THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY MAY 24. 1888 What is this Dfseasa that Is Coming Upon Us? t Like a thief at night it steal in upon us unawares. The pa tients have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The apjK'tite is poor. Ther is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all gone sensation at the. pit of the stomach which fowl does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and ieet become cold and clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feel tired all the while, and sIti does not seem to afford a in rest. After a time he lHomr nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. Then is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The low els become costive; the skin i dry and hot at times ; the Mtxx" becomes thick and stagnant: the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urim is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment after stand ing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food, some times with a sour taste ami sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is .frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision becomes im paired, with sjiots before the yes; there is a feeling of great prostration and' weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our popu lation lias this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., etc., but none oi'th kinds o' treatment have been attendee with success; for it is really constipation and'dyspepsia. It is also found that Shaker Ex tract of lts, or Mother Sei gel's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must Ik taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL HKT'f Kit THAN I'OTTgN. Mr. John C. Ilemptinstall, of Chulaiirmee, , Cleburn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Koots or Seigel's Syrup that she says she would rather be without part of her food than without the medicine. It has done her more good than the doctors and all other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to fret it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can j;et it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell in this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY FROM TEXAS. Mrs. S.K. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long afflicted with dyspepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extraet of l'oots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the same place, who sld Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail. SHK WAS ALMOST DKAI) I was so low with dyspep sia that thure was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with me. 1 had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the iiead. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Antony the Shakers" which described my disease better than I cvmld myself.' I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-dav I rejoice in good health. Mrs.'M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Muhlenbur Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 51 Warren 6t., 2sev.Yol'k- Leads as Photographer in the Northwest Pictures of the most prominent men and j women of Oregon and Washington may be seen at his gallery. Towne'aNpeeififj is in his instantaneous pictures of Babies the remarkable results obtained being the wonder of all who visit his Htudio. In en- j urging .o loij Bir, j kind of picture, he ptarrtuter to rit a better class of work, at a Inner prier. t han anv gallery on the Pacitic Coast. All wish ing pictures enlarged will do well to secure stimates before ordering elsewhere. Cor xespondenoe solicited, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Stndio 8. W. cor. First and Slorrison sts., Portland. Oregon. THE PICTURESQUE PAVANE. A Kevlvavl from tfce Ball fioon't oC By gone TlmosHow It la IHtare.l. The pavnne Is to be the next revival from the ball rooms of the bygone times. To dance in character, the performer should wear Louis XIII dresses, with heir large puffed sleeves and wide van dyked lace turned back from the shoul ders and drooping over the arms. The overdress and petticoat would not be any novelty In these days of Louis XV gowns, and the lace wired hih at the back of the neck would be becoming to many and by no means a startling innovation. Tie style of hair, however, would be rather trying. The coiffure of that period was perfectly flat on the top. The buck hair was arranged around a comb, while a thick bunch of curls hung over either ear, concealing lsth. The buckled or resetted shoes, with pointed toes and high heels, are familiar enough to us all. The men's dress is sufficiently pictur esque, with silk stockings, rosetted shoes, knee breeches ending in a frill of rich lace and tied with ribbons at the knee, tight Jacket of silk or velvet, with slashed sleeves and hort eiwit hanging loose from the shoulders. Their deep cavalier collars and long lovelocks are inseparably con nected In our minds with a later period of our own i.slntid history. The dunce Itself is it graceful one, with much sinuous turning and twisting of the dancers, many sliding steps, deep courte sies ami pretty poinUMl toe brought up to the recover. The music is in triple time, like that of the minuet, and the first re mark.'ible feature, in the dance U the start ing off of two out of each four couples to the very end of the room in the minuet biep, and their slow dance linck again to place themselves as vis-a-vis to the other two couples. Immediately afur the lat ter set oil on u similar expedition, return ing to their original positions. This pre liminary canter concluded, the real busi ness of the dance begins, strangely enough, by scattering the four couples to the very extremities of the room. Brought together again in the center, still holding hands, they content them selves with a more limited space, ranging themselves os though for a quadrille. The third figure is a pretty one, but one in which men in modern cu&tum would probably feel themselves to be ridiculous. Each gentleman kneels on one knee, his sword well out at the back, his rhrht hand resting palm upward ou his right knee. Each lady, taking a scrap of her overdress in each hand, sets off with the left foot and glides coqnettishly in front f the partner opposite her own in a diagonal di rection. Then the nu n rise, lady nnd cavalier making each other a low reverence, the whole four couples in the same momenr. Much of the beauty of this figure con sists iu the courtesy Inking made exactly simultaneously by the eight dancers. This wns the only point iu which the dancers at the costume ball failed in their Kuvot. Some of them wee rising alter their low liow, at the moment when others were making the descent. This reverence over, the e.tvnlicrs go down again on one knee, while the ladies dance off, each ar riving before her very own partner, when there are fresh courtesies, the men rising and giving their right hands to the ladies, who pirouette without letting go the hand, being supported by the other arm of their partners, which is passed round their waist. Iu the last figure the four dancers form a circle by taking hands and then letting go, but still holding the arms raised high in the air, each couple turns to each other with a step to the riht and then one to the left, repeating this double movement four times. After this each couplo stands nuiged behind the tlrst and dances off out of the room by a door on the opposite side to that by which they danced intuit. London Societv. Started by a Pepper l'orar. Corners In various articles of merchan dise, and especially in food, from wheat and pork to prunes, arc characteristic of the business methods of the present day. But they are not a modern invention. The famous East India company, according to a document recently published, had its origin in a Dutch corner in pepper. Cer tain merchants in Amsterdam, who had Iwtrun to trade in tiie ea-iet n seas about l.jiKi, had by the end of the century so well established themselves that they raised the price of popjier in Indon from three shillings to cigiit shillings n pound. The London merchants thereupon held a meeting nnd resolved to form An associa tion tr trade directly with India. Queen Elizabeth at the same time sent an envoy to the Great Mogul to secure privileRes for the company, and in WAH) the first Dritibh East India company was incorporated by royal charter under the title of the Gov ernor and Company of Merchants of Lon don trading to the East Indies. In due time this company established a greater monopoly than the Dutch had ever dreamed of. nnd the I'.iitish empire in In dia may Is said to have lx-cn started by the Dutch pper corner. Philadelphia Times. Tli Itesara of Llnbon. BeriiiK and nil the forms incident to it is a perfect pet in Lists-n. The nasals of the Portuguese ure well adapted for the woful lamentations wailed forth in tones t melt i heart of Mone. Mendicancy is a profession over which these begjrnrs are master, and uo tr-lian has studied closer his part than have these wretches the part they depict. Little, children, and some of them beautiful, are placed aim tit the different places of amusement by some old crone who has hiretl them, and for a mere pittance the little, actress wails forth her cry for a penny. The day over, the child carries her mites to the brute who is her master. Attcr nightfall, women with their features covered will quietly approach you from the shadow of some tree or doorway and solicit alms. They claim to be of respectable birth and station, driven by extenuating circum stances to ask assistance of strainers, yet too modest or proud to expose their feat ures. Lisbon Cor. San Francisco Chron icle I.or.l Klilr Mnnler Caso. I have hejird some very extraordinary eases of murder tried. I remember in one 'There I was counsel for a lone time the evidence did not appear to touch the pris oner at all, and tie looked about bim with ,tho most perfect unconcern, seeming to diink himself quite safe. At last the sur ieon was called, who aw ore thr.t the mur dered man had been killed by a bhot in the head, nnd he produced the matted hair and stuff cut from and taken out of the wound. It waa all hardened with hliMjd. A basin of warm water was brought into court, a. id aa the blood yrad nally softened n pices of printed paper appeared the wadding of the trim which proved to be half of a bidUid. The other half had been found iu ti.e prisoner's pocket when hi was tak-'i He was banged. IX'troit Free I'resfc- ED. liYONS. JOSEPH HAKE HILLSBORO Livery Stable LYONS & HARK. PrupritrtorsJ Orclora for HACKS. BUGGIES RIDING HORSES. Attended to promptly. ALSO, PEED STABLE. ' Itemember the Place MAIN 8TIJEET opposita tha Tualatin Hotel. Hlllaboro, Or.. March 22, 1SSS. tt Mienc MrsTAu Iiiuht, Itistraisn Mutet to Very Hon ! WuuiHrfuL Trt it. as jw7 SSI Is C5 4t- SB" m e CO v 'l 11,1 Mjiuxs?Mivei osvxs !v kt.Ht'U 4ood Iaiiirsim'- I will pasture horses nt 1 )) p r luoiitU ; colts, 75 cents. Pasture lirst-idass. (iood lining water. Stock s;dted renlarly. Fences in good condition. Itetween .rno arid COO acres of pasture. Where there are four or five horses, I will gu after them, on ttppli eation. Address: J AMI'S O. l.EE. llf 3m Oastou. rejoi. Dress Making Parlors. Mrs. LYDIA MESSINGEC. (Or Amity.) HAS OPENED A DI'.KSS MAKIV Department in I'..xiuh over the liills boro Phnrmacy ldrti.' store . where she will be oluased to meet the Ladies of Hillloro, anu ran assure them f s.tti.-factiou iu quality of work at mtslerste chart'es. DUES FITTING A SPECIALTY l-i"Pleas Kie uie a t r i .- I order. al:-tj OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Orejjim A 4'alif oriiiti It. And Connect ions. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE ! Time Between Portland and Francisco, ntl Hours! Sun California Express Trains Run Daily between Portland and San ciancisco. I. RATE. Portland 4)0 P. M. San Fran. :: P. M. .UiRIVK, 7:-l0A.M Portland. . M:I0..M Loral 1'it MHr ii ffr i- Ittiil;, -i ' ii( Siimlmj, LEAVE. I mVK. Portland . :m A. M. I Fu-en, .MO P. M. Engene . !:0O A.M. I Portland ;i:45 I. M. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Second-Class Passengers on all throniJi trains FKEE OF C.'HAK'iE. The O. A. C. II. It. Ferrv makes connection with all the rctmiar trains on the East Sale division from the foot of F street. AVest Side. Division. BETWEEN' POUTLVND & COKVALLIS. Mail Train Iiai! y, except Sunday, I.r.AVK. Portland 7::W A. M. Hillsboro H:4.-i A. M. Corvnllis. 1:0 P. M. Hillsboro 5:04 P. M. Hillsboro .S:4I A. M Corvallis VJ:'i P. M Iii!!sboro..."..o:; '. Portland .X,:V, P. M' CL-SAt Albany and f'orvallis connect with trains of tlie Oreu Pacific. Express Tiain Di.ily, except Sunday, LKAVK. Portland . 4:.V P.M HillstKiro.. HP.M McMin'Yillc,r.:45A.M Hillsboro 7i10 A.M AUU1VK. HiMslsiro.. f.:04 P.M McMinvi!le,S:00P.M :'.t A.M Portland '.MM) A.M E. 1' . UOOERS, O F. P.Ag't. u4 t K. KOEHLEH. Manager PROTECT YOUR HOMES! MARLIN -A. GOOD REVOLVER no longer costs DOUBLE a Fortune Self-Ccckiiifir, Automatio FULL if I ' .' Htf. 1 - NICKEL PLATED, RUBBER HANDLE. wnunn BqciL if btbbt axspxer to tub UZTH b -WSMOZV. For side by Hardware and Gun Dealers everywhere. Hsanfactarad by THE MAELTS ITRE ABX3 CO, Haw Hayen, Cobb. ' I'"B3sbs3bbs1ssbbbLsB1b Magazine rnvmrnir , I. mmtt tka Ml. mL. . ui. . BALURU OALLKRT. f roHTtyn etn Tin:rr """" MAKI.I. I'IRK AM MM IDEAL RELOADING TOOLS CK0 WILL SAVt ONE-HALF THE Mad for all ilm or (Tartridovs whir tonra or jrivsoifli Mitrnn. 1 olt'N. HiuDfarr, miuuo. biohi, nrniUKWii, Waluicy-Kcaucdy, smiUt We. sua aiao for ail saucea aa4 atakca ef SKIT l SKILLS, PAHS AC9 MAIL Cheaper ard better thaa any other, bead for Price List of the tool to Sax Tlie treatment of many thousands of case of those cbronio wettkiM-soeS aud tlistnHiiK mliiH-nt peculiar to females, at the larniiil' Hotel and Surgical Institute, lluffalo, U. V-. has affortleU a vast cipertenca in ni'.-elj aJu't ing and thoroughly tstiiitr remcHUes for the cure of woman's peculiar uialitHes. Dr. Piercc'i t'vorite freerlptlon U the outgrowth, or retiit, of this ip-cat hd1 valuable cxptTH'iico. Thousand of testimo niais, received from patients end from phy.i ciaus who have ttst -H, iti tiwi more (i;rrn vnted ami otwtiuato imscs which bad bullied their skill, prove it to be the. most wonderful remedy ever devistsl for the relief ami cure of an florins' wonwn. It is not retNtininendeil a a "cure-all," but as a nnt perfect Hpttiac (or woman's peculiar ailments. As poworliil, aitvlKorattng tonic. It imisu-U stretia-tn to tlio whoki aynteui, and to the womb and its appenda-e in particular. For overworked, worn-out," run-down," debiiitatfsl teachers, uiillluers, dressuiakiTS. scainstreaaJ'S, slKp-rirl," house-kceiei-a, nuntuiw motiierM, atw' teetiie women Cemraliy, lr. Pier-e'a I avorite 1'ietu'riirtu.ii the Kr?atest esrf lily Ixstn, U liuf Irnjii.i'.-J as an apatiiuiiir cocilial and i-stoi-Htite to'iii. Aa a sooihiiiff uml treiigtlieulng nervine. lavoi it t'l-i-aeriittiou " is imt- SuaktU and U invaluaMe in allayintr and sut uiutr nervous excitaoility. irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, aisuuna ami other distrtisntntr, nervous symptoms cotu monly attendant upoo functional and onnimc diseaae of the woiub. It induces refn liirur sleep and relieve mental anxiety mm oV. pnndeney. Br. lleree Favorite Prescription la a lea-III male xiedlelite, ear." nil v compouuck tl by an expertetto d and a:u!!iui plijsirian, and 9Jaitot t woumn's tK-ileate orMraiiizatiou. I: irt pure'y . ir- lt! In i comfxjBitio-i rikI ir-iletly tiaiinlciM in ii etitH'is in unv conUittou or tl frsiTii. For inoruintr Siekn, or iiNitsea. froia T.-hsiev.-r canst arininkr. wetik ttomaeh, iniiKstkii, dyw tiei:aand kindred uiptonio, its use, in siuail down, will prom very N-neiieiaL favorite treieriioii la a poal. tire cure for tlie r.i& complicated and ol tinate CKregnf h iicori lieu, hhwiki tlowinir, painful iiK'iistruatioii, linnat i nil ntippreFSioiiff, prolapAua, or fMlUntr 'f t lie wiauii, weak Iwi, tV'iimie weakiiCHH,' Britevcrsuij rvtroversn, ts-Hrinif-down funintioiiH. clironio coriM st hh, inrlatnmatioa and tiU-emtiivn ot the womb, in tuitu mat ion. ptiiti and tenderness iu ovaries, aeouipnieil with "internal heat. Am a regulator aixl prouu.ter of ftinc. tioual aetioii, at tliat criiieul M'iIo.iof chanjre from sririrHMMi to womaiihiMxi. Favorite l'r uription" id a perfe-ly fit in reuMiliai auefit, and n pnwluofl only iroo! teaultK. It is eoually effleaeious ami valunMO in iis tle-ts wlien tak-n for those dioider and deraiitre mentn ineilent ti that hiter and most criluail p'riod. known as Th t h ineof l.ilc." "'avorlte areacr lotion," when taken in conne tion with Vm iiao of Dr. Pierce tiolden M.'iieul Discsivery. and small laxative dostsi of Ir. PS-n-'s Purgative pellets d.ittle l.iver i'illa. cures Liver. Kidney and Kliukk r OiHcases. Their combined uao aif r-iaovw blood taints, nnd abolishes raiMierou and acrofuloua humors from I tie aystem. ea.orlto Prcacrlption is the only fnediein" for wotwn.soM by druvfTists, under a Maitle ari'arniUee from tin- nitoui faeturers, that it will K've Kiitihf action in rvrry chb. or money will In. refunded. This ( hiu tioen printel on tl.' tott k'- rai(-r. and Ih'thfiilly carried ut for many year. Large Itotlles di) $1.00. or sis bottles for .".0O. t or larre. Illust rut. l TroMfirn ifiens t of TV omen tliO prison, iKUH-r--n-r.Ui, aciid ten vents in ufarupH. Addrers, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 613 Tlalu rtl, X. . Choice FIov;ers for Sale MKS. A(t N Y'JS CAMPItEI.L. Fl.OKIST. now has a lare and w II Ht lccted Htock of Eloweriiu; Plants and Itullis for Sale, at reasonable charges.- Anion:; an eudleMH vaiietv of the choicest riou'eriiiK nnJ Eo!ia)'e Plants, may Ih eiiturieratel the Faiuous STORM KING FUCHSIA. Csnne early and make yonr selections. I-t. r loral tinnlen AerKi the tur.-et from Jmlge Hamphreys' residence. in South ml-ff mllHlHiro For NhIV. SMALL LOT OF fiOOD OO "W"S ! Part frerb now; others to come in ssii. Imjuire of JOHN II VltlClNOX. JOSEPH EMRICH. AVholesala and Entail BIITOHEll, Forest Grove, Oregon. All kinds of FUESH MEATS kept con stautly on hand and sold Cheap for Cash. 4f Highest Market Price paid for Beeves, Hogs, ana" Mutton Sheep. 1 'least (;ive me a call. a!2 tf Thin pnMr la kept oh file at the fflre af YERSON DVERTISINq TIME8 E0ILDIK3 gSggftS PrmJCglrm . ESTIMATES .? tlTcilTinlr FREE iAYER & SO.TS QKUAL ft m m 1 1 ACTION REVOLVER. These revolvers are an exact duplicate of the celebrated SMITH & WESSON. - .33 Caliber, using Centre-Fire . Girtridgtt,- BEST IN THE WORLD I Hifle. tunx. mm inns. '.. w tnvm, COST OF AMMUNITION. arc asrd ta aay of the fnttowtmc 14 U. mw bin, Una. Fred Hambleton, Hauler, Will SlanJ for wcrvlre the Season ot IHHH nt the FUKIt tIAMitl.KTUX f.1f. i.vrarHild record, 2:?ft. Sire of Frits Hambleton. winner of the 2-year-old stakes at balem and Hpokane Falls of 1HS7 lie a a chcslnnt horse, 7 years old. Sire HAMHLETON'IAN MAMHItlNO, sire of June L. 1:!. 1 dsni Spi itirield Maid (dnm of Van Tromp, :i-yenr-old stallion record V:40l4'),b i romp, .vyenr-oiu stallion record Z:40l4 ),liy Iyikelan.l AIhIhIIhI,. full brother to Harold, Kaffi ';ire U SB ; y :m vf Y"ryT ),Ud V:U . dam Friday f aire of dam of I ,d Record 2-21?i. by Ityndyk's Hamble Ge. CxIey, 2:1'7 , by imp. Trustee. 4 dam I Ionian. 'J dam Trusty, dam of Deucalion ,UT: l'l'UU!linlrf Hir vt the dftm w,i(2:2-'), Scotland Maid CJ :'-:). and John AVT?VU,& P, IflllOieiOlllilII, Fred llnmbletoii hus Muhstanc .endurance i and apeed. His record tf L:t; waa mndo as 1 a O-year old after a season in the stnd, and is not the measure of his Sliced. He has ; shown a 2:14 k''t and in a brief racing I career has distanced Kitty Lynch, Jane L. , (towak'oii), Altamont, Itdy Maud.Oleander, Melroae and others. IaHt year severe sick- ! iiesa in August rendered him unfit for j racing- Fritz Hambleton. his only colt ever , trained from n mare without standard blMid. wou at Salem with ease over a large , tield of standard-bred wilts. In three years of Ktud service but one mare bred to" him 1 has failed to produce a living colt. TLltMS Or' SKKVJCK: ' Sifi'Ie crvice Season, with privilege of return... Insurance . Limited to 'M mares. .r 7." . 100 Hew City FOREST GROVE, OREGON. (OPPOSITE HIS I OFFICE W. RANSOM. t i l l. .4 i vttni'i.r.rr. Drugs and Tl I.Fr A UTICLI.S. BASE BALLi GOODS, Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Books and Stationery, Et.. ' In fnct, everything that is usually found in a Fint class ;lrug More, mi.! evcrvthiiic J sold at reasonable rales. ' THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is carefully conducted, and, under Mr. Kansoiu's iiianai'.-iuciit, patrons ne.-.l have no fenr but that tbeir prescriptions will ! csr.-fullv and n'vur.-itel ooiu.,iiiib-l. His h-n exs-rience iu the Drug business in this county eliab es bim to fullv meet tlie wants of tb Ms.ple ill his line. Call ami examine his St.s-k Ptices, and m.ii rue Ih.mii I to Is- j siiiu-tl 111.. If , llanifactnrers of and Dealers iu nil kinds of I lF lIK.Irll II nnd LOW I'ltK i:i ' k Sf . l . Also, a line CASPETS, OIL CLOTHS & MATTING Picture Moulding, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, I'pbol.'s, Wall Pa pi r. Sprint; and Top Mattresses. P'llows. -tc; als.i Doors and Frames, MotildingH, Itnu'kets, SVai. I'uildua Materials, Stair Hailmps, Halusters, Newel 1 : 1, liO.nlsT, etc. arXDHKTAItKIttt1 FOREST OR.OVE. WTW, Organ in the Lead ! It has a case wholly UNIQl'K IN DESIfJNj surpassingly lie.taliftil. nnd put teth. r on an KNTJKELY NEW PKlNCIPLE-naiu slido pins instead ,f f r. s. It is also MOUSE PK(K)F. ! a simple roiitHvance. METAL CASINOS PKEVENT 8WELI.INO OF KEYS IN KUI P WE A "III Eit. A h.indsom bracket LAMP, of Gold-finished metal, atl.iclu d to each oraii, insures lilit lsth safe and convenient This Oi(jan. with its full nnd partial sets of HEEDS, it i different SHU'S aiM COl'PLEIJS nor: of them silent - give miuilstless va.iity of CtIM HI NATION'S and EXPKESSION, and in SWEETNESS and lilCIINI.SS of Tl NE, it is fully cqttal to any make. Every instrument, sold with a SI X YEAKS GCAUAN TEE. I am now int rodiieiiiL; these eltL'.-mt SI KPUISINCLY I4IW FKU'UES. A MAGNIFICENT SAMPLE may Is Call ami examine. I jl'.Mf BLIM. HE I'.EMTII If. .WEAi: OLD DA UK J;:p.!e lay Stnlltoii. will maks I lie S.-HSOII of Hhs in WaNhiu.-toii f oituty as foil, iv h: 'I'liorsdays. at Win. Waters', near fVntre ville: lliuisl.iy niiht and till I'ridav ikmmi. t Greenville: nil other days st Ihe farm of i the iindersij'iied, one mile east f HlllsUiro, jSorvi- -l.HI I T!i Srflson 7.00 ' niiritn-o HMMI 1 SELIM. weighs l."p01 iiounds; is bv old Kotaniaoo. s IVreherou: tt.i mi bv Wah jnttor. lie by old Suffolk Punch, of Call for liin; 'M dam Old Sally, owned by Win. Johtl a ti, of tJUneoe. now decensed. known aa the Pc.-w tnsre, siie by imp ltaniblnr, a thoroughbred. fjyery ssMil,l rare will Is? taken to pre vent accidents. ,nt no resartisibility ansnmed P. M. JACKSON, tiillslmro, April 5, ai '.'iu Is C years old, a rich bay ever average size; bred by J. C. SIcFerran, Louiaville, Kentncky. Sired by PAXCOAST C2:'2l(), sire of Patroji (.Vyear-old stallion rtsronl and of Dod Peet (3-year old record 2:2-V), . , , . ., . i Hl,d Aau"u -year-oId record l':2:S').Hc ! (2:2-.'), Scotland Maid CJ:'J(), Ijovs (2:2,..,), by Marllsirougli, son of imp i Trustee. 3 dam by Henry Durtc, sou of Henry, rival of Ameriean Eclipse. PLANTEIt is the immediate descendant of animals, oa lxth niilm, that inherit njieed, pxrM-ss Mpsd tin nisclves, and transmit it to their deHcendnnt.s. His breeding needs no comment. Planter has never lat-n trained, I but during tb-e stud senaon of last year, in j which he covered 4 marcs, he trotted iniles i ill ':."!. His colts, though not old enough j to he. trained, are large, well formed, and . show exci l lent gait. TEH MS : Single service Season, with privilege of retui Insurance Ml Drug Store !l - - Manager. nti sii. i-i rri: Chemicals, fii: sors, A UTISTS' y ATI'ICI A I.S, I IS; taim i:. mith&Sons F1IIT1E assoitmeiit of ter 1 1 1 ' I- . r ?r. v .',-VkJ V'vv IK5AHT13 HXT. OREGON. iiih! mmeiits into W.'iHliin.'tou 'nnitv at seen at my home in Forest Grove, THIN. II. . I.I, I. IS. YOUNG GLEN Is a handsome black. 7 years old, and weighs I.Vf Ml MMinds. Was sired by iniiorted Gleneld, winner tit Ihe Centennial in l7i. 1st dam l.v old Patldinder; 'M dam bv Chal lelie, he bv lllacklinwk. and lie by Morgan, 'I his Iwniitiful Stsllioii will uiakn the S. t.n ef sss in Washington 'miitv, as follow x: l ilesd.iyM, nt Wrtimndays. at 'I'liursUavH, ut Friday, at .... Saturdavs. nt . .Gn en villi ial s Crts'k 'oriu-lius Fa ruiiiit'toii Millslioro I Sundays and Mond.iv. nt I', rs liii iTelin's Farm, one mile north of Ingles P. O, Tennii f s and $10 Every pistaihle cars mill prevent accidents, but no assumed. Is) tfken l resiiusihility t-f" For further Schleffellll or !. A, March m, itooj. iHirtictdars, address E. Jolw, Hillslsiio.OreKon. E. HCHIF.FFELIN. in'."J lui If I . fan Tromp aad Glen Dudley Fair Ground. lMro. Vnlilneoii oiiiH.v. Oregon. j i.i.v Ttiotii: B-frnr-old record :iO' . And winner of the .'t-yenr-ild races HtKalrm ! and The Dallea in lss?; is a bay horse, 'without white, nnd one of the huudsonieM I and gamcHt t Ml tern iu I lie Ktnte, i hired by HD(iElt lk)Y, son of Jfnnible : tonian Miimbriuo (sire of Jane L., 'J::'4. i 1 dam Hpiiut b Id Maid, dam of Fred i Haiiibletou, 'J.'J. See difiin of l'nd I llniiibh toli. j ! Van Tromp will be limited to 10 luarcM, to p t in it iraiiuug. TKJiUS OF SKUVICK: Hingis wrvice..., . . Season, with privilege of return., Insurance . X, Tlif Thoruujhlnet Stalling, fv.; v bhih.i.. Full brother to Judith, winner of 8 races , iu ss. ! Sire of Dndley Howard, L turn D., Minnie j D.. Flavello. etc. ; iti;s Di di.i-v is a liniidsome bay, Hi hands high, and weighs 1 I.'pO Miind. I Sird by imp. tiLEN'EIXI. (): I dam Madam Dudley, winner of the ( liiiiiipauiie Stakes at. Jerome I'aik in lsi, I ... I ;........ ' .l.i.., um.i.i 111. I OT Ot'OII'OU. Ulllll lliriilll, , -Will, I . .' . 1. 1 I ....... ... luaiu til jirigfiuu, winner oi iiid .-imv ; "otice to',hePublic- I now have my Nov ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In oj'Malioti, nil. I pin iiialkin; a vry Mij'f iior ,m;i.1o of JJnu;1. 'I'lio iillif' is iuvitol to fjivn llio Now I'l'ttffHH ridiir ii tiinl. Will l.( oj rousfaiitly on lininl n full lino of Flour, I 'ran, fir, Kxeh lugo ImsiiiosH in with FiiPuPi s. A Mttk .f UiickwUst p Milling O.ils. J I ijlic-i- f ni.'ulvi i pilot: pii'nl. JOH9 MILNE. s'.'.; i CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER, COILNEMFS, iil!i;(;l. ISflMATI j c!as of S 11 'IIMSHED ON ANY bllllilillg oil M pljfVtt loll. oiii 'ims, i et.niarv .'I, l". ml .mi ELKHORN SALOON. IHILIP PHOENLEIN. CNDEK LOP IS 1 Striisser's maTia'i men!, ba i ois-iied a new Saloon in tb- btuldinu' foimerlv s,cti pii il by Tom W hitehorti, know n us tlie Elk horn Salisii. Here he will be pleased t i ii -el bis fro mis. A t-trictlv orderly lionst will ls l. pt, also the best of Deer, Cigars and Liinoi.-i, ml tf Tlia BUYKHS'OUIDEIt Issued March and Bopt., i each year. It Is an ency. clopedia of rueful infor. ' matlon for all wno pur. chasa the luxuries or tbo neceaaitiea ot lifs. We can clothe you and lurnish you Witt all the necessary and unnoceauary appliances to ride, walk, danco, sleep, est, flah, hunt, work, go to church, or atay at home, and in various aizea. tries and quantities. Just figure out what la required to do all thoae thing COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ill-Ill Michigan Avenue, Caieago, IU. 2ifr 6.000.000 fole us CMJERRVACO. mm t1mHt41 iiliith Larsast iMdimtn in the world. S.M.rEKY CO B lUmMnlrt, Itarrls. r J OBED ' ANNUAL for totl will bm iiimiUmI rmit to all llMHllllll, lll ill ItttA. rAM:' eui'.mfr wit ti nut -iitiriiia H. invaluable to ul. r.ory ihth'ii hmi i Carden Field "Flower c ircrrc,1""l,"',,'s O L. U O il iar. O. r.1. IPEHH r A.CO., Detroit, Mich. Ilrpwhlcr's Talcnf Kcln Ifol.lec, V"' r liii. t r siw ir jrni Tl t t '. .i ii'i i.t.'ir l.oiV r--t. in u t 1. 1 muI i i. 'I..., ii : .1 .... r.i.e i ,.ir ."1 I fe !... In . cm hi i lj surtli i..ju t i.i t, V. i a.. ic,ri. i,..i I, j;. JUtl.WSTI I'.. Loll, f iei. i.i f'avents. rod Trade Marlis obtnined, stnl till PA 'IE NT PI'KINKSS conducted for jklllD HiVIH FEES. one OFFICE IS OPPOSITE IT. S. I'AlliNT OFFICE. w Imvc no mib aoi iicies, till liinitifM direct. ,i nee can Irausact patent liin.'tiess in li'ss time cul nt I.I--SS I'OST than those rein. it f.,in WasuimoToS. Send mislel, dr.i'viu. r hoto will, de scription. We ndvis if i;'e oi nol, fns-of eharj-e, Oiir fee not dnr till p d is aeiirel. A iook, "llowtn Obtain CiUnts." v,iih references to net mil cli-nts i.i yonr Sintc, county, ir town, sent it t, auuh hh A. HSUW V '.. c i'', Olilce, X- nsliiuton, I ' ii nls-tf nniff" Hrnd six rjf's for stnje, a Y III t.snd receive t re", a Cosily ls of either e, to morn money riht sway than anythint.' else in this world. Fortuntsi wait the workers absolutely sur. At olics Address Tsus A Co., Auct.sU, Maiue. IFF SEEDS IT I si?T Derby i Wl), liy Flying Dutchman, win ner of the Derb'v and Hi. Js'dger. Huo I (nice a American Stud Ifesikl. Imp. Oleiielg, a magnificent rncs horsu hiiuw If, is in mi,U the first sira of Thor-oughbr.-tiM in Am. lien, lie has lio"U four Ima s at the heai of winning "ires WJ, lss, ihKt; and l7, nnd has sued more witmei'M than any .tall inn in America, li. in Dcni.Ky, nfu r receiving severe fn juii. Hut 2 jears old, uas still mi excellent rice heme. As a '. cur-old hu started seven times, won t hit e races, was hccojuI III him ; titiii third in two. At Washington, D. C, : November I'D, l77. iu a l'-mile dnhli, hw Is'i.t, imioiig others, Lady haylers, ti e dtiu 't St. Paul, winning easily by half a lenyllis. t b ii Dudley's' colts hlivs Sle, style, hk eil aial mi exci llent dm)iimitiou. None of (lit iu have had thorough training for races. 11:1! MS () HEItVICK: Singlo Hi rvice Ht uson, vith privilegu of return IiiNurance $1.1 . 2.". Mares iut rnsted t! inn tuba bred will receive careful alteiitioii and giaal pasluiHa at fl0 n month, I "oung hbs li, both ttul ting and Thor oughbred, for side, III0S. . TDM; I F, iHlltbovn, ih-eyutt. FOR SALE ! Y I'm' OF I'ACED WYANDOUU CHICKENS, Also, (t Tim nt 1 1 v of Hay, will be sold f'hssp at the Jtiirn. F. CH A LMEUH, (Cornelius. K'.f It Call an d S o o mt. iv. itoivi.KY - AND BOOKSELLER I'orc'Mf iAvovt, n.l v t r money's worth of Drugs, Medicines, Toilot Articled, Envolopos and Paper, Musical Mer chndlbo, and everything usually kept in a First Class Country Drug, Pook and Novelty Store, PRESCRIPTIONS and FORMULAS Carefully r, Mipoiittdcd at all hour. di; tr n (hi 1 b for ! i. Ih i i limn i vit, ami fliniila im in 111. hanita fit rvrry imia r..T,l. n, ,,l , , Inn tuj ln C C C Ft O B'JLDS - PLANTS. J.1.:,;". f?,!5P,i?.; IlKHimiiil. orlllil' Inilhiii,. hiiI li.Bi ly IbO iHMfm, I. Illns Iih( Iu 1 .1 1 , , urn. kIiiik In nil 11, mill liltllillil liiral .n. i Ii .him y.,i,in, Ii I. ii i.r ( 1 1 IliK oiilyluimila, luiludiug a t " "if'. ,.!! I'm... I f .r M ri'iim anrlti, J A. 11 Lis Villi. hltliNMlf, it vi acalor ft. V. Oregon Pacific B, I zir, mivn siitiio i : IIoiipm' l.t s Tlni! Accomiiiodrd ions 1 'nun i ii,msi d for Comfort and Safely! - Fares and Freight vis S liijwili l mid the Oregon DeVeoi In. Ill 4 ' h Ht li l j r-li l s Mt I H LKSS 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 y I l V other route b Iu. i ll nil olats in t lit NV llniii. it Valley A San J'niiu'isco J DAILY PAS8ENCER TRAINS ( Except Sundays), Is iive 5'niiiii'i . . A. M Arrive Coiv'allis ,.. . . lu.;w ' Arrive Albiuiv .. ,11.10 " Isnve Albativ I :'.Ht P. M. Arrive t'ol vail is Strtl'J P, M Arrive Vaininit . A.40 P, Ii flreifon and California trains connect at Albany and Corvallis Fare latwisn Corvnllis, Albimv nnd Hsh Francisco -Kail and Cabin, tll.Uu: Kail and Ho.eriiae, ifO.tMi. CH AH. O. lKKIl'E, Actc O. F. A P. At., (sirvallis, Or, VM. M. 1IOAO. ( lenei id Matui(;er, Oregon Development Co. First clasa Stenuihliiti Line between Ymiiiins and San FrMtieiseo, coiinecliui; st S'suiiins u lilt tlie trains of I lie Oregon Pacific. Itail road 'oilman v. SAILIMJ DATES. rltoM SAN rilAMl'Isro! (''.astern Oeron Wediiesiliiy, June SU W ll laiiK'tte Vlillry. . .'l uesdaj', Jaly tt Easleru Orei.'oll Monday, " 11 Willanii lt.' Valli y Siiinliiy, " 17 I'.astern Oii loii Saliirility. " HA Willamette Valley ... " " !sj rno:j voiiiNA! I'Tiislern Oregon Wedni-sdav. July CI Willatni tie V alley ,.. . Tuesday, 12 'iihIciii Orei'oii .... " " III VVillanntta Valley Sunday, " V4 I 'asl.-ni Oregon Friday, " W S iIIhiiii lie Vail. y. "' Anu. e The CowiJMtiv reserves the riK'ht to cliatiga steamers or sailinu dates. H. H. TOP.V, . ii. F. A P. Aent, Montioiiiiry St., n'.'l tf San I'rancisi-o, ( al. I Wl Send 10 cents MMdau, And we will mail you asa a royal, valuable, sampla Iku of l'iskJ.i t list Will lint Vou in the way ol inskin Moke mombt st once t iari any lliln else in Amer ica, lio.h of all iiRes esu livo at home snd work tu ksie tin e. or nil the time, Capital not reunited. We will start you. Inimensa sy mii for tlnme ,vho star tat, once, Htimsun A Co., PorllHiu'., Mslue Orug gist