The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189?, June 07, 1888, Image 3

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Full election returns, in tabular
form, are published on the editorial
. jae of this issue.
-Non. YV. P. Hare left to-day for Chi
cago to attend the national republican
convention, which convenes on the 18th.
The state teachers association will
le held in the capitol building at Salem
from July 5 to 7. Reduced rates on all
line of transportation to teachers at
tending. UarTfcaehe, stitches in the side, in
flation and soreness of the bowels, are
symptoms of u disordered sta'.e of the
digestive and assimilative organs, which
can be cured by the use of Ayer's Cath
artic Pills.
The pioneers of Oregon will meet
Friday, June 15th, in reunion for a merry
time. Old war veterans re requested
to be present. Rev. T. Condon, of Eu
gene, will deliver the annual address,
and Gen. E. L. Applefjate the occasional
address. Portland is the place of
ReKrt of the Reedville school for
the month ending May 25, 1888: Num
ber of days taught, 18; number of days
attendance, 484 ; number day V absence.
88; boys enrolled, 2G; girls enrolled, 14;
total number enrolled, 40; average num
ber belonging, 32; average daily attend
ance, 2. Visitors Miss Delia Uurbank,
Beaverton; W. II. McEldowney and
John York, directors; T. T. Vincent,
county school superintendent. W. S.
(Jordon, teacher.
A recent dispatch from San Fran
cisco says: Up to date the sum of
$10,700 has heen subscribed for pnying
the expenfes nf the teachers national
convention. From present ticket ar
rangements, the first of the vifiting
teachers may be looked for altout the
20th of June. Tickets will hold good
until October 15th, with a thirty days'
extension privilege on payment of $ 10.
The latest estimates by railrral officials
show that between 11,000 and 15,000
strangers will visit San Fiam ico on
the occasion of the convention.
,A sound body and a contented mind
are necessary to perfect happiness. If
you wish to possess these, cleanse your
Mood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is
perfectly safe to take, and is a thor
oughly reliable, highly concentrated,
and jiowerl'ul blood purifier.
llev. W. II. DIack has resigned the
pastorate of the I'aptlst church in this
place. We are informed that his con
gregation requested such resignation,
being displeased with his participation
in politics.
The motto of J. V. Redington's new
paper, the YValla-Walla AVah-Wah is, as
follows: "In Onions there is Strength,"
and it is a "journal of yesterday, to-day
and to-morrow, devoted to the dissemina
tion of exciting extiacta from patent
n tC n r. . 4 .1 O I a la.nA DlVflil 1 Vu I u W
Villi V ICJU'ltS. All 3 ai..v "a
Report or Pleasantview school lor
month ending May 25th: Number of
days taught, 18; number of days attend
ance, 183; number of days absence,14 ;
numter of times tardy, 12; whole num
ber of Ikjjs enrolled, 5; whole number of
girls, 9; total 11; average daily attend
ance, 1:11-14; average number belong
ing, 14 ; names on roll of honor ltll:t
Hiier, Minnie Brier and Mary Keennon.
Visitors Missen Ella Hutchison, (Jertu
Bryan, Jemima Hutchison, T. T. Vin
cent, superintendent of schools.
Ut.vssA CiiKKt Y, Teacher.
People living near the railroad in
Soalh Ilillsloro are indignant at the
conduct of unknown persons. Only last
Saturday evening a pistol was fired otf
several times opposite Mr. H. B. Luce's
residence, one of the lalls striking
against the front of the house, and re
liounding, striking one of his children.
Mrs. Luce was sitting near a front win
dow at the time, and was alarmed at
both the pistol shots and the balls strik
ing against the house. Such conduct is
contemptible, nnd is liable to lead to
serious trouble. It is hoped we shall
not again have cause to chronicle such
acts us the reckless and criminal use of
We are informed that The Ixdki'knd
kxt reached neither Beaverton nor Gar
den Home last week. The paper was
mailed from thi office as usual and the
fault must lie with the railway postal
clerk, so far as can be ascertained. It is
further said, that two weeks ago Thk
Independent failed to reach Mountain
dale on time. Complaints are becom
ing 'repliant and it wo-'J. seem .that the
postal service is in i wretched condition.
The premium list of the Washington
County Fair will be issued shortly and
it is the intention of the managers to of
fer a liberal premium for best exhibit of
grain and grasses in the sheaf. Parties
. intending to compete in that class would
do well to make early selections of
grasses etc.
Grand Medal awarded to "Davies
the Photographer," for the lest display
of photographs. Mechanics Fair, 1887.
Gallery, Cor. First and Taylor Strs,
Portland, Ogn.
Report Hillsboro public school for
the month ending May 25th: Number
of days school kept open, IS.; days at
tendance, 1949; days absence, 355; cases
tardiness, 19; boys enrolled, C4; girls
enrolled, 51; total enrolled, 115; average
belonging, t23; average daily atten
dance, 108. J. D. Hawks, Principal.
In these piping times of strife
between two great political parties, and
the branching out of a third avowing
the destruction of one or both, it be
hooves everybody to appear to the best
advantage. On Main street, opposite
Tualatin Hotel, you will find Hcrr B.
Areenson. the tailor, who will turn obi
suits into new, and make new suits to
order. Call and examine his goods and
rices. 17m-l
To Ladies Visiting Portland.
We wihh to call their attention to our
Ready-made Suits. Our $10.00 suits,
good value for $12.50; our 14.00, ex
cellent value for $16.00. All wool suits
from $14.00 up. Dressmaking In all
branches. First-class fitting and stylish
make-up. Ladies own material made
up. 1). Porter & Co., 147 Third
street, Portland. mlO-lin
Died, at her lume near Greenville,
Washington county, Oregon, Mrs. Char
lotte Koy, aged 71 years, 7 mouths and
11 days.
Charlotte Silvers was born in Lincoln
couuty, Kentucky. September 10, 1810,
and moved with her parents to Missouri
when a child. She was married to Louis
Roy in Jackson county, Missouri, in
ISXi. Started to Oregon May 17, 1852,
arriving October 20th of the tame year.
Settled the following year on the farm
where she died. She passed away sur
rounded by kind friends and her chil
dren, seven of whom survive her. Her
aged husband is left behind to mourn
her death, but has the deep sympathy of
the entire community in his hour of sad
affliction. Although connected with no
church, she wm a friend to all was
good, and a firm believer in the Chris
tian religion. The deceased was a kind
and loving mother, and an esteemed
friend whom many will miss. Her funer
al was conducted by Rev. Ross at her
home, after which the remains followed
by many friends, were taken to the
Wilkes cemetery for burial. Another
mother rests with God.
May 28 The first month of our school
is out and Miss Creecy has given general
Miss Gertie Bryan, of Hillsboro, has
been visiting at the home of her friends,
.Mr. and Mrs. Keller.
Rev. Bryan of Hillsboro, Miss Jennie
Bryan and Mr. llanu ley made us a short
hut pleasant visit last week.
The mumps are spreading. There are
several cases in our district at present.
There are improved homes in this dis
trict for sale on reasonable terms.
O.NKor the Workers.
Worth Knwlu(.
Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant. Lake
City, Fla., was takeu wit'i a severe Cold,
attended with a distressing Cniih and
running into Consumption in its fiist
stages. He tried many so-called popular
cough remedies and steadily grew worse.
Was reduced in tleh, had ditliculty in
breathing and was unable to sleep. Fi
nally tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption anil found immediate
relief, nnd after using about a half doen
bottles found himself well nnd has had
no return of the disease. No other
remedy can show grand a record of
cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Guaranteed to do just
what is claimed for it. Trial laittle free
at Hillsboro Pharmacy.
School Report.
Following is the report of the Bridge
port school for the month ending May
25th: Number days taught, 18; num
ber days attendance, 505 ; niiniUr schol
ars belonging, 45; average daily attend
ance, 28 1-1S; number neither absent
nor tardy. 9, nuinlier tardy, 20.
I should like to urge noii the patrons
of schools, the great amount of encour
agement and interest they rould create
in the school work if they would make
frequent visits. Besides encouraging
the teacher and the pupils, they might
form some judgment of the work done,
and surely that is a very important mat
ter. I therefore take this means of re
questing you to visit my school. I shall
be glad to have each patron in the dis
trict call in and note the work.
Aktiicr S. McDonald, Teacher.
Proprietary Medicine.
A visit to Dr. Green's Laboratory, at
Woodbury. N. J., has considerably
changed our views, and especially our
prejudices in regard to what are generally
known as "Standard Patent Medicines."
Of course we are getting to that age in
life when we are forced to conclude Life
itself is a humbug, and naturally dis
trust anything that has not withstood
long and tried experiences. Being a
physician I had the curiosity to know
how such a sale of two medical prepara
tions could he sustained for so many
years. The perfect system upon which
the business is conducted, and the phar
maceutical arrangements for the manu
facture of the two recipes with which
we wwiwdc acquainted, are sujiiciejntljrl
?onvinc;ag to utbat the Acocst Fuwer
for l)vnepsia and Liver Complaints, and
Bom. ii el's Gi.kman SvntP, for Throat
and Lung Troubles, were for the com
plaints they are recommended, most ex
cellent remedies, and only regret that in
much of our practice, medical ethics
prevent us from prescribing them with
out making the formulas public. When
we we were shown the great quantity of
voluntary letters having been forwarded
Dr. Green, from all parts of the country,
and from all classes of people, lawyers,
ministers and doctors, giving a descrip
tion of their ailments, testimonials of
their cures, etc., I feel like endorsing
Dr. Green's suggestion that the govern
ment accept such valuable formulas, and
license them for general use by giving
protection to the inventor same as
patents generally. Copied from N. Y.
Druggists' Circular of Oct., ISSfi.
Hurkltn'i Aralca So.It.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and
positively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give lierfect satis
faction, or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale by Hillsboro
At regards the sale of the buildings
nnd extensive business of the J. Lusk
Canning Company to a syndicate, there
has been much comment as to why $100,
000 worth of property should be sold for
the sum of $48,000, with the fruit season
on hand and the factories in good work
ing order, located at Temescal, in w hich
between 700 and 800 persons havo been
employed. Investigation seems to bliuw
that the new syndicate knew full well,
when purchasing the Temescal property
for $48,000, that they were running no
risks, and that it wan not their intention
to run that factory this season, because
there is no necessity for it in the present
condition of the fruit market. The most
important object to be accomplished has
been successful, and that is that the
Lusk Canning Company has been relieved
of some very unprofitable contracts which
it had made, and which would, had they
been carried out, resulted in great loss
to the house. It is well known among
fruit men that the Lusk Canning Com
pany has been a very heavy purchaser of
green fruit in the orchards of the state,
Ht handsome prices . As a sample of may 1m? stated that
the company purchased almost the entire
apricot yield in Vacaville at two cents
a pound, which is considered a fancy
price at the present market rates. The
contracts entered into by the Lusk Com
pany were too much for the firm to car
ry and bear the lots. Consequently the
only safe way out was to make an avsign
ment. KOItr.MT iitovi: NOT KM.
(From oar ltegulnr CurrosMndent )
The services in Forest Grove of Deco
ration Day will be long remeinliered by
the patriotic citizens of this place, as a
fond tribute to the noble dead of our
land. The Ilill&horo militia came up to
take part in the exercises and were es
corted to town from the dc(tt by the
Forest Grove Comet bard and niemliers
of the G. A. K. post. The procession
was formed at 10::JO a. m , and c onsisted
of the Hillsboro militia, member of
James B. Matthews post and other old
soldiers, children of the Sun lay schools,
in costume, the Woman's Relief corps,
citizens on foot and in carriages. The
procession was nearly half a mile in
length and was headed by the Comet
band. Arrived at the cemetery, the ex
ercises were conducted by I. L. Smith,
ost cammander, assisted by other offi
cers of the post and of the Relief Corps
Excellent music was furnished by Mrs.
Ellis, Mr.. Miller, the Misses Warren,
Messrs. Wood, Bush, Nelson and Walker.
The company then marched to the col
lege campus, where a bounteous repast
was soon spread, to which ample justice
was done. After-dinner cc h making
and other exercises appropriate to the
occasion were indulged in till the middle
of the nfternoou. when the party dis
persed, with renewed feelings of loyalty
to our country and its defenders.
John R. Griffin returned from Califor
nia Saturday, apparently well satisfied
with Oregon.
W. S. Hudson came down from Salem
Saturday . for a few dayh stay in the
Bert Tozier, an old resident of thci
Grove, was in town Mouday.
A farewell reception was tendered
Rev. C. T. Wood at the residence of
President J. F. Ellis last Monday even
ing. Mr. wood started ror ( all forma
on Tuesday.
The following is the public rhetorical
list for this afternoon at 1 :-'J0.
Kecitation The Heath of Napoleon
. . 1ie Sochien
Kssay Should the Nomination of Fuller
lie conhriucu .' Anatm Itond
Oration The Mormon (Question John Ice
lU-n tut lou I lie. Jj int SHllier
. ...Mollie Farrell
Discussion Should the Uepublican Tarty
lie restored to iwer ? A If., Piiiiia.'iau;
lieg.. waiKer.
Kssay What should we read?
-Aleck. AlexHiider
Kecitation A IjCKend of Brazen
. Mary Pat Ion
Essay . Wilson ltowlhy
Kesay liobin Hood and hi adventures,
.... John Macruui
Oration The Scholar in Polities
. I'M. Nayl or
Kssay The Scottish Bard Nellie Iee
Mrs. Rotierts is closing out her stock
of millinery goods, as will lie seen by her
ad. in another column.
A L'nion meeting of the children of
the M. E. nnd Baptist Sunday school
will lie held in the M. E. c'jurch Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. This meeting
will take the place of the regulnr church
J.S. Ilobson, of New berg, was in the
Grove this week.
Solon Huffman, of Carlton, a former
resident of the Grove, is visiting his
parents here.
Letters remaining in the Forest Grove
office June 1st one cent due on each :
J001 Mrs M
Stewart, Win
Harris, John
Kven. Peter
Wallace, 11 A
tfartin. Mum
Smith, Miss I
Ay res, C N
low Hoi Dir.
If we know all the methods of ap
proach adopted by an enemy, we are the
better enabled to ward off the danger
and postpone the moment when surren
der liecomes inevitable. In many in
stances the inherent strength of the
body suffices it to opjiose the tendency
toward death. Many, however, have
lost these forces to such an extent that
there is little or no help. In other
cases a iittle aid to the weakened Lungs
will make all the difference lietween
sudden death and many years of useful
life. Upon the first symptoms of a
Cough, Cold or any trouble of the
Throat or Lnngs, give that old and
well-known remedy Boschee's German
Syrup a careful trial. It will prove
what thousands fay of it to lie, the
"benefactor of an v home."
Catalogues, posters ami all kinds
of job vrork done at Tue Independent
All the late novelties in job type at
The Independent office.
June 5. Election day passed off quiet
ly no fights and no whiskey. Thii
precinct Kent in a democratic majority
of oufy 19. Four years ago it was 40
democratic, and previous to that time
the votes were two thirds democratic
If the republicans had worked as hard
here as the democrats did, the democrat-
ic majority in this precinct would have
been very small.
R. W. Crane, who came down (as he
says) from Eastern Oregon on purpose to
beat Tongue for senator, returnee home
to-day a wiser man. Crane says it is no
use for the democrats to put out a ticket
in this couuty.
After the democratic speaking last
Wednesday, Dr. Ward backed his buggy
out of the livery stable and in doing to,
the tap came off from one front wheel
unnoticed by Mr. Ward. After driving
about 150 yards the wheel came otf let
ting one side of the buggy and the doc
tor on the ground. The horse became
frightened and dragged Mr. Ward sev
eral yards through the dust before he
could stop him. Luckily there was no
body hurt and no material damage done.
Next Friday evening, June 8th, the
ladies of the M. E. church will give an
icecream and straw berry festival at the
chuich. We understand there will also
be some literary exercises. The pro
ceeds will go towards paying the minis
ter. Come everybody, and have
a good
time. The ice cream will be made
Mr. Miller, and it will be first-class we
know, because we have sampled some
thnt Mr. Miller made.
There were lively times in town last
Friday. .Mr. Tongue and Mr. Pauleen
spoke at the school house to an apprecia
tive audience. After the speaking there
was a disgraceful row in the saloon.
One man has his hand in a sling, anoth
er has two black eyes and a third lias a
broken nose. Si far no arrests.
All the nominees on the democrat and
prohibition tickets will lie expected in
Nehalem in about ten days.
We understand there is a law suit be
tween two farmers in this vicinity on
account of some land.
G. True and Mr. Wells have gone to
Dilley to work in McLrod' shingle mill.
T. J. Adams, of Nehalem, was in Cor
nelius last week.
Win. B. Mcbin, after an absence of sev
eral years, is visiting friends ami rela
tives in Cornelius.
lassie McNutt leaves for Verncnia to
day. SH RE! HER.
JrxK 5 We are all alive, and busy
thinking over the result of the late elec
tion. We were much surprised when cross
ing the Harris hridgp to find a lioat
anchored close by. On inquiry as to Its
mission, learned that it would soon sail
for Salt river with a cargo of democrats.
The Farn.ington stage is doing a rush
ing business.
An est ray mule is running at large in
Coon Bend, to the annoyance of the peo
ple. Let some one claim property aiiT
take it away.
There is some talk of advertising Farm
ington. The Brown Bros, have a large contract
of slashing from George Robinson.
A tax for a new school building is be
iniT asri t ate:l .
L. A. Rood has his new house almost
One of our merchants is taking lessons
from Gi-orge Robinson in pailing cows.
Our barbers have raised the price of
shaving from 25 cents to 50 cents. Iem-ocrat-i
only are affected liy the '
May 2 Following is the report of
the school in this district for the mouth
ending May 25th, Miss Ollie Keller
teacher: Numlier of days taught, 20:
number of days attendance, 259; ab
sences, 38'; times tardy, 21; girls en
rolled. 13; boys enrolled 9; total numlier
enrolled, 22; average daily attendance,
20. Visitors T. T. Vincent, superin
tendent, Middleton; II. S. Sturdevant,
clerk; Mrs. A. Nichols, Mrs. M. Nichols,
Rocky Point; Mrs. Ililtbrewner.
II. Butley returned home recently.
Bert Nichols and family have been
visiting Mr. Nichols parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Nichols.
A. J. Ott is in the shingle business,
and purposes making the lioys work.
We claim the banner over all other
-ehool districts. We have three pairs of
twins two pairs in the Mullins family
and one pair at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ililtbrewner. They all go to school, and
the teacher cannot tell 'which from1
J. A. Bennett lost the top of his knee
while manipulating a drawing-knife. It
will probably lay him up for some time.
Rev. Bryan and Mr. Hauley were at
Pleasantview last week, but did not
climb the mountain high enough to
reach our lovely altitude. Sprite.
I this CmcuiT (Wax or thb 8tat or I
Orkoom roa Wahhinutom Covhti. (
Sarah A. Haheu, Plaintiff, )
William Ilngbeti. Defendant. )
rpO William H tithes, the above-named
J Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon Ton
are hereby required to appear in the above
named Court, and answer the ootnpUint of
the Plaintiff, filed in the above entitled nit,
by Monday, the Uith day of July, A. U. 188(4.
which i the fintt day of the next reRolar
term of naid Vahi rt.
And if you fail ao to do. for want thereof
the plaintiff above-named will apply to the
Court for the relief therein demanded, to
wit: That the marriage and marrtffe eon
tract now existing between joa and the
plaintiff be diaeolved.
And that Plaintiff have aaeb other relief
as may be equitable.
This Summons ia published by order of
Hon. F. J. Taylor. Judge of the above
named Coart, made and dated this 2FA1
day of May, 1888.
m31-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
pkk 8. Married, at me residence ot
tya. Tigard, justice of the -ae. Win
Sp4cer to Miss Annie Fuller. May luck
nd prosperity follow you, Will.
Bridgeport proposes to have a big time
ooiuly 4th. They have employed an
Oregon City band to furnish music for
that day. A good time is coming is the
cry about Bridgcjiort.
The "Bachelors Home," on Fan no
creek, is a happy house. The inmates
teem well satisfied with their lot and
bil future trouble as well as the girls a
lot farewell.
The little showers we have had are do.
inj wonders for the farmers in this vi
cuity. Decoration Day passed quietly away.
but quite a number of people were at
the grave yard decorating the graves of
their beloved friends and relations
The tomahawk, is still ouburied in
Egypt. Bury the bloody shirt and be
Mrs. J. W. Tinkham was very badly
hurt on the 5th, by being thrown from
a wagon while the horses were in the act
of running away.
The election at Union hall passed
without a drop of blood being spilt.
But things grew very warm, during the
time. Free hacks, buggies and carts
were on the move lively at times.
The remark of a Bridgeport girl: 0
T"t,OT ,HH,J
I ilepubliean powder burned freely at
r . . ,
Bridgeport last evening. Jo.
Ilow'a TMm'f
Ralph Geer, Jr., called at this llice
last Friday night and gave us the follow
ing figures relative to the Washington
county creamery at Hillslioro. He had
just returned from the above place.where
he has been engaged in getting a cheese
factory in running order for the cream
ery company at that place. The cream
ery is now turning out 100 jKiunds of
butter and 40 jwuinds of cheese per day.
The butter has lecn selling at fiO cents
per roll or 'M cent per jxnind. The
Geer boys are anxious to start a creamery
at this place. Now let our cilicns and
the farmers surrounding give them en
couragement, and jicrhaps it will go.
Silverton ought to boom. It is the best
town in the country outside of Salem,
and all it needs is concert of action on
the part of its citizens. Silverton Ap
peal, 20.
liraln hole.
HiixsiioRo, Ji nk 4. 1883 Epitoi: In
tikpexdknt : We wi-h to correct an item
in The Inukpknokxt of May .'list, in !
gsrd to a pool of 15000 burhcls of w heat.
Also, about oats. That live Granger,
Mr. John Shute, went to Portland ami
sold said w heat on a 1m sis of 71 cent
per bushel, free on I o:ird cars at Ilills
boio. A poilion of kiM wheat was in
Mr. Morgan's houes at Reedville nnd
Hillsboro. A part in our house nod the
remainder in the farmers' giansries. A
part of the latter has lieen delivered at
our house since the sale. The Grangers
should congratulate themselves that
l!-7 have such an energetic man as Mr.
Shute with them. A1outoat: We filled
an order of 50.W bushel at 50 cent per
bushel. Smith Bitos.
Itmrwii llrr Youth
Mr, llwetie f'hesley, lVter-on, flay
Co., Iowa, tells the following rciiiaiknhle
story, the truth of which is vouched for
by the resident of the town: am
73 year old. have lieen trouble 1 with
kidney complaint and lameness for
many years; could not drcs inysell
without help. Now I am free from nJI
pain and soreness, and nin able to do nil
my own house w oik. I owe my Ihiinkn
to Electric Hitter for having renewed
my youth, and removed completely all
disease and pain." Try a liottle, .Vic.
and f 1, at Hillslioro Pharmacy.
Trackirr I'.tanilniillaici.
At the teachers' examinations held i n
thin place last w eek, cert ideate w ere
granted as follows: First grade AV.W.
.Taqueth, Anna O. Def .in. Si-cond grade
Retta Hare, Mr. M. Pittenger, .1. L.
(Jox. Tliird grade -C. M. (iilkey, II. II.
Hand, Viva Haworlh, A. S. McDonald.
Jennie Vosper, Kate HoUton, Ollie Keller
and Ulyssa Creecy.
Messrs. Hand and Mellon aid, also
Misses Vopcr, Ilolston, and f'reccy, had
standing high enough to entitle cat h of
them to a necoinl grade certificate, but
did not have the experience reiiirel by
T. T. VlSCEST, i
J. D. Hawks, Examiner.
Pimples, Boils,
And Carbuncle result from a debilitated.
Impoverished, or inquire condition of the
blood. Ayer's Sarhaparilla prevents and
cores these eruption and painful tumor,
by removing their cause; the only effect
ual way of treating them.
Ayer's Sarnaparilla baa prevented the
usual course of ItoiU, which have pained
and distressed me every soaadn for -v.
era! years. (J. Scales, Plainviile, Mich.
I was badly troubled with rimpl on
the face; also with a discoloration of the
tin, which showed itself in ujly dark;
patches. No external treatment did
more than temporary good. Ayer's Sar
saparilla effected
A Perfect Cure,
and I hare not been troubled since.
T. W. Boddy, lUver St., Lowell, Mass.
I waa troubled with IkiiL;, ami my
health was much impaired. 1 W-jran
aainf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and, in due
time, the eruptions all di.ipieared, and
my health was completely restored.
John tt. fclkins. Editor Stanley Otterver.
Albemarle. N. C.
I waa troubled, for a long time, with a
humor which appeared on my face in
mrlr Pitnplea and Blotches. Ayer's Sar
anpariMa cared me. I conaider it the bent
blood purifier in the world Charles li.
Smith, Kortii Crafubury, Vt.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is sold by all drnmrists. Ask for Ayer'a
fjersapa rills, and do not be persuaded to
take any other. ft
Pteperad ay Dr. J.OL Ayer ft3eLewU. kfaaa.
Priee mi t six betUe. Sft.
Pacific University and Tualatin Acad
emy are doing excellent educational
work under the untiring lalior of Presi
dent Ellis and it corps of able and ex
perienced educator. At the end of the
present term, June 20lh, that institution
will confer degrees upon five student
from the I'ni vcrsity course?, and certifi
cates of graduation upon twelve from
the Academy nnd two in the Fpccial
department one each front the art
department and conservatory of music.
TiicHMiiit. Ji nk 14.
! to 12 a.m.. nnd 1 to 11 v. M.- llil 1 ic F.x
niiiinatioici. 1'lilOAV, Jcnk 15.
;b12. m. nnd 1 to :i r. m, Public i.t
am illations.
K p. M. Atltliex lieforn th Phil'iniittlieaii
Society, by lU-v. T. K. t'l.ipp, Poi llniul.
10 to 12 A. M. Kilobit by the St hool of Art.
8 p. m. Public Kehearsal, by the Conseiv-
atury of Music. !
Scnuat, Jixb 17. !
11 a. u. -Baeealanreate Neimon.
Hr.u Address before th I'niversity nnd
'theSoeietv of 'hristiMi KuUeavor, lv '
Itev. Oeo. C. 1111, Astoria I
Monday, June 1.
8 p. m. Kxercises by the Gamma Siina j
TfPSDAX, June l'..
11:30 A. M. OradOHtilitj Kxercisc of thej
Academy. j
1 r. u.A. It. M ts. Meiiioii.-J tiervio in
connection with the Fortieth Anniver
sary of Tualatin Academy and Pacific
4 p.
m. Farewell Meeting of the Endeavor
H r.
M. Alninui ICxereises: Address by
tdward M. Atkiusou, Portland.
Wkonksiia v, Jckk 'JO.
10 a
m. Commencement Kxereises.
(Vimmeiiceiiient Addretis.
4 toO p. m, Kxhibit by the School of Art
K p.m. lticetioii at the President" House.
Pntroi i a nnd f rien Js of Pacific I'niversity
are cordially invited and solicited to attend
any nnd all of the aliove exercises. The
O. A Cll. R. Go. "rant exclusion rates to
vimtors by which they may pay full fare to
Forest tlrove mid return over the same lines
nt one-rift li fare. Thono coming from I'a
citie unit t'latsoo counties ran uv.ul them
selves of the low fsres on the . K. A N.
Ix.ats. Friends from Puct Sound c.'in li'ive
tli iidvanat'e of the excursion
ticket from Neiittle imU I a
liia to Portland
K04d for :WI days.
F.iitertiiinmeiit for visitors will Ik provided
in In dies ll.dl and t lie homes of t lie fi rove
us far as ss4b!e, und tl;e hoUU will pro
vide for them at ! ciul rates.
4m:ooS nm W isms... I on 4olNiv.
Harriet K. lb
Plaint ifl.
A. Kmmerson Heath, IVfciidaiit. )
name of the htat- of Oregon, von are i
hereby rt onirt'd to nii'ienr itnd .mnwer (he!
eimp!aitit tiled oaiu.t yon, in the iiloe :
eiitithtl suit, by the tirst day of the next I
term of yiid tlo-irt following xo Lint puli- j
beat ion of thi-4 Suiiuiiouh. t i wit. the 1'Uh ;
day nt July, ind if you f;.il no to
miKwcr, for want thereof the plamtilT wili
apply to aaid 4'ourt. for the relief prayed ,
for in Mid cooiplaint. vi: For a disHolutiou
of the Ixnidrt of iiiatrinionv now x i -1 1 1 1'
between'lf nnd pl.iintill. and for t he !
resumption by plaint it of her former name j
of Harriet P. fonter. '
'lhi-4 Sumiiioiiii ih e. rveil by pahlicatioii. 1
by or l r f Hon Frank J . T: lor, Jmie of
Maid Court, made on tlm l'.'l'u day of M i),
I f ". ' '
SF.AKS .1 PKAf'il.
Plaint irt":i AtloriievH.
May 2f.(h. 1.3SS. m:tl 7t
SlM'rifT'M S:il.
i doi'n-e nnd order of nale, issued out of i
the 4'irruit Court of WnxhincU n Comity.
4 irepjon. and in favor nf The Arueiir.'ii
Mortit-e Coin jiany of S'oll md ( l.iic.t. il i, 1
rh PhcintilT, nnd ntraiiMt T. II lt.imlli ,
1. 1. 1 1 ; Hit by . Ins wife. Win. It. .1 acl.n.
Win. .follIIHoll, 'I'iioin in Council, 4'iH.- j
nell, IllH wife, The 4 Mct'oll lion loid Meel
Coiup'inv. 'I hmi.'iM il. i'oii.'iie, cuardiiiu of
the minor hcin of T. 4i. Niilor, den-awd, '
A. UolM-rt-i, Va-il,iii'-l .!i ',unt'. 1'. A.
I'.ailey, 'I iioieat II. 1 oiittne. tint C S- hiil .;
uericL, I U feiulant.i. mi l conin i. : in 1 1 f -f ir;e j
therein to make Ktie of the followiin; ile ,
ncril d proju rty, to wo: I he north half -f :
the llouatl'in I ..iin I Ct ilai of Jo.'pli 1 1 nit i oi ;
ami M irv llinioii. bin wise, wtriiat" in HMciion
eleven ill). Township t fto ( - I rtoill'u. It.llli'.- i
two CJt west, of the lil.imettc nicridi hi. .
ill VaMhill!,'toU C-olllilV, Si.ile of 4 Iivioii
containing m lniiitlr.d and sivtv in-it.-,
more or b'HH, to miti-ify t he Mil m of siiou.oo.
in I'. S. oohl ruin, illi iiilcrei.l tin n-on
friiii the m( day of leru-iiib r, P."i, uiul
Hum, with iliteii . t lit t m per ci nt.
per it T 1 1 1 it in from the Int. day of June, !.'.", j
and f:to.i, with int: rent tlicrei.n at tfri m
iM'lit p r iiniiiiiii from the 1st ilay ol )it.'in
Im t, iv; mid the luitht r mini of VI ci,
nttornev'ii fcc herein, I'tul ,iI-mi for the ritini
of iTl.l': coit of unit, mid iilsn for the'
cimtM anil evM'tiH'4 of Kite, and of Iin..'
writ; and by virtue of H.iid writ, I tli i iiutUi (
levy of the Haine iixm the nlxtvt tl -sci ilx il
lU-id I'roperty on ( he 'S.'hI d of M;iy, A.ll 1
IH-t, nnd by virtue of said writ and s.iid '
levy, 1 will, on J
Wednesday, the 'JTIIi day of Jinn . '
1HSS, nt the hour of 1 o"-lock P. M ., of sai.l
day, ntthe South Pib.i t,f the Court lloiihc.
in ' the town of HilUbvro, i"i'iiii"oii :
Count y, 4)rcjfon, Hell (he above dciici ibcil
real proiert, nt public miction, to tt,i i
hi'het bidder, for Cfinli in hand, ill ('. S.
"old coin, to Hat:.nfy the In ri iiiIh fori- named
miniH S.aid pro'rty will lio l.l mibji ct
to redemption, an by law provided. ;
WiIiicm my blind, Ihiii.May L'lMi. ss.
It. 1. H,
Sheriff of Washington (bounty, 4rcoii ;
tn'.M-M !
I ;
llllNboro, i rcon.
Fnrnitiirc, Curjiefw,
yfnttlnx. 1C4mMIiix.
Wall I'iiihp, Corfu hi.
I'ictuiTH, I'irliirc C'ramcw.
alai. Itahy I'iii'riftM
Nprin; I!:tN,
Ami thin-H ttmt you wild, t nt iiiiiiii-i'.,ici lo
uinitioti. M ItMiTIiANI) PillCLIi.
AI. a General AsMortiueiit of
fsa Sieci.ilty of thU hoae, and I hnva
eonntautly on baud all that can be de rtd
u this line. Also A'utu for the
Give inn a trial, and Ite mrino-d lbt;l
mean butiue and npou a fcreut reductiou
baau. nl7 tf
' ' l( ;
Absolutely Pure.
'I Ids powder never varies. A wiaivel of
purity, strength and wholettoiuetieHS. More
economical ihun the ordiuury kinds, Hlid
cannot lie wM in cometitioii with Ihu mul
titude of low lent, hlioit WeltIll Hluili or
phosphate pders. ,Wij only in cunu,
Kovai. JUkiso Powpkh '.
tilO ft I0; Wall fcl.. N. V.
AiIuiiiiIti'.ilor' Sale.
vii.iik ok a iki;i:k of
the Hon. fount v Court of Washington
4. '-omit v. State of 1 1;. con. duly rendered on
th 24th day of May l"x. in the matter of
the Knlatn of A. 1.. Tucker, deceased,
ttirertiiitf the Hale of the following Ileal
I'roiierty of tlii said estate, to-wit:
First Trnet An nndivided one-lmlf in
tcivst iti acres of tin llavid Uieis iu
Iloii'ctiou 'l lim. in See. I'.t. T. 1 S. It 1 W,
of the Willamette mctidiali, boiuuled by
I o t! 1 1 1 1 1 : ( i r at tlii southeast ciincr of the
saitl )i!tsoii claitii, and ru is ii n.; thence
I. ol ill Iv.r.'H'., lie,' D.) It.l.'i chains; thellie
uci-t 1 1 ).' eliau.s: tlieiiee koii'li It.l.'i chainw
thenco tn tlic jtluee of tieiuiiiti.
Second Tract 'feu acres in section 10, T
S., lb 1 W. of the Willamette nit rnliau in
trefoil, liouiiilcd by bointiiiiK at Hie N. 11.
corner of Kitid tract, and thciuw West 1 '.l. '-.'."
chains to the Peter Kieuccr donation claim :
thence Mouth li.l'.t.l chains; t hence, cast
chains; thence north fi.l'.t.'i chains to (he
place of bcMrimiiu, I h i u i' (he lauds coiivev-
' o.v V. in. I ucker A. It. I uel.i r tl.M. '.(,
I ls.-ii, ,y tlei'il recorded on p'tf" of liook
ivoorU of llt-. iU ol Washington county,
Oreuon, he limleri ieued, ratol' of
H.iid csl'ite, will oiler each of n.'.id (wets for
i Hale nt public miction lit the court house
! d mr in lllllslioio, Oregon, on
f.ATl RllAV, .In iip SS, Ihss,
' nt 11 o'clock in t! forenoon of said flay,
'l ei ins of Side One half c jsIi, remainder
on one year' lime cili ten iter cent ii'tir
est, necillid by liioi'ti;ii.'e on the premise.
41otiveaiiec to le .it critctiHe of piiirha ser.
i W.M. TI'4'KHIt.
nr.' 4 5t Ailiiiinisiriitor,
I-ot. S4i-iimI or Stolen,
11tM the unit I'Hllieit, lit ( rne!iiM,
WaHlntii'toii 'oiict v, ( Ir., 4 Inn ('renin.
colored or " li:iclikin" J'oiiv, 4 yearj ld.
I 1 1 in v premier bint Friday ti't;ht. Is
branded on left hip with ludinn iiionn. dim
outlni" of tri insular form on riht blioulder.
S-.iitable reward will be paid for ivtiirn of
( lie hoixe to me.
J. It
May I!, ISM.
l'IIIUtM ofic'.
N'lri'iCK i.-t bcicliy pivi n tin niuh i
liitled ha taken out litlen TcMt
amciitiiry on l!ie citatu of Wiiliaui It. fiver-
noll, late of WitrJduutolt Coiitil y, ilccciiHi-d
All H-rsoim having clainiH ri.'uiiint xnid
CHlnte, will prcttciit tlm h. one for ullowiiiice
to the cTult r- 'fuel, nt I'Mrmintoii, Wunli
inotnii County, l-cf.'on; ninl rill icroim
iudebteil to iid CHtate, are reqilcHtcd to
make inuueUiate imviin nt.
ISAAC It. j:V!'.US()V.
pvenitorof finut Will and ToNtaineiit of
Win. U. lAcrihiii, lleee.'iHed, ni'.'l M
yjniicj; is m:iti:nv
i liie m il; r -i'iit d 1)114
by the lion. Count v Court
filVKN Til AT
m cii confirmed
of the Mate of
ii'i;o;i for Valtiiii;toii Count v, llmcutrix
of the l,i -a Will i.c.d Texi.'imi nt 4't P. 4,
l.iiI..r,M). ,i a -t tl
All l.avli... rlain.a nKn lint k.h.I .
. rtaie (.lest in he name, wit h he pi o,M r, 1 )t t ea -ctl
voti-'ln I.. o N II coin.:, iii v Altoriiey III
fact, nt I '..n- I 4 irovc. Vi ash ili'rloll 4 'omit j
Ire joii. or to me in s is.ui, at my ii hi.Ii iii h i
ill Wail. e.. '..r.i,(v, (bf.on, wnlini hix f
Illo'llJil f'r ,I.i the l.'le of tli.u liolji'e I
A. n. m roisn, I
.. v. ii, i ...hi !K.'v"',',,"i'-J
r.iri' .t 4
Delinquent Tax Sale.
IS Illltl'.IIV 4;iVI.N. Til AT
, I he County Court of the htnte of 4lrc.;ou,
: for Vahiii'.toii Coiinly, iitlcnted bv I he
iCieiU of Haiti 4!mrt on the lllh iiay of
; Aprd, H, nnd to me ill reeled, coininaiid
, iie-f me, us Klicii'T therein, to colli. et the
j I leliii.pu iit Tiut t for the ver.r 17; ninl I
have levied UlNiii. mill will Hell lit pulilie
iniclioll. lit the South D'Nir of the Com I
: II n,H,'. iii Hie town of HiilNhoro, VV'nsliin
toll connlc, 4 Irejoii, on
Natiiitli), the .'Mill day of June, sss
j The followin; dcwrilx-tl trai ls or p'iccIof
; I in i nl h. or no much thereof a hIiiiII iiccch.
( Nary to Hiitiify the I inert due tlicr.-on, to
, C' tli.T with I'octK and rbarijeMt Sain to
coiiiini nci. at U o'clt'k A. M. of Haiti day,
J and continue from day to day (Sunday
jcxceplrd; until all (hit land nrc i.oKI, to
! Their Intercut in Timothy 'Admit nnd
j v.ifc' donation, ace :V1. 1' 1 N, 11 -J W 'I'm
Mini nwt.'i, i;.00, AKH'Msitl f liiil.tiowu
j Hi intercut in If. lYnrnnti's nnd wile'
j donation, wee :k"i. T I N. K 'J NV, K acre.
Tux nnd col. ft; Ol. AMncHHi'd lo Haiiiliu,
', K. il. P. M, I mi ix, ;iuirilian.
i Lot No. 4. in PltK-k No. 4:5. In the (own
tit ComeliiiM, am-'t-Hctl to Kayiiioutl, Ppli
' ridin. Tax 1. nd cot,!, it "i.O 1.
A. J. Niektima and wi.'e' tloiinliuu, in
' ;-c 10 and 11, T I S, It 1 .I.S (1crn.
j iipcd lo Aiulii w I)r.iy, ih(al of,
ana coat. i...'.L".
N. ','of S i; "4. a. e T 1 S, U 1 V,', Mil
! ftcre. Aei-Med to (ir ay, John,, a
' end coat 1, $1!.(KI
I Part of V 4 of Niel.nm" nnd wife a don
1 in at c 'J. T I N, It 1 W, l acres, A nied
; to Nicki'iti, Tin mid coIm, if i"i.,
J Cent rid part of Oe.i. NV". I'Yrrel'a nnd wife's
1 donation, in ace M, 1 1 N, It W, I 'd acre.
I AH-uttHcd to 1'owler, Patrick. Tat 11 ml
! COSl, if1.!").
! Joel Shearer' hoiui-Ntead and nc1i,xi land
in ec yi;, 1 -1 N. It 4 W, 'iVi ncn a. Aaet.aeil
to Purelbach, M. N.K. T( mid coal,
1 fl'J .71 .
j s )i of s 1: ',. w T 1 s. u :i w, ho
acre. A-Mifd lo Multucr, V, '1 in Mini
I cost, 1JP.'.,V). J
I N K of S W U and K AV of H V.
I see 1 1. 1 2 S. It IS W, hd acre A.en d lo
Mcl'olfiud, Hannah. Ta and enat, l it).
I K tut S W and W !.'of N W of
Me Si;, and S yi of N K ami Iota 1 and A,
Mi. T I S, It 4 W, bid aercai and N V.
f H V. and N P. .'4. and lot 3. 4, tt. ('.and
7, aee 17, T IS, li 4 W, . ncrei ami lot
1, 'J, .t. 4 and l: and 8 M of N K '4. and lot
1 and 2, P "nd . T IS. It I VY, W
acres: and w". G. SivtjrKio" twl wife's doti,
see Hand yi. T 1 S, Jt 4 W, :ilt ncr.-.
T.i and coat, ifdK'i.Ou. AaacHw d to l iihr,
Witness my hand this 2'Jd day of May,
Sheriff anil Tai (Vl lector of Waahinr?4on
County, Oregon tul't Jt
Fire Insurance Agents,
tOiiosi(e Tualatin Hotel),
I Ir wo foi' Dctlo:
City Property. Farms, and
Uuslnc-KH Opportunities.
Houses to R.cnt
List of Lands can be teen at our
Office and at tho Board ol Immi
gration Rooms at Portland.
We nr prepni iui ft lUt for diHtributlon in
Hie K.iHtern Stlitex, nnd ldoli the routed.
It would be Y( II f..r all who mm dimtiout
of diHN,irifr of their l'nrm, or dividing
them up, ( i li iiiil in the hmiub to lift nt early
H iKHlble, to be placed oil our lint. 'llii.
uith our 1'oitlayt-ooiinectioiui, will iiIhcu
your l'anii'4 wbi tliey will coin to tho
noticA of piirefiiiiwrn.
i74,iifbiiin-r are nhown th land fren
of dun i;e. iu. tf
A 'in-d.
I T hnviu ' been reported In vitrotm ilHfen
that I had led the county, 1 hereby tnlm
i cCMxioti t correct Mild falmi linpreMHioii,
and would Male that, J never lont my leua!
rehidciici' in tliin count v by liny iiliHcnce
from II, and am now living on my home
pllu'c IK .ir Miiklietoll.
T. T. VINt'llNr.
f'oiinly t'.iiiM iinteiiilent School.
Miil.llclolt, ( Ir., Al.lll l'.', 1SHM llVJ tt
olI ' fur I'll ll lent Ion.
JiANU Ol I I' !' A l
Ol.KU'lN ClTT, 4)HKOOtf, I
April L;ili. 1HH. t
the follow inu niiiiied Hcllli r linn hied
noiicMof hit jnii'iit ion to niiike linul prtMif
in mii I ik ii I of Lit claim, and that Maid proof
will lie n.aiic I., foic the County JiuIk or
Cl 'ik of N't n.di i iiK'tiiti County. Oregon,
at illhi,ro. Di-.oii. on TPPSDAV,
Iniw 1 Itli, p' iz t lccu,;i W. Morian,
il -nlfiul lintry No. IHI.'i, for the N 10
,f See. 1 1, T. N.. P.. : W.
Ill' I I'll 1. 1 H 1 1 . c follow ill),' willieriMDH to JlToVH
his cotitiiiiioi!4 it nee iimiii, and cultiva
tion oi', tniil I.ukI, m,: John C, Miller,' J.
1 1, but tin, .1, I ,.,11 i-i, i. lid (it oiv llellium, all
of li'i ncot', V ii-h i no 1 1 ,u County, 4 Irenii,
n.:t ;t V T Id KNKV, ItcttiMter,
(ti4'4 Itll' I'll lilicttf ion.
I, ash I b 1 1 i: at ()i.i:oo?) Crrr1, (Iiikihin, I
Apii l'7th, 1MH. (
the fcllowin -lid tiioil M'ttler linn (lied
notice of intention to ninl.e liuid proof
in miim.i1 of I, trt rlu, ,, mi, I that Hiiltl proof
will be niii'le In 'foic the Coiinly JutlM or
Clerk of Wiii.liiiij'loii t'oimtv, Oregon, nt
HillHlMiro, 4)ii iron, on I'HIDAV, .luim I'L'd,
lH.v-t.vizi NV . 1J. N llli i. Pre-empt ion I). S
No. M-J, for Hi.' . K. 't of N. K. of See,
?J. T, -' N K. A V.
lie li no h tin. following wilneKHca to
prove hM coiiiiniioiis icNiileiice upon, and
ciiltiv.'iiioii of, H-id lend, vi,i Sriiuuel
Hipp. Albert 4 )l l, .b.liii I lav in, all of (lletieoo
P. I .. riml ly t ic li.ilwi, of Aloiiiitiiiiitlaltt
Pimtollic.f, Wir liiu.oiou Count .v( IrcKon,
ml! a '. T. Id l(Nj;V, Kchder.
fie for I'tiMlciii ion.
IiANll ()H i K AT OliKOoN ('iTT, OliKOoN, (
April '.'Mh, Ihhm. (
Nonce, is nr.itidiv ciivkn. that
tiiu lulWujiiM iiaiucil w.ttlwr baa tiled
notice of Pin make linul proof
in Hiippoitof Ion claim, nnd that aaid proof
will I in iiuitlii before Hie County Jude or
Clerk of WmhIiiihIoii Count y, Oregon, at
II iIIsIhiio, (Ircu'oii, on I t I.SIIAV, June
r.Mh. it, viz: John Klelclier, llomn
ateatl Knl rv No. 47u'4, for lof No. 1, Sue
!, T. 1 N.. I!. 4 VY.
He IiamcH (lie following willil'HHi to liroVil
hi conitiiuoim li Mi li iii ti upon, and ctiltiva
li, in of, w.otl laiitl, vi,i S W, ller, Sr.,
,1.1'. I ,i, Il ii il , C. lluicM, and .lumen Me-
,nriiii, I II ol 41 ale Ciei-U PoHtotllee, Wimh
jt ..,,,,.,,, v. n,,.,,,,,,.
,;, ,;, w, T, Id'UNKV, IteyiMer.
otir' Tor I'liMicnfiori.
I.ysn ( )i rii i at ( Ihhkin Ci i v, OiiiiooN, (
Vnlir,: ,s hi:i:i;Hi' jivi:n thai1
Bifiy 1,-IH, I "in. t
1 11, I ice of 1 1 1 ri int, nil, 11 to make ii mi I priaif
I in an p mi I, of In claim, ami that, naid proof
will Iin iiimiIc before the Count v Clerk of
I Vashiiioloii Coimtv, (lrcoii, at llillaboro,
Uhccoti. on 'J ill liSOAV, .Inly 12 1HMK, vlt
Molni Mi l. i iii, lloiiii Htead I'lutrv No. lillt'.i,
! for the N. W, of Ken. (,, T. 1 N, H. 4 W
lie num the following witneHea to
prove hi cont inuoiiH remit, nee iijhid, and
cultivation of, Huil linul, vi: S. W, Her,
John VViIhoii, .1 li 11 lleiMler and .1. F. I.all
erty. all of ti.-ilc Creek P. 4., Waahintou
4 '01111I v, 4 lri'i;oii .
nili -t W, T, Id'KNKY, lU-KtHler.
A tl 1:1 i it i n f i'a I o v'n o t i ('.
'pill', uiuliTsicncd Iuih been by Hie f'onnl y
1 Co:u t of Vv MHliiiii'toii Count y, Oreion,
tlnlv iiiK,intiil Ail nun ihI 1 iitor of t he eHtiiln
of Win. Mnurmcr, ilfceaaed. All h.ioii
haviiU' claiiiiti n' iiiiMt Nitid ealnte are lieiehy
not il'n il (o prcM'iit them to me, with proier
voucher, at my reiilcni;c, east of llill
boro, or at t lie I iw ( Itllnu of S. It HiiHtoti,
in lliilshoro, within aix moulh from tin
Tlii M.V bllli, I,
I 7 rt O. A. CmiTIKS,
Tim Ihaft Stiillion, VOl'Nd
Tim Di n ft Slallion, Yoi wo Okhnkmi, I
a dappled bay, 1 hiind hljh, and weighs
.ou i pound.
Pr.oioiti'.H. Sire by Major Hruoe''! fllen
fhl; In. Iiv iTohii Copi, thn threat prise win
ner of l.nt laiiil; iluni, by a John iuar
orand ilaui 11 Mociiu mare,
'i ho,h Coach ir.ire, YOI'NO
loiirr, Hiu 11:, J it., i n liriiiiloniM black,
ith white hind feet, live year old, lfi,' j
hand IukIi, mi I wi ijlii 1,,VI ouiid.
pKiiionKK. Hire, by Itobt. Hnioei ha by
Sir William Wallace; he by Houiiiiion Kinl
ihun, 11 John mare, by iiiiKiiled CIinIIi'Iikh.
'1'ho above -iiamcd Stallions will ninke thn
SeiiMoii of IHs in Wnahintoii County,
Oregon, at the followiuif place:
Monthly, at fiiceiivillei Monday Nilit,
nt. .ft dm ib inlcr'N, mi (liilc Creek; Tnelfly
Noon, nt I'oriHt drove, at tho Hamilton
Livery SlaMe 'J ucaday Niidd, at Pair
(irouiid, HilUboro: Wediieailay Ni'ht, at
It'll Aiideroii"n, l''iiriniiiton 1 'Thuradny
Noon, at Mr, Kent', Scholia Perry Thiira
day .i''ht., at (Jeo, 1 bil'libuckle'H, Heaver
tout Friday Mniniiu', at Win. N. Smith',
4Ydar Mill; I riday Nimiii, at Thos. Oteliiu',
lvit Plain! I ri. Iny Nii;lit, nt Iho farm of
Ilia uiiih r 4'iiecl, il null went of (ilimcoe;
Siiturday No-m, at Win, Paolcy'a, near tlm
l'by Scli'MilhiiiiHe.
Tci 1111 KiriKla aerviee, f'i The Keauon,
fl'i; IiiNiirance, flA
Payment coiiiilcred due when 111 are are
known to hu with foal,
March IT.l, 1H. mW-tf
ff.w (looi) wohk nousFS
and Mare, for Caith, from four years
o,t npwnrd; two mile north of HiIImIhiiu.
Add re