THE INDEPENDENT. THE INDEPENDENT. r TTOTDTni"RcrfrhTCTTTnn ITIHINOi . L. JONES . Editor and Proprietor H rtl.m . !.) insertion, M nd fm Hi settls- EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. rrBXictrtojt owe: in Street, : : Shute'a New Prick 11 ILLSRORO, OREGON. .ts, ir , una imwun t insertion. local columns slneas notices "A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE." iU. SI? ter venr. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION: Ttr annnr.i, in advance , Six month, in advance i ihI nit.. fur nrur, dlHolnV "ads." -rr- tf This iiHiH-r iiiiiv le found on tile at ?2.00 . 1.00 Geo. 1. Row-IIA-C.i's Newspaper AJvcrtis inn linreaa ( M tsprut-s Mtr- t) whera adver tiftinu contract iuay be innitj for it in Now V..rk. Ilillsboro, WnMliing.un CounCy; Oregon, Thursday, April SO, 188. Xo. 47. Vol. XV. Throe mouths, in advance CO . fz2--liK TEH OF ADVll i IV 'floe k.T4iV '.VrV nS' nn ill ! 111 IUH Pr!i'Ur,"''rl'., 11 xmr Vvm' fr '-wi eabseqiiti muwv. , . ri ....... . HaBBlSBW'rr OFFICIAL DiKECTORY. District Officers. Judge Fifth Distriot . . . lj- . . . . .. Ut ....F.J. Taylor T. A. MoBride Deputy for Washington Co W. N. Barrett Legislative Officers. State Senator . . W. D. Hare. . 1 Uubaer, Eetre3entativui D. Smith, j inoa. raaisen. County Officers. Judge R. Crandall Treasurer J. 9. Waggener Cierk J. W.Morgan ... T. G. Todd Commissioners Chft, Hick8tnl., Sheritf H. P. Cornelius Hnrvevor 1. C. Walker Asseasor T. J. Wilson Hckool Superintendent. . . T.T.Vincent l oruuer u. w . nan.som . Town OIM cere. F. A. Bailey H. T. Linklater S. B. Hnaton O. T. Led ford K. Crandall Geo. W. Patterson V. N. Kerrett . .11. McMnrren Treasurer, itecorder Marahat . . sk:!KIV mkktinos. ILLSIHUO OUANOE, No. t'S, P. f. It. MM4 in txl Teuiplare Halt, second and fourth Saturday in each month, at 2 o'clock m. HEN J. 8CHOI.FI ELU, Master. J. A. Iubuir, Secretary. -JAoetn in tiootl Templars' Hall, every Saturday evening, at r. al. C. T. TOZIEK. U Xkauliu. St c'y. W.C.T. Mp UAl.l l Y I,()lKi:, No. . A. F. k A. M. J. Mf)te on S.'ioirauy on or nftr eauh full moon. All Itrotiitvii in nomi Htaudinjt are oordiallv iuvit'd t mt-et with ua. F. A. HAILEY, R. Cjusdali., Sc. VV. M. MONTEZUMA M)IOE No. 50, I.O.O.F., Hillsooro Meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o'olock. Sojourning brethren cordially iuvitrd to attend. M. COLLINS, It. BCAMld. Sr-C. N. O. 1o lodoe7NoT "Tin k. of v., HiLiiS-IM)K(- Meets every Thnwday evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow Hall. 8.ioum ins brethren in good ntnndinK cordially in vited to attend. H. T. Link late a, C. C. 'T. S. WKATMuaaico. K. of It. mid S. f LENCOE LODGE No. K. OF P. X Meets ercry alternate Saturday at 7 o'clock i. ui.. at Olencott. Sojourning breth ren in oid standing cordially invited to at tend. J . . ' uni.i. J. S. JrKMos. K. f U. '. HILT;S BOKO , LODGE No. CI, A.O.L'.W.. Hill.s)xru MeeU on the second and fourth Tnesday of each month at 7:!f) o'olock p. in. Sojuuruin; br-thru cordially invited to attend. It. CltANDALli W. D. Ha HK.Jtec. M. W. THCENIX OUVNOE No. Llr., P. or H. I MefH at GiiHtou. (Jr.. on the third Fridity of each nioutii. E. it. PAUKEI1, Mjwter. Jolt Wk;i JjtfU -7"AFATO LODGE No. 10, I. O. O. F. f T Meets in Gaston on the first and third Saturday in each month. JOHN WERE, N. O If. D. Brunt. Secretary. CUlAlll TV LODGE No. "., I. O. O. F I Tnntatin Meets Sattmlav . . , . . ..n 1 u n(Nk, on or oeiote eaou new aim inn moon. Brethren in Rood Btandinu invited to ! attend. J. C. SMOCK, ! S. N. Pooi.g. See. NO. BUT I E )U N(E. No. IV. P. ot H.- Meet- the third Wednesdny in each Month. C. F. TKiAHD, Master, t S. M. I-C S.-c'y. U C. I . I'.. HILLSBORO MEETS j i-u the fita and third Wednesdays , of ttuuh nietith, ut :t o'clock p. iu., at the j M. K. church. II?"! ..iV""....".' I at the CHURCH NOTICES. 11 ApitointiuenU. First Subbath in each I "1 T ILLSliOKO METHODIST PASTOR'S month: Iteavettou. 11 a.m.; Wesley tatapei, a p. m.; Mt. Hanui.ny. 7 i. iu. Second Sab-j bath: 11 u. ui.: Reedvilie, a t.iu; Hillsboro, 7 p. in. llnrd Sabbath: Hills Lmv 11 a. iu.: West Liiion. :t p.m.; Hills Lam. 7 ii. iu. Fourth Sabbath: Millslioro 11 a. in.; Ret'dville, up. at.; iteavertou. P' IU C. M. lUtYAN. Pastor in Charge. - I lORNKLll'S METHODIST PASTOR'S l:Miitttue:its. r irst uml tltira wan- baths in r.nh mouth. M. r.. t liurcn, v.or- i.ctius, ut 11a.m. audi e. m. Second ana !. Mirth fSat'laliis in each utouth. Oleneoe, at 11 a.m. Fourth Sabbath. Oak Grove, at 3 r. u. Second Sabbath. Meai-ham's school buusr. at :t e. M. Saturday before thn sec ond s.irhatti. Leisv's sobooluouse at 7 e. m. H. M. Ei.w'outmt. Pastor iu Charge. U).NGl:i:GA TlON AL PSTOU S AP V ' iKiirHiiinits. -S'irst SsbbalU in each mouth, n.-tston. at tl . u.; and on the hill, l.act. t.f Giuton. :i e. m. Seeotul Sabbath At Hillside school-house. 11 a. m.; tlrti-en-ill', U r. st. Fourth Sabbath Hiltsbortt. Christ ic.u church, at II a. m. A. S. VEWEW, Watchmaker and Jeweler! I I AS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN J 1 Forest Grove, and is prepared to do all kinds of Watch work. Jewelry repaired and made as notal as ne-.v. Fine Watch Re pairing u specialty. Having had 14 years' experience in the busine. I am safe iw tivin a writteu unarantee with all work ae-itout. lal.Vtfi A. S. YEN EN. 3Ioiiv to Ijoan. 1 will .can money in sums of $1000 nnd upwards. Only real estate security ought. Time, three to live years; com mission net toexceetl lcr cent. V. II. RK Kl'lt. JauTi; Land for Sale! T PRE UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE nrstt-clas, tinitnproved laud, lyiim iu Wash- iiitftoit eoniity, Oregon. aeverai rurius uu wixi uuiuuiu ui . IMMIGRANTS ind others desirinur t purchase laud would iU t pu a call. to well to b'lve me Now is tht time to secure comfortable 'homes on easy terms. THOS. D. HUMPHREYS. rlillsboro.Jfuue -.Hu. 1882. RESTAURANT. At Old Stand, on Second Street.; Board mid Lodging. Ltxcellont Accommodations QhlO. SQUIRES, - - Prop. ml5-tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. vy W. MILLER, Attorney at Law, Ouboox. ! office Rooms 12 and 13, Mnlkey Building. Cor. Second and Morrison streets. Branch Office at Forest Uro?e, Or. nay All kinds of Legal Basineas carefully attended to. i1- g B. HUSTON, Attorney at Lam and Notary PuUU;, Hitissoao. OaM. OfBce: Main Street. Neat Door to Brick fU.oc' ' jllMf N. BAHllETl', Attftrni'ij ut Jjir, aho DrjiUty hist. I'rutttntiwj Attorney, MII.I.SBOHO, .... - - URBIDS. Office in Chenette Kuvr, Main street, a" tf riLI.IAM l. HAltE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, UlLLSe tto, aT-tt I ttk JON. I g E. MILLER. M. I , LiOMCEOPA TflLS T, N. E. Corner First and Main Streets. PORTLAND. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL, jjgr Diseases of Women a Sieciilty. Offioe Hours 1 to 3 P. M. ja?S-tf i i P A. II A I LEV, M.H., Physician, Surgeon and Awttchrur t J HILIUor.o, OKXiloS. Office In Chcunetfs Row. Residence Three blocks south of dmc store. GiTdee hour From 8:30 to II a. tn.. and 2 to 5 p.nt. S. T. LINK LATER, 11. B, C. M., Phtmu iau, Surgeon and Acroucheur, ; RII.I.SUOKO, OI CI40N. 'uitw . . . -... -, i House. J' tt I - IU)I It l-uui.l..ia huat if ( olll't , IVMLSON ROWI.RY. riLSOX ROW l.U . - j I P!i iiWtint Surgun ar.d Accoucheur, KoKtST (1KOVK. OHi.l.'V JJllf Ortlce At tho driij; toi. ''IMIOMAS H. TOXGL'E, X. Aaorney at Law, UlI-LSHOhA. WASHINUIO.N M NT , ORKOON. tH tf kiuitiii sTori. iuHS U. iCtLtO, BBNICC4 SMITH, H,J. R. TOTT, . L liOlsB. . .Do, SMITH. SToTT fe f ' i.uir.. jfil)l 'ioriiry nt Laic, N-)S. "., 7. 3 and 'J Waldo Ulock. Cor. Sroond and Wasbiiitou streets, 1'ORTLAND, OREGON 'PHOS. D. HUMPHREYS, Xfitiitj Public and Conveyancer, , HIl.t.SliOKO, OHEllO.N. Office In Nvr Court House. Legal pa 1 pers drawn and collections tuade. ltusiuess ; entrusted t tuy cars prouiptly attended to. mhll tf W. II. Alums. l!. S. UittK .NiifcCiJ DAMS X MARt'AM, Attorneys at Late, 7 and S Mul Building, cor. Seoottd and ' ..rrisoit streets, iY.ttt PoHTI.ANO. Olt. I Y. GILKEY', ft Physician and Surgeon, GREENVILLE, - - - OREGON. Offers bis aervices to the people of Green ville and vioinity. Wf-oiu Dn. W. P. VIA, I Physician and Surgeon, Office: One Door north City Dms Store, FouKsr Gcovt, J.sViu Oaeoox. E. E. MILLER, Notary Public. Keat Estate, Collection. Iimuraiice nud Loan Agent. trPromissory Notes Itought an I Sold. If Money Laned in any Sums desired. Fob Mr Gaova, Otutoo- II. TYSON, Notary PnNic and Conveyancer. KaAL Emtatb Boroa-r a an Sold. Residence, : : Smock Station. PostofSce, : Middleton. n2!Mf Waahiatrton Co., Oref(on. It. XIXOX, OF FOREST 6U0VE, XB NOW MAKING TEETH FOR 5 00 and S7.SO per aet; beat of material end workmaoahip. Will oomparo with sets ooftttog 25. Teeth extracted without pain. Fulinfs at th losrwst prices. All work warranted. Offioo. S doors north of Brick tor. OAos koara: 9 A. M- to 4 P.M. cUW-tf T. R. CORHELIUS, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS, ! SHOES, HATS, HARDWARE. Agricultural Implements TjXT IVX 13 li3 XT , A-,;;iit f.r tlio DUBUQUE-NORWEGIAN i Plows & Harrows! The Best iu the Maiket. PRODUCE Of alt kinds taken nt the highest market j j price. CoriuUus. Or Nov. Irf, lss;. nlS-ly P. M. DENNIS, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT (Suceeseoi to '. T. lWit-r. HILI.SIMR, - - OREGON. ALSO. ICKAI. KSTATK AK.T. OPKC1AI. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE I O purchase and sale of Farm ltliJs nod i I Town Proie-rtv I x ii....;.... .......I ..... I M. i" 'I- i ... .. ' I44ir His lll4uraiu:e lu?uie?-.. i niu tij jnt of btin able to ive nut isf act ion, ince I represent the Leudinjr limurance !6il rir-Fuv,.... o,,i..s.,i,iii,.. 15KOWN m:u-tf G. E. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & BROWN, IContractors and Builders HILI.SBORO, OREGON. I L A N S, SPECIFICATIONS, AND Estimates famished uiton apilicat:on. for any class of building. J1-' lv GET YOUR TINWARE Toms Tins Ii op ! Roofing. Guttering and Spouting A SPECIALTY. j JsfVuu i'iiii re iinrr ui a Square Deal. , Opposite Brick Block. j HILLSItORO, OUIKJON. jl- ly THOS. MADICAN. D. S. STRYKER, D.D.S., 'PliE LEVDING I EN T 1ST. 1 K -tsti.rii Prices. Good Nets J t 'IVeth, S."..1W to !.'.M. E- rrrrc tractin. :"iO cents. Fillintc. il.Ui) and nj j ward. Electricitv u.sctl for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 'Try it. All Oira- Hons FirKt-Ctas. "'"Sii'ii of tlia Tooth ; li; First Street, over Prentice's. I nlti-tut POUTLNl. OK. ! SEWING ACHINE AGENCY, FOREST DROVE, 0KF.U0.V J. W. H ADKLT1S, - - - Aent. TVEAJR IN AND REPAIRER OF ALL VJ kinds of Sewing Machines. Domestic, Household, and all make of Standard Sewing Machines kept constantly on hand and tor aale at lowest market prices. ano-tf H. SCHl LMER1CK. C KtH'H CITY tj Market SttOMi STHtEr, IIILLSRORO, OREGON ALL KIM'S OF- Fresh Meats1 ) Kept constantly on hand and sold I . FOR. OAHII i J-f"Hij;het Market Price paid for AND- 31utton Sheep. Please give us a call. SCHULMERICK 4 KOCH, i Proprietors HiUsboro Oot. 13, 18d7. l3-tf S. HUGHES & SOfl. FOREST GK0YE, OKtiiOX, Dealers in SHELF asp HEAVY AEDWAES MM t Harness GTOVES and TINWARE ! FARMERS' MECHAKICS TOOJL.S ! THE fine cutlers ; Such as Knives. St and lta.ors. of ths j Flllrnl I'.raTldl. We hand!.. n Shotl lv nor Cheap J.d.n Goods; but tor at licit- ,f lifeo inndity or froUe. f U ty c.iijft iliiti in pruv. S. II 14. nr. JL 9H9X. oL'l tf R. W. fvlcNUTT. i i . j tbe uncollected tax still stands on -DEALER IN ... . , , the treasury books nsu uLt. which j c- ,.., n i.f- GENERAL MERCHANDISE!. - u -;;--d- ' - I collected or rise tin) collected tax I . 1 ... 1 1 1. . . . t 1 t . i. ...... ZL MA-tAsi jic s I XJfi ULU1 lvOj Provisions, Eto. : ! JUST HSCSIVED A tttivd as--rtiii-nt f Mil I INF R I RnnflS Coiupriiinj; all the .t suit i:t RGNNE'iS. Etc. 11 A IS BRANCH STORE At Vernoniu, rh:iiem Vai'ey, Where eds of eve rv tK-ripti.n ttre lept constantly ia trunxTmiTT a ot a r c ! unj.iuitin utnui, , On and aft-r Aj-ril 1 . t 1 1 . 1 vi'l i iin a St;;e fioni Cornelius to Winoiii'.. Coluiubii I'onnty Stae I ef(y. s un ..! in ore.elni ' erv ln--it.!V. ilnl:iettl;.tT,lV i ft! t.( the uml tr iiu r. .1 a ; for that pl.ti-e after the an it Portland, earijiu p:is-ti-;t-rs and li-.;h frrilit. Julie lil ISS,. i!i-tf - TIIF. I.ICIIAT Bock Island Ni Albert a The Direct and Popular Line in connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIL WAY front St. Paul and ilimieuiolis To Chicago and the East. To St. Louis and the South. To Des Moines, Leavenworth, Atchison and Kansas City. The Only Xine Connecting with the OREGON SHORT LINE at Council LhitTs, St. " Joseph, lea veil worth und Kansas I'ny for Chicago and all points East ! 1 j PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND PALACE DININC CARS i Accoiupnny all 1 hronh Express Trains. Tickets for Sale by all Connecting Railways, and Connections made in Union Depots. For full information reardiu Katen, Mi"hi, etc., apply to ciiam. kj:m:dv. General Agent, No. 3 Uashinjjton Street, lORTLAND, OREGON. E. A. IIOLIIIIOOK, t Oenl. Tkt. and Pass. Agt. C. R. I. A P. B. B. CHICAGO, ILL S. F. BOYD, GanL Tkt. and PasaAct. H. &. 8t. L. B MINXEAPOLIS, MINN. IVASniXGTOX LETTER. Front out Eeenlar Correspondent. Wasbisoton. April 13, 1888. . Tlie deadlock in tbe home of rep resentatives Lad grown not orilj to be monotonous, but distressing. This ordering of the ayes and nays on alternate motions to adjourn and to take a recess, together with the bringing in of delinquent members ta the bar of the house, by the gant-at-arais. where they are re quired to give excuse for their ab sence from the sessions of that body, bail now continued uninterruptedly 1 tlvcra l.A.l - .... t.;at.'w. that end of the capitol. lousiness had Iw en utterly stagnant both in the house ami ia th house commit tve. Ami vh-!i it is consiilcred that coiijffenK idle is n.s expensive uh i'onre.HH busy, ucd that uinh-r any cirruinstnnceH it costs the tixpnyers of the country at the tnt f from $5000 to VliHH) a day, the situation j becomes seriou.s. Alt this trouble was over n bill to lefuml, from the i federal treasury, the direct tax lev-J ied on tbe states ami ten itoi ies in ! 1SG1, to raise money for cari viii-' on j the war. 1'he act of provided j that a tux of 2,000,M0 I.h nppor- iioueii muioii tut; iiii:miinij is ui inr .. t it immi',.i m.t. ir uni i.r.-.. v- this niuouut, aliout flT.tUiO.OtfO was collected, Ieavin a balutice dim of about 2,40O,0O. In sunic of the j Southern states then in rebeiiiou, ! collections wi-re made iu some iu- tnncM from the properly of iudi- 1 - viduals . uton which the I Now th tlieorv proposal to it fund is based, is that! t ' i nunii 1 iu 1 f 1 11 in 11-1 iif uir I'niiiri 1 ' 1i oner t ' , states and ten lioues. I he oppon- Ollts of the 1 11! tale tiut pusttl Ul th:il as t!ie levies were inatle upoti inJi vi-bet's iu lh- Sn iiln ni stales, the .!ily f.tir course would be t find t!io- individuals ntid ii-i;iibuie ai, ct,-v- Th'-V "Uo "it because tho e. tlon tax, which 'drew nearly $7t.tKHi,(.i.0 from the 'Southern Mates, the constituti nal- j l!yof which is Mill hotly disputed.! h.-is nevtl bt lep.-.i.l The senate is woikuij Kistiicly as usual. It has this week discu-sed tho question of admitting Dakota as ! ono btate. or dividin-' it in two ! halves states. at:d e.dii'ittiljo; it are is two w illing i Tiie democrats to admit her as one state, but the? republicans want to make as much , ot" her as possible ftr the beiielit of . i. 11 tlie senate. rour hcnatois wouni vote more than two. Some of the delegnles to tlie lfc . intt rnatioim! council of woinen still linger in W.i di i ng t on . A i; if i! g them is Mrs. Chant, of I'.iiland, ; Th.. mining jsipulalion of the colony whs who is going to remaiu over here a ' cstimati-d to !. m l.svnilaT Hist last while and assist iu temperance work. 2-Y21 1. a ds-r. ae d' 17S us comj are.! She has giten several tempot-ince j with the previous jcar. Of the total talks to large audiences in ditYeiei.t j iiuin!- r of miners 20,7oN were Ku parts of the city. In one of them rojn-uiis and It 1 T t Chinese. Since old she said: There is no middle minittg coinuienis d in Viclrij the tsaotiy course; no second ground in this has ...iitril.iit. il to the world's yield of ti.-ht with nleohol. I he saloon ; .o f .oust ho closed: its manufacture mu&t be stopped. It must bo ban- j lisbedfrom our homes, fiom ourj ; table, from the communion itself. i before man ami woman can grow I into the full statue of health and j purity. Mrs. Chant is a grand niece of Falmund llorke. 4 .1 ll-v. m 1'i'atl ai'lts-k i . aW an,,,V and Litteile brilliant things in the "Cspital," nud Libra-; r, r 1 I. i. il.. i nan pononi wuo can ! place his band upon any book in the s . i im . i COngresaiOIini iiuiiij, uutnapiienicii . n n before the aenate committee on post- I is (litis statod by ProL. Kirt hoff, to de ofticea to advocate tho passage of a dispute as to tin nnsil jspular the bill to prohibit tuo transmission oi cheap literature ij man nt one cent n imiiiiiiI. Col. Piatt said they annenred in Itehalf of three seia- ratc interests. First, the postoflices ' of the I'nited State, which complain . of 1h ing overburdened with mercau- i tile matter; second, tbe authors and bontfit publishers of the eouotiy, who complain of unjust freight bs- crimination; nnd third, the outraged ; conscience of the country lie Mti.l it was an insult to intelligence) to! Icall the Seaside library publications. for instance, periodicals, and y t it; was bv the misuse t.f this word 'pe - i-. .i . .t -i i .t i .. ..... nodical that the mails lmve W-come crowded with this matter t.t such an extent that our po-tal cars would have tolte changed to freight cars ii it goes farther. Ail that appealed to tne lowest tn mr f " - classes was being distributed by the . .. . ..f.1... I .....el govemmeni in paruieiMiip wti.i ,- 1 1 ll. ... 1..- II.. ..If... mi di iHiiers. mtoi itt't uuuri , .... ' . ' , , 1 of disseaiinatiug knowledge. He mentioned tbe novels of Mrs. Brad Ion, Ouid.i, the younger Du - mas and Zola as leing especially poisonous to uncultured minds, from the fact that these writers possessea genius. Senator Blackburn, of Kentucky, is making an effort to get passed by tbe senate before the spring races begin at the Washington racecourse a bill to prohibit pool selling and book-making in the District. CEXL'KlLNEiVS. On the 24th of last month there were 8264 contested land cases awaiting decision in the office of the commissioner of the general land office. Of this number 2300 were appealed cafes. There has betn a tenin of 4035 caaei disposed of during tbe present fiscal year over those settled tbe year previous. Reese & Herren, daL-rs in general merchandise at Buttc itle, Marion county, hare lunJe an alignment to I. It. Dawson of Portland. The liabililL are U-tweou $iKXJU and $10,000, principally tu iu Francisco and PorUaud jobbers. The largest crediti'r is. Livi Straui & Co., of San Francisco, whose claim is 1 4ZOJ1I3J. tlMfWBS"rtegH $(100( in st.x k . f Ko.mU 'and $3.00 in lNk accounts. Kiilri.ipin his tf..uit? cpitlt'inic in (,'ul.a, and the ii ot a rich planter of Havana is held in the mountains for a raii-toni of 4000. The father will have to us tin; t;oVcrnin-iit U m holly uualili- to etifurct' ihi' Lams fvt-n a IV w '" ' capital, Stittle had a $40,000 lire hot week, The i '. ntral school building was totally destroyed. (au' of th- lir. snpM,s 'J to 1m a d !' ti.e flu. Vvtuii. . i.U.r.,,,,.,,. .Ij.i.d.i, r f a - John l. I.e.', who was executed on the 2;h- l of March. 1877, by bcin- shot at tbe ."eene i' the mountain massacre, in win. h lie hail Im-.-ii toiilid guilty (f partieitatioti. committed sui. idi at llol brot.L, Arizona, on Aj'iil 10th, by taking laud tiiiiiii. She was 10 years oil arid no caue is a- lor the deed. The lr..iibl at tlie Silt-U Indian .- .i i . . . c ... reservation ovt-r the cloiK'Uient ot bur- vevoi Laekltiid and the Indian irl Anns D.' , , , , m Hi, -re I'.-'ii-Ii.-iI h i.-llnllt xta-'e. 1 lie , ,. , ,- . . ,i . x.., uri li i.l nit- I ii. Ii.itis icr tlie affair has , , , , . , ,i .1. ... r.-aihe-l su. h white heat that the gave . . T .. retit I o lls-n Lane tM-ivmptor notice to ii r,,,,,!,.1 Lli u, ,T , , ... c i .1 1 . -.i ,1 . Mr. Lane left for Portland with the . . .. ... intention ft ret iirntin? to investigate . . . ....! intfiiiion ft returuiu!! to aivestn;ate the matter. The Indians also notified Miss Haiti.- Hans !!, :i hidilv npiied youuo la ly. vho was enired in teaching on the r. - 1 vaii-m 10 leave, and she quit tbe r -st 1 .c.i n an I tarttl for her bom) iu l..rtl .n.t Ti i st il si eertain white Rl..a who w,r ) .,.,., to Mr. Lane as : a'eiit. hate Ij.s-11 assisting toward inciting the In Haiti to pr. sent action. P.mi-I V. lbitU. of Ti-dt valley, tlrejriin. lit. ! 'ii :i;oiiitei agent at U ": rvptin: r.-rvatioi . long peliiioit was s i t on to Washington r ci.rm mlin-: his aprMnnliuent at the time of the rewnt bnin.lary dispute but ... ... 41. t-ir siia;; cans his cl.tkn was not then roc. -Kit ! A vile: nduluuii-ii) of an infusion of dri d r.udtis with extiact of-oal tar, soi l r hoe clurct, has been detecttsl - .-. m franco. The y i-1-1 of p ld in ii toiia duiing iSStJ was Coo. 1 '.Hi .iuiceM, which was tin Lwi for thiitv-live vcars l ast, the , . ivi rair-' bav in; las-n l.'ill, i8H ounces. r..ld lo the cud ot la-t year no less than ."il.l'i-I.S'.t'.l ntn.-.-i.. of lb.- value i'2l7,t;'J7,ftH5. Thl. r1(rful. f o.iMlO.tHh) letl by J.-hn Jacob A-t.r nearly forty years ui't has pr.-w n from f 200.000,000 (0300,. 000.000 in the hands of bis namesake and, and will smii dewend to his !zrcat-"rands..n. Williatii Waldorf A-t..r. inc.Ms,ng at a yearly rate of trotn 1 0.000,000 to $20.0(KMKlO. . T1. r,Iiltivo nHIU,K.r of ,M.rn)l UJHMi. . 1 luc the different Ian aairis of (be world j toU(. Chinese is sjs.keii by 400, (KKt,0(Kt; Himlost.uii by s.imctliiiig more than l(M,MHl,(K!0 ; Kuglisb by more than 11)0,00(1.000; lCuw.uu by mor,. tj,,,,, TO,(KK.(MIO ; (i.-iuian by rs,0O HK, . J( , .v .u't 40..hmmmi. In the im centuries Holland has r.r,-,,,,,,! 1 ,(HH),Oo0 a. ivs oi' Ian I from tie h , w rL yf( M U t M , ! a,r' I11"")' Then-is a t..ffus fr (.xvrv jooo . , . . . . .. , tMs t ie in tins (siiiutrv, and il llu ss( of , 1 - Jhe wl.... js tal service e,,ually ' distributed to every man, woman ami 4.4jt.. it would just hr, cuts jr lead , .,,, ; ' ..... : , s -natot Stanford 1. tl Wadtitt m Uti j pn lav b r .Ww ..ik. He was v rv ' , . , . , . , nun 1. .hrlr. ,s. .l uiniu In army; the news j or the binmng ot bis .tables at Palo 1 Alto, not so mub en account of the , jnniary loss to himself as tbe death of several young horses that, in bis opinion, Would have beaten all tbe records of trotters at their respective a-a. William Martin, of Taeoma, the mur derer who was to have been executed Friday, escaped from jail in that city last Monday, and has not yet been recaptured. Prohibition In Maine. The following from the World, the leading democratic newspaper of the country, is a franker and fuller confession- than journals of that party usually make: "Elsewhere in this morning's i-nuo j Mntni,.t,.ir. .,.i , , -i-r--- r . the present working of tbe pro hibition law iu Maine. A World correspondent has made an extend ed tour of the state an 1 presents tbe facts as they cniuu under bis careful observation. So far as the cities are concerned he tin. Is tho law' generally e vailed, itud in numerous cases oneuly disregarded. Lin nor im ' yeswawd ssM ItesH sligswltys' ssi Portland, Augusta, Ilangor, Uatb, Kelfast. Lewistou. Iliunswiek. Kast- port and elsewhere. j In Portland tho World 1. piesent ative fo.ind 144 pi ties where i. toxicants wto koI.I in some Ibnu or! other, and be eiimntes tb:it th.-i e are as many as 2o00 open burs in the state. Tbe national government issues Nome K00 licenses to Maine liquor sellers, though tbe greater number pursue the illegal traffic without Iheiu. Tlie niiti-prohi. bitionists toseMj a itolitfcal force that has an efiective inlluene ol, iug every yrnr. the conduct of officers whose duty! The Unitcl K li.gdom has 30 per it is to cony out the law. Such 'Jcvut. of Ikj hud under tillage, and situation cannot tail to be .b-n:on,l- it diminisbiiig every year; but t):t izinor tn th miLlh Br.rvic pooalatioii . f England increases There is .1 growing feeling mani festing itself in favor of repeal atid of high license. This was in putt shown by tho defeat of Neal Iow, who recently ran as the candidate both of the democratic and the pro. hibitiou party for mayor of Port land. Tbe stiiiigency of the Itw with re-peet to cider visibly uH'. ets the yalue of the apple orchards, nnd I tbn farmers are oMIn.v tir..l r.f .t 1 Others interested in taxation rerog. nize the loss that accrues to the state through tbe f license revenue, liijuor being sold anyhow. The arrests for dnuiken-j uess iu the little city of Portland 1 alone for the latter mx mouths ot 1HS7 were 922. A reading of the World's leport csrries the conviction that the cause of temperance and law and order would be lest sub served in Maine, as it is elsewhere, by higU license. Faults of Volapitk. .New Yoik Herald: Pul whde tho new language presents many chnrm. ing possibilies, the lexicograjdiers have very unaccountably omitted to provide for some of the most necessary words of the times. Strangely enough, for instance, they have not provided cuts words of any kind. This oversight is the J mofct renin! kablo when it isconsid- ercd, what the labor of the professors was in compiling the littl - book. To read it will undoubtedly provoke j tbe most pious man into many e- ..l....ali,.l,a 4l.a ll l.'i. ,11 J, 1..,.. , . i , , ! guagc so amply provides for, and . . ... now mueu more outrageouaiy wit.i must have been the language of the compilers when compiling! It is simply awful to think of. Of what earthly use is a universal language without to em. j., phasize with ? Ami Ieiides thtse very necessaiy words there are many other-i iuitci. as necessary, though peilmps not j quite so emphatic. For instance, hero are a few that tdionhl never have been left out if the professors want Americans to patrouie their language: Chump, Hoodie, Daisy. Whisky, His nibs, Jackjmt, His giblets. A nickel, Cocktail, Blizzird, Smallbottle, Crook. Cop, News, A lals, A rhasfr, A lunkhead. A hummer, A lulu, Dude. California Anif rlcan, A prominent member of the American party in California, in an interview, states as follows : "The American party is not, as Pixlsy, in the Argonaut, strives to make out, favorable to Stanford. While esteeming him a a good ni-in and all that, he has never embraced American principles and conse quently we do not want him. Yw ley is doing an immense amount r f . . . . ... tiariu to tne American causo. vv i Br ot fitting the Roman Cutholi. , clmrcu , -otIVU, hich he is, consequently! his affiliation with lh party antagonizes many people who would! otherwise bo with us. Tho Ameri can party has long ago ceased to be an appendage of tbe Argonaut, but while we wish Piiley to remain with us we are decidodly averse to hii action in using us for pushing Mr. Stanford's caudidacy. Hewitt is our man and I sincerely trust we may obtain him for our next president. Frte TraJe Sir Edward Hullivau has been dcsliri wtnfl stinging blows to freo trade in tho columns of tho London Pf. H tjoV-s facts cud fijjuro-i to "bow that tV. -ff-et of free trado is to render tho fnis- poorer: ncd if it b so th'it, it rnnl's t!io omploy- inff cji-s vn li'T, i. would bo well for thtt jrr;it. mass of the American' peoplo to look into tho matter thoroughly Im fure they change ouv present rotiotnic system for that i f I Inland . If thrie is any truth iu figures, n ho will nays, tho follow ing "should fitaillo England from ' sde dream . JJdb rIlowing upon the oniciai rntunns of the lofrnoy, and compares I'nland wild Prance: J 'H-(!- Kngbind was 10s. a head richer thnn Pranee. I lHr 1 1 1 was 1U. a head richer than FniHC . Iu ls77 Ktiglntid wnij ."h. a head p oier Ilia 11 I'r.iiico, The blighting elb-ct of frr-a tradw on l!i)jli.-li ii.";nuli me is clearly t-bown by this: I'ranf'' hns "7 per cent, of her I tn 1 uinb r t.lli::', itud it is iucreai- much luoi" rapidly tlmn tho popu t ion of J-'raTice. And the follo'Aing comparison, bitted en ofiieinl lii.uires, completes the pifture: Tim eoiMitui-H of I'uglaud has iuei eased '.'.I tr ceit, iu ten years. The eoinmet ce of I'irtico has in- '"'M d ' " " " " 'r. The cmni' ic- of th. United States has It tH od 0 per cent. IU ten Veal s. The toinnx r e oi'the whole world has iiinejiej :'() p'-r eetlt. ill ten it j venrs.- 1.x A KIM! lil.TOr.'ir.U. The Last i-,ri'i !,iT,t ef Pari Dotifrlsss 111. . to Co mm It Suicide,, April 20. This morning Jlnsee Douglass, who has been empJoyed ns reporter on the Tribune, attempted to commit suicide in the uiTkc, and succeeded in firintr ft bull through his left shoulder. D'ju'lrifrs bad ben on a spree for sf-veral diys, and was dis charged. I eiuse the paper would nut tiik-t him back h beoarni despondent and tii'.d to hill himsel. A curious ht ity, and pretty well authenticate 1, has leaked out alout him. It appetis that ha is the last t 1 descendant "f (he last enrl of I Doulai , and v. ben ho csme to this jcoutitiy l iu away from home with a i woman with whom he bocame in-ifatuatt-d. 1 1 h brought 175,000, which r-he- so .u wasted. He then studied eetifig. ubdtr l?srry Moore, , and mad'1 a fair fiuecp.i, appealing at the Madison Snuaro Ibcntrr. He , , . , . , . po .sensed poetic talent, his vmmkn appi' n ing iu the Century and (the Boston Tintisciipt, Lately ho i bi-cnme er,i ed by lifjuor, and got an idea thut he could start a revolution in England nn l regain the title aud fatuity ect ites, lost in tho icign of .InmoN I by I )ounlass being attainted of treason. Jli'i wound is probably it 'eii-.iiis. V siiitfnlur Colt. Joseph 0. Lancaster, living north west of Trtitsville, Mo., has a colt eight months old that is a most singular phenomenon of nature. When foaled the only peculiarity about it was that it had very little hair on it, nnd its upper lip seemed longer than usual with colts and was of n singular tdiapo; otherwise it was a well formed colt. Tho hair, what (hero was on it, was n mouse color. When about ouo month old tbe colt's upper lip bad grown larger aud assumed a conical form. Its upper lip hns continued to grow until it is now eight and one half inches long and almost like an elephant's trunk. It can pick up small potatoes and apples with its trunk (if wo may call it luch), but c.innof bend it sufficiently to enable it to put the apple or potato in its mouth. The mother of the colt was nt Jliehmond about eight months beforo tho colt was born (when Sell's tuihii fm a ' i- If t it il 4 1 1 a t'j nttil Ctf f ! teri,,.y fliohtened at one of tho elephants. -I MM A N V -Nebraska Farmer. AOIW TIIE WORLD. """ Record That Rclesrates Tarn I.LI to a Hack feat. j-KVMofR, Ind., April 21. Seven childieu in lc than two years is the record of Mrs. Pbcebe Lynch, who eighteen monthi ago gave birth to triplets, nnd who to-diy is the mother of two Istys and two girls. All seven, with their mother, art alive and well