Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, May 28, 1870, Image 1

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    iu y r t jg a a - & c j u & 1 I 1 a n
! Issued Every Saturday Afternoon at
: Df Has, Polk County, Oregon. 1
- OFFICE Main street, between Court and
Jlilf streets, two doors south of the Postoffice.
SINGLE COPIES One Year, $2 50;
Honths, 51 73; Three Months, 11,00.
Smhtription mutt b paid ttrictly in advance
t ADVERTISING 3&ATE3. t-va-:
One square (10 lines or less) first insert'n, $3 00
Each subsequent raVerlion.... ....... ......... 1 00
A liberal-deduction will be made to 'quar
terly and yearly adrertisers- j
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per' wwnm.5 ; . ; ' -' ;
Transient advertisements must be paid for
C n advance to insure pubhcaiion. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly, ;
T Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
. furnished at low rates on short notice.
''.SSLiAtt advertising bills must be paid
Cud of the Hallroad Controversy Ore
gon Politics Democratic Repudiation
Platform, Disgraceful .to the State,
Dangerous to all Public Interests,
and Damaging to the Credit of our Rail
road Bonds, Etc., Etc.
)n City, D. C, )
April 29, 1870, j
Editor Oregonian
Oregon is ahead. The West Side
II lilroad bill to-day passed both Houses
of Congress, the first and only land
grant bill passed this session, or likely
to' for several month. As the pioneer
of the land grant fight and representa
tive of the. land grarit policy, it de
serves more than a passing notice. For
nine I002 weeks we have; labored to
reach a vote on the measure iu the
Housei.and the success with which we
have been held back by the enemies of
land grants shows their strength. But
the accumulating forces to day bore
down alt opposition and reached the bill
on the "Table." Holniau, Dem. of
Indiana, 'had the floor, and with Fer
: nando Wood, used up their hour in set
speeches, violating their agreement.to
; let Mr. Smith explain he bill. By
" arrangement, Fitch of Nevadar was to
;make .the leading speech in favor of the
.1 land grant , policy, which he did elo.
quently and ably, speaking forty min
utes; 2 The floor was then giveu to Mc
; Cpfmick, Bern, of Mo., for three miu
utes to state the position of the Land
.1 Committee in favor of the bill ; then
ten minutes to Smith to answer qucs
m f ' ttoos.; V It being near fire o'clock when
Smith got the floor, and the House be
" coming impatient, although by general
consent he was authorized to take his
own time "to explain, yet fesliug the
. great importance of - reaching a vote
?i before an adjournment, which would
have defeated us, he called the previ-
ous question. Speaker Blaine rapidly
pressed the vote, first by acclamation,
then by "divisions," then by "tellers,"
and finally by the ayes and noes, and
- when it was finally apparcut that we
had the II.ou?e, then commenced the
aide fights. Greater excitement had
, never been seen on the floor before and
no words of mine can portray the in
tense feeling of nearly two hundred
members, all talking, most of them on
their feet.jind'many in hot blood. The
irrepressible Ingersoll was pitching into
am Cox ; Beck was pitching into
Trimble, his colleague ; Wilson, of Mih
nesota, waa firing jjway at Holman ;
3raith, of Iowa, was teariogaway at
, iflawley of Illinois (both 'members; of
tk&l Land Committee): Mayhard was
' gesticulating mildly at the whole Dem
ocratic side ; Sargent wasfirioff awav
"at all the opposition generally ; Boot
01 Arkunsas. was rallying his South
rn friends) while Eldridge, of Wiscon
sin, with oaths both loud and deep,
and clenched fist, was denouncing his
Democratic friends as miserable faction
, ista,s f It was plain . that the West Side
r: bill was not on trial, but the two htm
dred other Land Grant billsdoriating
; one hundred millions or acres, for 2Q,-
000 miles of railroad, and looking to
- the Jnvestmenfr of a thousand, million
" dollars," regarding this as a test vote
had precipitated all their force apd fire
into thd contest.' Jitit the battle" was
brief under the operations of the pre
vious ouestion. and the Speaker soon
announced the final result 97 for the
r bill and 60 against it.
Senator Willfama :
"In this letter I desire to say aijword
personal or Senator Williams. No mat
- tcr what may have.becn heretofore' ax4
" just.ee requires ma to say. that he has
labored faithfully for the interests of
Oregon on this question. Senator Will-
iarns j has occupied a very difficult and
embarrassing position f and in the heat
of this railroad controversy.' and tinder
ioe pressure oi me pecuniary interests
of men engaged id these railroads, his
motives have, not gone 'unquestioned,
A different feeling or state of affairs
could not have been . expected. But
now that the battle is over,1 and both
enterprises are fairly successful, mainly
by his labors, we should not hesitate to
do him.full and compleieijustice. For
myself, I am now entirely satisfied that
he has acted conscientiously in the mat
ter," and to the best of his judgment
and .his ability; and although we did
not agree as to what wa9 right and best
for . the West Side instercst, yet his
proposition is doubtless the best thing
we could secure under Ihe circum
stances. Many persons in Oregon
think it a very easy job to secure a rail
road laud grant. It is the very , reverse.
It is the most difficult piece of legisla
tion in ConjEjrpss; and anything less-
uian tne most carelul management, and
untiring efforts, will result in failure.
To such management and to such ef
superadded all
(and I tell you
ndha deserves
forts, Senator Williams
ins .puiiuwu muueucu tanu 1 leu jru
thai is; a vower here) and he deserves
well of our people without distinction
- 1
of party. It is an unusual thing for a
Senator to leave his scat in the Senate,
and go into the House as lobbyist ; but
Senator AY illytms did that kind of work
(and so did Mr. Corbett); and had it
not been for such efforts, the bill would
have hung by the ears until July, and
probably never reached a hearing in
stead of being, as it is, the first and
only land grant bill yet passed at this
session. . ;
Rivalry Ended,
I trust I have said "enoush on this
subject; but not more than candor and
justice demanded. And I also sincere-1
lv hope this railroad contest between j
the East and West Side may now have l
an end. It has been productive of evil, f
and evil only, although the contest was
linavnrdablei after' thtf loreanizatton' . of
the Salem Company. ' With thodisin- j
corporation of the Last hide Oregon 1
Central, all tncentive for West Side. op-
position to the ..East Side enteprise was
removed, and has ceased in fact so far
as;i Know. ,v 1
Arransements have heen made here. I
which, if properly encouraged by the
pcople on the line of the road, will tie
cure the early completion of the West
Side road. And I may also state that
the North Pacific road, to the interests
of which Senator Corbett has devoted
bis atteution this session, is now a cer
tainty. .
nmrnin PniitiM.
As there seems to be a necessity for
every man to speak out for the right at
this time, you must excuse a few words
nn the nnirI,l -Wnlnn in fWn. Ti
InwAr ?t' 5a etrt oinlir
through a political convention. .What
.V w.-M.. , WW WW
uu uie xemncraiic icaaers in
.t ta t.j ? r
mean? Their so-called platform has
d edtl77S wty he a bn
?I? !f.J"
u .M u.Y.rTcwuMto .uu..B . m.
seventy-eight Democrats in Congress,
is the notorious Mungen.
To strip the Albany , platform ot the
glittering and senseless generalities and
bungling verbiage with which it if be
clouded, it resolves itself, into two pop
VO Drop
Firtfr The civil ane nolitical
disfranchisement, and the indirect en
Blavement of the enfranchised colored
people. Second, The, repudiation of
the national bonds.
All over the Northern States, and in
TAck nf -:i,A-.Sti Aaa
of the Democracy are accepting the
situation inood faith and treating the
State of. Oregon, al
mwaWmaa m N.rvt!s!1 . llLa. a
nrs tiAi w -ofrtM:A r t,
good old days when demoralized fath-
era could, jell their own daughters into
slavery and prostitution, and when the
slave "driver, with hi- bloody Inaignia
of the f lash f and the, branding ;iron,
could cry his horrid ; trade iinder thS
ahadow- of the nation's capital and
jBbut' bis cruel flag in the face,, of the
Goddess of Justice. Thomas A. Hen
dricVs,' of Indiana, certainly Jbe ablest
and wisest of the Democratic atates-
man. came ont 1n a public speech a few.
days ago, and advised his party to unite
carefully read the proceedings! earm wmuws aim urpuau, inuisur- 'r'i:' "C: :. "Jj" t
platform of the late Democratic "nuy and trust funds of every uy u ruu auuwuu
Convention in Oregon, and must description, answering to your "rr:A
to! both surprise and' astonish, cratto -adjustment," and ready to ac, """"I VV T
at the depth of the '-pit" it was cept your fit y per cenand go -home , r -y, "
. r , . I i ' nn tU nmt tnJ Af 1? Mtnti I did not aid in that wav. , lhcv were
lO.SlOK lnoraer.lOjTeacn tne i n Inf tlio nnrtv vthn i1flnrnrl i.Mi Mn'l
d Rnrk " It ia dnno-prnu v low iC3. DUI you, naro do monej, auu 7"- r- v ' " " H J"-. "
a n5e?S. y then 1 sirs when vou ask for it in ex- hP or like 'the old bed rocker
n, and if there is any other place then, sirs, wnen you bsk ior 11 in ex 1 ,ii-
people,: before tbd law, as the mnen creau ne win gam uy 1. au. Fuu, iru.u
treats them and it ia a I ia- the inevitable . result ?oi tue uemg- l ern ptaies came 10 urcgon ana s oiosea
for deep regret that the free cratiOu"pdjusttent'sejicme?i and no I the contract v, with fhe tioycrnmenu
groesi the legal and equitabld lulhll-
ment of the 14 th and I5th amendments,
and "his 1 position : is gen'erallyapproved
by the Democratic" press; while tne
juemocrauo juegisiaiure vi xuaryiauu
making haste to provide equal educa-1
tiooal advantages to colored children.
If there is , anything secured by
surancQ mader doubly, sure, it is the
civil and political . rights of the, negroes;
arid it is onijr tbe ugnawihg of a filow
tofight against" it now; Revolutions
never go backward and this legislation I
for the black man cannot be undone.
tNoi m wen t& tu v, ; i ;.
"And pillared AHcgbaoj fall '
A well Ohio' giant tida ' ? ?
Koll backward on it mighty track." '
Of course the same' rebel lspirit
which would attempt to undo the poiit-
ical results ot tne war to crash tne re
bellion,! would refuse to pay . the ex-
penseof the war. But we ought to
expect a little common sense, a little
"method in their madness on this
point, ; inasmuch as it relates to the
practical matter of dollars and cents.
Uut if these Democratic leaders can ex
plain theiri "equitable adjustment" the-
ory to any i audience of Oregon voters
- uVT" Jhem5clvcs
b.c th ' ve measured
. ft . J . . . t . A mt!kMrA
:, . , ' l' 7 V : 1 7. "t "Z J
iiiiMr iiHTirifrM Elm in xui'ii- 1 iifii iiikv nrt 1
T" 1 . . . . 7
euuuea 10 a po ni. .-.ma 10 relieve
the country and restore its prosperity
we iavor an Muuaoie ojBnn w
1 . -m, 1, ' I
.nil 1 r ia iitttA . 1 .1 1 1. Atftna -Alt. frCffvrriAk. I
son, that don't say repudiation. But
it does, for all that, and now let us ana
lyze it. To carry out this Democratic
adjustment. Congress must -needs pars
a law, declaring that we owe but fifty
per cent, of the bond, (as that is the
amount which I presume is dedocibie
from the I words, "increased more than
two fold used in the same section of i
the platform with the adjustment
clause) ; and calling on the bo nd bold-
ers to come forward and be Asverauy
adjusted, and take their money. If The
Democratlj leaders don't pronose to
nay any more interest, and therefore,
likef the bankrupt trader., they would
have the nation pay down one half and
call it square. To do that, we must
raised m cash; about thirteen hundred
million a, ;and to withdraw A which ,im
nicnse sum from the circulating raedi
um ot tne world and concentrate it in
one place! would of itself, produce a
financial crash throughout Europe and
America. The Treasury has generally
J about one 'hundred millions available,
and would ( therefore have to borrow
nearly the whole of this vast amount.
How would you borrow? Give your
note give new bonds, bearing interest.
because the Government could not : get
i" C ... 7 T ' .
it in an v other wav witnont eoniisea
tion. Where ..would you borrow r
iiero are vour nonanoiaers in resoonse-
. . : r
to your call, trom the four qoartcrs ot
the clobe and the very ends, of the
II the globe
. ..... . ... . . . . . .
way, you will be tdld, amid the gibes,
iioprs: enntpmnt ana execration 01 nil
z -m t - .. . .1
mankind, that JsA W"
I Tionr eantraet. vou have dishonored vour
Swn paper, and if you will do tbit once,
vou will aUi. ani vou Uan have no
vt -j--' ' ..' u:-
niiiiiii. TijKiiii uu k muiuiiu7. euvwuigi
tion ten cents on thq dollar for your
new bonds ; and to raise fifty per cent,
of the present debt,' it would cost the
governnient five or ten times what we
- hA And the knmn denreeiation
I . . ... l.?t.f. . l, .1.'
ot the bonus ana multiplication. 01; tue
present ucut wuuiu uvuur. ii mio..wwi-
ffi.rd tn rnniWthA fiftv ner
rem., or anv .other amount less thari
nari of the" present bonds with . now
bonds, or anv other form of. pretended
navment Does any ono doubt such a
result? ?,If so, let , him repudiate fifty
per cent 'of his own note and see "haw
I 1 ' A nAVaMjft ftttlnn
:rwi ';'1if;lS'Mrt flf-hJ
The bonds of the .'United States were
with all citizens, to secure to the ne
i iC : i i i ii r- : imnnnv nn inn onnni. i ii(isi wnn n i
nnt tn he ronehd cnange ior new Donas, or in any omer J '"
one, should now rwaMaM,8P f, . , P, ? f ,
sold by its fiscal agen t, -Jay Cook e who cai .3 party wnicn .wouia novr say, tuai,
dbposedbf them to banks, bankers, because we, whoj came, to .Oregon at a
trusses, corporations, and .private jndf. later day. can only get one fourth as
viduals of overf rank and, station, i and much land as you ;d,;andlthat in the
received for themlfrom ninity-Eve per mountains and brusb, therefore wo fa
ecnttd "pain crrenoir wnicfi was vqr n jequtnbh adjustment the
paid into the reakM The transac. land estates in Oregon, soj that you old
tion .between , Mr. Oooka and the pu. anation claimants .must surrender I o
ehasera- of bondsHwaa istraigKt for the-test f orthe pubhe three
ward business traosactionvjust as; he-is fouHWof your land M There is a fairly
nbwTssoUiog North Taeifio Railroad paraxial ;easeA in . every respect. r.Ihe
bonds;.in whloh a fair price was paid (Concluded on fourth $age
for the ponds, and no man can now dis-
put e it. since the original transaction
most; of the bonds have change hands
a.from 87 to 98- cents iu gold, and I
question if one-fourtth of them are now
uw . vn&iuai purcnasess, nm us
rounn is maae up ot j trust funds lor
charitable and benevolent societies and
widows: and orphans, whom to despoil
of jbeir : incomes,- honestly accruing,
would be no less a crime than to steal
the bread of'charity from the hands of
orphan children. To summon all these
bondholders now to take fifty' percent.
for tneir ponas, would, do actual repu
diation , of that much ! of an . honestly
contracted debt, and do amount of the
ory nan male anything else out of it.
?-h; That the Government war swindled
out of vast sums of money during the
war, there can be no doubt; and that
the suppression of the rebellion cost
twice as much as it! ought, may" be
readily admitted; bu it was neither
the purchasers or the holders of these
bonds who did the swindling, or in
creased the cost of ;the war. . The
swindling was done by; parties who'al
wajs gain by war, and who received
tbey . honestly anl patriotically, paid
in bylhe people who took the bauds
for their Cash, in order to save the na-
from tne .treasury tne cood monav
-1 t l - -
w their cash, to order to
won irom total destruction: while the
incrcasod cmt ot the war. it T miSLik
not resuItetl from the action of Xorth-
ern Democrats, who went around howl-
insr, "you can t whip em, thus encour
w "
aging the rebels to prolong a bloody
and hopeless contest; j And such is the
case in all civil wars, j They cost more
than wars of conquest. It is impossi
ble now to Teach the swindling con
tractors and punish! them or their
crimes : bat it is some satisfaction I hat
the law requires secession sympathiz
ing Democrats to pay their share of a
debt tliejr. helped. to pile up
- I Paying the Dsnda..
I know it will be said these bonds
were purchased with greenbacks worth
only fifty cents , on the' dollar. .That
raaJ be, true, and yet it does not affect
ther the legal or equitable obligation
01 mo nauoa 10 pay me oona as it
stands. The currency was depreciated
byjthe enemies of th country, not by
its friends. . Depreciation was a mum
lion of the enemy as much as. powder
and; shot; and what: wiis worse, it was
used by the enemies in our midst. The
I pnrchasers , of bonds; i had every incen-
tive to appreciate thef currency and hold
it up to a gold standard, just as green
backs went down, ! the Government
went dt wo j and everything else ealcu
lated, to-secure. the investment in bonds.
The bonds were offered to the public
to evs
rjboby not to the few. It was
wu"" vw
I ; 1 U.I . 11 t.
crnuien. m. 3 , T ,
uu " t
i . 1 .1 .
vuuv..f; Tl -v..
was great danger jn advancing any
a cord 01 green Daeits not wort 11 a
whoop in hell :" and it is not their
to the nation s triends in open market,
j- .. u
unjess they will first go over; so uarely
and range themselves under the lanner
of Jefferson Dav s. .It. was hv reason
I . (. . j
of this very money, advanced by the
bondholders, that tne rebellion was
crushed, peace restored, and the cur-
rency and, bonds broujjht nearly, up to
the cold standard The, bondholders
I I ti tia linnnlltf mn)n mAnnv Ww? ViAti
1 ."-"7"'" v rr" J
1 - -v. "
can't turn round on them and rob them
M An Argument! for Oregontans.
1 Many years ago this same Govern
ment passed a law contracting to give
every family six hundred and forty
acres of land in Oregon it they would J
go there and settle on it. , Many thouM
lands? and ,i beautiful homes. - What
wi n youregon larraers, m a p""
v " . a nnr. vis 1 Mr 1 im v u 1 1 nnvn mrrn si sh iii i urn
kH w aavv w mj w hmb aaaawu awaa-uaiu aaa
- ; " 11 ,. 11 ' i :
AtVy Sc. ounseIIor-at-Law
i J - t i ; . ; 1.:' 1 . ( i
McAIInnvIUe, Yamhill Co., Oregon.
Partiealar attentfon giren tb tb stadr ao4
practice of Criminal Law, 0llctiyn of Claicu,
Notes, Accounts, tie. ' ' ' f-.v'--- '"' Z' ,
- 1 ' '
Physician and
Dallas, Ogn.
ITarine refwtnel "practice.' mil alve ereeial
attention to Obstetrics, and ihe treatment of
. j; xm war..-. . Irt t. rl J- . . . .
arOffli at hia renidence. I
v. viKraai. r:-' I : . u butlkr.
At Vy &, 011 nse I idr-at-Laiv
: ; J Dallas, Oregon,
Will give epeeiai aitenlioo toj
the collection of
Claims, and ail buainesg eatraited to bit care.
' REFERENCES Hon.' Johb Enrnett, Hong.
R. S. Straban k Situpion, Hon. A. J. Thayer.
Physician and;
. Dallas, Oregon.
OFFICE At Kicbols Dri Store; .
:: J AS. II. TUfils JEU,
Att& Counsel lor-at-Law
Speclat attention eirc to the Collection of r.
claims, also toe baying, selling ana leasing 01
Real EcUde,. and Convey incmg. :
Justice of the Peace for Dallas Precinct.
OFFICE In Folk CocktIt Times buildint.
Main street, opposite Court House. '
. D. JCFl-Itld. 31. D.,
Physician and
lola, Oregon.
Fpecial attention ' circn
to Obftetrics and
DiMaf tt Wnmen. -
J. li. DAVIDSON, M. D.,
Physician and
Independence, jOjrti.
T. V; B. iEmbrec.V
ty-; AM IT I, 1A.MI11LL vU., UBJSuUi.
ffifr Office at residence".
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
Will practice in all the Cojurts of Record and
Inferior Courts of
this State.
OPFICEIn Watkinds
A Co's
Brick, up
Ilayden A:
Dallas, Orec)B. -
Attorneys U Counsellors -at-Law,
Dallas, Oregon,'
Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 1
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
,;t I ::-;t-, Dallas, Orcgbt). r
Special attention given to Collections and.to
matter 'pertaining to Ilea j Estate., : 1
J. A. Applcafe,
ATTOIttfE Y-kr- LAW,
Dallas, Polk County, Ogn, 1 '
Is. JT. WA It DLAW, lit. !.,
. Physician and Surgeon,
' V Xewlsvllle, lolljr Co., Ogiu.
lias recently returned froth the Atlsntie States
And o fleas jbis professional services to the citi-
tens of the County.
r'r Particular . attention given
to Female Dis-2-tf
eases. . .ii,
. B. K.tlQHT.
w. r. LORD
.!f tei!:!
t . .
VVI MmKfm VUIUUIVI ASB a i7eiiv v
Opposite I.add & Hush's naiik, ,
sai.i:m. oniir.ON,
Will practice In tho Surirtme Court and the
Circuit Courts of the Second and Third Ju
dicial Districts. ' i 2stf-.
B. nuBtar.
u Attorneys-At-Law,
' '' . Ziafayette,1 Oregon.'
v.vV ,fe;?i..tf ,:
'A. P.- FORDES, ;
At V y CotiicSlor-at-Iw.
- t's ' . ti ,,-..r4... . (
' Lafayette,! Oregon. ' M
. I 3-tf
Ileal JSttate
Attorney. r iVotatjf PuhKo'
Real Estate Brokers and
Collection Agents,
ZTortawtlt Car. f t and - WaehlaMOSi
jK Streets, :
Special attention giren to fbe tale of Eeal
Esta. Coilcctlooa made in Oregon acrd ib
Territories. ,? a J " ' 1
Property, town lots, tmprored farms, stock
ranebea, Und, Ac situated in the Wit portion!
of Oregon and W. TT for tale on'reaaonable
terms. - - . -,... .vi. . t 4-tf.
. - . n - .. , .1-
Fbyslclahf Surgeon h Accochtr,
DneWay VMa, Pelk Co., trgTh.,
Will attend promptly to professional calls.
s. 7:6m
A. M- Dallas, holds its regular e m-
tnanications on the Saturday preceding
the Full Moon In each mouth, unless the moon
fulls on -SaHirdAy thea on that day, at ona
o'clock. ... ,
Also, thai second Fridayia 'each month
at 7 o'clock. P. M , for the purpeso of improTe
mcnt of the Craft In 'Masonry, and for sueh
other work as tha Master majr frotn Ue to
time order. ' . , !, 1 . '
All Brethren n giwd standing are Invited to,
attend. By order of the M.
MORE ,Tn AN 200,000 IPEllSOS
testimony to the Wooderful Corativ
Effects of t.t
2. (e .
Dr. Joseph Walker's
Manufactured from the native Herbs and Roots
"of CaRfbrnia,'"
parr, ;Tko Great rtlood ParHlerr
have been caot escceFsfuL . SUCH - DISEAS
ES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, waick
is generally.prodBced by derangtuent' of Hb
'Clcaree the A itiatcd Blood whenever you
; find its imparities Laming throagh the skin in
Pimples, Eruptions, or ..ores: !oane it ueo
you end it owtruewx ana siurgieii iu ine
veins; cleanse it wuen U is la 1. alia yovrieei.
irs -will tell you when. lvn iiio blood ceal
thy, and all trill be arelU i -: 1
., AGENTS, : .
fl. H. Jfl cDOIV AlsD a Co.,
. Importing Vholesl ,
Corner Fine and Sansome Streets San Fran-
Cisco, Cat, and Sacramento. Cal., and f
31 Flatt srcet, X.
Carriage and Orname ntal
rtrsat, , . f.
Opposite StarVty4s Block.
Jl-tf -
"CSEIll" -sjALOOJV,'
. served to castomers on sboft notice.11 --
This'establishment does not dispetifce Ungle
foot or anything of that character. -v .;
. Call at tlie Ct;m.-ri3S. a
nurcntis .
A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen aud
itAW-IHDE DOTTOlil ciiAini
'Of my own inafcel5 "':7'.'t
SI10 nncaf Wa y hii'rcnill
, my stock. I .fhs'U le; pleated Is fbowjyoo
my frooils. snd belter pleael when yoa hoy, .
. New Work fut u to order and Repairing
done at .the lowest eaeh price. f j ; ,
WEVcli's Lp ?KtMIVM s toton-rfest
ff , tu market In Hits or barrel. , ...
! for tale at COX A KAlUIART'Sf,
, Salem.
"3 "o .r, , CJM
.-"3 rxj-f',i - :v 1 e-s?
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