THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY FEB. 23, 1888 TO IMPltOVE THE TUALATIS UlVEli The following telegram, dated "Washington, D. C, February 21, will be read with interest by our people: Senator Dolph presented a petition to the Mnato to-day from the citizen of Washing ton county, Oregon, asking for an appropri ation of $50,000 to improve Tualatin river. We hope that since the senator has interested himself in this im portant matter, he will not allow hia enthusiasm to lag until the ap propriation is made. The opening of the Tualatin river to navigation would greatly benefit a large class of farmers, and facilitate the development of a considerable sec tion of Washington county. Now that the Oswego Iron company will soon begin operations anew, it is of moment to the people of this coun ty that the Tualatin river be made navigable that those residing in its vicinity may transport their products of hay, grain, wood, eoal, vegeta bles, etc., to these mines, Oswego and other markets en route to Portland. Mr. H. C. Raymond, of Gaston, was in Hillsboro last Monday, and while here, exhibited to us what ap peared to be a very superior quality of coal. He had just returned from the mountains in the northwestern part of this county, and said he had located a claim of ICO acres, much of it mineral land. From his con versation, we would judge he has found a coal belt of considerable area, which in the near future will prove a source of incalculable rev enue to this county. Mr. Raymond is of the opinion that it will not be longer than a few months until a railroad is built through his great country of timber and coal, with big depots at Hillsboro and Astoria. He savs there is a natural route down Dairy creek to Hillsboro, and there is little doubt in his mind re garding the terminus of the railroad being at Hillsboro. A lie annual school meeting in thi district will be held a' week from next Monday. There appears to be no hope of Hillsboro becom ing possessed of a new building this year. lint we would be pleased to .have the people express themselves on the subject. If we cannot have a new building, we should at least do something to improve the pres eut one by adding seats, etc., and try to make the school with its pres ent facilities more efficient. Patrons ought to take a greater interest in the school and encourage the teach era to put forth their best efforts. Last week we published an article on roads, contributed by "L. C. W.," of Forest Grove. The subject was treated in a masterly manner, many of the opinions expressed being original, but not less logical from that cause. Our roads are, gen erally considered, wretched, but net more so than the laws which re late to them. The article referred to is worthy of careful review, but for the present we leave the matter in the hands of thinking men, and shall be glad to publish their views in relation to the subject. An Ohio girl who, tired of hear ing the farmers in her section growl about wheat growing not paving, decided she'd see about it. She rented 5 acres of land, kept strict account of every dollar expended in raising the crop, got an average yield of 35 bushels to the acre, and sold it for $142.10. The cost of production was $98.12, including $31.50 for fertilizers, and the gain on the investment was 44 per cent. Rhode Island leads iu the state elections this year, voting in March. Louisiana follows in April,while Or egon votes in June. While neither of these states has a large influence in national politics, any variation in their verdicts at their last elections will very certainly indicate the gen eral drift of public opinion. We may also say there is certain to be nothing discouraging to the repub licans to come from either state. Eugene liegi.iter. Colonel Bob Ingersoll wants the press to be an "eagle soaring in the azure field of blue, grasping in its talons only the thunderbolt of justice." That is pretty good for the press, but how about the law yers? So long as they continue to soar through the murky blue of the cloudy sky, attempting to head off justice, the papers will have mission ary work to do. Since Blaine has withdrawn from the presidential contest, it appears probable that Gen. Sheridan will be brought forward as a prominent candidate. He is believed to be the strongest man in the United States and would sweep every thing before him in a presidential campaign. Sbirts are being exported from this country, and the women of New York who make them, get thirty-five cents a dozen for doing it. Would it not be well for Great Britain to adopt a protective tariff against the pauper labor of New York ? Ex. The committee on ways and means has decided to report favor ably upon a bill authorizing the sec retary of the treasury to purchase bonds at his discretion with the sur plus in the treasury. This is a use of the surplus to which objection cannot well be made. Money now locked up in the vaults of the treas ury will be restored to the channels of trade, and the bonded indebted ness of the country will be reduced by the amount of the surplus so ap plied. The objection to this plan of using the surplus was that the gov ernment would have to pay so high a premium on its own, bonds. But if the government does not pay the premium it will have to pay the in terest which creates the premium. If the bonds had been placed at three per cent, the premium would not exist. But as the bonds were placed at four per cent, the govern ment must either pay the premium these bonds command in the market or the interest during the twenty years these bonds yet have to run. The secretary will probably exercise his discretion about making pur chases, and in any offer of bonds limit the rate of premium whicli w ill be paid at certain dates. There has been a fine point raised that newspapers known as "patent outsides" or "patent insides" are not legal publications in Oregon; that legal notices of execution, etc., printed in such sheets are not pub lished according to law, for a paper of this class is not published within the county, but only half there and half at some city outside. Now that ismost too fine a point to make cap ital of. and would no doubt be over ruled. I!ut there is now n move ment on foot to Lave the legislature to declare such "newspapeis" as il legitimate, so far a9 the publication of legal notices are concerned. Such a law should be passed toe the good of journalism in Oregon. The man who is not willing to go into the newspaper business, or any other business, through the front door should not receive the same consid eration as the man who is willing. Machine newspapers, as other frauds on the public, should be discouraged and the law suggested will be a very good starter. It will no doubt be passed. SftttfttHiftH. Miss Dolph, a Connecticut maid en, recently brought suit against a young man named Hillaid for dam ages for breach of promise. The defendant claimed that Miss Dolph was already engaged to marry an other man. The plaintiff demurred to this on the ground that a previous contract had no affect on the agree ment made between herself and de fendant. Judge Fenu, of the Con necticut supreme court, sustained the plaintiff in this position. The ruling of the judge on this point is a matter of importance. It serves as a warning to all men who are in clined to flirt with young women who already are engaged. Hard coal is worth $40 a ton iu Los Angeles, and if it were not for the warm and glowing imagination of the men who are laying off sub urban lots on the outskirts of the city and supplying the east with facts pertaining to the climate of southern California, many a poor family in that place would suffer from cold. Chicago 'lribunr. The time for holding the national democratic conventiou, for the pur pose of nominating a president and vice-president, will be held on July 3rd. In the balloting for place, San Francisco is far in the lead, and there is but little doubt that the convention will be held in that city. Hurrah for the -est ! The Hibcrniau Saving bank, of San Francisco, Las deposits to the sum of $23,2(7,382. I'ixley's idea of the improvidence of the "'Pope's Irish" will be shattered by this show of savings. James O. Illaine refuses to allow his name to j;o before the national republican convention iu connection with the presidency. Uraiife Detlic atiu Potpeneil. Owing to the death of Mattie, daugh ter of Mr. and Sirs. J. W. Sliute, last Monday morning, the dedication of the uew brick Grange hall, for Tuesday, was indefinitely potHned. Mr. Shute has so closely identified himself with the Grange in Oregon, and more especially in this county, that this action was nothing more than a just tribute of re spect. And, too, he has personally superintended the construction of the elegant Grange brick from the beginning of work, and supplied money to carry the work forward from his own private funds. Mr. Shute is also, in a teat measure, responsible for the two splen did brick buildings that now adorn our town. Telegrams were sent to ditl'erent parts of the state Monday notifying the public of the postponement. To Ie sure, many came who had not received noti fication, owing to the absence of tele graphic lines in their localities. Sir. Shute and family have the sympathy of this journal and many friends in their bereavement. Denial Xotire. Db. J. HEMSTED has located permanent; ly at Forest Grove, Oregon, and is prepared to do all kinds of plate work, both Gold nnd Rubber. A specialty is made of Bridge Work and Pivot Teeth. Also, Gold Crowns. Teeth by the latest improved methods. All work warranted. Forest Grove, Feb. 22, 1838. A Ppalar Jaalge. The Marshall Illinoisan copies the article from The Argus favoring, the election of Judge Sclioltield to the su preme bench without opposition, and remarks: Clark county is proud of the man who, while he has always been a consist ent democrat, can win such an unusual mark of respect even from republican sources. John Sclnl field has been twice elected to the supreme bench, both times mak ing the race on his merits, regardless of politics. lie is an honest man, whose politics would form no bias in any de cision he should be called upon to make, and republicans recognizing this fact, as well as his eminent qualifications and purity of character, care nothing for his personal political views. Illinois Argus. The gentleman referred to is a brother of Mr. Bern. St holfield and Mrs. AV. I. Hare, of this county, and their many friends will be glad to know of Judge S ho field's jHiptilarity. Heal Ktte Transaction. Frederick Kuhn to Minnie Kuhn, 4S.47 ores in sec 4, T 1 S, It 1 W; f 1. fluted States to John Martanh, lt' acres in sec 32, T 3 N, K 3 W. Jerome Howe and wife to Alfred Nicholas and Martha Nicholas, ICO acres in sec '-'0, T 3N.U3 W.ftJOO. Stat of Oregon to George Wann, MIO acres in seo lfi, T 3 N, R 4 W; $320 Chas W Cornelius and wife to Tillie F Cornelias, and J interest in 200 acres in seo IS. T 1 8, R S W; 1000. Henry Buxton and wife to B H Catching, 3.62 acres in T 1 N, IS 4 W; f 180.7.r.. 11 H Catching to 15 F Catching, .r..4:5 acres in X 1 N, It 3 and 4 W; $400. B H Catching to E H Catching, 21 acres in TIN, K3 and 4 W; f 840. Richard Donovan and wife to directors of school district No 54, 1 acre in sec 1, T 1 N, John Carpenter and wife to Albert Ohren,! acres in seo :tt, T 18.K3W; $135. Thomas Dobson and wife to (ieorge Eagle ton. Ni,' of lots 7, H aiul !, in block 2, Sim mons ad to Hillsboro; Sihis D Hedges and wife to Johu V Peitz, 10 acres in sees 20 and 21, T 2 8, K 1 W; 7.:: Il.tKRIKU. JACKSON FL ETCH ALL. At the resi dence of the bride's parents, February l.", lrH, W. C. Jackson to Anuis Pletclmll, Key. W. E. Smith, olliciating. All of Washington comity. IMKO. K1II.TE. At the residence of her parents, near liillslioro, Monday morning. Feb ruary 20, Miss M.ittie Mint. ajed 17, after a brief Mines., from dipt he ria She was buried at the West I n ion reiue- ' tery. a hir; concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives witnessing the last sad rites. I The burial was made doubly sad by the en- j forced absence of her mother, prostrated by severe illness and grief at the death of her only daughter. Mr. and Mrs Sliute have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sorrow and liereaveiueut. (ol l'aMtnrage. I will pasture horses at $1 00 per mont h ; colts, 75 cents. Pasture first-class. Good living water. Stock salted regularly. Fences iu good condition. Between 500 and COO acres of pasture. Where there are four or five horses, I will go after them, on appli cation. Address: JAMES G. LEE, 23f 3m Gaston. Oregon. WAY TO-DAY. AtlniiniKtrntor'M Male. NOTICE IS HEKEP.Y GIVEN. THAT in pursuance of nn order and decree of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Count v, made and entered at a regular term ttiereof, to-wit, on the Nth d;iy of Novemlier, 1H8; In the matter of the estate of J. J. ISrugger, deceased, and to me directed as Administrator thereof, I will sell at public auotion to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Hillsboro. Wash ington County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 21th day of .March, A. I). !H)W, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following descrilied tracts of Heal Estate, lying, being and situate in Washington County, State of Oregon, known and designated as follows, to wit : First Tract Heing the east half of the northwest quarter of Section is. Town. 1 north of ltange 1 west, Will, mer., contain ing HO acres. Second Tract- Heing part of the Donation Land Claim of James Marker, in Town. 1 south, Kange 1 west, and commencing at the S. YV. corner of land formerly owned by Thomas Ducket; thence north on Ducket's west line HO rods; thence west 20 rials; thence south HO rods; thence east 20 rods, and containing 10 acres. Said tracts to le sold on the following terms, to-wit: One-third of purchase price cash in hand on the day of sale; one-third of purchase price to be paid iu six months from day of sale, and the remainder to lie paid in one year from day of sale, with interest on de ferred payment- at the rate of ten per cent l-r nimum. Deferred ayments to le Hecnred by n mortgage on the premises sold. Conveyance to lie at purchaser's ei pense II. WKHKFXG. Administrator of the Estate of J. J. I!nii?t?er, Deceased. Slf-.M Xotiw for Publication. LSf Office at Oregon Citt, Oiuxm, 1 February 17th. ls. " NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN. THAT the following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie Wade before the County Judge or Clerk of Washington County, Oregon, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on MONDAY, April ltf. 1S88. viz: William Haskell, Homestead Entry No. 44'7. for th K. of the N. K. H' and U. E. 4 of H. E. M of Sec. H, T. 2 N, li. 2 West. He names the following witnesses to urove his continuous residence up m. and cultivation of. Hiiitl land, viz: tieorge Zim merman. John immerm in. Daniel I. Stephens, and Joseph If iekenbottoiu. all of Gleneoe P. Washinuton muly Oregon. i:;f-;t W. T. Jit'i'tNEY, Kegistir. Notice to Bridge liilllens. IN ACCOKDAXCE WITH CHAITEK LXWL. Title V, Section 4 IU Sealed Plans. SiM'cihoatiomi and Ihtls for lic;wur on the Minter Bridge." will le received at the County Clerk's orhce, until THITtSDAY. .March hth, isss. nt the hour of 1 o'clock P.M. The reoairs to consist of New ltridsje. commencing nt the IJent, atxmt feet ; north of the i.ilins portion of the bridge, j north of the liiver Luth of ,,rtion to , be rebuilt is alnint 4el feet, aud is to tie at , least 3) inches higher than formerly. lty order of the Count v Court. 11CDOLP1I CHA1ULL, lGf-tt County Jude Ailuilnlisf rntor'M Xotire. O l'K'E IS HEHEIiV GIVEN THAT ; the undersigned has Us-n apisiinted I bv the County Co-.irt of the State of Oreeon for Wasbititftott County, Administrator of notitied. that if you fail to k and the Estate of John Kunratb, Deceased, with answer said comilaint. the Phiiutiit' will the will of said deceased annexed, and hits apply to the Court for the r.-lief prayed for duly qualitied as such. All persons having therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the claims apainst said estate are hereby re- Ismds of matrimony between yourself and quired to present them to me, with the Plaintiff, and for the costs and dishnrse p roller vouchers, at my residence, near nienU of this suit. Hcthany. Washington County, Oreon. or at This Summons is published by order of the Law Office of W, N. Harn tt. m Hills- Hon. E. f. Shattuck, JndK'e of the Circuit boro, Oregon, within sit months from the Court of the State of Oregon. Department date hereof No. 1, of the Fourth Judicial District, at Dated February 2nd. lS-SS. Chambers. January lth. l.sM. JOHN J. KI KATLI. KTO IT. W ALIH, SMITH, Administrator of the Fstate of John j STOTT & BOISE, Kunratb. Deceased- 2t'-6t jl'J-Ct Attorneys for Plaintiff. prmg STOCK! yy E NOW have TWO BUYERS In New York and other Eastern Cities, selecting our Spring Stock These purchases will soon lxgin to arrive, and when all is complete, our stock will bo the lnruest and most attractive to In found iu this city. OUR ORDER DEPARTMENT Is iu charge of Indies rind gentlemen who will till your orders promptly and intelligently. OLDS & KING, l!. First Stvvvi. rOKTI.AM, OKL'UOX. tfcSMf Xotire of Final Sett lenient. N' tot ice is iieueey given tiit Philip l!eal. Executor of the last Will and Testament of Uosann.i Ifc-al, deceased, has thin day tiled hi tiual account in Raid eHtate, and that FKIiAY, the .tth day of March, A. 1). IK"-, fit 10 o'cl.x-k A. M , has lieer. set for the hearing and d termination of the same. Hillsboro, Oregon. Feb. 1w. i'K.VNDALU llf-ot County Jnihje Xotiee of !iliiiion. TO ALL 1 The fi WHOM IT MAY CONTEKV. linn of Kuirich and Stepheinoti i has this day (Jan.Ph dissolved partnerrliip by mutual consent, Mr Jamen Stepnson retirin theref roiu. 'I'he lnstTieH of the late firm will lx continued lv Joseph lji- rich, who will pay ait liabiht let of the old' tirni and to whom all claims and demands ' are to Ih paid. 4VMKS STEPHENSON. M. F EMIMCH, JOSEPH EMKICH. Forest ( trove, r.. Feb. ;. l-s. f M I'leawe Vny B p. ALL PEKKONS INDEBTED TO M. i l.exl. Havnitttt Dahl. ate reUeMed t'l come forward and make immediate sett le nient All accounts must l.e settled bv April 1st. Mi'LEOD. HAYNIE .V HAUL. Gaston, Or.. Febrnarv !, iss.s. if 1 in FOLLOWING Di,S ; wen hist from the Kli: l 1. Notei Hlf.' ol t (leroli. James Win-eland, in Pendleton. sometime i:i D-cerid-r. l"s; ertv of the tind.riuned. and , are the piop ill H'ri!M ;'re warned against purchasing, or alternating to collect Ujmn any of the same, or any pe.rt thereof; said notes lieiug piy.dde ! mv order, and tlescrilied as follows: 1st Note: From D. J. Portrr, C-ustrvri, Oregon. $27.": dated July 14. 1n7, duo one year from date; interest at 10 i-r eent.- 2d Note: From H. L. Cowls, dotted No vemlier 1, lfWj; Uu one year from date Principal. $!.": interest. t per cent "rd Two Notes: From A. I and V. i,i. Mcleod: sjhrl each; dated Septeinlter .... 17; one due one year from dab-; theot! ;r twt years from date: interest at iperct!it 4th Note: Fnsn H. C. Pnvmou.l: prin cipal. ;".7.": dated July !.". wiid If I one year from date; interest at l'lHTcent w. c. .Mri:i;bi.. Pendleton, Oregon. Feb. 7, ls. ;f ;,t Summon. Is Till: CliMTIT Col KT OK Tl'F OliK H,N i!4 W.lKHIVl.T.lX Cot": tati: rv. J. S. Iin!ielspii l.f. E. Joscphi and J. "j llnher. partners under the tirm naiue ) of S. It. Dinkelspiel A Co., Plaijn IiN, ) vs. W. D. Pitteng. r, IK-f,-udant. ) T W. D. 1TTTENGE?:. THE A EOV I. named Defendant. : In tin-name r the Sti.te ; t ;rcL.'oii: ,,u are hereby required to !pHni and .'r.wer the Coiiiji'aint hied noa:n ' yr,,i. in t! aliovc eritii led action, "li or In -fore the !'. ti day of March, lsss, tlu. hame Ikiii' the lir-t day of the next reyulnr term of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washing ton County, nnd if you tail so to answer, the Plaintiffs will take judgment ajain-t you for the stun of ll i.V ii, with le.-I interest thereon from the it it J i day of August. Iss4. and for their cots nnd dis bursements of this action, end that the property attached herein lie sold for the satisfaction of said judgment said prop erty lieniK more fully described as follow-, to-wit : 1st Tract ISegiuning at the northwest corner of lt No. 1, in 15!-ck No. 1. of tle town of llillslmro, Washington County. Oregon, nnd running thence south l.'o' feet, thence east tf.l f-t, thence north l."7;, fi-et, thence went to the place of Is-ginniiiff. 2nd Tract Isits Nos. i and H, in I dock 1, in said town of HillslKiro, County and State aforewnid. :trd Tract Commencin t n nortii line of Hlock No. 7 of and in said oi Hills boro, at a point 'M feet wtst of the north east corner of said block, and running thence Siinth .K fett, thence west 40 feet, thence north '.; fet, nnd thence east 40 feet to the place of lieginnint:. 4th All debts, dnes and demands in the bands of Thos. II. Tongue, F. A. Pailey awl C. Schulmeriek, dnn to or iM'lomriug to rCTTtl defendant. W D. Pittener nt the date of the service of said writ of attachment upon said persons. This Summons is pnldished lv order of the Hon. Frank J. Taylor, judge of the a I love iiaiiied Conrt. made urni d.ited at Chandlers at Oregon Ci:v. Oregon, o.i No vemlxr I'Mh. Ism!. HANDLKY i HI STON, nnd GEAK1N ;.V GiLLEItT. Ut-t PlaiutiJi' Attorneys. Stimmon Is tiik Cti; tit Cot e.T tiik Statr or OUKielN IOU WlSHIM-TON t'olNTt. s , Meier Plaintiff h A. Meier. 1 Mintiii, , Meit.r;lK.ft.Iul.ln, In lApiity.' ri'O JOHN MEIEK. THE AliOYE- 1 named lefeud.-ini In the name of the Stat" of Oregun : You are hereby notified nnd required to j appear and answer the complaint riled I aoainst you in the nttove entitled ! suit, in trie nnove entnieii t ouri. on I MONDAY, the l!th day of March. l?w, tur same bein the brst day of tie- m-xt term of sjnd t ocrt, following six successive weeks publication Iiervof. And you ere further Irfad as Photographer in the Northwest Pictures of the must prominent men and women of Oregon and Washington may lie seen at his gallery. Towne's nteeinltif is in his instantaneous pictures of Babies the. reuiarkabie results obtained being the wonder ot all who visit his Studio. In en larging to any size, in any style, from any kind f picture, he iunriitlir to give a lsltcr class .f work, at a lower trii-r, than any gallery t.u the Pacific Coast. All wish ing pictures enlarged will do well to secure estimates liefore ordering elsewhere. Cor respondence solicited, tn id all orders will receive prompt attcmion. Studio S.W.cor. 1'iiht and Morrison sts., Portland, Oregon f-Mf. SlIIIIIIIOIIN. Tiit: Coi vrv Cot sr or thk State or Oki:oon i oi; W t ,iisi ton County. )i T. II. Cornelius, Plaintiff, ) vs. Patrick Fowler, Defendant. ) rpo PATP.ICK FOWLEU, THE ABOVE 1 named Defendant : In ti e name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled ngaiust yon in the above named Court, in the above entitled action, by MONDAY, the Jith day of March, lsss. e.nd if you fail to nriswcr, for want thereof, the l'iai'iti;! will take judgment .eainsf you for the sunt of jfiii, with in terest thereon since April 7th, li, nt the rate of 10 x r cent. er annum, and for 10 1st cent of said minis; and, also, for $74, with interest thereon since February 10, is."i, at the rate of It) ier cent, per annum, and for $2." attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursement of this netiou j and that the following described laud be sold, to pay said sinus, to-wit : 'J lie South half of the fractional N. K. H of the S V. of Sec. fi, and the North half of tin- '.. W of Si c. 4. ami the N. W l of the S. E. North. U:wigi of See. 4, nil in Town. 1 West, Washington (bounty, re-;oll. 'I'h is Summon-, is i ml dinned by order of Ho:. It. Cruiidall, Jude of tba nltove nriiued Court, Hindu and dated the lstli day of Jiiiiiiarv, isss, " 'I II OS. II. TO NOTE, jl!-t;t Attorney for Plaintiff. i 'Tin xx sai.k. One of the IJel Fjirius in Wudiini t enntv at Public Auction. ton ! fjj ' I j v Opportunity F.'i iii o.i F.-tv to Hit) Term. U Lomi 'n i: IS HEKEIlY til YEN. THAT bv il ttle of ail older of the Count V ! Court of l!'e State f Oregon for Washing ! ton Count;, . made on the 22d day of Octo j lr, A. D. I:--";, an. i m the matter of the ! c-.late of Win. Johnson, deceased, and to , ilirceted. I will seil at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House dr, !.'-. Ml Hill- 11. oil 1mi.i. Washington County, N;itur:!;H . the d.ij of February, ls. ;il 10 oVIoi-k A. M., All (!..- tracts of ! md Iviinr. lM-ino and situate ii W ishiiit;ton Count v, Oreooii, and knoAM Mid d'-.iuiiai.-d a- 1st 'he Mouth indf f the Doiritioii Ijuid Claim of II. N. Colder and wife, in Sectioun and ;'Al, Town. 2 North, K me o West, coiitautiii .ii acres 2nd. The undivided one-tenth of the North half and the West half of the South half of Die Doti tti.tu E nid Claim of John Johnson ami uife. iu Town. I North. K:iti(e 2 V. . st, and Town. 2 N, Kame 2 West, and Town. 2 NoMh, Ean;;e : Wi s!, iiHiutlie following I k!:vi ok Sh.k: Oih--1 . i-d of the iiiichnse pi'ieito l paid down: .!. -'l,id i:t o:ie year, mid one third iu two , ars from the day of mle. Deferred p i in ills to d; iw interest at the rnteof 10 p: r cent . per iiuntiui, mill tn U- secured by tnoi foaf.'e on the premises Mold. Cen yiiiice o le et the puivhaser'a ex pense. At the same time, the Widow's Dower in sai l l. i.d wilt Im Hold. The South half of the Colder Claim desci ilx-d i- one of the tinest farms in this eo'iiii v. Tln-re is m :;iMd House and Itarn, atari;.- Cii!i.i-il. 1--H acres of Flow ltud, several acres n. ire atioiit reaily to plow; lut litili- heavy tlin'iel': all fenced: in a good settlement. oiiii'v road on three wides, and a mile from Co; lit 1ms Academy. Knnuiug water on the farm except about t h ice nioiit lis in each year. NANCY A. JOHNSON, 1a. I'll in of the Will of Wm. John son. Deivas-d. ji. :.t .' lor Publication. i i.M limn: at OuKimx Citt. Diikkdn, .litiilaiy 11th. 1h.s(. , I VII1: ,s HEISEI1Y til YEN. THAT i tlie followiug-tiniiK d M-Hler has tihd uotic-- of his ii-teiitiou to make tiual proof in Maop.iit of Ins claim, and that said proof wiil l-e I'.ii'd'- Im fore the County Cieik of i V ashiugtoii Cieintv. t Ireiron. at IlillslHiro, Oieoi.u. on WLDNEsDAY. March 7tii, I.shk, .: John Paih-v, I "re- I'jiiptiou D. S. No ..ol.'. for the S. V. i of Sec. 11. Tl. 'J N., It. 4 W. i!i' names the following witnesKCS to prove Ins iuuous resiilem'e ll,Kill, nnd e'il:ivat:o:i of. slid land, viz: Martin a! : in.-:. .S un 1 1 a v i d son . ( T. W ti i teller, and W. W. St; pt, us. all of Cuxlon P.ll., Wash m .'ti t Cumtv. lr i:oii. jf.M:t W. T P.l'KNEV. Ilegistcr. !Woti' for I'ublirat ion. , IiAM Oi'lK l: AT Ollfll'lS ClTV, Oki;:.iN. t Jau.iary 11th, lsws, )' N'OliCi: IS lli.KF.HY G1YEN. THAT f the foiiowino named -ttler has filed notice of his intention to make tiual proof ; i:i snj port of his claim, and that said proof Iw ili be nr'.de Ik fore the County Judge or ! Clerk of Washington County, "Oregon, at ' liillsh.iro.One. n, oti 'I'll I'USDAY, March j Hh. ISss. Jos4 ph Yanloo, HomeHtead Kntrv N... 4-10. for the N. , of N. W. i4 of j S c. L. T. I N. It. 4 W. lie mimes the following witnesses to prove ! his continuous resilience Uon, and cultiva tion of. Kihl land, viz: William icier, i Perry Waii.1. A. K. Watson, and 1'eter lEver.nll of Greenville 1. O., Washington i ('otint v, )i-egoti. ; j!iM';t W T IU UNEY, Agister. 'ZVhcIioih Kxnmiiiation. rpil" PjtT'.LIC QUAUTEULY EXAM 1 inatiiln of Applicant for Teachers' Certiliivites vrid Im held in the Court House, nt Hillslioio. b.-iMiiiiino at one o'clock P.M., ! on V l.lNFS!AY,the SMU day of February, j I.f-'S ml c.intimii'uc until Friday afternoon, ; to us to nive applicants jilenty tf time to complete the examination. Applicants urni ! present nt the commencement of the exmuii; itioii. or t hey cannot be admit ted. On Saturday following the examina tion we will hold a Iwal Teachers Insti tute all upplicants ure requeHted to corue prepared to attend. T. T. VINCENT, Count v Superintendent. Middh t hi. Or , Feb. l.tth, is, i;f-'.'t I'xeemor Xoie. NOTICE IS HF.KEKY GIVEN, THAT! the imdersiyiied have Is-eu duly i- oiuttd i t cutrs of tlie last will and test inenf of r- ovrje Koliinsoti, d-censed, by the ("ouutv Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Comity. All k-rsons having j claims aeaii-t said Estate, u il I pn-sent the j Kiiiue to hi. :it tla- mlice of W. D. Hsre. ! Attorney at L"W. at Hillsboro, Wnwliinurtoii Count v. I lr.e(,.i. r.ithiu ni months from i the liat-of t!ds notice ' Dated at. J i ii I -.Imro, Wnshing! on Count v, Oa-oii, f.nuary 1'ltii. 1SS. j JOSKPII S. liOHINSON, I ma;:y j. koisinson, I Execn'ors ef the Last Will and Testament f tifsireje iCobinson, Deceasetl I rieawc Pay I'p. A LL I EESONS INDEBTED TO call VKIIULJiO X 1UMIOW, will pie aud innke immediate sett lenient, by cash or note., Or Jan. V,, IHHS, WEHRUNO 4 BOtiCOW'. J. I. BOOS li 00. DEALERS IN GENERAL Merchandise FOKKST ItOYi:, oiti:io. REAL ESTATE. IEKSONS HAYING LAND AND 1 Farms for sale will do well to pines them iu our hands, as we have just opened a Heal Ketate biiHiiit-HH. We want i anus and Ijmd suitable for immigrants. BOOS & CO. For-Kt irove, trcejon. n!S tf R. SANDFOBD, PIIVM4 I IN, SIKGEOV. amii -- An oi t GLENCOE, OKEtiON. Mil Ofiioo at Drvtg Storo. Dealer Oils o-l tf ill lrugs, .Medicine , t:tc Sciiooi it.,,. u j., j stnntl v in StiK-k. . I'ainl t Coll- A. r.1. COLLINS, IH, BUILDER CONTRACTOR. and Millwright. I will furnish doors, windows, frames, blinds, and moulding of all descriptions. rVOfticii and shop neitr Fiiney's bUek mith shop. Hillsboro. March 31 This Space IS RESERVED Jas. H. Sevel Manufacturer of DRAIN TILE A.CTOBY, Three Miles Northeast of Hillsboro, Oregon. October 4, 1887. o-ly sr. ' i i PACIFIC DIIvERSITY! Forest Grove, Oregon. THE WINTER TERM OF ON WEDNESDAY, This thorough, inexis'iisivc, and well eptipK'd Institution offers excellent lAluoatioiwil advantages to (he youth of both sexes throughout the Pacific Northwest. It has three Collegiate courses and two Acadi mic courses. Its Ladies DepHrlimiit provides ad vantages for the daughters of patrons eipial to the Female Seminary, while at the same time they enjoy the (idvan taoe.i of co-education. The town is lieiuil it id, t lie (rounds .'i in do, and the buildingt Commodious, Productive funds of the IiiKtitulioii amount to more than 100,000. The Coli.dok LtniiAur contains over ohiiiies, which HrupKNT are en conraocd to i;hk, Nkw Hooks are added cont inuously throiti'h the year, Ktanii auii PmionrcAi s such as the Seientijis . I lie, (Vow, I'm inn, nnd I 'it iicitim t'f-iwcic-nre taken for use of both teachers and sit hums The CoNSMtV.tTouv up AIiimii-; provides I'lUSI -CLASs instruction in its line. The r. Aut is in ch;ir, e i Tnl! ill the St!! to of I the tf I. L. Smith & Sons M i ti if;icl tilers of and Dealer", in i. II I i in ! , j I I Tir.Dll .tl Also, a line CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS & MATTING Pit I lire Moiildiu;', Picture Frames, Mirroin, Lace CuiiainH, Window Shades, l 'ilioslei y tiiwHts, N a!l Pi!N r, Spline) ii ud Top Ma1!rcwM. s, I'd'ovn,, etc.; also i i Door S and i i Blinds ! Frames, MoiildiuH, Kracketx, Stai. l.i l.dlnf Maten ili, ! Newel lilts, Lu, liber, lie. Q'M::EtTAEf:its FOREST GROVE IDLER 6. SI Furniture .11 .inuiiii lui crs BCDRQOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, CMEFFONIERS, DESKS, LOUNCES, All trs ;iiii i i ii rw. G.SHIPuD.lER&Co M' it re it j Thlou; ini.i I'OKTLAMf. i , M l Vlri Mreel, .. PlocV 200 U ct to IC l io..' sim-l, oiti:a. T Ore-an in it li.-w a ense wholly I MIJI i; I M . . .. .I l-V'I'l !.' V ,r 10.11111 on mi l.,Olltl.ia I strews. ItHalsi MOl SK PEOOI , by a simple cunt livaiiie. METAL CASIMJS PKEVENT KWELLINO OF KEY IN' DV.MI' m:v'1ILU. A h inds .iin bracket LAMP, of iold finished lid, attached toi .ieli oreaii, insures ledit both hafc and convenient I In i trjinu. w Hli its full ami partial (Hid COI PLLItS-inn e of them silent IUNATIONS and EXPKESSION, nnd TONE, it Is fully equal to any make. livery instrument sold with a SIX YEAKN' il'A I J Nil il i. I am now introducing these eh punt inst riiinenls into Wa ,liiie d n C.hiiii at SI IM'lllSiNfiLY LOW FIG F KEN. A M A'iNII It EN I SAMPLE may be Cult and exauiiiie. tf Tor I it l t(-r than v.,-. me cif eviTir Kiaub ront nifh tlni Lu ln( Rill o Ol nWTH llruu WWbHV I II I Ul tula, j S Culiio-4 flat. liKMiMwlauriiluMrallKiia, mill lieailjr IW hvh, U-Ulog wnu vt ii f, urni win i i. n ii, airi intminti lni rU t'tr lion, ,t vooit. 'itiif lit I UK anly linu, VtwlUJiUf a ti Hifii an, (ihmI for lilrraii worth e( tawila. JAWkS tllK. KI KIHI!II, MaH-beater N, V. r in Uifli.nda WEEKS OPENS 4, I COO. With the o,i ti i : 1(4 of the i iter trllll LeasoliS will beciii '1 wo Coi i;.i:s if 1. each iu plain F i.mwhiih', under Mom st e i -tf i ri, Mast i r. Tin very liberal i auaoeiiii nl I'Meiiie I'uiver- sity supplies tl; h Msoim t ftildunt4 l,l Superior ile I rail ion is i.ivn in l'liKM il and tin. .n. o'-.o fill,, ml fitui If called ( r, i iia i i ,ii s Hill be fol'llled fo tile Ti n Kri'itf y i . ai roMMoi . i ii in of Win Flout i ihing J.iiKiiviiv Sin mii'S iiiul II huge mid active Society of CmiMTUM Eniikavoii are tube nained among ad ditional atlnu'lions of j'l'i at valuo, FOU PEEPAKATION OF SI (!. CI MSl I L TEACH E1IS, the thorough ness of instruct ion given in Faeiilu I'liiveuity El.MMSS I .KlVALi:i, I'neijuulli il oij i' tiii it ii m for looms lititl board lit l.ailii s IS done lll' t IMII be Hall, Fvirtlniig to I'.iid work for tho.e who winli in that v:-a t on X j m -J i -n -r hell out d 'I- .! ih '.l t .1 lit) ; Il .!. r. s:cj.i-.. E-ic.idtiH. Mini LOW l'l! J'l) assort meiit of ! J,-' 'J.f: i,-v i--. if ta.r EaillUs, lluhiNlei'S, ikiai.t.imb:.t. OREGON & UAJft the Lead! DFSIGNi MtrpnsNin;! be nit i I ul. .&-.,., . . mid put Ull I llil , -llSIHtl pillS III- -tend of acts of Kill lis, ojves inimbei , iu SWEETNESS its ddb n ut STOPS s v illi ty of COM and liK'IINESS of seen lit my lion,, I oi l st i i i i e, Jilt, yt. ii. i:i,ijs. gver 6,000,000 F2EkLMSS JKY O.M.fEnRY&CO. an, .ilmittml IiImiIIi. LotMcat .rdtmtn (Ti the world. D. H FE'IKX CO Ill.lnip4, lirarria. il. nhiI I rt..a SEED ANNUAL rot i bus Will tM mailHtt irntK TO ALL m I I 1 1 h t ti a, ami ill IlINt IIDUaiMl'. rllnlellll'l. ttitll lUt lillliHIlltf It. InvnlunblatoaM. r vm isiraiiii iiauitf fCarden Field "Flower r" f r e "li'iuld vQil ait Oul-Uw lb AiMiM. D. M.FERRYA.CO., Detroit, Mich, THIRTEEN JANUARY FURNITURE m 6'n mmmm sEFDS 77.11 Avil 1 tS- ;