The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189?, April 12, 1888, Image 3

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..APRIL, 12.1888
Mr. John T. Paulsen, of Nebraska,
brother of lion. Tlx. Paulsen of thia
county, was in Hillsboro last week, ac
couipauied by our worthy representative.
Friend Myers called at The Inde
j'Kndent office thi week, and .made us
buoyant with hope, lie was en route
for Fritz's photograph gallery. The work
of this artist is uuoiirpassed on the roast,
ami our statesman will le photographed
before the vicissitude of campaign life
throw their Ion;; Miadow athwart his
If you wnnt excellent photographs
at reduced price, do uot fail to visit
Frit.'- "till ery in Forest Orove. HeUan
nrti-tt iu hta line and i sure to please you
in style of work. IIi- prices are now so
low that any one run all'ord to have
pictures taken to send to friend and
re! ut i vet. He i fully equipped with all
the latest designs and equipment of the
art. He photographed before you enter
the ranva or asuitne the duties of home
or state. After election, it is feared your
faces will be too long for his mammoth
camera bsrurn.
Judge It. Orandrtll has gone east.and
will not return until about the first of
next month. Person having probate
business will govern themselves accordingly.
Mr. Ingram, an employe in It. K.jnow
Ennes sawmill, near !!illsloro, fell a
distance of l- or t feet onto the log-way
at the mill yesterday, striking his head
against a log. Tie was not immediately
missed from his work, and when found
was unconscious and thought to hae
been killed by the tall. He is in a
critical condition. His scalp Is badly
lacerated, but it is not yet known if the
skull is fractured.
Harrison Humphreys' little boy was
thrown front a roitd cart lat Sunday.and !
received a revere llesh wound in his jaw, ,
near the thnvit .
Information regarding the tin ding of
a leather case containing medicine vials,
lost near Mr. Sigenthaler's altout two
weeks ago, will be rewarded at the
HUlsloro Pharmacy.
Pont IisT A creatn colored pony, C
years old, dark mane and tail, latter
rather short, strayed from Fred Olsen,
of Hillsboro, Tuesday night. Suitable
reward will be paid for the recovery of
Stii.i. i.owhk --That underwear just
arrived and W per cent, lower tlinn i
, . , ,,. . (, ,, , ... t.
heretofore otlt red. ( all and ei at 11. T. !
Sc S s. on the coiner.
Throw ir awv What? -Why tliat j
obi suit, when von can buv a new one at
II. T. &. S's on the comer for almost half!
what thev formerly cost.
Geo. Gowan. wife and two . hildreu
are visiting Mr. P. M. Dennis, in IIills-leTer
iMiro, for a few days . Mr. Gowan is a ,
brother-in-law of Mr. Hennis, is lately i
from Nebiaska, and contemplates making
his home in Oregon.
-The Grange Co-operative company, j
of Hi!lsbotf are having a first-class five j
ton Jones scale put in at their building j
on Main street. This will be piite an i
accommuoano.. i un ..o... , - ,o
. . 1 . . .... 4 ftl.A ,1.1 IS M .1 ,A.,dt
lore ine scales in miisooro were unre-.
.... w.tit1f? ifaII f.ila&M 111 :
..... s - I
weights of products as attempt
ascertain the gravity of heavy drafts.
We have received for publication ,
what is averred to be a good ticket f"r j
the republican party of this county to
nominate. As theie are a number of'
aspirants for positions on the ticket, we
cannot in justice help the chances of any
person to a place at the expense ol an;
equally deserving neighbor.
The Rev. Geo. lloss will, il)
b i
preach in the Christian church on Sab-.
bath, the lo inst , at 4 r. m. Alt are j
cordially invited.
If you haven cold. ough, bronchitis, j
or any form of throat or lung disease, do j
not neglect it. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
if promptly taken, wilt speedily relieve j
a nil cure ail aiiinenis oi mis naracier.
It now appears there is no tiuth in
the statement that I.i. kamas county is in pr ef veu jPnrSt was held in $"00 Imnds
debt in the large sum of nearly $G0,00(, j week for hi;i appearance in court on
while the tax levy is ;;0 mills on h i Mond:.y. The beastly man failed to ap
dollar. The county has paid ofT her ; IM,n nul ,he will be forfeited,
large indebtedness within the last two ; ifinft departing for more congenial
years by heavy taxation. The payment ; t.jilnes ne maf-e a ,,it-claiin deeil of his
of .V,oOii indebtedness within two years j pr0perty valued at aiout f2-()0, to his
is a good shic.ving for any county. ; wife. She is negotiating a loan upon
' Clara." -aid u southern HilIsIoro j
old gent from the head of the stairs, j
"hasn't that young man gone yet J" i
"Your daughter isn't here, sir," feebly j
responded the young man. "She h j
just stepped into the kitchen to fill and
trim the lamp "
J. II. Connie, the well known harness
dealer of Portland, died in that city last
Saturday night,
Miss Ella C. Sabin, for many years
principal of the North school in Portland,
has been appointed to a professorship in
the State I'niversity at Kngene, relieving
Mrs. Prof. Spitler, resigneJ. j
The total amount of taxes in Mult- j
nomah county on SherifT Jordan's books ;
is .140,0ir, of which '..'i.OOO has Wen
collected, thus leaving outstanding fr
delin.pieut ft'iTi.niMi.
An exchange remarks that there are
000 known classified and descrilted
specie of fish. And yet a man can flsh
in good waters all day long and never
catch one solitary specimen of the
smallest kind, and bringeth home with
him on'v a two weeks' ration of malarial
fever. Thi, also, is vanity.
Mr. Jie Burne, writing from
tin, in the way'of explanation, says: In
your issue of March 9th, your corre
spondence from this place states that I
am doing a flourishing business as saloon
keeper, judging from the appearance of
the rising generation. What does she
mean by such language I do not keep
a saloon, but do have groceries, hard
ware, clothing, boots, shoes, dry goods
and ladies' notions on ray shelves for
sale. If that constitutes keeping a
saloon, then I am proud of the business.
A saloon is a place w here liquors are sold
by the diiuk. I kep no such place.
We clip the following from an
exchange for the benefit of young gentle
men and lady readers who are fond of
experimenting: "Young men who go to
see the girls have adopted a novel method
of obtaining kisses. They assert on the
authority of scientific writers, that the
concussion produced by a kiss will cause
the flame of a lamp to flicker, and thus
easily induce the girls to experiment in
the interest of science. The first kiss or
two the parties watch the flume to see it
flicker, but soon become so interested in
the experiment as to let it flicker if it
wants to."
Grand Medal awarded to "Davies
the Photographer." for the lest display
of photographs, Mechanic Fair, 1387.
Gallery, Cor. First and Taylor Strs,
Portland, Ogn.
The forward weather of early spring
increases the probability of lute frosts
that are liable to kill fruit blosoon
farmer of many years experience tells us
that safe and sure precautionary
method is to shower the trees with Water
after blossoms are out, whenever the
temperature falls below 3 degrees in the
afternoon. This, he says, will never fail
to save every blossom that receives a
drop of water. lie has tried it for many
years, and always with success. It is
simple, easily carried out and costs
nothing. Try it. IV-rt Town send Argus.
A family named Clements, residing
in Camas, was biased on the evening of
March 10th with triplets girls weigh
ing thirteen pounds and fourteen ounces.
The mother, Mrs. Bertha K. Clements,
ten months ago bore twins loys and
triplets, making the children
within ten months. She i- a
weighing I'll Kunds. Mother
triplets are doing well. Astorian.
"Alpha Ik-tta" is the nom de plume
of an up-country exchange's correspond
ent. She is fcaid to be a distant telativc
of Lett Omega. Transcript.
Patents granted to citizens of the
I Pacific states during the pat week apd
rt-imrted expressly for this pnper by C. A
Snow Si Co., patent lawyers, opjtoMtr 1".
s. patent otlii e, Washington. I. ('.:
p. jf. Roots, Paso Uobles, Cal . electric
annunciator; F. II. Ilusby, San Francisco,
Cal., glove; W. A. Campbell, Portland, j
Or., shingle sawing machine; .T. .1. j
Meston, do, binding looks; M. Gage, j
Gait. Cal., automatic whistle attachment;,
W. Manson. Cotton. Cal.. welt diill; J. '
C. Welcome, Fort Pidwell, Cat., stirrup
Ferguson Owen, of I.uckiamute,
Polk county, was on Friday brought to
the asylum by Sheriff Groves. Owen's
fattier was Itohert Owen, of Illinois,
i who invented the celebrated Moline
. l .. t. -:..!. -....(. ... ...1,1.. I. i
' " . . ;
he so d to Deere.tie. well-known agricul-
tural maihinery manufacturer. Voung I
Owen about .".7l had with h in in
... ... . .!
pages of closely written poetry, all of ;
his own composition. The book is the i
'same sie exactly as a volume of deeds.
j anir . 1I4S engage.1 in writing it'
silrf. nM m v, U nrst
sUrt OI, it j Town.wht-ie he w as know n as
the iown t Some of his thoughts
ver ,.al,t i ful. and are nolished off
i -
I with delicate touches. He takes great
delight in rending his effusions to any
person who will listen. Statesman,
The Farmer and Dairyman made an
exrenerit Teport of the stallion show
... . .
whjch recently took place in
That journal also devoted considcrabb
.. .. .....
attention to tne in iisooro creamery .
Lost A plain told
ring, with :
I initials "C. H. II." and "S. M. CV
Fin(Jcr w;n i. p:1j, $jo for return of;
sarn(.o C. II. Iloberts, Cornelius, Oregon !
..... . .
Capt. .1. I. Merry man lias returned ;
to Spokane F'alls, after a brief business j
( trip to Hillsboro.
Mrs. J. L. Ilattiard and Miss .loslyn
are visiting friends In I'ortland and
XT. V l t..,l 1..
returned to his
duties as guard in the
Mr. I. McCamish, night watchman'
;n tu ,M.nitnitiary at Salem, visited his j
fn,iiv tn(. atter part of last week, for j
t,,e tist time ; vcral months. j
j, KUU of Jin (.lmrgpJ i(h j
! assault to commit . iUKn three little
iris, ranging in age from eight to ten
the propertv with whic h to release the
bondsman, an honorable gentleman, who
wa3 jcd to believe tbe man was innocent
nni the matter was one of blackmail.
j,e default undoubtedly proves the man
to be guilty as charged, and this county
is glad to le rid of a disgusting trial in
court and the presence of a leper in
Catarrh, when chronic, becomes very
offensive. It is iniossible to be other
wise healthy, and, at the same time,
afflicted with catarrh. This disagreeable
disease, in its most obstinate and
dangerous forms, can lie cured by the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Hafcy Hm n 1 1 n a; Again.
One of the greatest literary hits of the
9eBson 1 tory 'f "Ilaby Hunting: or.
the Alphabet of Ive," by Laura Jean
j Libbey, which is at present Wing pub-
I lUhed in the columns of The Nkw Yoiik
Familv Stokv Papkr . The paper con-
tninini? the opening chapter of ttiis
wonderfully jtoputar romance appeared
on the news stand th;s morning. The
tremendous rush for that number by the
young ladies of the town shows clearly
i tuat tne Pu''lishers have struck a bonanza.
Thk Family Stoky Papkr is for sale by
all newsdealers, or will le sent to any
address four month, postag free, for
$1.00. Norman L. Munro, Publisher. M
and '.'6 Vandewater Street, New Vork.
Dental Xotiee.
Da. J. HEMSTED has located permanent
ly at Forest Grove, Oregon, and is prepared
to do all kinds of plate work, both Gold and
Rubber. A specialty is made of Bridge
Work and Pivot Teeth. Also, Gold Crowns.
Teeth filled by the latest improved methods.
All work warranted.
Forest Grove, Feb. 22, 1338.
Lines respectfully in.cribed to the bereaved
relatives of Thomas S. Hars, who died
February 2, 1H:
lu the quiet of the Sabbath drew Death's
anjel uih to earth.
lienriiig through the solemn stillness cross
and crown, whence come new birth,
Rriuging to a stricken household desolation
poignant jjrief ;
Shadowing a patieut sufferer with the mys
tery of relief.
Drew the nnel ever nearer, luring soul's
departing breath
Ycmd the ver;e. to realms Mipemul.
leaving friends alone with death:
Invint; them to mourn full deeply,
( It. .wed in rriw for tlieir Iosm;
J ,e Jiving them in noaee tt-rrerttrinl,
t'liiitfinij only to ttie eross.
Soared the angel to heaven
While t tie gates were yet ajar.
And the holy Sabbat li vespers
Chanted were ly i new-brn star:
Then was simr in tender accents
'I au waiting for you all;
Coine and join me in His kingdom
When you lienr my father' call.
Ah! that call Divine is coming
Sooner than we mortals think:
Ou by "one God bout is numbered
And Death's nuifel r the brink
Whereon human nonls are mustered
l'naw.r-s or 'gainst their will -Morn
and eve --nay, e'en at noontide,
Likewis in niht watches still.
t'omes tl'.e mute, ethereal angel,
That no human power can stay.
Visits some by stow approach?
Others swiftly nwny;
Vet, not one of all earth's minions
Can evade the hour to come, -When
the rustle of those pinions
Shall breathe message clear as dumb.
Father, mother, blot hern, sifters.
Kindred nil. and friend dear
Who unto the cross are cliuia
l?e Thon to them very near.
O, sustain them, Heavenly Father,
Until Thou ahnlt claim Thine own;
And forever reunited
They shall gather 'round Thy Throne.
Mum. A. K. (mooon
Astoria, Oregon, March ISMS.
m-iikim: ii is koiii
i !.- lMrl4- Si; j.tM) I ll.e Sertlllr,
j t kr Mmir A I'avlrrn.
At a mass meeting held in Spokane
Falls recently, the citizens resolved to
subscribe for $17o.0m in stfsk of ttie
Seattle. Lake Shore Si Fastcrn railroad.
The otli. ers of the road. President Mc-
Donald, Treasurer and At
torney Thomas liurke, nddre--cd the
meeting. Several address wete made by
prominent citizens of Spokane Falls, and
the amount required was pledged. Great
enthiisia-in prevailed. j
The company ill begin to build on !
tlo. 1t t.t ':iv. le"ii,;iri at SlM.kilUe I
, , ., ,. , . . .. i
an. i oimonig we-i:u.i io , o.o.i. ,
, . , , , , ... .. .
their road leading out fiom s.-attte. 1 he
. , ., , ., .
company arrets to have the road through
the next harvest of !;rai:i into the
markets of Spokane tails. It will not
be long until Seattle and Spokane falls
will join hands m the Columbia river.
Ttie Wrdlcl I imiiiiuitu.
W. I. Suit, Driigoist. I'.ippUH. Ind ,
testifies; ! can recommend Electric
Hitters as the very best remedy. Kvery
bottle sold has ;iven relief in every case.
One man took six lottle, and was cured
, of Uheumatism of 10 years standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist. Hell ville, Ohio,
atvjrns. "Ttie best selling medicine I
have ever handled in my "i'l years' ex-
I, ,,;.. u Klntrii-f.iit.T
0f others h ive added their testimony, so
.., ... . , .... tlie verdict is unanimous that:
FJectric Bitters !, cure all diseases of:
the Liver. Kidneys or P.W1 . Only half:
l!, ll , ..I..IVTIlt I'll. ......
nouar a ooiue m iimsiMro i inrnim t. ,
ICeullirit ouiili Tlfkrl.
Following is the lepublican
recently nominated in Multnomah
! ' r"n,-v :
! State Senators J. t
Car-on. Joseph
1 Simon, J. K. Wait
Donald Mi Kav.
D. P. Thr.m pson. U.
P. Eaihart, W. T. Hume, W. H. Gilbert,
W. M. Lad 1. S. II. H arrington, II. II.
Xorthrup, J. J. Fisher, J. A. Stiow
bridge. SlirilT V. IJ- Sew-;i!l- lolllltv clei k.
, , ... ,,.r . . , . if - ,.ollr,
" ,....(.r(i..r r I. tinder-
treasurer, Frank Hachenv.
The Mislakr Thai Amite
Pearl Page robbed a man of his watch
and money, was convicted and sentenced
to a year's imprisonment, but has been
promptly pardoned. Annie Hoover on
: Tuesday was sentenced to three months'
imprisonment in the county jail for Sell
ing liquor without a license. Annie has
! a babe in her arms, but her pardon has
not been asked tor. Annie oiilit to
have been a thief and a prostitute if she
expected a pardon.- Oregonian. .1.
How lien llr.
If we know all the method of sp
proach adopted by an enemy, we are the
letter enabled to ward oil the danger
and postpone the moment when surren
der liecome inevitable. In many in
stances the inherent strength of the
I tody sullices it to oppose the tendency
toward death. Many, however, have
lost these forces to such an extent that
j there is -little or no help. In other
' cases a iittle aid to the weakened I.ungs
; will make all the difference lielween
sudden deat h jind in.tny year of useful
j life. l'in the fr-t -vmi.tin of a
I Cough, Gold r r.ny trouble of the
i Throat or l.nng, gie that old and
well known remedy--lli-chee's 'German
Syrup a careful ttiil. It will prove
what thousands fay of it to le, the
'benefactor of anv home."
- Spring is iijxm us with her
breezes and lloods ol' sunshine.
4aool lntnrtii;.
I will pasture horses at $ I Oil per month ;
colts. ITt cents, rntttnr first class. Good
living wnter. Stock salted regularly.
Fence in ftd condition. lV-tween .rt00 and
M0 acre of pasture. Wlo-re there are f oar
or five borK-M. I will e;o after tliciu, ou appli
cation. Addresa-
23f 3m Gaston. Oretfon.
(From our Regular Correspondent )
Chas. Heitzhansen, of Louisville, Ne
braska, arrived in the Grove a few daya
ago. on a visit to his sister, Mrs. J. U.
The Korett Grove post office is open
until 7 :'I0 p. m ., since the erening mall
service began. The morning mail for
I'ortland closes at a. m.
In the primary writing class taught
in the public school last term by Prof.
J. M. Gnrrison. Ionard Gleason received
the prize for the best penmanship, and
Kthel Allen that for most improvement.
The semi annual convention for the
tirnt V. C. T. I, district wiil be held in
Foie-t Grove on the IKth and 19th of
this mortfh. All friends to W. C. T. IT.
work are cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. S. C. Robert has in her shop
window a nice display of millinery
good, just received from New York.
Last week we neglected to mention a
party, given a short time ago, to "Grand
ma Walker," by the Indies" Working
society, of this place. Mrs. Walicer is
oue of the old pioneers of Oreon. and
I this party was the celebration of her
j 77th birthday.
week, accompanied by his brother, who
arrived from the Kat a short time ago.
Eugene Shower, who is now practicing
law in Eaut Portland, visited his parents
in the Grove this week.
sk 1 1 w m ti a i a J .
uosweii iJimson, ox i oruanu, v. a i -
the Grove a few days ago.
Ttie Forest Grove ball club w ill play a
match game with the McMinnville club
at the University grounds in McMinn
ville to-morrow afternoon. Ueduced rate
tickets w ill le sold at the Forest Grove
Henry Hamilton returned a few days
ago from a trip to Fastcrn Oregon. He
was called home on account of litigation
over some of bis proMrty in this place.
Henry Jackson went to Portland
Wednesday morning to attend the
republican Mate convention.
J. W. I.ysons is local agent in this
place for the New Voik Tribune, a paper
that should ! in the hands of every
republican and old soldier in the county.
Prof. I. I.- Kdwards received a us
piriou looking package in the jos.t on
day this week, but it proved to ! a Imx
of delicious niap'e sugar, which had been
reduced on the professor's own place in
I lHl:ll HTI II I
Gra-s is g ioI mi the rtnge,
liirig well.
foot hiiih is :fl unusual
and stin k i
, ivr ,,,.
I. trn one
i ,i.;,r r.r ti,;
, thing lor tin
time of year.
Johnnv Mcllurnev left for Portland
last week, where he will take chirge of
the allairs of and will probably inherit
his uncle's e-tat". w hich is very larjre.
Spring grain is growing well and lisiks
fine. Some if our farmers are still plow
ing and sowing.
Prospect are ifi.l for a large fruit
yield .
Quail are very scarce in these parts,
probably owing to the cold winter.
Hunters should not kill these Iteaiitiful
birds, but allow them to increase as ihey
are liable to soon become, extinct at the
rate they are now disapjieai in.
Anna and Will I'ates are -peintini; their
vacation at home.
Len Hush, a student of Pacific I'niver
sity, i visiting at Robert Pat ton'. dur
ing vacation.
Lewi Wilcox and Miss Jodie Davis
were married at the residence of the
! bride's parents April th. We wijl
not pass our judgment on the cake, but
" "ew 'f,,1l'h' ' bright and happy
fiora alms! tliaxt 'til tliaatr t ft tl I 1 kT ikl Ill's
Mil MM, ilKU ui tuvti ii"U"n iti.s
Ik tittle ones and far lM-tweeu.
Henry Fall, cf i'.ridgert, w ill l'gin
I his se- ond term of scln.ol in this district
! next Monday.
Had colds are mtc prevalent among
childicn here.
Lev. Fairchild preached at the Pat ton
hoolhonse lad Sunday at 11a. m.
. W amaii't !- t rrj, .
"Another wondeiful discovery has
been made and that too by a lady in this
county. Disease fastened it clutches
upon her and for seven year she w ith
stood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly and could not
sleep. She lvought of us a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved on taking tirst '
dose that she slept all night and with
one bottle has leen miraculously cured.
Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus
write YV. C. Ilamrick Si Co.. or Shelby,
N. C Get a free trial U ttleat HilUboro
f'Mtrinai(lble l anrfarl.
4 , . :.'' instruction, and I nm going to do
Last week we published the marriage. j
of Adam K. Klink to Miss Kit.
Fenton, at Beaverton. We are r.ow
liahtv informed there was no
mi ll
Our Informal ion wt siipitosej
to be from a reliable source, aud the item
was publislusl as a matter-of news,
Since the publication, c have received
letters from reliable gentlemen, who aj
that there is ,ome one in Ileaverton who
is in the habit of writing letters to
numerous per.ns and si-niu or forging
the names of resectable people to such
etfusions. Such conduct i cntemptible,
and the individual would Ix tter desist
from such criminal act. This nthVe will
pay a reward if lt to the jterson
furnishing information that will lead to
ttie arrest ami conviction of thn cutprit.
... , . 7.; .. , .
v nee. 1 ohiki ii, 1 1 0-1 i,
I - I..,, I 1 j fl,.h(..l,l 1. .. a u' r n mtitt llfl.
. 4, .-it r...:.
Ucientlv severe to seriously damage fruit.
' 1.
rfUK Public is heretiy uotitied that I have
L piven my Sn. James VVilliaius. aged
14 years, bis minority, and wake no claims
npoo him for his eaminM, and aball he
renponstile for no debts contracted by htm
from this date.
ii.,..i ii -.. o 1 - ... , : r iQjiii
aii-ot A. WILUAilS.
Apbil 10. A long sleep having come
over Solomon, and our country not le
ing represented, I take the liberty to
end you an occasional letter so that the
reservation shall not be entirety forgot
ten by the good readers of your paper.
Our town being largely republican,
and the chief an aspirant for nomina
tion for sheriff at the next county con
vention, we were at Hillsboro under the
auspices of the button-hole brigade,
seeking to capture the goixl will of the
dear people of the county in his behalf,
with what success time will develop.
We returned from the convention in
general good humor nud were entliusi
astic over the future prospects of the
party. TarilT taken oil the raw wool
aud placed upon the manufactured wool
en goods being so Lenelicial to the con
sumers, ought to win their united votes.
The farmers have nearly completed
their spring seeding, and gardening i
just opening up.
P. J. Porter lias msnufaetured and
sold several No. 1 harrows, which are
giving general satisfaction to the farmers.
His plows and harrows take the lend
where they arc known.
Mot of the Itoys are taking to the
rod and line for evening amusement,
while the dining table Iears evidence of
their success.
Several Portlanders came out on the
train Saturday evening to enjoy the Sab-
iath, as there were no services in Port-
, - - , . ... ,;,. rrw ,fdd I-tti-r
learn to read, as most of our farmers
have trespass notices up.
Gaston has a Hepublican club, of
which J. W. Sappington is president. F.
M. Hill, vice-president; C. A. Haymond,
secretary; H. C. Raymond, tieasurer;
D.J. Porter, hergrfi.nt-Ht-arms. Ttiey
expect to lie heard from on Friday of
each month at 1 . m. Come and join
Chas. Hanson has charge of our dis
trict school, and so far i giving general ,
satisfaction. We hope ttie students will !
help him make a success of his work. 1
IWniv. Grunsfe has neatly complete.l !
its second year, and et the piospects I
are tjood for pel munence. h. II. Parker
is master ami John W. Were, secretary.
Last Tuesday, April ad. at 4 :U v. m.,
Mrs. I). A , ife of S. S. Unox. and
sister of II. C. and C. A. itayniond and
Mrs. A. A. Carter, died at the age of .V.
yeara ami 7 months. She was consigned
to her earthly resting place at the Hill
cemetery on Thursday last. The weather
was tine and many of the friends oather
ed around the grave, showing their
frlniKlo for I to. di'iisi trd - nstliev tilled
.. ' . ..." i
the? silent tear, causing the bcieived j
family lo feci that they were not the
:...! I.l... f. .i
, : ,. , ... i, . , i
UlUl m.,1oi1..o.K.rn ,
iiruin io tiio hp ir iniiirn w lien ine sev-
. . - , . , . ..
ered ties may be reunited in the ble
Wapato lodge Xo 40, I.. O. F., In
elected John Were and II. C. Haymond
delegates to the Grand lodge.
SilOMoN l'slsn.
Ileiuserwllr Sniiuee far tiures.
Following is a brief biographical
Lj;.1i i.f lit., tie. of John M - Gearbi- I
... . ,. . .
w hom the next republican congn sioniJ
nominee, in all human probability
l.inger Hermann, wilt dr-fcat at the .lune
etei lioii : lie was ikiiii in i iiiaiuia i
county. Oregon, in August, is;,t, while
his parents wcie en route to thi stale
to term:.nently settle in ChamjMM'g,
French orairie. Marion count v. Mr.
, ;, .1... ..iu,;,r ..f
Geai iu's nlm i inate
Notre Dame, Indian. i, from whence he j
graduated, lie rend law in Portland in
the otlice of Senator Dolph and '
Mitchell, and was admitted to practice '
in 1974 Subsequently he was elected
to the legislature from Multnomah :
county on the independent litien-'
ticket. In 1878 he was nominated for
orosec-utinsr attorney for the Fourth
. , , , , .
I mi t l.j.llrrli La rflrrmil
judicial district, am
UiilinLninli count r In- a niMioritv til
. . . ' .' , , ,. ' ,,
l.iO votes, he was defeated in ti e dis-
trict by the Hon. John F. Caple. In
lA'l or 1H7 ) he was nominate I city at
torney by Mayor Chapman, which otlice
he tilled two years. In 184 Mr. Gcarin
j again received the democratic nomina-
tion for prosecuting attorney of the
Fourth district, when he was elect il,
defeating Hon. A. H. Tanner.
itvle tm Teairtirra.
There is a direi tor, an unbeliever of
the bible, living in the southern part of
thi county, who, one day last week,
went to the w hoolhouse, and heard the
teacher ojmmi school by reading a portion
of the l.ib'.e. After getting siillicicnt
information, he went home, and at noon
returned with law I 00k in hand. This
time he goes into the s hoolhouse and
tells the teacher that all such moral in
struction shall have to be brought to a j
stop that "I have the power to stop I
1 t.
The d;re tors and patrons of the w hool
... ,...n...l :n .14.;.1,.,1 , fji'rif til '
; " ' 1 ,
! , : . . : . . . ,1... , . m , I . 1
moral iiimmm ih'm, - ,11,- .
letting annul -.-, m-o --- j
j 1 - j
would say to . ic.y te-s-her j
j ' -id totea.h moral in-linciion. j
j that it i l est to have an rnd. r.tandmg ,
between di.trict and ten. her a- tin
whether he , teach n .1 in-lroct.on
j Wfore entering to tea. I, sch.x.l. j
j s iui.u. ,
, " j
1 Dfliarnra
Citiile la
4 nUiltan.
m rilmll'
1 Rlooaiixuton. III., A iii Thousands !
cr cattle have been dehorned in t !
(section since t he outbreak of the crse a
- :.ii .. r. ...
' r.i inn Hint ttli Itiil lew 11-
i Iii.. II, ...-, ...... ------ - --- I
iceplions the animals rapid
1 ' . ,
from the operation. To-dii
pidly recovered
from the operation. To-day. however, t
; news comes tnai several nnnn mmiij
I . . .
dehorned on farms west of here are in a
mofet pitiable and sciious condition.
Their horns were retnoed March I, and
the wounds have not yet healed, and
mortification Is rcjiortcd to hate et In.
in the flesh of the head. A'suit 10O
I animals are thus atfected
I.AI Hl'.l. ITK9IM.
Amu. 11th. As no one has been
writing from this part of the county,
I shall send a few items for publication.
The farmers in this vicinity are nearly
done seeding for the season .
Miss Anise Ilrown is teaching the
school at Laurel.
Mr. Pratt, of Newburg, will preach at
the Baptist church next Sunday, at 6:30
o'clock r. M.
C. W. Urown has taken t lie contract
for slashing and ditching forty acres for
Geo. 8. Itobinson.
The marriage of C. W. Mi Fee w as
quite a sin prise to the people of tin
neighKrhood, hurrah for -Mloss."
Miss Vila Hawortli, from Newburg,
is teaching school in the McCoruick
district. j
Sunday school at the church house j
every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. j
It is reported that "Spy" from Farm-
Ingtou, was killed at Charlie Mc Fee's .
charivari one night la-:t week.
Mrs. Floyd, from Seattle, is viiiting j
at her sister, Mrs. Weld man. j property.
J. A. Messinger, our artist, and super- j j0,, fnrtmsn. of C'nnby, i making us
intendent of telephones, contemplates j another visit.
moving to Silverton, Marion county, for A . j.,lini,K wrllt , p,,ud Mon
the coming summer. We wish him f(,r
V')- '
PHO('i:t:nnus coiati c oi ht.
R. Ckankai Judge T. G. Toim and
Chas. Ill) KBTHiKit, Commissioners.
- t
Ixa-ation of road 201: Granted, and
warrant ordered draw n to cover excnscs
of same.
Ixx-ation of road '202 : Granted, and
warrant ordered draw n to cover exnses
of same.
Change in toad 20:J: It. Imbrle,
Dan'l Hickethicr and T. L. McEldowney
appointed viewers, and L. C. Walker,
urveyor, to meet at the house of J, J.
Kuratli on April INth, at t ' I.k k a. m..
to iew, survey locale and rcort upon
the same.
Location of road '.'i'I : M. C. Colli, r,
Judge N'u HJeinus and HoIhiI I'obinson
apl-ointed viewers, and I.. C. Walker.
surveyor, to view.
siirvev, locate and,
. a
report iimjii the same
house of Win. Motris
To meet at the
Apiil ?th. at 1
X. M. I
Change in boundaries of toad district
Fl and :''.: Continued till May term.
In ttie matter of building bridges
ai roas Oaiiy creek, Fauno creek, and
for till on hill near John Schmitt's
place; ab'o till at Ihowusoii'a farm, on
t'edar Mill load. ISids ordered to be
advci t is-d for, to be received at May,
term, HSH, of i county iommissioner
IteH)it of 15. P. Cornelius, sheiifT and
tax collcctir: lleport examined and ap
I ....... ..1 tlw. . li.rL-
, , . .
ynii rn, iii. i.' .nil.
JI , rli , nil. lll .1.1 nuii.,'1 in
make the proper charges and credits.
ltlu MicMM f ! etilioii.
The delegates lo t lie Hepublican con- j (
vention, called to elect delegates to the!
state convention, assembled In Hillsboro)
at It v w., la-t Saturday. j
On iiiotion.Thos. II. Tongue was elected j
temporary chairman and Henry Jackson, j
of Fore-l Grove, teniorary seretary.
On motion of T. IJ. Ilandley, the I
I chair appointed a co. limit tec of live
Oil ;
ciedeiitial, as follows: T. 15. H mduM.
O. S. Campbell, Marliu K.crt-t. D.
, Smith. .M. .Manning .
On motion of T. D. Humphreys, a
jfcmmittcc of live was appointed on:
organization and order of business, a 1
follows: T D. Ihiini!ircv, .1 . W. Sap-.
! pinion. G. N II . !c. .1. H A. loi.nj.
Tho. Paulsen.
i n motion convention tcok a isos.
till 1 r. m.
Convention called to order at I r. m.
Kepoit of committees icccived and
temporary cliairnian and secretary made
peimanent ollicers of t he con ent ion.
Nominations being declared in order
for delegates to the da!e convention, the
following opiitleinen were placed in
" s
nominal ion :
I Jackson, Thos. Tucker,
W. N.
N. Hale. T. 15
Hi, , ...
iindlcy, Geo. ,
j Puttir-ou. J. t. A. Voting, John llarn-
sou, J. C. Mooie, Th. II. Tongue, Geo.
C. Day, C. I Kindt. Delegate in at
tendance were as published last week,
save two ptecincts not iexitcd at that
time; total nuinlx-r of vote nit, t.;
necessary for a choice, Mesr. Hale,
Perkins, Poole and H. D. Ibyant wete
j apiioiiitcd tellers, and the balloting be- j
gan, with the following lesull: II.,
Jackson, Forest Grove, 4.i; G. N. Hale, j
Hillsboro or Cornelius, 44 ; T. II. Tongue, j
j Hjiboro, 47; Ceo. C. Day, Middleton.
43. John Harrison, Mountaindale, .l:
, 'r-lo fnt er, Ileaverton, ." I ; J. C. Moctre,
. :
,1. W. Sappington.
Gaston, 4S.
TI e e being no further business, the
convention adjourned sine die.
la cm of th moat fatal acooiges wkich
afflict mankind. It ia often inherited,
but may be tbe mult of improper vaeci
nation, mercurial poison, nncleanlineaa,
and various other causes. Chronic Sores,
Ulcers, Abscesses. Cancerous Humors,
and, in soma cases, Emaciation and Con.
sumption, result from a scrofulous condi
tion of tha blood. This disease can be
cured by the oat of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
I Inherited a scrofulous condition of the
blood, which caused a derangement of m y
whole system. After taking less thau
four bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I am
Entirely Cured
and, for the past year, have not found it
necessary to use any medicine whatever.
I am now in better health, and stronger,
than eyer before. O. A. WUlard,
TremOnt St., Boston, Mass.
I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores
for five rears; but, after using a few
bottles ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the sores
healed, and I have now good health.
Elizabeth Waraock, M Appleton street,
Lowell, Mass.
Some months ago I was troubled with
8crof ulous Sores on my leg. The limb
was badly swollen and Inflamed, and tha
sores discharged large quantities of offen
sive matter. Every remedy failed until
I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking
three bottles of this medicine the sores
have been healed, and my health la re
stored. I am grateful for the good It has
done me. Mrs. Ann O' Brian, 1M SulU
raa St., New York. tt J
Ayer'o Garsaparilla,
rWW y Dr. J.C.AjrrC.. LswalkafsM.
Has! ey aUPrsftlew. Wtu ! , ! bus, i.
ohi:i.ii ft itksis.
April, 10. School opened April 2d,
with Mis Howard as principal and Miss
Dcl in, of Portland, as assistant. Mia
Montgomery was prevented from filling
the position of assistant by soma
irregularity in her certificate. There was
an attendance of 71 pupils at the opening.
W. W. Lew Is and Sanil. Hpurgln, with
thuir familie, have moved near Heaver
ton, where tlity have secured work. F.
C. Pauli and family ai e alo moving near
Ileaverton, where Mr. P. is to act as
foreman on the farm of Mr, Hugh Jones,
of I'ortland.
V. A. Ktuiis and Walter Hn on started
for Vaijuina this morning, where they
have work engaged.
Mr. G. M, llnopeiigarner nud family
start for Kat Portland this evening,
where they expect to reside.
T.H.Cornelius is "hipping car load
after car load of lumber to Kat Poitlund. j
We understand that he has sold H0 c.r-
Mr, Peterson, lately fiom Wiiconiu,
j,,, bought 1 ho. Gheen's dwelling a-il
J . - - r,
T....I. I 1 t..,i1nn
1 '
aji ic in 1 ill 1 ami iiion iiiinrimin-,
wagon, etc. Jusines in ttie justice
court will I e apt to go ! k now until
after election.
The many friends of Mrs. It. II.
Good in will be pleased to learn that, she
is steadily leaining health.
Pate Well ha moved to Mr, S h'ef
fcl iu's, where he has sec 11 led employment.
S nit H111.H.
I tK'IIVI.iUV ITi:.Vsi.
Mr. G. W. Watklns, of Lafayette, was
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. J. W, P.mwn
Saturday and Sunday .
Mrs. Moore, of Portland, is a rurst ol
i Mr. P. M. IM wards, this week.
J. W. Jhown In a pet 011 one of hi t
hands, which he says is net a cty
j desirable companion .
flu. l.. lis.. .1 ... ..-I .r.l HAl I .1 . lillMll' HVlllr I
. . ... . ... ...
- m""' "---k . ;
he maiis!'ement of Miss Hoie Alum
laugh. S.I. Ingtitm Is getting weaker every
lay. He seems to haw given up all
hopes of hi recovaty.
Tuesilay moriiiiig, Mr. '.vcroii, father
of I. IJ. F.versou of this place, droppt.
lead suddenly in Portland. We did no
learn the particulai. I
' i
Farmers in this locality are getting I
along rather slow with their seeding, on
account of the ground being too wet for
plow ing.
Hev. C. M. Hi van preached a very
interesting seinion at the Farmington
church last Sunday, with a very good
attendance. Will preach again on the
second Sunday in May, at I! o'clock, if
all is well.
Abcolutely Pure.
this nowiier never varies. A marvel of
i purity, wtreiijiili nml wholeiueneas. More j
I , . i i..i... . -- - . j --- , i
. ...,, Im. ,,1,1 ; romuetitioii with the nml-1
lKrMV;.VK Work a Specialty.
Kovki. lt4KiM Powiira t. ' -ii
to t I's Vn1l (St.. N. V. j inU, ( r) a Water lra mt em
Fire Insurance Agents.
(Opposite Tualatin Hotel ,
Xi&v-e Tt" 0a.Xa:
City Property. Farms, rmd
Business Opportunities.
Houoco to Rent.
List of Lands can be teen at our
Office and at the Board of Immi
gration Rooms at Portland.
W nre ,ri mriiiK a liat fur dislnt.utiou in
th Knatt rn Slides, and nlnnj th nMiti-a.
It would tie wfll f.irllh nro dcaintii
of d sjsmn f their Farm, or diidinif
them np. to hand in the same to n u i-aily
a is-il,b . t t lilnetd on oiw lint. Thi.
ith ir forlland roniucticii, will pluee
your 1'miuis where they will come to the
r.rt ire of iorrha'rs.
;rt'utrt!iir hi aliow n the land, free
of i i:.r;;e. U'W '
' wai.ti:i: nuos.. nvw
ill. N.A K. WAIn.K '.. r in rHiiij
Inijs.rtersof and IValr in I'lMIlS I'fXIW II !1 Nt KLTKUlOlt
Carpets. Upholstery CoodsJJrVi:
i 1 T .... u a ilU-uhir. uddrea me, r enll nd see the
Wall Paper & Window Shades. , ,w.
i BO XHratt. StrMt, ; D. J. P OTITIS It.
! L'hion Bwa, - KJUTUANii, OKI HIS ,
J o'JO-tim 1 iton. (It., March ii W. tii 'l tf
TliMiiirrmaii Slanged.
Timmcrinan, the murderer, was hanged
at Goldcndale, W. T., lat Friday.
At fifteen tninutiM of 1 precisely the
prUouer a)peaicd, accompanied by the
kheritT and his deputies. Those who had
thought he would completely break
dow n und 1 00 the npparent nerve ho had
sofursliown during Ms t'onliucmcut,
were diKinied to disappointment, for
iustead cf weukeuing the desperado
jumped promptly in the wugon contain
ing his coflin. saying, would Just n
soon lie down in that box aud ride ss
not." A cigar j, raced his mouth, and as
he passed out Columbus avenue he looked
I up at the windows from which people
were looking, with perfect sang froid,
The people r.t the sci.fl'old were prepsied
to give hiin much sunpatliy while )
approached tlieui, till ll.ey saw the- cigar
and thoeool devil -may-care look he had
on his face, when nil sympathy ff-Pir i
to dcput from every one.
Oil arriving nt li e plue of i-vciuliou
lie jumped down from the wa 'on, with
his hands shai kled, and w hen a deputy
offered to njsist him up the stalrn leading
to the honible trap he said, '-Let rue go,
and hurry up, if you expect to keep up
with me."
While being strapped on the leg ami
aims he I nub- farewell to niinieaou
friends and said he'd 'bo damned if he
ever had been ImbMcd before," nnd to
the priest whoolTered religious conwola
tiott he lemaiked that he was no
hyncits nud proposed to die as he hid
Just before the placingof the black
cap over his head he was asked by the
sheriff If he had anything further to any,
His answer being "Nothing mote," the
cup was drawn over his eyes, and Oil
instant later, the hop was sprung, hurl
ing the man to eternity, Hi re k wa
broken nnd he died without a struggle.
Call an d Soc
mi. w. itouuiv
IM'CNt row.
And pet your money's worth of
Drugs, Med icincs.
Toilet Articles, Envelopes
and Paper, Musical Mer
chandise, and everything usually
kept in a First Class Country I ru, llook
and Novelty Sune,
Carefnllv eomNiuiiileil at all houis.
si iMa:o,
A ( 01 II Fl K,
OWoo rvt XDrus BtOi"
Healer In Hriiirs, Medicines, Paluti,
till, bte. HclnMil Itook kept eour
Mtalitly in block.
o? tl
Flint nml Taylor HI reel a.
H'OMLA si, ontaoy
HUlmbmr; Orayttn,
I will furnish doors, windows, framss,
blinds, and mouldings of all description.
f-y-OftVe and shop nar Fisnsy's black
ntiih shop.
nillsltnro. II roh 31
urr if i.acbi wvANDor'iic
. a
i Al. 11 i(niintitv -f Hn, will be sedd t'l eap
1 id the Piirn.
V. ClfAIiMKlW,
Irt' U
. . OltlXJON.
ll VII rV C3? V I 4
mug 3 gisi
Wapato Plow