Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, May 14, 1870, Image 3

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Tovf j & coy riTY uevs.
Folk County Official Directory. !
jPolk county covers an areft'of about 1,230
Iquaro miles. Number of voters, 1,227; Acres
Of land under cultivation, 9.1.270. Value of
assessable property, $1,524,513. : Tho Land
Office for this District U located at Oregon
City Owctf Wade, Register Henry Warren,
Cocjitt Ofkiceks. Jmlfje, J. L. Collins;
Comiuttxionem, E. C. Dice, I. Levensf Sheriff
J. W. Smith ? Clerk, J I. Thompson ; Aacar,
II. Davis; Trenturer, R, M. May; School Su
perintendent, J. U Mj or; Snrreyor,S.T.IJurcb.
Coroner, C D, Embtee. ; . , , i,: . , .
Vost Orrieis Towxs. Bethel, Bridgeport,
Buena Vista, Dallas (county seat), Eola,tirand
llomle, Independenco, " Luekiamute. Lincoln,
liewisvillo, Monmouth, Kick real, Salt Creek
and Zen a. - . v' -!-: '"'':--. ." ".
U, S. Af Aiioleavcs Dallas for Salem on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m., return
ing same days at. 6 p.m.; for Independence,
-each Tuesday morning at 6 ; frr Salt Creek,
each Tuesduy at I p. m.; for Lafayette, Mon
day and Thursday at 3 pi m., returning Wed
nosay and Saturday at 10 a.m.; for Corvallis,
Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. in., returning
Jdonday and Thursday at 3 p. m.
men had the good fortune to have as many
and as warm friends as he. Wo but Bpeak the
eentiment'of a wholo community when we ten
der to the bereaved relatives of tho deceased
our warmest condolence and sympathy. To
our noble friend wo can but say, farewell.
; Jf. E. Church.--"!) !. Spauldinr, pastor.
"Services at their church, north side of Mill
street between Main and Jefferson, as follows :
First Sabbath, (in each month) in tho evening;
2d Sabbath, at 11 o'clock a. in.;. 3d Sabbath,
in the evening.' Regular prayer meeting each
Wednesday evening. -Sunday School every
Sabbath at 91 o'clock a. m. , '
Baptist Church. J. W. Osborn, pastor. Ser
vices at their Church, corner Court and Jeffor
: son streets, tho Third Sabbath in each month.
Chrittian Church. T. F. Campbell, pastor,
i Services at the Baptist Cbureh second Saturday
I and Sunday in each month. ; - - r
2fttthodit Episcopal Church (Sout J). B. R.
i Baxter, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in
Leach month at their Church, southeast corner
Washington and Church streets.
Religious Notice. -The annual meeting of
tho Christian Brotherhood, of tho State of Or
egon, will begin at their place of mooting,-on
tho RicreaVPolk county, tm Thursday, Juno
16, 1870. and continue over two Lord's Days.
Tho brethren will, remember their heavenly
privileges and the valuo of these meetings to
tho cause of Christ, and will act accordingly.
, The Baptist brethren .will boar In mind "that
they are invited to sen JTnesacogers to share in
the deliberations of said meeting, and also to
send theic Ministers to labor with ours io the
jreat work of redemption. Tho rates for mes
sengers one for each twenty-five members of
the cogregation sending them; but each con
gregation, however small, should send ono mes
senger. By order of tho Committee of Ar
rangements. Wm. Ruble, Chairman.
Jacksonville and Roseburg papers pleaso
copy. - Dallas, May-7, 1870.
rTT v
Dallas Precinct. The Republican voters
of Dallas precinct met in primary convention
to select ten delegates to tho County Convcn
tion that will meet to-day, at ten o'clock. The
convention was organized by the election of J
L. Collins, Chairman, and B, i Nichols, Sec
The convention proceeded, by ballott, to elect
ten delegates to the coun'y convention. The
persons selected are J. M. Scott, M. M. Dodson
Asa"Sbreve, S. W. Sm.ith, P. C. Sullivan, M.
Thompson, E. A. Graham, D. Cosper, T. B.
Newman and Wni Huwo.
Tho Jlelublican County Convention
of Josephi
last, and
tions : F
ter ; Coun
jff, Tom F
he county met on Saturday
iauo;lne louowiug noimna
or , Representative, JLJclarnc
y Judge, Davidson; oner
oyd; Clerk, J. G. Adams ;
J. Henderson l Commission
ers, Woodcock and Elder ; Assessor,
1.V XtriiJ. CUsw,! (Jtinnrirtf hnrlonrlt.
Middleswc rth.7 No resolutions.
The Jacksonville News says that the
crop3 throughout llogue Kiver va'lcy
have never looked better than at pres.
eut. Fra.t, 'grain and grass promises a
full harvc it.' The late rains have given
everything a start that will not bo
checded ly any amount of droutb.
Thos. Oross. the celebrated meat
packer, salys the Statesman, started for
Xclcs?apluc suiniiiary. I NEW auvkrtiskmisnts.
Office, No. 64 (Adjoining Telegraph Office),:
f Front itreet, Portland, Oregon.
"Washington, May 9. Senator
Sherman expressed tho opinion thatj
the Senate will do nothing with the
tariff. Tho Postmaster General says
if the franking privilege is abolished
he will be able to reduce letter postage SPECI AL. COLLECTOR of CLAIMS.
to two cents. ....
In tho Hottse the Land Committee Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts and Merpan
have "agreed to report Jback tho China tile claims of every description throughout Or
telegraph bill with the recommendation gon i,nd the Territories, WILL BE MADE A
that no land grant be given. SPECIALTY AND PROMPTLY COLLECT-
A two-lturus vote lor ratiucation now Kv A8 well as with a due reirard to ecoriomy
GANG- ...
claimed by the friends of the Domini
can treaty.
The Government has not received
any official information from Cuba, nor
is there anything to induce belief of a
change in Spanish policy.
The President, liaa approved an act
allowins Texas office holders thirty
in all business matters intrusted to his care and
the proceeds paid over punctually.
Win. JT. UAEirjiART
pendent candidate for CONSTABLE
for Dallas precinct.
Dallas, April 30, 18?0.
What Is a Tonic t
Chicago bn ; Wednesday, intending to fQ toke the oatj. un(ler tho act ad-
.a !nn (nUinnaa flif.rn I ... t i3.u a. ' i i' I
iuw-uuamvM v.w routing me oiuiu io Tcprcseniaiiuu tu
The sa ne learnS from Jo. Teal that Congress.
he aud If.' Goldsmith have completed The increase 01 imports, excluding
K nrUn nf rirtht tract? of land, free eroods. for Cislit months Ot the US- Bear this in mind that although a tonie is,
. r! f . '. . . ' .- I i - 887 DTI orn I A . ln vtnt n. stimulant a ttiikulant
with imp ovement., lying auou twenty cai year wnsi,-,.. Z:7h::
miles east of Ilarnsburg, in ltnn l,o.t IUltimoiie, May 9. The State of tonic, hut a dkbilitaxt. In HOSTETTER'S
contuininb iti all about 0,000 acres. M 'lflnd has 8ued the Ualtimore and STOMACII BITTERS there h , . . timoUting
rpi. MUrrnl frmn &X tn S''0 rcr . . . - ,1 element or mo purcsi grauo raanuiwwrett w
The prices ranged troin to ??-U per Qhio R R to recover the valueof gold thU or any other country.. Every fiery and
acre, according to the situation, ami currency, on its dividend on pre- corrosive oil or acid which contaminates the
commerce, is expelled from
acre, according to the situation, ana over currcnCyf 0n its dividend on pre- corrosive oil or acid
the who!.! purchase combines tho best f()rrc(1 stdcc now amonnting to nearly ordinary liquors of c
of; paairi j and hill' land,, watered ex. 0,000,000. The claim is based on oABlTTEBS, by
tensiveTv , The intention is to raise nf iL SnnrAmo tk.
X chased J the exclusive right from Win. Ma
son, for tho'District comprising tho otinties of
POLK and MARION, is manufacturing theso
Celebrated Plows, and is ready to fill orders fur '
the same on short notice.
S3k. Come, Fanners, and encourage
Webfoot Ingenuity & Enterprise
And erfable yourselves to raise Largo Crops.
For Sale at my Shop at 3 NX) each.
6 . Dixie, Polk county, 0iu
- ... ' ,. . . . 1 . .- ri
Northwest Corner Main and 51111 StsM
"onns the alcoholic
careful and repeated rec
formerly belonging to W. S. Robb,-; and
wishing to live and let live, I will sell at l-w
rates, FOR CASH, everything in my lice;
Poutlasd legal tender rates, strti
gat S7Jc
fico, Tjind herewith present
all that precincts In IVlk cu
Foot Cct. Burnett cut his foot stf
with a chopping ax, on Thursday last. .
RipexixgT Wild strawberries are beginning
to ripen, but it will be tec days before Uicy
will bo in their prjme.
AppnoAcmxo Cojjpletxox. iTbe new steam
aaw-mill, at Lincoln, being built by Messrs.
"Walling 3c Witon, is nearly completed.'
Owing to the absence of the editor this week
tho original matter in our paper is not so full
nt wo could wish. Friends will please forbear
their criticUm. .
Spbakixg. The opposing candidates for
Governor will speak in Dallas on Tuesday
next, the 17th, at 1 o'clock p. in. Gov. Woods
accompanies the party. ,
MeitE Ino. A gen tit in an, recently from
tho Atlantic States, is considering the pro
priey of purchasing the Oswego Iron works,
and commencing again the manufacture of pig
iron. -.';,' .,
BorxnAniES op Election rnEciscTs. As
there are always qucsti ns arising concerning
the boundaries of election rcciicts, wo have
examine!! the official records in tho Clerk's of-
the boundaries of
Jginning at the point whero tho north line
if Polk county strikes tho Willamette river,
thence west to tho lino between sections 4 and
5, T. 6, S. II. 4 W.; thenco south to tho sec
tion line ono mile south of ihe line between
Ta. 6 and 7, 8.; thence east to the Willamette
liver; tbtnee down said river to tho place of
i 8A1.T LAKR.
Beginning at the point where the section
line between sections 4 and 5, T. 67 S. R. 4 W.
strikes the north lino of Polk county ; thence
west to Salt Creek ; thence np'said creek to the
line between Ts. ft and 7, S ; thence eat to
the southeast corner of section 32, T. fi, S. R. 4
W.j thenco north to the placo of deginning.
Beeinninr at tho point where the north line
tensively , lhe intention is to raise TPrpnt decision of tho SuDrcme tificatioo. The jukes of the valuable
! C ,,tl nrvA If .nil DM ill IhA mMIID . ' 1 1... .b . Bn,l KjtrV.a infiicoil intA Ihii wtioleiiAtn
. .. . T 1 ! i . I vuuru , f K fin.t irMin. ntlll further molifv
at their eommanu, wc may cipcct uia 'A W"t,.Z. V i.rn iV,n.. tn fi"kimtd llfiifra. Pntont rVii-Hto.
Kits "! v.... . - - T , dirusivj? agent, wimii ail tne neauy ana Drain
the gredt stock farms of tho United convention has nominated for judges eilln pities which belong, more r less.
States I those agreed upon by the caucus. to all liquors in a raw state. It is merely the
II. S. Indian convention has called a safe and harmless venule wnicn rentiers me
The Willamette Freighting Co.'s mootn on Iav 18th for the DurDOe mclicln;l, virtue. oftth.e prP,
if . .. . i nicemig on Jldy loui lor uiv. purpu.e fe.t;ve--increaMne their active power, and dif-
new sic tmer, uiiiope, maue ncr inai -f tho l'resident'fi neace f...;n .i,.r w, h ifcnr ih
trip on Monday last. Tho craft looks roj;cy toWarg the ltcd men. They also gentle and pleasaotglow which is experienced
And all kinds of PURE LTQUOllP, put up
expressly for Medicinal us.
.very we
ion. on
aftef taking a dose of the BITTERS. Instead
of creating headache, as unmeditated jstiina
lants are apt to do, this salubrious tonic is the
AS1IINGTOX, May U. lhe IIOUSC c.!m. and soothes cerebral excitement, strength-
Coumiitteo On Reconstruction will to- J ens the nerves, promotes the secretion of the
1, excepting that her niachin lj QQ tho pCople throughout the couu
try to lurm auxiliary associations.
cry is tdo small by far.
The dontract for building the Pavil-
ho grounds ot the State Agri-
Society, has been let to T. J$. mnrrftW consider the Georgia bill as Ua9tric iuice iuvig.-.ratee the bowelsJ deter-
Co 1 for the SUtll of 373 The , i t .1 C .UCria UlU I miaes the fluids t the surface, improves the
to.d lor uie sum ui vij. ..mnjimi tV . senate- I i . r
bid put m was tor 0 1 ,-i)U. n organic action, and, from its mild yet effective
3lr. y. 1 i thurch, ot urcgon vity, dcrstands that the warnmpt to German tbn that can be adminwtered to thi
is at pruscnt in Sahui,says tho States- piiwku against American bonds e aU peculiar difficulties to whi
man, m iking preliminary inquiries eon- ca;u0 from Ncrth German Consul organisation aubjecto theui. -.
alterative qualities, is the very best prcpara-
tuei weaker
bUb their
cernind a project to furnish the city
water. ilr.;Uhurch represents capital-
ists wh are willing to invest S5U,00U
or $75,iQ0 iu this undertaking, if they
can . seb a prospect of it paying bate
expenses at first.
The Bemperaey of Jackson county
met in convention on Satttrdny last, and
nomtn- ted the following ticket : For
State f cnator, James I). Fay ; Heprc
sentati ,-es, John K. Hoss, Jackson Ha-
& JPictur
AT '
of the connty crosses Salt Creek t thence west dcr, Jp1. AVeHs : Sheriff, Henry Klip
, - I . I L 1 Fit T 1 t
, Meetiso tor Work All who are interest
ed are requested to meet on the Camp Ground
of the Christian Brotherhood, located on the
,Ricrcat, near Dixie, on Wednesday, the 1st of
June for the purpose of making some needed
repairs to insure the comfort of tho congrega
tion at the coming annual meeting.
Savethb Tb ees. Yesterday thctwo noble
oaks, standing near the M. E. Courch, were
cut down, and according to our way ofy think
ing an net of folly was committed. Every
tree "within -the limits of tho , town should re
main. Suppose they do stand on the side
walk, who ii there but is willing to step around
them. It will not be long before other trees
' will be planted almost on tho same spot to re
place those cut down.
Cake Recetvep. We received, last Satnr
day, a magnificent jelly cake, the munificence
of Rev. .Mrs. SpauMing. Wo appreciated the
"donation, not so much for its intrinsic value
as for the spirit that prompted its giving. It
is (he small mementoes that go to make np a
pie leant existence, and none better know how
to regard acts of kindness than he of a news
paper office where all is opposition and war
It is the wish of all connected with the office
that they gpy always be worthy of the friend
ship indicated by the kindness above men
tioned. ; .',
on said line .to Mill Creek; thence up Mil!
Creek to the line between Ts.6 and 7, S.; tbenrc
east on said line to Salt Creek ; thence down
Salt Creek to the place of beginning.
' JorCLAS.
Regtnning at the po'nt where Mill Creek
crosses the north lino f the cojunty ; thenoe
west to the western bonndary of th county ;
tnencft soutn following tne county une to tne
b ad, or st a joint due west of the head of Mill
Creek ; thence down sid creek to tho place of
DA 1. 1 AS.
Begin uing at the half mile post between sec
tions 2 and 35, Ts. 6 and 7, S. It. 5, W.; thence
west to Mill Creek ; thence np said creek to
the southwest corner of Douglas precinct;
thence sonth to the section lino one mile south
of the line between Ts. 7 and 8, 8.; thence cast
el: CoMv Ja?sT. II. li. Shipley;
Countt Clerk, Silas J. Pay ; Commis
sioner! John IlerronTho. Wright j
Assessor, David II ed pa th ; School Su
perinrjndcnti Dr. L f. Davfe; Coroner
Dr. EJ II. Greeuman.
The! Albany Register announces a
prize f ght t6 come off this week, be
tween two youos.bloodsJ for 25 a
siue. ine juaiices anu consume
fees will probably swell the araonnt to minutes.
over $M each ub!ood."
at New York. North Pacific H. H.
and Honduras, it says, were espc
t n t E rl JL is Invited Iw the improved facilities which
EW OOK, May 9 A party Of U bave ntly mad to my apparitus, by
lioston men start June Jd on an excur-i which lam aula to uke
sion to San Francisco. "The capital to
amount to fifty' mlUins represented.!
OoTcrnor Claflin and the Mayors of
Boston and surrounding towns will be!
of the party, Tho affair is in charge
of Chas. Walcott Brooks, Japanese!
Consul to San frrancisco, who ts here
en route to AVashington to invite the
President and Cabinet, Senate and
KepicsQntatiYes to join the party.
i v .- .
: NASHVirXE,May 10. Legislature
convened to-day; neither Housa had a
CitiCAOo. Mav 10. The prize fisht
between Allen and Mace was won by
the former in tcu rouuds; time, 44
Thus making the heretofore task of getting
correct likenesses of C'llJLDllEN l matur
of small Di'inwt.
jartlallery located on Main street Dallas.
Dallas; April 23, 170. 8:1m
j. w. cftAwroun. . J
t. a.acwxax.
J, Soih t,
Cream Tartar, !
Sideralux, Sago?t
nird Seed, .
V VainU, (hh, ' -;
' Varnuhe, firvsJies, s
y 'Domestic
Ifus.'iiihj PctcJerSf
And everything else that is kept in a TIUST
I II. F Xlt'flOLS Dru-gi
- - -... .,, "'.". ,K
t Cor. 51 a hi aud Court Slrecta,
Thos. 6. Richmond, Proprit ten
Stand of Mr. A. II. Whitley, wo have r&
Ctted and re stocked it in f uch a ui.-mnrw am ,
will satisfactorily aict every waut of t'uo coia
munity. "
Ilugglea, single or double, IJacLs Con
cord IVajjous, etc., etc.,
- Furnished at all hours, dsy or .ns&b't, &a
fbtirt notice. ;. -J.
Superior Saddle Horses, let 'by th
Day or Wrck : i .
vmm m m stoyei store,
Heard From
The Situation.
Ed. Republican : Sir you will
Press charges that tho Uepubli confer a favor on tho writer of this let-
have, hircu wemocrato to leave i ter, ana numerous uiucrs, giviug i
the cdunty1, in order to secure an ad a place in yon r columns. It has often
to the half mil stake between sections 2 andj vantage at; the ensuing election. We I been reported that the Itcv. S. II. May-
II, r. 8, b. It. o, thence north to the place tl . ;f fi h(t ,: J, Kvnr vnrt Hold was dead, and believinff such TC-
" " , .- -- j j i - - r t
little for the members of its party, ports intended more to slaudcr, that Sllcet Iron,
When that paper insinuates that such gentleman than anything eise, i can in
men as E ;C. Dice, I. I. Bempsey, and form your readers that I received a let-
a host of other as good and honorable ter from hira, dated kocktord, Laiilor-
men, ha?c been, or are, influenced to nia, April 10, 1870, stating that he
cavo tho .county through the use of closed outbusiness m December last
nionov. it only rebounds on the head and had been preaching ever since,
- !'
Front Street, one Door South of!
Post Office,
Dallas - - - - - - Oregon.
iufurut the rhixen of Dallas and rieinity
that they bxve replenished their stock of tin.
ware, ana care now oo nana a targe assort
ment of
Box ami Parlor Stoves,
CATEBriLX.An3. It has been only a few
days sinco' we noticed great j nests or wehs oC
caterpillars fastened to the limbs TJf the wild
rose bush. These shrubs seemed at that time
to be the only vegetable growth attacked by
tnes3 pests, but within the past few days they
hare extended their operations to apple trees.
The green boughs of tho' orchards, in very
many places, are Utterly ' corered ; by these
amall brown ; worms. ! At first orchardists cut S. R. 5, W.; thenco north fijinilcs; tlienco E. 1J
of beginning. ' ''
Beginning at the centre of section 11,T. 8
S. R. 4," W.; thence north to line between Ts. 6
and 7, S.; thence east 3 milcsj thenco south 4
miles; thence cast 1 mile; thence south" to the
La Crcolo Creek , thence down said creek to
the Willamette river ; thenco up said rircr to
the point where tho half-milo line, running
east and west through section 11, TV 8, S. R. 4,
W. strikes satd river j thenco west to tho place
of beginniog. !
1 SOLA. ."' T '
Beginning at tho Willamette river 1 mile
south of,the line between Ts. 6 and 7 S.f thenco
west to tho northeast corner of section 8, T. 7,
S. R. 4, W.; thence north 1 milo; thence west
i mile ; thenco south 4 miles ; thence east 1
mile; thence south to the La Creole creek;
thence down said creek to the Willamette river;
thence down said river to the place of begin
ning. '
Beginning at tho Willamette" river at the
point where the line between sections 6 and 7
T. 9; 8. It. 8, Vf, Intersects said river; thence
west to the southwest corner of section 3, T. 9,
Briuts anil
Of everv -description. Also i
Zinc, .
off lhe attacked limb,-but no w the number is
o increased that this method of destruction is
- fmpwcticablo. In. one orchard, the owner ri-
li sorted to burning the worms by firing blank
cartridgei out of his shot-gun. t At the present
rate it will not be long until' the' apple crop is
; entirely destroyed. ' sl- . : t-,-'.. - ;
j i . ii . i ' i ,..h.V.. r, ."i i . ' ".' -f
; ! Bvvvvx Deatb. -- This ' community r was
shocked to hear tha), on ; last Monday, Jesse IK
Walling, an old knd estimable eitizen -of Polk
county, was laddonly killed. The accident oe-
. purred by an attempt on the part of Mr. W. to
atop the progress of a loese horse, which was
miles ; thence south J mile; thence east to the
Willamette river ; thence up said river to the
placo of beginning. - ; , -
Beginning at tho northcasj corner of section
9i Tf , 8. ft. 5, W.; thence west to the county
line; theuco south 6 miles; thence cast to the
southeast corner of section 4, T. 9. S. R. 5, W.;
thence north to the place of beginning. " T
Beginning at the northeast corner of section
10, T. 9, 8. K. 5, W.; thenco; west to 1 the
county line; thence south to tho southwest
croner of tho coun ty; whence cast to tho line
betweea ietstjona )0 and 11, T. 10, S. It. 5,'W.
running directly towards a team, when tho
horse ran against him, throwing him with vio- theiice north to theplace of beginnings
Jcnce against a log, which was struch with the
back of-his head, fracturing the ecul! to such
uujuriunaio man uvea nut a
few moments. Mr. Walling loaves a, large
family to mourn his untimely loss, and a large
circle of friends who deenlv -vmn,Vrt in.
the bereaved la their afflictions. . .The deceased
ukvv long time la this county, and; few
of that 'association of gentlemen so
called.",.!,; I
The fact about the matter is, that
ho action of tho recent Dcmocratfe
County Convention wa3 so at variance
with and iagainst the masses of the
party: tua mcn w10 hat anX intention
of leaving, have put into execution
their previous arrangements without
reference to the day of election, which
and had received about three hundred
persons into the church of the United
brethren ; also, that he would be bore
between this and next harvest, and set
tle ail accounts against him. Now, all
I have to say i, ,4let him that is with
out sin cast the first sone."
Iron Were
large! supply of
X Ire, Ac-
Having procured the services of a! first-class
workman we are now constantly manufactur
ing all kinds of tin furnishings for Stoves aud
for farmers use. Such as j
Stove Holler, Coffee and Tea Pots,
Tea Kettles. Milk Pans, Dippers,
fl.ard and llutter Cam.
And In fact, M articles of tinware usually
found in stove an tinware stores, all of which
we offer for sale afprices that will jhstify pur
chasers to patronize us rather than Salem or
Portland shops. '
Special attention will bo given to
J 1 : ins
Is now open and tor sale at our store, on the
Corner of Front anil 51111 Streets, Dal
las, Oregon. . '
We Invite the attention of our patrt5S;to
our New Stock, consisting of -, - -
Dress Goods,
ClctJi.ivy, ' ':
. ; Hardware, ;
Boots Slices, .
School Fools,
x .Stationery,, fyc
In fact ererjthing found in Rctkil Stures,
At Prices to Suit ths Times.
Anecdote of Prentice. During
.1.4 ....i.-c the davs precedmsr the war. Prentice
would oniy require uia, - 7 bccora(:a great fvoVito with the hardy
every priuuipio ui imr uviiuug iu uicn
bartv. and v.otc for a set of men who
ft w
arc not the choice of their party, and
only obtained nominations by fraud
and trickery. ;;" "
backwoodsmen of Kentnckv. who usu
ally came to see him when tliev came to
LoMisviUe on buisncss : not that they
were acquainieu wun nun, just to tee
what he looked like. Such visits were
peculiarly painful to a sensitive nature,
though Prentice had no recourse but to
It seems singular that a woman and endure th;m. Keccntioo rooms ard not
two men could be riding in a wagon, in use among "provincial, newspapers,
aud while crossing a stream one of the and a knock at the door 13 tho only inti-
men could tall out into the water and
drown and - the other man and woman
know nothing about it. Such an inci
dent occurred at Morrison, 111. The
woman: must have been uncommon en
gagcing in her manner. r i
Beginning at the point where the line bo
tween sections 6 and 7, T. 9, S.. R.,3, W
lutcraccts thpWUlametto river; thenco west to
the north wpst corner of section 11, T. p, S. H.
5, W.j thence south to the county line j thenco
ea3t to the ; Willamette river; thence down
said river to the placo of beginniog.; C
mation of a visitor, before hp enters the
room. ; One of these enthusiastic indi
viduals shook Pre n lice warmly by the
hand one day when ho had come, as he
aaiu, ou u visu tJi "curiouyf : auu, al
ter scanning the. editor's features in va
rious lights, drew himself; up and said
Tho Davenports gavo an exhibition " "So you're old Georg l). Prentice,
in . Denver, and let an old miner shake are you ? Well, I'm miahty glad to
hands with the spirit that put its hand see you. Jim Dodd bet mo you was
out of tho holo in the cabinet, lie. good looking and I bet you wasn't J ond
snatched one of the Davenport Brothers I think I've won it," ; " .
out ot the cabiuetand mashed the doort ' : -l
.1 - - 1 I I .1
uown,uuuiWrnoruiancemmoupin An outward and visiblo sign - of the
, ' n eommenccmont ot court eoonoroy1; in
1 '. : : - .' Paris is that the Kmnre.! bus noMtivo
American Tiay from Jfcbraka hag ly appeared tiylce jo public In the
been selling in Livprpool for a ton. famp drees, : .. . 1 "
Country Prodace takes ia exohan
Goods I
Of alt kinds. :
In connection with the stove and tia store,
we will continue our
Where will be kept all kinds of seasonable
meats, both FltES II and SALT.
In exchango Twr goods in oar line we will
take all kinds of country produce, such as :
ButUr, Eggs, Chickoas, Flour, Bacon, &o.
We invite the public to call and examine
our stock. CilA WrUKJL) A XtUWAIAN.
Dallas, March 4, 1870. Mf
Those baring, old accounts tr rciicfttd to
call and settle by CASH .r NOTE. " t
Wo thank -tho public for 'thvir liberal pat
ronage in tho past, and hvp tvt a cuJiUuiuinca
of the same. . . Vi.''"
." '' . n. a. j.d; lee.
Dallas, March 1st, 1870. ; Mf
Wagon & Carriage iHakcr,
Main Street, Dallai
ot Lnmlr Wagons, Express Wagons and
buggies of various kinds, ready fjr sale. :
You' all know what ray wagons are; fori
hare been well patronised for the last TEN
YKAUS, for which I feel thankful. And the
last year they went ofl" like Hot Cakes.
I am well, prepared to do all kinds of work
in my trado. . . I .
I havo in my employ the best Illacksmltb
in tho County, who is prepared to) do Shoeing
la the best Style, on short notoe, and every
kind of blacksmith work; doae In a neat and
workmanlike manner, and according to Orderr
at rasontble rats. ;
Also J'llntlng done to order. Bring alonsc
your old Wagons lluggies, and gt thempainU
chased all tho piintdifr mutt-rial used in
the publication of tho Vt'uutjf 7'imea,
newspaper, together with aSl the book 4 ami c-!
counts belonging to uid "pai-cr, liavo; asu-i-
ated ourselves together und have engaged in
the publication of a weekly paper, ni i;ilJas,
iu Polk County, Oregon, to b eulktl tlio
Oregfon IccivkIIictri
All debts duo the Pofh-Cwnty Time, both
on subscription and auveriising account, are
now . duo, and prompt fa) went is greatly de
sired. ' : - , ;;.:'
All prepaid snlscmvtkvns of Mta ..Time, not
extending beyond June 11th, T!?70, will, iu jus
tico to the subscriber. b fjlk'4 out by xt.
New subscriptious and p,lrii-tifuir.o.uti aro
earnestly solicitud. . IVo bc ' osfur) ; sub
scribers and advertise that ilivy will get val
ue received for tiie patronage thvy citcud to
' i. m. c. tiArrT,
. . w. w. iu)un 1:, . y
Dallas; Ozn, Msroh 5, 170.
Dallas, April 9, IS70.
11. TEAIi.
Jfc will give tho hiRlitst tuirit t -t.rioo, for
wocd, delivirod at their factory in I'olk Vt
; Their Store? is also open, n ptitnil v.n-
sorttnuntof Dry Uods, UrocctUBy HAidiio,
Ao. 2-U'