The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189?, January 02, 1890, SUPPLEMENT, Image 6

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ci j f 4
Hope 6t Spring.
' '
eia reet deft Autumn softly weaTM
? Voiiet to wrap the new grave in,
1 ldcrs It with prold and scarlet leaves.
,. e spring's sweet mysteries of bloom be
th the mold o'er which the sore heart
iiopcathat perished, like a flower in
1 IXWtt
" Jjy'bol that each passing season leaves.
To say. That Is not dead which seemcth lost.
CoM. silent lips, which our warm lips have
Dear hands,' whose touch can never be for
Friendships that vanish like a summer mist,
we have you, and. behold, we have you not.
A lonesome shadow falls across the floor
From each low grave they heap beneath the
Where sleeps the ones we miss; hut evermore
t e liuve then safe in iaruuibe with God.
Toue It often seems that death must be
Like going on a Journey very far
Arms the mountain and the solemn sea
To dwell to a new land where stranirers are.
But if a friend Is there we loved of old
Our eager thoughts fly faster than our feet.
And when In ours their loving hands we hold
The stranger-land seems full of welcome
How fair his grave will be when spring comes
And from the mold that hides his faee away
The Violets grow, and every robin s truck
Is covewHl by the creeping things of May.
How fair his face will bo when dreams come
A ud we stand face to face with him and see
The rapture of a Joy we never knew
iircak In the eyes we miss so constantly.
Sleep) well, warm heart, so brief a time on
Bcueuth the dead leaves and the autumn
That which men count as death. In Heaven Is
Flowers die, we say, but blossom In spring
The Violet above you In the mold
Awaits the resti rni-tion of the year.
.And when its leavea iu April duvs unfold
W e II say, "He lives with Uod, who once was
with us here."
VIcVs Magazine.
HER husmis una
It is best on the whole not to read
your husband's letters until he hands
them to you, and it is much the best
not to examine his pockets, except for
holes, and then set aside whatever you
lind there without examination.
I belief e that Mrs. Elliott would give
nny young wife that advice today; but
there was a time we are all fallible,
being1 mortal when she had been mar
ried two years, that she made
herself an amateur detective sewfar
as her frank went, and had found holes
that she could not explain one that
had something in it about Clara par
ticularly. It was only half a lette r;but
it was suspicious.
Naturally" jealous, she was too proud
to betray the .fact intentionally; but
there iitro keeping a secret of that sort
irom the servants. They knew it,other
nle guessed at it.
r fancies about Clara oh, who
;iara? made her heart ache, but
tging and prying did not help her.
ien her husband was away as he
. was she suffered tortures. He
it, for all she knew, be leading a
-,.ibIe life, and so she steamed all "his
letters open before she forwarded
them, aid now and then found some
thing that might mean more than it
said; and so we come to an afternoon
when she Mrs. Elliott came down
stairs dressed for pinner, for which she
always made a c.reful toilet, and met
the waitress asctWing to the upper
floor. The girl"s(place at that moment
waj the dufing-room, and Mrs.
knew thJt nothing was needed
or gotten tht pertained to the din
?fr 'Ojjver.fthe girl h:ul an air of
. y uboiriHTCr; y.nd seemed to be
i something uler her apron.
. h it's that youliave there, liosa?"
'lliitt asked, adittle sharply.
riri sioppea, leaked down, and
Onby a letter nu'am."
"For yourself?" asked Mrs. Elliott.
'$t, ma'am, for master," said tha
' Vell, give it to me," said Mrs.
The girl hesitated.
"Indeed, ma'am, the ladv said to
give it to himself," said I'os.I.
"A lady? A beggar with a petition,
I suppose." said Mrs. Elliott.
"A huh, ma'am, and she's gone."
paid the girl. "She wore a blue veil;
but I never saw her before, I'm sure."
"Oh. very well." rcpli
tress, "(iive me the note.
Hardly had he passed) ie threshold
when his wife sprung tor feet. slipped
on an ulster that buntnia a closet in
the diHingroom hall, donned a little
round cap and gray vJil, and sneaked
out of the basement oor sneak was
the word.
"She's following him this time," said
Rosa to the cook.
"Jealous again," said cook.
"I guess he's giving her reason," said
"It's something dreadful." said cook,
'the way married men go on."
Meanwhile Mrs. Elliott lurked in the
shadow of the stouo balustrades and
saw that her husband stoop nuder the
gas-lamp at the corner cxamiuiug. the
note which he had received.
Well, wherever he went there also
she would go. Whosoever he might
meet should also meet her. This was
the end of everything, the finale. But
she would not weep she would have
long years for that. She would behave
as an insulted wife should.
lie was about to enter a car; she
also hailed it. An ulster and a thiek
veil reduce all women to one level, lie
.would not know her even if he saw her.
She sat in her corner ami saw that he
stood on the platform smoking. Which
way the car was going she scarcely
noticed. He left it at last and entered
another; so did she. Again he smoked
on the platform, but at last "Fort Ice
ferry!" shouted the conductor and she
followed her husband into a ferry-boat.
It was dark, and though it did not rain
the air was full of moisture. There
were very few people upon the Imat,
but several of them were brutal-looking
men, and they stared at her, seem
ing to wonder at her thick veil.' She
had forgotten her gloves and her small, 1
white hands glistened with rings, some
of them very valuable. !
As she left the ferry and, follqwing
her husband's figure, "crossed the great '
track of a railroad she trembled with
terror. As he ascended the bluff she :
kilted her skirts anil followed.
Who could Clara be? What manner 1
of woman was she to apioiiit a ren
dezvous like this? It was a nasty, slip- '
pery, unpleasant place. There was a
drinking saloon hard by which seemed
to be full of rough men. She drew so '
near to her husband that she could
have touched his coat as they passed j
this place, but he did not look around, i
And now it began to rain in earnest, '
and the road they had turned into '
seemed to lo two feet deep with mud,
and still Mr. Elliot marched on. At
last a frightful thing oeeurred to Lizzie.
She wore upon her feet a pair of patent
leather ties, and with all this climbing
and straining of the shoes the ribbons I
had come undone. Suddenly the mud,
caught at them with that curious owcr :
of suction which mud seems to have at
times, and the shoes came off. In vain i
she felt arouud for them; they seemed
to have vanished. Just I hen;
"Halloo!" said a voice near her;
"what's the matter with you, young
"I nothing!" gasped Mrs. Elliot. A ;
large policeman stood before her. i
-Miwsani no piace ior a voting
woman to be kiting alone," said the
i: -. i
puLiceuiaa. - it s u;in(rou it you r.
There are mere than two hundred
lawyers practicing in Seattle, Wash.
A citizen of North Hampton, N. H.,
has been a justice of the peace for more
than fifty years.
Emperor William of Germany has
boycotted his halerdasher for sending
him a pair of French kids.
The emperor of Russia has increased
his chances of a sudden and violent
death by learning to play the cornet-
j Buffalo Bill and Rosa Honheur have 1
ljeconie great friends. The former is i
i taking lessons iu oils from the great j
t A West Virginia farmer claims to
j have dug three bushels of otatoes from
; one hill. Iu his held the ground is very
1 uneven.
Thieves made a dnnkard'a meeting
house in HeidelburgTownship.Lebanou
County, Pennsylvania, a receptacle for
stolen roods.
There is a rumor that the German
' waiter is henceforth to wear a kind of
; order.a gilded star pending from a short
chain, ou his manly breast,
j A company has been formed iu Berlin
j to run a line of steamships between
Hamburg aild Mozambique. The ves
sels will stop at Zanzibar en route.
Iu Paris the dramshops have in
creased from 21.0JO iu 10 to 2U.OOO
at the present time. The consumption
of alcohol has trebled in the last thirty
According to a paper read at a con
gress at Strasburg. 152 jer cent of rail
way passengers iu Prussia travel fourth
class, I'l per cent third class, 'JO, second
and only 8.9 tirst.
A handy man in Steuben ville, Pa.,
used his children's roller skates to move
a heavily laden refrigerator from the
dining-room to the out kitchen, and not
one breakdown happened.
A beautiful spring of crj-stal water,
where West Chester folks were wont to
tarry, has proved to' be an outlet to a
filthy sewer, the water being purified
by percolation through the soil.
Miss Cordelia Mei ers, of Newville.
Cumberland Count', N. Y.,has a piano
which was owned by the wife of Presi
dent John (tiiney Adams. The instru
ment is still iu excellent condition.
"Please com upe dad is away this
eve," was the message found "on a
postal card picked up on a street in
Bradford. It was signed "Sadie," and
addressed to a prominent young man.
A few years ago Antelope Valley, on
the Mojave desert, was considered
worthless for farming. This season,
however, the people have harvested
0O,(HH sacks of wheat and the same
amount of barley.
Members of the Iowatrilwof Indians
are very well off. They have Ix'en re
duced iu number to 8:1 persons and
have 'JOO.OOO acres of rich farmingland,
which they are to sell to the govern
ment an average of over 2, I(H acres
and banking inter Jzta ever since o
her brothers was attacked with dis
and the other lost hi t life. She is
SO years of age and is a handsome
woman of the blonde type. She ob
tained her business training from ber
lather, to whom she was a constant 1
companion in his later years, and she
turned it to good account when the
Garrett family was actually deprived of '
a male head. She has made Robert i
Garrett a wealthier man than he was ,
when bis father died."
How They Marry in Burinah.
The Burmese marriage is a very sim
ple affair. It consists ordinarily of the
eating of rice together in the presence of
friends, and of saving that the two pro-
jtose to live together as man and wife.
The matches ire sometimes made bv
nfeof - ' -
Xase avit wft nmmi?
tot 7
the parents and sometimes
sional match-makers. The
mon method, however, is by the voung
)ieople fixing the arrangement for
themselves and carrying on their bill
ing and cooing the same as we do at
home. The Burmese grom furnished
the wedding breakfast, and he carries
it to the house of the bride. After the
marriage, rice is thrown after the
couple as they goto the bridal chamber,
ami they are exjiected to pass seven
uasin seclusion, though tins is not
i -tie proprietor or a crematory is de
i peuoeut upon his urniugs. lrashino
j ton. CnftUaL
, H'tting Bull recently lost $450 at
' pokr. He seems to be in the Sioux o.
A. r. Wwrld.
Frennently late election returns sem
cme properly from outlying dis
cta. Merchant Traveler.
The owner first breaks the racehorse;
then the racehorse proceeds to break
the ow ner. Wathinytou Vai.itaU
YounghoT "Figures can't lie. sir."
()Id!oy "Cant the v. tl gh? Tell
that lo the modUies!" .V. '. Ilerahl.
A New York waiter says his w ork re
minds him of a large eagle. It is so
take to coming lr' ne earlier." "My
dear child," said her mother, "you are
young yet, or you .never would try that
plan." 2'trre llaute Expre.
Anxious Mother "I am greatly sur
prised, my son, to find that while you
were away you became engaged. 1
hope you have not acted hastily. Has
the young lady you have M-lei-ted the
projK-r (jualilicatlous for : poor man's
wife?" Adult Son "Yes, indeed,
mother. She's got 000 iu her own
right." A', i'. Weekly.
riff iuvdvii
His Remarkahl
Idtrutnre and
Hi-ought llliu.
by profes- long from tip to tip. Yonker Slut, .
most com- man.
The letters our w ives don't care if
j we do keep in our iocken instead of
i lasting fiem V's and X'.-Mroit
. Free J're.
! There are many Lf I).' in this
j country, but there are' lots of laws that
' Uvvti doctoring just the same. .W -i
ter iW-.fej7rt..
j A good thing for young sMcu!ators
' to remember is that as a rule there is
common. I he new ly-mari ied pair live ' nething crooked about a straight tip.
with the bride's parents for several years j Jl'irjier't liazar.
at least, nl in case that one of these
parents dies the other Ihm-oiih-s an in
mate of the family for lifetime. It is
presumptuous for "a young man to set
up housekeeping immediately after
marriage, and he is stipMsed to work
for a certain time for his wife.
The Growth of Tree.
In the parish of Winfarthing are two
magnificent oak trees, one of which is
known as the "Winfarthing Oak," the
other is little inferior to it iu magni
tude, but apiears to have lceii general
ly passed over in favor of the more
celebrated tret? first mentioned. These
trees were insiccted bv Mr. Robert
Marsli am, F. R. S., the friend and cor
resHndcnt of (Jilbert White, and a great
agriculturist, in the year 17 U; and he
has left in tiis dairy accurate measure
ments of both.
The larger tree mentioned at that
time :$8 feet 7 inches iu circumference,
and the smaller just if) feet. Iu the year
1874 when these frees were measured
according to Mursham's method, the
larger tree was jut 4 feet in circum
ference, and the smaller 0 feet; it will
thus Im- seen that one tree had increased
17 inches in l.Ut year, whereas tha
oilier nau reinaiiietl in statu
LvuilnH Stmtiltiril.
t'itar in Germany'
What's happened? Lot
Elliot, "I'm not
husband! Frank!
I her mis
Mr. Elliott
h to be
Is shaving and would net w
' The girl gave a little impertinent
tos&iaber head as she obeyed and
floimcjsd downstairs in a way that made
her mistress resolve to give her warn-
in or
ome t
trouble was that the la.lj in - the
)il had given Rose some monev:
naa wi inspereo". "Mr. Elliott, and no
one ell se," and had hurried away in a
iiprftp? tVfnyn an n er.
Mrs. EIliOtt-'UTieanwhile stood turn
ing the envelope over. The address
was merely her husband's name Mr.
Frank Elliott and the edge of the flap
was still damp, as if sealed at the door.
It would open at the touch she could
read it and know its contents if she
"I do choose," she said the next
moment, and the edge of the envelope
rolled back and a slip of paper fell out.
On it was written these words:
"Du ikFrajik: Meet me ul the usiinl place
u can doUtre your wire. Clara."
"ment more and the letter was
"i Mrs. Elliott, trembling,
stood leaning against ethos
ne. She felt that the dread
en upon her hail taken
t. .
, she would not be hasty, i
j wait until she was sure that
d to receive the letter. If he j
..obey the summons it would!
prove to her that he was true to her. !
Then she would tell him what she knew j
anil ask his confidence. j
She carried the letter down-stairs !
with her and placed it at his plate, and
as he opened it she watched him close- j
ly' I
It certainly did not seem to please
him. Il fr.
"ahrast it into his pocket; but he went
.!.U U!. .1? . i
fj nuu uis umner wunoui anv remarK. .
Mrs. Elliott, however, could not re- '
ain silent. j
"You look as though you had received '
nlumber'a bill," she said.
e ir.ugneu.
!'It & not a bill," he said; "it s a note,
?,nd it vexes me because I shall have
o change my plans for tonight. I in
tended to take yon to the theater; now
I can not do it. I shall have to leave
yon, and, what is more, I shall not be
back until tomorrow night. I'll send
a messenger to Uncle James. He will
escort you to the theater and '
1 will not go with your uncle j
James," said Mrs. Elliot, sharply, j
"You must take me; I will not be used 1
in this way; you must go with me.
a decent girl
"No," said Mrs.
alone; there's my
rrann: i-rank.: '
Mr. Elliot turned and walked back.
"Left you behind, did I, Lizzie?" he
"You're a mighty careful husband."
said the policeman, "I do think," and
strode away.
Then Mr. Elliot, who was a large
man, simply picked his little wife up
in his arms and carried Iter back to the
grounds which encircled the tavern.
Here he sat her down tijKJii a wooden
platform. Then for a moment he
vanished and returned with a glass of
wine, which he made Mrs. Elliot drink.
"I've hired a cab," hefaid; "we'll
drive back to the ferry. it's too stor
my a night to go looking for Clara; be
sides, she's thousands of miles away."
"Clara!" cried Mrs. Elliot. "IXm't
speak of Clara how dare you?"
"She very nearly ruined, me, my
dear. I threw away lots of monev on j
her," said Mr. Elliot, "but she is look- !
iug up now. juy uear, l Know you ve
been rummaging my pockets and read
ing my letters for two years, but I only
found out what you suspected when
my mother told me that you had asked
her if I had ever known a lady named
Clara before I met you."
"Oh, Frank, don't try to deceive me!"
sobbed Lizzie. "I read the note the
woman left tonight I "
"Oh, I knew it," said Mr. Elliot; "it
was fixed for you to read. I w rote it
to myself, and my mother left it at the
door at dinner time. I gave her a
signal fr om the window that she miht
know you were coming downtairs,aud
I've kept an eye on you -I've watched
you ever since you left the door. My
dear child, I never knew a Clara in mv
life; I never had a doubtful love affair
even as a boy. The note you saw
about an oil-well in which I had shares
the Clara. She was a tickle creat lire.
I admit, and made me anxious, but
since you were bound to le jealous"
"Carriage, sir?" said the driver.
Mr. Elliot lifted his shoeless wife into
the vehicle, and half w ay home she
vowed that she would nevei forgive
him, but the other half she wept upon
his vest.
"I felt so helpless without inv shoes,"
she declares, "that my spirit was
fairly broken."
But all events she was never jealous
of Clara again. Fireside t'ot)ijnuion.
Wise Words Alxut Women. "
Men make laws; women make man
ners. Ie, Segur. i
As a husband is. the wife is, if mated 1
with a clown. Tennyson.
But one thing on earth is ls-tter than !
the wife that is the mother. l-oiMdd
Shefcr. i
, A. mother's love, in a degree, sancti
fies the ni(t worthless offspring, llosea I
Ballon. j j
A house is no home unless it contains
food and tire for the miml as well as
the liody. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. ,
Can-manor woman choose duties?!
.o more than thev can clnose their
birthplace, or their father and mother.
George Eliot. i
A house is never perfectly furnished
for enjoyment unless there "is a child in
it rising three years old and a kitten
rising three weeks. Southev.
A mother's first ministration for her
infant is to enter, as it were, the vallev
oi trie suailow or death, and win its life
at the enl of her own! How different
must the affection thus founded be
from all others? Mrs. Sigonrney.
It is curious to see how a self-willed,
haughty girl, who sets her father and
mother and all at defiance, and can
not be managed by anybody, at once
finds her master in the baby. Her
sister's child will strike the rock an4
set all her affections flowing. Charles
Snow- f'lowrr.
Accounts have lieen received of a so
called snow-flower, said to have been
discovered by Count Anthoskoff in the
most northern lsution of Siieria-
An eastern Ohio invalid thinks he
contracted rheumatism from a horse
chestnut which he carried in his
clothes as a preventive. He picked up
the nut in the street, and now believes
some one else had throw u it there after
loading it with the disease.
' President George Williamson Smith,
of Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., has
1 been very successful since he took hold
of that institution, some years ago.
i The college under his guidance has
grow n rapidly and now has the largest
uumber of students iu its history.
Pope Leo, despite his advanced age,
, is an unusually early riser. He is rare
: ly in bed after o:.'50, and by G he may
; Ik seen walking in the gardens of the
j Vatican attended by some members of
' his household. Very often he gives
j audience to his -secretaries before
The Indians of the Five Nations take
j great interest in news from the sur-
roiiinling states, as w ell as within the
borders of their own nations. Ten
weekly newspapers are published with
in the territory, and a number of daily
newspapers from the states are taken
by the Indians.
The female clerks w ho have obtained
positions in the Treasury Department
within four or five years are mostly
young women who have just passed
through the normal schools and have
entered the government service
through the civil service examination
test. They are a bright lot of young
In Hamilton. Ohio, a man died a few
days ago, who had ifXVsl jn money laid j
up, and a payment of floO was clue to
save his home. His w idow took the
money to buy a fine casket, an exjeu- j
sive lot iu the cemetery, and to hire
twenty-five hacks for the procession. ;
and thus used every dollar and let her I
home go by default.
Says an American tourist, writing'
from Rome: "We went to St. Peter's ;
twice on Sunday to hear the choir, j
They are all men. and there is one i
among them who has a phenomenal
soprano voice. He is called The
Angel of St. Peter's.' If I had not
looked right at him when he was sing- i
ing I should not have Uliefed that the
voice w as a man's." :-
Says a corresM)ndent from Boston, !
of course: "What William 1. Howclls i
is to the HarM-rs in a literary sense,
and what Kelly is to Soden in the base- !
ball line, Lew'K. Harlow seems to 1m I
: to the Prangs, who are producing so !
I many of his water-color studies at their j
establishment. It is understood that i
: the lirm agrees to tale every picture j
, that Harlow makes up to f 10,000 avcar '
j iu value." " ;
j The court of Austria has not yet re- J
I covered from the sensation caused by
; the shah of Persia. He was considered
, at Vienna a thorough barbarian. He I
! paid no attention to his royal hosts and j
, snubbed them in the most I
j fashion. On three different occasions j
he made niMintments to visit public1
institutions in Vienna, and archdukes
and ministers assembled to receive, but
i he came not. His manners at table
were horrible and he seemed to take 1
delight in shocking the onlookers.. '
, King Ja Ja, the deposed potentate ',
of west Africa, who has leen imprison
ed in the island of St. Vincent by the
English, has taken up a Naoleonic
habit. He U-came extremely melan
choly and fears were entertained that
he would soon sink into a premature
irrave. w hen somelsxly suggested teach
ing him how to play" cards. He now
lonils days and weeks at solitaire. He
is as patient and docile as a lamb since
he learned the game, and has begun to :
recover his health and spirits. If he
could behead a few slaves he would Ie
hunsclf again.
On going to the top of the Eiffel
tower Mr. Edison w rote in the" visitors' "
book as follows: "Top Eiffel Tower,
Sept. lO, Isjs'J. To M. Eiffel, the brave
builder of so gigantic ami original a
specimen of modern - .
one who has the greatest resjiect aud
admiration for all engineers, including
the great engineer, the bon Dieu.
Thomas A. Edison.' He su!seuuently
Cigars are no longer to Im called
"cigarreu" in Germany. R uichrolle
has Ih-cii substituted, and Pastor Zcller
of Waiblingeii has earned a prize of
100 marks for suggesting the name.
A Drawing-Knoiii Homily.
Is it not too bad. says Bishop Hunt,
ington, in a time w hen there is so much
fact to In- learned, so much work to be
done, and done belter than it is, so
much wrong to be righted, so many
burdens wait to le eased, so many
nobje enterprises to be set forward",
that ladies and gentlemen of faculty
and information should array them
selves sumptuously and go 'l. meet
each other again and again, and stay
together for hours, only to look at a
sjH-ctacle that is without signilic.'uice
ami hear sounds without sense; to see
unreal manners and hear com mon place
speech; to exchange greetings with the
dearest friends only on a crowded
staircase, as the two processions upand
down meet anil pass, or in : ernsli"'
where the liveliest feeling is a fear of
damaging a fabric or being mortified
by a mistake; to eat and drink what
could le eaten and drank with far more
comfort and safer digestion at home; to
say what one only half feels to crsons j
whom one does not like on a subject
that one does not half understand; to j
pick a way Ix-tween frivolity and false- I
hood or wade through a mix
ture of Ik1 h; to cover disgust with a!
smile, inward protest with soken ac- !
cent, or weariness with a jest, and then i
go away at an unhealthy hour with'
nothing to renieniU'i-but' a babble, a!
whirl, a jam. and a secret self-eon- 1
tempt? "Horrid Is ire, isn't it?" said !
one victim to another. "Beastly, was
the cordial answ er. "Let's go home!" i
"I wish I could, but oiisecI can't; I !
am the host." ;
IVIiy They Married.
In an oM book written by a western
congressman, a contemporary of Clay
and Webster, containing reminiscence's
of his time, a story is told of one of his
friends, a farmer "in Kentucky named
Payne, who had six daughters", none of
w hom were blessed w ith beauty. The
congressman knew them in their home
ly youth, and when he returned a few
years later found them all married to
good iulltiential men. So great was
his surprise that he ventured to ask
their father wliv thev h.-ol le..i.
sought when other "girls remained
neglected. The old farmer chuckled.
"Yes. and you may say when they
had neither dower nor "good looks.
Well, I II tell vou. When I wantluv
rattle to eat stubble instead
of grass I don't drive them into that
field. I fence it off from them. They
are so contrary they always want the
thing they can't "get. They break
down the fences: I drive them' out and j
put it up. By the time they tight for
it once or twice they think they like
the stubble. "
"Well. I saw my girls weren't the
most attractive kind, and I fenced!
them iu!
"You never found them iu the hotels
danciu' or keepin' stalls at count v fairs.
Young men to know them had to come j
to j their father's house. When the i
neighlsirs saw how the P.iyue girls
were kept apart from the crowd they
thought their value must In? high, j
Young men came to break down the
fence. They like to break down fences." .
,.'ri . ' .... '
ine siory was coarse v lo . oer- :
old narrator; "but
than meets the eve. ,
haps," adds the
there is more in it
A Heroine InAeed.
"My dear I can not tell you how it
Mr. Elliot.
"Frank," she answered. "I have al- '
ways said that there are some things
which a wife should not endure."
"Lizzie, my dear, listen. I will take
you to the theater tomorrow night or
the night after; we will enjoy ourselves
quite as well. I think it will rain to
night, anyhow."
"Do you suppose I nm k baby to fret
nlfiUtsot seeing a play?" said Mrs.
Elliott.. j'No, Frank, only yon must
'ell miW" voii break tVc'c i" i -eiuem
w nerc me groun.t is continually covered wrote his name uixm Mile. Eiffel s fan,
Uilh f j r Tl 1 W.-l I - .... .. T
shoots forth from the frozen soil onlv
on the first day of each succeedin'
year, it lives hut a single dav. then
resolves to its original element's. The
leaves are three in numlier. and each
about three inches in diameter. They
are develop! only- on-that side of the
stem toward the north, and each seems i
to be covered w ith microscopic crystals
Of snow. r
autographs, lieariug the signatures of
all the princes of the blood royal and
the princes of science who have visited
her father's chef d ceuvre.
Miss Mary Garrett, sister of Robert
Garrett, of Baltimore, is a great busi
ness woman. Says one tof her acquaint
ances: -It seems incredible1, but it is
the truth, that this young lady has
virtually handled the "Garrett railroad
"Sister Marie Therese! When sea rce
Iv O years old vmi were wounded on
tlie hattleticld of Balaclava while devot
ing yourself to the cure of the wound. -d.
At Magenta you were again wounded
in the front line of battle. After that
you nursed our warriors in Syria, in
China, and iu Mexico. At the battle
of Reichahofen you were carried
wounded from the "field amid a heap of
slaiu Cuirassiers, letter on -. Hml
shell fell in the midst of the ambulance
committed to your care. You immedi
ate! y seize I it, ami carried it some
eighty yards away from the ambulance,
where it fell to the ground, and by iu
explosion wounded voii seriously.
Alter you had recovered, vou follow ed
yourvooation here to Tonkin." In such
remarkable words did the Governor
of Tonkin, surrounded by his staff, in
front of all the troops, lately address !
the Superioress of the Sisters" of Mercy. '
He then bade her kneel down, and
touching her shoulder thrice with his!
sword, added: "In the name of the !
French ieople and army, I confer upon
vou the Cross for Tried Bravery. 5'o
Lody can show more heroic deeds to
merit it, uolody can claim a more self
denying career, and entirely devoted !
so tlie serv ice of his fellow-men audi
his fatherland. Soldiers, present
Aged Pauier (in New York) "Can
you tell mo the shortest way to the 1
almshouse, sir?" Lambkiu "Wall !
street!" X. Y. .s'.
We live longer than Methuselah, for !
we know more, do more, are more in
seventy years than he knew, did, or i
was in his 'M'J. Advance. j
"What'do you get an evening for '
waiting at entertainments?" "Five !
liMit-ks, but if there is to be winging I !
must ask six." Flityemlc Matter. I
Real humorists are scarce, and when j
a mau once gets 'the reputation' his j
whole life is saddened by the effort to'
live up to it. Mobile ih-yixlrr.
He "And to-morrow is our wed- j
ding-day, dearest." She "Yes. am! it j
is bargain-day at Sicilian's, loo. Isn't
that aggravating?" T rre Haute Fx-
press. i
Stein "Don't you find it a "Teat in- !
convenience to be so hard of hearing?"
Irvin "No, we have a o-moiiths-old
baby up to our house." Kearney En
terprise. ..t'i. . .1 .i . .
--Di uai is uie us- o mat girl hangiu I
away n the piano, Maria?" "Prac- :
tice, John. Practice makes crfect." '
"Perfect what pandemonium? ' Jlar- i
per's liazar. j
Harkins "It is said that women ive
longer than men." Barkius "Bosh! I
Why, I've known a hundred men w ho !
outlived their grandmothers." Jlar-
l:r' liazar.
"Jack," she said, iu a tender voice, I
"I am really sorry, but our graduating ;
motto this year was l arn to Say No," '
and this is the tirst chance I've had." !
A". )'. Sun.
Fond Parent "No. darling-Bobby j
is getting better. What should v.."u !
have done if he had died?" Darling!
(after a pause)-"! should have had!
his Noah's ark, shouldn't I?" Fun. j
Hans. vou got punished to-day;
what for?" "Because, papa. Ed a aid j
Lang had Ixten fighting.'' "Ami with i
whom had Edward Is-eu fighting?" j
"With me, papa." Flinjemle Matter.
"Poverty is no disgrace," said Jinks, j
! "In many vases it is something to be
proud of." "Yes," replied Jones". "It's!
a constant struggle with me to keep!
my pride down." Mtrelmnl Traveler.
Philanthropist (to small boy) "And '
; o you've got a little sister "at home,
! have you sonny? What do you do j
. when you get together?" Stnall Iniy !
! (laconically) "Fight." Philadelphia j
i J n airer.
: Mrs. Poortahle "It is raining fear-
! fully outside. Hadn't you better stavj
' ami take Miptcr with us. Mr. Smith?" '
: Smith , no, Mrs. Poortahle; the
! weather can't le as bad as that."
' Texas iiij'lintjH.
"There is a goo.l deal of chance in
I politics," said one traveling man to an
other. "Yes," said the speaker, who
had been defeated at a recent elect iou,
"ami the chance is mighty small."
Merehant Traveler.
Family Washlioard "I'm broke;
lend me a quarter until I get my day's
pay to-morrow." Family Razor"
"Should le glad to do it. old friend,
but the fact is I'm always stropoed
Sunday." A'. Y. Herald. '
Snow-Wry "Sjieaking of the old
fashioned custom of writing finis at
the end of a book makes me think of
my wife." Donney "How so?" Snow -berry
"O. she always gets in the last
word." Kearney Enterprise.
Minister "How do you know, my
little son, when Sunday comes around?'
Young America "Give me an easier
one. Do you supjiosc I don't know
when we 'have mrk ami bean for
breakfast ?'Jioston Gazette.
American "I am acquainted with
two men who own diamond studs."
Englishman "'Oly Moses! Some En
glishmen 'ave very hexpensiye stables. !
but Hi never knew such hextravaganee
has that." Jew, ler' Weekly.
Ella "I know I am ugly, but I love
vou, r.rasnis; i nave f iMlN a year.
Will you marry me?" Eraslus "Yes,
darling; I'd marry you if you were
twiee as ugly as'vou think you are,
my beautiful" birdie"." The Ept-h.
Dog Fancier "Ye, madam. I have
all kinds of dogs here. Is there any
particular breed you wish?' Old Ladv
' (who reads the pa rs) - ), anything
that's fashionable. J-mme see an
j ocean greyhound." .V. )'. H'teky.
Hardup (with his winter ulster)
"Ixiks pretty well for an old one,
. doesn't it?" "I've had it pressed.
Badluck (catching sight of the tag)
; "Yes, I supHise it was pressed lot of
others ou top of it." Lawrtuee Anuri-
; CHH.
"Who is there?" said Dr. Brow n-Se.
quard in rcsonse lo a knock at his
, lalxiralory door. "Tin; Grant Monu
ment Fund," as the reply! "Well, I
. cau't do anything for vou. You'll have
, to wait till resurrection day. Wash
ington Capital.
"No, sir," said the old tramp, sadly;
"I can't get no work at my trade. I've
tried hard, but it ain't no' use." Phil
anthropist "Your trade Why, have 1
you a trade?" Tramp (tearfully)
"Yes, sir. I'm a winter waiter "at a
summer resort hotel." ltiilatletphia
Lawyer "Judging from your re
plies, you do not M-cm to have any
opinions ou any subject, " Possible
Juror "No, sir, I ain t tried to have
no opinion of my own fer a good many
years?" Humph! How many years?"
"O, I dunno; ever since I married. . 1
A. Y. Weekly.
"Good hcavcn man! your head is laid
open, your nose is smashed on the back
at your net k. one arm is fractured, aud ,
your jaw dislocated. How did it hap
pen?' "Ah. docther, Biddy rit her
sowl lammed me w id a motty ;! ;
Bless Our Home, ScJiwate Home."
.V. Y. Herald.
Employer (to bibulous clerk) "Mr. '
Soaker, why are you not like a gun?"
Soaker (who feels it incumlient on him
to laugh) "I (hie) don't know, sir!" '
Employer (meaningly) "Because a!
gun cannot lie discharged w hen it is half
rocked. You may get your salary
from the cashier." .V. Y.'Sun.
"Henry is late again to-night,
sobbed Mrs. Xu bride, "and he knows !
well enough that I told him I wouldn't j
jeak to him for a week if he didn't '
i St. Louis Star Sayiny: In the
smoking car, along with half a dozen
! others of us, was an engineer who wai
1 going down to Peoria, and after a time
the judge started to draw him out by
! saying:
"I presenile vou have bad your nhare
of dose shaves, along with'othcr en
gineers?" "I have, sir,' was the reply.
"Been in niauv Miia-hups?''
"A dozen, I giiess."
"Any particular adventure that
i might lie called wonderful?"
"Why. Ves: I did have one." rei.lil
the mau, after relighting his old ei-'ai
stump. "I didn't think it any great
..shave myself, but the lys cracked it
! up as something extra." "
"Let lis hear about it,"' said the
judge, as he passed him a Havauna.
"Well, one day alut three v ears ago
I was coming west with tin lightning
express, ami w as running to make ii
lost ti III. Down here alxmt tucnti
miles two roads cross, as you w ill see, i
ami there are a lot of sv -itches and
sidetracks. J had just whistled for the i
crossing and put on the brakes, w heni-
the coupling between the tender and!
baggage car broke."
"I see, I see," murmured the judge.
"At the same moment something
went wrong with old No. 40 alid I
could not shut off steam. She sprang
away like a Hash, and as she struck tht
crossing she Jeft the track and entered
a meadow filled with stumps " .
"Good heavens!"
"She kept a straight course for alxiiil
forty rods. -(iiashiug the si unqis ev cry
second, and then Iea)H a ditch, truck
the rails of the D. V If., road, and aflei
a wobble or two settled down and ran
for twoluiles."
"Amazing! Amazing!'
"Then, at a crossing, she left tin
metals, entered a cornfield, and, beat
ing lo the right, plowed her way acros.
the country until sho came to our nut.
road again. She had a long jump ie
make over a marsh, but she made it,
struck th- fails, and away she went.'
"You - don't - say - so!'' fc
"I was now Uiiind my I rain, am!
after a run of two miles I got control
of the engine, ran lip and coupled ti
the palace car, and went into Ashtoii
pushing the train ahead of iW.''
"Great Scott!" And was no out
hurt?" "Not a soul, and not a thing broken.
The siijn'1 intemlent played a nn-ai
trick ou me, though."
"Why, the fanner who owned the
meadow paid the company fix forth'
stumps I had knocked out for him
while the corntield man charged $! fol
damages. The superintendent pock'
cted the balance of the money."
'The scoundrel! And how much arc
you paid a month?"
"Ninety dollars."
"That's for running on the toad?"'
"And nothing for Iv'iii"?"
"N..t a red.- '
"That's an outrage. The siiperin
fctident is an old friend of mine, and
I II see that you get tin- ou th
otumpage and a salary of 'o a mont!
as icing as you live. It is sjich m
you who make a line jiopular."
i i I I
rvn t
Hy HomeseeUers, hut its owner pre?
fcrrcl to retain it. It however,
lieen recently pureliriMetl fit m very
motleivite priee ly u synciieme of our
n iost ei lterpriKing men who, to sup
ply the lei no i ul for
:: !: MODI-JUT!; AT A v-
IImvo ha.l n
lainl Mirvovi'il aud thrown nju u
at pricoa from
lor wnlo
Location Best in Torxin.
Now is your CTiana. Don't I May. Terms Ltsy.
::.';jT)ora9, Bari?ard 9 Jlpori?, eits.
An Kkjj With Window.
! A FronHi scientist who nMiiovM the
1 licll on ciilicr Mile if an vx wit limit
, iiijiirui tin mt'iiilminc, in patches
aiMMii me size i tiu i:ili)i-trr of a jmm,
I anl Miujrlv fitteil the ieimir' with
j mis ii jiass, rivs the !( 1 low inr ro-
j Krf of tliti vvomlerfiil oxix-rimeiit : I
! jilacetl the e-r with the ' jrlass hull'
! ves in an iiiculiutnr run !y lo k vvork
mul revolving once e.-u-h hmir. so that I
i hal the lileasiire ,,f look in- tllrmi.rli
uiil vvatchin the change niton flu; hi
ile at the enl of each itv minutes.
J No changes were noticeahle until after
the eml of the twelfth hour, when some
of tie lineament of the h'Ml an. I IxmIv
of the chirk male their apiwaranees.
The heart aie:ti-el to beat at th en. I
of the. twenty-fourth hour, and, in
fort y-ei-ht hours two ves-u-ls of !. ..)
were ilistinjriiish'!, the ions e.
in juite visible. At the. fiftieth hour
an auricle of the heart atMKarel. miieh
reseml.linjr a "are, or noose, fohleil
down uihui itself. At the eml of
eeyenty hours we distinguished vvins
nd two u!lle for the brain, one for
a bill and two others for the forepart
and hindpart of the head. The liver
apM'ared at the end of the lifth day.
At the end of 1:51 hours the" first
voluntary motion vv as observed. At
tli eml of l.'W hours the lun-s and
Btomarh had Ix-emne visible, ami four
hours later the iute-tim-s, the loins and
tin' upier mandible could l listin
flushed. The slim matter f brain !
;aii to take form and Im-coiii compact
ul the lM'ritiitinr of t hi' seventh day.
At the I'.Nith hour the bill first ojhmiciI,
ami flesh U'-raii to ailear ou the
j breast. At th.- l'.Mili th.- sternum :tt
! IM-ared. At the -.'loth hour the libs had
. In'-iiii lo put out fmni th; ba k; Ihe
I bill waspiite tiibfe as was M the
all blahler. At the lnjjiii nin f the
l';!ith hour the bill had Is-conie jjrcfii,
; nml it wasevideiit that th chick could
, have imvel had it I -ecu t.ik.ii iiom the
I hell. 1'our hours nimv and feathers
i had commenced to shoot out and the
ukull f become ;;ris ly. Atfh Jiilth
! hour Hie eves ajs an'd and tw bonis
; later the ribs were jH fe t. Al th
"Wist hour the spleen drew up to the
j stomach and the Iiiiis lo the che.t.
: When the incubator had turmsl the
; epsXto time the l.ill was f reipi-nt I v
; ojN-niii and closing, as if the chick
was a-piii for breath. Wh.n
: hours lial -lapx- we heard I he first
; cry of Ihe lit 1 1.- iinpiisms bibed.
From that lime forward lie e;r w rapid
ly, ami came out a full-tleded chick at
th- ioi-r time.
His foil nrr) Him In New- York My a an
Km-i'llpiil VtxniK Man,
All excellent character is e;iven by
the Portuguese f this citv, avs the ?.
V. Hi rafif, to he v oiiii-ilnke'of Urac
il na, v ho, as ( "alios J.. will suct''M
Kin-j: Luis as ihe ruler of ritual. I
ini wiiii.- oi i ii i ran-eim-iu tor lightltijf the ciw at a
who have met h.m. sn.l all said that he certain hour each riffzht and turning it
- - ........ I'lwii- .t MiiHifi i mi ii arc ii
and ev-r retain the affection of his mib-
i.ils I
Ijamptt filghteii ly ClocirorJt.
For nome time past pedestrians on
State street have remarked a peculiar
attachment to the lamppost at the cor
tier of State and Devonshire at reet , aud
many have lieen the surmises as to the
contents of the little iron box and it
tisanes. Superintendent Allen of the
lamp department aula It was an ar-
out a certain hour in the morninir. In
fact, ft is a newly invented machine
destined to do the work nt Ihn bimii.
1'aidlnrAlllleirim, (lieeotisul-irt-neral llL'hter. with the slmrle eveentloii of
of I (jrtiial in this city. isoneif those , cleaning the lamp, it has u clockwork
who i have made the voun luke ne. nrrantfemeut, which is no r.'tfiilnted
piaintatice I found him nt the con-j that it conform to the moon's changes
f iliate. 14 earl streei. and he told me j ami lights the pis and puts it out early
that iu every way the youn man will . or late, according to thetullness of the
prove a tilting Mi.-.-. ssor t King Luis. I moon or chan;n in tiine of rising er
Jh oung luk is Kplemlidly en. ' -ttinfr,
low-l. ' both plsi. aUy and mentally," The iMachlne is about the hap- of a
he pmn( l out. -He has received a I ear, ami contains ,4 dock of the elght-irst-rate
cdii.-ati.Mi. and in field kihmi day pattern, w hich in turu is attached
he can ho d his own with nny man of to a fulminate cylinder in w hich nre
his nge. Distinguished men liaveiMle i 4X small pit holes tilled with a water,
as his tutors and he has also received a! proof fulminate compound or enough
...uvciMiv i ra i ti sh.K.fing he is to last a whole year. In i.lace of the
fomlaiul is a dead shot. IlesiMMidsi hIui
a good 1
! open
cts his
I'ollin Mild (ii-MVCkloiir.
me. Dernhardl lias li-xs l(
c.lliu that she had lHHighl atin-t Ihe
time of h.-r burial. sav the ' Matt
tiazettr. Hut the original Sarah has
Wen -cliise. in the matter of anti-i-patory
dealings with the undertakers.'
In the hurting ground attach.-! lo a
certain f.r. tly church there is to I.
wen a curious object iu the sha..' ,.f a
large black tombstone, laid on an on-iM-ciipie.
grave. It is the proM-rtv of
an eccentric lady, w ho w i.hes all" the
arrangement for lu-r funeral to be
conducted in strict accordam-e with
her own views. To this end she has al
ready sell I. -d many preliminaries, in. i
eluding not only the purchase of the1
grave she is to rest in, but also the
fetone which is to cot r li r. ami here I
it lies already in s,-iiion am only 1
awaiting the final inscription. At
prew nt only the initials of the proud
owner are graven on th.. fool. The :
il of his fimi in the o
I . . ... i .
uui ai ine same time never "
llitellectllal pursuits.
"With the jM'opIe he Is extremely
ular, ing lo his good nature and
atlability, Ileis etcr ready fo listen to !
, grievance ami to redress t hem If he can
I do w .. '
How aliout Portugal' Ii nances,
j batiXi?" I asked.
j "The country's credit is good," he
j replied, ''though the public debt has
; somewhat increased of late. There j
j absolutely no iopular discontent on
I that account, and I am Mire Ihe Mople
j are satisii.-d (hat the new king vtilL
look nut for t h. ir interest on all cm.
llaon d'Aliiieirim fuilher said that
he had rec.-it e no new iu regard lo
the forthcomiugioronatioii, but that Im
was cm, lid,. nt that tt would Imi a
i-plcmli.l (riv nt. I'hc royal head
of Iaiiox-, he sai.i would -it Imt attend
in N-rxtii or send tilling represent- j
live, and the ceremony it.clf would lie
conducted in prcxciicc of the mem Iter
of parliament, w dose duty it would Im
lo . the oath administered to Carlo
I. pledging liiiu lo kp the constitu
tion, i
1'oltugal Is-ing, in a s-ne, the'
mother count rt of, Ihe Kra.iU
iaus of I hi cif t ar' almost a much in
teiestcd in the approaching coronation j
H ihe 1'orlugllese are, J'he preM'lit '
inH-ror f lrail i a n-ar relative of
Ihe late King l.ui. and I lie subject of
the two monarch hate nlttats taken a i
lit It inl lest iu each ol tier's Welfare.
FV lhee r.Msoii il i considered pn-tlt j
O il till by New Vol k III aill. Ml Unit, i
among the mot couspicuou ligiuc at i
Ihe coi enal ion W ill In' flic ellls'lor of' or hi reprewnlal ite. In IV. i
gar I lot In new king New York Hrazil.
ians say that they hate heard noihlngj
lo his discredit, and that a he ha a
son, here i no reason why hi lineage
should not continue lo rule over I'ortu.
attached to a cylinder, and w hen the
hands of the clock point to the del; i
uted hour, the cylinder is turned by a
ratchet hating the name number of
teeth us there are pit on the circular
of the cylinder, a spring i loosened,
the gas turned on, and u small hummer
strikes one of the lilt hole, and the result
is that th. gas is lighted at a uniform
hour all over the city, or wherever the
appliance is uttitcho.
Hy a simple mechanism after the ga
is lighted the reverse I the order, and
at the same time nt which Ihn clock i
set iu the morning the ga I turned off
nil over the city. A man in only ie-
piired to visit each street lamp by the
new arrangement once a week to clean
the lamp, ami at the name time to wind
the clock; or, if he should happen lo
miss a day the work w ill be performed
fust the same by this automatic lamp
ighter, a the clock tun nine day.
Jiuntou Jli raid.
l'addy'a llrtuht Idea.
Il Haa AIwhjs lleen Ho,
... ).. si ion i Mini iii in., prime
life and iu redundant health.
Over ."(J.insi lite iiai!s pass through
the hands of one commission merchant
a'oue iu New York every fall and tviu-tcr.
The Chinese hate a tradition thit
over J;f,M tear ago then was a law
in that empire aimed at the fellow
who wanted fo borrow a lite until Sal.
iirdiy, ton kiioM, but who never re
rm-mls-red when Saturday night came
around. I'mlcrthai law i he)- lost their
heads, but iu these days no law call
touch them. Ihlroit Free, l'rc,
CtiincM Journal.
The I'd in (hi'.ettc asserts that 1.900
of it editor have Imm-ii beheaded. The
Journal in question claim to have been
in existence for a thotisaud year.
Here I n slightly irreverent story
from the Christian at Wurkt An IiUli
man was ordered lo make a colllu,
w hich he did. and to paint Ihe inset lp.
lion on the it, which he did aflej a
fashion that caused a little excitement
in the churchy ard
Itydinl of billow ing the written copy,
he managed lo get as far a "Michael
O'Hairertt. ng'l " bul, try as he
Would, lie could Hot imitate (he fweul t.
eight. '
At last he I cmcmhcrcd that he could
write seven, and Ihe four s-veii made
twenlt-t-ighl. So he finished (he in
scription, ' iigeil seven thousand seven
hundred ami setcnl vset en," When
they came to bury Michael the colllu
stood at the grate side, ami the priest
sjsike as follows:
"Ah, he was a fine lad. He' laying
there so still, taken away iu Ihe Very
prime of life, Yinng lie was, imi,
only " Here the priest looked down
at the colli n plale lo see how old
Michael was.
"He was only," said his reverence
again, and he put hi glasses on. and
went nearer to see how old he really
was. "He was only," he continued,
"seven thousand, seven hundred uud
eve n ten.
The i'orth HrlUtte.
The sustaining power of the
bridge, iu Scotland, may I imagined
from the statement that each cunt iTuyer
would sustain sU of the greatest iron-clad.
.1 w? ' .'