.... i. . J- ' 1 3)A LL AS, .SATURDAY, APRIL j 2. JPolfc County Union Republican Cou ncil! ion. : jBy order of tho Union Republican Central Tom mil too ePolk county, tho primary meet ings will be held at the place tf voting in'eaeh Precinct, at tVclock p. m., Friday, May 13, JS?Q, to elect t Delegates to the County Con nmiSon, to be held at Dallasat 10 o'clock a. m., SaturdayMay 14th, 1S70, for the purpose of nominating a County iTicket, and the trn?a tion of such other business as may properly canie.feeforo such convention. ; The qevcral PrfeCiMti T are entitled to send Delegates aj folio wa: BctlicI M4fn , 3 Buena., Vista ,......," 7 Bridgeport .....t 5 JDoagliw 4 Uola.4ii...w...... 4 .Jackson. ........ La Creolo . Li'ckiainute... Monmouth ....... Salt Lake....... ; v . J. L. COLLINS, Chairman. IUUas;, Jan. 20 th, 1S70." " " ' Repudiation. Yuy is rt that die Dcmocratio party In Oregon desiros to repudiate the na. tionafjdtjbt ? Is It because the individ-ual-members making up the party are .swindlers and dishonest men ? or is the burden of taxation too grevious to be borne ? Ts it because of our inability to pay? Are we, aa a people, or as sin -, jgle jjersona, reduced to penury because the 'national tax is greater than before the war ? What person in the whole United States goes hungry or snaked " by reason of the! amount that fthey pay to the Govcroeicnt in the shapc of taxes ? In their private business, Democrats are aa honest as the generality of man kind. .No one doubts the ability of the yeoro the United States to pay what owe, and all know that we are not, s a people, impoverished y paying -what we justly owe. Nor do people suffer for. food any more than they did before the war. Therefore we conclude jthat none of these reasons influenced the members of the Albany Convention when they resolved that the public debt should be "equitably adjusted " But on the other hand we assert, withbu Tear of being truthfully contra dicted, that those men were cither im pel led to declare for repudiation by their itching for office, or by the same yile spirit that caused them during the war to sympatbise with the cession ists 1; It is because the mon ey that was obtained from the sale of these bonds was Wed in the subjugation of these national criminals These leadinjr Democratic politicians do not like the U. S. bonds, or even tho legal tenders, because they are evidences of the abil ity of the Government to subdue any body of men that may seek the life of ourrnatiou, and hence they want to re pudtate to put them out of sight and mind as soon as possible. The truth is, those men from whose bosoms the 8th resolution sprang are actually in favor of repudiating the na ttonal debt in toto, and would more Jrealy assist in th payment of the debt contracted by the Confcderacy'to carry on the' war r&jiatnst the Government than to pay one dollar of our ''just and equitable" indebtedness, all upon the principle that the leaders of that party have always strenuously contended, as is clearly shown' by their record, that the ;war was unauthorized by the Con stitution, that there was no power under that instrument to coerce, that rebels were only fighting for their Constitu tional rights, and that the .whole war scheme was an outrage upon the sacred rights of frje South, their peculiar in stitutions and ' ""the Democratic party generally. - - Vfe publish on the outside this week the platform adopted by the polk coun ty Democracy, as a piece of intelligence interesting alike to all. ' It is in fact mpre the sentiments of the Democracy throughout the State than the platform .adopted at Albany. Intone particular, however, it is in square opposition to ibe State resolutions ! The one pub Jishcd declares, against a tariff on .im ports, but proposes to raise a revenue by direct taxation, while the' other re solves to raise money to carry on the jpycrnment by a tariff on imports. The Grand Du& of -Mecklenburg- pining, wuu is marrjBU pa a cousiu, ui Queen Victoria, lost the other day at a gambling hell, over thirty thousand dollars ju the pourep of a few qourg, Democratic Platform. i The Albany Democratic Convention have constructed a long scries of tcs'o lutions that ar6 nothing but a bundle of words and -sentences thrown together without meaning. There are only two or three positive positions taken in the whole platform : one, the suffrage ques tion j another, the repudiation of the nationaUdebt; and a third, the con demnation of the course the Governor has pursued in not calling an extra ses sion of the Legislature. i As fur as the proposition to pass an amendment to the Constitution, res eluding' the 14th andlSth amendments, is concerned, would be a step back wards, and one that would be exceed ingly difficult to take now that so great a voting element is added by those amendments Besides, it would not be an act of justico or policy to takeaway from the negroes the rights guaranteed bv the 14tn amendment. 1 hi JJemo- crats- might just as well resolve to re turn them to slavery, which a majority of the party no doubt secretly desires. the second point tucy maie is couched in these words : "c favor an equitable adjustment of the bonded debt'of the United States." This por tion of the platform is interpreted, by the'provision of the Polk county Dem ocratic resolutions, to mean repudiation Tho Albany Convention dare not be honest aud publicly declare their senti ments, but cover theiu up so that in one place they may be translated one thing, and in another a different policy. The very fact that they dare not plainly say what Jthey mean is evidence that the measure is dishonest and unjust. The part of the platform relating to local politics is bosh and is one that we should have thought would have been left out of the question. The Resolution relating to a protec tive tariff is net materially different from the Republican idea on the same subject, and was made to favor their manufacturing candidate for Governor. Clieap Iabor. The Democratic party, true to its old instmcts, has sought to inflame, the prejudice's of the individual members of the party against the inferior races, and to that end the Albany Conven tion has fired a paper wad against the Chinese. : We have never been an advocate of promiscuous Chinese immigration, but have always considered that the agita tion of the subject in politics is not the way to prevent tho coming of these foreigners. It is a great clap-trap ar gument invented by Democrats to catch voters. This same subject is- ably treated in the Technologist, a journal devoted exclusively to labor nd the laboring man. That journal, not being influenced by politics, thus disposes of the subject : - ''The most pressing of our require ments, therefore, 13 a large increase in the number of engineers, architects, and educated superintendents of tech nological processes, and this want is rendered still more apparent, if we consider the great additions that are being made to the low grades of our laboring, population, by the influx of foreigners : for, whatever view we may take of immigration m general, aud Chinese labor in particular, it is 'ery obvious that we might as well attempt to oppose the advance of the tides ot the-ocean as to oppp&se the human tide that the superior attractions of our country will draw to our shores. Our only hope of escape from being over whelmed lies in our ability to float upon this tide, instead ot being sunk be neath it. The battle between muscle and brain will be waged as fiercely in the. rants of labor, as ever was the bat tle of caste between the feudal aris tocracy and their vassals j and it is not difficult to predict the result. He who depends upon mere muscle for success, whether in the field of agricuL ture or the mechanic arts, will go to the wall as surely as the serfs of old went down before their steel-clad lords; and, if wo are to hold our own in this coun try, it must be by so educuting our selves thawo may be competent to'dir rect tand superintend the unskilled la bor that is ' soon to bo thrown on the market."' To theso views of the waiter we readily Accord assent, and hold that in- stead of resolving in political platforms to either foster or oppose the coming ofL Chinamen, we should be preparing ourselves for a higher round on tho ladder of labor. v : "SufTeriw; from wet groceries" is tho polite Dame for drunk in Chicago. Political Note?, ; The Porest G rove Monthly truthful ly remarks concerning tho action of political parties that : "The moment ti party claims a right for itself as distinct from a free assent to its principles, tliero is palpable, evi dence that it is.no longer a true party but a cabal in the hands of designing uen. The appeal to party allegiance is cvideuco of selff&h purpose. , The claim of party leaders to the vote of its it i i e adherents, except upoD the grourVd of siocero conviction, IS, in thlS View of nartv obhiratton, an insult to'everv honoiable man, and should be Tcpellt'd uCcoru,ug,v. uuvg.ua,, tosuumuy our pnucipies anu worK wuu tnos-e mai ii ...til. ... "! :.i l win wors wuu us. jjut, ici us not oniv repel but rebuke, as becomes illtclli- cent American freemen, the assumption . , i i Of those managers who think we can be driven by tho Crack of a party whip to advance any measure that they, the it . . . 4. leaders, propose to use the party for. The Corvallis Gazelle gives this his tory of the adoption of one of the planks in the Democratic platform : The Convention had a stormy time over the 8th section of the platform the repudiation plank. This section as originally drafted wasa bold espousal ot repudiation, and line platlorm was at first adopted as a whole. Some -of the , l sagacious ones then moved that the Harden exploded a tempest of slariir upon the Convention, and was fearless ly seconded by Jimmy O'Fay, both of 'whom wished the section to stand as it was. Then Heed, of Portland, shook out his plumes, and made the air lurid all about vnm-Horious Ben. : A spec tator iuforms us that for impassioned eltKjilcncc aud trenchant sarcasm, Heed's effort was as fine a thing as he ever heard. It was noticed, however, that every allusion to squtfrc-tocd repudia tion was followed by a roar ot applause from the Democratic host. . The section was finally remodeled, and now means repudiation under the poetical phrase, 'equitable adjustment' The ' Oregonian ,,in speaking of the Democratic platform adopted at Albany, says: It is thrcughout malignant in spirit, thoroughly reactionary, and worse in all respects than any that has emanated J from any Convention m any State. Kc tho. PcmocraU of Kcn.uckj would near us uueranco wun amaze ment, if not with indignation. There h uo word in it which indicates a spirit of liberality or a conception of the du- ties and requirements of the times.! snch blind devotion to the narrow ideas nf nfasoLincy dtmarrtfuf?s. was ncrer Known teiore. mere ig oomiog in ine platform that could stand for a day be- forb the judgment of tle American pco- plo. It is unnecessary to particularize j the whole animus of the document is as bad as the worst stuff ol the party could make it. Thn TT.m,L1 rrt.l hnf na if. ?j Mnnnt I endorse the first resolution passed by the Polk county Democracy. It says : We think that portion of the first resolution of the Polk county Demo piaiiorm ue cousiuemi secuon ,oy sec- Miller to A. U. wuiiley, anl rrom said UOU, hoping to modify the dangerous Wlutley t V. C. Wbitson, for want of per- resolution. Then the war! began Ben. fon.al, rn mlufr T.fTtiA cracy which advises forcible resistance largest ever offered In this Market, -to the voting of negroes and Indians is Wfcicb wo will e!l at wholesale and retail as inadvisable. We are opposed to resist- CHEAP as anj other ""J.? boon.' ins: tne Jaw, on me pare or inuiviuuais, and hope that no ons will attempt it in Oregon."- i ' ' ' a . It is a noticeable fact that while the Democratic press of the State has words of praise and commendation for the State nominees, not a word is said of the platform. Urhile it reflects the re pudiatron scntitneuts of tho leaders of the 'party," they are ashamed to give out to tho world that they have sunk so low in financial dishonesty. . i4 The Kcotucky Legislature began the labors of the season by making this re cord upon tho title page of its journal : iTo the honor of George Washington, the first Kebel.'V Has there not been enough of this sort of talk ? Can any sane political man in "this country .scri ously desire" to renew it f George Washington "rebelled" against a tyran nr. and in order to establish a inafc and b neficont Oovcn.ent-tho other "rob; els , tried to touna a Uovernmcnt based upon Salvery and Caste prejudices, and to overturn a pomcai system which had iv;Ywv"y won the admiration and af nlauso of the L.-- .';TermSi civilized world. Is there no difference every ouuu.uu.uu Miameu 10 revivo esu diujc ouneu auu worn-out at controversy? Kentucky is dishoncred bv her Kuklux Klans hrr Rimnrninn of free discussion by Vitrihwce Com mittee 'Wnd V her. shameful libel on the men who foucrht to save theiTInlon frnm being broken in pieces in the interest of 1 Tur i.3 It r m- Slave holders. N. Y. limes. A man whose wifo hnno- 1iIP !n . .' i . . . ... his presence, on OCingasKea Why he Old not prevent the tragedy, replied : "I cut her down three times last week, and I can t ho always cutting her down," NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO ID c m 6 e ra t,s! A LL DEMOCRATS WHO ARE 0PP0S J ed to tho workings of Cliques and com binations, and who desire a fair expression of the true Democracy of Polk, and all who feci dbsatintied with the action of the late County Convention, held at Dallas on larch le 19th, 1870, are requested to meet at-Oixie, on Satur- d.yAprU i6th, iS7o, for the purpose of do- vising some means by which they can bnrtnon- he tli0 rurty- . uy request or Final CttlCIMCIlt. -a jt tit nnnsnv 4mrTVT?TTATfm Xvl of the estate of F. 12. Hubbard, deceas- d having filed his final account and asked for a settlement of thn suine, it is ordered Ly tho Court thttt Monday, the 2d day of May, 1870, be set for the final hearing of paid account; and tu lrsons intorestod in said estate ure requeied to appear in the County Court of Poik bounty, . (., at that dy, and show cause, if any there be, why said account should not be allowed anu stttlea, und said adtninis trator discharged. J. L. COLLINS, 5:iw Co. Judge. Shcriir' Sale. II V VIRTUE OF ANT EXECUTION El duly issued out of tho Circuit Court of tlie State of Oregon, for Polk county, to tno aireud, wherein it U nt f- rth that A. M. . Mil- ,er Pontiff, recovered judgment attest Wm Cecil, Defendant, lor the turn of $jl5 60-lUt md jlIt,,llltnt having tten troi-m-d fron pun the louowtnir real i"ricriy Ufy the judgment, intereit, costs anld accruing costs, to-wit : Lot ?o. P) three in Jilock o (17) seventeen, in the town of Dallas, Polk count v, Oregon, and on Monday, ne Jaih day of April, A. D. 170, at die houruf 10 o'clock, a. m., ot mi'l day, at the Court lb use door, in said town and county, I wilt ell said prem ises to the highest bidder for tash. J. W. .MITII. 5:1 w Sheriff of Poik Co., 0. c. w. rAnyextEn I P. J. ItABCOCK. -' PARRIEHTER & BABCOGK, JlanufaclurtT. and Wholesale and He- tail IJealeiH iu Xiiriiiture, Commercial Street, Salcia, Oregon, AVE OX Stock of HAND THE LARGEST E'wrilitiirc, ns..wei.-l ( SSolInndM, mid n t nrfl.FV i ttftllTfZ-. t To be found in Marion e",." County. ure Francs, CotSns and on fchort - notice aad at reasonable rale. PARMENTEU & RABCOCK. Fulcra, Marc 16 TO. 4 tf rngTf I 5. J wnole8ale arid Retail dealer, in jqqk , STATIOXKUY ' j MUSKUL INSTUUMKNTS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Ifn TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF ff inlorming the jiublic that we have just received a larco invoice of Willi Pap!, of all ,tyhJW(iircot from the the East. otock is the manufactories in cal(,m 0rn.. March 10th. 1870. - 2-tf ' CAPITAL LIVERY ; : '"STABLE. lu rear of the Capital Hotel Corner, SALliM, OHEGOX. HORSES AND CATtRIAOES TO LET cn reasonablo terms. Special attention pit jd to transient and boarding horse. j BOOTH A PLAMONDON, . 2-tf ' Proprietors. inpHE ELLBNDALK MILL COMPANY JL will give the highest market price for wool, delivered at their Jactory in roik vo. Their Store is also open, with a general' a Bortuient of Dry Goods, Orrceries, Hardware, Ac 2-tf Marry Mm TCSSOTSTS tn7ncing -April first, and ending July first, 1870, at his old stand, Independence, Polk lusurance.................. .$lo oj paj,ments to be made in gold or silver coin, wben theuiare feknown be wuu loai. llENltY-HILL, Proprietor. Idnopendence, March 21, lZt 4-tf U V. Dissolution Police. npHE PARTNERSHIP JIERET( I exiptinc between S. Mitchell & M. doTf.under tho firm name of Mitchell fc HERETOFORE Rosen Rosen ilnrf. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts against tne late twin win do sec t.lodbv S. Mitchell. r Either "of the above partioa will receipt for any monies due to tho firm. J1' .?f?JT?nP' independence, March 23, 1870. Mf mm HE W AD VER TISEMENTS. SUCCESSORS TO B. STRANO. IMPORTEUS AND DEALERS IN I STOYES OF, ALL KINDS, Tin Plate, i Sheet Jron, Copper, 0 Zinc, Brass & Block Tin, Force niicl Lill! Puitsps, CAST TIN AND ENAMELED Ho MAN UFA 0 2 UltERS OF Tii, Sheet-Iron fc Copper ' i Warcl - Great Variety of Gem Pans. Gas Fsxiores. Iron and Lead Hpef of all sizes, for Gas, Water and Stt-am. ELBOWS, IjUSIHSGS. RE TURN RENDS RUBBER HOSE, STOPCOCKS, HOSEPIPES, PLUGS, BAti'll TUBS. re 1 j re . 1F1H , t In all its branches done to 4rder, at the stand of 11. Strang, Union Ulof k Coutcicrclal St., Salem. ; 2-Cm 1870. ;U5Hrl JSHroj. 1870. MANUFACTl iu:iis, - OKIiOX. jMcn Tap ScJe Fcwcl Bj.ota ..fl i Ott 5 Men' Ihmble ct-lc, Sewed Root 13 0 g JMen' Single Solo, Sewed jlJoots..... 12 00 .Men a Tap Solo, Ptsrged Jlooti. II 00 Men' Single Sole, Pege-l Roots.. ltf 00 9 00 7 00 gMen'j Kip Roots, Oregoji or Ca'i- foroia leather Z, Men's O.t Frcuch Calf SeWtd Ox C ford Tits...... i....... ..... 7 OOW 4 g Men' R st French Calf lagged Ox ford Ties 6 C0j raillE PEST BRANDS 01 FRENCH CALF ukciI in ail our uootH, ana every pair warranted to give fali.-fdctifin. We also hare tho larrft and hett stlvctod stoik of Eastern and Culifvruia made Iluuts and siloes which we offer at wholesale or retail at prices which defy competition. j OAK SOLE LIUTIIKIL FRENCH CALK, Kl A Nil UPPER SHOE FINDINGS, Shoe Machinery -and evcirythini cenerally lounil In a I.eal!icr anl I mihnz Store."' Oold coin paid for HIDKS and FURS. (JlLIiERT BROS. Salem, Ogn., March 10, lpO. 2 6tn Valuable Property FOR SAlUv I EIN'O DESIROUS OF OOINO EAST. Ill now offer for ii'e my well knewn FERRY, WAREV'OUS, SjDWELLUIG, Ac, at rcry low rates. This property ia situ- pei r - i aicu a Hut na Vista, on the Willamette riret, 'and on the nearest and best route from Salesa to Corvallis and .Southern Orcsron. i The Ferry Uoat is attached to asuspcn?ion Wire Rone and runs by the current, being safe and conventeutr The Warehouse is new. built on tho improved plan, with solid walls abov high water; gram is received wituout elevation My property is as rood if not the best pay ing property in tho Stated at the sntno coft. Tirae for a part of the pureiiaae. money will be given. Tlnisp wishing a bargain will please call at onco ou j . L. RJtitl 2-3ui J5ucua'Yta, Ogn. u:iii:io3in. In th Circuit Court of the State of Orrgon, jor Polk County ; Mary Allen, Plaintiff, vs. William Allen, Do fendant. . I fTIO WILLIAM ALLEN, SAID DEFEND- X ANT: In tho name of tho State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named Court, by the first dny of the next regular term, via ! : on the 25th day of April, A. D., 1S70, or judgment will bo taken against you for want thereof. And you are hereby further notified that unless you appear and answer a3 above required, said. Plaiutin will apply t said Court for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between you, and for tho care and custody of the minor child, George Allen, the issue of said marriage. By order of the Hon.jR. P. Boise, Judge, this, 1 2th day of March, A. D., 1 870. SuLlivah & Whitsos, Plaintiff's Att'ys. Dallas, March 9, 1870. L 2-6w Atlniinislrator's Sale. TkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I 1 X will sell tho personal rtroncrtv cf the es tate of N. Ford, late of llk county, deceas- ea, consisiing oi ciwue, uurses, snecp, larming tools and other chattels. Terms' of sale, six months credit, coin notes vith approved surety with interest at one per cc it. per month. Sale to take place at Dixie, on Monday, March 21, 1870. " J. T. FORD, 2-2w Administrator. Final Sell lenient. WM. B. EARNEST, ADMINISTRATOR of tho estate of lull. Couch, deceased, having filed his final account and asked for final settlement of tho siimo, It is ordered bv tho Court that Tuesday, Aiml 5th, 1870, bo set for the final hearing of said accounts ; and all persons interested therein are required to ap pear in the County Court bf Polk county, Ore gon, on that day, and lUo their objections to the same, if any thcro bei J. L. COLLINS, Co. JudgQ, HE W Id VER TISEMENTS. NOTICE. rnilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR . 8 Phased all the printing material uad in the publication of tho J'olk County 7tme$ l newxpaper, togetner wan u mo uw -counts belonging to jaid paper, bare aeoci ated ourselvei . together and have engageiUn the publication of a weekly paper, at Dalla, in Polk County, Oregon, to bo called the Oregon Republican. All debts dne the Po?k. County Time, both- on lubecription and advertising account, ara now due, and prompt payment is greatly ae sired. All prepaid eubpcrlpiions of the ""fY". extending beyond June Utn, iu, wui,iuj"- , , ticeto the eubscribers, be filed out by us. ' New subscriptions and advertisement are earnestly solicited. We beg to assure .sub- ; SCTiTjers and advertisers that they will gtt val ue received for the patronage they extend to the REPUBLICAN. D. M. C.'.GAUliT, CIIAS. LAFOLLETT, W. W. BOONE, W. C. WIIITSON. Dallas, Ogn. March 5, 1T0. . . 1 - J. W. CBAWFOBD. T. B. JIEWMAX PIONEER m AXD STOVE STORE, Front Street, one Door South: of Po3t Omce, r Dallas ------- uregQn. fflHE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO H inform the citizens ot Dallas ana vicinity that they have replenished their atock of tin- , ware and have now on hand a large assort ment of Cooking, ; Box and Parlor Stoves, Tinware, Copper, ' ' . " ; . Brass and Iron Ware Of every description. Ako a large supply or tect Iron, Zinc, 1 Ire, Ac Having procured tho services of. a first-class workman we arc now constantly manufactur ing all kinds of tin furnishings for stoves an4 v for farmers nfe. Such a? ' Stove IJoilcrs. Coffee and Tea Pots, ; Tea Kettles, MiU Tans. Dippers, I.ard and lHitter Cans. And in fact, all articles of tinware nsaally found in stove an tinware rtoren, all of whteh we offer for sale at prices that will justify pur-, chasers to patronize us rather than Salem or Portland h'p. Special attention will be given to Job Work , Of all kinds. In connection with the stova and tin etore, we will continue oar : : MEAT ffSARffiKT,-- : Where will bo kept all kinds of seasonable useats, both FRESU and SALT. , Ii exchango for good. in ourr Una we will take all kinds of country produce, such as Butt, r, Eggs, Chickens, Flour, Bacon, ; Ac. We invita the public to call and examine our stock. CRAWFORD NEWMAN. ' Dallas, March 4, JS70. ' M-tf Removed. THE UNDERSIGNED 'HAVE REMOVED their old stand to that formerly occupied by J. Emmens, corner of Front and Mill St?., llUas, Ogn., where " tbeyj wilt continue to of f for sale a choice selection of Dress Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Groceric. '' ..' Boots . Sf Shoe, Scftool Boohs, ; . i Stationery, , In fact everything found in Retail Stores, At Prices t3 Suit'tha Times. Country .Produce taken in exchange for Goods ! I Those having accounts are requested to call and settle by CASH or NOTE. ; We thank tho public for their liberal pat- ronage in thte past, and hope for a continuance of tho Same. 1 N. A. J. D, LEET. ': -1 Dallas, March 1st, 1870. : 1-tf 'Sinninons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreion. for - -PolkCounty. ' 7 ' v 7 Mary -Shaffer, Plaintiff, vs. John Shaffer Da- fendant. Suit for Divorce.- . , flO JOHN SHAFFER, SAID DEFEND-. JL ANT: In tho name of the State of Oro- r gon you ai-4 hereby sum'monedand required to appear ana answer toe complaint of the Plain tiff, filed against you in the above named Court, . by the first day of the next regular term of . said Court, vU : on the 25th day of April, A. D., 1870! or judgment -.will bo taken against jou tor want utercoi; una you are nercby Tut the , notified that, unless you appear and an- swer as above required, said Plaintiff will an- ' ; riy io.iub vonn ior a aecree, aissolving tho ? bonds of matrimony existing lctwoen you. iiy orocr or mo uon. u. p. Uoise, Judge, this 19th day of March, A. D., 1870. 3 Cw .lUrrES & Mver, Att'ys for PlflV - :.' ; The llest (ioods at Lowest Prlcen I JOHN G. HODGE & CO., 1 327-329 and 331 Sansome St., Ban Fran- ' cist 0, KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK OF , Stationery, Blank Books, School Books Wrapping Paper, Playing Cards, Pocket CuS ' Ury, Razors, Scissors, Notions, Ac, to be found on the Pacific Coast. Prompt attention given, to supply the trade, and satisfaction euarau- ' tcod. JOHN G. HODGE A CO. 5 : : : ' 1.1m I -WUEENSWAUE IN ABUNDANCE: " At J- H. LEWI'S. 4 LL SORTS OF GOODS SOLD FUR tW - Pacti dp M.rli.t.ll. 1 v. iavi,aMi rouuee ai ci J. II, LEWIS'S v . j j Q ALT. CARMEN ISLAND AND HV i , KJ ERPQ0L Salt, In quantities to suit, at - VOX k EAIHIAIiT'S Salctn, ., Cn V V r 4 V