The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189?, January 02, 1890, Image 3

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JAN. 2. 1890
-The dime sociable at the residence
of Dr. Bailey last Thursday erening was
a prent feiiccess. Financially it raised
some $14 fur the fund of the Cougrega
t ton ill church. Socially every one had a
gottd time, and we have heard it several
times remarked this week that somehow
there wit such a genial element of hearty
good will in the gathering of so rnauy
people of all agea and denomination
that one seldom has the good fortune t
experience. We, from observation, feel
iuclmnd to believe. that in addition to
the kindly and courteous welcome ex
tended by the host and hostess with
their elegant refreshments, the presence
of so many of our young people from a
. , distance had quite a pleasing effect upon
the inhabitants who were glad to see
them back among us again, even though
ply for a few holidays.
"What is in a name," is a very com
mon saying, but occasionally there is a
great deal in one. For example, a man
giving the name of Riley Clearwater,
and who is an old resident in this county,
was in town the other day. We are well
informed that in one establishment the
departure of the gentleman with the
above name caused quite an interval ol
aerious cogitation on the part of the
young men employed therein. How
anything could be clear and riley or
riley and clear was quite a conundrum.
One could see that some question requir
ing deep penetration was absorbing the
attention of their, youthful minds. The
advice to think it over while standing
on the head was probably acted on lj
the youngest fellow, but we have not
been informed as to the results.
-Influenza is assuming a very grave
form in Paris 'and several other European
towns. It is in muny cases complicated
with pneiimoni. Vessels having the
disease on hoard have in many cases been
TV' hooping cough, croup, sore throat,
sudden colds, and the lung troubles pe
culiar to children are easily controlled
by promptly administering Ajer's Cherry
Pectoral. This remedy is safe to take,
y certain m its action, aud adapted to all
1 constitutions.
Influenza will probably be an un
welcome visitor among us in a few days.
It is now this side of the Rocky mount
ains. Frank IlnLbard, a storekeeper near
Rooster Rock on the Columbia, was re
cently fined 45 and cost9 for selling
cigarettes to a minor. We are pleased
to see the law at least partly enforced .
A poor old woman in Denver got
$5000 worth of life insurance the other
day, all because her son thought he
would rub some mud off a horse-car
mule'a hind foot.
The people of McMinnville are try
ing to raise $500 to advertise their town
a Easter papers. Ilillsboro, wake up
nd do likewhe and moie also.
When the blood is Impure, thick.
""IVf-ot-tb'n awlt impoverished,
can be no htalth. With these
ooditioos, all the functions of the body
re im pared, and the result is a variety
of dangerous complications. The best
remedy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Miss Ollie Bailey has about three
dozen oranges on her orange tree. Many
of them are full grown, and a few are
ripe enough to gather. Who rays we
cannot ri e oranges in Oregon? Polk
County Iteinizer.
Corvallis has raised a subsidy of
$3000 to exteud the street railway to
both depots.
-The Oregon Mist at St. Helens has
opened a real estate office jn connection
with that paper. We wish all success to
the new addition to its business.
There has receutly been a great rain
nd wind storm in southern California.
At the residence of J . J. Morgan on
the eveuing of Friday, January 3, 1890,
a dime sociablo will be given by the
young ladies of the Christian church. A
pleasant time is anticipated.
1 he Baptist festival in the Grange
hall Tuesday night was, if possible, more
' than a success. The place was crowded
to the point of being almost uncomfort
able. The proceedings began with some
excellent music by the choir followed by
ome nice melodies from the orchestra.
Bev. J. A. Campbell now engaged in
prayer. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wheeler of
the Baptist Sunday school mission then
delivered very seasonable addresses to
the young and old. Rev. Mr. Miller now
returned thanks for the provided re
freshments. This he did standing be
hind his chair which we learn
one audacious young man removed,
to accommodate his girl, thus
reminding us of the nece sity !
of watching as well as praying.
Aa excellent supper was next served and
games introduced which occupied the
attention of many young people until
the arrival of the new year. Some $21
was cleared by the proceedings.
The friends of Rev. II. M. Waller
will regret to learn that his wife died
very suddenly in Polk county on the
17tb of last month.
There will be a public sale at the
house of Wm. McQuillan, Farmington,
a the 14th. Look out for the ad. in
our next isue, also hand bills.
A ! Coasjta Syrup.
There is nothing parents should be so
careful about aa selecting a cough syrup.
Qeggs Cherry Cough Syrup costs no
more than the cheap and inferior nos
trums thrown on the market. The best
is aoaa to good, be sure and get Bzoaa'
CaaaT Cocoh Strcp. We keep it on
hand at all times. The Pharmacy,
Hillsboro: and Hushes fc Patterson's
J)rug Store. Poreat Grove.
Berts Cherry Cough yrn
Is giving splendid satisfaction to the
trade and the sales are positively
marvelous, which can be accounted for
in no other way except that it is without
doubt the best on the market. Ask for
and be sure vou eet the genuine." We
keep it. Thl Pharmacy, Hillsboro;
Hughes & Patterson's Drug Store, Forest
Most of our business men hvve
mailed their usual statements of ac
counts to-day. This is projer. State
roeuts are not "duns" though it does
seem as if the average Oiegoniau is slow
of heart to believe this assertion.
It is said that man in a aavage state
does not have the toothache. We are
more inclined to the belief that any
man who has the toothache is in a uv
age state.
Montezuma lodge I. O. O. F. in
stalled the following officers last night:
N.G., G. W. Putlersou; V. G., Van
Meade; Sec. R. II. Greer; Treasurer, I.
M. Dennis; Warden, R. L. Wooster;Con
ductor, S. II. Humphreys; Inside Guard.
(I. Hchulmerich. Immediately after
wards about forty members tut down to
an excellently prepared supper at the
Hillsboro hotel.
The cn ion Christinas tree he'd at
the Congregational church, in Beaverton
was well attended, and great credit is
due Mr. Hoff, superintendent of the
Union Sunday school who was ably as
sisted by the committee who with him
did everything in their power to make
the eveninir pleasant for those who at
tended. The amusements of the eve
ning consisted of recitations, dialogues.
charades, singing etc., after which a
present to every scholar was given, and
each teacher received a present from hi
lass. Rev. Eldridge received a well-
tilled purse from his congregation which
he responded to very heartily.
It is said the new cistern is leaking
It was well built but the contractor had
a poor chance to plaster well owing to
the weather. We think it hardly fair
that he should be out of all his money
till spring on that account.
The road to Cornelius now permits
a comparatively enjoyable drive over it
ince supervisor Schol field fixed thai
place opposite Clark's place.
Mr. X. F. Smith left some tine
grapes on our table one day last week.
He is the Itoss grape cultivator.
There was a nigger entertainment
of the second class at the opera house
Inst night. Between the dullness of
the programme and the coldness of the
hall the audience had a wretched time
of it.
Last Sunday evening a couple of
young men took a number of girls out u
leigh drive towards West Union. There
were four horses attached to the convey
ance, the foremost two of which got off
after breaking the coupling chain. The
young ladies had to wait half an hour in
that storm of sleet until the horses were
caught and a new chain procured. "Be
sure of your curb and chain," next time
Eight inches of snow fell last
An Elk Hunt,
In a conversation with the Hon. T. B.
Handley since his return from Tillamook
we incidently learned that he had been
on the war path against the elk tribe,
and had succeeded in scalping one. Be
ing curious to know the particulars of
the elk hunt, a reporter of this paper
after some persuasion succeeded in ob
taming the following particulars from
Mr. Handley.
It seems that Sir. Handley accom
panied by his son George, while wander
ing between Tillamook and Nehalem in
search of a good homestead for another
member of the family, came across the
feeding grout ds of a t-mall band of elk.
Several days afterwards having obtained
the use of a dog trained to elk hunting,
and having armed themselves with Mar
lin repeating rifles, they started out for an
interview with the elk tribe. In les
tban half a day the dog succeeded in
bringing to bay one of the band. This
was easily known by the baying of the
dog. On coming in sight of the elk
Mr. Handley, George and the owner of
the dog opened fusillade upon the ani
mal which they severely wounded. It
then turned from the dog and dashed
down the mountain side anil made for
the beach, a distance of aliout two miles
The dog pursued, and the hunters in
single file at various distances followed
the dog. On arriving at the beach the
elk plunged into the water and swam
out through the breakers into the deep
sea. He swam about a mile along the
coast at a safe distance from it, when
feeling exhausted from the loss of blood
he made for the shore and fell dead in
about two feet of water.
The hunters bv this time had arrived
in sight and rushed down to where the
noble animal had just expired. They
cut his throat with a large knife and
the water was reddened with the blood
for a considerable distance around. It
was a large animal, and they were com
pelled to quarter it before they could
take it from the water.
The whole adjacent settlement had
elk meat in gatore for the next few days.
The owner of the dog obtained the ant
lers as a trophy. Mr. Handley think
that this elk must have weighed at
least 1100 pounds. Each antler had
seven branches, and the distance from
tip to tip was four or five feet.
Hillsboro is booming, and so is G.
W. Patterson's furniture business, for he
is selling carpets, bedding, wall paper.
trunks and valises at Portland prices.
What a Isriaae
Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few
are aware of the short time it takes for a
disordered liver to cause blotches on the
face, and a dark greasy skin. One bottle
of Beoos' Blood Pvkifier and Blood
Maker, will restore this organ to its
natural and healthy state, and cleanse
the blond of all impurities. It is meet
ing with wonderful success. We guar
antee every bottle. The Pharmacy, Hills
horo; Hughes Jfc pjerson"s Drug Store,
Forest Grove. '
All claims not consistsnt with the
high character of Syrup of Figs are pur
posely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup
Company. It acts gently on the kid
neys, liver and bowels, cleansing the
system effectually, but it is not a cure
all and makes no pretentions that every
bottle will not substantiate.
Jan. 1. Forest Grove dio.t present
a very lively appearance at tliV, beginiog
of the new vear. as nearly H of the
students were at their homes, and many
of the town people were away, so that
the streets were almost deserted.
Mrs. Renolds, of North Yamhill, visit
ed her cousin Gev. Woods last week.
Mr. M.J. McMahon, of Portland, spent
the holidays at Dr. Bowlby's.
The dance given Tuesday eve by the
Gymnasium Club was well attended and
the bote realized quite a nice profit
something by the way of which they arr
now much in need, as their financial
affairs are not in the best condition po
New mail loxes have been placed in
tie post office which will accommodate
a greater number, and the boxes will be
arranged in a more orderly manner.
School at the University opened
Thursday, and there will probably be a
greater attendance this term than last.
Mrs. Burrel. of Portland, daughter of
Mr. Frazer of this place, was quite se
verely injured by a runaway accident
last week, being cut in several pieces
around the neck and face.
The inventory of the store now owned
by Haine & Bailey was completed Sat
urday, and painters commenced paint
ing on Tuesday, that the store will
present a very different appearance in a
short time, and will be opened in about
ten days. They will also have a much
larger stock than has been kept there
Lost! at Vert's hall, on Tuesday night,
a lady's Jersey coat . Any person ur.d
ing the article will please leave it at
Wirt's barber shop and greatly oblige
the owter.
The Happiest Royal Family.
The Greek bave an ancient prophecy
that when there shall aris- in ihcircouu
try an emperor named Constantino,
whose wife shall be Sophia, then shall
bo restored Christian rule to Constant!
nople and Christian worship to the
mosque of St. Sophia. The name of the
Duke of Sparta, heir to the throne of
Greece, is Constantino, and by his mar
riage to the sister of the German em
peror he gets a wife named Sophia.
Meantime, if the young I hike of Sparta
is as happy in his domestic life as his
father ami mother hare been, he will be
fortunate and happy whether be ever
fulfills the prophecy or not. A newspa
per correspondent gives a delightful
sketch of the 6itnple democratic life of
King George and (jueen Olga, It is sim
pier in some respects than that of an
American president. Their majesties
walk about the streets unattended, as
Lincoln used to do. They are devoted
to each other, and seem as happy as the
day is long. So far as known, not even
a whisper of a skeleton in their cupboard
has ever reached the public. They are
handsome, healthy, and they love each
other, and their people are devoted to
them. King George and his queen are
both fond of athletic and outdoor exer
cises, in which they excel. The king
spends much time in hi; office, hard at
work as any clerk. After office hours
he frequently walks in suddenly on some
of his heads of departments in the fol
lowing fashion:
Good morning. Mr PoMmaater. I have eomt
Co m what t wrong with our foreign mails
T bey doo't irm to get distributed aa promptly an
they atiuuld Or at the tail Ah. Mr Sheriff. ho
do you do? Thrr tell me anal th prtaooent doa l
(rt enoogti to rat How about it Just let m
go in and see tlieiu at diooer. wUI your
It is melancholy to read of Nevada,
abandoned alike by rain, railroads and
miners. There are towns in the stale
that used to have a population of 15.000
Now they have in some instances less
than a hundred. When the price of ail
ver goes up in the world's market, when
the government's gigantic irrigation
scheme covers her arid valleys with smil
ing green, then Nevada will awake, tike
the enchanted princess, and all the scenes
of merry, busy life will be enacted o'er
The Hebrew Journal asks this ques
tion: Whoever heard ef a Jewish vote?
It then proceeds to remark that the Jew
never mixes his politics with his race or
religion. The race distributes itself
among the different political parties
"We think we may say with pride that
such a thing as a Jewish vote has never
presented itself to our government. Out
side of the synagogue we are citizens of
the United States." Bays The Journal.
An old Maryland planter says of the
present colored population of that state
"Those who are here now have to work
harder than our niggers used to, but
they seem to be kind of happy over it
nil the same."
When art tho flood disaster of 1389 to
top? This from Japan is the most ap
palling of any.
The Philadelphia Ledger calls on gen
tlemen of the navy to translate their
"knots" into miles, to let the public
know that C knots make 7 miles, and
that when the Baltimore made 20.2
knots an hour, she traveled not quite 234
miles an hour.
President Harrison has given assur-
ance that there is aUmt him nothing of
the Socialist or Nationalist, as the fash
ion is to call it in New England. He
told the committee from the western
waterways convention that while he
was in favor of improved navigation to
the utmost extent, yet he was firmly of
opinion that the ieople along the Missis
sippi should build their own levees.
Nothing shows the advance in naval
guns and ships so much as the case of
the thirteen old monitors left over from
our civil war. Twenty-five years ago
they were considered almost invulnera
ble for coast defense. Their iron plates
are five inches thick, and on the turrets
sleven inches thick. Now a ball from an
enemy's 0-inch gun could easily pierce
their armor at a distance of several
miles. The reason we have so little navy
is because other nations have gone past
us and left us.
ne greatest gas well in the world has
been struck in Ohio. Tbia is what might
nave been expected.
Take It In Time.
"For want of a nail, a shoe was lost
for want of a shoe, a horse was lost
for want of a horse, a rider was lot."
Never neglect small things. The fir
signs of pneumonia and consumption c
positively be checked by Dr. Acker'
English Remedy zor Consumption.
Dxc. 31 .The old year is vrT its last
step and the last moments should lie
occupied in judgment of life's work an1
resolving for future action ; but too fre
quently are frittered away in merry
making and debauchery. So goes the
world ard time rolls on, taking us to
our final destiny .
Hon. Lee Laughlin and lion. It. R.
Laughlin of North Yamhill, were at
Uaston to attend the funeial ef theii
sister, Mrs. Happington, on Tuesday last.
lr. and Mrs. N.J. Walker were public
spirite 1 enough to clear the church of
the debris of the Christmas tree in time
for the funeral for which the frieads are
Oa Monday morning some 17 of our
citizens were called to attend the pre
liminary trial of Emery Poteet before
Justice Humphreys at Hillsboro. Rather
an expensive affair.
C. Tupper has received samples of coal
taken from the Walker claim in the
Nehalem coal fields. A drift has bven
made some 25 feet into the vein and the
coal improves as they ad ranee. Mr.
Tupper expects to met the holders of
claims at Portland next Friday, when
steps will be taken to further develop
ments. The snow still hangs to mother earth
to the detriment of outside stock, and if
it remains much longer leef will fall off
The ground is too rough for sleighing or
Mrs. E. Best and Mrs. N. J. Walker
are quite sick at the present time with
bad colds. We hope they will soon con
valesce. Mrs. R. Matteson is still in
poor health. Foot-piusts.
Jan. 1. The Mipper given by the
Good Templars on New Year's eve was
gnind success.
A parly and candy pull at the resi
dence of R. II. Goo1in Monday evening
was an enjoyable affair.
On New Year's day two more ouls
were made happy. They were Charles
Phillips and Zilla Howard. A. A. Phil
lips did the deed. We hoje Lonzo tied
the knot securely.
An old lady named Nesson is seriously
Cornelius welcomed the new year with
bells, guns, whoops and anything ele
that would make a noise.
R. W. McNutt's stage owing to bad
roads and deep snow in the mountains.
is unable to make regular trips to Ver
non i a.
Wm. Scftggs, a former resident, was
in town one day last week.
Will Scholrleld is in Astoria on busi
C. S. McNult, of Yernonia. spent the
holidays here.
Miss Emma Miller ha joined the
class in tclegraphv taught by I r .
Jo-eph Lee, who is attending school
at Salem, spent the holidays nt home
1 . 11 u iu . . .
m innl tho hfllrl;iv nt home.
Engineer Robinson of the A. & S. C.
R. It. came in town Sunday and returned
vesterday to the engineering camp. He
says the line will W of an easy grade
about 2 per cent, (or 2 feet 111 100) over
the mountains. This will enable good
time to le mtde by the train, and will
cession less wear of the ermanent way
snd rolling stock than if the grade were
Preston Southwnrth npper once more
upon our streets after an absence of some
vesrs. He is now on a visit from east
ern Oregon to his mother, Mrs. Reynolds,
nd his sisler, Mrs. Fred Olsco of Hills
Fred A. Herrington, who has been
teaching school at Gales Creek ami
Hethaiiy, Ktarted for his home at Olivet,
Michigan, on last Monday morning
Fred has been in our county alniut a
venr and has proved himself a gentleman
nd a good teacher. He expects to re
turn at some time and bring a colony of
leople to the land of plenty, red apples
nd pretty girls.
M. H. Parker was in Portland on bist
Friday am you ought to Fee that over-
Rev. J. A. Campbell has gone to the
tste of Washington to administer to hi
thfk there. Look out ye yellow -legged
fowls roost high.
Mr. S. Msrkeeof Forest Orove was in
IlilUboro the first of the week.
VV. A. Piosser of Scholls Ferry paid
this office a visit last week.
World" taff
Rcrt Tozier, of the
Portland, spent New Year's Eve in
Dr. Richards is now located at a
placet-ailed Houghton, in Washington.
C. H. McNutt, of Vernonia. was in
Hillsboro Monday.
John Hamil, of Rethany, made this
office a pleasant call Monday. He says
his little lov, who was hurt recently
with a pitchfork, is improving and
strong hfesnre entertin?J of his entire
recoverv .
Burt. Kin of A. W. Lucas of Mon
mouth, Oregon, expects to go to Kurope
with a bicycle party. Iteinizer.
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh
that contain Mercury,
as mercurT win mirny nenroy ine sene
of smell and complftly ilersng- the
whole system when entering it through
the mticou surface. Such articles aliould
never le ned except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten fhld to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured dy F. J.
Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine. It is taken internally, and
mads in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
SJ3old by Druggists, pries 75c per
frVj-vS,- ..Saw- ,
'KJ 1 i
I rrnti CAPITAL.
) m.r,
I,4-Uiilc better from Ocr Special
Washington City, I). C,
Dec. 23, 18S9. )
Ed. Ixdkpkxdf.xt : On July
16, 1790, George Washington ap
proved the act of congress estab
lishing the permanent seat of gov
ernment of the United States 011
the hanks of the Potomac, and on
March 30th of the following year.
in a proclamation, he defined the
permanent lines of the Federal
The city of Washington is situ
ated on the left hank of the Poto
mac, 185 miles from the ocean . It
has broad, clean, well -paved streets,
and in these three particulars is
not surpassed by any city in the
country. '
The Washington of to-day, how
ever, bears little resemblance to the
place of fifteen years ago. "Boss"
Shepard will be remembered by the
world as a political scoundrel, but
by the citizens of Washington as
a public Ijenefactor. The prosper
ity of the city elates from his
"reign." Prior to this the drain
age was poor, the streets muddy,
and what is now the most fashion
able quarter, was practically a
marsh. All this he changed.
Most of the streets are paved
with asphaltum, of a dark gray
color, and smooth as a floor; this
slopes easily from the middle both
ways, and on account of its smooth
ness, no matter how wet it may
be, half an hour's sunshine will
make it dry. The remaining
streets and avenues are covered
with a superior quality of lielgian
pavement, and the sidewalks arc
all of stone and brick .
With this era of internal im
provement came the increase in
population, and the corresponding
rise in the value of real estate.
Since then it has doubled in pop
ulation, having now alnnit 220,000,
one-third of which is colored.
A United States senator the
other day pointed out to me a
vacant lot on Connecticut avenue,
one mile and half from the capital,
which he could have purchased ten
years ago for ten cents per square
foot, but which could not now le
bought for ten dollars jx.-r square
Washington is a city of hotels,
landlords, and tenants due largely
to the character of its jopulation,
iivliirMi frimr ntid tii witli tin tii!e
. ...... .
01 political online. 1 nis, i;ov-
ever, is not so much the c;im- as
formerly, for within the last tight
years the application of the civil
service rules to the non-political
clerical positions have given these
positions a stability, which has in
duced the occupants to invest their
means and live in homes of their
own. Hence it is that the business
men and real estate dealers of
Washington are the most ardent
supporters of civil service reform.
To repeal it would le to unsettle
real estate values, and prevent the
collection of many outstanding
The area of the city is more than
6,000 acres, of which 2,000 acres
is occupied by parks and streets
the remainder by residence and
business places, and government
Before giving in detail the de
scription of any of the many places
of national interest here, it may In.
well, for the benefit of those who,
like myself, until recently, have
never been here, to give the in an
idea of the situation of the gov
ernment buildings and how occu
pied. What is called the capitol build
ing is used wholly by congress and
the U. S. supreme court, and even
then it is not adequate for the
needs. No other government busi
ness is transacted there. On Penn-
isylvania avenue, one mile from the
eanitol. and in sicht of it. is the
treasury building, occupied by the
secretary of the treasury and his
army of employes. On the Mock
adjoining this is the White house.
or to use its proper and legal de
signation, the "executive mansion.'
Here the president lives ami has
bis office. lie is rarelv at the
capitol, except on sjiecial occasions.
Across the street from the t-xct utive I
mansion, is the finest public build-j
ing in the world, and it ucd by
the great departments of the state,
war and navy. In another jx.rtion
of the city, several squares distant,
is located the department of the
interior; and near by, the jH-nsion
office, which has an immense
building of its own; while in still
another location i the attorney-
general's office, agricultural depart
ment, postoflice department, and
library buildings. All of these, in
the aggregate, represent an outlay
of fifty millions of dollars in their
The capital building itself is 750
feet long by 324 in width, including
oorticos. and is located on the
western edge of the plateau of
Capitol hill, in the midst of a park
containing 50 acres. It is of the
Corinthian style of architecture.
- I :
J A'
!and is composed of stone and
marble. On the north, west and
south, is a grand stairway, consist-
j ing of 64 steps, a marble ter
f rat-e. which add rtn!lv to the
' r - j
imposing appearance of the struc
ture. From the centre rifce.s tj:e
dome, built of iro!i, and 22S feet
from the ground to the top of the
statue of Arret ica, which surmounts
it, and 135 feet in diameter. The
dome alone cost one million of dol
lars, and the whole building, in
cluding repairs of the injuries clone
by our British cousins in 1S14,
The first floor of the cnpitol is
occupied by committee rooms, re st
aurants, etc. On the second floor,
in the north end, is the senate, and
the south end the house of repre
sentatives, while between the centre
and the senate is the supreme court
room, and between the house and
the centre is what used to In? the
house of representatives, but now
is statuary hall. Directly in the
middle, letveen the court room
and statuary hall, is the rotunda
of the capital, 100 feet in diameter,
with the whole interior of the dome
visible, with its bas-relief figures,
and in the very top, 1S0 feet alsve,
is an immense painting, wlm.-e
gigantic figures look as though
they would fall ujtoti you from
their dizzy height, in the rotunda
are eight panels, ami in each of j
these is a great painting typical of j
some event in the history of our
country, as follows: "The Laud
ing of Columbus," painted in 1 S4 2,
cost; " Discovery of the
Mississippi, y De Soto," painted
1S50, cot ;?i 2,000; "Baptism of
Pixahontas,' painted 1S30, cost
$10,000; "Fmbatkatiou of the Pil
grims," painted 1S40, cost ;jo.n; 1
"Signing the Declaration of Inde-j
pendence," 1S17, cost $S,(.jo; I
"Surrender of Burgoyne," 1 s 1 7 , j
vS.csui; "Surrender of ConnvalSjs." I
1H17, s,ooo; "Washington resign
ing his Commission, 5.ox).
The interior of the capitol is a
wilderness: of hall
Corridors, and i
. . . . . ,
cjrand stairways ot slut me; marble
, , .- 'i .1.. i .. .
aim ricn irescoe. 1 un- i"uiii
of art there is here mnch of inter- !
est. in tlie many more, mention;
must he made of one paintinj.
tint !
handover the landing that leads .
to the diplomatic 'alkrv. It rep-'
resents Icrry s victory l,:ke . ii.ti 1 .uk- ' -
ahlv .veil executed, aiMl represents j
IVrr' in a small lunt, in the mivlst .
of hattle, licim rowt-d !roi:i one
lii p to another. The sind il
around, and two of the oarsmen
have Ken struck, while tlie com
mander stain's defiant, the centre
of the irrouu. The co-t 01
canvas was :i.n..- I h a e at-!
tetulcu sessions ot ine. senate, iionse
anl supreme court, nml seen mo-t
f . .
of the jrreat party le.i'h-rs on hoth
iilcs. and in the next will have
something to -ay ahout thein, and
the memhers r.f the mo-t august
tril'tina! in the world.
Congress aljonrnetl .Saturday ;
until January 6th. The weather
here has more the appearance of,
Mav than Decc-inher.
C. K. Kin nr.-
rrm iinr '
I irt a col.l. tlicn 11 eoiiyh, llicncoti
.uniption, tli.-tl dentil. took lr.
Vcker'ti KnglNh Il.'incly for Coiiutiiji-
tion t lit. nioiiietit I Ih-ooi to conli, mnl
bclitve it Kiwil itty life." -W.-i'tcr N
A'allMce, Vnliin)4t')ii. Forwent Jlill-
MIIll I'll lMII 14 V.
nun 1 it .
Surah Ilenl as hot n n Mr l'ot e-1 I ! i ove.
Oregon, Fe'oriinry 1, 1 Sl!5. vvlu-ie lie
.in. it tl.u llm. lit tn.i.ri ..... t..
Nanc Herirtctt October 4. 1S(J. She wh
,t one time a atu.lent in T. A. mi l P. U
she became a Christ inn in lss; ,tf,,l lived
1 devoted life unto t!ie cud, wiii. h oo
iirrcil at llarrisliiiri;. Or., I einbt r V;i.
Isl. Her fiinei :.I t4.k pi ti e from tin j
lUotist i him li in Forct .toe leccin-
er '?'5, whence he win by n
r;e t riiin of rein t i ve ami in p-it hii
rieiid-. t ISnXton lemeterv. where ue
iiiil her to rest tint it theooMfn iUrttiinL
if the elerniil tlnv.
Absolutely Pure.
luU ie-vr vari... in ; ii I of
onritv. ilreiiwtb an.! n. -.
ecoi4ii.irHl thHii tl.i. ord.i.ary kirnl-. imc.
CUtlUot lie-. Id IU 0ol4ll'ti:iotl wi'li ! mul
titude of lo- tent, uliort v.i.-l t !utn or
phoMuhat twjt-r. SM onj etinn.
lOT4I. IUINl I'owiiaa '-.
nlrt tf
Ki; W'k!1 Ki.
v v.
SKU.KD HII)Sv,i;i w received on MON'
I W. the TJd to imiimh tin. I own
of lilUtKru with for l iaiil.uu
Street and Cr-nint-'i f r tlie enr eintmt
December Ut, li'M. Hv order of Trustet.
J. W. hHU'lX,
dU-tS Ckairmain buett Coin.
1 rr-nTTrw Vs
o.vx r'u.iriv vmra.'Jii JJL.
"f rbftrsT Croveor. lU
USnter Term Opens Jammry 2d, 1!H Bnt few INmhiih lire Vsrant In
Ii.iics !!.(!:. Alter Ihe-c me full, pood Koonis 111 11 y he found outside. Apply
rar!. I vlYiimaudilj Tree. Elocution Free. French and Oerninn Free,
l or ln!..imatioi., ;..Mr l'lUXI 1K ST KLIJW.
r::;r:::!he I nlcrlirncd has a Lnrire IM of:n:ttltt
A 11I nil other Kinds of M IMlllV
Term, ut hi Nursery, Two Mini one-luilf
Oreirwii. Add rex I
A Dry Gousch"
I ! tti't ro:! m well a tiiii!?i:im.
I I ri inli.r il.e pjtKTt I !! tt tli rnp.
tur A l.loo'l v-ss-l or to other cr:on
l.ij iry of tl r't ami luiis. To allay
til'O'K.lili.l in jlfe'iOil Mll'l piVt! ilUIMfMljUf
r-!;-f, th- leif luchciiiw U Aer'
Cherry Pectoral.
I : i.-.-.-j:t! v tr.i' I'lol with a dry
v i i I. -;. iij-'l to ,aiii-il Ijv ;ii
in ' .'in in tii tlir.'Mt. My Siy
(,.-- i . .!! n.-. tint lin u : I :is nik
A !?; vr : -!!( M'.", siiy
1 1 -i 1 .14 i-.-ii i-'t I A v r' lirii y
! u. I .'i i'-'l In try it, nihl hi i .
.11 1 ... I ;l ' w t ' I . I , 1 1 1 I Vll. ! 4 t ,J4 II Mil.
4.1.: 4. ti.- , I ( iU i I im-4' 11 4-li;li'
1.1 .in I, ;.. Il.t linn I
11-' .! ;i .k.iii 4 ..n.'li lull 4-iitinlv
I- .I."-- II! W. I. iiii- . I uiiil.liii
1 . 1 ! . .i 1 ' .-. , M t-.
1 - . V. l rr I1. . t..cil I. :,,U nil
-' : 'I.-u ''i4-, iif.-. i 1 . 1
j.. . 1 . -. 1 1 -. 1 'm 1. hi :aiii lutiu trim l..-. "
H . II . I in ! ,v 4 I ; il'v!tt"t. 'a 1 -nil,
" f .4 .
Ayer's Clisrry Pectoral,
l ill lMIU l liV
Or. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, M?tw.
cM . il ! .rugi.'. I'n. r f I ; fix Will . f 4,
OF Hll.l.sF.olto
1;u t ;i OiMicrul l!.ilikin j4iiiii.
f. W. SIU' I T.
r. j. MtnanN....
I. D. Mi:iii:VMA
... VllK-HUKNT
. . Vi4 K-l'uKxIl.t VI
iU wilit Kxfhitiii'H mnl T lt-fri'pli in
l iaift-is. .uid i,u-n letter of Ciidn!e ilir..ii.l,.ut th4 l StHte.
Ilr:iw4 I'ilN of r.xrlwini'f. on Loiuloti,
I.i-riMd. 1 )ut.ii. I'uriw, lb rlui, FranMort- j
........ ... .......... ...... g. ..)...
cum of 1
( 'ollcctioim nmdn mi punt,.
i;.uikinr hour from ' . m. to 3 . m,
- - 1
..... ........ . 1
A.l r III' I Ili !
& ("0t
yyj ; j 23015 j
63 Front Street, ,
.... . .... ,, ... ,.,. :
I 1 i. t . if. 1 i ,'.r.
C.vrtis ohle Distillery,
.los. Schlilz' Hrewlnx Co.,
Milnaul.ce. Ills Hcltle.l llccr,
kcinieilt'k i:jt ImSiil hillcr.
"-. .. .
fi? juirt,' IB7.
11. iiixisciinEno
j I lie wi ll Uii'iwu t pt ici ni of oT V. Fourth
! Str. iuiid-r I'Knt.m II .u i. St. Iioiiii, li:m
I ,iiHiiii:. il ' l:- l'inrn.Mi', tif IIiIUImii-.i. mm
iL' lor Mm It-lira t -a I ii;iiiotul Mh-i-iucIcm
'.Mil I'VI 'IjluMMI'H, Htlll lllM.1 f I X II I M I 1 lillllllld
Son 'Iwi:ij.'i uliti- SjMwtiicle nnd Fvi'i.'U'-m.'N.
I iji-Ft- (iias-t-H (no tli. rt Hti t mv. iiti.iii
i-vcr m.idf in Npi-ctiu'ta lly n proper con
it ru.-i ioti . tli.. h )M r- 11 piiri li'iMiiii h
l iir of !li.-r- Sou 'liantj.'.ilile .1m-4-m iicv.-r
.). to litiii'e ttii-rrf. C,liiM-t4-a Ir.mi tint rytf,
iiiil en rv pair .i.rrti.i-K il uu UHrHiitt-fd, if tin y ever le.iva the eye I no niHt-!i-r
li"v riwti-d or HiT.iti-ljtd the J.e'iHoM nre
1 hev will f 'ii nisi, t lift part v wit Ii n m-w pmr
f (il.'ixMi'M f r. of clu.rve. I Ii I'lmriuni'v !
!i:n ;t luil niH-irtii.eirt, mnl invite nil Vl.o i
) A'uli to h.iiisiv i.ii-insene-i oi i lie pn-ni
.uj.eii.ntv f tl.eie l.iMieM ovi r Buy mid nil
ri "-..V,' "V:,1 "VtM Vl
..oil.. ill iiir- iiiiinuni.i i ii it in. ii. n.ii.-
u i's for; llui;lieM.V 1'nlli r.n, i
ti,' ii for roreMt t.rove. No IVd.llerM I
a. r.-tt
KSII'.l'.S to uimoune to ritisi-nM of
Hillslniro and llm tdiblio eiiernllv,
'hut lie linn oMnetl im i-Mtiifililiiuui for tU
MiiiiiutucturH und rep-'iir of
NYit Dour t It. tvu'a Sun, on Min Ft
Ml vork KO-'irnntii'd ltroiian ri'oct
fully acliciteil. ol i t
I'itsIi Xcw 3Iilth
ion .hai.i::
lllfj lire if
W. U i I KT1S,
l i at Grove, t)r. yon
i.ovr :
T THK CT.OSK of the i.atu fV.unt,
rirl lliilHlioro, ( In Lnre Uit.
1.1.I IllVlv
I AMU. .f
lu i inNiot'
tLankfullr H-ceiTi-.l and
I'llill.-H pHlJ.
D. C
I .rcH Ol OVe, )r .
1 ! of Uiial Nf t Jem tit f.
VOIM'i; i iir rel.v i. I veil tli itie lltulcr
i(. f-it.ii il 1. us 11!. ii li-r t;ii4l ui-oiint nit in'. : it ri v of tli4 iut n liiruui
1 lioMinni!, .li ceineil, iu tlie I ountr Court of
I ht 1I1. nt r. i'i.ii fur Vi'Hhliinutiiti I Vmnt v.
j ,, t(,f nHti iiurt Int4 H.ioiiitHl the firit
j MIINHU in t' t.rtiui v, ":, at tliohonrof
() a. M.. fi the timt.-for heBrintr obj.tiou
to such tiiial accouni una lor Nettleiuiit
AdiTiiriiHtrtrtt vi the Kmutu of
dl'.'t'. Ihnuu Uowiiin, Occ'ti.
IltOM th head of ration Vnllev, twelve
Lead of cattle, branded 'U"oii the left
uiri. Anyone giving information will be
well rtwarUc?,
Forest Grove, Do, 17, lHn'J.
I '" 1 I t B II 1 II BJISM
: ' 'J ... i
The Standard of h.
......1.1., i'i I aft Mart afl AM
r mi
I equal to tlie best.
STOCK irmly lor Deliver), on Kny
ihIIch orthwcT of TOKMXll'S
XV. OltTKir. iiiellufc, Oregon.
X sappinutp,
i:t::0FFICK AT tUT0,nji
IXMIFIIK they r prepared to innk
T 'ontritctH for tli I'uruhsiM or HU
of hl MimM it KhirU in WirnhfutftuM
or Vitiul.ill Aiuutit, on reoimlil ittui
II. C. KAY. MO II, .Notary TubUc
Jflunk W!', MortuHcen, Hto , nt tinuil
.WmlrticU il'tiiim U wlit'ii Ut'ulrwtl,
I t.ik i'ot wi '4i'ht or Tn HrT or i
tln t'oii fur WPHhiotou County,
I. I.. Kniilli it ii J Jimii-M T Kiuilh,
partner, il iiil liiiMiiiemi under
Id firm IIHIII44 nf 1. i, Hni i III dc
Hon, I'laiiitiit,
Chin li Hint!, I i fonjiuit.
'IV) r ilAKI.I H IHA IT, thaiihova-nAioea
' ll.-!lUil'.t.
. Wi tlie tirttuf of H tut. 4 of Oregon; Vou
hiv lit-n-liv ri'ipiiri'il to Hpiienr in Haid Court,
it ii J Miii r tin- coniiilitiiit tilttd niuitiHt you
in thu ipve entitled net loll, ly MON'OAV,
iHimnry Ctti, IM'.MI, the nu Iming tha flmt
diiv of' H i- jHiiiiurv, Ih'.h), term of said
Court: hihI if ion (nil mi to Hiuwar, llm
; I'i.ui'tiiT will Ii.Lm jiiiliemetit suniimt you
i fur ill.- mi in 4f i;.l:t:i.l.'(, with intereiit tlierou
I from Julv I Mil, 1HJ--4. nt tlm mt of H mi
I i-i iit. pi-r iiiiii'iiii, (.nd for their eiMfs Hntl
iIinIhiikoiiii'IiIm Ik r in, mid t lint ths follo
, itiu ili-Hi-i ii,t ii pi'roniil proierty hnioiiKini
to i ii mnl utt.u i.t a iifri'in im Hoia, to-wlt
. .'"". . i--JMewuj, i iHvw mwir
''"".i-. . cu .irH, i roch n cunir, i mirror.
I loiu.u'r. I 4, mnl 1 vvir lunttrKH,
Hint uUo. tliut tho following ilenrrilwil
iirvf. piir.'elw nnd triictn of IhiiiI, tmiuu lu
.. m-umi. "ii . i , , fii'i:i'i, h.iu iwiuii.ur,
1.. .n, mid HtiHched hmem, Im sold, io-
old, to-
Uff Kt iff
w. nit-
ier., mWl
Nt '1 met - lloiimh'd l.y coiniuenaluff i
S. K. cor. of th N. I;. '4 of tlia H.
tii. ;n, 1 v 11. 4 v win. tnr.,
ruimni tiuiic.. north :u iimimi tiieno we
:Z r" c" 7""" snca
Ji rod to iI.b im of lii-inniiiu, ooutHin-
'''-nd TrUlM,, the N. of th. 8. K V
- . 4 w., Will. nr.,
cntiiaiiiiiu; y (ii'U'Mi nnd tlmt tha prootMiiU
f. the aatiMfactiou
'1 hi muimuioim in rvaJ by pnhlirttinn
Vv ,'" ,l,'r. ",l u'" ,1,?,,,,'u
! uui;n 111 1 111- ii.'.ft 1- 1111111111 , 'I'lir,, l,nuv liui,
d.itcil nt Cli:Miilro. nt HilUhoro, Oregon,
,. ,N,,v iiit,.T IL'ili,
Attorney for Fliiintiff.
101: s vi.r. t
wiua 11 1 nw unii
.1. oi:rni:or.
?IenU nt All
II o lira.
Mceljj Fiirtilnlieil Itoonsw
(oiiiicctton with the Kentanraut.
tvCSlPrcsh Oyatcro
AImmvh on Hand.
m mmm h ai
J J wl FCECEIvlil
aaaanBaaaaaaaBa i
Immense Stock
Toliiicco mid Clgnrs,
Millinery (Joodf.
Silks, Ties,
Hosiery, (Slovcs,
Dress TrlininliigM.
All or which will he sola
ut prices to meet
BQrHlfhe.t Market Price Paid ftf
tUKludii f l'rodoce.