Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, June 04, 1870, Image 3

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; Portland legal tender rates, strong at SSJc
We have received Mr.1 Pearee'a weather re
cord for May but will bo unable to publish till
next week.
Found. On tho road between Monmouth
arid Pallas, a gentleman's overcoat which tho
owner can recover by calling on Judge Collins,
and paj-ing for this notfte.
. Seeking Job. A Chicago company had
their representative in Salem a few days since
seeking to get a contract to "build a section of
the Oregon and California Railroad.. The
company built about iOO ialk-d of tho Union
Pacific roiidr
Spirits Lost. A set of ladies furs was lost
ibis week on the ro.vi bow teen Dixie and El
leidale. The find r will bo liberally rewarded
on leaving the in, either at tho store of Mr. J.
II. Lewis, in Dallas, or at the residence of Mr.
T?ni. Tf:ivik'Il. ill Eo'.il.
Won't D It. Mr. Leo Itobb tells us that
the runt or btins circulated to tho effect. that he
will stump the county is untrue in every par
ticular, for he intends to stop at home and ad
minister to the wants of his hungry and weary
guests. lie holds daily levees at the Dallas
C a TTTt pillars. During the p?.t week the
wca'her has been cool and showery. This has
been of great service to the orehardists in tho
matter of destroj ing catterpi'lars. Where any
attention at all ha-! been given to their destruc
tion the trees are free of thoia. They will pro
bably sw:rat again when warm weather comes
as tie woods arc full of ilium. .
Will Make Dot. Our friend Chas. .d
wyn has been employed by the Western Union
Telegraph Corapir.y, and will report at the
Portland oClee fur duty, where he will hereafter
at lie d.t3 and dashes. We wish him complete
success aad that his circuit will not be so con
.traded but that be will be akls to raise Li
Dallas friui Is.
Democratic Cotxtt Tickkt. Far Rcpre
83ataties. BetJ. Jlay len, R. J. Grant, Wat.
Oouiegjs; County Judge, J. II. Myer ; County
Cork, D. J. Holmes ; Sht-riJ, S. T. Uureh ;
' A.c-sor, Wa.' Ridgeway; Treatircr, R. M
May; C rcmls-ic-Ber;, V'n. Jotes, J. K. De-la'st.mt'-t;
School , Superintendent, L. Vine-
-. n Tk t
K. Davh's ru :
. Crip Pit spect. TUe prospect frn abund
ant t arvtst this yr was aver better. Or tin
.is lirowirg ficely and tbe grr.und is charged
with an amxiiit of water that will be sufficient
trt lit', isntil -i fi fr i rr it TK r-.iiri f.ii- t!m
past three mouths w.ts 13.75 itches, an amount
Jilmcit as great as. fell during tha whule winter
oi lads--j. xue frreauia i isina sown im? year
ism re than h.13 beeu planted in any ne ten-
son before, and hcr.ee we may confidentially
predict a very large wheat surplus this fail.
PorNPAiar.3 ok Er.fTiox Prkiivcts. A
, h-rc are always (jaesfi nn nri-ing o-ncemin
' the lx rcndm ie of election prefincts, we have
fii-e, and herewith present the h'-undarics of
all the pnciucU in Pwlk county:
Pop jr nir g at the point wher? tbe north line
oi I':ik t"unfy striked the Vitlstaf te rivir,
tln tue west to the line between ptboi -t and
5, T. 0, R. 4 W.; tbenc-e f.-,uth in th? kcc
tion lirif? tne mile outh uf the lltte between
"Tw. :uid 7.? : tbenee fast .t the Wiihumtte
' river j thence duti &i 1 livar to the piet; of
Pc'nn'rg et tbe point where the pectinn
line between secti'-ns t and i. T. 6. S. R. I W.
.ftrikrs the north line -of Folk county; therue
west io Sait Creeh ; tbenco up said creek to tbe
laie letwcn T.-. C and 7. S ; tber.ce ea,-t to
the i tiihe:ist corner of section H2, T. 6, S. It. 4
W.; tbcnej cctth to the place of degia iog.
' ., i JACK ov.
Rcginning1 at the point where the north line
cf the cojinty cr -e ult Crftk ; thence west
on Vail dine to Jlill Creek; thence tip Mill
Creek to tbe line between Ts. 6 and 7, S ; them;
cast on Kftid line to caU Creek; thence down
y Salt X'rctk tu th lace' of begin uiog.
v not CLAS.
Beginning at th3 po'nt where ?.fill Creek
crones tle north line of .'he rount' ; thence
we?t to tl:e western boundary of tte county :
thence potifh following the county line to the
bead, or at a point due we.t of tho head of Mid
Creek : thence down j.id creek to t'aa d.teu of
Tieglntiipg at the half mile post between sec-.
. lions 2 and 33, Th. fi and 7, S. R. 5, W.; theme
west to Mill Creek j thenco up said eroek to
the southwest corner, of - Douglas precinct;
thence south to the section line one mile south
. of the line between Ta. 7 and 8, S,; thence east
, to the half-mile stake between section 2 and
11, T, S. U. 5, W l thence north to the plauo
.of beginning.
TSeginnmg at the centre of section 11, T. 8,
J . 43. K. 4, W.; thence north to line between Ta. 6
' and 7. 8-i thence east wiles; thence roiith 4
miles; thence east 1 mile; thence south to the
' la Creole Creek, thence down said creek to
the Willamette river ; thence up said river to
" jthe " point where the half mile line, running
' ,a3t and weft through section 11, T. 8, S. It. 4,
, Wt strikes savd river; thcucc west to the j.lacc
fit begixiLjog.
Beginning at the Willamette river I mile
eouth of the line between Ts. C and 7 S:; thence
west to the northeast corner of section 8, T. 7,
S. U.4, W.; thence north 1 inile; thence wet
i mile; thence south 4 miles; thence cast I
mile; thence south to the La Creole creek;
thence down eaid creek to the Willamette river;
thence down eaid river to the jdaco of begin
ning; 'Y'-'-M . - ' ;
Eejrinnlng at the Willaiaetto river at tho
foint where the lino between sections (J and 7
T. 9, 8. K. 3, W, intersects said river; thence
yweist to' flie eouthwefct corner ut section Z, T 9,
. g.- R. 5, W.; thenco north 6 miles; thence E. 1 j
mi'es; thence south i mile; thence east to the
IVilUimette river ; tbenco up eaid river to the
jplaco of beginning. ; - - . -; ' .r
. Beginning at h nrthcst corner of aection
9, S. K. 5, W.; thence west to the county
line; thenco south o nines; thenco east to tUe
sou thrift corner of section 4, I.' 9 It. 5, W.;
thenco north to the piace of begmmag. , .
Beginning at tho northeast corner of section
JO, T. 'J. S. R. 5, W.; thenco west to" tho
county line; thence south to t,he southwest
croner of tho county; thence cast to tho line
between a.;otinj 10 and II, T. 10, S. 11. 5, W.
thenco north to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the point where the lino be
tween sections 6 and 7, T. V, S. 1. 3, W.
intersects the Willamette river thence west to
tbe northwest comer of section 11, T. 9, S. It.
5, V0; thence south to the county line ; tbenco
east to the Willamette river ; thence down
said river to the place of beginning.
the Post, Office at Dallas, Polk county,
Ugn., Juno 1st, 1370 :
Eurfcrd, II
Cooper, J .
llunsaker, Jno
Logan, Miss Mary
Mc Daniel, Wiu
NolL J oh ill
Ridley, Mrs. M
Miiitiou, Thus
St-Jiey, S It
Smith,. A M
Shipley, P M
Uglow, Abel
Watson, Miss Mary
J. D. Lee, P. M.
MAtUll III). -
COLLINS UUQUA At the residence of
the bride's father, near linen VisU, May 29th,
by Iaac taats, J. P., JXr, V,'. W. Collins and
Mis Mary L. Fuqua.
dence of the bride's father, near D.illa, Jane
1st, by lion. J. L. Collins, Couuty Judge, Mr.
John W. Carpenter aud Miss Mary Emma
Mr. Clootie's Mateuieut-
Mr. Kpitor : I see by the affidavit
published iu the Press of May 2Gth
that my name appears quite often
Now I whh to state :
l-t, That Mr. Fales I do not know.
2d, If Mr. IlarJman meuns to fay or
insinuate that he got any money of me
for the purpose of influencing his vole,
he lies onht. I lent him $30, which
he agreed to pay as ?o m as he could.
Sd, Mr. J. O. Siselion wxs hired to
find out and divulge the plans of the
Democrats, which ho did, faithfully,
aud I pa: 1 him what I agreed to out of
my own pocket and money. Rut his
affidavit in regard to me is false in tote.
And now, Mr. IMitor, I never had
any mony of Ken Iloila J y or any other
man for the purpose of e -i-nipting the
ba'.loNbos, or fur buying any linn's
vtm. v. rooxi:.
Dallas, Juno 2, 1870.
Wurit : : :
Let every Keptiblican in Polk coun
ty consider himself a committee of one
on election day to vote himself and to
see that every Itcpullteau in hid pre
cinct is at the polta an J votes. Let to
excuse of business keep yxj frm cxcr
cising that right which uuder our be
nign institutions you etij y. It u not
often that you are calh d upon to give
3';iur ttteutlort so election?, and if you
who-are the .sovereigns in this country
will not see that the right hind of men
are elected to c5?c, yen cannot com
plain if the will of the j cop'e is dlstc
garded, and ycu continue to be ruTtd
instead of - ruling as it is your right to
Do your dufy aud old Pc!L is
again redeemed.
Voters op Volk County. A
great noise has. been made in the coun
ty aud through the Salem J'rcu about
bad men a;:d a co:rapt party Now, we
appeal to your good sense and your im
partial judgment to say what party in
this county is the most corrupt, and
which part) has placed upon their tick
ets the bebt men. We only ask that
you lay aside your prejudice -if- any
you have and scrutinize for a moment
the character of the men who arc run
ning for office in the county. Take
each man aud examine him separately
iu this respect and ak your: elves the
question; Is he honest, capable, moral
and temperate? Let your conscience
govern you and act accordingly, and we
will be satisfied that you have thD done
your whole duty. . ' f ...
The Cincinnati Gazette, in comment
ing on the repudiation platform of the
Democracy, so-called, of this State, ob
serves that the money which Oregon
needs for its development will not be
likely to be attracted here if it id known
that it is the - deliberate conviction of
citizens that debts may be repudiated.
The Gazelle adds: "The welfare of
the State seems to demand that such a
platform should bo voted down. The
Democrat3would act wisely to join the
Republicans in doing it."
The Salem Press found that it was
too expensive taking telegraphic dis
patches, so the Business Manager Trent
to taking add'avU.
Tho'Salem Musical Union is rehcars
iog the "Haymakers," ; - r r
The millers "of Albany are flfering
05 (5)',7pc,per,l)usliel lor wheat.
John Itufjhcs, sentenced for life for
murder 'in Baker county, was consigned
to the penitentiary last Friday.
Rev.' Dr. Lindsley, of this city, has
been engaged to deliver the annual ad
dress to the graduating Class of the
Salem University, iu July next. -u '
A match game of billiards was played
at Salem on Saturday, by Samuel Den
nis and Tony Ward 500 points for
SI 00 a side ; game won by Dennis, 500
An Oehoco correspondent of tho Al
bany Jieyister says; .'Following are
the prices paid for cattle in Oehoco :
Veat lings, $10 (a 20; two year olds,
$25 j three, SoO ( 35 ; . four.
45 ; cows with calves, 810 (Jf, 5tt ; with
out calves, 830 (a) i0. : "Politics run
high. Oehoco, by aetual count, has a
Republican majority of twenty. , .?
Jas. I!. Slater's ltccord.
This candidate ot the Albany party
for Representative in Congress was ori
ginally an Ohio (Obcrlin) 'Abolitionist.
lie did not vote for Gen. Jo. Lane for
Delegate to Congress in 1S57 ; he voted
in the November election of that year,
on adoption of the State Constitution,
"No;'' on Slavery, No." In 18f8 ho
opposed tho Democratic ticke t, and was
elected a member of the Legislature.
In that body he nominated, July, IS jS,
for U. S. Senator, David Logan, Ksq ,
Republican; and on the coalition if the
Democratic wing of th "'National" or
gartiz.tion with the Territorial Demo
eratic organization,.-Mr. Slater vehem
ently denounced the movement, and
continued to oppose tho Demoeratie
party. For further particulars, we refer
readers to the SJem MufftM.-tn of that
day. ft declare.! him, in !ort, the
weathercock of Oregon politician. We
will, if it has esc.ipcd' their memory,
cheerfully furntdt the dct.ii!. to our
pattleuhr friends who now run the Sa
lt m Pi-tsi. C!uierct,tl, '
I'lceln from UN (wu Kecorc!.
Reii Iluydcn saj?, iu hi
that ho dues not lavcr repudiation, aud
tries to make it appear that he doe? not
interpret !ep:itiib!e !j a-.tment" to
mean vhat Fay, Col. K!ly, Mr. S'ater
and the Portland Herald resort It U
mean. Then why did Mr. Harden, in
the Convenli'fu wl.if!t made the 'Albany
jbitfjirm, persistenUy vote with Mr.
Fa, and to u-feat the s'tb-titu'e eftr
c 1 ;by .Mr. Cbt-1" which did not
mean repudiation ? Mr. Fay and Mr.
Ren II ay den voted together on evct v
... ,
proposition in relation to tna repml a
tioa phuk of the platform. Mr. Fat
has the can l:r to dce're that the re?o
iution means repttdiaticn, and that it
wa5 so uiidcr.-lco l by ever) ho ly in the '
Convention. As Mr. Hayden and Mr.
Fa, occupied prr ci.Mvy th?. zmv.c ground
in the Convention, it -will puzr.lc peo
p'c to divine now how it can comport
with Air. Iladtn's ideas ofnder and
truth and consistency for "him to a-.vrt
that he is rtot for repudiation. If he
has changed his mind ou the subject,
let him fiankly say so; but he does
himself great injustice in, occupying
the position that that which he knew
to mean repudiation in M ireh does not
mean repudiation still. Covnae trial.
Wash i x o ro y , 3 lay 30. H e ce i p t s
of internal revenue: for tho current
year to date, 8155,000,000. If or the
year endimr June 30tlr,vth6 receipts
will renchaiTij.OOO.OOO r I
Tee Secretary of the Treasury has
ordered tho Sale of five million? or gold
and the purchase Pof eight millions of
bonds during June, n j V
The, forthcoming statement jof tho
public debt will show a, decrease equal
to that of April. . I ,.
:(DnirAao, May- 30. TlttJ ! Times.
Vashin;ton special, fays the time for
ratifying the San Domingo .'treaty has
been extended to Ju'y 1st. . Fabiun,
who represents Dacz, has signed the
extension, which has been accepted by
Secretary Fiahv The prospect of its
ratification 13 now improved.
The prospect of passing any general
amnesty bill this session is slight.
There is a growing feeling against it
among Northern aud border State Re
publicans. " - ".- -; " - ! I-
Letters from Kentucky to Senators
state that if an amnesty hill passes
John C. lireckinrige will certainly sue-
ceed Uarrett Jiavis in the Senate.
The i5tato Dparta:eot hus received
and will send to the Senate this week
for ratification the naturalization treaty
recently concluded betweeo tho United
States and Great liritain, and which is
based upou the protocol made' by Min
ister Johnson a year and a halt ago.
Nw York, 'May. 28. A Paris dis
pateh states, that I'Hnce Dierrn Jwa
parte is ordered by the Emperor into
two year's exile in America, and will
leave for New York soon. He is now
under surveillance at Anteuil.
31 alone, May SfO.r-Flanigan's and
Ilogel's hotel, where the officers stop,
ts in the possession of Gen. Meade,
who has ordered tho arrest of all Fe
nian ofiicers, and Gxn. Gleason, Colonel
Lindsay, Dr. Donnelly and Capt. Manu
have been marched to the guard house.
Tho IVniain camp has been seized by
U. S. , troops with isomo 100 rifles and
other arms. The Fenians gave op their
arms after a s-LorU earth by the Lieu
tenant in command of the regulars.
The Fenians arrested will be brought
before the U. S. Commission to-day.
IJ. S. troops arc. on the border taking
from storehouses Fcniau arms and am
munition. Col. Doggie and the OUth
British regiment have gone bak to
Quebec. The'voluntcers now hold the
Canadian frontier. Locomotives with
open trueks'are kept ready with steam
up night aud day at nearly all the rail
way sta! ions where troops can be sent
forward. Sarina is protected by artill
ery from London and infantry from
that and other districts. Ottawa is it
a state of terril Io aud undefined ex
cilcmcnt. Much sensation is created
in con riuenee of a -telegram, from
Washington announcing that Thornton,
British Minister, has .demanded his
passports. I Its Grand 1 runic brigade
ordered to lo in readiness, turned out
yestcrd iy atid nli the men arc ready.
Thsy could be shipped fur any point in
an hour.
HitMiMoxn, May 27. The counting
of ballots show that the Republican
have elected Governor Cahom Mayor,
and that their city ticket and Council
ts tilt iu uouht.
The Republican mjortfy for tle city
ticket is 200. The Corbet vatives carry
the City Council. The Republicans
carry Petersburg and Portsmouth, and
the Cutis frvative-H carry Lynchbur
Diisville, Norfolk an I Alexandria.
VtiJe as you phase. No Republican
or Democrat is entitled to the t it e who
docs. ait vote as he pleases. Th-5 men
vh dos not vote if.dcpendently i.s not
fit to excrei. e tho right of . suffrage.
N"e York eitv has more .Tews than
1 u I- a.
Off.c?, No. CI (i!djoinin: Telegraph Office,
Front street, Portlatid, Oregon.
Ac.-'sunt', X t:f. T.-.n If, Pnft and Mcrcan
ti?i cbi rjo t f M'ery dcrerif'l?':'!i tbr Hiy't.j'it Or-ft'-n
and tb IVrrit-Tic?, WILL HE MADE A
I hl f
; in ii
ED, a veil a with a dne regard ti wnouiy
! bu-iiiff? matters irtrwtd to hU care au J
the rrocec hi pail over punelj iily.
rr..L ::htat:: ni.ALnt,
AffiJiS! SI end Ihin!
Tin: vi ill pay ac;i;nts a sal-
? I ary of fatl a wcvk and expenses, or
allow coniinwioE, to fell our r;ew and won
Murxball. Mich.
Words tf Weight for Wives and
The Fupfrionty cf HOST P.TTF.irS STOM-;
ACH Ul I "PURS over nil other touic-5 and cor
rectives, as a remtdjr ftr djfpcpsia, billbnif
nefs, nervous an'CM !.. and nil complaints ot
the visccr il organs, and as a preventive uf tna
biriiius di.oi'dvr.s, in proverbial ; but perhaps
it i not jcncr.illy known that t!c ingrcdi-
ntf of this liitiv iia invi;pinnt and attcraiive
oxcrciio a Jiowerfal. nud most bcin fici.il influ
ence io tbut numerous nnd ditr ssiirj; class uf
aiufieut,, f which o mtny thousand. of deli
cate woui'.n are the patient, uncomplaining
victim-. The special troubles of the sex, coin
inenein with the dawn of womanhood,
and cxUnding over a period "of tbirty-fivc
years, nro us itmlily mil certainly ro
Jitvtd by tho operation of tliis ndiuirablo voj:
ctab'o prt'paratin, as any of the complaint?
crinmon to both sexes, fur which it ia recom
mended as a upeidfiV. The attcntinu of myth
crrf is invitod to its balsamic cfleot in tboo pe
culiar casta of functional irregularity and iiri
tation, which, when neglected or maltreated,
dtttroy tho health and shorten tho lives of so
many invalid. .There is no need for tho pow
erful tnd dangerous drugs t"o often reported to
in such cafes. The riiild tonic aid restorative
action of tho lUTTKUS is alt the ass-iafance
that nnturo requires in its ptruggk to over
come the diifH Ulty, and a vast amount of suf
ferttif would bo spared to tho sex, if they
placed implicit faith in this wholesome vege
table iuviorant, corrective, und nervine, and
discarded the pernicious- no.-trums advertised
by ignorant and merccnaty charlatans. 12 4w
Iu rear . of the Capital Hotel Corner,
t-n reasonable terms. Special attoutiou
paid to transient and boarding horses. 7
i . . i HDOTir A- t't.imvrinw
; ' 2 tf Proprietor?;
Eor Male!
X Ovf PIk county, two mile from
hull is, on tho road to Halem. all under good
fence, repaired this spring;' 175 acres bow un
der cultivation, 25 acre of timothy meadow,
and well watered by fpringa and wells;; three
dwelling houses and one good barn on the
farm, aud two goo I bearing orchards. Prong
ing to this prairie land is four timber lot, one
lot of fir timber containing 140 acre, situated
five, miles off, and is the nearest timber to the
valley and very valuable fur rails and building
purposes ; 01 acres of ouk timber two j miles
distant; 26 acres of oak timber two miles and
29 acres of oak timber one mile distant. iThese
tract? of land together make one of the best
grain and ftock farms in Polk eeunty.1 Can
be divided advantageously into three oir four
farms. . f
Terms, $14 per acre, to be sold together for
cash in hand. Apply to
vv:lliis&cll -.Ferry,
DaUas, Oregon,
1 i! lnviten iu me unproveit lacnuies wuien
I have recently made to my. apparatus, by
which I am ably to take !
Siiv E3ictures
AT j
One Sittimr!
Thus making the heretofore task of pettin"
correct hkeneysea of LlllLIlIu. a matter
of ?(ti.ill in iiuent.
(idilery located on Main street.
Dalla?, Aprit 22. 1S70. 8:1 m
" i
Front Strast, one Dor South of
Post Onice,
Dallas - - ----- Oregon.
I inform th cituensT l);i!;is anI vicinity
tbat tby b've rejlf:tHbe 1 tht-ir stock uf tin
war , aisd have nw on hand a largti assort
meut of
In r 'jjfl Viirl or State,
Jirt$$ and
Iron Ware
'"if every d"3criptbn.
Al.o a large rnpply of
Sheet Iron,
1 Ire, c
IlaTin;; proenred tho rTice. of n flrc-cli
wirtin:n we arc now ctiitattt)j tnartufactur
p nil kii.d f tin furnishings fur iixea and
for farmer ae. Sui haf
sttive H Hers. CoH'co and Tea Pot,
Tea K'ttt-. Milk ? Ian. Dippers,
l aid and lluttcr Caut. I
And iu fart, all articles cf tinwari onal!y
found in ftove an tinware More, all pf wbicb
we eiTir fr t',e at prices that will justify par-c1..i-r
In p.v.r-tnue u rather than $alem . r
Portland hps.
h'l'ivial allcitbn will be girtn to
Job Work
Of all hlndj.
In c-jniiCfttn vtith the stavi and tin ttore,
we will tua'.iuuc our j
Where will be kept all'binds of soafocable
iiK-Rtu, hth PliESII and S.LT. j
In csehan.tc fr goods in tsr line we will
t ike all li::d. of country produce, aeh as
Butt.r. T-g9, Chicken, Floar, Baon, &c
We invito tha public t call and examine
ur . k.
Dallas M-irrh t, l?7t.
1 !f
Sale oO.aiiii iuv arliliou.
19 CiTcsiit l,
urt for 1'olk cninty, Oregon, is-
?utd nt the April, term, 170, I will, on the
t i . t i r t t c - . 1. .1. ; r
inn iaj :i inp, irv, wiwpvii i nf uwuii ui
0 A. M.'and 4 1'. M. at the Court ll.fase door
in ra'. I county,' fell to tbe highest bidder the
foilowiriat de( ril ed properly : Ileginuing at
the N. 1'. corner ol Eiias Harper's Donation
land cbum, No. Al, T. , S. 11. f "V, in See. ;2
and .)."; thenco ruuning west ii chain? to a
p'alte, tlietu-e S. to TYwiuhip line, tbtucc E 40
chains on "aid T. line, thence N. to place of be
iunitig. containing 2H) acrefrinore of less, sit
uate in Polk county, exeeptinf one th'ird there
of, which has been ct c.tY and afigiiod as the
dower of the widow of Hurt ett Ilaggird, dee'd.
from the X. end of sai l premises. .1
Terms of gule cash in hand bi S. gold
coin; balance iu 12 months with interest at
In per cent, per ornum, purchaser giving ap
proved security. J, M. PHYr
10 Iw Kcfercc.
ShcrUI'fi Sale.
p me directed, issued out of the Circuit
Court of tho 8tate of Oregou, for the county
of Polk, on a judgment rendered on the 23d
day of April, 1870, in favor of L. Detttnan and
against TTcuben Doty, Jcsa Ray, AV. II. Ray
for the sum of eleven hundred fifteen and Sft
JOOths dollars, U. t. gold or silver coin, with
interest at tho rate of oue per cent. er month7
from rendition ol judgment, until paid, toget! er
with cpts and ace ruing costs, 1 have levied
upon and prized and will expose at public aut
.in, in tho' town of Kda. l'oH county,' Or.
fon, at tbe'store of paid Ddy & Ray dune the
:lth, 1S70, between the hours of 9 o'clock -A.
M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day, alt the
goods, f wares aud merchandise, eueb. as Dry
Hoods, l)oob Shoes, Hats, Queen's -Ware,
Stono-Ware, Spndea and Fuovela, and various
other notions too numerous to mention. Sale
to eomuieuve at 10 o'clock A, M.
14 ler ShcriCr of Polk 'Co., (ten.
Will. J . IIARr.lliSuV
pendent candidate for CONSTAUm
lor Dallas precinct.
Dalla?, April 30. 18T0.
y t. t,
i i-1 -
J Pleasant Homes, in Goodly .Land. aad
consult ,
Real Estate Brokers and Cftll&ctton Ants,
S, Y. Corner of Flrit and Vahint
At th Branca 01&e
Dallas, Polls County, Oregon.
Tbt 1 to Fay, that the lands of Fhinar'
scarcely attract the ; attention of the Emi-j-rabt
wh wishes to purchase a d fciralde hm
in a fertile, healthy region, while lands Io Ore
ja can be purchased fur a small jmmvmiM. uf
We now proclaim that spernal taMenfion wSI
be given to the purchase and vale uf Kal Es
tate ; and moreover, we cheerfully impart &s
tuforiBaiioa that are hare m larye snuiBBtaf
City Proper! j.
Town lots,
Improved, ami
Unimproved fiamls,
tock Ranches
Timber Land's
Etc., Etc., Ele
For tale at rtasonabU tami
In the Deat PorUons ofthsj Stat.
And In conclusion, we would iutprara pan
the minds of persons desiring to veil ReeJ E
tate that they incur no expense in plaelag
their property in our bands,, unless ajaaVU
effected. .
Particular attention Is directed to the fact
that a large amount of desirable lands oaa b
purchased kt the Iirauch OQee,
Meal ltare A(sV