' ; " V ' " " J . ' . ' ,, . . ' - - " , jt ." '' .. '. ' .. - - i ' ' "' ' i . - ! VOL. 1. DALLAS, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE I, 1870. ! NO. U. I 8Jhr rej0i! llcpublirnn Is Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at Dallas, Folk County, Oregon. BY D. M. C. GAULT & CO&IP'Y. . OFFICE Main street, between Court and Mill streets, two doors south of the PostofSce. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. SINGLE COPIES Oao Year, $2 50; Six Months, $1 75; Three Months, $1 00. Suhttcriptitm mutt be pu$d $trutly m advance ADVERTISING BATES. ' One square (10 lines or less), first insert'n, $3 00 Each subsequeut insertion I 00 A liberal deduction will bo made to quar terly and yearly advertisers. Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum. Transient advertisements must be paid for In advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value. BUnks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. 5UA11 advertising bills must be paid ro'hlv. DEMOCRATS SERVING THE WISH OF THE PEOPLE,?) Slander 16 c luted ! iircrs Wjx- posed. VILLAINS, BEWARE ! The Shown Irp. TO TIIK IXDWKSDKVT VOTER 1V l,Iv tOUMY, We, the Union Ktpnbliean candid ates q Polk county, wih through circular to express to the voters ot the county out political positions and to vindicate ourselves against' certain slan ders which are intended to affect us in the coming election and are being pub licly circulated by the Democratic can didates, who are now making what they call a canvass, asking the voters of the county t. support them. Accompanying them is one John O. Shelton, who pretends to know a trreat deal about the use of money by Holla day & Co., to carry the county in the interest of Williams. " We will notice the affidavits which appear in the SaWi Daily Press. The second and third are part of a batch publudied in that paper of the 27th ult., in which it is claimed that 31 r. Boone desired to hire hands to go and work for the Government, and amounts Jo nothing if trjie All we have to say in reply is that those affidavits do not charge us with anything. The affidavit of Hartma i doc not charge us with anything, and so far as it implicates anyone, it certainly does not amount to much when he now comes out in another affidavit and says (hat ho made the one which appears in the Press under duress. The affidavit of John L. Shebon charges us with nothing, and all that he pretends to know was learned from John O. Shelton, who seems to be the great leading light of the party, towards whom al eyes are turned and all ears are opened to see a statesman and hear the eloquence of his tongue. So far as John O. Shellon's testimony is concerned, we suppose he has told all be pretends to kuow, and cannot again take the stand. He say that he re ceived all his information in regard to money from Boone and Lafollett. Not on of the men on our ticket is enumer ated as having a dollar of money for the purpose of carrying the election. Shelton says that he "was employed by jnemberB of the Republican party, as agent of that party, to carry the county in the interest of the Republicans. He .don't say that anyone ofiered him ruoti--eyf or that ho ever had a dol'ar of the money which he says was in the hands f of these men. : His statement is certainly very vague and uncertain, and shows very conclu eively that be knew but little about what he was swearing, ancT cares much less about what he is doing, so long as he makes his bread and Lutter. We append to this address affidavits and statements of men who, to say the least, stand as high iu the community in which they live as those who have signed and sworn to the statements above referred to. We ask the candid - juind to take the testimony and proofs and render a verdict accordingly. The charge has been made by the op !t position candidates that money has been and is being used by the-Republican party to corrupt the voters of this coun ty for the purpose of electing : the Le gislative and county ticket. If auoh is Jrer the case, it is without our knowledge aud consent, and we hereby denounce the whole thing false $o far as we are concerned. The opposition cannot deny the use of money by theui for election, coring purposes unless they deny the truth. - They charge that we were afraid to meet them and discuss the issues of the day. There are several reasons which prompted us to this course. 1st, The voters of the county are informed upou the issues of the day and we are loth to believe that any efforts of ours or of the opposition would have the effect to change the vote of a single man. 2d, It is a very busy time of year and peO" pie generally do not like to leave their various vocations, when it is improbable that any possible good could result therefrom. 3d, The two parties have made platforms and it is fair to presume that the candidates upon each ticket stand ly the declaratiou of principles contained therein, aud which are herein set forth. With this short address to our- fellow- citizens, we now appeal to them to give us their support, trusting that our lonj; residence in the county will be a sufh cieut guarantee that, if we should be elected, we will, to the utmost of our ability, perform the various duties to which your suffrages shall have called u. ISAAC ZUMWALT, W. 0. WIHTSOX, T. PKAIICK, , J II. II AW LEY, WM. IIOWK, J. 1$. ST (J MP, TIIOS. JKFFMES, Ji. '. NICHOLS, W. W. HtiACU, 11. S CliVaTAIv R F. IT V. LI C A X K K.SOL UTIOX S. Ht'solce-.l. 1. That we, the Union Republican of Polk county, endorse the platlonu of principles adopted at the State Convention at Portland. 2. That we are in favor of the re ductiou of fees in the office of Sheriff and Cletk, in the several counties of this State, and in favor of retrench ment iu our county, State and national taxes. ii. That while the subject of loaning the credit of the State for the encourag meut of-railroads, and for other pur poses, is being discussed by the press and people, we arc opposed to amend ing the Constitution of Oregon so as to allow the State to lend its credit for any i sum greater thau is now provided by that instrument. 4. That while we cheerfully acquiesce in the laws of the land while they re main such upon the statute books, we are unalterably opposed to any further extension of the elective franchise to any except ihe white race. JOHN ATI I AN DYER, Chairman. IKM0CIIATIC UKSOLL'TIOXS. Pe.iofie(f. 1. That we befieve, with Mr. Douglas, thiftlm is a white man's (Jovcrnmeut ;" made by white men to be governed by them for all time to come , and that we will meet, with force if necessary, any and all attempts on the part of the Abolitiou party to vote the negro, Indian or Chinaman.. 2. That the so-called Fifteenth Amendment is revolutionary in spirit. subversive of the Constitution and should be opposed by all true friends of the Ciucassau race and Constitutional government. 3.-That the assumption fn the part of Congress of the prerogatives of the executive and judicial co-ordinate branches and departments of the Gov eminent, is a dangerous usurpation of poorer, destructive of Constitutional Ii berty, and merits the severest censure of every true friend of the Constitu tion. 4. That we arc in favor of free trade, and direct taxation to defray the neces sary expenses of the Government. 5. That the action of the Radical party, as exhibited in the vote of the Representatives in the present Congress, which violates, at the instance of the bondholder, tho terms of tic contract which exists between them and the peo ple, by declaring that such holders shall be paid in gold for their bonds, for which they could legally claim but currency, is not only a gross infraction cf said contract, but is a direct and outrageous swindle upou the tax-payers or the nation. 0. That the repudiation by the Ad ministration and by Congress of the valid claims of Southern loyalists, per petratcd for the purpose of paying the bondholder nearly double that which he is entitled to, exhibits on tho part of the party in power its old spirit of sec tiooalism, and evinces it total dioreeard of all rules of justice and equity. 7. That the National Banking sys tem, instituted in the interest of the bondholders, should be abolished, and that greenbacks should be issued in Leu of such bank paper, thus securing mil lions annually to the people, and giving to the whole people, instead of the few the benefits of issuing a paper curren cy- . . . ..... 8. 1 hat. in the language ot V ebster, a bargain cannot be broken on one side and still bind on the other, and that the repudiation on the part of the bond holders of the terms of contract by in serting that they be paid the face of their bonds in gold, releases the people from such terms; and that we now de mand that their claims shall be settled only upon the principles of natioual equity. Being informed that it is widely circu lated that I am the person designated by in the affidavit of Wm. J. Hartman, which appears in the Salem Press, I deem it but just to myself to submit to the public the following affi davit of said Hartman : State op Oreoon, ) County of Polk, j B' I, Wm. J. Hartman, being first duly sworn, depose aud say that the affidavit which appears over my signature in the Sa'em Daily Press of May 20th, is not printed eiactly as I made it ; that the affidavit which I have made was made under threats; and I further say that W. C. Whitson never paid or proposed to pay ice to vote for any particular man or meu, or in a particular way, but always advised me not to sell my vote to any one, as it was criminal. I never intended to be understood as charging him with anything of the kind. (Signed.) Wm. J. HARTMAN. State of Ouf.csox, ) County of Poik. J The foregoing affidavit was subscrib ed and sworn to before tne. Mav 28. 1S70. 11. P. BOISE, Judge. I also sec it stated in the Salem Press that I left the canvass, begging that no further expose be made of the muds in .Polk. I take occasion here to say that such a statement; is fal,e. 1 am able and willing to defend myself whenever and wherever assailed. I never intended to go into this canvass except in self defence, but having been implicated by the meanest and lowest insinuations- in my presence, and the uiogt open and wholesale slanders iu my absence, I feci culled upon to vin dicate mysclt. W. C. WHITSON. Having Fcen,in the Democratic Press an affidavit of one John O. Shelton, in which he says that Senators Wiliiam and Corbett and Ben. Holladay have lurnisnca, in I'oiic county, money tor political purposes, Ac., one thousand. dollars ot which has come - to the KL lendale Mill Co., and fearing that sach a statement, if uncontradicted, might injure our credit and business, we here state that none of those persons named in said affidavits, or any one of them have, at any time furntshed us any money for political purposes. And further, that wc have used no money whatever for political purposes. R. P. UOISB, J. T. WORTLKV, ISAAC LEVINS, Sole Directors of K. M. Co. Having heard that it has been cur rcutly reported that we were pledged in favor of jco. II. V illiams for the U S. Senate, we take this occasion to say that all such statements arc false. We are not pledged in favor of him or any other man. J. B. STUMP, J. H. IIAWLKY, B. F NICHOLS. Mr. J. O. Shelton states, in his affi davit, and claims that I am disbursing agent for Holladay, Williams & Co., or one of them, and that I had received 81,500; and that I had given such in formation to him, to all of which I an swer that they arc without foundation and base falsehoods. Wm. W. BOONE. Dallas, May 30, 1870. My attention has been called to an affidavit in the Salem Daily Press of May 2Gtb, 1870, signed by John O. Shelton, wherein it is said : "Capt. Lafblletfe has : 810,000;" it is also al leged that this money is to bo used to corrupt tae voters of Polk county, and that it was sent iuto this county by Senators Williams and Corbett, Ben. Holladay, Ben.' Simpson and Dr. Baily. It is iwffioienfc for me to say, as I dkl at the Democratic speaking in Douglas, Jackson, Bethel and Kola precincts, that I never received ten thousand dol lars, nor any other sum of money, from Senators Williams, CtTbett, Ben. Hol laday, Dr. Baily, Ben. Simpson or any other man, to be used for electioneer ing purposes. CHARLES LAFOLLETT. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this, 30th day of May, 1870. T. l'KAItCK, Notary Public. Editor Repuulicaji : Dear Sir I understand that it has beeu paid, by a certain man who is can vassing for the Democratic ticket, in this county, that at a certain time and place, in the town of Dallas, and iu my presence a Republican offered him 8500 not to expose certain frauds which he claims to exist in the Republican party, in this county. " Now, all I have to say about that statement is, that it is a lie, made ot whole cloth. No man in the Republican party ever made any such proposition in my presence, at any time or place. During a conversation, however, be tween said canvasser myself and an other Republican, when said canvasser still professed to be a Republican, and while the Salem Press was abusing him as a Republican, he stated that the De mocracy had offered him big money to canvass for them, and that lot. Savery woi 11 take him around in a buggy for that purpose. B. F. NICHOLS. Having been informed by reliable persons that one of the Democratic county canvassers states, at every pre cinct in this county,' that (..apt LaJoI- lett came to my house, a phort time prior to the Republican Cunty Con vention, staved all night and arranged with me to run for the Legislature. Now, in answer. I have to say that I have had no talk with ("apt. Lafollett upon political subject! for two years prior to said convention; that he has not stayed at my house all night or ever been at my residence during that time: and that the whole statement is a willful, corrupt and contemptible lie. J. 15. ST I'M P. State or Orfoon, County of Polk. , I ss. I, W. L. Riggs, being fust duly sworn, depose and pay, that the charge of J. O. Shehon, which appears iu the Salem Pffni. that I had 81,000 or any other sum, of Senator Williams, Cor- ht-tt'a and Hen. HoHaday's money, or the money of any other person, for the purpose ot corrupting the voters o Polk county, is a bane he. w. l: riggs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, GOth day of May. 170. T. Pkaiwe. Notary Public. Uitving Wen credibly infunnc! tbat ouo Job n O Sbcltou, wlio is ncramlu lntinjr the county at litis time, asi.tior the Democratic nominees in making their canvas, states publicly tbat Capt. Infollett catno to me, prior to our Cunty Convention in this county, nn-1 arranged with me to run for the Legis lature. Now, my answer is that the said Shelton, by said statement, tobi a willful, wicked and malicious lie. J. II. IIAWLEY. My attention has been called to an affidavit of one John O. Shelton, pub lished in the Salem Daily Press, in which affidavit Shelton says that he has learned from Capt. Ijafollett and W. V. Boone that Senators Williams and Cor bctt, and Ben. Holladay have sent into this county, through Ben. Simp son and Dr. B;iily, 81.5,000 to be used on this election ; and that 1 have one thousand dollars of this money. All I want to say about this matter is, that I have received no money frooi these men, nor have I bad any money on the election or solicited any man to vote. tbe Republican ticket for money or any other consideration. I am also informed that said Shelton wbo is now assisting tho Democratic candidates, in this county, in conduct ing'the canvass, has stated in one or more of bis speeches that he has had talk with mo. with reference to money, and that at ojde time I olTcrod or paid him $25 to have him make an affidavit. As to this charge, it is utterly false. I have never bad a word with him on any such subject, or paid or offered him auy money for any purpose whatever. V It. P. BOISE. May 30, 1870. State of Ohkoon. County of Polk. 1 es. Concluded on jpurth page.) PROFESSIONAL CARDS, dC. JA8. HIcCAIfV, Att'y & Counsellorat-l.aw McMluuYllle, Yamhill Co., Oregon. - i . Particular attention given t the ltd fly and practice of Criminal Law, Collection of Claims, Notes, Accounts, eto. . j J. II. SITES, HI. Physician and Surgeon, ' Dallas, Ogn. Having resume! practice, will give special attention to Obstetric, and tha treatment of "th (lineaMa of Worn aad Childrea. Office at hia rei!eac. j t. TI1T4D. ff. t. iUTLBB. VIXEYARD & BUTLEK, Wy & Couimellor-Qt-I.aiv Dallas, Oregon Will sir peial aiUntion to the collection of Claims, and all bauem entrust! to a is car. HaTEKENCEri Hon. Jobn Burnett Hons It. S. HtraLan A Simpson, Hon. A. J. Thayer. S j II. '. IIOXD, I?I. i., IMiyaiciati and Surgeon, Dalian, Oregon. OFFICE At NlchoU' Dru Store. 3ft J.t. II. TUKIStt, ltPy& otinselloiat-Law DALLAS, C.X. ! Special attention aiven t the Collection of claims, also the buyiu, selling and leasing of Kel Let ale, and Convey Auc.ng. Justice of tho Peace for Dallas Precinct. OFFICE In Polk CotiTr Tinas building, Main street, opposite Court llocw. W. D. JlilTltll, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, 12ula, Oregon.1 Special attention given to Obstetrics and Disease f ' omen. Itf J. ii. DAVIDON, 51. !., r!iyiciaii and burgeon, . I . Independence, Oti. 1 t , - i - T. V. II. Enilirec. AMITY, YAMHILL CO.,oREUOX. ?r Office rei iet.ee. I4yl . ii. Vl llh, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, SAI.IIM. t)KK(.t)X, Will practice in all the Court.j of llecord and Icferi'.r Courts of tbisi State. OFFICK In Watkind A Cos Brick, up stairs. j" I Elaydcn A: ITlyer, ATTORXIS VS -AT- LAW, ' 1 DallaM, Oregon. OFFICE IN THE COl'KT liOlJSE., 1 SULLIVAN & WHITSON, j Attorneys & Counse!lorsat-Law, Dallas Oregon, Will practice 'in all tie Courts jf the State., 1 Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas. Oregon. ! fpeoia! attention given to Collections and to natters perUttiing to Ileal Estate. 1 . 1 I. A. A pp legale, ATT O R X K Y-AT- LAW, i . Dallas. Polk County, Ojjn, 1 ; , 1 , . Ii. T. WARDIiAW, n. !., i'hvNiiian antl urfrcosi, I.ewlsTllle, I'ulk Cok, Ogn. Has wntlj raturnaJ from lb Atlantic States Andofffjs hi arofa3iioaal tt ices to tha citi ns of tba Cuuolj. Particular attention glraa ko Fatcale Dis eases. j - j J-tf . a. RtaiiT. J j w. r. Loan f ft I HT & lio 11 1, At Vy& a nsel or-at-La w, Corner Concareiat at4 state Streeta, Oppoaltc I.add k llush'a Hank, SAI.KM. ORKGOIf, will practice in tha Suarema Circuit Courts of tba Second dicial Districts. Court and the tad Third Ju 2vtf fl 10. B. Ct'ERRT. 1 B. nuaLar. CUItaEY & hi rli:i iAtloriicyK-AtLaiv, HAYETTI3 - - : - V OHCGON. ;.' -: f " S-tf .. . . miElIOIV RAjflKV, t'y&ounseIlorat-Latv, Iaiayette, Ore&on. i . .. ii ... s tr Aj l :: FORBGSIe i j At Vy Counsel I or-a (-Law. Lafayette, Oregon 5-if B. F. BtTSSELX, -J s C P. PilV, A'ifftiry I'ultte. Heal httate Attorney. Ileal tatc Itrokerw and Collection Agents, XsTthweit Cor. of Fint and Wah.Iag. Btrecu, , PORTLAND - - - - - ORECOl. Special attention given to the sale of Kestl Estate'. Collections made in Oregon and the Territories. Property, town lots, imprrTed farms, stock ranches, lauds, Ac, Utiotie4 ialae Wst portions of Oregon and V. T., fur-Bale on reasonable terms. 3-tf Physician, Surgeon & Acconcher, nueua Vista, Polk Co.; Ogn., Will attend promptly to professional calls-. JXZSmSGS LDGE No. O 1 lk A. M.t Dallas, holds it regular c nr totinicationa on the Saturda) preceding the Full Jloon in each month, unless the m- oa fulls on Saturday than on that day, at on o'clock. ... Al'o, on tho second Friday m -each monttx at 7 o'clock, P. for the purpose of improve inent of the Craft in Masonry, and for saeBi other work as the Matter may from time to lime order. ? ' All Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By unit r of the W. M. MOKE THAN 200,000 PERSONS Bear testimony t. the WtJerful Cttfatir ! . Effects of . 1 o 2 C -Jm f1 U A li 1 r U ii 1 A VINEGAR BITTERS Manufacture! from the native Herbs and Roots ol California, " ' . ( . jfr The Great Rlood rarificr FOn INFLAMMATORY AND CI1UOK IC PHKUMATISM AND GOUT, DYSPEI k or INDIOESTION, HlLlOl'S, RLMIT TENT and INTEUMITTKNT FKVKlt?, DISEASES OF TllK BLOOD, UVfcR, KIDNEYS and I LADDER, tLtse DITTEKS hava been moft succetful. St'Cll DISEAS ES are caused by VITIATED RLOOD. hicfc is gnerallj produced bj deraiigiliitut ul DIUETIVE ORGANS. Clearo tho Vitiate! RlM)d whenever yttt find it iuipnritics bursting through tlekin in Timples, Eruptions, or -ores; dcai o it when you find it obstruct I'd and tlu trpislj in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feel ings will tll 300' when. Keep the tlo d beal thy, and all will bu well. AGENTS, a. n. .i2cdoa ai,o & 0 I ui porting' lVlioletale t D It IF m'G 1S T Si ' N Corner Pine and Sansara Street?, San Fran cisco, Cal., and Sacramento. Cl, -and , S4 Piatt e'reet,. Y :'.. Sly E. O. SLOAT, Carriage and Ornaititnfai SIX PAIiXTEli, Commercia ftreot, Oiijosila SiarlteyN SlcW. 21-tf tAfEMv MAIN STRIiKT, INDEI13NDI:XCK YjUNE WINKS, -LIQUORS AND SEOARS 1? sorvfrd to customers vn bort notice. v This esUblisLtnent does not ditpi-ra tangle foot of anything of that cburactcr. i yjr Call ot the-C.em. - ! . 2):tf SASH AUD DOOR FACTORY, Comer Mill and Maiu streets. Da lla It & Campbell H AVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Sashei, of all the common ise,ad ofaIHl a larije Tanery 01 ioora ana ""! . . . . . T 1 ... - ii: the best workmanship, at thoir Sash and Dor Factory, which they offer for sale as cheap a such articles can bo purchased elsewhere. They are also prepared to fill all special ir dors for work in their Hoe promptly, cheaply and accurately. , .v'.H";-' Qire us a trial, and you will b satisfied. .'.' 1 RlOfiS A CaMPRELL? IVOTICE. I WILL SKLt OR TRADE FOR TORRS, cattle or shpcp.WT AMICHA a 'id PHo TOGIIAPIIIC SIOI.KJ aUotny !w!Mn hou?e and Gallery in Dallas. For pariIculT inquire of B. 7. Nichols or W-tf CHA3. LAFOI IVF J H y A III p-N !! m (Tim i Am o Xil r I i: " J J ... 55 V c -5 . N S si" r 0 1 v -