek, and we can give no accurate Og ures. As far'Jas Jieard from,!toe foN The Republican holdovers are Douglas, Coos and CJurry, 2 Washington, Co Clackamas 1 , total, 9. Tho counties that,have elected Democratic Senators areLaneyl "; Bakerri 1 fLiun, k 2 ; Um.!vtilia,j and jGf rant, :l, vTliAlMld- overs are Joseph i'ue? 1 j Lane, 1 ; Polk l.v Multnomah' 1? Unibn hWasco 1: 1" 1 Kfi "' "'it 5 '"ti'-nrit i . total,3 12s The Teport is that Jfay3as ueen ueieaica iu tiacKsou, ouc uss com-j petitor i is a Democrat, and in cither event ' the Democrats : will s have, 13 in the Senate and a majority of four. The'Republieaus elect1 5 Represent atives in Marion county, 1 in Coos and Currv. 2 in Benton, 2 ln Yamhill. 2 in ....... - - i;.cX'?.'-XtT:7 r and,Tillamook,4 in Multnomah, and 3 in Clackamas 20 in all. . The Demo- erats have elected in Josephine 1, Jack- 2, Baker and Union 3, and Umatilla 2; totatSi15 Douglas 3 ani brant 2.'are ilmihtfhl nnd htifh nartip inlaini thpm I --"I j-,. At any rate,1 we .. w ... O www. r. Tk...1- .l.w : I w '' I iimsi carry; V4 ram, iuu-iaa bhu asco in order to get a majority on a joint billofcWUU thole counties the Re puhlin i streugChltould' be '? fe6. 4na Democratic 8& T" c The-1 Democrats al ready claim. Douglas ; by !S5 majority. This count is, doubtless, on the State ticket; and hence wS reckon that coun- ty doubtful; Wasco is reported Dcm i 2i- ?t .1 uurauu uy Maii,i?Jrj. out uiq re- turns.:, irora ucnoco precinct : naa not been '"received at tbe Dalles. iThat vote may, throw the county to the Ke publicans. . -p- ..i;-'- The Senate stands : Republican, Dj cmocralic, 13. 1 'Thellouse : Itcu1Jicau '20; I)em oeratic; 20 j Doubtful, .7. j Total vote on 5 jot n t bal lot, CO nec- essary to a choice. 35. , , , After a fcotf'c&tcsic& " caavasa, the election has taken place, and we aro in this county defeated .from 4 tho bo ginning to the end. - Som,e Republicans, are disposed to complain of unfair treatment on the part of our opponent; 5 btt whatever mjl&:m do not propose,- at this time,ito say any thing abont them, save, perhaps, that there were Republican votes rejected, in all parts of the county, that should have been counted r -.fiiSi Rut of Republicans wo do think we I'.wl .,; -V s t nave a legitimate rignt 10 complain. We have hea'rd 'of fifteen or twenty tobn nVifntfil ihAtnuolvoa frnm flio Tinl la re .t j " V If those- men had stood up to the work f - 4 - . , ; . 4 ; ; V iikc men, wc iui'tiil iiavu eiuciuu a. iri of our ticket. "If" they did .not like the nominations, or the platform of. princi- pies' adopted by their party, it would have bceri much:5 bfctter if they, had come on t and! voted ' with ithe-Demb- crats. Of all persons to be looked upon with distrust it is these neutral persons, who have no steadfast opinions! ' , Daily Mail. Svvcry one on ;the west side of the river, is. interested in wz uuj ,uail) uu a jb wu uve uccii uuuuic u emu wiiu una li'JV lue ..v. -j - " " b eolWkcXtal& b and intends to gi ve us a daily mail ser- vice. : uu lowen.oiu pui in was y u it -um., wul urtu mu: "" counts this man could I not be found, aud;itis probableUhat tbebid iswliat js terme stra bj out w oe in??gse, ine next. lowest 01a will be accepted. In that case we will nave. ;tne service. 11, noweverwe w chiseled out of our rights, we,: of the Wl'flh? !!,v5n! ni..i.0-i Jcfy good humor. 1 . i .-' ..." -J" '.' J J -'. . s '. . , ..In 4he rfirst five days of -Mayaborit ''j:oFjjwnuus,wci uiaut to vue proper government omce at iNew York cilJ?? B,TVi' -of15ciai' Ottoibete and signal letters ,tp rucrchao vessels- indicating a very satisfactory start iq ujo gruwui-ui moimeppanracrcan. tilo marines. . v .-'lis . 1 E 4owio counties' have elected Republi'i can Senators:? Benton Al ; YainhiH; 1 f,Iarion 2 aLdMultnomahr IV The ucwu rj llf should they not desire to have it com think, however, that the Department at liable; convenient, plea8ant--perhaps Washington have acted in good , iaith, iQ obcav rcmindinz them of the ! " ..' Vote. of Polk, County ',. ".; ' h Below wa giva the ofTicial record.of tue, work ;done by the voters of Polk county on Monday lastt We wouli imichl preferred to havVliad it otherV wise, Ibut kve might jst as' wellitalk plain Kngligh and eay we were beaten. in the language oi a nepuDiican menu, the "invisible votes" was $oo much for us : IW'TS. .XI. -j i C050RES8. J. H. Slater. D,...n... .,..... 670 pi J. O. Wilson, 11.............. now l: f; a rovef, D m 62 J. Pal I : ! mer, it -509 SECKKTAIlT OV 8TATK.: &W Chft'twifk, ;D.. l.flWJ jft8.'Eikin, U......... 60S 4S , .. ..." .1 TRKAhURBn. - , , ;1 L..FleSschncr, D...1..... ......... .......653 M.lirricbiR........ .59S ; BT ATE PRJXTER. s T.TiiCterson. d;.....:;..V.'. ...... ."....:..6.,i9 .H;. It. Kinbald, R...... -.605 iflii f " l DISTRICT J CPA K. ' ' ': " v 55 54 B. F. Bonhara. D ....645 44 It. P. Bi?e, B.;..ww -601 v t. Hnti t 5S 67 J. c. Powell, It... ;..486 , rktresejitativbs. . s. ' j, R;J!Irant, D;X!.'.!I!;l!!!!!!!'.""!".l!.6i5 30 49 45 Jewo8iump.lt , .86 ??aw!y' R ...... -579 ti t ". - a 1 dunii iujvTB, ir. ........ wu, T. Perce, R....,...M..' 583 13 . rnvuiiamvcii. i j K Delabtndtt. D .........616 32 51 Win. Jones, D 622 EJ. Pel h ran tt, K. ........ .....J. 5S4 I. ZumwttlL H... 57 1 S.' Buch, iD.........:..........i..... 640 T. Jeffries, It .573 67 D. ITolra. 655 43 R. 8. Crrntal. lt.. 6S2 TREASURER. R. M. Mny, D ,..6l Wm. Howe. U-........;... L..27 6 60 6 8tHT.or cVooi.a. t. fvinevar.i. d 53 W. W. Beach, R ASSESSOR. Wo RMgeway, D... , ........635 69 V. Vorptr, R aeo '' ' I ;--:" gCRVKVOR. ' - A. P. BiitIr. T. : 627 47 W. C. W bUoo, U.... ......'580 CORONRR. " Dr. DarWfoo. D.......i 620 pr, Uttdon, R .570 Farm RetideueeW Th period has arrived wheo oar farmers, if they do' not intend to be be hind the times, must pay Attention to the ornamenting and making, pleasant the grounds about, their rrsidtnee. The time has gone by when the back parta of houses aro to be fully exposed to tlie road; the .stable In front of the dwelling, thojhog pen near -by t all kinds oi .wok en .waTOns, plows. logs, weeds, chips, oshheaps,i old clothing and worn out tin ware, can properly be seen' about the yard and house without drawing observation and causing re marts, oucn scenes arc qui. coiuiowu now. oteaaiiy nas improvement gone- r . - '1 a. . . forward, and numerous farms hav now comfortable houses,- neat '" outhouses, well cared fur yards and gardens, and wr"-w. - -f . , m , ' arc beautiful and desirable homes. We like to see these improvements. They ihow that the occupants are attached to tho soil, giod citizens, thrifty farm ers, andj that the girls and boys have taste and intelligence and iare traveling in the 'right path. No man and no woman' especially, can pass a family residence in the country without judg ing from its, appearance of the charac ter of the occupants. 1 in l;'x "' We have said that great improve ment is manifest in country homes, Tl i is certainlv Urue. ;Th-'women ' .t r wft nnnrfihpnd. nr thrt ransfl of mnstot it. Confined much at home-why h0Dje they left to commence the new duties of life ? Nature has" planted in the female heart 'a taste for tho cure aid beautiful, in art and nature-There never was a female child that did not is not a femaie 0f true taste id more advanced years, that does not loveitKem.: Shof will Teel a pferj ahdpride .In riiomo .. improve, TZ!i??lnJi: IaL"-- ;4 : kMn:r..t shrubbory.t -Oftentimeaiunder tlbcour azins. circumstances she1 makes ri?rea-f I ftht tn havrf aII 1 thpsft mittora iri"hr der iv and is ;xjofc every Instance as.' gistcd by,thosej who really, ought to have as. much interest ia these improve- tucnts as herself. We will refer to this gubjcct again. Wtllamette-Farmer, r - : ;.,,.)?.. I j he "Uecreative ltoostora ' 19 the nomo of a london Club, .H .11 Fable of the Xawyer : and Farmer I -lufttrated, ' j ;Two years ago, the latv being the same in the matter as now, it-was clear to he County Clerk that, in canvappiog th vote,'o( the county, it was his 4uty tohcount tV tiej votes rejected by; the judges ""of election "J and so ho "did making a difference oi-eight votes in favor of the Democracy. Tins was done after thorough f investigation yof !he"4law6laborate- afsrument? ut)on it" and against the solemn protest of the Republicans. Last Thursday it' became the duty of the same Democratic Clerk to de cide this fame question again. ; The niind of the dork seemed to be clouded with doubt this; time; ; "Our,, ox had been gored ; "if and if," said the Clerk. : , ,. .r.i'i; r: '. ' The arguments of Republicans sub mitted two years ago in respect to the question, were now examined carefully and found to be clear and conclusive, and entirely aufficicnt"to convince the Clerk of his error two years ago. The mind of the Clerk becomes clear again, and he ''resolves to do right this time, though the heavens fall j'' and to "correct the error of his ways' This time,, ihercfore, he "counts out' tho rejected votes, making a di0erence of some twelve votes in favor: of De mocracy , and against usJ Mr. Clerk, "we see this matter might have been decided without an if," if you , had been as-ready to do justice to others as to exact it -from thcirU and within the next two years you will awaken to the force of this Republican argument. It is said that there' is not a bitter without its corresponding sweet. We arc glad that such is the f;ict. It ap pcirs'uow that the. Republican party is defeated throughout the State. Rut with .this defeat cornea the pleasant consciousness that we shall, for the next " four ytars, Iic under a while ma:s gcverucuent, have high Wigs ?c r our r work, tax, Uhioaiuen out of the country, and be exempt ourselves from taxation. t OfJA V"CS UOOW KAMI ItK AMI f ' frinini; land, on ' Lm-kl-fintitc: I aert-w ia grain (5 ir ; planti'-d-witb wbittt r, gimd orrbard -bearing, and good range ft-r Trie $1, ICO, bieladinc crop, if iiJ before Uarttt.!-y f---.i ' ..-Injvir of ? - :-h . " 5 :t IliiNcll Ferry, Real Etato Agent, Portland; Ogn., or of ' 5 "; f ? : " r'r ;!" ' DU M. "C. O.M LT. : . 15 tf ' E ; ' Dallas Ogn. NOTICE. Y VIRTU K OP AN OHDETt OP TIIK Couoir TourtV of i'olk 'pouiity, Orfson, made'at chambers on tbe lih day f April, A. I. ISiU, tne uniiersigned guard tan of tbe rai nor be'tr of J. W. Boyle, dercastd, will flVr for ale at public auction, at the Cert lione dKr in said eoUnty, on Satnrday, the 9th d,v of JulyA. D. between '-the bftnr of 9 o'clock A.' M. ad 4 o'clock IVM.'uf fail day. tbe . following real estate belonging to paid Wards to-wit: Beginnifts at th N. W. earner of tbe donation bind claim of J. W. Boyle, in Township 4, S. K; 6-wcst! running thence outb 1S.78 chaina; thenco east 3.1. 38 cbait. to the West line of the land w!d by J. I. Iyle tt Don Chandler : thenee north with Chsid ler'a line 18.78chaias : th-nce weft ;3:f8 chains to the daee of beginning ; cou tain ing J 63 v8 acres, more or less, situated in Polk Co. Oregoa. '.V. Ur- ' Term of sale are IT. 8. gold coin, paid in hand at tbs time of, sale. ... '',., JOSEI'IIIKE V. BOYLE, 4. ' 15 4i Ouardian. IVotice to reili(or8. s TUB ITNDERSIONKD HAVtXcl BERN appointed by the County Court of Polk oounty, Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of ,ll.:Wlling,'doeeAcd, all persons, hating claims against aid estate are .hereby notified to - present1 tho ; same to bcr, at ber residence, near Lincoln, in said county, within six months from ibis date. ELIZA Ai WALLISO, Administratrix.' I . June 11th, 1870. 15-4w Final ettletiiciit. M. CniTRrillLL,' ADMINISTRATOR ? i of tho estate f J. M. Rone, deceased, having filed his final account aud asked for final settlement of tbe fame, It is ordered by the Court that Tuesday, July 5th, 1870, be set for the final bearing of said accounts ; and all persons interested therein are . required to ap pear in tbe County Court of Polk county, Ore goa,' on that day,' and file their objections to the saraA'if anjr ther boJ ,u ? ,tt; h COLLINS. Co Judge. s Ksjs Fina 1 j Sett I e men t. 5 u SQL. .TEIII ERO AD M I N 1ST R AT OR of the estate of Bennet Croiley, - decoas td, baring filed his final account and asked for a settlement of the same, it . is 'ordered tho Court that. Tuesday, tha 5th day of July, 1870, be set for the final hearing of said account ; and aU persona interested in said estate aro requosfedi to appear in tho' County Court of Polk county, Ogn., t that day, and show cquse, if any there be, why said aoeouut should Dot be aitowea ana jcttjed, and , said Rdmtnis diwhard. t.'t. . nni:T.fvs - ; v' Co.4udgtv ! NEW Ah VEli TISEtiES TS. r ,:,' --- . - ; - .Mothers, Vyis Found It! TJ10R YEARS I IIAVB SlURCltED FpR sl remedy that wilt , CUIlfi your cbildreo by retaoying thcr CAUSE, and at latl can ay f'Eorca." THY IT ; ; f i r n n nil t mi1 m m p at m .: lAiI Ui Lil I I I V t U Uli U j AL Thia i a pleasant antari l, and n large doses laxative; in giuall doge?, an astringent medi cine; exceedingly useful in allbou&l aflcetionB, esjjecitilly of children. It is a' safe, certain aftyl elTuctunl remedy for Cbolk , Diarrhtca, CfcKpra Morbun, Suunnt-r Complaint, (Jriping Pain, Four .Stomach, Costivones,( Wind, on the Stomach, Crying and Fretting of jCbHdrea. In Teeth io, there v ia nothing that equal it. It eotepa Ui9.0uui8,.and rcndcra.-Tjretbingasy. ' It 'is' no liujutnig .medjeine, got up to Bell, but a really valuable preparation havingbeen' in use for several years" it reconimendi itkclf. V Do jiot feive your ebildren 'tM' 'dotbing syrupf," tor they stupify withou t , dying any permanent jsjood. .i'reparedby. j U W , WA TB It IIO USE, MONMOUTH OR E(3 For Salo by Iniggil.''Tbe' fjrade upplied on rcnscruibjo termn. Jlundrdi of Testimo nials ca bo yiven if neceugarv. ! 13 tf 1 - DIt. U'i IVATEHHOUSE.- - t -r-l-r 1 rf For Rent. J r 'ACRES EXCLOSED tAXD, ONE LOSED TiAKD, 0X1 and a hnlf ir-ilea from Dallas, is offered fur rent. : Tbe renter t take I the growing crop and to, have 'poftse'rion unti( next fprioff. Jood boMe and barn, forty ftf're in grain, and reven orrt-s meadow; a large bearing prebard and jtrarden. One wagon and a fjpan of bnea g. with the place to.dtJ the wrk about the farm. Immediate possession gi'in. ? , . v ; Terms f 230 crth, or patijtfactory trade.' Inquire of RL'SSKLL Jt FERhY, RealEi tate Agents, Portland, or i - J). M. C. OAULT. ; Pallas. May 2V 187ft. VI tf IlALIiAS UOTIA,, CORNER MAIN & C3TJRT STREETS, Dallas, Oreion4 I A. ROliH, I'KOPIH I2TOH fH!If? HOr.SK HAS ,UECE$TJ.Y IiEvN I rtfitte l ana rcarran4t ah l it H now open ;fr' the accommodation of the traveling jtblic, whose patrouago i rcpfectfully souo itcd. - -'.''. s i Tbe .TABLE will at all time be .found . well Irvi-led with every leHeaey of tho reason, a v tit it the sultaotiuls and tur guents may rct assured uf cvurieoa and prompt attend iiii'-e. ' t Th. HLEEriK'I A!AKTM1OTS wi!l also le footi'l Vli an, h lioUsmte and comfortable. JTt McaLi tts'l be Itirniibvd Travclcts at all i t tour. ,.-. ?Ar Id very Stable opposite h hotel. " Li A. KOHB. DaV.as, My 2, la70. . i . 11-if 1840 T 1870 14 I - . . Time Tct the Merit of Jill Tilings. JEST I'OIl TIlIltTV: YEARSl -Qlf. - , - . i " ; Perry Davis1 Pain Siller; ; Una be n Jested iu every varitly of climate, ami by almost' every nation kiiiwu to Atneri. -an. It is tbe almot conHaint contpanion' aod ioeattmable; friend of the tabjsionary and traveler, ou sea and land, and jkio one should traii-l on' our L ikes or Rivuns i iTiiort it. . It i a !pccdy and -"safe remedy1 for burn sj ealds, rwts hruicv'itiids ard. various other injuries a well as ftr dyscnicry , diat rhev'a, and buw'el cotuplaiuli generally, and Js. aduii rably ?uitl for every race of tnon on tho face of tite gbdje. . : :-- j - Bo , Enre ,you call ,for and gpt, the jnnine Pain ''Kilter, tnnny worth lefi rnst turns are attcm'pt?f to be sM on the gleat reputation of! this valuable medieine. v. V- . " ??rlirections a?coiupay eaoh j bottle. . t , eaoh 1 $id( Ptice 25cti, 50cts, and $1 00 per Bottle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 1.5 4r raivlbrd fc IVewiiiaii, or tub T i 1 JLi LJ I 1 111 IVinv iiuivuii II AVK A N EW AX't SEBECT STOCK -or Jajtaiied Ware, Porcelain Lined Stew Pots lor I rait, a. Great Variety of ( Gem Pans, Pressed Patties for Tarts, Cooking Spoons, KTI itcaters, Ilroll Injr Plxturcs of Improved Pattern, Rolling Pius, c, Ac. - n 'CllAWFORD A XfiWMAN. 7:tf .Dallas, April 15. 1S70. C. M. VARVKXTER, F.J. BABCOCK. PARft1liTR & BABCOCKf manufacturer, anil Wholesale and Ite- , aH: tail Dealers la Commercial Etreett Salem, Oregoa, HAVE OX IIAND Til LARGEST XX Stock of Furniture, r A. lleddiiiu h Window Shades, ::- Hollands, and e5 PA PEllII &ftGlftiG& To-be found. in Marion CountyI J -.tU J All kinds, of Pictoroi -Frames. Coffins and Caskets made to order, on short notice and at reasonable ratosj' vu; y''?'f.. .f;.-s,,i.-i':: : rr-( I ; PARMEXTER A BABCOCK. , Salem,JMarch 23, 1870.. t- ,1. . 4 tf j-. ;. V WIFE, SARAH 11. AULKEt, HAV , ipz left njy bed and board without just laue br provocation. I herewith cive notice to an persons that i mil no longer be respon sible for any indebtedness she Inav incur. ; LUICE .MULKEVJ Monmouth, May &, 1870, j ; ' lU4w - ELCU'S PREMIUM SALMON BEST f Y in markotin kits or barrels. -;i For sale at COX EARHARm v taie. .tfT: JJHSX v B 1 Edit mi m m m' - NE IV A D VER TISEMENTS. A isi Elisors fc BKOWIV, SUCCESSOtlS TO B. STRANG. ISIPORTKRS AI-' DEALERS IN STOVES OF ALL KINDS, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Copper, Zinc, Brass fit tfiocf ixui, '". .' . . ;,i.-.-,.-.a- y .. Force and lAtt ' Pnnips, v , -.-rvsa CA ST t TIN ; A NX ENdMEZEp MANUFACTURE US 0., Tin, Sheet-Srou & CoFiier- r- Ware. Great Variety f Gem' Pans. Iron and Load. Pipe, of all sizes, for Gas, Water aud Stem. , J , NJPI'LES, f RK TUlt iV HENDS HUH HUH 110 SE, STOPCOCKS, iiosi: PIPES, ; PLUGS, JiA Til 1 UJJS. . . ; In all its branches done to order, at tho stand ... of ,B. .Strang,. --':Uy: ' Union.' alloc k Commercial St., altva, ? - ' 2-6 in . 1870. Gilbert I5ros. 18 7.O. s. ij ' ' ; ' . si. 1 . ;; 1 AN U FACT U l 1 "RS," SALE31 - - - - - - : OREGoV. Men' Tap BUe Sewed Baots...:...$U 00 . Men Double Sole, Svwt.d Boot...... 13 00 a 2 Mcn'a Single Sfe, Sewel Btvl 12 00 S -' - ' - ' ' " ' - . g O Men Tap Sole, Tegged Biotj.:...,: 11 00 g,- Men Single Sale Ped Bootf...' io t Men' French Kip Ecot?... 0 00 -J" MnV.Kip B'Jotsi, Oregon or Cali 5 for oi eaiorr rocs -M 2 Men' Beet Freneh Calf Sewtd 0 "ford 'lie. 53 MwiV Bet Trencli Calf Pe?-id Ox - .ford Tiei........ ...... ," ;cdw. L 1I1E 4EST,liItASDS 'OF? F.itKCH CABH Utfcd in all our Mot, and - every rajr A-arrantsa t f v aJum U )q. e al. iiaro tbtt largest . aud lei-t !wSectedJucfc of Eatrtt ind Califoraia uiJe Hoots and Miocs which jt offer at 'bok'42".: 'r retail 'at I'rit Wblcii lefy cowjittition. -.v.v , s, OAK SOI.K LEATJIEIJ, I HKNGII CALF, KIP AND UITiai 'f, . SHOE FINDINGS, 5boe Mnefilnffry aod everything generallj found in a Leather and Finding Store. tV . V.Id coin paid fer UIHE-S and FURF. .". - -:r-,.,v AJ I L B K RT B R OS. Salem, Oga., Marcb 10, 1870. . ; 2:m Valuable - Property r ;- .-V0R.:8A1.R. ' -' ' BEING IESlR0rS OF OOtNO EAST, I now offer for se jny wtll known f 1 FERRY, WARE ,0US4DWELUHr , Ac, at vcry lowrate. !Tbl proptrty is fitu- ated at . llurha Vijta, 4 on the Willamette river, and on tbe nearest and be't route from Salem to Curvallis and Southern Ort-jron. 5 ' The Ferry Bont, is attached to a Suspension Wire Rope and runa by tbe current, being jal'o and convenient. -, The Warehouse is new, built on the improved plan, witl solid walls above bih water y grain is received 'without elevation.; , r . rT My projwrtr is as stood if not the. best pay Ing property in. the State at tho ame, cost. Time for a. part of the purfu;te, money Will bo given, lttose wisuiug a bargain wut pipaso call at once on . W. L: RlUllS, 2-3m Buena Vista, Ogn. , Wholesale and Iletall dealers iu BOOKS, v.; 4 ..... : STATIONERY; - - - - - ;i ANDYANKEE NOTIONS. I, WE TAKE THIS 'OPPORTitITY 1 - informing the public that wo have jasP received a large invoice of f -WallPapei:::: Of ill styles, direct from the mannfactoriea U the East .-" Oar stock is tho , ; ? , tarcesi ever oflercd lit th is Mar ket. Which we will sell at wholesaio and retail '4f CHEAP as any other house in tlve Satdf - v 1 YEATOX A BOON, SalcmM Ogn., March 10th, 1S70. iZ2-tt- ; Formerly 'WESTERN HOTEU" nf j -Corner of tHrst and Morrison Strectiy, iu- , ; :PORTLAND QRE(l6N. :! 1 v 'li . ; n ' Mesra. SMITH, & COOK ; 'y HAVE TAKEN -THIS WEtL KNOWN Honse and Refitted and .Rfiinilhca it " throughout, making it by iar tho BEST,H0 TEL IN PORTLAND; ' ' , " N. B.- Hot and Cold Baths attached Jto tbart House for the benefit of Uucsts. ' ' ... , .;? -BMITII A COOK, ,)l i " t , Proprietrr Portland, April 14, XSTOi T;tf b- r. 4