THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JUNE 7. 1888 liiMiilu is : A FATAL MISTAKE. Tiib Cleveland (Olao) Press, of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal surgical operation which caused a great commotion among med ical men throughout the "whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It? appears that a Mrs. King had been suffering for many yeare from some disease of t be stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a plight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a peculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that has been described as a faint "all gone" sensation, a sticky slime collecting about the teeth, causing a disagree able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. Af ter a while the hands and feet became cold and sticky a cold perspiration. There was a constant tiled and lan guid feeling. Then followed a dreadful nervousness, with gloomy forebodings. Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in the stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifi able. Accordingly, on the 22d of February, 188.J, the opera tion Was performed by Dr. Vance in the presence of Dr. Tuckernian, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Arms, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Capner, and Dr. IlalliweH'of the Police Board. The operation consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen and exposing the stomach and bowels. When this had been done an examin ation of the organs was made, Imt to the honor and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found. The pa tient did not have a cancer. -When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a , terrible mistake ; but they sewed the parts together and dressed the wound that they had made, but the poor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a sunrical operation that ought- ' never to have been performed. If this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia find Nervous Prostration (for this was what the disease renlly was), she would have been liv ing to-day. Shakkk .Extract of Koots, or Seiof.t.'s Curative Stbup, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion, has rest lvd many such cases to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment have failed. The evidence of it3 efficacy in curing this class of cases is too voluminous to be published hero; but those who lead the published evidence in favor of this dyspeptic remedy do not question its convincing nature, and the article has an extensive said. Tualatin Hotel Main Street, bet -d and 3d Hillsboro. - - Oregon. R. WAGGENER, Proprietor. THE TABLE WIIX COSSTAXTLT BE 8CP plled with the best the market fTords, sDd no pains or ,iim will be sparsil iu striTind tor ths comfort of guests. Excellent Aecommodattoas and Popular Price ! LARGE SAMPLE ROOM For the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. -4- KEE COACH To and from tbe House -.nl8-tr a. r.i. Collins, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER Millwright. and I will f Ornish doors, windows, frames, blinds and mouldings of all descriptions. CT-Office and shop near Fianey' black mitbsbop. Billaboro. March 31 Leprosy Expert4mt. Claus Spreckels, the sugar king, still tarries in this city. The other night he said that as common as lep rosy is in the Sandwich islands and among the yellow race, and as great as the efforts had been to arrive nt some knowledge of its origin and course of transmission, hitherto ab solutely nothing had been learned. Five years ago, he said, an eminent German physician and surgeon was specially commissioned to visit the Sandwich islands and investigate the subject. This doctor is still there but in spite of nnmerous and care fully conducted experiments, con fesses himself as ignoant'as the day he landed. One instance was cited by MV. Srreckles. There had been a murder committed by a healthy native, who was condemned to death. The German doctor begged the con vict's life from King Kalakaua on the condition that the convict would submit to experimentation. Consent was given and the man was severlv inoculated with the blood of Ip?r- without any apparent effect. At lust the German dissected a piece of ilenli as big as the paliu of his hand out of the shoulder of a living leper and sewed it into awound he made in a corresponding position on the shoulder of his subject. Even this failed. This was four years ago, and the convict is to-day a healthy man. X. Y. World. Somewhat Ironical. -prppos of General Sheridan's ill ness, when he was visiting here about j twelve years ago with his brother Mike of the Seventh Caval- ry. old llrtiuii (everybody knew Baum who died some three years since) told some friends that he and the gcucral were "thick an thieves," or words to that effect, and that in the days when he was a lieutenant here he never thought of calling him anythijng but "Phil." Seeing the famous cavalryman crossing the grounds at the Vancouver Barracks i and coming towards them the in credulous friends of Baum said: 'Here comes Sheridan now, let's hear you call him 'Phil. " Sure enough up walked Hautn, and extending his hand said: Hello Phil," and Sheridan with a twinkle in his eye, lecollecting the name of the old timer who so famil iarly addressed him and probably associating it in his mind with that i of the t'ommandei in Chief of the army of La Grand Dittvhw, quick as a flash replied with a military sa lute, "How are you General?" And "General" Baum he remained in Oregon to his dying day. Welcome. An effort should be made to pass a bill through the next legislature requiring insurance companies to pay, in case of a tofcil loss by fire, every dollar for which the property is insured. The advantages of a law of this kind would be'nutnerous. In the first place the insured would then only pay a per cent, upon the amount he would receive in the event'ofa fire and he lost his prop erly. While it is well known that companies claim that they will not insure for more than v of the value . . i Of the property, we know that they . . 1.1 do insure someunie.s for a jrreat deal ; more than the value of the property, which has a tendency to invite in incencliarism at the haiiils of dishon est persona who are carrying a large insurance. The companies should be allowed to receive a premium up on no greater suni than they are willing to pay in case of a loss by fire, and this thing of sending ad juster to ascertain the logs on a dwelling or other house when the house in totally destroyed, would not be heard of, but the value of the building would be fixed beforehand ffOldcndaltt Sentinel. SLIM. piIE BEAUTIFUL .WEAK -OLD DAUK J. Dapple Hay Stallion, will make the Season of l??i8 in Washington County as follows: Thursdays, at Wm. Waters', near Centre ville; Thursday niiv'ht ami tilt Friday noon, at Greenville; all other days at the f.irm of the undersigned, one mile east of IlillsU-ro. Service The Measoit IiiMnrniire--- -t.OO 1 .,,. ., . . . SLI.IAI weighs over l.X) js.ninls: is l.y oUl ltotaiuano, a Pen-heron: lv Wash- ! mcton. he by old huffolk fundi, of t alitor , nia; Sd dam Old Sally, owned hv Wm. John- ! son, ot Olencoe, now deceased know ii as i the Pease mare, she by imp ltamhh r. tboroURhbreu. Kvery possible care will be taken t pre vent accidents, but no responsibility assumed P. M. JACKSOX. Hillsboro, April ", 1S.S8. a.-.'in YOUNG GLEN 13 a handsome black. 7 years old. nnd weigh l."o0 poand.s. Was sired by imported Gleneld, winner at the Centennial in ls;i;. 1st dam by old Pathfinder; 2d dam bv Chal lenge, he by rllackhawk. and he by Morsan. 'this beautiful Stallion will make the Season of 1SHS in Washington County, as follows: Tuesdays, at Oieenville Wednesdays, at Gales Creek Thnrsdavs. at .... Cornelius Fridavs. at FarniinKton ! Saturdaya. at Hillsboro j Sundays and Mondays, nt K. SehierTelin's ' Fa nil, one mile north of Inglea 1. O. - Terms nnd f 10 j Every possible enre will be teken to prevent accidents, but no responsibility assumed. fifFor further particulars, nddress E. Schieffelm or Ik A. Jobe, Hillsboro,Oregon. E. SCHIEFFKLIN. March 29, 1888. nil's lui "PNEUMONIA." Why not Call this Terrible Scourge hj it I'lghtful Name? (AV-r York Tt tejrttM.) Manv a strong, well limit man leave Lome to-.lav: before tii-lit he will luve m-r.ill and in a W hours w ill ! d.u I This is tlse wny the dreaded nutin !.. takes tsiIe oil'. The list of notable tuen vt ho an- its vic tims is appall'tri-.'- It weei over the land like a s.-our;'. ami destrovs poor ami ri h alike. Kvervone d .U it. Its romiii is mid den. its termination usually speedy. What causes it? , . Pneumonia, we are fold, is invite.l ) a eertain condition oi the sti-tu. in di.ated if on.- s i v;isioii:l rhilis :u: fevers, a ten.!. -n. V to eol I in the thro.i: an.l lung's rheumatic- ami neurnli. pains, extreme tire.l feeling. M.'-r: breath an.l pleuritie stitrhes in tliu i-!e. Ion of apis-tite, Ia-k:ii he, nervous un rent, wuMinii sf fixation or brunt an-t discolored fluids heart rtntteriiiir. t-.-nr stomach, d 1st reused look, putty eye ;i. e. hot and dry skin, lo-ii oi ntn-n-iii an I virility. These indications may not appear to gether, they may eon:e, disappear an.l reap-ar for yearn, the is-rson not realiz ing that they a rw natuie'a warning oi a coming calamity. In other wr!s, if pneumonia does not claim an a victim the person having sueli symptoms iiiif less sii.Meii hut quite a- fata! malady certainly will. A eelehrat. d New York physician tM I he Tiiti,r that pneumonia was a s n- dary disorder, the exoHire and eM being dimply the aiient which dewlop the disease, already dormant in the cy tem, liecause the kidney bve l?eii hut partially doiin; their duty. In shorti pneumoniae hut an early indication of a brighfn disease I condition. Thin im paired net ion may exist for years with out the patient suspecting t lsM-anse no pain will le felt in the kidneys or their vicinity and often iteaii be detected only by chemical and mit-riK'copieal observa tions. Nearly 150 of tli 740 deaths in Xw York City the first week in April (and in six weeks 71 deaths were caused by pneumonia ! The di-easo is very ottstinab, ami if the aceonpaiiyin kidney disorder is very far advanced, recovery is inn eible. for tin? kidneys jri v out entirely, and the patient is Iii, -rally siill'in-ated by water. The only safeguard against pneumonia is t matiit.iiu a vigorous . oii.ii'l iii of the :-ystl-m. and thlls prer.-,,t in nltrl, by iisim: whatever w ill radically and eiiectually restore full vitality to the kidneys, lor if the; tire not minw', piu'H uiouia rmtuitt lc prerenteih For this pur ofio there is nothing 'n?:!l f. Warner's safe cure, a renu'dy kno'.vn to millions, usctl probably by hundreds of thousands and eommem led as a standard specifio wherever kn.iwn and used. It does not pretend to cure an attai k of pneiimoiiia, but it tlif nitnnf tlif cuuxr ' tt)it pre rent that dieae if taken in tin:e. Xo reason able man t in doubt this if he regards th crso:ntl xerienee of thousand- of honorable men. When a physician pays his patient has either bright's disease or pneumonia he confesses his inability to cure, and in a measure lie considers his rej)i;sitilrty ended. In many instances, indeed, jer sons are reported as living of pnermonia, heart disease, apoplexy an.l convnlsioriH, when the real cause if ileath ami so known by the i-hysician is this kidney consumption. Thousands of jeople have it without knowing it and jwrish of it because their physicians will not tell them the facts? The same fate await? every ono who will not exercise his judg ment in snch a matter. TV naM Ann lann,rl InBjnlrMil lifo 1 less, and Indescrihahly ruiserahk, both phyei- ! cally and mentally; experieuce a eensu of ruunees or i.kxirimr alter eutniir. oroi jforw nees," or eiuptniea of stomach in the morii inpr. tonRuo coated, bitter or had taste in mouth, irreirular appetite, dizziness, fn-pir-iit 1 faeadp.cbes. blurred evi-sivrht. "Iloaii'iir sis-eks" 1 before the eyes, m-rvoiis prostniiioR or ei- ' baustion. irntubility of temiw v. J.r.t tiuli-K. t alternatiiiy with hilly eemntions, ehurp, I biting, transk-nt ffius hero omt tis ro, c-oiu ! ices. in-owBincss n r r r minis, waKetulnepfl, or disturbed an.l imrefrehimr Bk.t-Uu etHismnr. ina. nimble i&oiiux ol, or or iuipona- : intr calamity? I hj ii you nave ail, op any considerablo number of tin-so symptoms, you aiu enlTerinir from trial most common or Aiii-ri-uii uiulanite ' Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid i.iver, associated ! compliant. d yonr ditMiso lias heeoma, the greater tlie number ami diveinity of aymp toms. No innff.T what sa? it n lr. Ilerce,J;oltl-i 2lellrul Jlecoery will eutiilue if, if t ilvil iKi-oniinjr to iir--tions tor a reasonable h-nirrhof time. If not cured, cnmplicutiona multiply nnd t'oiiKiiinii tion ot t he Lmiiri, Skin 1 iseus.-8. Heart Di-n', Klii-uii-iitisiii, Ki.iu. y DiwiiiM-. or otix-r R-rave mala.lif-8 aroijuiLo linMo t-iw t in aud, eoomr or latt-r, in-lu. r ii fatal trrmm il ion. Dr. riene'ii (ioldvu iltdleal Die. covery acta powerfully upon the Liver, and thrrw-frb that great hi.M-xl-purifyinir orKan, cW-unsfSthcfrysti-mof all Mood-taints and im-puritii-s, Jrom whatever emise nrisinjr. It is coualiy elUi-nci'Mis in artiux umna tlio Kid neys, anil oiti.-r excretors- -rp-;iu.s, l -ansm isimr. atrtniftlionm?, nnl eiilunr tin ; 1ix-a.n. As S Vi I . r'.:T.Vi.i - .i " v J.'V'"" w.iuder of all mho v sit his Studio. In in ?,'!??L,0??. y nutritiiio. thrtvhy bi il.lin up .; ir..i., ... v it. .. tilis wonderful m. .11. Ino has irainel s:reat i-elebrity in curinir Fcvernnd Apue, Clnlliaud I eT nver, uiimo akuo, and hinUred diseasea. nr. rierte-i ooiaeu ineaicai I Cir?!' CURES ALL KUr10RSa froin a common Itioteh. or Eruption. to the worst ScroruU. halt-rrtt-uin. " Ft-ver-aorea," Poaljr or Rough kia. In fhoit. all ' cautjed by had Wood ara CfMi'iucrr-d by this j crvr&T. Its Iwiiirn intlueuue. !eewlly has it mani- festeil us potency in curing Tetter, Eczema. , Erysipelas. Boils. "ni himclvs. Soro Even. Hcrnf- i iiIoim Soreti and Hwclli.-Mra, liip-toiiit Di-aso, I "White Swellinirs,' tioitre, or Thick Neck. ! ana Kniarireii ilimds. frnd ten cents in ramps for a lanro Treatise- with pnlniMl plates, on Skin lliwases, r tlio Krno amount tor a Tix-utiao on k.-rofiiloii Affettiona. FOR THE DLOOO ISTHS LIFE." Thoroughly clflnso It hr nsinr Dr. Pierce (olden Medical DiMOTvrr, and r.skI diirestiou. fair fckin, l.toj-ant spirilo, vital stix-Liath and bodily health wiil bo ratiOiUsbcd, CONSUMPTION. which tsScrofnla off he f,nnK, fa arreeed Hii.l euretl hv lhi iwwslr if i ,MI earlier t faired or the dis.n. From ita mar ts an 1 'o. tsiwrr over thh terribly fatal .lineaso. r.rr i wlit ii li:st otTf-rin tliis nor world-fa mr ly to ttx; puhlfe, Tr. Pierce thouIit, p riously I ' 'd!ina; it hia -tosfr-vr-rioN tVur," hut j ainiri.i..nea th,.f name ps too rojrrktivo for t melii iio v!iii-b. l'ro?n its wonderful com- I '""i1 tome, or eiiyrntuctnng-, aHeraUvT?, e hh-i'1-ch-ani.inir. nnii-ilious, is-ctoral, and -M - mtiuj. . j '-w.... ... . " 1 hrouic Dlneiaaca of tkia i Liver, Blood, and Lunqs. For Weak T.untra, Fpittinsr of Blood, f-bort-' ness of Itreatli. i liroinc Kami CttfaiTh, Ilron- ! chitis. Autiiuia, Severe Couahs, aad kindred aff'-etions, it. ia an ellieiei.t remedy. I N.I-1 l.v-IlruKKiribj, at IXiU, or U -kittles : JSf" Send f ev cer.t in etamrs for Dr. Pk-rce's ' book ou t.onsujaptiou. Addreea, World's Stspaasary Bsd!cal Association, : 603 Main St., Bl'iTALQi N.Yi I li.u i: fviMi Tii r.!: on must- l-lawi re.ti e:.t .te s. e:r;tv lu.ti : M ik. r cent., if iMifri'Wff pays t-iTr-i. Will he louned fr a term ol thiec .1 v. r i, .Unl ill sums of itt les ll m:'.t - liu M V'l'I'KllS. N'OI'lCK IS IIKIlF.iJV oivi:n-. tuvr I wilt not lie res-.i!smle f.,r ;ny hiiis eontrneted tv my Hon. Edviu 1 S'hmellzt-r, from this iY.U. liHte.i ScuoiU Ferry, M iv W, 1SH8. rul 5t DANIEL SCUM El1 ZEU. 1 Choice Flowers fori to MRS. AGNES CAMPBELL. CT.OBIBT. now hna it lri- ami wrll-at.ltct.Ml ; st K-k of Flowering 1'lnnta and BaltM fur I S.ile, nt rnsoiialle charge. Among nn i ei.dless vr riety of the choicer! Flowering nt J Folii ge Plants, may be cnumernti-d ; the Fninotis ' STORM KING FUCHSIA. j Come early and make yonr selections. I tT Floral Garden Acros the street from Judge HumpUreys' residence, in HoatU ! llillsboro ml-tf For Hale, SMALL LOT OF GOOD COWS ! Part fresh now; others to come in aoon. Inquire of JOIIK II A It I NOV. JOSEPH ENRICH. ' WholeHale and Itrtail jBUTOHER, Forost Grove, Oregon. All kind of FUKSH MEATS ke4 cm- stantly on hand and aold liep f.r I'a-ti. JfHiRheat Market Price paid for Beeves, Hogs, and Mutton Please j;ive me a call. Sheep. a!2 tf EI. LYONS. JOSEPH llKE HILLSBOR0 Livery Stable LYONS & HAKi:, I'mprifl.Ts. Ordora for HACKS. BUGGIES urn- RIDING HORSES, Attended to promptly. ALSO, - FEED STABLE. lmemlH?r the I 'lace MAIN KTKKKT opiHtaite the Tualatin Hotel. HiUslsiio, Or., March 22, lHrt. tf Dress Making Parlors Mrs. LYDIA MESSINGEP, (Or Amiti. 1 II' AS OPENEI A DIIISS 3IAKIXO lViifirtuient in Kooiusover the llills- Imro I'harui.iOT (drug Morel, where sin- will - ... , J tl:n.i... is? pl.-a-w-o io iiiih-i me uiiiu.h ii iiiiiMf.i.F, and can aanure theui of ntisfnetion in gnnlity of work at moderate charge. j DItESS-FITTING A tSI''l t ' 1 ' S-Sr" Please ive me a trial order. P. tj This paper ia kept ea file at the office ef YERSOM DVERTISINq IME3 BUILDING fftgSu PWWOELPHTA. ESTiUATES KKS-TSSS FREE mu4 ia.ta iwrn Cfll'C MIMIItl mUtmwmUm AftH tt OUR O IdARUAL I-ads i4 Photoprnpht r ia the Northwiid. 1'iituies of the tuoet (imminent men and women of Oregon and Washington mar ts- seen at his cnllerv. 'rowne's"sicinrw is in his instantaneous picture of Uahis it... i l . . ,i.a..: i i .i... the remarkalde results ohtaine.1 heint'tlie kiiul of picture, he tjiuirttnter to ive a ! Ix tter class of work, at a hure,- y-'.-e. than any irallery on the l'acitio t oast. All wi!-li-' mt; pictures enlarged will do well to secure estimates In-fore orderinc elsewhere, for r -,.ml. nee solicited, and all orders will S? Ir""Mt "tteiitioi. Studio S W.cor. Y r! Morrisou sts.. INirtland. Oretioii. - TO CALIFORNIA W . .. lreson JL Ctiliforiiin It. It. And Connections. ITHE MT. SHASTA ROUTE! Time I.ctrtrfit Purl laud nnd Snu Fmueir, 3! Iluurs! California Excress Trains Run Daily between Portland and San -rancisco. i.i.avk. I Akutvy. Poitl.uid 4ii P. M. S.Friincisc.. 7:IA.,.I S:inFraii. f "i P. 51. I Portland.. PMOA.M I.mettl 1'nnHrnue-r tttiilu, rj-rr,.s.. I.KAVK. AliLIVK. Portland A. M. Kuetie llMA.JI. Knt-ene 1M0 P. M. ;;:t.-, V. 11 iruLLkviAri ourrci OLLLrcno EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Second-Clasa PiiKSent'ers on all throni:!, trains FliKE OF CHAKGK. The t. .t C. It. H. Feriy makes connection with all the retulnr traina on the Iviat Sid. division li.iii the foot of F Street. Weat Sid Ivivision. UKTWF.KN POIM'LAMi i COHVAIJ.IS. .M;id 'Irain I laiiy, feejt Sunday, i.siTr. -.m!;iii l TS) A. M. llill.l-ir.) h:4.1 A. M. Crviliirt liDI'. 3t. Will tKiro :.:id P. i. AtKlVF. .H-tl A. M ivalliJl Vi-:IX P. 11 1 1 r.rU-l P. M Portland .M Y P. M l?"At Albany find Crvallis rcimect with f rains of ihe. Or"?n 1'aeitie. F.spresa Trnin lh-iiy, except Sur.d iv. I.KATK. r'ortlnnd. 4:.V)P.M,. i;:o."i l'.M .M tM in" vi lle.r.-4.. A. M AhklVi;. HilM).iro. . r.OI P.JI .Melui'ville,:iiiP.M tlillslMiro. 71 A..M l-.iI!-lsjro :...M ; foitl.ind U.iiOA.Al IL P. lyKIF.KS. U. KOI'III.Fl O F. & P.A't. AXaua;;er. n4-t' M 1X T Fred Hambleton, Planter, fan Tromp aai Glen Dudley Will S,1 for service l.c Season ot IHHH nt il.o Fnlr ,roun.H. Illllhoro, WuhuIii.m, .,,, Oii roh. FIIKI Il.tJiitKKTOX .. S-yeair-ol rrrard, t:2K. Hire of Frita Hamhk-ton. winner of the 2- Venr-old htakc at Salem mid Stiokane FalU He i-i a rhentmit horse. 7 veara r,!d. Sire H.YMISI.KTONTA.N aire of Jane I,. IM'.C.'. M.VMUUIXO, 1 dam S-int!ti.-ld Maid (dam of Vnn Tromp. :5-y ;-.r-old utallioa record L':4t'V),by Lakeland AU! illah, frill brother to lUr.,1.1, Mire of Mnnd S. lif4. 2 dam Saluda by Atexnnder'H Alslallali. nrv of (iohlsiuith iVlmu (2:14). 4). actnm Friday faire of d.-tm of j ola rM""r 'i-n). by Ityndyk Huuhle .ey, 2:27) by in:p. Trustee. 4 dam I !mian. 2 dam Trnnty, dam of Deucalion Geo. CkI itVadvk'H iTaml'i onian'"0 ''Fred Ilamhlt-toii Im'ii nalmtn nee .eitdu ranee and M-etl. His record of 2:''t vviih lunde a a JVyear old after a seHsoii in the ntnil, and i - - .. Is not llie iiif-Msure of liu atteetl. He li.ts shown a 2:14 L'ait and in a brief rarimr eart-r ha dist mccd Kitty Lynch, Jane I, (to wagon), Altamoiit, Ijidy Maud.lJleauder, Melrose and others. Iiast year tteverx ick- ; ness in August rendered him unfit for racing. Fritz Haiuhleton. hi only colt ever trained from a mare without standard M.mmJ, won fat Salem with cms uver a larM field of ktandard-hred colts. In three year of Htud service hut one mure bred to him has failed to produce a living colt. IKK us or si:u'jct: : Siie'le service .' j S!sin, Villi privilege of return.... . 7.' Insurance ... but I Limited to 20 inaren. fJeiv City FOREST OROVE. OREGON. (OPlt SITK ItJS n IFFKT : i c. W. RANSOM, .1 Fl I.I. I.VI VtmVIWK Drugs and 1MTKT Jl F.Il'I X K W, TO I I.KT A KT I I, KS. BASE BALI, GOODS, Oils. Varnishes, Books and Stationery. Et., Paints, In fact everything that is mmnllv a..ld lit THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is earcfnlly ciiihu-teil, and. ntuh-r Mr. K.-insou." iniiu'i iiiriit, ?i t i ii sv in r.l havt no fear but that their prescript ions will l carefully and arem.i'.el v romj.tiimlt-d. His ln exM-riemte in the I'rii husiness in this eounty enrih s him to full v me t the wants of lh' Msiple in his lilie. 'al! .iii.l eiainim-his St.s-k I'rn-es, and you are lsxiud to ls suited . iu.1 tf I. L. Smith & Sons lanufaetnn rs of nnd liealers in all Liud-i sT rii:. ii:iii ti nnd low rim Als, a rine CARPETS, Oil. CLOTHS & MATTING Picture Moulding, Pietnre Frames, Mirrori, I.nee fnrtnin. Window Shades, t'pholster floods. Wall Paper, Spring and Top Mattresses. P;IIow. etc.: also Jmmi JJOOrS and Blinds ! Frames, MoiiM.ns, Itrn.-Li Is. Stai. I . i Nt-wel 1 1 r t IM) K I IT A IL K St S 1 FOREST QK-OVE. Organ in t It hits a case wholly I'NIOd'K IX DF.SIGX: sin i issiiily Is anti ful, and nt t.oether on an KXTI liKI.Y XI'.W PKINCIPI.K usiii idide iiii4 iiid. ad of screws, it is idso MOI'SK PIJOOF. by a simple contrivance. MKTAIi CASIXGS FUKVK.NT SW'KlildXfi OF KKVS IS DVMP WF.ATHFIl. A liaiidsoin ) bracket LAMP, of (ioM-fiiiidied niet.d, iittaelu d to em-li oru"H. iusnrta liiht Isith safe and convenient . This Organ, with its full and partial s.-ts of KM I' PS, it different S'01S and t'Ot TI.F.ISS-iioi:c of them silent -jives liunils-i less variety ,f l'(Ul HIXATIONS and KXPKKSSION, and in SVFi:TXI--SS and KK UXHSS of TONE, it is fully i qn.-d tu any m ike. Kvery instrument sold with a SIX Y FA US" fJl'A IIAX'I'FI. I am now iiitr.Hluciui; them chifant instrmiu'iits inlo Washiiii.ii t'.inity at HFUPUISIXGLY JiOW FKil KKS. A M UiXIFICl'.XT SAMP1.K tnuy le wi n . -it my home in Fori st Grove. Call Mid examine. "PROTECT YOUR HOMES I MARL!! DOUDLE A. GOOD REVOLVER no longer costs a Fortune Self-Cockiaf, Automatio Ejeetlnff. el? m - I Self-CocMaf, V x Automatio J 0 Jr FULL NICKEL PLATED. RUBBER HANDLE. V1IUITD KgCAL tM KTKBT BCSPSCT TO TBS For sale by Hardware and MaMfaetMea ty THE MA1LIH ITEE T1TA.XU IsvXDT Manazino fm If U fw sll tlmm. TfcslnH Am ef m, gmmmitaiA, a4 U. U .il.wl. mt nS am IM BUM BAUnu WAU.ERT. unrnTisu nwn TAR'' n IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS WILL AVf ONC-HALf THI COST Of AMMUNITION. T-Sg Ms.) foe all slses of CsrtrMtnsj wtilrh WBiUy-KaaHly. Mailt. W so Use for all "' 4 aiaac ut ffl $ tun C tJCIUI, PAPEI ARB MASS. ail Caeaper aad better las asy other, rxsa l'l..iTHIt 31. I fi yean old, a riTh bay over average "j7-'' ',r, J by J, C. McFerran, LouUville, Kentucky, Kirod bv I'ANCOAHT (2:21JO, "ire of l'utron f 5-year-old atallion record 2:H'), and of Dml IVet Ct-eiir-old record 2:22 ), and Aiuari iM J-yeiir-old record 2:2.tI),eto 1 dam Lucia, darn of Day I)ream f4-yenr i (':"' -U" Mid H). Jn ' IjOV -:--S' . oy MarlUirouub, mm of imp ' Trustee. 3 dam ly Henry Dnroc, ton of : Henry, rival of American Kclip. I' is the immediate descendant of nuiiuals, on txith aule, that inherit speed, IKjHsess sieed theiusel ves, and transmit it to their descendant. His breeding needs no comment. Planter ha never Is-en trained, hut during tlee Htud fen son of luF.t year, in mhic-h he eovred 4s mares, be trotted mile u 2:51. His colts, though not old enough to be trained, 'are large, well formed, and show eicellent trait. it: i:.ts ; Sinyle service . Season, with privilege of iiturn Insurance . ' Drug Store ! - - Manager. . ; l l lti sil, I'l ltl: Chemicals. tim: mai.s. A irri.STS- .1 ATl.ltl A I.S, i s;i i i ; tackle:. in a I irt r!.-i".s ii-asonuhie r.-il. h. Dili St. .re, liiia ev. rilliilin FURNITURE ussoitment of Sin fmmJO. ft j jri-- m iiick .Materials, Stair Uailuigs, Italustera, '.,, etc. I K I A I EXT. OREGON, the Lead! 8 ! wmm Mir ACTION REVOLVER. Tliee revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH k WESSON. .33 Caliber, usinfC Centre-Fin Cartridge. Gun Deolera everyvrbere. A1M8 CO, Hsw Hawn, Com. BEST IN THE WORLD I Rifle. wtttt mtU rrfct, wru ..... nt. MM nr sr. sm-1 ta aay of th followlnf pTt lor rnn m oi is was s g 7 BSteaasaSsvsySsasraassi C7saskksjrv KT If Ho: 1 O A aw Bavaar, os-. TsMJ 1.1V THH.fli: 3-yeiirlt record litHe.,, And winner of tr.- Il-year-ohl iuccm at Salt in anil The Didles hi 1mm7j is ri hn v horse, without white, and one of the I. indsomi ,l and -'.imeMt trotters In tlx- h'M.i, SiieU liy l VIi,.K 1V, .n ,,t Hnmhle tonian Mamhru .aiiv of Juno J Vd'.t'4, I dam HpiinctieM Mail, .Ini.i of Fred Hamhlcton, 2.:ti. See N-dig.mi of Fled iiamiiii roii.j r ... . an I romp will Iss limited to ll mures, permit traiiiiuc. to TKi;UH nt' SLllYH I'; Single acrvire Seaaon, with privilege of return. Insurance The Thorwjhbretk Stallion, Full brother to Judith, winner of races in ln. Sire of Dudley Howard, I.nnra I., Minnie I)., Fl Ave Ilo, -t J Gm.m llcm.iv is a liandsofne bay. li j hands hit-h. and wi-u dm tlMl muii.H. i Sired by imp. GLLNFIiG. JU , 1 ihtui Madam )i:dlev. winner of the t 'haiHjmune Stake at Jerome Park in 17, ' by IeniKUti. 2 dam Imp. liritaiiiuii 4lh,j ""itdutu of iiiiuajid, winner of tha Jrcvj ELKHORfk SALOON. DiiiMP pnor.M.KiN. iMii:ii i.oris 1 hlriissers iimnai. iu nl, lias o in il i new Saloon ill the hiilhlllik' fol lii.-l I V s-.'ll i.u-d hv Tom W hi) ehoi n, know u islliel llv lioril Sal. sill. Here he will Is pleased t. meet his fr.tniU. A strictly orderly house villi le kept, ulo the l.c-.t of Peer, Ci:irs and' mi l r 6.000.000 pFQi-g O.M.fERFiViCO. i .din iOm tn b. I h. in ins won a. lil.Hrati-4, INv.s. ... .M4 1'rlt.s SEED ANNUAL For I8C3 will b mul t LFUCE TO ALL JHlluitatM, 4nii rntifiiis w lib PJ nvnluablu to at'. Ktry in iwrtu u?ii m fCardon "Flo au SEE D S'T' I'tlZ D. fiLFCRKYA-CO., Detroit, r.-.icn. The BUYErtS'OUIDEU Issued Marcn and bept., .each year. It is an eucy. I eloped I of usetul inior 'mstion for all who pur cbase) the luxuries or the necessities of Ufa. We can clothe you and furnish you will all tbe neoessary and unneoeaaarr appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, bunt, work, co to church, or stay at bom, and in various else, style and quanT ttUa. Jur.t flrure out COXFOXTaSLT. andyou can make a fair estimate oi ins vaiua ui m . w OTJIOE. wiicb will ba aant upon receipt of 10 cents to pay posts, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-111 Michigan Avenue, Cuieago, 111. Ilr. ier' i'atn.t lie In If.ild.T, V-.-ir Hum b.-r- you f1' " ' 1 - ' ; i.i.'1- r lioi . "' seiil S.11 1 1 .'l. In i e..,i 1 . e.'u't p " I il'-?. I- .!'i3. rMli. huoli l v. ..i V rlu f'.r'.-ri; t, IU IIKKWKTI It. Holt, Mi, h. llV PATSHTS f'events. and Ti'ide Msrks ohtnined, nnl nil PA'I FNT HCHi FW conducted for MOii UtATr: FKKS. Ot II OFFICII IU OPITtSITi: t. K. PATKST OI T We h-ive no suh- seueies, nil I uxine-H dir-et, hem-e -rn 1 trunsaet P.ttei.t ttris-fitsf 111 leis time n.'i.l et J.FSS '0l llihii llne remote fr. m j WsHUIMI.rON. H.-lid lil.slel, iVflWIIIi. . or phot.i Wllh de wriition. We tdvise if imientfihle or n .t, j free of chnree. Our lee not dee till jsit-nt i is wrureil. X "ll.ivt'i Olil-iin Pnteiifn." with referenees to aetieil eh. -lit ill oiir Mr I" county, or town, nt (n : Addre A. sov &. ro.. 0.lil.. patent, Va-hiii(tii! O. IilK-tf ! 1 DDITL? K'"' vt'ut for i",iiv;e, A I'.l rtwive tr-, n eostlv lx " -- . (PH, ,i,.h will belli ell. of either sen, to nmre monev riM't away than anythiiiK else la this world. Fortunes j await th workers absolutely sure. At once j Addrwsa Tav A Co., AnjpieU, Main. I lUctcng Liniment I Vexm-a MeTku Llstmnrr. Ptnrtratri us' 1 it. CD I S3 xy nnnt 'wivrmtx "btiior hid 1IJ oiij AKJK1I' -i. l, fc .U, IFF aw ay vtvib.v a ' rfw. m. Heiby hilHTl). by I'lvinif iliitehiiw.n, win ikt of the Herhy and St. Ijilgi-r. So linn e'a A-iu ii-iiu Slild llook. In p. (bi'ii'-lg, n miigtiillceiit ruca hormi Inn; s-lf, ih in r!i,, i ii, firsi nirn of Thor i.iii ,.hieils iii Ai.i. vi.-i. Jie has be4-n four iiii m nt tin. h.ii., of winning hires -1M7!, 1j, isNi i.u.i h7, nnu has aired mora wuui-is Hum i4hy st illioii hi Amerk-M. ;tix, nfter reeeivliiif i,cvit In Juries .it. 2 years old, was Mill an excellent, -;iC'. Iiiiro A .. ' u ..1.1 1. . . a . . , i. i-ii i in in nm 1 1 cti hi. veil ; tm,. s. vo 1 1, ,ll(M.Mi Wj(H m.,I, ',,'," .,,,.1 hM. . ,w. At N i. .Imn-ton. i. II.. I nil ti'i otlu rs, . tidy Siivki 4, tl u d im l ' i . 1 ' ' ' easily bv halt a ilo. -u t.hii Dudley's colts have aie, . le. ;H-nt and mi exoellent oisomitioii. in . 111 II IV, -llllllt ill.kll lit .None of tl.eiu liuve had thoioiiel. in...,o,, f'.-r raci-s. - - rs Tt.llMH OF SIJIYICK: K,tirfl si rve-ti H, with privilege of return Insurance f.15 25 Mares Jntrovted to ma to l bre.1 will receive careful at tcntion and good paiturage at f l)0 a moiiih. ;-"Voihih atuck, both trotting nud Thor onthhred, for aide. Til OS. II. TOMil i:, II Hlmboro, Orryon, FOR SALE! U)T iP I.ACIU) WYANDOTTE ANo, a quantity of Hay, wid he sold Cheap lit the I lit 111 . CIIAI.M KltS, ('oriielilis. r:: u Call and S c c Drug gist - AND BOOKSELLER I i!rovc And fi t your nioi.ey's worlli of Drugs, Medicines. Toilot Articles, Envolopos and Paper, Musical Mor chnndiso, and everything usually kept in n Pirst I'liiss Country I'ru. Hook HtiU Ity Store, PKLSCRtPTIONS and FORMULAS Car- fully i.mi(Ui.lJ at all Lour, dlfitf Fnr ! 1. Hutu i im. an. I .Ih.iU Im in ihv Minis M rvtr 1 . null rniiK-ini'i: nnif Ku Ins O S" f" fl O BULBS - PLANTS, ?JMh, tli'Hi.siul.airillii'liuti'ins, sn.t tit'ftiir If ill iuk.. tilling liil 10 luy, uu i kIiitm li (! II unit tiKuiTnu I.ivmI Ltl. en fur In. ne jf.MKl. I ii. .nt (,l IDK eiilrloi-vuis, icluani s t Kill' Hip pr.,, r,,r jo ,,.r,i. wiiidi ir smu., JA.tll.M tit H, HI KItMVIAN, lli hrslr N. V. Oregon Pacific 1 1 '2 r, Hilcsi Slitirlt i ! HO I.iMsw Time! Ai.('oli)misl;itiiil'! rtisurpflsed fur Comfort end hufel) ! - i'mes Hint l-'ieihl vis Vniiiii.i nun tin Oregon eveop in. Ill ( '.i's Sleniiishiis Ml 1 II I KHS 1I11111I1V iiiiv other roui.i Is. Iw.-en 14 11 1 oints iii the V. Hum. lie Vslley A. Ht ii I 'ritnriseo ! DAILY PASSENCER ( Cxeept Sillldii v), TRAINS lenvo v iiijiiiii 1 . 7,-tK) A. M Arrive I torvi.lli 1 Arrive A I hun v lenve AlliMllV Arrive t'.irvill s Arrive I'ii.piim . KhllH " .. 1I:U " h:m l'.M, . vm p. m 6:tO V, M . Or. .'in nn.l Ci lifoinit t rn ) n "J oonnect tt Allniiiy mid Ci i vmIIu Cure Is-lween Corvnll.M, Alanny snd Hnn Fliuieisi-o -Ki ll find Cuhni, fl4.U); Itsil hi id Sti-erii4e, f'.t.lMI. C1IAH. (!. IKKJCK, Ar O, V.. V, Art , Oorvalli, Or, WM, M. IIOAO, fi ueriil Mimni'i r. Oregon Development Co. First -clam SteMtiishiii Line between Yanulna nnd Ksii FiNiimse.i, count -rlivg nt VsuutiiH uilh the triiiimof the Oit-iiii I'sctllo lltl-ro.-id ('oiuuny. ' HA I Id Ml HATF.H, ltOM MAN UtAKl ISlOI Frifdi-ru Oerifoit Wednesdiiy, Jnn S! Witliuiiette iillev. . . .TuHMthiy, nly U Fiiwtern tiretfon, " 11 WilUmette Vslhy Nuinlfiy, " 17 F.iiMtern Oieiroii . Hutiuliiv, ' !f-l VNill.iuieUo Valley ... " " 10 ruoM fWf MK Fi.tern Orepon Weilncsdny, July C WillsmeltM Vnlley , . . , Tuesday, " Pi Fsslern Orefon " " IK VVilhn.ietle Valley Hundiiy, " 4 1'li.lell I lieLfili Friday,. " VH Ulll.lilieHo ii Iky. " Aug. 6 The ('uutisny reserves the ritfltt to ihniig eteiiineiN or kHiliu dute. H. IS."OHV, Cieii. V. A I. An-ent, ;jti M.iii'Koiiiery rit., hun i'r.iiiDis'jo, Cat, n'-'l tf Hend lOci'iits jsiHlnne, and we wilt tunil you rnun n royal, VNlniible.anmplu Isn cf IVmmIm thnt will put you In the cyiit inuHiiy Moan Mr-KMT nt otiee thnn ui.y ihini? else In Amer icn. I-lh nexes of nil fli i s chii live at home end wnh. In st;ire tine, or nil th time, Cuvitul not reiiiireil. We will stnrt you, I mi tense pny sme for those who tar tat. once. Hi tsiHrx &. Co., Porthuid, Uaiua .-.v-rjsr- i ... 1