S h c &.r t ak& . b lit n. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER., DALLAS, SATURDAY, JUNE, 4. v.,.,,,,1'"', I, B. F. Whitsoo, being duly sworu, Tt r)6?e'ahti say that the statement of J. O. Shcltoi; made in the Salem Press, that I now have, or ever had, $1,000, or any other sum of Senators Corbett and vVilliams and lien Ilolladay's or iniv other man's money, for the purpose ot vhnvinff or corrupting the voters ot said county, is a base wicked and mali cious lie, b. f. wnrrsojr. Subscribed and Hvorn to before me tU30O;Uuj of;May, 1870. J. II. Turner, J. P. "Westward Ho!" exclaims the Buf- V1. f A .1 j' -J .1 mm (inimtrciui juiweriiser, auu inen if. says : 1 Ttie generally unsatisfactory condition of mercantile affairs, and the cloud of uncertainty which has hung, and still hans, over the business fu ture, bus caused ia;iny . to relinquish their business connections in the older States' of the East, and to seek new -1 -V fields lor enterprise. In most cases where a change of location has been re solved upon, it has resulted in a selec tio of the States aud Territories in the far West. Fcom appearances, we have reason to believe that the tide of emi (rration to the transMi$sissippi eountry this season will exceed that of any pre vimis year. The present movement is uot caused by undue excitement, nor by exaggerated rumors, but is the re suit of mature reflection, aud an Hon est ej5'.rt to secure new homes, at once ltsirable aud permanent. On Saturday next, the Democracy are. 'to h;ve a grand powwow in the uwn of Dallas. Three renowned per MKi are to address the anticipated vast assemblage. Reed, of l'ortlaad, will conie all the way, on the Democratic corruption fund, to eilighten the un ierrifi -d of I'ulk as to the purps and rl.e cffect of 'the cat-fiht. Nesmith, the honest jeotuan, will tell us in tears how he was inveigled into the Union parly, while at Washington. Poor Xcsuiith! what suffering of mind he must have undergone durinjr his filsc imprisonment by the Union party at our national Capital, and he deserves more' sympathy in consequence of his weakness, in both body and mind. How glad wc arc that he has finally been released from the strong arms of the terrible wretches that seduced him &t Waahinirtou. and has been nermitted rj t - 'to return to his mountain home in Or rgon, where he can taste liberty and driuk good bourbon, according to the dictates of his cwu conscience. Poor Jeemes! his eyes wi!l never again be hold that gloomy Senatorial seat, nor . his heart -we hope be again enslaved at our national Capital. Then com'esr the notable I:n, who will tell us of the prostitutes from China, both male and female; of the Digger Indians of whom Capt. Lafol Jeltfc has charge; and , of the kinky headed niggers who are fast running out the white race on this continent, and with whom he is afraid he will soon be brought to a social equality. Come out ever)boly and hear them if, you wish to be enlightened generally. Democratic voters of Polk coonfy, examine your county platform. Do you intend to become outlaws, as your first resolution declares? We appeal to you as men who Jove liberty, law and order, and who desire aud intend to perpetuate our Republican institutions; as men who despise anarchy and blood hed,we appeal to you. on account of yourselves, your children and your property, to repudiate by your votes on the 6tb of June the principles involved in that resolution. e find no fault with you because you arc opposed to the principla of suffrage, but you have no, right to take the law in your own hands and disregard it while it remains euch upon the statute book ; and, fur ther, remember that if you vote for the Pemooratic nominees in this county, at i -the coming filoction, you vote for men pledged by that resolution to resist tho laws. Hill you do it? We cannot believe it. vllow consistent it ia for J. O. Shel ton to charge that Williama furnishes JJoise monoy to elect Representatives in Polk county, to e'end Boiso to the T). Democrats put on a long face and shake their heads whenever John O. Shelton cries corruption. Oh! ' you long-faced Democv racy, what did you say and do when your party bought men by wholsale and brought them into this county :a 64, and you took them to your homes and fed them on good bacon and beans for fifteen days prior to election, and then stood by, looked coolly on, and saw those lying, perjured scoundrels swear in their votes, and never batted your mi i: ' k.. 1 eyesf inai is a reaiuj, uu- J"- charges against Republicans we nave 0 0 r . .- .. shown by the best men in Folk county to be a false and base slander. It turns . . 1 out mat no man ever receiveu uumi i from Republicans and that no Repub- lican ever had or handled a dollar of corruption Funds. Tho truth is, the; falsehoods circulated by the Democrats will rebound upon their own heads. All honest Democrats will repudiate the conduct of the nomiuees of the party, and the Republican ticket will be elected by a handsome majority, and the cry of corruption will revert' back to the bosoms of perjured Villains, where it belongs. There is a rumor afloat on the streets this morning, thai the Democratic nom inees of this county, who were making a terrific cantass all alone, became so delighted at Independence on Mooday morning over their prospects, by the free use of "Oh-be joyful," that they abandoned their canvass by failing to come to time when called; whereupon the unterrified became hugely disgust-j ed and swear by Jeff. Davis they would turn out no more; inconsequence of which, the said canvassers, being great ly alarmed, undertouk to run together for the purpose ot a campaign council. But the too frequent use of the plat form had turned the back of tho head where the face ouirht to be. and when the influence had sufficiently worn off they found themselves strolling about the county, solitary and alone; and when last heard from, were muttering to themselves, "wc have cemcntend apart and the chief leader J. 0. IS. was adding to his rhyme : "John Brown' bodj lies mouMeiinjr in the ground. The Democratic canvassers charge among other things that the Ellentlale Mill Co. has received one thousand dol lars corruption fund to carry Polk coun ty in the interest of the Itepublicaos. Now if this be true, then 31 r. Isaac Levins, one of the Democratic County Commissioners, is as guilty as any one else, for he is one of the Directors of said Company, one of its business agents, and such a thing could not be true and ue be ignorant oi it. lie nas been purchasing wool for the Company recently. If the charge be true, per haps he has been purchasing Democrat ic wool with William's corruption fund. Look out for him, Democrats. John O. Shelton says he was ap proached by Republicans to act as the corrupt tool for the party in Polk coun ty. Now, -had his virtue stood well in society he would not have been tempt ed, for with male as with female prosti tutes, it is ouly those who wear the sign of defilement who arc so often tempted as he pretends he has been. Keep it in remembrance that John O. Shelton has been employed by the combined council and wisdom of the Democratic nominees of Polk county, to make the canvass for the party, be cause he is loyal and honest in politics. "Oh ! consistency, thou art a jewel." A Democrat, on the inside at Salem, has made the remark that it made do difference how great tho the majority was in this county tor the Republican ticket even if it reached 300 none but Democrats could get certificates of election- Be it remembered that tho Union Republican ticket, of Polk county, will be elected by thirtyone majority. Colto. If a i7- At. ! norse has the colic. t.:m 4 t if m , give him two tableypoonsfull of soda dissolved m warm water. Itericat thul dose every half hour thereafter until the patient is well. For infants with colic, soda in small quantities 18 invalu able. If persons who are subject to colic will tako soda, they will have no use for antUgpasmodica as a general thing. I give soda for colic, for the game reason you would use water to put fir out. Slock Journal. MISCELLANEOUS. PREMIUM I GANG i PLOWS! THE BEST KH0WN TO MAN I IflASOft'S GAIVCr 7 PLOW " "CIIALLEIVGE." miiE undersigned, HAVINO PUR- JL chased the exclusive right from Wm. Ma- fl0n, for the District eomprUiog the countiea of M onDg mese I Celebrated Plows, and is readv to fill orders for t m on short notice. Coine, Farmers, and encourage VtriTsfrtrt Tnoranrif tw fir T1 n - r I c o j.Munjr uuikijiwuv And enable yourselves to raise Large Crops. ror saie at my snop at f IOO each. T. H. LUCAS, Dixie, Polk county, Ogn. DRUG STORE. Northwest Corner Main aud Mill Sta., DALLAM, OGN. HAVING PURCHASED the OLD STAND formeily belonging to W. 6. Robb, and r4t8( yon CASH, everything in my line: Dm?, Patent Medicine, And all kinds of PURE LIQUORS, put up expressly for Medicinal use. PBilPUMRHIES OF ALL KINDS. ji o 7 Cream Tartar, SaleraluM, Ajo, Bird Seed, Paints, Oih, Varnithe, Brwrfiet, Domestic Dye, Washing Pointer, And everjtbinj else that is kept in a FIRST CLASS UHUU STOUB. t II. I. NK IIOI, Druggbt. DALLAS LIVERY. FEED & SALE 3 STABLEST Cor. Main and Court Streets, Thos. G. Richmond, Proprietor. Havino rrnciiASEn the above .Stand of Mr. A. II. Whitley, we have re fitted and re stocked it in ?ueh a manner as will satisfactorily meet evry want of the com m unit 5. Ilugles, single or double. Hack, Con cord Wagoita, etc., etc., Puriiibcd at all hur, day or night, on short notice. Superior Saddle Horse, let by the Day or ectt. i . , .,,.. TERMS, REASONAHLE. 4 T. 0. RICHMOND I KS1SII AUKIVAL! STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR THBi SPRING 1RADi:, X now open and tor sale at our store, on the Comer of Front and Mill Htreeta, Dal las, Oregon We invite the attention of our rtrons to our New btiCK, consisting of Dress GocU, Clothing, llarJtrare, Crockery Clroreric, Boots Sf Short, School Bookn, Stationery, ift., In fact everything found in Retail Stores, At Prices to Suit the Times. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods ! Those having old accounts are requested to call ami settle by UASli or IS DTK. We thank the public for their liberat pat ronnge in the past, and hope for a continuance of the same. N. k, 3. D. LEE. Dallas, March 1st, 1870. l-tf W. II. TEAL, Wagon & Carriage Maker, Main Street, Dallas I HAVE ON nAND AN ASSORTMENT of Lumber Wagons, Express Wagons and Buggies of various kinds, ready for sale. COME OH WITH YOUR CASH! You all know what tny wagons are, for i have been well patronized for tho last TEN YEARS, for which I feel thankful. And the last year they went off like Hot Cakes. I am well prepared to do all kinds of work in my trade. I have in my employ tho best Illacksmith in the County, who is prepared to do Shoeing in the best Style, on short notice, and every kind of blacksmith work done in a neat and workmanlike manner, and according tu Order, at reasonable rates. I rHitig uone to oruer. iirin alone I vnnr ni,t u'n.,,.,; n., , I i -e i(is, ui kcs mem paini- . W. H. TEAL. w'lft8 pru y, 1H70. 6:6m WOOL IVAIVTLII. THE ELLENDALE MILL COMPANY will give the highest market price for wool, delivered at their factory in Polk Co. Their Store is also open, with a general as sortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, 3-tf QDi, UEENSWAUE IN ABUNDANCE J U. LBWI'S LAIIDEtf & DTRAJXCE'S NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON, Is the most thorough and complete Institution of the kind on the Coast. It is designed by its course of study and prac tice to place a BUSINES EDUCATION WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. Every facility afforded for acquiring a SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION In the ehorteet possible time, and at THE LEAST EXPENSE. Every student will have an Actual Business Practice, Miniature Worltf of Business, mo WHICH UK IS INTRODUCED AFTER X hafinir comileted the Theory, and which has the effect of thoroughly familiarizing him with all the minuUe of real business. Ibis feature of the Institution also affords an ex cellent practice in COMMERCIAL COEBESPONDENCE, And furnishes abundant opportunities for test ing the Student s knowledge ot COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. In conducting this actual practice, co-part nendiip are formed, and when the day of dis- soiutiod and settlement comes, the subject of DARTNXRSIIIP SETTLER KNT Is taken up and investigated, ond the princi ples practically applied. The mot thorough instruction is afforded in Huineit Penmanship; also, a course in Flionogrrapliy, By a practical Sbort-Hand Reporter, for tke l.n! fit of tbofle who wUh to pursue this use ful subject. For circulars, giving full particulars, au.irefS LAUD FN A DEFRANCK. February 13.1y Willameltejron Works Company 50STH FRONT AND STREETS, PORTI,AMOC;X. IRON FOUNDERS, AND BOILER HUILDER.S. fnilESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON THE X bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities tor turning out in uhinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose expe rience on this Coast for sixteen years eives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required (or mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to execute orders for all classes of Machinery and Boiler Work, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY SAW and PI.OUICIKG MILLS, QUARTZ MILLS, MINING PUMPS, Ac, Ac, t Ac. Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all kinds. Iron Shutter Uork at San Francisco t'ost and Freight. Wheeler A Randall's Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar's Self-adjusting Patent Piston Packing Stevens' " " . Either applied to old or new steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and Dies, Of the best hard iron. j'l 1 FURNITURE! IXiircaim, -Lounges, Tables, IScclstcads, A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen and Parlor use, HAW-HIDK nOTTOM CHAIRS, Of my own make. Shop near Way mi re's Mill I INVITE TnE PUBLIC TO EXAMINE my stock. I shall be pleased to show you my goods, and better pleased when you buv. New Work put up to order, and Repairing aone at iae lowest casn price. 37 m C. WILLS. A LL SORTS OP GOODS SOLD FOR XIl wasn or Marketable Produce at J. H. LEWIS'S SALT. CARMEN ISLAND AND LIV. ERPOOL Salt, In quantities to suit, at COX A EARHART'S Salem. a AITERS. DO YOH Wawt SOME U Fine Cloth Gaiters. It t- -r r- - . - ("J J r' r too J. B. LEWIS'S FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. Br eftilien PcrrauH, Dr. of Medicine of the Faculty of Pa ris, Graduate of the University of Queen's College, and Physician of theSUJohfl Ilaptlste So ciety of San Francisco. D'PERKAULT HAS THE PLBAS R. ure to inform patients and others seeking; confidential medical advice that he can he consulted daily at his otlice, Armory 11 all Building, North East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos. 9. 1. 11, first floor, p stairs, entrance on either Montgomery r Sacrament street?, Dr. Pekrailt's studies have been almost exclusively devoted to the cijre of the various forms of Nervous and Physical Debility, the result of iftjunous habits acquired in youth, which usually terminate in. impotence and sterility, and permanently induce all the con comitants of old age. Whre a secret infirm ity exists, involving the happiness of a life and that of others, renson and morality dictate the necessity of its removal, lo it is a fact that a premature decline of the ylpor of manhood, matrimonial nnhappiness, bompulory single life, etc.. have their sources in causes, the germ of which is planted in: early life, ami tne bitter fruits tasted long afterward; patients, laboring undr this complaint, will complain of one or more of tho following symptoms : Nocturnal Emissions, Pains in the Rack and Head. Weakness of Memory and Siht, Dis cbarge from the Urethra l going to stool or make water. Intellectual t acuities are Weak ened. Loss of Memory ensues. Ideas are cloud ed, and there is a disinclination to attend to business, or even to reading, writing or the so ciety of friends, etc. The toatient will proba ably complain of Dizziness, Vertigo, and that Sight and Hearing are weakened, ana sleeD disturbed by dreams; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, faintings, coughs and slow fevers ; while some have external rheumatic pin, and numbness of the body, pome of the most common symptoms are pimples in the face, and aehinir in different parts of the body. Patients suffering from this disease should ap" ply immediat.ly to Db. PMrrai it, either in person or by letter, as he will guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions and Impotence in six or eight weeks, I Patients suffering from Jvenenal disease in any stage, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Strictures, Rubo, I. leers. ttaneous Eruptions, etc., will e ireai ed successfully. All Syphilitic. and Mercurial Taints entirely removed frtn the system. Dr. Pr.RRAi'CT'a diplomas are in his office where patients cmi see for hrm'clfs that they are under the care of a regularly educated practitioner, lue best rcltrences given n re quired. Patients suffering under phrnlc di-a??s can call anl examine for thcinst-lve. We invite iuveMig ation ; cJaiui not jto know everything, nr to cure evervWdv. lmtj we do claim tint in all ces taken un ler trta'tiacut wc fulfil our promises. Wc particularlly re juest thoso wh Imve tried thi boated doot-.r and that adver tised physieian till worn out'aud discouraged, to call upon us. j u Low clarej and qwiefc jrures. v Ladies suffering trm ariy eompla?nt inciden tal to their sex, can consult tLe doctor with the ajuracce cf relief. Ftmalc Monthly Pills. i Dr. Pkkkai i.t I-? the opjly spent in Ciiliffrr.ia f r Dr. Ihott s Female Monthly rul-. Ujcii tinmne iio ha eotatliNhe 1 their rctutati.n as a female r medy unapj,r'.,aehed, and f.ir in advance t cv ry utuer r'iei i r .uppres(ins and irreffolarities, an 1 otb r nl.ctru -tt 'O in f.-- ma'cs On the receipt of five d jllars t!e Pills will be sent by mail r cxine's to my part of the world, secure froni turn-Mty or uanmsfc. Persuns at a dbtance ein lw cured at h me. hv adiirenntin? a letter iDr. 1'f.h n a tlt. corner of Sacramento and Mr.Ucinery strjcts, Rxrms 10 and 11. or Box 173, P.O.. fcan I-ratioi-c... stating the can as tuinuttjly as poKille, gcutral habifs of living, oreupatiho, et. vW- All cmniutic.itiins cohhdcntrl I I ly COX cV EAjRIIAIlT, VHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS XSOORE'S CLOCK, SALEM. Good by tlte Parkajre at Reduced Hate tnvlftintf Ifuderivooil, Rarkcr aV Co, WA(sO. MAKERS, Commercial street, Salem, Oregon, HI ANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF WAG- ill ONS after the most approved styles and the best of workmanship, on short notice, and AT POUTL AM) PKICliSI 21- tf Saddlery Harness, 1 S. C. STILES. 1 Alain st, (opposite the Court House), Dallas, ANUFACTURER I AND DEALER IN arness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips. Collars, Check Lines, etc., etc., of all kinds, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest living rates. JHBrREPAIRING done on short notice. N, HAAS, DEALER IN I CrSTO.lI IT1AIIE BOOTS. 1 1 State Street, Salem, Oregon, Two doors from Express oClce. 1 TTST RECEIVKD. A nOOT RTOHIT fll? - J French Kip and Calf Skins. California Kin and Calf Skins, and California Sole Leather, which 1 ouer for sale cheap. FIIIIS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! Thee highest price in cash caid for Furs and wr a . Jiiaes. S5 Farmers AUcnlion! rrIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING HAD 1 nearly twenty years' practice in making " "AWUO u vivnuu. nc ICCI t'Jfl u 11 rr 1 1 L WH UH II as good work as can ho had in any part of the state. Iron ami Hickory Axles, (Thimble Skeins) On hand and made to ordeon short notice. Lumber Wagons Expres a Wasrons ..9150lI80 fl7522 our work. Repairing Call and examine done on short notice and on reasonable terms. SIMEON T. GARRISON, ASA SIIKEVE. alU,Apra I,l8r0. " TiJaa XXrlt you wish the very best Cabixkt Pho ii o TIT? ATI LEY Jfc TOGRAFHS, you Iliuei c " " RULOFSON, 429 Montgomery street, fcan Francisco. V .;' Scbofula ia a taint or infection in the hu man organism which weakens the vital forces, and disorders or disarranges the functions of th whole system. This taint or infection U most usually hereditary in the constitution, but it may also arise from habits of life, unwhole some food, etc. In time, if this disease does not show itself in an ulcerous or tubercular form, it induces those other diseases, such as consumption, ulcerations of the liver, 8t"nl:1J and kidneys, salt rbeum, dropsy, etc. Jbe best remedy ever1 yet discovered Is "Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters." It will core the disease if not too far advanced, and will eradicate the cause. WORDS OF WISDQM For Yochg Me, On the Ruling Passion rn Youth and Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring and Unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envfel opes, free of charge. Address, Howard Asso ciation, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. 81 FAI1Y KILLER. THE GREAT Family Hedicine of the Ago Taken Internally, It Cures Dytmtery, Cholera, Diarrhwa, Crnttip and Pain in the Stomach, lioirtl Complaint; Paintert' Colic, Lirer Complaint, Dyprpia, lndgtton Sore Throat, Sudden Cold, CoH'jh, tt'C. f'C. Used Externally it Cures Dot'!; Ftton, Cut, 7?rMi"-, Durn, Scald; Old Sort-, Sprain, Tooth arhe, I 'a in in the Pace, Xturnlgia, ltheumatimt, Protted Peet, d'C, d'C, d'C, MECHANICS' HOTEL, Nos. 102, 104, 106 Front street, cor Alder, POSTLAND, 0 BEG 0Nt THOMAS It VAN', - - PROPRIETOR. (Formerly of the What Cheer House.) J' K HAVING OPENED THE ABOVE nOUSE the proprietor wishes to announce to tbo public that he i now prepared to accommodate guests in a at"ufactory manner at the most rensonable rates. The entire house has been newly finished aud fumihed throughout iu tho most complete aud couifoatable maimer. Baggage tken to andjrom the house free of harge. IV BANK EXCHA?!G SALOON, Main h'reet, : : : Dallas, Ogu. UTtVPfl TTATABi Wll, Tl'Tf ATP". IT Bitters, Cijrars, Candies, Oysters I f and ?ariifies wiii be served to gentle-1"1 men on tho oatsidc of the counter, by a gentle man who htf an ev to "bir on the inside. St come along, boys ; nifike no delay, and. we will eoon bear what you have to say. 12 W. . CLINUAX. C. B. STILES' HEADQUARTERS Malu street. Opposite Court House, Ac iv Store! IVciv Goods ! I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER A large asortmcnt of choice PROVISIONS. GROCERIES, WOODEN WARE, TUBA CCD, FRUITS, CIGARS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Etc., Etc. Alio, a Oencral Assortment of HOOT?, I1IICS AND GAITERS, I desirrn to keep only the CHOICEST and BEST articles and sell theia at a Small Profit For Cash. MY MOTTO. Q,uick sales and small profits. a. B. STIfa&S, HURGREF3 a SIIINDLER, Importers and Dealers in FURNITURE AND oETriisro. Th o T.arivAct SnrL and the Oldest Fur iilture House In Portland. WAREROOMS AND FACTORY: CORNER SALMON AND FIRST STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. 19 tf TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of tho time or 1 m for the snare moments. Business new, lignt and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn troui 50c. to f 5 per evening, ana a prup'r tional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bojs and girls earn nearly as much MM ft .! $ tlikl Y A P lAtt II 1 iucu kuuivpi ttuva ' . this unparalleled otter t To such as ars bi.wii satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sam ple, which will do to commence work on, and a. copy of "The People's Literary Companion . J'f .v- and best family newspapers published all sent tree ny m. " you want permanent, PhJw0 tl UU I va fnCdn UHliubii tftbutf r OF EVERY VARIETY, AT CJ. IJ. STI LES' STORE! Dallass, Jan. 29.-38-4t. lUrELC ELCH'S FREMIUM SALMON BEST WW in market in kits or barrels. For sale t COX A EARJIARTP, Balem,