Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, May 28, 1870, Image 3

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    - DALLAS, SATURDAY, MAT 28, 1870.'
Portland legal tender rate's, strong at 88jo
f - - Strawberries.- This 6ummer fruit is in its
prime tuia ween, nuu muso uu aio
lnio thm htr th Tnil-full. ".';'
J ; : .a. 4 wuiiuu v 4 vw w M.v- - -
ery interesting lotter of Joseph Gaston, pub-
usnea on iu ouuuuo ui. iuw itrauu. i ;
: TtEi.icior;sI--PresiJent Marsh, of the Pacific
tt; niil AfrariT lh vmlnit.ninraiiip and
t uuivoiaiivi www i 0
evening, in the M. E. Church of this place, on
Sunday the 5th of June. ;
Cakp Mketixc The M. E. Church will
. held a, camp meeting, on their cainp grounds,
near Ellendale in this county," commencing
Thursday, Juno 9th, and Continuing over Sun-
( - UoTEU-Mr. L. Ai Robb has leased the Dal
las Hotel and is now prepared to cater to the
tastes of the traveling public. We are pleased
to know that wo are to have a publio house in
or town, and hope that a liberal local patron
age will be extended. ; ? -
AssApiT.-Xesterdiy, at noonthVe, Wm. Ila
good, aged about 11 years, made an assault
upon'1 the perso'd ' of ?Jam'es Williams, aged
about 13. Ilagood 'struck Williams on the
headwith a Blung-sbot, making a bad wound.
. Dr. Bond dressed the wound. Both of the
boys were attending school here.
Ore TOR Travel. The Yamhill and Ocean
Beach Wagon Road is now open for the accom
modation of the traveling public. : By this
rjute the ocean beach can be reached by wag
ons and is the only point that can be so driven
to on the coast of Oregon. The resort is a
"ery fine one for summer excursionists.
Wonmxc toe Roaps.- The Road Supervis
ors throughout the county have. been rcpair
., .., ing the public highway dnring the past. week.
In this district a large force of men and wag
ons and teams have been employed in hauling
gravel from the creek, and spreading it-on the
yoads where mud does abound in the wet sea
son. " ' ' ; .V - .
... Lightxixo. On Thnrfday night last we
, were treated to an exhibition -of nature's own
pyrotechnics. In the region of country bor
dering on the Cascada Mountains, To tbo east
of us, the lurid lightnings flashed wildly, and
to, an. observer atJjarpoint were, no doubt,
tfrigbtfalf but to oi, at this safe distance, noth
ing hat, a snse of beautiful grandeur was ex
perienced. ,
Democratic Coixtt Ticket. F-.r Repre
Caentatires, Benj. llayden, R J. Grant; Wm.
; Comegys ; County Judge, J; H.'Mrer ; County
Clerk, D. J. Holmes; Sheriff, S. T. Eurcb ;
Assessor, Win. Ridge way Treasurer, R. M,
May;-Ctnmiissioners, Win. Jonci, J. K. Ie
lashmutt; ..School x Superintendent 1Z Vine
yard ) earvejor, A. P. Butter; Coroner, Dr. J
E. Davidson.
, i i A New Mepicixz. Dr. W. Waterhouse ad
veitises, this week, a medicine which be ia jut
now, for the fir?t Jimc, introducing to the pub
"jlie.,".,: The Doctor has uied it in his own family
for several years, and knows whereof Lo
f peal s. j For (urtLer particulars of iu special
qualities read the advertisement. The medi
cine can be obtained at Nichola' Drug Store in
this place . ', . ,' '
I.mjiax Name. Mr. J. W. Crawford, Clerk
at the'Orand Ror.dc Indian Agency, has been
1'. paying considerable attention to the old In
dian names of the streams in this section of
. the country, and writes us that he has learned
,-from an old Indian, who formerly lived where
Dixie now is, that the Indian name of tho
beautiful stream running past Dallas and that
village, now known as the La Creole was call
, ed To-Cbelk'. ; , ; v:,-'-....v
. 2 LBcexa VistA -Pottert. Mr. Smith, of the
Buena Vista Pottery, was in town with a load
of the wares made at that factory. T'he enter
prise in which these gentlemen are engaged is
one that is growing every day into importance,
a and the company are now working five hands,
f and could profitably employ a ' greater nnmber
if skilled workmen could be obtained. Tc
clay used; is of on excellent o,iality, and the
ware produced are surpassed jby imported ar
ticles. Persons wanting any of the ware can
oiitain it at tho store of Messrs. N. & J. D.
CATEnritrAiu. Since the settlement of this
fouptry none bavo fiecn, the caterpillars sq no-
rnerous ana destructive. in 13a7 a similar
worm attacked the ash timber and stripped it
. . tt every , green leaf and twig, but no ether
vegetable growth ws molested ; but this year
It seems that no bash or tree i exempt. The
most damage, however, is done to the apple
tree, which seems to be a faro ri to with them.
All sorts of devices for their destruetion.have
'i'ifceea employed,but theamber of worms 4don't
seem to diminish. Our orchardists have burn
ed them, with straw torches, turpentine-ball
torches and with powder fired from "'shot-guns.
Tbe lcst way seems to be- to remove the affect-
... , . .- , , '
u. . .:.i. t At. - 2 u . tx.
' - ai iimo eariy iu toe murmur, wucu iu nviius
are all congregatedia tbt ir tveb, and burn it on
a straw pile, ,1a this way both the worms and
v ; their eggs are destroyed. " J a conseqttonce of
these plaguef it U thought that the apple crop
will be short in this neighVorMod.
A FAMitr MewcijE.-AVe call; the special
"- attention of" otir readers to the advertisements
ba faorita home remedy Perry Davis'
-- P-ain -Killer, Itha been before the -public
yver thirty years,and. probably baj a widpr and
letter reputation than any other proprietary
reacvae or Ut present day. At this period
there are but few unacquainted- with tb- mcr-
t JUf o(he Pain Killer; but while some extol It
ftf f liniment, they know but tittle of iti power
in .easing pain when. -lakeo internally, while
others use it internally with great success, but
are equally .ignorant of ,ita healing .virtues
when applied externally. ' We theref re,f wish
to say to all that it is equally successful wheth
er nsed internally- orexternally,Vnd it stands
to-day, unrivalled by all the great catalogue of
Family Medicines. - It is sufficient evidence of
its virtues as a standard medicine, to know"
that jt is now used in all parts of the world
and that its sale is rapidly increasing. No
curative agent has -had, such widespread sale
or given' such universal satisfaction. It is a
purely vegetable compound, and. perfectly safe,
even in unskillful hands. f
At a special communication of Amity Lodge,
No. 20, A. F. & A. Jstp held May 11, 1870, JL.
D. 1870, the following preamble and rosolu
tiona were adopted t " . I ; i ;i ' r.
Whereas, It has pleased tho Supreme Ar
chitect of the Universe to summon from his
labors upon earth, . our iheloTed brother, Jesse
V. Walling, calling him, by Bis Omnipotent
will, to that, judgment which awaits all who
are toil ins: in this earthly turn pie, and
Whereas, The Masonic tics which', have so
long bound us in friendship and enjoyent to
our departed ferotber are severed, no moro to
be reunited until the day when the grave shall
yield up its dead J therefore
Jlttolved, .That we sincerely mourn this dis
ruption of covenanted friendship, bearing in
tender remeufbr&nce hl8j fidelity to Masoury
and his demotion to the pritciplcs it incul
cates. ' .-v .
lieolftcl. That we earnestly sympathise
with the relatives and friends of our deceased
brother, and tender them that consolation
which the world can neither give nor take
and . that we willfwear the uiual badge of
mourning for the space of thirty days.
Kemthtd, That a copy of this preamble and
resolutions be forwarded to the family of our
deceased brother and inxeted in the Oreoox
Repcblicak, and other papers be requested to
copy ; and they be spread upon the Journals
of this Lodge. ; W. W. Booxe, ;
. t. 8. i 'I. f Secretary, ,
Boundaries of Electiox Preciscts. As
there are always qucstins arising concerning
tbo boundaries of election precincts, we have
examined the official records in the C!rk 'a of
fice, and herewith present the boundaries of
all the precincts in Polk county
' ,; J BETH EL. i -
Beginning at the point where the north line
of Polk county strikes the Willamette river,
thence west to the line between sections 4 and
5, T. 6, S. R. 4 W.; thence south to the sec
tion line one mile south of the line between
Ts.. 'fi and 7, S.; thence east to the Willamette
river ; thence down said river to the place of
v Beginning at the point where tie aecttoo.
line between sections 4 and 5, T. 6. S. R. 4 W
strikes the north line of Polk county; thence
west to Salt Creek ; thence up said creek to the
line between Ts. 6 and 7, S.; tie see eaJt to
the southeast corner of section 32, T. 6, S. R. 4
W.; thence north to the place of deginbiog.
Beginning at the point where the north line
of the county crosses Salt Creek ; . thence west
on raid line to Mill Creek ; thence up MUl
Creek to the line between Ts. (V and 7.S.: thence
east on said line to Salt Creek ; thence down
Salt Creek to the place of beginning. :
nOCGLAS. ; ; ?
Beginning at the : po'nt where Mill Creek
crosses the north line of the county ; thence
west ,to the western boundary of the county
thence south following the county line to the
head, or at a point due west of the head of Mill
Creek ; thence down said creek to the place of
, Beginning at the half mile post between sec
tions 2 and 35 Ts. C nd 7, S, R. 5, W.; thence
west to Mill Creek ; thence up said creek to
the southwest corner ; of Douglas precinct ;
thenec south to the section line one mile Sjputb
of the line between Ts. 7 and 8, S.; thence east
to the half-mile stake between sections 2 and
11, T. S, S. R. 5, W; thence north to the placo
of beginning. r;
" : la Creole;
Beginning at the centre of section 11, T. 8,
S. R. 4, W.; thence north to line between Ts. 6
and 7, S.; thence east 3 miles; thence fouth 4
miles ; thence east 1 mile; tbence sOjBth to the
La Creole Creek, thence down said creek to
the Willamette river ; thenee up said river to
the point where the half-mile line, running
east and west through section 1 1, T. 8, 8. R. 4,
W. strikes said river; thence west to the place
of beginning. . . . ; "
. ' kolI. " -
Beginning at the Willametto river I mile
south of.thc line between Ts. 6 and 7 S.; thence
WfcSt to the northeast corner of section S, T. 7,
S. R. A, W.; thence north 1 mile ; thence west
mile; thence south 4 miles; theno east 1
in ilex thence south , tof tho' La . Creole ' creek ;
thence down said creek to' the Willamette fiver;
thence down said river to the pta.ee oS begin
ning. nojriioiTTn.
'Beginning' at tb' Willamette: rivet at the
point where the line between sections 6 and 7
,T. 9, S. R . 3, W. jntersects said river ;. thence
west to the southwest corner of eeotion T. 9,
. R.' VW.; thence north Jmiles ; thenee E. li
buJcs ; thence south mile; thenee east to the
Willamette river ; thence up said, river to the
pi ac of beginning.
- " nineiENRr.
" Beginning at the northeast corner of section
T, 8, S R. 5, W.; thenee west to the county
line ; thence south A miles ; tbence east to, the
southeast corner of section 4, T. 9. S. Ri 5, W.;
thence north to the place of .beginning.
s ; - ' : -LVCKUUDTEi -
Beginning at the northeast corner of epctioft
10, T. , b. U. .d, . w.; tnenco west to the
county line;; thence" south "to the southwest
croneror ine county; mence case to. tne lui
Utween sections 10 and II, T. 10, S. R. 5, W.
thence north to the place of beginning. , j -
' nirexA vista.
; BiJzianlDC. at.. the .point ' where the' line be
tween sections 6 and 7. T. 8. R. . 3, ; W.
intersect the Willamette river '' ihfioqe west to
the northwest corner or section ji, a y, ; r.
51 W.r thence souiK to the county line ; thenca
east to 'the Willaniette rivers
aid river to' the plsee of begian
t,.f,.:'.5- olltical .otet '.
Ih&.OfegQiiian Jias.tho following :
Mr." O.' S; Savao is, wcbolieve;a
candidate .on tho )cmocratio 4iket in
Wasco county for the legislature. He,
boldly sajathat there ia no danger
whatever: of Ithe dxjfeatgof his party in
Wasco county, for tho. reason that they
have jthematter;? entirely ;io . their own
nanus, ana propose to use ineir power
to make success certain, v In other
words, they have evry jud?o of elec
tion ia the county, and ho matter how
many, Republicans may ( offer to vote,
they 'propose to rule out enough to
leave a sure 'Democratic majority. This
is the way they "elected" Vie Trevitt
two years ago. and the plan worked go
well that-they now intend to put it in
practice on a larger scale. As the hrst
step io tho proceeding they have? given
the Republicans not a single judge ot
election in 'the county ; - una Mr. bav-
age says it is all fixed with the. Demo
cratic boards who will conduct theclec
tion.;! H "A l". ", A i : ,1 V; yr "X" i
The Gazelle gives this . analysis of
Slater's speech at Corvallis:
Whert; -3Ir Slateri hadl finished his
elaborate and unsatisfactory apology for
the disgraceful attitude of his party in
regard, to the bonded, debt, he proceed-
ed to launch u theory, partly his own
and partly Pendleton's, The 1'endle
ton portion or r.ts unanciai anouync is
to ipsuc a eumcient amount of green
backs to cover the entire debt and thus
swocp it out of existence or to issue
new (taxable) bonds, of twothtrds the
value of those now extant. His argu
ment in support of this hybrid scheme
was vague,- desultory and uncertain.
The concluding portion of his speech
was consecrated to the Negro and Chi
namm. Oh ! the decrepit 'rhetoric
the old and weary denunciation the
faded picture of national disaster,
when will it cease ? We have heard
the Demrcracv so lour upon these
threadbare topic that there is no long
er music in their laughter, lorco lit
their logic, or sting in their sarcasm.
Mr. Slater is evidently a selfmade
man, to use a cant phrase. o notic
cd that he W3S an indiscriminate blun
dcrer, so far as pronunciation and gram
mar are concerned 7 but he has consid
erable commaud of language aud occa
sionally expressed with force. His
logic, however, H defective." It su;
gests the idea of being frayed at the
edges shadowy and incomplete. You
listen with a vairue conception ot las
meaning which i finally dissipated by
an impotent close. TemVtniuute after
he has" taken 5e;it, I hi speech is
blurred and ind'stinct in the memory
of his auditors.
JVhout 500 immigrants arc
into thi3 State per month.'
The 'Statesman learns, from Mr. II
O. Sterling, of Yaijuina, who is in Sa
leru on .business that times are pretty
lively at the Hay. The schooner is
progressing rapidly J the mill is. going
ahead too, aud ail branches of mdus
try arc flourishing. The Shubriek,
which was detailed to buoy the harbor
came off the bar and from 'some cause
sailed away without enterios- There
is an ctijri to buil J a road to tida wa
ter. 200 Indians will bo put to work
this week, and wjien ! he" road is opened
farmers up the'. valley'' in Benton coun
ty will ship their. produce that way in
stead of down the Willamette. This
will help the bay country considerably
The Mountaineer ' has information
that Mrs. Capt. Perry,- of Fort Lapwai
and Mrs. Ankcoy, a daughter ol Col
NesmithV were attacked by five drunk
en Indians while out riding a few day
asj.' Thcv snecoeded m escaping by
hard drivin?;: although one ot the sav
a??es at one time succeeded in catclnna
hold of Mrs. Perry and almost dragged
her from the carnage. Another struck
her several blows with a stirrup..
A company has been' incorporalcd
in this city, says the Oregon tan, for
the .purpose of carrying on a hotel
business. The- incorporator ore : Messrs.
John West, 0, M. Carter, Hiehard A.
White! Walter Moffelt, K, till Burton
and E. D. Shattnok. The, capital stock,
in shares oft 3100 each, has been fixed
at $20,000, n Sviif xa re informed is
principally all taken. As soon as the
shares are all subscribed the hotel r in
Mr. White's building will be furnish
ed and opened for business, with a gen
tie man as ''tnmo host' who ts iully
competent to ."keep a hotel.") ty . r
A. M. Cornelius was badly injured
by a circular saw in the new mill at
his plae last Monday says the Kgcno
Jmrn,aLit II 0- was attempting to oil the
upper saw, and. in order to turn it, gave
it much harder pull than: was rcqnir
cd, which threw his hand onu tUeJow
er savv illicit was Running, c-uttiti; bis
hand ;laadly and ; thrdwing him down
with his .back, against' the saw, which
received several severe cuts,, though
not enough to prove fatal Two of his
fingers wore taken off and his hand
badly mangled, besides severe cuts on
his" back and shoulders. " 1 '
Tho same paper says: This week
Messrs H. O. Hadlcy and II; 0, Owcnj
thrjiea iTown 0la tO gflUlO GOmanS v?D0 CaWO OUt . inquire of fi, F Klohols or ;
dt,r"iftoni!CW'o4o purchase hones' for1' J OIIA9. LABOLLETI.
themselves and friends, a tract of land
of 4,200-acres, a few miles from Eu
gene City, in this county.' The price
received was 97 per acre, amounting to
nearly $30,000. i'The purchasers start-
fid hack to ChlcftWTimmpdiatAltr. nnd
i'fm ,;nnnu .at-
le on the lands with two or three hun
dred industrious Germans. - ? - ' I
The McMinnville Blade says that.
wheat and oats never looked better than
at present. The late rains brought'out
ate sown gram and the prospect for an
abundant harvest was' never better. :
Wmv B. Carter, formerly of the Corr
vallis Gazette; has been appointed U.
Assistant Marshall for the purpose
of taking the census in Benton couoty,
instead of li. A, Bensell, resigned. Y
I The DemocratiQ papers are- publish
ng. with great : gusto, an item to tne
effect that Grover, in the Indian war of
55-G, was wading through the snow in
the winter campaign. Wonder if Uiey
think they talk of an event where the
memory of man' runneth not f The
facts are that Grover went to the Dalles!
n the fall . of 1855, and set himself up
as a candidate for Major of tho regi- !
ment. He rolled out barrels of whisky
and invited the soldiers to partake.
The result was that he was defeated
or that office ; after which he came to
he valley and stopped until the next
spring, when he went into the Indian
country in command of some new re
cruits. The war was over when he got
SM1TUBELIEU.In Dallas, May 2Gtb.
at the house of Mr. Lewis, by her. D. L. Spaul-
lihe. M. M. Smith, of Denton county and M-
riah Bclieu, of Polk county.
Office, Ko. 64 (Adjoining Telegraph OfSce),:
j Proat street, Portland, Oregon.
Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts and Mercan-
tile claims of every dercriptios throughool Or
egon and the Territories, WILL BE MADE A
ED, as well as with a due regard to oBomy
in all business matters intrusted to his care and
the proceeds paid over punctually. - :"
Words of Weight for Wives aud
j The superiority of HOSTETTER'S STOM-
Alii liuibtts overau oioer ionics ani cor
rectives, as a remedy for dyspepsia, billinus
ncp, oervoas aflfections, and all complaints ot
the visceral orran, and as a preventive of ma
larious disorders, is proverbial ; bot perhaps
it is not so generally knows that the ingredi
ents of this fananas iovigitsat and alterative
excrcife a powerful and most beneficial innu
ence in that namerous and distrrsln ct of
ailments, 01 whteb so many thousands or del 1
cats women are the patient, uneumplaimng
victim.. The special troubles of the ses, com-
wencinff With the dawn or womanhood,
and extending over period of thirty-five
years, are as readily and j certainly re
lieved by the operation of this admirable vtg.
etable preparation, as any of tha cnmplaintu
common to both sexes, for which it is recom-
mended as a specific. The attention of moth-
.? f. eil rt- . f-.l
ers is invited to its balsamic effect in thore pc
ctttior caws of functional irrcgolarity and irri
tation, which, when neglected or maltreated,
destroy the health and shorten the lives of so
many invalid. There is no need fr the pow
erful aTid daBgeroas drugs tx often reported to
in such cases. The mild tonic and restorative
action of the BITTERS is all the assistance
that nature requires in its struggle to over
eo tne the difficulty, and a vast amount of suf
fering would be spared to . the sex, if they
placed" implicit faitb in this wholesome vege
table invigorant, corrective, and nervine, and
discarded the pernieious nostrums advertised
by ignorant and mercenat-y charlatal. 12-4w
itaj. I!
lu rear of the Capital Hotel Corner,
'on Veasoaabla terms. Special attention
pAiKlfce transient suvd hoarding 4iorses.' r f : ;
2-tf ' ". rtjprietorl.
TUc Southern States!
nal fronx the South ? The oldest, host
and ableit is the fi i i i tsV .!
published over half a . century. Hon. Jo its
Forsyth, the asd&fe supter of the great
Stephen A. Douglas, i tae4itos -Every
Northern Democrat waats tha Regis
ter, " ,' '"' , ' ' . '
It has an able Agricultural department, Hon.
Every farmer and mechanic wants to know
all about the South, now offering so many at
tractions. -' f :'
Subscribe for the MOBILE WEEKLY REG
ISTER. Only $3,00 per year. $1,00 for 4
mo,' Try U four months. Send $1,00. Clubs
copies one year $10.00. The Register Is the
lacgest paper w the South. Specimen copy
fre.-. Address, f ; k ; W. D. MANN, .
104 propi Register, Mobile, Ala.
cattle of sheep, my CARS lilt A and PIKU
TOG UA Pill C 8. rQCIit also my dwelling,
house and. (lallerv In Dallas For particulars
es from
LlOU:Nif county, two mi
Dallas, on the road to Salem, all under good
fence, repaired this spring; 175 aeresjnow un
der cultivation. 25 acres of timothy meadow,
and, well watered by springs and wel
s; three
on the
dwelling ''besaeg and one good barn
farm, and two goo t hearing orchards,
ing to this prairie land is four timber
lots, one
lot of fir timber containing 140 acreifJ
five miles off, and is the nearest timber to the
valley and very valuable f r raihc&hd building
purposes ; l ; acres or oak timber) two mihss
distant; 20 acres of oak timber two utiles and
29 acres of oak timber one iniLa distant. These
tracts of land together make one of the best
grain and stock farms in Polk county.- Can
be divided advantageously into tbree or four
farms.'. ,
Terms, $14 per acre, to be sold together for
cash in baud. Apply to 1
RuseII & Ferry,
. on .
D. M
Dallas, Oregon.
i invited to the improved facilities which
I have recently made to my apparatus, by
which X am able to take I !
lx IPictures
Thus making the heretofore tai-k of getting
correct likenesses of. CIllLIiltLiX a matter
of small moment. , ,
jJJ-irGallcry located on Main street Dallas.
Vr. H. CA I i t KIjIIS.
Dallas, April 22, 1S70. - 8:1m
i. W. CBAWrOHD. 1
Front Street; one Door South of
Post Office,
Dallas - : - - - - - - Oregon.
inform the citiiens of Dallas and vicinity
that they have ri!enibca tbeir stock or tin
ware, and have now on hand a large assort
ment of
" Box and Parlor Sloven,
Copper-'- v " :
Jirti$3 ana
Iron Ware
Ot every description. Also a Isrge supply of
Hhcct Iroiit i ,- -'-. -.
,., Zinc, , .-'--
, Ire, c
Tlavins rrocared the services of a firt-class
workman we arc now constantly manufactur
ing all kind Of tin furnishings for stoves and
for farmers one. Sach as 1;
Stoe Iloilers, roflee and Tea , Pots,
Tea Kettles, Milk Fan, Dippers,
r - fl.ard and flutter Cans.
nAnd In fact, all articles of tinware nsnslly
found in tove an tinware store, all of which
we oiler for sale at prices that will jastify pur
chasers to patrojniae us rather than Salem or
Portland shop?. ( v
fpecial attention wiltb given to-
$W Work
Of all kind. W '
In connection with the stove ana lia itore,
we will contiuao our
Where will be kept all kinds of scssonabte
meats, both PKKSl! and SALT.
In exchange for roods in our line we will
take all kinds of country produce, such as
j Batt t, 'Eggs, Chickens, Flour. Bacon, &c.
We invite the public o call and examine
our stock. CRAWFORD 4 NEWMAN.
Dallas, March;4, 1ST0. 1-tf
Sale orr nil il tor Partition,
. Circuit Court for I'olk county, Oregon, is
sued at the April term, 1S70, I will, on the
llth day of June, 1$J0, between the hours of
9 A. M. nnd 4 I. M., at the Court House : door
in said county, pell to the highest bidder the
following defcri'cd .property: Beginning at
the N. K. corner of Elian Harper's Donation
land claim. No. 51, T. 6, S. R. 6 W, in See. 32
and S3; thence running weft 40 chains to a
stake, thence S. to Tcwnship linc thence E 4ft
chains on faid T. line, thence N. to place of be
ginning, containing 210 acres more or less, sit
uate in Polk county,, excepting one-third there
of, which has been tot off and assigned as the
dower of the widow of Barnert Haggard, dee'd.
from tho N. end of said premises.)
Terms of sale $ cash in hand in IT. S. goM
coin; balance in 12 months with interns at
10 per cent, per annum, purchaser giving ap
proved .security ?- . .-, M. rill,
Slicrm V 8ale. M
1 -:-yr:':
roe directed, issued out of the Circuit
Court of. the State of Oregon, fo the eounty
of Polk, on a iadgment rendesed on the 23d
day of April, 1 859, in favor of Mordecai Ken
nody and ftgainst L. A. Robb, fur the sura, of
three hundred and focty kllats,iU. S. gold or
filvet coin, with vntesest at the rate ef one per
cent, per month, from rendition of judgment,
unlU ; kmL, together with costs and accruing
1 costs, I: have levied upon and soixed and wi
f oxpogo atubl0 fluef(on, in the twn of Ind
pendence, Polk county, Oregon, at tho drug
store of Li. A. Kobb, June the th, 1870, bo
tween -4he hours. of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock P. M. of said day, all thoj Drugs, Pat
ent Medicine V Paints, Oils, and Is ganeral as
sortmoit of such notions as are generally kept
in a first class drug store. Salo to commence
at 10 o'clock A. M.
: Persons wishing to establitdi theratsoixes Uj. a
well-paying and nui Uttlo ; biuaness, will ; do
well to call around and give 11 aj biC '
, 4 J. W,! SMITH.
12-4w - ' ' Sheriff of Polk Co., Ogn.'
1 m " 1 ' 1 r'i
. Win. "j. :HARrlllAlV
J' pendent candidate fur CONSTAULU
lor DallaS proiinct. ;
Dallas, AprU 30. 1870. 0
Cojiie! au YE THAT DESiniU
Pleasant Hemes An' Goodly Lwad4
censutt ' . :;.' .
Bal Estate SnsTcera aad OoUectlon Agents,
W, W. Comer of First mad Washington
D. Mi C. GAtJLT,
At ths Branch 0fica
f.Dallas, Polk County, Ortgon.
' That is to fay. that the lands of Sbinar"
scarcely attract the attention of tha Emi
grant wht withes to purchase a desirable borne
- r..:i. v. .it. 1 1 . : g-
f(on can' be purchased for a small amount of
taoner. . ..
TTe now proclaim that special attention will
be given to the purchase and. sale of Real Es
tate; and moreover, we cheerfully impart the
information that we bare a large amount of
City Property,
Town Iots, 1
Farms, : !
Improved, anil
Unimproved fand
Stock flarich es,
Timber Xands,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
For sale at reasonable terras-,
In tha Heat Purttous of the State.'
Aad1 fn ewoeTusloo, wa would1 impre apots
tW ss-inds of persons desiring to sell Real Es
tate that they incur no expense in plaeing
their property in our hands, unless 'a sale is
effected. , , .
Particular attention is dlroctel to the'faett
that a large amount ef desirable lands eaa ba
Durahaatd at the Branch OCLce, , ,
D. O. C.'GAUffsTe,-
SleaJ XHstatc Agents