Oregon Republican. (Dallas, Or.) 1870-1872, March 26, 1870, Image 1

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SJh t Drej0 u e p u k H c a n
Ii Iitued Every Saturday Afternoon a
Dallas, Polk County, Oregon.
OTFICE Main street, between Court arid
Hill ttrects, two doors couth of the Poatofhce.
8INQLB COPIES One Tear, $2 50; Sis
Months, $1 75 ; Three Mouths, $1 00.
Subscription mutt be paid ttrictly in adeanct
Oae square (10 linos or less), first inscrt'ri? $3 00
Each subsequent insertion-........'. 1 00
A liberal deduction will be made to quar
terly and yearly advertisers.
Professional cards will be inserted at $12 00
per annum.
Transient advertisements must be paid for
ia advance to insure publication. All other
advertising bills must be paid quarterly.
. Legal tenders taken at their current value.
Blanks and Job Work of every description
, furnished at low rates on short notice.
"EuAll advertising bills must be paid
The sun went down on the ocean drear :
'Twas the last sunset of the fourteenth year,
Since first, for bleak Northumbrian snows,
Saint Cuthbert quitted "fair Melrose."
Thro those long years, by night and day,
'The saint had striven to point the way,
So rarely found, more rarely passed,
Whereon the Cross its shadows cast.
' He fled the abbot of Holy Isle,
From the monkish band and the sacred pile;
He fled, with naught but the faith enshrined
I his heaven-taught soul and guileless mind,
Awfy o'er the face of the stormy sea.
Alone at lat with hit O'ol to le !
No footstep gave to the world a trace
Of the path he took to his resting place :
'Twas a lone, lone roek, that reared its cret
From the sea-girt lair of its ocean nest ;
The cliffs rose black on the seaman's view,
Where gleamed the wings of the white sea-mew,
Whose hoarse cry, borue o'er tho surges drear,
Suute on the passing mariuer's car.
The exiled saint no Eden sought
To chain to earth one heaven-b)unl thought;
X charms to win his human eya
From its long, long gaze t&e far-oil sky,
The scanty turf, with toil severe,
He scraped from hollows ; fain to rear
A hut of rudest, simplest form,
To shield him from the wintry str-rra,
Not even a glimpse of that wild waste
The Mint allowed; to high were placed
Window and door, that ne'er by chance
Aught met his eye, save Heaven's expanse.
O, glorious scene and strange! (for him,
He gaxed, and gazed, t'll sight grew dim.)
Iladiijnt, in morning's rosy biusb,
Gorgeous, in sunset's deeper flush,
Jost beautiful at deep midnight.
With thousand stars of shimmering light;
And peaceful moonlight stewing in
Upon the holj manwithin
That humble cell, wb prayed and wept
For the world's sin; while that world slept.
Thus lived the fugitive bis life,
Apart from sin, apart from strife.
He sought to dwell above with God !
Then onee, and for the la.t time, tt -d .
The "Spirit-path to Heaven, and passed
Within the golden gaus at LiH.
Two glances make one look ;
Two looks make one sih ;
Four sighs make one valtz:
Three waltxes make one palpitation ;
Two calls make one attention;
Two atteniions one tool.
(Sometimes two)j;
Two fools make one flirtation ;
One flirtation makes two bouquets ;
Two bouquets make ono engagement;
One engagement makes one marriage
Sometimes two, and fifteen children.
Go slow grass is short!
Epitapiis. Although somewhat de
ficient in tenderness, the following4, in
memoriam to Mr. John Law, is intro
duced for its spiritual analogy :
"Hero lies John Law,
Attorncv-at-Law ;
And when he died,
The devil cried,
'O ire us your paw,
John Law,
Attorney -at-Law.'"
The following reference to one de
parted Mr Strange of the same prof es
ion is, on the contrary, complimentary;
jfind we have only to hope that the facts
,of the 'case are as stated, and that the
writer was not led away by the obvious
opportunity of making a point, to ex
iggerate the virtues of tho deceased.
Ji looks a little suspicious :
"Here lies an honest lawyer,
And that's Strange."
Brown and Smith were met by an
overdressed individual. "Do you know
that chap, Smith 1 " said Brown. "Yes,
I know him; that is, I know of him
He's a gculptor.". "Such a fellow as
that a sculptor? surely you must be
mistaken." "He may not be the kind
of ono you mean, but ! know that he
chiseled a tailor out of a suit of clothes
Jast week'
A gentleman the other day visiting
a BcnooJ, naa a dook puunio ma umia,
for the Durroso ot examining a class
The word inheritance occurring in the
verse, the querist interrogated tho
vouncrstcr as follows: "What is inher
itance?"- " Patrimony something left
by my father." "What would you call
it if left by a mother?" "3Iatriinony."
The Fifteenth Amendment.
The ratification of the Fifteenth
Amendment jby the Legislature of Ne
braska, on Feb. 18th, makes thirty
States, pr twenty-eight, recognizing the
recission of NewOTork and the defect
ive ratification of Indiana. Bcjow we
append tho text of the amendment and
the States in the order of ratification :
"Sec. 1. irhe right of citizens of the
United 'States to vote shall not bo de
nied or abridged by tho United States
or by any State on account of race,
color, or previous conditionlof servi
tude." .1'
"Sec. 2. The Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appro
priate legislation.
Ratified by:
Missouri March 1, 1SG9 (correct
edO '
Kansas Feb. 27 (corrected.)
North Carolina March 5.
West Virginia- -March 3.
Massachusetts March 9-12.
Wisconsin 31 arch 9. , .
Maine March 12.
Louisiana March O.
Michigan March 8.
South Carolina March 10.
Pennsylvania March 20.
Arkansas March GO.
Connecticut May 10.
FloriJa- .June 15.
Illinois March o. 4
Indiana May l.'i-lL
New York March 17 April 14.
New Hampshire July 17.
Nevada March 1.
Vermont Oct., 21.
Virginia Oct. 8.
Alabama Nov. 10.
Minnesota Jan. 14, 1870.
Mississippi Jan. 15.
Ithode Inland Jan. 18.
Ohio Jan. 1420.
Iowa Jan 19-20. ,j
Georgia Feb. 2.
Texas Feb. 15.
Nebraska Feb." 18.
Number of States required, 28.
Number ratified, SO.
The States that rejected the amend
ment were New Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland, Kentucky and California.
Not yet voted, Oregon.
The Amount of Arsenic, Mercury, and
Autimony Produced Yearly
A few iateresting facts in regard to
the production of some of tho less ex
tensively used metals have come to
light at theParis Exposition in 1807.
The yearly production of arsenic wa3
5,20!J centner weight, of which Eng
land produced 2,230, Austria 250,
Prussia 2,150, and Saxony 2S0. Tho
yearly production of mercury was 01,
000 centners, of which California pro
duced 30,000, Spain 22,000, Peru C,
200, Germany and France 2,000, Italy
502. The yearly production of anti
mony was $3,400 centnerf, of which
4,000 were obtained from England, 1
000 from Austria, 1,100 from France,
1,300 from Northern Germany, 200
from Italy, and 170 from Spain. The
centner is equal to 110 pounds, nearly.
'A singular point in the above state
ment is the large amount. of arsenic
that is consnmed "We all-know that
mercury is very largely used in mining
operations, and also for barometers,
themometers, voltaic batteries, and
paints; and '"could easily account
for any moderate consumption of anti
mony, from the fact that it enters
largely into the composition of all type
metal; but arsenic is popularly sup
posed to be a comparatively scarce met
al, best known, in the form of white
arsenic, as a deadly poison. It is, how
ever, very extensively used in the arts,
as it forms a prominent constituent of
many of the finer kinds of paint, und
is also used extensively by glass-mak-ers7
An old gentleman of eighty-four,
having taken to the altar a damsel of
about sixteen, the clergyman said to
him, "The font is at the other end of
of the church." "What do I want
with the font?" said tho old gentleman.
"Oh! I beg your pardon," said the
clerical wit; I thought you had
brought this child to bo christened."
In the course of an examination for
tho degree of P. A. in the Senate House,
Cambridge, under an examiner whose
name was Payn?, ono of the questions
was,' Give a definition of happiness."
To which a candidate returned the fol
lowing laconic answer; ' An exemption
from Payne." , d
... i -
The Production of Sulphur
It t een t
In 1838, the short-sighted policy 'of
the King of Naples granted a monop
oly of Sicilian sulphur to a French
mercantile house, the consequence
being that tho price of sulphur tripled
jtj England, and tho manufacturers Jf
sulphuric ' acid! were compelled to look
to other sources for their supplies. In
one year hot less, than fifteen patents
Were granted" for processes which had
for their object the production of sul
phuric acid trora pyrites a compound
of sulphur with iron and some other
metals. At the present time nine
tenths of all the sulphuric acid in
market is manufactured from this minj
eral, and this state of things continues,
although the monopoly has been long
since withdrawn. There can bo no
doubt that Sicily, where the supply is
inexhaustible, would sell ten times the
amount she now does if that mistake
had never been made; and it is a
wholesome lesson to governments and
legislatures not to thwart industries
based upon chemical scienco- a science
which has taught us to produce the'
most gorgeous colors from coal-tar, and
whose votaries cannot be prevented
from producing any given compound so
long as tho elementary substance need
ed may be had in any shape what
ever. .
Since that time sulphur has been
produced nrtifieially in th'e purification
of coal-gas, which contains tho well
known sulphire of hydroged a gas
easily recognized by its horrible odor.
A few sulphuric acid factories in Eng
land employ sulphur thu obtained;
but the amount which miuht be pro
cured is very large, a i obvious it we
yfake iuto account the tact that coil
contains at lcatt one per cent, of ul
ihur, and that in Loudon, for instance,
where the amount of coal ued yearly
for gas making is 15,000,000 tons, eon
taining 15,000 ton3 of sulphur,' equal
to 30,000 tons, or over 00,000,000
pounds of sulphuric acid.
Blood, of Utrecht; in Holland, ha
invented a process for saying tho sul
phur wasted from the sulphuric acid
during the manufacture of soda from
common salt, and for returning all this
sulphur to the sulphuric acid manufac
tories, which process is in successful
operation in many places in Europe.
lu the meantime new deposits of
sulnhur have been found. Several
have been discovered in Californb.
where, in ono establishment, some tons
are now refined daily. 1 ise most re
cent report is from the Suez Canal,
where, on the shores of the lied Sea,
at the entrance of the Gulf of Suez,
two inexhaustible deposits have been
fouud. One, at Djem?ah, is located in
a perfectly rainless Ufcsert on the Afri
can coast very near the sea, and consists
ofa hill six hundred feet high , com posed
entirely of sulphur. In order to ob
tain the sulphur it Ub lasted like the
rock in a common stone quarry. Two
hundred Arab laborers arc occupied,
under the supervision of French engi
neers, and produce some ten tons of
sulphur a day. A railroad is in course
of construction for the purpose of trans
porting the sulphur rapidly and in large
quantities to the furnaces in which it
is refined, and thence to the coast lobe
shipped. The Viceroy of .-Egypt buys
from the French company all the; sul
phur at eighteen dollars per ton. The
other location is Itangh. five hundred
miles from Suez, and also near the
African continent. In this casc,!aho,
the sulphur appears in the. form of
rocks, much purer than the former, of
a bright lemon-yellow coloK but cover
ed under the earth, so that it must be
obtained by tunnelling. Thijy sulphur
mine has not yet been worked to any
These instances furnish marked il
lustrations of the many presidential
provisions which exit in nature. When
thcprogrces of civilization creates new
or increased wants, the material is ever
at hand to supply them. Technologist.
Smith and Urown, running opposite
ways round a eofrier,struck each other.
"Oh, dear!" says Smith, u how you
make my head ring!" " That's a sign
its hollow," said Itrown. "Didn't
your's ring? " paid Smith. -l No,' said
Jrown. " That's a sign its cracked,"
replied his friend.
A Quaker Ysays Hood) makes r
pleasure fit his business, and then, fos
relaxation, makes a buisncss of hi
pleasure.' I
Never confide in a . young man new
pails leak. Never tell your secrets to
1 ,13 .1 ..,1.1
iiiu Hgyu uiu uuurs jseiuum buui. viusv
Teles r.ipliic Summary
Rochester, -March 17. The storm
continues. The traios duo yesterday
morning, arrived this morning, and the
passengers were almost famished Sev
eral barns and other buildings, were
crushed with snow. '
Buffalo, March 17. Tho storm
continues and the roads are blocked
beyond Rochester. There have been
no trains on the road since yesterday.
Rinu Hampton, N. Y., March 17.
The snow is the heaviest of the season.
Five westward trains are snow-bound
St. Louis, March 17. Secretary
Fish, in reply to an inquiry by the Su
perintendent of Registry here, says
the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend
ment will be proclaimed as soon as
Congress, admits Georgia and Texas.
Washington, March 17. Chan
dler, from the Committee on Com
merce, repoated a bill to amend the
act to regulate the diplomatic consular
kj stern of the United States and pro
viding a substitute schedule. It abol
ishes certain consulates and changes
the salary of a number of the others
It provides for a Consul General at
London, Paris, and Havana, with sala
ries of 0,000; and at Calcutta and
Shanghai,. 85.000; at Montre-T, $4;
000; at Berlin 'and Vienna, S3.000;
at Alexandria, 3,800. It authorizes
40 tConsuls for (Jrcat Britain and her
colonics, at salaries ranging from 0...
000 at Liverpool down to 81,500.
Among the consulates abolished are
those of Victoria, V. I., Calcutta and
Bombay. Threo consulates are author
ized 'for Russia, eight fur France, nine
for Spain, four for Portugal, three fui
Belgium, three for the, Danish Homin
uwsd and ten for, the North German
Union. The bill provides- Cor the em
ployment nl clerks and interpreters for
the various consulates and . 'fixes ithc
salaries of all consulates. The consu
late at Veddo is stricken from the bill.
Tho; in .Kasagawha, Meogaski, and
HakOdadi, are transferred to Canton,
Fow Chow, Amoor, Faukow and - Tien
zing. fTh,o consulate at Para, Brazil,
ia stricken from the sehcdula.
' Affairs iu Virginia
Richmond. March 17. For some
time past there has been a rumor that
the present authorities Ln-ojTiec by mil
itary appointment- intended to rcMt
any movement to dispossess them until
their successors were elected by the
people, holding that the enabling act
declaring the offices .vacant was uncon
fvfllut tonal. Lat evening the City
Council, appointed, by Gov. Walker,
under this act,-elected a new Mayor
and choe a new Cliicf and Captains of
the Police. To-day, when the ccw
Mavorand Chief of Police applied for
their respective offices, they were re
fused. The ex-Mayor has sworn in a
large number Q? special police, and the
new Mayor holds the City Hall and all
other public Jjuildings, except the sta
tion houses, which arc in possession of
the old Mayor, who has applied, through
his counsel, cs-Gov." Wise, to Gover
nor Walker for ..assistance to maintain
his authorily. itbr. Walker in reply
to the application of Mayor Capoon.
says, Mayor Kmison is legally elected
under the act of the Legislature, aud
he cannot recognize the authority of
any one ele as Mayor. He censures
Capoon's action, and advises him to
obey the laws. Capoon is still, in the
station house with about thirty men,
but the besieging party have cut oft
the gas and supplies of food.
Washington, March 15. In the
Senate the resolution givins a year's
salary as a Justice of the Supreme
Court. to Mrs. Stanton, passed.
George Wilkes was cowhided this
evening, on Broadway, by Major W:
W. Leland, formerly of the St. Julicn
Hoprl, in the presence of a large
crowd. YY ilkes was much cut. Lc
land was arrested but Wilkes declined
J to prosecute
Cuban A (Fa Irs.
New York, March 15. General
James Watson Webb writes the Tri
bune a long letter from Havana, on the
5th inst., favoring the accordance of
belligerent rights to the Cubans, and
saying that if the President and Sec
retary Fish had been permitted to know
tho whole truth, they would havo been
conceded six months ago. He says the
Cubans have fifteen or twenty thousand
well armed troops, and as many more
carry in-g pikes, etc , and that if a hun
dred thousand arms could be landed
there would be plenty to carry them,
and Havana wonld'fall iu a fortnight.
He reiterates the stories of Spanish
cruelties, which he says surpass belief,
and make one's blood cold with indignation.
AWy fc C'oiiiisrJl0rnt-Lau'
McMluuvIlle, Yamhill Co., Oregon.
Particular attention given to tbo etudy and
practice of Criminal Law, Collection ot Claims,
Note, Accouuts, etc. !
! ; i
GEO. . IflAIUUS, .11 I.!,
(A Graduate of Jefferson Medical College,
Philadelphia, Pcnn.)
- l! I !
From a long experience in the practice! of
Medicine and Sunrcry, in till their various
i branches, ne hopes tu receive ehure ot public
patronage. ! i
OFFICK At residence, in the bouse formerly
occupied hj Ur. Jccaup. ' ! 35
t. VIXEVAHO. j 1 1 !f. t. Bt TLI'.K.
AWy A: Couiisellor-at-Laiv
Iallas, Oregon, . j !
Will give fpctiitl aitentiori t
the collection of
Claims, and all buin. (entrusted to his cure
H K F E 1 1 F.XC CS-' 1 1 on. J .
in Hurnctt, l.I.in.
S. Strahao A biuipisou, lUu. A. J. Thayer.
riiysicinsi and
Dallas Ore-fon
-At MchdU' Drug .
AWy &. t'omiscllor-ai-f.a'iv
' '. i
Special attention given to thu Collection! of
claim?, also the buying, sm;U;i and k-ueiiig of
Heal Ksute, and Conv viii,iinr. -
.luhtlce of the Peace f jr Dallas Precinct.
OFFICE I u 1'fiLK Cot -str Tikks bmidtor,
vr. d. Jiipriiiii, m.
riiysician and
Special i attention jjivi-n
Diccaef of W.jntn.
M ObvtetrlcR ii.n 1
J. I.. JAV !(). M. I).,
Physician and
IudiH n47ne0n
T. X. n. ZlBthrcc. j
P0.OlSc at rciWoce. ! ' 1 lyl v
Attorneys & CounseIIorsat-Law,
s.i.i:m, out .(.on.
offick in xjti: cor it iioite. i
Attorney and Counsellor. at-Law,
Al.mi, OHI'CO.V,
Will prartice in all the Cuurtm of Record and
Inferior Court of jthis State ,
OFFICE-In Watkinds
A Co's Brick, up
Ilaytlcn &,
Dallas, Oregon
Attorneys & Counsellors-at-Law,
Dallas Orccfon, . '
Will practice in all tho Cotrta of the State. 1
Attorney acd Coursellor-at-Law.
Dallas, Oregon
Special attention given to Collections and to
matters pertaining to Rco
J. A. A legate, j -.
ATToa.K v-at- i, aw,
i I
Dallas, Polk Conntj", On.
Has recently, returned froiiji the Atlantic States
and is now permanently located at
'I.eivlviI.vloIIf Co., Ojrn,. j
AndoQuJs hia profeB.-'umal services to tho citi
zens of tho County. j. j
Particular attention given to Female Dis
eases. . . j ; ;2-tf '
.. i : . . . , , . ;
s. n. k si; nr. jv I ; I w. rJ tono
At Vy& ou si e I Jor-a t- 1aiv,
Corner Commercial1 a1 c Streets
Opposite I, add S IJusIi'h Hank,
SAKKM. OlK(.0, j
Will prncticc in the ' Snpmo Court nod the
Circuit Courts of tho Second and Third Ju
dicial Districts.
I. A PA V KIT 13 " - - - OR ECS t X.
., - 3-tf . ;
--y, ";"!- ? ' ------
m v mm mm j
Latayctte. Oregon. I
! . 3-tf
E. . lU'BSKLU, j J
Jteol fcitate Aitorwif.
C. I. KKRRi, ! ! :
Notary Public,
CItal INiatc Ilro!ier and
Collection Agent, j
Northwest Cor. of First and Washington
I '; Streets, ' :' " ; ;
POHTLAM) -! - - - -OREGON.
Pjxscial attention given to the ale of E.ea.1
Estate.! Collection made ia Cregou nl 4bo
Property, town lot, improve-l farms, stock
raiuhfi Ian Ji", Ac, fiiuatl in the best portions
of Owon and V. T., ftr eale on reaonahla
ttrnm. I stf
ji:mn(;s i.oDtn: o. v
k A. it., lalla.-, hold iid regular cow.
iruinkatiotis on tho Saturday nrcfodine
the Fall Moot) iu each it) nth, unites the moon
fui s oo1 Saturday them ou that Uay, it ouo
o'clock . 1
AIho,! on the sccorid Friday in ach month
at 7 o'ejofk, 1. Jf , for the purpose of improve
ment of. the Craft in. Moury, and for such
other Work as the Muster may from time to
time order. " to
All Ure'hrcn in good standing are invited .to
a.tU n l. j Uy order of the W. M.
j - : i : . '.
Iar teitiuiony to tho Wonderful Curative
iS Kffet-tsof :. ! k 3
V.i Dr. Joseph Walker's s .
Manufactured front the natire Herbs anoRoots
', , -..',s .of ..California, y: . . .
jr-r The Great Rlood Foirincr "S3f'
have been most suecefsfal. SUCH DISEAS
ES arc cauccdby VITIATED BLOOD, which
is ptricrallv produced by derangement of the
Cleanso the Vitiated Blood whenever you
fmdHt iropttriiies burstinj through theekin in
Pimples, Eruptions, or Ikirej; clean?c it when
you find it obstructed and fluggish In the
veins j cleanse it when it is foul, and your feel-fe
inpa will tell yu when. Keep the blood heal
thy, and all will bo well.
St. II. ItlcDOX ALp v.& Co.,
Importing Wholesale
Corner Pine and Saryome Streets San Fran-
cisco, Cah, and Sacraniento, Ca!., and
34 Piatt street, 2s Y.
VVniameUe Iran Vorks Company
I .. . , -
' : ; ' ' AND ''; '
X bank of the river, one block north of
Couch's Wharf, and havo facilities tor turning
out machinery promptly and efficiently.
Wc have secured the .services of Air. John
Nation, as Director of the Work, whose expe
rience on this Coast for sixteen year gives him
a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of
machinery required for luiuing and milling
purposes. ' '
We are prepared to. execute brdera for all
classes of Machinery and Boiler Work, sue bin
SAW and FI.OUItlNti MII.r.S,
JAc, Ac, Ac. ;
; Manufacture and Repair Machinery of all
kind. .. ; ;
Iron SUntter Work at Pan Francisco
Cost and. I'Vciht.
Wheeler & Randall'd Patent Orinder and
Amalgamator. .
Dunbar's Self-adjusting Patent Piston racking
Stevens' " " " ,,', ,
Either applied to old or new steam cylinders. .
Iluarta Stampers, Uoes and Die,
Of the best hard Iron. ' t
. . . 1 m ... . . V
if in market -iln kitar barrel.
For ?alc at
5 ? H . 1 .1 a
v n . x "3 : 2
ts-i. -2,2
g vv- 7 1 1
3, ' . - r a
t f
) :
h . -
' '. I