THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY APRIL l. 1S-SS POISON IN THE ASHES What the Mt. Lebanon Shaken - Found Incident in the His ' tory of a Quiet Community. The Blount Lebanon (Nei York) Shakers are a quiet cora niniiitr, secluded from the frt and worry of the outside world. Thpv are widely known, bow ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent. Others came to litrht as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervou3 Dyspepsia is a com paratively lieu disease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. 4 These two were formerly 'treated as sepa rate ailments, ai.d it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to pcove that ther ).:i:suf this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in lite disord ered and depraved iV.netio'is of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus: "It we can in duce the fstomat-h to do its work, and stimulate tins ex. ! tive organs to drive out of th-j body the oi-?osuu waste mat ters which ivirutla after thelife- fiving elements of the food ave been absorbed, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Sh'tker Extract (Seigel's Syrui) isi complicated .1 i in l hi r uiseai-s. tiiev n--i;v't to te.-it u nii-v .1 1. ' i' 1! in this. To have liO for doiil.t th'V prescribed t L remedv in huuureds ot ca-vS ultirh luid l't ri juoiioiuKvi! iu curalil with j i tVct nnvts ia t-ve-ry inlaiift' wlit-rn th-ir direct io: i -i :is to living ami tii;ft were' scrupulously follounl. Nervous l'spjiii ami 11k haiistioa is a iculiarly Anirii can tlisjeas: To a greater or less extent half the people of tllia OOtiriti y suffer from it I both sexes anl all ages. In no count iy iu the vorhl are tliere so many iiiatie asvluinn tilled to overflowinir. all resulting from this alarming disease. It leading syniptoins are these: jrecpient or continual head ache:; a dull pain at the base of the brain : bad breath ; nau eeouH eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach ; tlatuience; wake fulness and h-.s of sleep; dis gust with food even when weak from the need of it ; stiekv . , - Or Sillily nsritN-r Of! tllfteth Or in tllf lllOlltll, J)ffUlIly On ri- i in? in tli moinint.'; iiirrcd and coated tontrtu; thill f vvs; t-oM Lands and it-et; f;istiution ; dry or io:i-Ii skin ; irm!ility to fix the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and opt;vs:iivi and sad fore bodings and fe.nrs. ' All this terrible rrrotip Shaker K.x tract (SeigeKs 8ymp) removes by its pos itive, jMJwerful, diivct yet painless aud gentle action ujion the fiiuctioaa of digestion and assimilation. .Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life's fire) which uiu iH 'd txuson and kill, are ex jelled from the body through the Uiwels, kid neys and k.n. The weak and prostrated "Very an- quieted, toned ud iVvl l.y the purifietl blood. A1 th.- :v.-ti!t, health, with its t rjtyix..-!i!.s, l-le-ssiu'- and power, letur;.. to the. suf ferer who Lad, i! .: aband oned ail l: . r ever another w til d.iy. &ecliii 'PHE U12.UI11FUL 5-YKAU tLl IUUK X Dapple Kay Stallion, will nnik- the ; Season of It? in WaUiiuton County us i follow: 1'hnrsdaya, at Wm. Waters", near Centre- i ville; Thursday night and till Friday ium.ii. ' at Oreanville; all other days at the farm of i the undersigned, one tuile east of Service The Season Insurance- .. T.tM j . IO.OO 1 SELIM weighs over 1.VK) ponnds; is by old KotamaAo. a 1'eroheroii: dam by Wash inston. ho by old Suffolk 1'unch, of 'Califor nia; 2d dam Old Sally, owned by Wm. Johu aoo, of Olanooe, bow deceased, known as tba Peaao mare, aba by imp Kaiubler. a thoroughbred. Erary poaaibla care will be taken to pre vant accidents, but no responsibility aaanmad P. M. JACKSON. Jiilidbor o, April t, li. i6-'xxi BBLIM ArHdentallj Killed His Wife. ! Al.Buyo e it j i" v , N. M., April 7. Mr. and Mis. J.J. Reynolds arrived! on the morning train from Las Vegas, j On the way to a hotel Mr. Kejuolilsj let a pistol fall from a pocket of au , overcoat he had on his arm. The) hammer Btriking the pavement, the j revolver was discharged, the suot striking Mrs. Reynolds in the heart, killing her instantly. Sew Orejrii I'ostolHce. "Washington, April 8. In Oregon new postoffices have been established aa follows: Deschutes.Wosco county, Rosa Burrell, postmistress; Dooman, I'matilla county, J. W. Dooman, postmaster; Ferry, Curry county, Surah E. Hooley, postmistress; McKee Marion COlintV, D. A. -Mc- jiLivn , - .m - Kee, postmaster; Starvout, Don Mas ; county, H. L. Miser, postmaster. Rough ou Saloonkeepers. I l),,,,...,,,, lnl S -T1 "Hmota : 1 IfTSUl la,, April O. Xlie ITOOkS law recently passed has reduced the number of liquor saloons in this city from between 1400 ami 13(H) to 223. The aunoiincement of a new dis covery in the art of woul transmis sion U made by Professor Gray, lie claims to have invented an instrument bv which he can transmit the writing of the sender of the message. The writer holds a pencil connected with the poles of an ordinary telegraph battery and the common telegraphic line. At the other end of the lino a pencil is similarly adjusted; the two operate synchronously. The clnun in- that the writing or drawing enn be ic nrodiwrd in t;if !-itii! nt Hip other I entl ot tlio lltn , XliO letig'Ii if tlielaiKl wa produce only cmkI rtuits. it cirt-iut ilepending only upon buttery; : . l i.'i'-nfs inciueiit t.tntr. uud rmt critical capacity as r&!;ited to the wires ns;d. I ,.ri.d. known a.-.'iinj t'innrr i.ire.- ! l-'avorite E'rcscr litlon,' when token , , , , I In conn' tioij w:tti th( Woif of lr. Pit-rce's Zinc, placed upon tno tiro in the i lioMeu Uiecoveiy, unsl ernall laxative . A . , , , , . rtwca of ir. I'lftw' l'ur;'Hm I'cllcts il.ittle a'OVe Or grate, IS Mlia to have ItloVt d j l.iver I'ili. eur.-a Liver. Ki.liuy and lilaikler .. , .... , .. . . ,! ;!iseuseH. Their iniuliinni uae alo remove ltseli an eilertivo lite estipguisher of , Mood tniuts, and ahoiuhea aitrou3 and , . .. c. , . ! scrnfulfMis huni:r! fi-cin the sjfein. Chimney tires. When a tire struts 'ravori:e I'rrMcriniiou" In th only , , i - f i . i tncdii inf f.r worpf-:. l-l bv liri'jfsriwt'. Milder inside a chimney, from nliiitevt-r, u pu.uiir ru.-iraiitec, inmi the nmuu ,. , i t . i fM -turers, that it will K've satislacrion in every cause, u piece ot tlini sheet zinc, t )r ,iunty wi u"r. tu.i.ij. Thia a-uaran- alkniif f.uir inolinu sniinro ij nmrol. ! f,"M 'uu UPU printcl on tin tot tie-wrapper. aUOUI lour ini UPS square, H merel a1,.t bthrully arrii-l out for n:ny years. j put into the stove or grate ,-onuect- in" with the cMrinov The r'uw lu nl,lt ,, "e '"it- which, passing up the t!iif. are said ' to almost instnutly put out what-! ever fire thre may he there. i I.ilir.ll Hint A eiiiiroiti. Not iiiiii i-iiiii-iir ! a iii.iii i-. eiii i.utili-rcil who i.4 moral j-uruoo.v The !: Mar ijui of r Ttiiiii-ti r was .-in h .i num. Uiier.'ll in I.U i.'f :i li.iil. he M :l ii litiriolJH i:i irillcs. lie iii.rc -ii'iil rli.i ln-s. car- j ricil u col ton liiii!lt'i!.i. -:ivc;l l:ts ..f laer i amt twine, pit kcit ut pin-, unit i um- away ! thousiStliU of iMHlliiN. lie once cin-w a ciici i; f a.;ii.i.ijo ii.r a 'eneoIetit obj.-t. l.ut the 1.ik.i- h name was never tnioli.-hi-tt, niul hi. own son. the present Duke of Wcitinin-.U-i, never knew for what piitiMifie the check )ia! been drawn. A cleruytn;!:i. v.I.o li;nl .fit to Ijtii!ni) to consult ;i i!ui l:-. 'ii.i l;siiuj w ith the marfui. Wh::t iliil the iloilor mlvi-e?" M-L'il ! the TioM.i.i.-m. I'm. h!iiiiI, my lrii; llor-e exer- 'Then why don't yon take it ''Ileca i -e I have not a hir-e niul . .'in't nfToi'il t buy one." "Haw yd! a stable a!.l a padil k "VeH, my lord." "'I'lieii 1 will nive yon a hnr-i 1 lie n."l Iay a uri'ii: iix'e ur to the ' i lcrgy man s I'.oii.m', le.cling a tine hor-e. The grateful rs,.,, oir,-,v,l ila- m:,;. a i mi .tinii,i, o.n i iieiiiiieo io j take more than sixpence. w intj that it v.r.nlil la as much as hi sit .iation was I wort h to accept I. ur. j "Hut, please, Mir," he mMeil. ' uive me I twotliie lor the turnnike ' ate. II is lord- t iniiri;u- I'M i ii' i .11 nii nl Iillt. i I sh'psiKfiulIy told me to ! sure am f,r t,,t? twopenee.- Youth's fornjs . . - - tml i'sk j mNimoii. ... I ' " r.e ,r .,,..e. ! It is we'd known that, for some years j j a prize of nIO.ikhI has been ; ! to invent, .r . lor the tir-t ten l-iles .,f jute ! grown ami prepared ..r market in the 1 I'nited states, at a cost which will admit of sticvl'ul competition with that from Iiulia. The principal and ai.pari nt ly in Mirmoiilttal'ie o!i.-.i.u!e winch en. fronts all elVoit : !:i this ilini -'ion i- the lack if a H machine which pre'Liie the j.,te tiber lor li-e ai a I .. t irnU-.h ..o(V-et the ery ct.e.ij. h.iii.l lain.r ot India. In the jllte plant khi; liber Xi. i .' . t v.een the pitharal Ihbaik. It i, iieee-,ary, t In re foiv, li retnovy the I.tltir ai;il separi.te the jute from t!u pith, it lN-iiti t U i-seiitial that this ! done withont injuring; the lllK-r, which is one of the tno.-t delicate ' known, lhu as the nam.-, of India do ' this work for eve:i t. n cents a dav, n j sulistitut: tnai Itiii v. .ni l not only have j to overcome this mat ti 1 1. f l iicapncss. but ; would to perform the ta-k in as per- ! feet a uinntv r a; is now .:. .'by Indian H tiger.. :is v. !! : s ejMr:l in ; , t r (ages to the work ni p.'euaration ri;:.1ii:d In-fore the liU-r is ready to enter the factory. I'oioou i:i Cufce. A rufiicictit amctir.t of chrom.-ite of hunl w."9 found in one of tho l'hiladelpliia j samples of cinnamon cuke examined to ' constitute :i case of throruc poison if .iini- j nir i-uku was 10 ue const uniiy i-at-. rt. A lli-t..ri it Table. A Mr. tJuii'Ler, tif t"nicap, nib t!ie table on v,l ii Ii tir.uit tiiid Lit-si-md tie terms of sin-rciwUr ur Appomattox, llu paid ?l.(tM for ir. A letter from t;,.lt. Ciraut c-t:il.!i-!.e- it autliUilicity. For Snlo. Vl'KW WOUK. II )1,SL.S and Mares, for Cas'.i. from fo tr tears ; old upward; two miles ni rlh of IMlsl oro ; , Address 1 LtltT JIANMMJ. Oyer 6.000.000 tgQPLF VSK KTa1 Larcaat Smdimei in in woria. D. K TElRYcCO J TSJj 1 "as rrtr.4 )ff) SEED ts .annual For 1883 .ill b. mail VTRCC TO ALL applicant a, aou t la Buauuii'9 ut ird.Tiiic II. Invaluable to at!. tl RKKUM UC1U Carden TlKFlower iEEDS'T4 n.M.FERRYACOOotrolt.Mteli. IFF SEEDS IT I .JV Va 0.M.FERRV4C0. ar. ailmittMl .. ! 1 1. The treatment of many thousands of en- ( of those eun.nio Ki'akm-fii.'i ami distressing ailiucnU peculiar to ic-muiea. at tDe invalid Hotel and urniul Institute. nuftald, N. V has afforilfd a vast experience iu iims-Ijt aiUnr iniy and thoroughly ti"Stmgr remedies for ttn cure of woman' iwculmr maladies. Dr. ricrce'a favorite rreeerlptlon is the outRfowtli, or result, of this great and valuable eerieco. TliouMands of teatimi niala, received from patients and from pliyai ciuna who have t.-sttsl it iu the more avxra iml mkI iilKttinute cicss which had their skill, print- it to Im the most wouOcrlul remedy everueviae.1 for tberelief aud cure or .,itwinv women. It La not recommended a cure-all," tut aa a most ptrlect tipeciUo for woman peculiar aumenrs. Am m poriui. iuiioriun iodic-, it tm parts strength to the whole, ayateiii. mil to the womb and its auDendaaca in I particular. For overworked, worn-out." ruii-down." debilitated teachers, milliners. dressmakers, seamstrew', ahi p-auls." houee- keepers, nur:nir mothers, am" feeble women .nerally. Dr. I'ier.-e' Favorite Prescription id tue irr-etesc eariiuy im, iM-m- un)iM ad an apiM-tiziiia; cordial and restorat O, e ionic. Aa aootliluK rn.nU rvnnlhiniBR nervine "Favorite FreacrliKiou" id uue- 3naled and Is invaluable in alluring and aub uinff nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms ami other distresHiotf, nervous symptoms conv monly attenduut uptrfi functional auJ orpmnic disease of the womb, it Induces refreabina; sleep and relievea mental anxiety and de- attfvndenev. Dr. Pferee Favorite Prescription is a legitimate medlelue, carefuiiy compounded by an ex;criencefl and kkillful physician, and adapted to woman a (k-licate onraniiatiou. It is purely vvlittile in iu composition :! peri'cctl h:irtuitss in Iu effects In any condition of the sttin. For morning- siclcwse, or iiMUdea. from whatever causo arisinir, wmls stomach, indurcstion, dys pepsia and kindreii symptoms, its use. In suiall (Iiiwk, will prove very Ix-nelli-fal. "Favorite lrerritlon Is a posi tive eure for tde moot vouipiicau-d and ob stinste ca"esof it-uooriiiea. csii'easivo powinit, painful tiienstrtiiitinn, uniuitiirii auppreiwions, prolapnus, or fuliimrof tm voiub, weak back. female weakucsa,'' anteversk.n, retroversion, learin(r-do n . ionn. ciironic; cona"eetion, innununation arid ulwrafion of the womb, in Kumiiiurion. pin and ti-ii'l-rn in ovaries, ueomi)Hniisl with ' iuteriinl hint." j At a reitalator a'"i pronwtcr of fune i fioiial action, al. tlu.t crititnl period of chanire t fin ii cirlliiHid to w;iintiihiKd. I avortte I'r v.-n.-n "taker. tt. th.iatra f.nd iiom:ir.- b.Vt?ia r VI?k. " " " . k'"r ,ur- Uhi-tratei few on Dineaiesof Women (i.l pu'-a, pu? r-ovv nn.. k.-i:. tcu cents in Ai-!n-(. World's Dispencar Medical issc:i:i;cn, iis .-iiii.i st., t;i I t 11.4k, . 1. eeds! For Good and Reliable Seeds cf all kinds. Send to Miller Bros. SO!) 4coiil Mtret, PORTLAND. Also, Fruit Tree. Ilee Supjlie. Hone j ' Meal, i.irlt-n Tools, etc.. etc. ;" lm YOUNG GLEN j Is n bnnd-tome black. 7 vchth olil, and i ' weighs V N.iaids. Wan sired by in)i.rtil ! I (ileneld. winner at the '. ntiniiial in 1 TX . ' lsT d.-ini bv old l'iitlitituler: 'M bv dial- I I tenge, he by l:l;ickhaw k. and he bv Morgan. ! 1 Ihw t-auriful Stallion will make th- "' in Wash.iimtoit 'unit v. nt loiiovis: Tlla, l4t (Ireenville i WeiijieKdava. at tiales t'reek ThtiisdnvH. at Conn linn Fridays, nt . Farruiiigton Saturdays, at.... Sundays and Mondavs. at 1'.. S.'hietTelins Kami, one mile north of Ingle I I). i j terms f s niul 10 1 Kveiy possible rare will I tken to' prevent nccid. nfs, but no respmsibilitv assumed. ;.,rK..r further particulars, address K. SchietlVlin or 1.. A. Jobe. II ill!...? Ir.t...n. i:. Sf'MIEFFKMX. inL'.l -l:n March r.', is.s. NEW BARBER SHOP! 1, Connected with a tvi Ii conducted ! Is now under sueves;-.fiil management, nt 1 J.'.t'KSON HALL, 11 Main Street. I IIITiTiSBORO. "--r sitisfactioii guarantei'd in Shaving. "'ur Shaving, - - IS Cents Hair flitting. - IV. feats, m2!-tf J. WIIH'Z, Fnrrietor. - Tualatin Hotel Main Street, Ik t I'd and ."al. Hillsboro. Oregon. R. WAGGENER, Proprietor; THK TABT.K Wll.f. niSTA?TI.V I:F. 81P plteil wi'ii the bt-t-t tl. B.rki t .n-.rdn. and no pilm ur iiw i:IW.i'r. I'l xlrn ii. rur th t'ouifort ir Kietii. KxceUent Ai com modal b.hs and I'upular I'ricCH LARGE SAMPLE ROOM For the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. jB"1 ZE IE ZEE! COACH! To and from the House 1 mla-tr Irf-rtds as l'hotograplier in the .Northwest Picture of the moMt proruiiteiit men and women of Orejioii and Washumton ay , lx seen nt his gallery. I owue svi.if 7 is 1 : in 111a liisiaiiinneotis pictnres of ii,ibi ! the remarkable results obtained belli; the wonder of nil who visit his Studio. In en larging to any aize. in any Mle, from any i kind of picture, he f.'.-ii('-r to otv-e a ! better class of work, at a minv t,-ii-r, than I any gallery on the I'acitie durst. All wish inr picture enlurisl will d w II to ss"ure ' estimates lefor ordering elsewhere. Cor respondence solicited, and all order will receive prompt attention. Studio S.W.cor. First and Morrison tits., Portland, Oregon' I-'- ED. LYONS. JOSEPH HABE HILLSBORO Livery Stable LYONS & HARE, Proprietors, Ordors for . HACKS. BUGGIES AMP RIDING HORSES. Attended to promptly. ALSO, FEED STABLE. RemeuuVr the Place MAIN 8TKEET oppottito the Tualatin Hotel. IIillaloro, Or., March 2, IS. tf uclcns Ur.incr.I MsxiCAa Xlitim Unwwr, BenettxUea MuKlt to Very Bvne J W underfill. T ra IIJ J1U XJM1I'I HbVJjs.IK -i-i luouiun Sucsnj FOlt NAIJ: ! D ksikahm: rnorr-KTv boro, consisting of 1 llll.IJ Houses and Lots "Terms made easy to I'uu has.-rs. For further information, impure of the. undersigned. I., m. i;osnhv. IlillslKiro, Mav 1. 17. ml'.Mf j I The BUYEHS GUIDE ia laaaed March and Bept-, 1 aach year. It ia an ency, lolopedia of useful inlor 'mation for all who pur. chaaa the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe 70a and turnisn you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride. walk, dance, sleep, eat. fish. hunt. work, so to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what Is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUITEBS GUIDE, which will be aent upon receipt of IO cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. IU. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon A. C'nlifornia K. II. And Connections. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE!; Time Between Portland anil i'raneUeo, Zft Hour!! San Cittifcm.:a Exoresa Trains Run Ca:ly bet::en Portland and 'rsrcaco. I.i:avf. roithaid 4 i"0r. M. S;iii Fr.tit. t'.:'i I'. AI. 4 1; j. ! v K . j S.Frctii i--. 7:4a A M j 1 tiii,.nu.. l.mrtil .'" Iil'ir.ri,,.,'.s,i?,i,;(ipi AUU1K. Ftlj. lie -.':4. S M. I' :;t I', y. Portland :UiA.M. Kilgelie t:l) A. M. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Second -CI ii si I'iisseiigers 11 nil through trains ILl.K Or t'HALtiK. The O. A. C. ii. It. Ferry makes c ui!ection ! with nil the regular tr:imsoii the Kasi Sale ' ditision from the foot of F Street. West Side Division. KKI'WF.F.N ltllliI.INI) 2l ('OUVALI.IS. Mail Train Daily, vcept Sunday, Portland 7U5i) A. M. M:4." A. M. forvallis MM V. M. AUdivr. 1 .M:14 A. M 1 Ci.rvallia 1".':1'.-. P. 31 ! . ji j Portland ..:1.1 P. M Hillsboro ii:04 1. M. At Albany and Corva I lis connect with train of the Oregon Pacific. F.xpreaa T. ain lli.ily, except Sunday, S.P.AVK. Portland. . tA P.M. McMin"ville.r.rtftA.M HillUm 7iWA.M AKRITM KiH P.M MrMin'Tille.Himp.M HilUUiro. 7:?;iA.M Portland . . 11.00 A. M E. P. KOGF.HS, R-IKOEHLKK. t F. XP.At. Aluuager &4-t 2 try .x. Baa il cf W ip. rfi 4& 59 a ail S. S3 ! ki. Kaaa : ?is ! f' S'i s t 0? &Z2t... Fred Hambleton, Planter, Will St n iid for wer ire the Sonuon ot IHHH nt I lie fit Kit HAMtl.KTOX 046.1. -Tr-al rrrard, f:tS. Sire of Frill Hambieton. winner of tha 2- i year-.ld stakes at Snlem and Spokane Falls ... . jxaiuiiiirioii. TiTitiAP or I n He is a rhewtnnt Itorse, years old S;ra IIAMIJLK'IONIAX MAM1 sire of jane L. 1:1!'4'. 1 dam Kprineiield Maid Mam Tnmin, :t-Venr-olil atntl 1 1 tfi rsrs rt I J Inkeliirnl Al. lallali. full brother to Ha rol sire of Mand S. r. dam Suluda ly .MeKiitier a Aixljillnli. aire of Goldsmith MuidcMli. IS.Inm Friday (aire of dam of Ge. (xley. : I. l.y imp. Trustee. 4 dam Fled li:liiI.!etoii 1ms sulstsiie.eiidiiranre and Hpet d. Hih record of 2:20 was made as n w-jear out niter a seaaim in the stud, and is not the meaxnre of his speed. He has sbowit a 2:14 unit and in a brief raritiK eareer hna diKtiueed Kitty l.yneb. Jann I, Mlrin liAVi1' J'aU7 MaaU.01ean.ler. Meiroae and others. Lrfiat year severe sick- nesa in August rendered him nntit for racing. Frit Hambleton, his only colt ever trained from a mare without standard, won at Salem with ease over a large Held of st undard-bred colts, la tbrea years of stud setvice but one mare bred t him Uus failed to produce a living colt. A7.M.V fty SKlil'JCK: Sii;!e m rvic. . . . Hi-ason. with pii. d-.-e of return f IiiHitraiu'e jt)l Limited to 'JO mares. FIFTY YEARS AT THE FRONT. For ne-irlv fifty years the reconiod ontliority the world over on all agiit'ulumil mat ter, allways abreast of the times, and always spending lavishly fur the let talent and esperience, the American Agriculturist lie-in iss.s with new contributors, new nrtiM and new tyM, and the -di-toi i ll xtuiT. w hi.-h has ui:tile this I'enodical a power in ImHIi hemispheres, re in for.ed with fresh LIimhI and brains, thereby roiubining the eterieiie mid erudition of years with the vigor and fresh iiivh of youih. The Amrri ran AiwiettHurM ke m pace with the growing interest iii agriculture largely brought shout through ita teachings, and continues to-dsv, after absorbing twviity-four other agricultural paa-r, to furnixli tlie rurrent agricultural literature where the Fnglisli ami Herman languages are h.Li n. Fvery inmiiK-r coii.ains nearly 1KI original illustralioiis nod oriiriiiul articles froiii .VlditTfierii writers, l'riee a year; Mingle riimlwrs, 1.1 ei lit. CHRIST The B r These ni.-igni Scent works of art are neither old time t hrumo tior ordinal y ei.'raings. The latter in u eo"iite pliot.a-tching. tar .upi-iior to hh thiitg in flie market. C'hriHt on IJalvnry.the ii:i;ini..n picture, isexecut.d f.Ttirtbv Hie Mexziajraveli'e priKM-ss. which tar MiipnnK S any other f-r i . itiiet of tone, vigor of ncliell end z n-rnl su not ity f e. cutio!i. Th-v nru on heavy plate jmper. 'J"J liichex iu nie. forwarded. '-t paid, lit ltU: prr paied for the pnrw.. l'ri-4?.$ 1 . . in li,.ttii forwimled m tulx , (is -pail, to .n address, 'l."'J. Atn.rl.iiii jri lraltarl . 1 int. (mrrirun iKrltwl tMrlkt Sfiul ooatal for Kiweiiu. scription of tne I'leture. ot I bene great works, lu-w . - . . . -. i i i:if ii I ii i:t mmii ut:itt:. Address, PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, DAVID VI. JIIHI. TrWI. HiaJva., X il -'-" (jew City FOREST GROVE. OREGON. u uti isrn; idshiffu k C. W. RANSOM, I III. I. XI rUMViAKTK Drugs and i i I'ATKXT KHI.KT VUTM I KS. !!'" K"v i BASE Paints. Oils. Varnishes. Books and Stationery, Et.. In fact, event hing that is usually found in i First-rla lrua htorr, and everythiiui sold at reaMoimhle rati . t THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is ran fully cotidui ted, and. under Mr. Hanson. management, patron need havu no fear but that their prescription will ! rarefully and accurately rompounded. Hi long experience in the Dmg htimnea in this ronntv enab r him to fully meet the want of lh people in hi line, fall and ciminiie hi Stork l'riee. and you nm bound to he snit.-.l m.Vtf PROTECT YOUR- HOMES I MARLiri DOUBLE .A. GOOD REVOLVER no longer t-oata a Fortune 8lfCocklnc, Automatic Electing, FULL NICKEL PLATED, AutomaUo WliUITtV MVAl I BV1BT UIMCt TO TBB For aate by Hardwara and Gun Dealara ererywbet. Maamfaetawd y TUB HilLDI FttE AIM CO, Mw Haraa, Coai. 1 1 r CS3T III THE Magazine lm 99 nmll nM. ml I !. Ta. awl AuUmg nrr nataatw. aa4 la. Ml. al IWIt ml aa. Mi ia. UALIAltU uallkrv. K roan so ain TArr HI.MHI.J c.uin-.- MAKLix riaa Ann IDEAL nrLOADinO TOOLS WILL AVC ONC HALf TMC COST OF AMMUNITION. P Made for all .tar. cf Carina- wtalrh arc "I I aay of tha foltoa ln . Hitle'lr I'ittafi at.rlln""llV WiucheMir. Mallard, MftrM, Rrn.lntou,F Wbliaer-KcBavdy. lauillb Waaaoa I aaxj fur all ( aad atafcea of SHIT MlUt. Cbraucrand better tUaa aar oltwr. Zdaat iifnil W. A. (nOOI)IX. CARPENTER, CONTRACTOR. builder. COI1NELU S, ORKfiOX. T'iTIMATKS FFIIXISHKD ON ANY JV ela-a of bnilding on application. Cornelia. Fehrnary -'4. liWH. iat-3w ELKHORN SALOON. T-.UILIP PHOEXLEIN, USDElt LOUIS I Strain' management, ha opened a new Halooa in the building formerly oor-u-."iZ b- Tom Whitehorn, know aa tba Uk loTn Saloon. Hera he will ba pl..l to meet hia frienda. A atnctly orderly boaaa wMt kept, alao tha bewt of Ber, ttgara and Laquora. iHt Is 6 years old, a rich Irny over average t . . . 1 ; V l,y ' V' ct'r. hommnlUt, ze; brel Kentueky 1 dam Lucia, dam of Day Dream (-year- old "-d 2-t'l?). ly Itysdyk's Hainble. Ionian. 2 dam Trosty, dam of Deucalion . ,jOV -:-JS . 'T MarlboroaKh, son of imp Trustee. .S iliini l.y Henrv Duroo, sou of nenry, rival of Auiene .in rclipse. Fli WTKH is the in.iued.Hte descendant of uuimals, mm 6o mdrn, that inherit speed, ,KHsess spBeU themselves, anU transmit it to !. . , r , . ... . ,. , , tU,,r descendant. His breeding needs no "m'n- Wntr lia never been trained, bV ;uru, t,w ",tud season of lat year, in I nAcih, hvred 1 mares, ha trotted miles ' n r1: Hl- not old enouh f? l" trained, ara large, well formed, and bow 'xc;n nt Kn,t-' Single M-i'vice $J0 . 3.1 neasoii, wun privilege oi relurn Insurance . . ON GALVARY. 1 irt. mid only Ke'.riMliu lloii in this t'ountrjr. nirl FORE PILA.TE or i Mltll I 'III ill I ! I'l. lUli'.. ami Hie Two l'iilur.. .uo n niiudier. Knglili 'ri.-iii!an, : lull de . . : . ....... ana i oriran oi .niuum-.), iwinin i.ttructing world wi.l. att.n:.iii. Drug Store i Manager, I.IW. ' VHHHH, I'VMt. Chemicals, I'lXK NO A II. AKTINTN MATKICIAIX. FIH4; TA4 lil.K.. inivi) mrea l.y I'AM'4JAT are of KiDeat "Vi"..' i.VIv ' . .. .. '"S nt (lis lien, of ... a. . . . ... . 1 . . i i ........ Fat ran ffi-vear-old atallion reoord lit. VI. . ".-r. ."" mm' una M,. mid of Van ..i of rw. tw. ,l .......... ! U,8M l"' . 'y sUlli.m loi.i i.- . .,,; i data KDrifitfflfcltl Maid, dura of Kreil tj,, - ti.,ni. ,.. 'J u .1 1. .n. . F . . ..1.1 . . . I ' . . . ... " ...... ( . : . i . i . i... , ..,...,. Iun) , iruuiu iiv i tlHIiiineuili. s.j. i nee iieuirrre oi reo JurieH nt ' h.ihv .., BALL GOODS, ACTION REVOLVER. These ifvolveni are an exact Juplii'iito of the t eliibrate-il SMITH 4 WESSON. .33 Caliber, uiii O'ntro-lFir- Cartridge. rORLOl Rifle. tit. m4a. tntc aal atLr. 1. ... iw n PAPEI AM IIASI. brail lor Prlw LM of Ibea. tool la W woaapaajr, r Baa 1114 O. Kaw Uitu, Coaa. G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and Petail Dealer in Grocerico, PrOViolOXlSa Seeds- Limo. PLASTER AND CEMENT. LA1VD -A. SIH30rAXT"5r. No. 55 N. Second Street, CORSKH IK - Oraou. RUBBER HANDUC. I Xait 7 rm. fmmm. FI II Van Tromp d Glen Dudley fair rouul, HHUboro, WnHlilneloii I'ouiily, Oietfon. I' AX TUOMI 3.f earld recard IUO', a . . . i .... Alia wiuner or in72MU races at lem wit Lout white, aud one of the handsome hI llaiubletotl. Van Troniji will le limited to 11 mares, to permit training. TEHMS OF SEIIVH K: (Single service..,. fl' Season, with privilege of return . Insurance J'hf TliorouyhbffJ Stullimi, arr.x iholki. Full brother to Judith, winner of 8 races in Ihho. Sire of Dudley Howard, I.aurs D., Minnie D., Flavello, ato. Dudlkt is a bandsolu bay, 1G lisnds high, and weighs ll.rS) pounds. Sired by imp. OLKNKUJ. I dam Ma.lam Dudley, wiuner of the i Champagne Stakes at Jerome 1'urk in H7u, I bv ljexiiivtou. 2 dam Hup. llritannia 4th. rs)!(dam of Jirigand, winner of ths Jersey Notice to the Public. I now have my New ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In ojf ration, aii1 am uiaLin a vtry KUKT'ior gnulo ot I'lonr. Tlie jitiljlii- is iuvitel (o ivo the Nfv Process I'lonr it liial. Will keep constantly on luunl a full line of Flour, Hrim, etc. Kxfbunje lusinosa ilone (with. Furmt-is. WAXTKI). A .Stork of Milling btt. pi ice jtai.l. 'nek beat aiul Highest niarlfrt JOHN MILNE. a'il ly rSK4 LANDS FOR SALE. I ti Acre of l.tind. "4 of a miie from ' 1 WW Dilley, with in neren or tnorn in cultivotion, and the remainder covered with tir. hazel, etc., and will niiika a nice burn. This laud lav well, is watered bv a ' Rpting. and ha aa fine a building place as you will tl tut in a thouamd. A achool house mile from the place, rind only ;l mile to Koret (Imve hiIuhiI. I'n'ee, 1. 'I'ht i a reduction of ft per ncrr. and the iirtittnge will l increas,-t if ileHired at the aniiie rate. 8 AfltLS WITH ATW'O-NTOKVIIOI'KK of seven ri Mini, all bard (hush, and a barn that oot an oiclmrd of all kinds of fruit and nil of the Hiiiall fruit. '1 hi I.lsce i favorably localeil on Main Street in iilllioro, and will unit a nmn of mean 1 will sell either IihU of this place the ini provisl part for :n, or lh unimproved for fViO, or all of it fjr f lti."!, ACKKS OF I. A Nil l, MILKS Ivflr from (iiislin, and ! luile from Si'hool: fia acres of plow land and W acre ulashed and Heeded and 1i sere of ninull Fir and Hntl. There is sn orchard of l.'id Is'Hiitiff trees, nud is watered bv a Spring thai lie'er fnil and a well. Tin land lay ou a good road, nud near school, i'licc, in cash and good note, $-'il. I.) IiVIS. ! Jm Fenced WITH IKHSi: AMI VKLL and in ruitivHt ion, 1'iice, 0 ACUI S. IMMI'Kin 1 11, il MILLS l"U South of Ililhd Hiro, Mill Vi Miered; lilt well and near the t'lefimei y nt FiiriuilH'loii, mid come out t 1 the road, I'lioe, If Id I. XliF. laiuh: AMI WLLL nrr.inted Itesiilenc, with nil neces j sary lutbiiildiiig, liearing 1'ruit Tree, and j Six lot, aittiated near the new Muck Idock I in, for'la 11 1 fi-.'.i;:.). i . Acre. I. mile from 11 illslsuo. I.. OIF acre of plow mid 1. acre of pastura land; house, barn, and 70 living tree in orchard, and ia wntered by a Mpnug. Duly I1.' mile from school, nud is on a giaal irond, ll( mile f.0111 reiimery; lil, inilea I10111 r.'itPUKi. I'mv, if i;moti. 7. Acre, 1 mile from Hillsliorti, with house, burn, orchard. Well, wood shed, i ic, n nd 411 acre under plow and ill ! menilow. rrioe, f .',HKI.OO. I have ther land of numerous to nientioii lino i dity too W. H. RUCKER. Itrnl HlHe II ILLS MO INI I'.'Mf : : : OIU.UOV. Caveat, mid Trade Milks obliuiieil. at.d nil PATKNT IM'SINLSS f,n dueled for MOD Ht.VIK FKKS. 1. i U ovl u r ".""' PAIIAT r a It -.. We have no nub- ageiicie. a 1 biisine direct, hem ran 1 "Ti'lL1 riVw. V." """i llr.Hml at LKSh titsl thiin Ihone remote from WaHiNoToi. Send model, dm wmi. or photo with de scription. We advise if imlantiibla or not. I free of charge. Our fee not due till patent 1 is aecured. A laa.k, "How to Obtain Patent," with reference to actoal client in your Stnte, OHiiity, or town, aeut free. Add re f. A. H3MIW A. CIK, Opiosite patent Oflice, Waabington, D. C. IllM-tf nrawteia Patent Rein Ifobtrr Tunr line, are wlwre fow pni h-m umlrr hotit' f-rt. Km. ff in aiil H s)a, una dealer aM il.w. In l ' j, Maaupka. aactl. ljJ t ai a, Wrllun.i , Vi. E. BKr.Wa Ti:U. UuUr, ' .. u a 011171" Hand ail oent forpataga, A r lllaLH.ol receive tree, a oomly boi asj . ..a.-.. jpooj, which wl C1U all. of either aet, to more money right away than anything alaa in thia world. Fortune, await the worker abaolutely anra. At ouca Addraaa 't'ava Co., Auguiita, Mama. Deihv hilH71). Iy ,riyin DuUdinian, win. ner of tlit Derlv and Hi. Iieder, He - ' ' Iirnres Aiiiei lcMil htnd ltMik, ' I,,,,,. oifiielKl a iimiiitliei,t race l.orsa iiiHclf, U in iiuik the fi i'Mt sirs of 'J Lor- oiiKliltreds in AinericH. Jlo hits laieu four riiitiiug sires 1H7U. has mi led mora in America. iving severe III- Mlill mi emielleut race Iioihc, As a I! year-old Iim started seven limes, won tliice races, was Mecirfid III Olia and third in two. At Washington, D. !., NovemU r 177. in it IVinilu dnhh, lis Lest, anion;; others, l.aily Kaylers. tl ; dsm of M. i'mil. Miiuniii l aMilvtiv liuLf engths. (i!i n Dudley's' diilts liavu kiju. Mtvlu, MiMed niul .1,1 ' .. - ... None of them have had thorough traiulug for races, ri:i:u tth' sKiivich:: Sili'fla aervice Ki a K.n, with privileu of return lusuranoe , . f 13 Si Mares iulrusted tn ma to bs bred will receive careful attention aud good pasturage at If 10 a month. f.ffVoiing Htmk, both trotting and 'J'hor ouL'lilri il, fur side, v TII0S. II. TONill i:, lllllattitvn, Orryti. GEO.W. PATTERSON IN FURNITURE llilllro, Oriu;ou. V t'. V; m.'ri "ari . .a fh 111 it 11 it. ttiM'it, JfEntllnu', Itfthllnx. Willi I'liiu r, Curlnlua. riH 11 rt, rii l 11 n Frniurs, Cain, Ilnl 'HirlM;e SllllU ltM, And thing th'it you wmil, too nuuiurous to mention, nt t'OHTLAM) ritlfLM. AN , a (ietieiitl A4soltuient of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS a Specialty of tlii house, and I have coiistaiitly on hand all that can bs dssirvd 11 this lino. Also Agents tor th DRONZE MONUMENTS. diva me a trial, ami b convinoed thstjl mciiii bUNines and upon n greiit reduotiou bllMIH. iilT-tf II I I Tnr Ink) i U (I rvi-rr rriu ruiiti'inpl itirig biiyinf I) Cfl Q BULBS " PLANTS. ..r.S.SSRJi. Ihi.ll.MIMl. nt tin. 1 1 Hll 1114, Willi 1111.1 if IM liMM, 1.1 1 III. what Iii l"iy, anil whi r. In got l(,nil ii.iiiIii iownl priic r.r linii'ii u.mmN. iiii miri.l 1.. lui iUillUM t 'iTtlfli 'Hi. I'm mI fur III mil. win til of BwhM. JA.ill.n It Hi ni l ih.IAJ, Kucbc.l.r M. V.. Srep Pacific R. R. rur mu siion i : I lout-. ..'HM Time! Accomui'.ihit iop I 'tiNiirpiisHeit for ( o 11 fort and Sufci) ! - 1'iire mid I't eight via VN(iiiiin mill the I Iregoii lleveh.p mi nt 'o' Mi n ii nliipH Mi'i ii t l.i4il bv IIIIV 1 ther route bu tlleell nil I OIIIM ill till! U iM'ithi lie allc A Sun I'lfincisco ! DAILY PASSENCER TRAINS ( Ktccpt Siindiiy), Leave Viiquiim. , 7:IK) A. M. Arrive Corvaili . .. .... 10SW " Arrtv Albntiv ...11:10 " Iieava Albruiv 1MV.M, Arrive Corviillis . ... 'Jirj 1. M . Arrive Viiumi 5:40 1'. M. Oregon mid Cnlifoitun trniu ootineet at Albany mid Corviillis Farn between CorvullH. Albany and Ban Francisco--Uiu I and Cabin, if lt .tM); Hall and Ht t mui'i ( HAS. V.. HOGl'K, Act.. O. 1. A, 1. AKt., Cm vail 1. Or. WM. M. IIOSU. (ieticml Mutingi r, Oregon Development Co. First -cbiss Staiuihip Line bet wee 11 V'ii(ulna atid Sun I'nineiKCo. coiiticct ivu at Ynqniua uithlhe train of the I In on 1'itritlo ltall 11 Compaliy. ! SAILINO DVITS. j 1UOM IN I liMKi'Iscot I'NHti rn IK ii.'i,n WiHltiesibiy, June SV WllliimHt Valley. . I uesday, J aly 0 ,,;,,., , ,r, v. . . . .nd iv, "11 wui-woctte Vidlev Siitubiv, ' 17 1:n..iii(Ii, t, Siilnuliiy, " 'M ivm.. 11- v 'in 1 ' I IMlM yyl'IMA! Lantern Ori't'oii eilnesiliiy, July U Will.imetto 11 Hi v. TtifNdiiy, 1J ltf n r A Liixtcrii Oiil'oii Willmuette Valley I'.fi.lerii i Iregoii Willamette Vallev, Siindiiy, iruin.Vi Aug. j The CompatiV r-aerve the light to change 1 ateaiuer or aniling dide. H. 1. TOIiV, Oeii. V. Si V. Ajjent, iKH Montgomery St., H'Jl it Sim I'riiltcisDo, ('!. A GIFT Send 10 cent post nun, and we will mail yon naa a royal, valuable, aumple bos of goods that will put yon 111 tne wnyor making Moua Nomi nt once than liny thing else iu Auier lea. lloth Hce of nil ape enh live at home and work ia apaie' t in n. or all tha time, Capital not reqnired. Wu will atnrt you, lmmenaa pay mire for thoau who atar tat, once, BriMioN Jl Co., Portland, Main iv- ,ii"i. w i m,mii IK I Hum ner. anil (tumid 1 in th.haodS .. - .,' m''i'-i, . ' alj 'L ' ' v - - '' '" ' . . - ' .. 1 ' --