THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. APRIL vt 1888 flit: COAL FIELlfS. Eihtor Ispepesdest: From notes of a visit to the coal beds of the Nehalern, I furnish you the follow ing items. So far as prospected, the foal lies iu Columbia county, in the territory between Pebble creek and Elk creek, in township 4 north, range 4 west. In this scope twentj' bix claims ha?e been located, con taining each from 40 to ICO acres. The country is Tery broken and rough, being a succession of deep ravines and steep xidges. mostly burned over, covered with fallen timber and tangled under-brush. It can be reached best by way of Archbold's mill and the oM t-tuto road, which is open for wagons within two miles of Pebble creek, and can easily be cleared of logs the remainder of the w.ay. An easy route for a railnmd crn be had lip a branch of the west fork of Dairy creek and through a low pass to Pebble; on thi line the to is very little elevation in the way of railroading. No systematic prospecting has yet been done, and nothing more than croppings have been tested; but enough is known to justify the con clusion than an immense ledge un derlies that entire tract. The crop pings show in the gulches from n trace to five feet in thickness, bitu minous coal of a good quality, pitching slightly to th north and east. Some idea of the importance of this find can be had by figuring on a three-foot ledge, which will lo found to contain over three million tons to the square mile. Thcie can be little doubt that the ; ledge i over tbree feet thick, nml that in a short time we slmll nee a railroad tapping the mine ami thousand! of miners euvichin themselves nnd the country. T. II. HM)r.K.v. The Jioston wool ruarkot tlenotf-4 the decline in the price of wool atul , the Iain oil in the demaml. on! t a i rli l -it - i have fallen two and three rents on tL. ,1 1 1 .1 1. t. . ui jjuuuu.auii "J'ur Pul,,i" ers hesitate to buy while the market i menaced by free trade pos;iili ties. If the wool industry of the Xorth and West must p;o, let the cotton and sugar of the South go with it. Let us surrender the . ... ... .UUaUi, v. .... -'" Kngland. Fact is, we feel rather moan nnr vat- f rf Itavinrr sntrnva,1 from England our broad territory ! and built up in it the grandest and moat prosperous nation on earth, j Free trade offers an excellent oppor tunity for us to return the country to its mother gradually and in such a way as not to startle the old lady by an abrupt gift, and at the same ' time our generous sons will never i suspect our treasonable motives 1 until the wheels of commere have refused to turn. The plan is a grand one, and ought to succeed in retiring the statesmen who advo cate it. Should republicans make .lude clreshaui their resit1ential caiuliilatf this year one of the few romantic stories which have found their way into American politico would doubt less piny a prominent pait iu the campaign. Thin atory is to the effect that during the war of the rebellion Gresham, then a younp; colonel under thirty, being stationed with his regiment at a post where there was no chance for any fighting. . heard the guns of one of ii.. ... ni. : before Vicksburg, and without orders inarched his men into the j -thick of it. For this breach of discipline young Hotspur was dc-j prived of his sword and put under arrest by his superior officer. I General Grant, however, on bearing ' the circumstances, placed bim once more at the head of his regiment, gave him plenty of fighting to do. and soon made him a brigadier general. It is easy to imagine what ... . . ,i . enthusiasm this story would awaken , if told in a nominating speech nt a national convention. Er. . Almost every resident of u doubt-' ful state is a politician. The in habitant of New York, Indiana, or j Connecticut feels that the fate of the republic rests on hi.s shoulders, . and also that be is equal to the emergency. A resident of Indiana in speaking recently of the nftitirsj of his state, said: "Kvrry prsi riential year results in a loss of thousands of dollars to Indiana. During any important, political rain- , paijn we neglect our business. throw 1 avsay trade, raise meager and half-; tilled crops, quarrel with our neigh bors and injure our health, merely because we get excited nnd try to save the nation iu every township : and Toting precinct. A safe repub-1 lican or democratic majority of .lO,- 000 votes would be a glorious thing for Indiana. We need a substan- j 4 t1 mtinriiv rkf t ll ft f arrt mnra limn " ' J me need additional churches . American. nclioois nnd The prospects for splendid crops in Washington county were never better than at present. A big crop -would help eur farmers to eanr circumstances. account OI lue 1UH uui in rongrens , the year 11:5. In her childhood she emi to make Wool dutV free. Prices I grated with her parents to Ohio, where she Mr a I f.otaie Traaaarttatna. Jas Steel and wife to Wm M Benedict, 90 acre in wo 30. T 2 X, K 4 W; $:J0O. Henry Wehrnng, adrar, to Curia Sehind-p-r , Hi acres in sec 18, T 1N.R1 W; $ 12030 Snine to O A Curt iss, 10 acres in T 1 8. R 1 W; $.m W J UnriiH niul wife t Henry N Xorth. 100 acres in sec 9, T ' S. H 1 W; fll0O. Francis S Bradley and wife to William Westen, W) acres in sco M. T 2 N, It 4 W; f I. Chan Eisenlinuer to Stephen D Powell, 4 acre in T 1 S. K 2 W; r0O First Congregational church of Forest Grove to W Wagner, It 113 in cemetery; $10. Nancy A Johnson to John Morean, dower in 82 aores in sees iV mid 'M, T 2 N, II 3 W; $1000. Anna Sedhik et al to Sarah Coartncy, 80 acres in sec 13, T 2 S, 11 1 W; $420. Patrick Fowler to .Iu Afiiiew, parcel of land in sees 4 and .', in T 2 W, It 2 W; $4000 Nancy A Johnson, ex, to John J Morgan, JW0 acres in sees and T 2 X, It W; C G Warren and wife to H Kettler. auras in tot Ti4. Steel's id. to Reaver ton: j $14'l0. j Yii'i(ini;i Meek to Stephen A D Meek and j Jon L Meek, 200 acres iu T 1 X, It 2 W; $10. j W T Kversen und wife to Isaao B Ever- t Hon. 114 arret in sees 27 and :l, T 1 X. It 1 W; John li I'Aerson and wife to wm, lit acre in Hfci 27 and V: $."in. II I' Johnson and wife to J acres in, ec 1, ;. :!, :in and W, T 1 X. It 2 W. T 2 X. II Inane It F.ver- ! :;. I I X, It 1 j i J Morjjan, :WO ! T l x. it 3 ' ;; w. t 2 x. it i 2 W; !U. Arthur M 1'ntnaiu and wife to Koae Ana t Nielsoii, acre in iter 24, '1' I fi. It 1 W: I 00. . 1 Jont Dnrst to Marin Durst, XO acre in nee 35, T 1 X, it 1 W; $300. John It Sawyer and wife to J V. Smith and Ida Smith. 'J acres in town of MilNboro; $S. i George Squires to John A Anderson, pt J of block 4. Walker's d to Forest Grove; $730. John W Shute to HiI1Imi o Ormijjo Itaild- j ' ing assticintion. pt of lot 1, town of Hills- t Ixro, quit I'lami in nature of contract. : I'nited Slates to Martin S Fidiburn. 1U i j acren in sec 'I' I s, i; :; w . .1 It I'.titliitton .-iiiii uil In I '. I! II C... il-tit of w.-y t h roii-.-.h W nd W V So ncres. i'M I fee', UU: sl." Philip I'li. iii tile ami w if. to -loH. ph lm i rich, l.:!t acres neur Fwiw (Jrove; $31 Ni. Sl:th" of Oregon to Christ Johnson. N ! ncrts in wc P. T J X. IC - W; It. Mt:M I'KliEN. Xeur lii:Ilor,. Sntnrdav. April :M. 1. Wulter 11., eldest child of Henry ilcMurren. :iL'el X yejirs snd months Oltll'l tin CAKEY. Near Corn lius. March lfHs, itlrn. flin 31. t urey, nijett i. years. Ihe deceased wris lsrn in New v ork in t' was married to Abijah t nrey m is;t: With her husband she removed to Oregon in 18t and I serine one t the enrlv pioneers of this coast. She haj since lived at Cornelius and in Eastern (regon, and in recent years with her daughter, live miles souMi of Cor nelius. She was converted to Oml in early youth, and since that time has Is-eu a faithful ' ''hristian ami a consistent member of the i Methodist church. Mrs. Cnrev died after a i Methodist church. Mrs. tnrev died after a short illness, and was buried from the ; Methodist church of Cornelius, her hodyiwr llutte . t leinc followed to its last resting place bv al " large nuniler of the old settlers, few of whom had spent so niHiiy years in Oregon as she. F L. P I Absolutely Pure. 'I his powJer never varies, f A marvel of purity, strength and wholesotoen, s. Mora economical than tho onliinii v kinds, and !itJW of low tesl. short weight alum or putmpunie pi.wuers. mutt intniy la can.: lioVAI. l.AilNO I'OWDRK t-O. nlO-tt l(x; Wall St N. Y. i XKW TO-O.tV For Snlv. A smm.i. lot or coon J a l p?.y COWS Part fresh now: others to come in si.n. inquire of .lOUX IIAItltlSOX. Mount a indale. Washington Co., Oregon. R. SANDFORD, PIIYSICI t, si i:m:o. - - SI At'COl ( II KI'R, CLKNt OK, OliKOON. OfBoe rtt. IDi-vig Stoi- -. Healer in Driiir, Medicines, Paints, Oi. Mtr. School Hooks krpt con slantlv in Stock. o21-tf G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and Petail lealer in Groceries. Provisions, Dl ACTCD ANn PCMCIIT UHgiLII HIIU W&.IIII.III. LAND PLASTER; -A. SPECIALTY. No. 55 N. Second VOKXKK n. Street, IIS Pimples, Boils, And Carbuncles result from a debilitated, impoverished, or impure condition of the blood. A ver s Sarsaparilla prevents and cures these eruptions and painful tumors, by removing their cause; the only effect ual way of treating them. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ha prevented th usual course of boils, which have paints! and distressed me every season for sev eral years. G. Scales, Plainvilla, Mich. I was badly troubled with Pimples on the face; ilo with a discoloration of tli sLin, which allowed itself in Uly dark pctchos. No external treatment did more than temporary good. Ayer's Sur aaparilU effected A Perfect Cure, and I have not been troubled since. T. W. Boddy, Kiver at., Lowell, Mm. I was troubled with Boils, and my health was much impaired. I Ix-jjan using Ayer'a HiMrsaparitla. and, in due time, the eruptions all disaeared, and mv health was completely restored. John U. Elkins, Editor Mauley Observer, Albemarle, N. C. I was troubled, for a lon? time, with a humor which appeared on my face in ugly Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sar saparilla cured me. I consider it the best blood purifier in the world. Charles II. Smith, North Craftabory, Vt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all ilrnjrsrits. Ask lor Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and d not lie persuaded to take any other. tt rreparrd by lr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell. If ms. l'Ht l ; als bottlM. S. 3SKW TO-WAY Republican County Convention. '"'HE Itepuhlicnn Conntv Convention will , 1 lie held at the Court House, in Hills-, Ikio, th-eyon. on Wednesday, May 9, 1888, At 10 o'clock in the foreuoon. for the pur-: j po-w? of iioniiiiitliii s County Ticket, and . to trsusitct such other l.UHiiie ns mey projierly come before the Convention. Primary meetings will he held at the ! . Polling places in the Heveritl lrecinots, on! Saturday, May 5, 1888, At 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The ltepresentation will e based on the vote for Kinger Hermann in 1HM4'., und Pre- I cincts will entitled to Tete$?stes n fol- ; ; lows: Iteaverilam Cedar ( reek G I u ! Cornel ins IIMIry , - Win ! FortMtt CiSrOV i M , . M , , . 3 lO laiiirs s rreK.. illillMboro So a th Tnalatln l Wapato .. ', mm i w nwiiinsiMn 1 Total 73 - - - I Jly order of the Washington Connty i ftepublican t.entral Committee. Dated Hillshoro. Or.. April 23, ISs. ' VS. S. BAKKKTT, I Chairman, i It. It. titMUM V, Secretarv. aJK-td POLITICAL SPEAKING. HON. M. C. GEORGE I Will address the citizens of Washington , ' County, in the Court House, at on th ISSUES OF THE DAY ! On 1IOMIAV .111111. TO. isss. nt T:.W P. M. Hon. Rufus ?V" a I lory Will Keview the l'oliticnl Sitnatimi : Court House in Hillshoro. on ai the jMOXU.tV F.VKMMJ, M1V 7, A cordial invitation is extended to all Women are esecially reiaested to le present. These Siaker are loth men of it y. ' are a m(n the leadint; orators of the, and are sure to please and instruct nil who may attend. j Crowded houses on eveniirjs. April oO;h anil Mny 7th. is sssnred. Prohibition CONVENTION! The PsohihitionUlt ot" Wsrhington Cottnlr, will meet in Convention at the Court foti-e. in Ilillvl-oio, ii-oon. for ' the pi:rM.-e of nominjtino County ; Ticket ami for transacting mu-Ii other' : business as nvtv sei-nt needful, on NatnrdHy. Jlny I IHHH. At 1 o'clock A. M. The 'ierin'ts wi!I b rntiib-d repte-cutation as follow-: ; PeavcriTai :re1ar Cieck j Columbia J Cornelius . Dairy i Kast Unite Gale Creek to :t II HilUlsro.. South Tnslst in Warwito i I Washington Iwest H-tttr. ' Forest Grove. . (. , Total Ily order of the Central Committee. Washington Count; A. J. FAX NO. Chairman. H. B. LITE, Secretary. Dfess rMi"6 parl0fS Mrs. LYDIA MESSIMGEC, yr AMTif, ) HAS OPENED A DltESS MAKING Department in Kooras over the Hills. boro Phannncy (drQjj store), where she will ! T" a be pleased to meet the Ladies of HilUboro, irirP I fl S U T3 11 C fi flfifi 11 IS and can assure them of satwfartion in! IlltJUIUIIUO MgblllO, quality of work at moderate cbar;es. I D It ESS-FITTING A SPECIALTY fifPlesse Rive me a trial order. al3-tf County Nrliolarwhip. A NY person desiring to obtain aCoautv Kcholarship in the State I'niversiiv. will pleiote Hrud written notice at once to the undeiMitriied, and apltear in the Conrt House, at liillHboro. on WEDNESDAY, the tnh day of May, 1HM, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M- and be esa mined in the fol lowing branches : Iteadinc, Writing, Orthography, Mental Arithmetic. Written Arithmetic. Knolihli I Grammar, fieoraphv and I'. H. IfiHtory. T. T. VINCENT, County Supt. of Schools, i Middleton, h-. April 1:1, 1sh.s. aiy-2t Xotlco. ElSOXS Hunting or otherwise Tres- X passino on my premises hereafter will : suffer the connequences. I MMted notices ! several years a, but they have tieen trn i down, and J o to this further tronblu to prevent misniutertaiutui. h. ii. i, rep, the NEW ART SCHOOL IS GOOD TEMPLARS' WHWi-H',. Landscape and Flower Painting Thoroughly and ltaiiidly Taught by ti most Improved Aletliotl. PAINTS AND BRUSHES I Furnished for lessons Free. ! Isimoii lor - - ..00 1 II. i HKNT. nl'.Um Teacher. Democratic Convention! f"I,HE Democrats of Wsshinglon C-xinty, a Oregon, will meet in Convent iou. at ' the Court House, in HUlsboro. OregiMi, for t the purpose of nominating n County '1 ickei I and transacting such other business as nrty i properly come before the t'cetiu;, on ! SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 1888. At 10 o'clock in the torenmu l'recincts will Is- entitled t'i lieiire- The i sen tut ion ns follow Beaverdam . . Cedar Creek. Columbia Cornelius .0 4 5 .8 8 4 8 .3 9 3 3 1 Dairy 5 i East Butte Vnrpnt flrnva Oolft O V i uaies reeK "(HUlsboro. ... South Tualatin I wapaio WasnlngtOn . . . .4 West Butte 2 Total C9 Primary mettings will In. held at tin; usual places of otm;: m the various pre cincts, on SATURDAY, April 28, 1883, At 1 o'chs-k in the nttei ii.nn. for tiie pui- 'i of electing D lenities f the t'ouny .iivent ion. Iv order of the Washington ('' v Yii- trnl Coiimiitte.. H. I.. Willi II kiii: IP, Chnirmn it. in vroN, Si C. I'r-i. Tetll. al'.t td The Sl.ttr Central Committer of the PROHIBITION PARTY Take pleasure in nnnotiucing that ELD. J. W. WEBB, StHtc Organizer. Will 1 eak on The Issues of the Day ! At At Clcnroc. Tucsdaj l.aslon. Thnrstliiy etc. May 1st May 3il, e. i i . l-i.l... v.., llh At lorest l.rote, Irida etc. May 4IH w At llillshstro, HalBrdaj ere, May- i , ' . m Al Ureenville. Monday eenhiir. May f ' , prakini; will be - aUivr places at ;in at a-ach :.iO 1. M. -f th th, As iiu-n ami tt-rtfsti.l. all ate women an iiiviled. directly In all) Vt I'onnd Xot ire. I i IlAVK this dav plncwl in the Poiinil, jn I me low 11 oi roresr it rove, .lie lis V ' lare. desrilsl Hf follows: Liuht hay, with ringbone on lvth hind f.-ct i 3 vears old. If the nlove named anim il is not chimed ' or redeeme.1 hy owner on or by-fore the fdh j day of May. lsS-J, J will sell nt public anc- ism. at th l'omitl date, iu the town of I ; iorest rove, for canh in hand, to the highest, bidder. Ihe name, in accordance with Ordinance No. 27. of snid town. Hnle to Is- at 10 o'cl.s-k A. M. of said d-iy atmve f named. l'ore-t Or.,-e. Or.. April 7. sss. ; If. H. CJ.AKK. Marshal. al: :'.t I'orest Grove. trein. otiro lo ( oiitrnetArw. O EALEI liIlS for ISV. f e t of llew.irson i the West Knd of the liridire Political km ! " : Dairy Creek, between Hillloro and Cor o ! neliu's. will Im received up to 1 o'clock P.M. - j THLKSDAY, May lOth. Is-S. Also. t hem j will 1m let to the lowest bidder, a liridee 45 ft lone, 14 feet wide fon span , u cross M Fanoo Creek. And : Fill and Culvert to rrplace bndiie near C Una. hs;btnitt s Tile Factory, south of 'I unlit in ltiver. Also, for a Fill and Calvert to replace brides on tha t dar Aim roaa at Jtrownaoo s harm. Kpeeificatioua can ba seen at the Conrt Hons on day of letting. Bt order of tha County Conrt. KODOLPU CR A SHALL. a!2-t County Judge. 1 j morgan & panNARD REAL ESTATE AND (Opposite Tnalatln Hotel). IIIITSI30K.O. Have fox Sale: City Property. Farms, and Business Opportunities. Houses to Rent. List of Lands can be seen at our Office and at the Board of Immi gration Rooms at Portland. We nr pr i(iriii" a lint for distribution in i the Eastern Stnte. and uloa the routes. J It uoul.l l? well for itll mho are desirous of il!otu of their I'nrnis. or diVldmtt them up, to hand in the ssme to us as early as possible, to In placed on our list. This, with oor Portland vnuections, will pine your Farms where they will come to the notice of purchaHers. JtHistotucrs are shown the hinds free of charge. iu:KMf n:i.F.iticATF.i x. J. Vfttfiiifitrl in I. ; ASTON. KIU.O. 'rUUS PLOW II S NO SI II KIOI! 1. for all classes of work and iu all kinds t.f soil. Easy draft and darablu. I'or imr ticulsrs, .uhliesS me, or call Mid see the plow. D. J. PORTER. (isstoii. r., March lss7. A. M. COLLINS, llitltlnn-tt. Orrjmi, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER Millwright. nnrf indows, Ir.-onea, 1 will furnish d-M.cs, blind and mouldings of all descriptions. IVOmce und shop neat Kilney's l.Ui-k mith shop. Hilislro. Msrch 31 Ailfitinis.lrntorM oii-. TICi: IS HF.UKHY OIVKN THAT' fj 1 'intcd by the ionty Court of the St aw i I istrator of the Fjitate t William Haesler. ! deceased, mid liss dulv ouallfte.1 as such t ! All js-rsoiis. therefore, having claims j ! agniust said estate, are hereby required to j present ther.i, wirh the proh-r Vouchers, to : ine. at the J-iw Oiliee of '1 hos. H. Tongue, in, W aslniii'trin count v, 'titegoii, I within six troiu the date hereof. t tregon, April . Isms. aWit JOHN HAMF.I.. AtliiiiiiNt rtttur'st Mot !. NO TICK IS HKUMtY fHVI.V. THAT the undersiv!iied has Iss-n aiMinted . Iv the t'onnty Court of the State of Oregon , lor Washington County. Vdnnnist rator of Ihe tate i I Jos-ih W. I.m. decease.l. All pi rso'is tiitvin;' claims against aald I'stale will present the sune t. me. with the prop-r oiieh, r-.. at my otlice. at forest tirove. Orefcon. within six months from the late of this nol lee. l-'re,t iirove. r.. iril llih. s incurs. t al:-.'.t Administrator. A 4 ii i ll. fT'lu. 1 th; IV! in 7 lx-cn ieHrli'd iu varous pl aces 1 h.'d It-tt the count v. I lift !. take Ii loll to eorrt ct asid false impresMion. ' ainl r or. Id Mill,1 lit it I never vt my lejral , renidence in this county liy au al.sence ti'.nii ii. and am no liviuo a.u my home I'lM.'e 11,-nr Middleton. I T. T. VINCKM . Conntv Siiperiiiteiidnt ScIkniIs. i Middleton. tr.. April 12, 18 a!2 tf j NliorifT'si Sale. Is thk CtRfi iT Cocar or ma SrtL ) of OiiR.tos roa tiir CoLNrr or ss. Washinoton. Ira K. Pnrdin, Sr.. I'laintitT, 1 vs. j Fedd-r Keddcrson, an insane h-rson, ! John Harrison, ns (jnardiau of the j I Estate t.f sai.l Pedder Fedderson, ami Harbnra Ftslderson. Defendants. I IY VI I JT I'M op AX KXKcrnox,! l decree and order of sale, issued out of the n! Court, and in the j entithd cans,- and to me directed I and deliveretl. lM-.irmw .late of ITTth March,! lv.8. on a juitoiuent in favr .f the named pir.iuti.V. nnd commandiui! me there- ; m t) ,j ;kt. H.lU. f uerinntter described ! proioiv. tiwit: Lino. leinie nnd situate ! in V ashiiutlon County, Oreoon. and ls?inR ! more particniarlv descritied and dt sinated ! ,H follows I Miir the northwest quarter of j station 1.'.) hi teen, in T. C-') two N. of It. :t) thr west, in th district of lands sub- ' ject to sale at Or. yon City, Oregon, con-, taiuino inn. and aistv acres; to satisfy the sm. f xll U in C s. trold , Coin, now lue Haiti plHintitt .si sunt judif- merit, with interest thereon from the VJJth i day of March, sS, at the rate of 10 per cent. s r a.inuiii. and the further sum ot , Ifno y."., iui . -f suit, and also the coats and j eeii.- of -tan! sal.-, ami of this writ: f I hav,- this April loth, inss. made levy of said wr''t, iim,ii the hen inls-fore descrilsnl ' real it-op m : ami bv virtue of said h vv j ailit s.inl Writ. 1 Will on ' ! I apalo Pto! t .I.e'Tiiesitai. Hi? l-lth d.ty v.f .May. IHSS, At t Iisri-f t!i. Court House, in Hill- ''oro, m said hour ot 1 o'cloeh Ci-ii;H (ilul state, at the e. M. of sstd day, sell the hereiid-fo-e le-crils-fl real nmntrti , at public auction, to th hiehest bidder, for I cash iu hnnd, to satisfy the hcreinlefore named mm This pnl Id. isss. ; H. I'. COUNELII S, SheriiT of WMshiiitftou County, Oregon ali.",t I olirt' lor Pnbllration. LM Ot 1 irr st Osnoox CtTT, OanioN, 1 .March 1-th. isss. , N'OTICK IS IIF.RK11V GIVEN THAT th-' following-named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made Ijefora the County Clerk of Washington Conntv, Oregon, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on FUlD.iY, May 4th, lHHrt, viz : Aloiuo W. Wilson, Fre-euptiott D. H. No 4S7S, for the M. X of S. E. 4 ol ISec. '.'.'., X. 2 N.. ft. 5 XV. II names tha following witnesses to prove his continuous rwaidenc upon, and cultivation of, said land, via: Otto Faraons, Cbarlaa Hicks, Charlea Hiatt. snd A. L Vaatch, all of Gales Craek P. O, Waaa- lnffton County, Creson. n05-t W. T. BCBNET, Bagiatar. Vltntlnn. In th CorstTT CocaT or th Statu or I Obkoom roa WAsntMOTos iknsurv. f In the matter of of the Estate Deceased. Citation. I James Dickson, ' TO t 1 1 ALEX. PATTERSON. Ef.T.FV Prinirle und John Prinrl tir liaia band, Klizn Jane Ie and Thou Lee, her husband, Stephen McCullouRh. ItolM.rt li. Nichols, Jane A. !avtsoii. Eli7.ftleth Winn. Martha Master, Sarah M. Warnock, Ihe heirs nt law of Stephen Iiicksiu, the heirs at law of William IJicksou, heirs at law of James Dickson, deceased, and to the un knowu heirs at law of said deceased, all of yon liiio nonresidents of this statu: lou and each of you are hereby cited and required to le and apiesr in the Honorable (Vjiiiity Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Washington County, on MONUAV, the 7th day of May. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the foreuoon of aaid day, and show cause, if any yon have, why an order should not be made directing the Administrator of said estate to sell all the real estate twlotiff luU to said mtnte, or so much thereof hs miiy be neceHSsrv to pay the debts and claims against said estate, and the expenses of administration. Tua lands petitioned to le sold are described as follows : 1st Tract Lying and liug in the County of Washington and State of Oregon, anil described and honndvd as follows: llegin iiing at the quarter stake on Ihe section line between sections U and S, in Township one South of Itauge one West of the Wil lamette Meridian; thence South on section line s0 rods; thence West 77- rods; thence North Yit rod; thenoe West h'H rods; thence North t'.7 rols lo the center of sec tion t; tlu nee East ! rods to the place of IwLriiiniiii, containing seres. d Trad licing the lioiiiestend Entry of James Itickson. situntetl in WnsUiiiKton County, Ktste of Oregon. ant designated in the I'. S. Kurvevs as lot of Section . mid lior 1 of Section 7. all iu T. 1. S.. Jt. 1 W of the Willamette nicr ootitsinina 4" 40-100 acres. Vou and each of you being non-residents of this state, this citation is published in Thb lsDaeasDSST, a weekly newsHiper, for ; consecutive weeks next Iwfore. said 7th day of May, 1KMS, by order of Hon. ICodolph Crandall, sole Judge of said Court. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto tu t my hand and atlixed the Heal of eaid Court, at Ilillslioro, this 10th dnv of Mnrch, Ihsk. J. W. AlOKOAN. srjti.,J Couwtv Clerk. uir.-7t 1 he Draft Stallion, VOI NO EjTJID. The Dm! t Stallion, Vumi (ir.KNKi i, is a tispph-d bav. is hands hi'h, and weiglrs ?.()OI IfMllldx. P:iioi;;k.-Sire by Major ISnu-t 's til n eld; he bv John Copp, the great prize wiu ner of lliibintl; dam, tiv n John mure; gruiiil .lm a MoruMii in. ire. Ihe i;nIish Conch, VOI'NO ROBT. BRUCE. Hour. Hhi- k. Jk is a h:nnli.u- l.l:. L, with white hind t.el. live years ol.l. Iu' -t hainls high, and weighs I..V.M poiiiiits. I'l iniiakK. Sire, bt Itobt. Jiruc; hx dv j Sir William Wallaee: he by Dominion King: i dam, u John mure, by iinjxirtcd Challenge. The above named Stallions will niiike the ' Season of I in Washington County, Oregon, at the following places: Mondays, at Oreentille; .Monday Night, at John lieisler's, on tiales Creek: Tueviay Noon, at Forest Crote. at the Hamilton 'Livery Stable; Tuesday Night, at r'nir (rounds, Hillslsiro. Wednesday Night, at IU. n Anderson s, Fariuington ; 'Ihursday i Noon, at Mr. Kent's, Scholia lerrv: Thurs I i ... ll i i.i..v." duv Night, nt t;.-o. Hornhut-kle', I leaver- M"'; lr',y t'Tin& Ut W,!i'. N i1".'" ..t'4,',r..Mll,; ,r.' 'V N"n,at Ih.m. tMchms . ; i.iisi i-.ii. ns: i rm.iv .igni. i no. larm ui the undersigned, .1 milea west of Olencoe; Saturday Nooti. at Win. Paglev's. uear the Lejsy Stdi.s.lhouse. . lenus: Single .service, f..; I ho Scasou, fl; Insurance, flS l aymeni rxiiisiuereu uue wiieu mares are known to be with foal. TtiNOl'r. mJ.i-tf March isss. This Space RESERVED von Jas. H. Sevel Manufacturer of mm tile JP A.CTORY, Three Miles Northeast of I Hlllstorot Oregon. Octobar 4, tatir. oti-ly Xotlof for I'lihlirnfloii. LXD OmCK AT (K(11 ClTV, OniiOON, March hih, lass, ( VfOTICE IS IIEUI'ltY fJIVEX. THAT ll the following nsim-d seHh-rhas tiled notice of his intention to mitke third priMif in Ktinportof his claim, unit that s.iid proof will he made Ix-fore the tlounty Jml'e or ('lerk of Wasldnnton Count v. Or.-oii, i,t, Oregon, on Till KSDAV. May IhivH, viz: I'eter liooliev, i lolnexteiut V, No. fSo, fr Hie S. I.. f 'if S.-C. I', 'J U. 1 W. He names the follow itigwilnenw-s to prove his continuous residence iiixin, uA cisli na tion of, said land, viz: I. it. J nret v. Ooar J. Tompkins, Harry Hall, Ihinal Miv n, all of iileiicoe, itwlnijctoii County, tlr- tul.VCt W T ISL'ItXEV, Kck;if,ti r. otir for I'liblirueloii. Land Orru n at Okkoox Citv. Okkoox, t March sth, lss, ( OTICE IS HEKEIIY OIVEX, TIUT tlin following named s-tili r iius tiled notice of his intention to nifike linal proof in HuMrt of his claim, rind that saiil proof will ixt maile iM lore Hie ouim v iuuge or Chrk of Washington County, tregon, ot Hillslsiro, Oregon, on ll-I.S)A, Mnv 1st, 1sm, viz: Jstnes 'i'. puton, Homestead Entry No. OHV.t. for the h. W t of S.;. :tl, T. ;t N, it. 4 W. He tin toe the following witnnses to prove his continuous risiidetice tipou, und cultiva tion of. said land, vu : Jniues Chituiuinps, John Klitik, J. 11 loiick, Atittioti p. Pfauner, all of liuxtou, Washington County, Or-g n. inir,--,i W. T, IH UXEV. Itedster. SliiifT't Hair IY VIHTI'E K AN KXKCf 'I KPa. 1 issued Mit of the Conntv nit o Washington Conntv Oregon. Ix-sriug date of March 8. ltWH, directed and delivered to ma by the Clerk of aaid Court, and beiii in favor of John F-d wards, as plaint in", and agniast Washington Kellow, us defeiidimt, and ciHiimnuding me therein to satisfy Ihe biuii of w'j'A now due on km id ind-nieiit I with interest thereon sinco March ;th, ls- I at the rate of Id ja-r cent . per filifuiiu, and! the further sum of 17 l.t costs, and the ooHts and expenses of Hale mid of this writ.l and t-y virtue of said writ, 1 have, this April ; Mil. 1SSM. made lew of t ho s line uinjii nil the rielit. till.- mul inti rnit of the alHirn ! iinnied defendant iu and to I ho following dcscrils-d real estat to-wit: J-ying, Is-mg ! Slid situate in Washington County, Oregon, I and more part icularlv desrrilM-d as follows: i Heinu tho H. I.. ,'4 of the N. I'.. ( of Sec. :U. and the S of the N. W, l4 and N. K. '4 of tho N. W. ij of Sec, ?,:,. I , 'J S. K, 'J , ' ntnl containing PIO ncr s find b ;i tneof said levy and said writ. 1 v ill. i"i Tliesdnv. the ll ttii i of H.tJ ls. At the hour of 1 o'clock P. M .. of h iid i!ay, , (it the Ninth Door of the Court U nix, ill It HUIxro, in K;iit dan, l a:iil Slab-, sll all tlm riiht, t ille ami interest of llieabovi tl.imed (tctclldaul ill arid t- the fibove d.t s-:ilad n:oierlV, fit piihlin aiinliitli, to (lie Ii i'li,--t bidder, for ca-h in hand, los tlisf) tli. i In n iliU fon- named sinus ai d the costa and -lx lis- s of H'lle. S:it.l miIii will bit made Mil.ji t f. ruiicmpt ion. as by law pro Vl led. Witness in v hand this April U, Jt. P, ColfNKI.H s, SherilT of Waolmigtoii Count V, ' b , oli . n.V.'.t i li't' for I'uMicat itoi. I.ivu I ti l It i: r I ti.MH.N Cn , I tin oon, l uri'li '.I.., I m h Vnlici: is hi;i:i v. tiivts. that 11 the following mined M-tllet h'S tiled tiolice of his inlt-ulioii to u.iike I, mil pioi iu siikirt of his claim, and that x-ud rxl i 'irt , u ,,ui,,I1L....n f.ntv 1 1, iii i.. ii.. i'.ni.i,.. I......, tregon. on MONlAY. Mnv'tf. lHM vjz. At.n-r I rsn.e, Hoinestesd I'.ntrv . ,; s;i . for the N. ... t the N K, v. r- v u ,r Son 1 T V It 4 il1 ' ' ' - He' i. inies the follow in,, uitness to prove his continuous r.sid nee upon, and cultivation of, .aid Imd. vi: P, S. 15. aid, o r 1 1 , .1 ! p t' U-n.i , n.l 'i.. i Pierce, all of (ireetivill. !'.., Wn hiugtoii 1 1 onnty, iregon . a.Vit W. T, l.l KNr.i, Ii.-gister. JOSEPH EMRICH. Wholesale rind U tail BUTCHER, Forest Otove, Oregou. All kinds of n;i:slf MKATS kept oti stantly on hand and sold Chesp forCah. J-THiKhest Market I'l ice pa id for Beeves. Hogs, and Mutton Sheep. Please fciv nil- a call. al'J If SQUARE POULTRY YARDS FOREST GROVE, OR. Iwon at thi', oM Mid v porina l'lhiliilioii in the tollowinc preminiiis: , niisr lumwti'.w. t Iti'i-edmi? I'm of lloiul.iiis-flock snd liens ' ,' Pair of Iloti'lans -Cs-kerel and Pullet. j I i air ot iiouuaris . .s-fc nun ji' -i. j llondan Hen Houdans. j lin-cdinu Pen Plymouth Hoc!,- (wk end Ileus. Pair HriH-dintr Plvmoutli l;H-k - - Cockerel and Pullets. ; PlynuHith U s k Coclr r. I. i Itreedmij I'en White I, Iiorm -Cs-U and Hens. . Itrown J.ei;honi CwkTcl. ! Pair liosi C. W hite I rf-horns -C.n-k.-tel and I Pullet. I Tlio Sdv.r S. Hrimhnr's - Cockerel and ; Pullets, i Itrccditi!! Pen Ouinea Powls. kixiinp rsrvii'M. Pair Silver S. H.inittnrits Cisk and lien. ltrtedin Pen lb I'lioniv CiwHtrrl and! 1'UlletS. I t owned and raised cverv nun of my show : j birds. I 'id uot l.nv or lxrmw, or act as Hcreiit for nil voile el-s). Ktockwas r.riiinall tt imported from the best yards in the j Come and sea f ir yniiisi Ives. I'trti from j these birds for h.itcMnp, w. pir set tint? f 5 ! ' per two settiuiis; Mr three settlncs; nnd birds for sale. Square Couliry nrds, ', Forest Orove, Wnshintisi Count) j Oicon ; vi o. o. si.o w, ito. I lufl-i'm FOR SALE ! A i,ot of lacij) wv.wnoj n: Also, a quantity of Hay, will Is sold 4 'Ik at tha I'.srn. F. CIULMKIC4. Pif U Cornell .I. For Snlr A old FEW OOOH M'OIlK HOJMFJi ana 3d a res, lor uasu, iroiu lour years pward; two unlaa north of HUlsboro. AddraM LOU MANNING. mK 'r r mm AtlniinUtrator'M Hair. NOTICE JH IIEKEHV OIVEX, THAT in irsunnce of an order and decree of t lis County C-ourt of the haU of Oregon for Washington County, mndi' and entered at a regular term thereof, to-wil,ou the I'd day of May, ls? Iu the matter of the estate of Jimepli tt. Pierce, deoeased, and to ins ilirected ns Ailiuidl'strntrix Ihertsif, t will sell lit piihlie finelloM (o tbn highest bidder, at the Com) Hoiihc diMfi', in IllJIsboro, Wash- j lugton County, Oregou, on i Safurdii), fli p.Mli tiny of May, IHHH, Al 1! oVIoH,- ,. M t!i following described I tr ict i. li. ii KntHe lor so lilitch thereof a4 1 in iv be neceHStrv to pay the debts, claims taint evptiiH. n ot HilmiiiiMlrallou of asid JestaliM; i.uiU icni :M,,t is desoiilted SS fol- 1 lows: Jw iii ; Him h utli half of the Original Donation ,nh i Ciiiim of Horace Parsons und Wife, being purls t-f sectious 11, VI, IS end It, in Town. I H. of hungo 4 west, of tlio illutiM tin meridiiiti, Washington County. Mmo of Oregon, containing 8J0 acres, more or l.-Mt. To l.e Hold on the fol-lo-iii terms: One tinid of purchaae price cavli in Inn,. on thmlsy of sale) one third ol pun li.i'.e price to Im paid in one yesr irom tiny "I Mile. Mini I lie nniHlliilnr u n ; piiitl in mi' i -,i to years from day of Male, with on ii. t. ir. il itavtnetit at tlm rate I of leu )s r i ent i I iuiIiiuii. Deterred pay i nieiit a to In-H em rd 1 1 v ii iiiortgiigs mi the Ipji ii ivH sold. Cuiivi viinoii to bu at pur- j cuu; , j's eM ;n M1TTIF. A. PIF.RCE. Administrator of tl I slule of Joseph O. Pierce, 1 eocfned. u.i Cl BAILEY. TONGUE & SCHULMERICK Old Stand ! i V. rorttt'i' Main mul l lrst StrreU N wi;i:ki.v Styles ol lil.Chll'T F LATIX1 Spring Goods CLOTHING, Hats, Ooots, Tlot, H and korch lof a, Hosiery , Ladles' and Conts' Furnishing Goods, Dross Coodd, Dross TrlrnfnliiRS, Muslins, Prints, Etc. nd Ui lso, fl Ml I selected St.'Ck ol MI'L'e, COIIIpll-tfl :i Groceries, Provisions, CANNED GOODS, Notions, Clears and Tobacco. All of whUh we otfer at tha very lowest living rates for Cash, or Iu nchsnga tor Prsluc. Our slock Is taw and complete, and wa Invito iinpuct iou and oomparisim with other prices ruling, as we know w cannot Isiuu- itersol.I. inr tt BoOS & CO. FOREST QR0VE. IN AIHM1ION TO Ol H 111,1, LINK ot intend nferchandiH., we hava for sale thi' Ci Jehrnteil loline Pumps The Moline Hand Force Pump, The Molins Lift Pump, TheMoline Chain Pump, Whii-li ire .1 1 n.i iot to any now in use, and we iriiai Hiili n i .(i Ii to i'ih sin hi net Ion, and our n'iri jit-.- ill. luArNl. uiv.s ik Foil I in: Suilpl:ikri' I'arni unci Sprint;' VnoiiM. i i jDugglos, Acmo Harrows, An. I a lull line of the J. I. CASE PLOWS, ! And oilier Agricultural Implements. i Agents for the Ceniifiii-Aineilcsti and Qu.H'ii liiNiiratiCH CoiiijiHiues. J. 0. BOOS & CO. I'oisat fJrove, OrfttfoU. alM If I)in Couwis. Ki fUBT P. Woisirsa, j HILLSBQRQ !Meat Market! CORWIN & WOOSTER, Props Main Stroot, - HILLSBORO Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork! Kept Ooiistautly 011 tin int. Illlfliesl market pilte paJd tr llectes. Mutton, Vtal ami lloirs. I'nlr neulhitf lo All ! Ha tUfHrt Ion Isiinruntt'tT' Please Clvo us a Trial Hapt. 8, mj.