OREGON REP fl A J 1 M 0 VOL. 1. DALLAS, OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 30. 1870. M). ;0. 3Jlu rfjau lUpufcliran Is Issued Eyory Saturday Afternoon at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. BY D.M.C. GAULT & COMFY. OFFICE Main street, between Court and "Mill streets, two doors south of the Postoffice. j SUBSCRIPTION RATES. t SINGLE COPIESr-One Year, $2 50; Six Months, $1 75; Three Months, $1 00. Stibterfpttom mu0t be jmid ttrictlg advance ADVEBTISINQ RATES. One square (10 lines or less), first inscrt'n, $3 00 Each subsequent insertion- ... , 1 00 A liberal deduction will be made to" quar terly and yearly adTertisers. 'professional cards will be inserted at $12 00 per annum.. Transient advertisements must be paid for n advance to insure publication. All other advertising bills must be paid quarterly. Legal tenders taken at their current value.- Blanks and Job Work of every description furnished at low rates on short notice. . 5U All advertising bills must be paid monthly. -AMANTIS RES ADVERT;" OR, A LOVERS HARD LUCK." A homo ibat one dark night Tuellas vmtare, And rnansit there so very late, That ilium constant care. Purr, walking 1 y te house, S.iw caput in tenestra, Et sunt morati far a while To see qui erat in tbore. Soon, caput turned its nasam round, In visu pucrorum ; Affno?eunt there the pedajrogue, Oh! maximum pudorum! Processus pucr to the door Cum magna quiet&te, Et turned the key to lock him in, Maratus erat sate. Then pedagogue rose to go, Est feeling hunky dore; Ille non potest to get out. The key's outside the fore. Ascendit sweet-heart nunc the stairs, Cum festinnto pede, Et roused paellas from their sleep, Sed, habentnot tbedoorkey. Then, exeitat domino, By her tumultuous voice, Insanns currit to the door, ' ' Et obvenit the lady. "Furentcm place !" the master roared, 'Why spoil you thus my somnum ? Exite from the other door, Si rogues have locked the front one !" Puella trisf is bung her bead, And took her lover's manum, Et cito from the other door RisMsaput est irnpulsum. Cum magno gradu redit home Retrorsmm nunquam peeping, Et never au?us est again, Vexare people's sleeping. i Advertising Gazette. The Career of IJarlltigame. The Boston Advertiser thus speaks of the late Chinese Minister : History furnishes no parallel to the experience of Burlingame during ths last decade, and we shall have to turn to the Arabian Nights to match it. Writers on the possibilities open to American ambition have often cited the appearance of Franklin in his plain suit, serene in his simplicity, at thc glittering court of Versailles.. But there was nothing in the history of that shrewd, lucky Boston boy of the last century to compare in romance and bizarre splendor with the cool, easy, 8elf.poised youtig man of our own day, j who, losing his seat in Congrcssjby the j vote of our North End wards, present ly found himself the representative of the oldest and greatest of nations, ac-1 credited to the courts of the world, traveling in avRtyleV'of imperial mag nificence .through " Europe, receiving the courtesy of kings and emperors, poping with the wiliest of ve'eran di plomats, and speaking for the first time for cores of centuries of silence' the voice of ChiDa. Perhaps there Was no man living whose death could havp In .its possibla consequences' a graver influence 60 the dett'my of millions of men. The Gypsies in the Hop Garden, at Pestb, have a curious way of looking after the honesty of their money col lector. The person intrusted with tho mission of taking the hat around , among the crowd has a living fly put in his left hand, while he nolds the hat with bis right. When he returns with the funds, he must bring back the fly alive, -os a sign that he has not taken any money from the common property j but if the fly be wanting, or even dead, he does not get hig share of the money. . One of the New York "railroad riog" eavs that although his father would not tell a lie for a shilling, he would not hesitate to tell eight for a dollar. Repudiation Is ts, Read This. We copy below an article from the Philadelphia Day on the financial sit uation, which we commend to the at' tcntion of the advocates of repudiation. It says : "With the steady decline of gold, and more or less influencing it, ; beyond question, comes the gratifying- intelli gence that .our exports during the last six wonuis very neany- Daiancea ine imports during thf same period.- rIhi ncany puis ine Daaance oi traae in our favor, a condition rHgrable to financial health and stability in values. It also leads to the inference that our varied industry is thriving, in spite of adverse circumstances; and it goes to prove that while Senators and Representa tives have been devising methods to correct what appears to be financial dis temper, the laws of trade have been quietly operating to restore equilibrium lost durinsr the ureat convulsion. This f:it should bo made.torjrofitthe na- tinn bv instructing its nublic men. Not - j many of them appear to be aware that some things wut be left to the opera tion ( of natural laws. The lesson is watchful patience. It is by no means certain that the laws of trade, acting in harmony with the irrepressible en terprise of the American people, would not furnish a solution of the financial problem in the shortest time cousktent witn safety it gold nas toucueu a lower figure within a week than at any time since midsummer of 1802, can the decline be credited to any recent legis lation ? The various financial schemes put forward in Congress, and the dis thorn oUnrlzr Inflict. nA t,ftl'iRV rfl w iaaL. Aso.l,rA r., i,A causes of the annreciation of currcnev thn U market. Prominent among these causes may be considered the repudiation ,of all measures looking toward repudiation as a means of cancelling the public debt. Every attempt to rally a party ; around tlio st.nmlarfl tif Tirnnrlintinn fine ir- nallv failed; and Mr, 31 ungen's speech in its favor has nowhere met with bit- tcrer denunciation than at the hands of leading journal ot the party to which he belongs. The clapior for an act of national dishonor has been confined to a lew destructives wno aspire to tnc leadership of the ignorant. and preju- diced among electors, with an eye to local political preferment. It is in- structive to note the. mode ot paying debts prescribed by these petty leaders the mode prescribed by Mr. Pen- is not dleton and others of this stamp Thc creditors of the nation have not failed to observe the shaping of public opinion with a calmly critical eye There is no lonjrer any suspense rclat ing to (he payment of the de'bt: Capi tal, thus relieved, puts off its hesitancy, and embarks freely into the work of production. Not so many thousands are wasted in "margins" by Wall St. operators as formerly, and the release of those thousands may have something to do with the convalescence of an al- most distracted industry. At the same time we are, according to the showing of statisticians, paying our debts and somethins over, and are likely the score a balance due as by foreign consumers. Among individuals this state of affairs would be regarded as financial prosper ity. As a nation is an aggregation of individuals, why should not the same rule apply f i We congratulate the country upon the gradual approximation of values in frnld nnd nanef. 'holding, as we do. that it is the result of the laws of trade operating under stances.' favorable circum- Indionant Comanche. A Co manche Indian recently brouget his squaw to a, pioneer artist to have her ;rtnw in rntitinr. n n fin. XrOTL'iri'JAr. to be exchanged 18 0,00,1,, f7om A . tures. - He accordingly raised the eloth t, . i. i, and looked into the camera, when he was astonished to see his wife standing on her head. At this he grew indig- nan t, and even beat her for assuming men an unaignmca auuuue Deiore ine ssldiers. but as she stoutly denied tne offence, he continued his experiments, and at last came to the conclusion that a machine tnat would stand his squaw on her neaa in nan a secona, wuuuui knowing anything about it, was exceed ingiy uau wcuiviuo, A Yankee editor remarks that he has lately seen a couple of slaters who had to be told everything together, for they were so much alike that they could not be told apart. clegrapliic Summary. hicago, April 22. -The talk among the leading members of the House orr the Georgia bill shows pretty much that everybody is "at sea" on the ibilir There was a strong disposU tion yesterday to take the Senate bill as i stands now, for the reason that it is believed not satisfactory to some of the Senators who gave it their votes, No Loe can predict in what form it will co the President. Qhe. opponents of the treaty with San Domingo think the matter is losing ground with the country .the more it is discussed: but they are equally sensi ble or the fact that the appliances that aro brought to bear upon individual Scuators are not without effect. t - . Washington Arril 22.- The Sen- ate (Judiciary Committee was engaged in the preparation of a bill to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment, and made such progress that it is expected that a cornprenenbive measure ui mat nature wUlbo reported next week. The House Committee resumed the i . f . v rsi I consideration oi the tann. ine sec tion! relating to scrap iron was passed over, all amendments being rejected. Th next paragraph was: All iron; in slabs, bundles, loose, or other forms. including ends, clippings, and punch- mgk of new iron, less finished than balf and m?ro advanced than PS ir0D exqept castings, one cent per pound Several amendments were offered and rejected. The amendment agreed upon wa Butler s, which added the proviso that on all ends, clipping, punching, turnings and boilings of iron to be manutacturcu into ingots or bars, I . ... a No J Of eleven dollars DC paid. The withdrawal of the lcsral tender appeal cases by plamtitTs has caused a treneral feeling of relief. J here is lit tie doubt that if the recent decision had been reversed in the manner fore shadowed, there pould have been a for midable political movement started to reverse the recond decision by the ad dition of snore judges. At the Presi dential election this movejment had al- reddj takyi shape'and embrac, .f thc most influcn.tial ltepubl ccd some icaus in Ith? country. St. Iours, April 22 Omcial ad yides from Fort Hill, Indian Territory have been received at headquarters. stating that lar;e portions of the Co mdnehes and Kiowas are aCiliatiog to- gethcr in bands. The Indians jnanifest U Ucsire to have their lands fenced. anH broken up for agricultural pur. poLc3. The writer savs that lasting pCkce may bo secured if the Govern- peace may mint carries out its present policy. Montueal, April 22. Thc police prbfess to have discovered a plot to sc zc I'riocc Arthur and carrv him olt ttfc a. a to an obscure placo on the United States frontier, to be held as a hostage '"f ",u VT , 1 e tu au Pr !,oner8 at may laii into tne nanus 01 trie au 11 or,t,C8- . Perth, Canada, April 22. Most of the bridges on the Mississippi and Clvde rivers have been carried away by freshets. Keports from the East say, the flood was very general and vil lages almost nearly inundated. Chicago, April 23 New York specials say trie remans claim tney will put 25 regiments into the field at short notice, and they have determined tcj send assistance to lied Iliver insur gents.; j nc reman uongress expects . ! mi .n -1 - . tq adjourn to-morrow niaht. The Tribune's Washington specia says the Senate has agreed to proceed nfxt Tuesday afternoon totho consid- eration of tho Sandwich Island recip rrtcity treaty, ccncluacd at ban rran- cisco, May 18G7, and laid before the Seriate in July of that year. Ine treaty was once fully considered by the senate, when the sentiment in regard td it seemed pretty evenly divided, and friends ask that It might lay on tho I f rt hli i liriAiir vwaiiiHiaa If iitiHAliAtii aai 01 lne ircaiy tno me ,nas been extened to some day next week. - w Washington, April 22. -Private ad- vices from Bogota say tho Darieu canal tj-eaty had been rejected by the Co lomoian uongress. Washington. April 23 Informa on k;nJ, rflf.md at thV Wf IV. Uartment ihat iar?c numbor r.f l.nr. robes! were obtained from the In- d ans.' who were suffer ins from small J. cr r i it. - 1 -i l ; . n pox, the j robes being undoubtedly in' iccieu wun virus, anu pacKea wiin an intention bf being shipped to the trad ing posts! on the upper Missouri, the P a I i i. .i epartment orders the oommandors of uitary jposts on the river to prevent hipnienti or passage of any such pcl- nca. Albany, N. Y., April 24. Tho bill repealing tho registry law through out tho State, except New York City, passed the Assembly ; also, bill amend ing the election law, by placing colored voters on an equality with the whites. New York, April 23. It seems Fettled that Sandford J. Church will bo the I)emoerati(L,candidate for Chief Justice "of the Court of Appeals. It is reported that the Ways and MeaiM Committee , will offer in the Houio f-a new funding bill, ami the Banking Committee will report a bill authorizing the issue of 95,000,000 additional fractional currency, without any provision for the withdrawal of either certificates or legal tenders. American Girls in Europe. I do riot wish to uuder value English beauty, which is mout satisfactory and enduring and most of which will wash. Hut I confess that American beauty New York to New Orleans has from spoiled my eyes for any other; and when I am just getting accustomed to the solid English matrons and maidens, like 31 r. Hawthorn, and begining to like them alonir comes a croup of my v j- ft fair country women on their travels. nd they spoil it all again. Those dear Yankee girls I fear you do not appre ciate them at home. Here they ad mire and envy them that Is, thc men admire and the women envy. On the continent they rave about them. Half a dozen American belles.send a whole German town distracted. It is not only beauty and grace, but their wit, spirit, and audacity. The ontiuc tal customs favor their triumphs. No girl over there dares to fay her soul is her own -let alone her body, fehe never goes anywhere without a chaperone ; she never converses with a gentleman cx cept to answer a question ; she is of necessity insipid to the last degree. An American girl, on thc contrary, asserts her freedom, goes where she likes, talks with every one she cares to talk with. Mjsdu to a gerraan just as she would do at home. He is overwhelmed, as- to ni shed, but all the mure delightened He tells his friends that the beautiful girl he waltzed with said du to him, and told him to bring her a glass of water, which sets them all crazy to be introduced, here her say du to them, and be made water carriers likewise Next day the whole town is talk?ng a out and staring at her thc womeu are in a rage but the result lilhe con viction that America must be a great country, increased emigration, and the consequent prorcis of civilization -jRurojeaii Letter, ' Sixteen Miles Down Hill The Gold Hill News says: ween the erminus.at Virginia.and thelowest whero it strikes the Carson river, a short distance from the Vivian mill, the railroad has a continuous down grade of 11G feet to the'mile, so that running down that 10 miles, thc locomotive use to stean power, the trains being propelled by their own gravity alone,,; regulated and controlled 1 . m a simply by the brakes, inus a car turned loose at Virginia, would run at a lively rate of speed clear through to Carson river, unless it ruu off the track somewhere," or encountered some ob stacle in its way. At the point wo speak of. near Vivian mVU, the track is almost on a level with thc river bed and from there up through Empire and across to Carson City, tho enci neers have to put on steam. Very few railroads in the United States have so steep a down grade for the length of it as that sixteen-mile section posesses. Don't depend upon your own lungs alone : use the lungs of the Press. Don't depend alone upon your own hands and the labor of other men's hands; use steam power if possible, and make it known by printers ink ! 'hi Jou . prepared to,do busioe.s Sell at small profits, for cash, and make "it known through the newspa pers. The Pennsylvania Cemetery oontains seven graves Bide by side, in which re pose the remains of a man and Hs six wives. When the first wife died the third was three years old, and the fifth an infant of twelve months, while the last wife was not born until the year folfowing the death of the first. Lake Ontario was frozen over a few days since from the Canada to the American shore, and as far east and west as the evo could reach, i ' This is the first time that this great lake has been ice bound for many years. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, AO. , JTAS. IUcCATIV, ; Alt'y &; onii8cIIor-at-Iaw McMInuvIlIe, Yamhill Co., Oregon. Particular attention given to the study and practice of Criminal Law, Collection of Claim, noieB, Accounts, etc. J.,n. SITES, Iff. DM Physician and Snrgeon9 I ' Dallas, Ogn. liar In z resumed practice, will give special attention to Obstetrics, and the treatment of the diseases of Women and Children, i r Office at bis residence. L, V15BTARD. I x. L. butler. I VIWE YARD & I5UTLEK, Att'y &oiinsellor-at-Iaiv Dallas, Oregon, . Will giro speeial attention to the collection of I Claims, and all bumness entrusted to bis care. REFERENCES Hen. John Burnett, U6ns. R. S. istrahan A Simpson, Hon. A. J. Thajer. 35 1 flfaTCIa 11 II . Pliysiciati and Surgeon, lianas, Oregon OFFICE At Nichols' Drug Store. , 38 JAS. II. TUItlVEILi, Att'y Counsel lor-at-JLaw DALLAS, og s Special attention given to the Collection of claims, alh the bojing, selling fiid leasing of I teal hut ate, and Convey noug. Justice of the Peace for Dallas Precinct. OFFICE In PoLr Corstv Times building. Mam street, opposite Court House. W . I). JKFl-HII, M. thyician and Surgeon. liola, Oregon. . Special attention given to Obstetrics and UieaEe f omen. ltf J 1 DAVIDSON, M. 1)., I'lii'fsirmii mill Knrsrpnn. . , . Independence, Ogn. T. V. B. Einurcc. PIIYSICIAIVSUROEO AMITY, YAM HILL CO., OREGON, jJTtr Olfire at residence. 1 4yl It OX f l A Ifl A: I, A VSOi, Attorneys & Counsellors -at-Law, S.VML.ni, OREGOV, , OFFICE IX THE COURT HOUSE. C. CURL, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, Sli:.l, OREGON, Will practice in all the Courts of Record and Inferior Courts of this State. OFFICE In Watkinds A Co's Brick, up stairs. flayclcn & ITIyer, ATTORNEYS -AT- LAW, . ! Dallas, Oregon. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOSSE. 1 SULLIVAN t WHITS0N, Attorneys h Counsellors-at-Law, Dallas, Oregon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. I Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dallas, Oregon. Special attention given to Collections and to matter pertaining to Real Estate.- 1 J. A. Applcgate, ATTORilKl-AT- LAW, Dallas, Polk County, Ogn. 1 L. J. WAROfiAW, M..-D., Has recently returned from the Atlantic States and is now permanently located at Lewlsville, Polk Co., Ogn. AndofTuis his professional services to the citi zens of the County. Particular attention given to Female Dis eases. 2-tf M. B. KNIGHT. I W. P. LOR KIV IGI1T & IiOItl AtV y &Co unsc 1 1 or-al-Law, Corner Commercial and state Streets, Opposite I.add & Hush's Dank, SA1M3M OREGON, Will practice in the Supreme Court and the Circuit Courts of the Second and lnird Ju dicial Districts. tf 00. a. CURRKT. 1 B. HURLKT. fcURREYsk IIURIiEYt AUor ne y s-A t-lJa w, tAFAYETTE . - . - OREGON. S-tf RlAEUOff RAiaSEV, Att'y&ounsclIor-at-IjaTT9 Ia(ayette. Orecon. ,. 3 tf Att'y&Counsellor-at-Ii'aiv Lafayette, Oregon ' ; 3-tf . E. F. RUSSELL, C.'P.lFBRirr, Heal Ettate Attorney. , Real Estate Brokers and - Col lectio ti Agents. Northwest Cor. of Firit fcnd WAiagoa PORTIAKD - - .t)RECrolf. Special attention glren to the sale of Heal Estate. Collections made in 'Oregon -and 'tho Territories. . , Property, town lots, improved fars. ttock ranches, lands, Ac., situated in the best portions urmi. - Physician, Surgeon U Accouchef, Buena Vista, Polk Co., Ogn., Will attend promptly to professional calls. i 7:6m . - ,..A, JENNINGS LODGE N0. 8 F jZjr A A. M., Dallas, holds its regular cvvT' municatioas on the Saturday preceding the Full Moon in each month, unless the moon fulls on Saturday then on that day, at ou o'clock. Alio, on tho second Fndy 10 en monta at 7 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of improve ment of the Craft in Masonry, and for such other work as the Master nay from time tt time order. "f All Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W. M. MORE THAN 200,000 TKHSONS Bear testimony to the Wonderful Curatiret - 1 Effects of . ' .a g.s lilt uosepu wtuaei b x 35 s t wa x e-S CALIl'OHNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Manufactured from the native Herbs and Boots ol Calilornia, jr-ir- Tte Great Rlood Purifier FOR INFLAMMATORY AND CIIUON- IC RHEUMATISM AND 50UT. DYSPEP SIA or INDIGESTION. BILIOUS, REMIT TENT and INTERMITTENT FEVERS, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER, these BITTERS bare bticn most succersful. SUCH DISEAS ES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, vhich tiruduced bv deranirement 01 thel I r .r 1 0 o DIllESriVK ORGANS. Clearse the'Vitiated Blood whenever yo find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions, or Oores: cleause it.- when : you find it obstructed and sluggish in th reins ; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your reel injrs will tell you when. Keep the blood heal thy, and all will be well. AGENTS, Importing Wholesale .-D'RU'G GISTS, Corner Pine and Sansome Streets, San iVahV Cisco, CalM and Sacramento. Cal., and ' 34 Piatt e'reet, N. Y. 8 ly . E. O. SLOAT,' Carriage and Ornanic n(nl S I G x: PA I KTE K, Commercia Ftrwt, Opposite Stsrkey's Bloc. ; a Il-tf ALSifi ; GEM ; SAROOiV: ' MAIN STREET, INDEPENDENCE. 1JUNE WINKS, LIQUORS AND SEQARS , served to customers on short notice. This establishment does not dispense tangle foot 5r anything of that character. 1 . . - - jT CUl at the Gem.- r 1 1 " i - FURNITURE! Bureaus v;i Tables, BedstcadSi A Variety of CHAIRS, for Kitchen an KAW-IIIDE 110TTOA1 CllAlUS, ' Of my own make. Shop nearYramire'& lIill I INVITE THE PttBMO TO EXAMINE my stock. I shall be pleased to show you my goods, and better pleased when y ou buy. New' Work put up to order, and Repairing done at tho lowest cash price. 37 - V7TZ. C. T71LL3. TJ O " .I-,, 0 , UM ojj m a v m N i l I 3a X y s? ?. :