JHE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY.. Hon. L. T. Barin, state senator from Clackamas county, has been j appointed chairman of the state re- .... APRIL ID. publican central committee. The " ! choice in a good one, and Mr. Barin eminent ! will serve his party honorably aud faithfully. He ia well qualified for the duties of the office, having been actively connected with public life for many years. I'oscoe Conkliug, the statesman and lawyer, is dead, hav ing quietly passed away at his home in New: York early Wednesday morning. Mr. Conkling was for many years the power behind the throne in presidential administra tions, and has always been respected and honored for statesmanship and purity in politics. After resigning his seat in the United States senate, he retired to the practice of law, nnd noon built up a legal business that brought him an income of nearly Siuu.uuu per annum. The country ! mourns his death. A friend meant every thing to Mr. Conkling. The friendship that existed between Grant and Conkling was so pure. deep, unselfish and lasting that the j Pe,l8e inscription written upon his tomb, ! oatinS "Gone to meet Grant," would seem ! eacred rather than blasphemous. Ho j mourned Grant's death with alltlio; strong sympathy of his nature . Hut with all these fine traits of rhuracter. it seems sad that he could for give an enemy. Yet we must say : All honor to the man who never went back on a friend. V lull !. Each of the nine trustees of the Standard Oil Tiust is said to receive a salary of $25,000 a year and the president $30,000. The sum of 255,000 is not bad for nine men they ought to be able to keep from want, considering that It is $250, 000 more than the average pay of ten wortinfmen. Jay Gould has decided to give up yachting. It cost him 8100.COO a ( year, and he could not anord the ex- He can have more fun in his watered railroad XF.W TO-lftAY A scientific journal says: "The mouth of February, 18$$, km in one respect the most remarkable in the history of the world. It had no full moon. January had two full moon, ami so did March, but February had none. Io you realize what a rare thing it .' It had not tx.'ciirrud biwv the time of Washington, nor inre tur un-covery or America, nor since the le"inniug of the Christian area. nor creation of the world. Aud it will never occur ajjain, according to the com putation of astronomer, for, how long no you think ; V.oOO.OOO. Just to think of it, and uo on noticing this strange event, and very few of us likely to live till it occurs again. Oreonian, 19. Report THE NEW ART SCHOOL -IS- GOOD TEMPLARS' KU1LDIXG. Rev. W. C. Beechcr. son of the noted pastor of Brooklyn Plymouth church, has got himself into tanks of hof water in tbo f'nited States and in England, by the publication of his father's life from notes loft ly ibe celebrated preucher. Leading members, of the church are offended aud indignant; Dr. Storis and Hen ry C. Bowen, it is said, are eiiln-r ignored or misrepresented; Sher man, tho lawyer who stood by Beeeher through all his trials, i dissatisGed, and the Wood hull sis lerH, Victoria and Tennie, now mar ried to men of responsibility in Kng land, threaten suit for libel un less certain portions of the book be expunged. From all this it appears that Henry Ward Beecher's non j made a serious error in editing his father's papers for a book.. Xw. Landscape and Flower Painting '1 In. roughly and Kapidlv Taught y the most Improved .Mettxst. PAINTS AND BRUSHES Furnished for Lessons I re. .4ot)M for - t.".Ool II. HKST. In, Teacher. The republican central committee j of Marion county has passed reso- i lutions as follows: Whereas, We have the fullest confidence in the : ability of our pioneer citizen, Hon. ' George H. Williams, to demolish i any and all foreign emissaries that! may be imported by the- "democracy j to teach the people of the state what j is their duty in tho coming election; j therefore, be it Resolved. That the chairman of the republican state 1 central committee be requested to I spare no effort to secure the services j of Hon. George II. Williams toj canvass the state in the coming) campaign. ' Democratic Convention! f IMIK Iieiuoerats of Washington County, A Oregon, will meet in Convention, tit the Court Holism, in Hillslro. Oregon, for the purpose ot nominating a County Ticket and transacting such other business as mity properly come lieforo the meeting, ou SATURDAY. MAY 5th, 1888, At 10 o'clock in the forenoon The Precinct will lie entitled to K. re sent. it ion ns follows: Constipation la a universal aud most troublesome dis order. It causes Headache, Mental De pression, impairs the Sight and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Enlargement of the Liver, Infhunruation of the Bowels, and Piles. Constipation ia speedily cared by Ayer's Pills. ' For a number of month I was troubled with Costivenesa, in conse quence of which 1 suffered from Loas of Appetite, Dyspepsia, aud a disordered liver. My eyes also troubled me. I was compelled to wear a shade over them, aud, at times, was unable to bear ex posure to the light. 1 was entirely CURED BY USINQ three boxes of Ayer's Pills. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the beet cathartic ever made. James Socles, Poland. Ohio. I suffered from Constipation, and, con seqnently, from Headache, Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Ayer'a Pil In. which I took at the suggestion of a friend, have given me effectual relief. I commenced taking this remedy two months ago, and am now free from Constipation, the re moval ot which has caused my other trouble to disappear, and jrreatly im proved mj general health. W. Keeler, Amherst, Ma.a. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me, com pletely. D. Burke, Kaco, Me. tt Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Tr. J. C. Aver Co.. Lowell, Mm. Hold by all Ih-uggMta and Iler In MeJlclM. Of the County Clerk ef Oregon, shewing the Aneaat County Court of said Comfy, WaIiington f'onnt)-, Ntnte of and number of Claims Allowed by the for what allowed, amount of Warrants drawn, and amount of Warrant outstanding- and unpaid, from the 1st day of October, 1887, to the 31t day of March, 1SS8, both Inrlnalvet On What Account Aiaowid. Amount of Claim Allowed. Assessing and Collecting Revenue Bridges . . . Bounty for Wild Animals . ......... . . County Court Circuit Court , County Commissioners County Hehool Superintendent's 8alary and Assistants County Judge's part Salary County Treasurer's part Salary County School Superintendent Local Institute . Elections.... . Furniture for Court House and Jail . . . Fuel and Light . Insane Inquests .. . . ..!""'.". Interest on Money Borrowed Jurors Jostioe Court . Juro.- Circuit Court " .' . ..." Money Borrowed. Payment on Military Joists .. Paupers . Poor Farm Ko. 'i . Prisoners Precinct Jury Lists Kefunded and Keroitted .... Repairs on I ,'onrt House and Jail... Itepairs ou Court Vard ttoadi.. , Stationery State Cases Witnesses in State Cases ... . Witnesses before Grand Jury ' Total Amount Claims Allowed aud lrnn $ 1141 62 1429 03 24fi 15 144 00 TM 02 lit til ti7ti -M tot; 1'fjO 00 4 2 00 J2i 17 44 05 43 75 21 Bo tM Sa) 141 ) 7 20 2M0 00 36 U WO 73 ?.i 00 JO 70 15 00 15 15 6 15 4 70 24n0 40 24 7 20 SIC 65 .".42 J0 lttf 15 fIS.IGM 45 Amount of Warrants Drawn. 1141 52 1429 03 246 15 144 00 22li 02 11G GO 27 an to; k 2.V) 00 42 00 325 17 4 05 43 75 21 86 m yo 141 6C 7 20 ui yo 2500 00 S5 00 540 73 73 Oil M 70 15 00 15 15 of 15 4 70 2480 40 247 20 31 C5 St 2 90 im; is Citation. I thp CotntTT Coct or rni Stats or I Obkooh roa WaaiNOToM Coustt. In the matter of the Estate 1 of Citation. James Dickson, Deceased. ) Nolle- for bllrat Ion. A tint I ii I Mini to i-'m Hnlc. ALEX. I'ATTEUSOX. F.LLKN Pringle and John 1'rinule. her hus band, r.lua Jane Lee and Thos Lee, her husband, Stephen McCullongh, Iloheit I). Nichols, Jane A. DaviMon. Khalieth Winn, Martha Mauier, Karah M. W'aruoek. The heirs at law of Btepheu Dickson, the lieirM at law of William Dickson, heirs at law of James Dickson, deceased, ud to the un known heirs at law of sid deceased, all of you being nonresidents of this state : nil each of you are herebv cited and XMV TOIIAV Dress Making Parlors. Mrs. LYOIA MESSINGER. (Or Avirv.j HAS Ol'KNKD A DKKSS MAKING Departtnent in UiMiniHover the Hill. lor I'lutriiiacv ( Unit; store), where she will be planned to meet the I.ii.-s of llillslK.ro. and emi nssiin- them of nt wfaot ion in quality tt work t nxKlerate chartjes. DllKsS-MTIlMi A SI'KCIAI.TV -?"rie.iHt. five inr a trial iH-.lr. al:-tf .$1943 l:;t,' 1 Amount of Uuttaiidin? Harrunts L u jtuld. Gutstiuidiiiv' I'npaid County Warrants on the ai-tt dv of March, lHrfS. FsJuiated Interest nccriied thereon Total Amount of I'npiiia t'outity Wurr.TQtH STATE OK OltKGON, . County of WaHhinjton. , J- w- Mokoam . County ;ierk if the Comity of WuKhiiiuton. State of Oregon, dv ...c.jr iTiiii.t hii ma ioreKomv is a true anU correct Mateuietlt of the nuiulier an. I You am required to be and appear iu the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, on MONDAY, the 7tU day of May. 1888, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and show cause, if any you have, why an order should not be made directing the Administrator of said estate to sell all the real estate belong ing to said estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the del its and claims against said estate, aud the expenww of administration. 'The lands petitioned to be sold are described as follows : 1st Tract Lying and bein in thoCouny of Washington and State of Oregon, anil described and bounded as follows : Begin ning at the quarter stake on the section tj L . . - 1 . . ... Hum ueiween section o ana i, in iowiihuiu one South of Kange one West of the Wil lamette Meridian ; thenee South on section line 80 rods; thence West 77K rods; thence North 12 rods; thence West Wl rods; thence North tt7X rods to the center of sec tion thence Kast 1C0 rods to the oluce of beginning, containing V-'?1,, ucres. 2d Tract Being the Homestead Kntry of James Dickson, situated in Wnshiiidtoii County, State of Oregon, and desiunuted in the V. H. Surveys as 1-ot 0 of Section li, and Ixt I of Section 7. all in T. 1. H., It. 1 W of the Willamette mer., containing 45 A Vim acres. You and each of you being non-residents of this state, this citation is published in Ths lKbKfKXiwxT, a weekly newspaper, for I ' consecutive weeks net lore saltt ?tli j i day of May. 1HM, by order of Hon. j Crandall, le Jult;e of said Court. In Witness wl-r-if, 1 bnve hereunto w-t ' my hand and allite.1 the seal f sntd Conn, ! nt HHlhoru, this 10th lav of Mar h. 1hs. 4. V. All MM JAN, sriL. Coiinlv Cietk. ui22-:t Land Orrio; vonn: is in:r,i:i!Y nivrx. that it ill Irtir '11111100 of nil older mlilirri.u ..f 'lll'j' i the Coiinly Coiirl of Hie Male of On-goii (or s tiled I WiiHliitigliui Cnuilly, linulo nnd filtered lit it r Oio-umn 'iTt, OnnooN, .ireii mil ihhh. i XToncK is lll.ui'.HV ritvi-v i . . . I'MiomnK i,h.,i Ki tih r hns tiled 1"'UI '" ""'in ion t i,,k tin.'.l i,r,Mf iu aupwrt of a el.,,,.,, un.l that said . f i. ,. , u''Kl""'"t County. On L;on. t llillslsiro, Oieuoii, on Till ;s) Y v V lhM, viz: Peter Koonev. Iloiu.-Mead Ln'lrv' uYw!' f"r M' N ' "f s,'- 1 ' He names the foll twin wilueMUM to move tii.n of. said land, vi: I. Jt. iotretv. l.tear At " ,l'l'l'"'l A. M., Ihe fol!owin dfHerlhed J. 'lompkins. Hurry Hall, Dunal HU v n. ' ,rrt''' J.' l ale i or h . niimli t hereof as all of Oleucoc, V uhIiuikIou County, Ore-I ,u".v '"' nt ei u-i u v to pav thrt debts, claims regular term thi-rfof, lo-ult.on th.i 2J day ot May, lh7-lti the matter of the fHtalii of JoHeph I. I'ieree, ili ci lined, and to m directed as AdminlHl rat rix 1 hereof , 1 will Hell nt luMl (Hi. M ion to the liiijient bidder, at the Court Jloii te iloi r, ill liUUIioro, WhsIi ingtou County, Oii ooji, ou Xiitimiiij, the I'Jlh J;iy of .May, lss. inl.-.Xt W T IH.'KNKY, lletfi.,ter. otlfc for I'uhl lent ion. Land Oiurn at Oanetv Cnv, dun ftiarcn wtii. inoH. i TOTICK is ui:iti;itv nvi;. tiht the foilowiliLr-nilined settler hns tiled notice of hi intent ion to make lit ml proof in surrt of his claim, anil tli.it Mtiil jiriHif will le made Ix-lore the County Jmlue or Clerk of Vulnnrtoii Count v. Oregon, i at ilillloro. fir. oii, on "Tt'KSDA , May l-;t, ltwS, vi. : .lumen '1'. Jiutton, llomciteinl Kntrv No. iN,!i, for the h. V ; 4 of Sec. :v5, T. : N, J. 4 W. He names the following wituees to prove ! bis continuous residence upon, nnd eulfiva- I tion of, s.-iid land, viz : .lum&s Cuuiiiiinj;!, J John Klink, J. It liinck, Anthon J', , Pfanner, all of ISuitoii, Washington County, Oregon. ial..-4it W. T. ULUNKY. P.egister. Iilnl evil in. of ti I ii i ii i.it in I o o i tl uii id futal.-i: sr.id h m eMaln in described its fol lovs: Itei:,. 1 1. wmtii Imlf of the Original Houatioii Land Claim of iloraee Tarsons : Mid ne, i,,,, ()..,tsof seiiiions It, .', i: Bint 1. in Town, 1 hi. of Jiaue-e 4 west, of I "dliiiiHit.. meridian, WaHhington j ouiity, Sine of Oregon, containing IVA) ncien, more ,, lens. i ,o Hold on the fol i ""!? term-: One-tliird of piirflhaso price i cii-.ll ill li;, nd on thudav of hmIl-j otui-third , l jiHii'.in .e in-e 1;, . pujj M t,u ,u. ;fr;iu d,i ,,f Mile, nnd (1. lenwilndei- ( be ' 1'in.i in two yer.rs from d:tv of Male, with IiOtihI on tli't. irtd pnviiu nlH i,t Hie rnts j ot ten e. i.i H.r niiiiuiii, Dettniul pay- liiejits t., . .,. Ciir. .l by a niolthn ou tlm , iiri'iiii-rn Mia, i oiiM-yaiice n he at j lll.m r S f I jHMfMl pur- MAl TIi: A. PIEUCK, Adiiiin!frntor of the L;un or Jotoli O. I'ltlee, Deceased. ju'At it siieiiir'ai Null. l:tK The Draft Stsllion, YOl'NO OHiEISTEHjID. Ihe Draft Stallion, lorwo (iiKNKin, BY YIHTL'K OK AN EXKClMlON, isitatid out of the County Court of WushiuKton Count v Oregon, Ix niui date of March it. 18HH, directed r.nd delivered to me by the Clerk of said Court, and being in favor of John Kdwards, as phifuti)', fin i ay a lust W fiHhiiifeton Kellow, as defen.lart, end comni.'iuiiiui; me therein to satisfy the sum of ." I 1VI. imw dint on viiid indtinent Kotlolph i with interest thereon since March Mi,' Immh, at the rate of id ier eiit . ier nnilUUl. (old ! the further una of I7 I.", costs, and the j cohIh mid exeme8 ot sale and of this writ, and bv virtue if said writ. 1 have, Ihi i April I Mh, I", made. ey of the siltle lljhiu nil the light, till liiiil interest of (he lilmvi j Named defendant in unit to ihe fallow mi i diM.rilM-.l real estate, to-wit: I a in;'. I'in. 1 and situate in Washin;;tou I'ountv, Oreuon, nnd niori-pari lenlarly described as follows i:. '4 of See. ! BAILEY, ; TONGUE & SCHULMERICK Old Stand ! S. , Cii'iitT Main and Klrsl Sliel W I'll li I. V Sl ll H ot l:i.C.IIT ok I.MKSl I mitf ltint of ilMiind n I htwiul l.v 1, i w4 i '. i a - ' uivii'uiiii itNiriui pwiu nniiiiv ior in nii iiKititn. 4iii,iin . . .1 1. j 1 .... t 1 , o the ZUt davof March, rts.on whut account the same ere allowed, and the luimuVit wrnliis V ' " aprr irr sHtT. :;a ia u M- "ivr vi:T.s,rr "v rr ,rr-"-il"- AprfJKSr LSna "Si,,t -,of said ro.,.,sH..W-iSl-Afc j i- inn,.... . ... , grand dam it MorcMi msie. J .VMMJOAN, County ( lerk. Th and the s of the N. W, '4 nnd N. K, ' of the N. V. '4 of Sec. 1. S, It. -J W and coiitHiniiii; 1 acres ; ami liv yirtue ol said levy Ttiul nu:d will, 1 uiil.on Tneotlav, Ihe I v liiy t' Mil) ", Is Spring CLOTHING. Goods Of the SI M I of Money and lN3fr.lL ST.lTK.Mi:r i.llKllNh Coach Horse. Vol ( ROBT. BRUCE, At the hour o o'i at t he Soil! h I . Hillsboro, iu K.tid all the , iiht, I'll.- i loci, I'. M .. of said .lav. of t he I 'oiin II. nee, in Conn! v. unci Stale, ;s ll In! iiiter. o Ihe above the I amount of Money and Warrants received for Tme S. Mil. I f..llV .Mit.l t County treasurer by the sheriff of Witshiiigtoti Count , Oregon, for the si months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 18M: 4 'on li ty Srlioliir)hipt. 4 Beaverdam Cedar Creek Columbia Cornelius Dairy East Butte Forest Grove Galea Creek Hillsboro 9 South Tualatin . . .3 Wapato 6 Washington 4 West Butte 2 To Amount Received. in;. Octolier . November. . Iecemter 1. January Iu f!oin and Currency February March Amounts paid to fTonnty Treasurer. October . November ... Decern ler. . . . 1;. Ttal Keceived $ .V4.W 'J 1.KU 1 l.t.ftii 1 ;:t.;h; i 4 N l oer-in tt.-siriiit. to .!,r ii. u r'.,n..v Sehohtl'.h ill ill th.. Strife I iiirr. li ft i will please send written notice nt once to tne nn.lerHioiietl. and npis ar in the Court House, at Hillsboro. ou WKDNKSDAY. the Hth day of May, ls, j,t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. and le examined in the fol lowing branches : Heading, Writing. Orthoor.mhv. Mental t Arithmetic. Written Ai-itloto. l'n,.lich ! o ) Orammar, titsraphv and t'. S. History. Count v Supt. of Sch.mls. j Middleton, Or. April l:;, 1. ali)-2t .8 8 4 8 Janufiry- In Csin and Currency Kebrnary -March Total paid Treftsurer STATK OF OUKtiCN. County of Washington, I, It P. Coumki u s. Sheriff of sail statement ia correct and true. W it nes my hand this Slst day March, A. 1) lsK County, do hereby ,'ertify that the foregoing II P. COUNKLII S. Sheritf of Washine-ton County, Kohi'. Itul'i'K, .III., is h liutldsoliie black, with hite l.in.l f.et, i'.ve years old, ; ' I hands hih, .ui.l eU'hs l,.Vj ,uuds. I IVniossr.. Sire, by liobt. I'.ruce; h.' by I Sir William Wallartc'he by Dominion Kiu; j dam, n John mure, by imjortfd Challenge, j The above-named Stallions will make the j Season of 1 tit Wsshintoi, County, Oregon, at the following places: Mondays, at Greenville; Monday NiV'ht. "' j at John lleisler's, on Oales Creek; l uesdav Noon, at Forest Grove, at the Hamilton ! Livery Stable; Tuesday Nij;h, at Fair (Grounds. HilUhoro; Wednesday Niht, at f , r..4VJ 89 ; Ik n Anderson's, FHrminKton ; hursdav l,;i4 1 ' Nis.n. at Mr. Kent's. Scholia Ferry; Tlnirs- ; i:i.42 13 I dn.v Niwfht. r.t titsi. Horuhtickie's, leaver-' I ton; Friday Mom im, at Wm. N. Smith's, . . .'.;,"Ii IK ;'dHr Mill; Friday Noon, at Tins, f nchins', i i East Plains; Friday Nioht. nt the farm of ' - ! the undersigned, li luiles r.l of Glelicje; Saturday Noon, at W m. Haglev's, near the j liCisy School house. terras: Single service, if..; The Seesou, I f 10; Insurance, if 15 l'ayment considered due when mares are i known to lie with foal. ! A. TON'GI F. I March ."J, IsKK. mJlMf i Uiimed defendant III and to the als.ve t'e kci i hi d property, al iiilili auction, to the Infill ,l lii.Klcr, for ciisli in haini, tosatisiv the liereilihefore named sums and the cost s and cl' II of nale. Said sale will lie "iilij.ctto ledeiupt ton, rts by law pro- iiia.i. vi.hd. Witness inv hand this April T., 1H, I '. I'. COIiNKMI'S. Shei irf of Washington Com. tv, Oreeoii fi.l-.'.t The coal-fields excitement contin ues without any abatement, tiever-' al parties have gone from Hillsboro and other parts of the county into the coal district, and intend to make thorough investigation and ascer tain the extent of the wealth depos it. The nest thing in order will be the construction of a railroad from Hillsboro to Long mountain, thence into the Nehalem valley, which will open to market millions of wealth in coal, lumber and agricultural products. Keep Ihe ball rolltu. Total 69 Primary lucetinKS will be held at the usual places of voting in the various pre cincts, on SATURDAY, April 28, 1888, I IJKUSOXS Hunting or otherwise Tres passing on my premises hereafter will suffer the consequences. 1 posted notices several years . but they have been torn down, nnd I goto this further trouble to prevent misunderstanding. H. If. Ll CE. Admiiiitrator' ofioe. N'OTICi: IS HKUKHV GIVEN, THAT tho undersigned bus l?en atutointed I. .. 1, . Z1. . 1 ' .. . M .... ( . . i . . o, tun o.iri ui me ninii. oi irejjotl ior asuineioii I onntv. Aiiruinistrator of the Estate of Joseph W". Davis, deceased. All perilous liavuivf (!um noainst said SKMLAMM AL STATKMEST Of the Connty Irrai-urtr of af hineu n County, Oregon, for the Sit Months eudina the Slst day of March, A. D. lss, of money rrccivrd and paid out, from hm received and from what source, and on what account paid out : .oti-' Tor I'll Itlicnt Ion. l.VMI OH I. I AT Ol.l lrtlK Cn v. O.'IKOOX, ( March Hist, ss, ,' XJOTICE IS IIKKI IJV GU'EN. TH VI' a. 1 the tolio-4 iii iiMtii il Millet has tile notice of hi intention to make tin: I pr.x in kiipiit of his claim, ut.il that shi.1 pus will Is- made Iw-fore Ihe I'ountv Jlldue or Clerk of Washington Coiintv. Oregon, at llillslsiro, Oieuoii. on MI)AV, May 's, sss, vi: Aliiu r l iai ie. Honi'stt sd l-Itit ry No. Oil. for the N. ., of the N. K. 4 nnd K. S of N. W. i4 ot ;.,.. . 'i', , -. i West. He names the jolIoUil-.,' Witnesses to prove bis continuous ifid nee up.tu. .unl cultivation of, isaid land, vi: I. S. Heard, . 1. Hollisti r. C. A. Mead, end Chail.s Fierce, nil of tfreenville i, I I., Wiihlnin;tou f'otinty, Oregon . n"-t,t W, T. M I.NFY, K istet, JOSEPH EtViRICH. Wholesale and l.'i inil Hats, Hoots, Ties, HoMdkorchlofo, Hosiuty , Ladles' and Contt' FurnlBhlnf; Goods, Dress Goods, Drcso Trimminfl, Muslins, Prints, Also, i wry luivi Selected Stock ot Coinpl Etc. ite and w.l I ! Groceries, Provisions, CANNED GOODS. Notions, Cigars and Tobacco, 1 All of which we oiler lit the Very lowest livitikt rules tor Cash, or in ccbauu tor 1'l'oduce. Our Hock is new and complete, nnd we invite iusss'tiou mid comparison with other prici w ruline, as we know we ( aKn'ot ba tin. idersol.l. niH-tf Amounts lCeoeived. To Amount ou band from last Report Institute Fund. To amounts received from Fines . . Taxes Institute Fund ' State Tax General Fund. U;i29 7(1 ' H.2T.I ' School Fuud. This Space BUTCHE BOOS fe CCX i 76 G5 10,002 21 At 1 o'clock in tto afternoon, for the pur pose of electing Delegates to the County Convention. l!y order of the Washington County Cen- Estate will present the same t me. with the tral Committee. j projier vonchers, at my otlice. at Forest! ... , .. ..,....... i Jrose. ieon, witlon o months from the ! . L. WLA1HERKED, I date of this notice. Chairman. ' Forest Grove. Or., April 11th. M.s. S HI(iillS, S. 1L Hl sTON, al'J-r.t Administrator Sec. 1'ro. Tem. ul'J-td Total amount received.. fBld 42S; f 21 Forest Grove, Oregon. I All kinds of I KF.SII MEATS kept con- stantly on hand nnd sold Cheap for Cash. FOREST OllOVE. -X8- Amounts Tnid Out. Boston ia fighting the New York proposition to make all meichcii(lis.e j coming through the United .States over th Canadian Pacific jay tluty Bj that route Minneapolis fiiiJ the Northwest are brought into close and cheap nication with the nea-board at Boston. Not only that, but the Pacific oast find- the new road an additional outlet. New York wants to center all trallln Iheie by shutting out the Canadian Pacific. In this contest Pacific cast interest are with Jiostou. Unlit lir,. In. 1.. Speaking ! .': m w i resi. 'Ihe Mate Central Conimittee of the PROHIBITION PARTY .1 (aril. luiMiu' len rexrteI in v.ir..t: phices that 1 had left the county. I ut-reliy take casion to correct said f.tl imoresnion. would stutethlitl lu-v.rlost mv leoal reaidetiee in this coiiuty ly tiny ahsfiiee Iroui it, and am no living on mv home place near Middletou. I . T. MNCKN I . I.'ounty SiiH-riiitend-iit S.-h.j!- -Middletou, Or., April 1.', ttpj tf v v Hv amount oaid out on Schis.l Siiis-iintendent's Warrimis 1 " " State 'treasurer By Ia lance (leneral Fund on hand . Hv balance S-h..l Fund on hnnd By balance Htate Fund on hand By l.atancB Institule Fund on hand H,o43 62 j i:t.t7i 12"; iiV)'no 4 Ait 10 lo.os; 11 Nliri IT' Total Hiuoimt paid oof. 4 XVSW f 14.627 21 r7"l!iI-l!e.t Marl.ei I'ri. c jxu.l tor Bscves. Hogs, and Mutton Sheep, Flense ('ivi in. 11 cull. mI2 if IN A Mil HON TO I ol (on. ml ,Mt s.il 1 ht c. ; l.r u. il Ollt lift, f .IN V. im.rnl .Mtrchl.mlisf. ws have f.n , loliiie Pumps RESERVED STATK OF OKFOON. 1 County ot Wttshiukloo, 1. J. S. WidOKiiih, do hett-by r, rtit ihst lh.- f.-recoinu is ment of the amounts received, paid tut end leiuumiiiK on htnJ, in the County T reasury vuuu.j luf iiw bi uivuui ruuiu ou uv tii uay or aiarcu, a W ituess my hand this second day of i tiue and c.,' lee t state 1. 1NI. April, A. 1. lb. J 8. WAUUKNKK, County Treasurer. Ul. v pleiurr in luiii.jiin. ino that England is being urged by Pftnitu rians to use her power in India to prevent the cholera outbreaks which I rise there and spread all over the ' world. The disease originates in the filthy water which the natives 1 use, and has diaappeared wherever pure, potable water in supplied. Water is the great agent in spread ing thia pent, and in a cholera time if water must be drank at all it should be thoroughly boiled. ELD. J. W. WEBB, State Organizer. Will .eak on The Issues cf the Day ! At l.leueoe. Iiiesihii ee. .Mat 1st At (ircemillc, WedneMlu) ', May id .11 I'Uston, Thursday eve. May 3d At Forest tirove, Friday eve. May 41 It lilK TitR ( liLMt I'illllltilf, is rati i'lH. iir Cot Rr or the S.aik or l Ikeoos V aso.noton Ira K. 1'urdin, Sr vs. Feddi r Fedderson. mi insr.ne is-rson. lolni H.irrisoii. as yiiuril.i.ii of the Folate ol sni.l Fedder Fedderson. mid I'.-irhara Fedderstm, Ir-f-udaiit.s. or - ss. I NKStl-A.M .41. MttMAKV STATKMFM Ol the Financial condition day of March, IS: I of the County uf W nshiiiKfoii, Htate of Oreion, ou the Slst I.I1H1I.IT11.S. IN . : I !v l..'. f '," 3m The MGiine Hand Force Pump, The Mcline Lift Pump, . Tliel.lolina Chain Pump, W tnch an !,iin rioi i ii,y now in use, aud we 'iijiai.'.. u-h to i;un Hulisfsction, aud our prices arc I h. , , ,il . ii N i roit ihi: SlulkKafiki B'artu and Spring Wiixiih. nv 13 property, lo in Washiiittti At llillshoro. Saturday eve. Jlny ith ! section i.- litteen vmri F if ax F.XKcrrioN'. ilecree aud trilfr of sale. issul out of the ritsve-inmed Conrt. and in the uIm.vo entitltsl cioist- ami t me directed and delivered. ls?iiriiu: date of iTth Mnrch ! lSMM. on n iinhnniit it. fnr,ir.f tl. hL.v.. ' named plamtiif, and ciMiiiuandint; me there in to make sale of the herinslter deiwrihed to-wit: I.vinv'. Iieiuiz and situate on Conn? v. Ort-trou. aud Is im; more tNirtinlarly Ue.s:rtbeit and deignated as follows Beiutf the northwest Quarter of Amount i To Warrant drawn ou Csmuty Treasurer, and outstanding and minid f 1,'Jta lat,' I To estimated amount of Interest accrued thereon None ! To Note of County to I .add A Tilton ... . . ?,'Sk) 00 Total I,ialilitie 4.44.1 l:t Sjieaklno; will the nli e pl.-tces l.c: at ; in at ::;0 I' each M. of the A tcre men ami ted. all are It is a piece of impudence to re fer to the hired liar of the assistant democratic party as "Governor t, John." lie was beaten for govern or of Kansaa on tho rrpublii-nn ticket at a time when that Mate had a majority of many thousands, and on the same ticket a colored man ran and was elected. It is K:ife nay a Chinaman would beat imn Oregon for sheep inspector.- - .' women arc in iteil. directly in a t! -t I'oiiikI Not !. r in j . . two of i:. i it three west, in the district of lands aul jjtct toaale al Oregon t'ity, Orr&m, con-' 1 tainint: ur hnndrisl and s.xtv acres; to Wilisfy the MUiti of qiUSijo, hi I'. ,S. tfold foili, iii-w due il plaintirT n said jiulg- ; ' ment. with inlcrisf :lii-rcoii from the 2"th ' ; day of .March, l-s. i(, th,- i.it.. ,,f p . 'ertit. r nun. on. ;!.! the further sum of.' ; !.". cihIs ..f Hijit. rue I a!., fiie r.wt.s aud ..eiiH,s of sti.l s.I,-. ;.i:.l of this writ; I haw this April l"th. I-s-. m;-,l.. K-vy of. sa.d writ, upon the lien inls forx iescrils-d ! reel -rop.-rH: and l.v viria. of nn levy i and ot sal; I writ. I will on KrsoiHf i:s. Jas. H. Sewell. POULTRY YARDS FOREST GROVE, OR. t UukkIob, Aetna Marrows Ao.l a Tull li. I th.. J. I. CA3E PLOWS, An.) otlni A'MiiMiliim.l I iul-int-iit a. Agents for the Oct ni'in-AuicMcau and titceii Insurance Compiniji s, ' aH tf By Funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to the pa v ment of County j W arrants 7,1-1 il 0s t By Funde in hand of County Sheriff anilicahle lo the p.-imetit of County Warrants ...... . , ... . . By estimated unpaid Current Taiee applicable to the pavniept of County and j School Warrant ... s Bv Amount I'npaid on Delinquent List of 179 ' ' " 1HS() lKSl iart:t ls4 lfs.- iss; 17. Total Iteaourcea 677 W) 4.-4S 37 I 40ii vn :i m to I 4.;;a ho ! lfM IK! 1.4UI I ;,i5i no Manufacturer of H W'K this dav placed iu th 1'oiiiul. in the town of Forest ?r.ve. t hie Bav : Man.. dcs-rited n follows: l.ii?ht f.sv.u-ilh ; Tuesday. Ihe .tll !. of Milt. 1 SSH. ruiyiMMie 1.11 t.iu lanu iisii; sipi-, i. ik :t years olil. if th als.ve named aiiimal is net claimed or rciL f in. .1 l.v u n.-r on or Ik-fore Ihw.'.ih day of .'Mav. ls-s, I will a ll at pul.lic aue- ! hcn inlK fo-e d. tion. nt the l'oii a. I liate. in the town of ' pul.lic auction. rF.I.FJIRATFIl f to 111 The wheat market has recovered from the downfall of the speculators at San Francisco, Chicago and Cin cinnati, who tried to corner the whole product of the country, and now it has a healthy feeling, with an upward tendency. liut, unfor tunately, in this county nt least, nearly all of last year's wheat crop ia out of farmers baud. Fuiest (irove. for cash in hand, to the Inches! hi.hler. the name, in accordance j with Ordinance No. .'7. of saiiltoun- Sale' to le at 1 o'clock A. M. of said day Imvc j named. ; Fore-t limn-. Or.. April 7 lSss. I If. H. 4 LA UK. Marshal, ni;-;it Forest ii rove, On on. AttheSiKith IIinw of i, I ..iut House, in ' HlilsUtro. iu said coin.. ami tale. at the i hiM.rof I o'chs-k i". m. of SMi. I .l iv, aell the : -eri!sd red .r.. rt, at , t' the !iiyh."ii l.tdder, for! casu ill liautt, to safixr.v the lieremls-for named sums I his April lo. ls. n. F. MieiirT f Waxhin-j aV.'-.-.t coi;m:i.ils, .'ton County. Oi-eeou lapalo Plow Xti'4 to TTontrHrtor. tic' lor Iu hi irntiou. D. J. f ! Dr. V. Hayes Agnew, the most eminent surgeon in America, died in Philadelphia yesterday, aged 70. F.AI.KH BiDS for feet of i:epairon O the West Fnd of the Bridge across Dairy Cre.k, hetween HilUlsjo and Cor nelins. will Is received up to I o'clock P.M. IHI KSIIAY. May loth. 1S8. Also, there will tie let to the lowest bidder, a Bridge 4". feet lonsr. 14 fret '.ide (one spnni, acrosa l'anno Creek. And n Fill and Culvert to replace bridye near Chaa. Schmitt'a Tile Factory, south of Tualatin liiver. Also, for a Fill and Culvert to replace bridge on tho Cedar Mill road at Browuson's Farm. Spec ilk-a i ions can be seen at the Court Huuso on day of letting. By otder of tho ?omitr Court. JiOD01.ru "CBANDALL, al2-3t County Judge. I.iM.1 Orrlt i . (Li'i-.N City. Ork.miS, j alr.icu J.'tli. sss. i 70ITCK IS rll.Ki.Iit OltK.N THAT the followin-nnurcd settler has tilod j . notice of his intenti-.n to m;.Lc nnal proof j f ll.l, in aepport of bis rlaim. nnd that sni.l proof will be made leforo the County Clerk of J Washiuptou County. Oregon, at HiIlloro, ; Oregon, on F1UIMY, "V trh. isss, yjz : A lonzo W. Wilson. l're-eupMon l. S. No ! 4js7j. for the S. of tt. II :. .f St:c. ..-., T. 2 N.. U. 6 W. H names the fallowing v.iliivsse.4 to prove his continuous rei.leuce nsn, and cultivation of, said hind, ix : Otto Fareons, Cbarlea Ilicka, Charles Iliatt, and A. I. Veatch. all of Gales Creek P. O., Wash ington County. Crecron. mlVt W. T. BCRXET, Register. Tfanaritetarer, K, SANDFORD, rHvsici t, sri!i.t:s ami ; Af'COl'f HFt'R, j GLKX(X)E. OKKOOX. Offloe a.t Drug Qtor Dealer In lrns Xedlriaea, PaiHta, Oils, Ktc. School Books ket eou tantly in Htock. o'i-tf DRAIN TILE WON A T I III: COM'MBI I'OI'I.I IIV J I k. li 1 1 x 1 1 . t i in Is-.-., ( 1,4- lolloMinit premiums : rii:r emiMU M. J Breeding I'en of Hoii.hins-Co.-k and liens' Fair of lloiiJ.ins -C.s-J.ei. I an.l I'ullet. ' , Fair of Hondaiis 4't-k noil Hen. lUvin Com ti. Houditi, H'-ii lloiulaus. j i Breed i u? I'en I'lymoiitli Hoc' C.k k and i liens. j j I'nir Br(-eiliti( I Mviiom,' . U.s k Cockerel , nild I'llllelS. y I ly II. out li I'.irkl iPOKiTi l. j Breedintf Fill White l'hotns -Cock nnd Hens. , Brown 1-choiu-( 'is-ki r. . ' 1'air Bim C, Widte J-oliorns-Cock. i. l and I'ullet. Tiio Hilver K. HhimIhiis - CiK-ker. I ami Pullets. ' Breeding !' li Guinea tow'-.. hlSII PhfMM'M. Pair Silver S. Ifaiutmrvs Cock and Hen. Bri.liutr I'en 11. l-i'hoii. f '.wt. ,-,.! ...., I I'tlilels. I owned nnd raised every one of mv show birds. 1.1 not buy or borrow, or 'net as nueiit for anyone clue. Htockwn orimallv tmsjited from the 1 to var.ls ill the t:.ist . Come and for youi scl vcs. l''.(.''s from tlie.iP bi'tl for liatrhiiio, hi a'itinii( Tl per two m tflnt's; ) s r 1 nice is ttlti", niel liirds for naie. K.piare I'o'ilUy Vfo'ds, Forest Grove, Washington Count v, Or. yon UV.ih O. M.OAN, I'rop. luH-m J. 7 BOOS & CO. 'oi "st 1 1 rove, Oregon, lil'I'KKT I', WfHT. HILLSBORO Meat Market! CORWIN & WOOSTER, Props Mala Stroot. - ITILLBUOHq IF A.CTOEY, A. n. COLLIHG, HfHIS PLOW HAS NO SL'PEBIOR JL for all claaaee of work and in all kind of aoil. JCaay draft and durabla. For par ticulars, addreae ma, or call and aae the plow. D. J. POBTEB. Oaaton. Or., March Ti 1887. m34-;p lUttmtmrm, Oreyea, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER and Lliilwright. Three Miles Northeast of FOR SALE ! LOT OV I.AfFI) WVANDOl IK CHICKE1TS, Also, n qnantity of Hay, will heaold Cheni. at the Bnnt. V. CH AI.MI'KS. 16f-4t Cornelin. A Choice Beef,' Mutton, Veal And Pork! Kept Constantly on hand. Highest market .ilce paltl Beeves, Mutton, Vial ami lloire. for i I will farniah doors, windows, frames, blinds, and mouldings of ail daeoriptioos. ryOffleo and shop near IIbmj's blaek mith shop. Hillstwro. ICareh 31 Hillsboro, presort. Oetober 4, 1M7. For SnU A FEW GOOU WOUIt UOUrim and Mare. for Cash, from four ei.rs old upward; two wilra tioilb of Hillsboro. Address mlJtt LOCI MAKKINO. l air Healing; lo All ! SatlMlurtioii latiurituiftfd Pleaso Clvo Hept. S, 1187. us a Trial1