THE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY .FEB. 2, 1888 A UKIW OF THE HEART. Joy met Sorrow in a place Where the branches interlace, 1 Very secret, still and sweet. Safe from all profaning feet. "Why art here?" Joy, startled, cried; "Why art here?" Gray Sorrow sighed. "I cams here to weep," said Joy. 1 "Tears are ever my employ, Murmured Sorrow. "Yet I see Tears as grateful were to thee. Come, young novice and be taught How to ease thy heart o'er fraught. Joy sat down at Sorrow's feet, I And was taught a lesson sweet, Fain would he make kind return: : "Sorrow, art too old to learn? Nay? Then tarry yet awhile, Till I've taught thee how to smile. Sinoe that hour the two have been Bound as by mysterious kin, Since that hour they so exchange Tears and smiles, 'tis nothing strange If sometimes a puzzled heart Scarce can tell the twain apart. Edith M. Thomas in 'Lyrics and Sonnets. Circuit of the World's History. The chief burdens under which the United States are staggering are those imposed by unexampled prosperity. While Europe owes $20,000,000,000 in national debts and pays $800,000,000 annually in interest without reasonable expecta tion of reducing the principal and with an inherent probability of the ultimate repudiation of the bulk of it, the treasury here is overflowing and the only restriction upon the liquidation of a debt already scaled down one-half is the great premium which government bonds command. History offers no contrast more striking than that of the Europe and America to-day one hopelessly mortgaged to the descendants of its present creditors and weighed down under the exhausting burdens of military armaments and war taxation, and the other embarrassed only by the increasing volume of its revenues and the impractibility of anticipating future obligations without paying its debts twice over in premiums on its own credit. Strangest anomaly of all, an American president be comes alarmist when European financiers are dismayed by the cer tainty of the inevitable repudiation of the bulk of their national debts, and seek to frighten congress and the people with, premonitions of panic and disaster unless something shall be done by tariff legislation to undermine the foundations of national prosperity, to convert the country into a raiding ground for British manufacturers and to scale down the earnings of the American workingmen to the starvation rates of Europe. N. Y. Tribune. What he Discovered. A handsomely dressed young woman entered a crowded street car. A longwhiskered old fellow, wearing a dingy slouch hat and a suit of homespun clothes, got up and said : "Miss, take my seat. I don't look as well as these here gentle men" nodded at several men "but I've diskivered that I've got more politeness." The young girl sat dawn without thanking the old fellow; and slyly winking at a woman whom she knew, whispered : "How do you like my gallant country hoosier? Don't you think that he would cut quite a figure in a dime museum?" "Miss, said the old fellow, with a smile which clearly bespoke his unconsciousness of the unladylike ridicule, "I believe I left my pocket book on that seat. "Will you please git up a minit?" The young woman got up, the old fellow sat down, and stroking his whiskers, remarked: '.B'leve I'll jest keep on settin' here, Miss. I stood up so much at the dime museum jest now that I'm sorter tired. I've got a leetle more politeness than these here gentle men, but I've diskivered that I ain't got nigh as much sense." Arkan sas Traveller. The supreme court has admitted to practice in all the courts of this state as attorney at law, John Hamaker, of Oregon. S. F. Dispatch. Hou's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi- fested, poisoning the lood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a nealthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. Aa a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I hardly ever use anything else, and have never been disappointed in the effect produced : It aeeius to be almost a perfect cure for all dlnniw of Ue Htomaeh and Bowels. W. J. McCuoT, Macon, Os A Woman from Austria. Near the . village of Zilling dorf, in Lower Austria, lives Maria Haas, an intelligent and industrious woman, whose story of physical suffering and final relief, as related by herself, is of interest to English women. "I was employee!," she says, "in the work: of a large farm bouse. Overwork brought on sick headache, followeu by a deathly fainting and sickness of the stomach, until I was unable to retain either food or drink. I was compelled to take to my bed for several weeks. Getting a little better from rest and quiet, I sought to do some work, but was soon taken with a pain in my side, which in a little while seemed to spread over my whole body, and throbbed in my every limb. This was followeu by a cough and shortness of breath, until finnlly I could not sew, and I took to my bed for the second, and, as I thought, for the last time. My friends told me that my time had nearly come, and that I could not live longer than when the trees put on their green once more. Then I hapcned to get one of the Sei gel pamphlets. I read it,- and my dear mother loiiglit me a bottle of Seigel's Syrup, (Shaker Extract of Roots) which I took exactly according to directions, and I had pot taken the whole of it before I felt a change for the better. My last illness began June 3d, 1882, and continued to August 9th, when I It.m to take the Syrup. Very soon I could do a little light work. The cough left me, and I was no more troubled in breathinc. Now I am perfectly cured; and oh, how happy I am! I cannot express gratitude enough for Seioel'a Syrup (Shaker Ex tract of Roots). Now I must tell you that the doctors in our district distributed handbills cautioning the people against the medicine, telling them it would do no good, and many were thereby influenced to de stroy thi Seigel pamphlets; but now, M'henever one is to le found, it is kept like a relic. The few preserved are bor rowed to read, and 1 have lent mine for six miles around our district People have come eighteen miles to get me to buy the medicine for them, know ing that it cured me, and to be sure to get the right kind. I know a woman who was look ing like death, and who told them there was no help for her, that she had consulted several doctors, but none could help her. I told her of Seigel's Syrup, and wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake. She took my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in perfect health, and the peonle around us are amazed. The medicine has made such progress in our neighborhood that people say they don't want the doctor any more, but they take the Syrup. Sufferers from gout who were confined to their beds and could hardly move a finger have been cured by it. There is a girl in our district who caught a cold by going through some water, and was in bed live years with costivenessand rheumatic pains, and had to have an attendant to watch by her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding district to whom her mother had not applied t relieve her child, but every one crossed themaelre;; anil saiil they could not help her. "Whenever the little Iell rung, which is rung in our place when anybody ia dead, we thought surely it was for her ; but Seigel's Syrup and Pills (Shaker Extract of Roots) saved her life, nu 1 now she is as healthy as anybody, goes to church, and can work even in the fields. Everybody was astonished when they saw her out, knowing how many years sh had been in bed. To-day she adds her grati tude to mine for Gudu mercies and Seigel's Syrup. Maria Haas. Shaker Medicines ;:ro now being sold in all w of tiu world, and are working wimwi its shown in the above ca-ie. ... A. J. "White. ol Warn n St., New York. A Terrible Crime. Colfax. W. T., .an. 30. Dan Conroy, foreman of track laying of the Spokane & Palouse railroad, called upon a Miss Hughes, daugh ter of J. J. Hughes, editor of the Palouse City News, to attend a dance to be given at Garfield. While in the buggy he managed to drug her in some way, and then placed her in a box car near Palouse City and ravished her. Not satisfied with his own guilt, he induced ten of his gang to do likewise. The girl ts" about 18 years of age and of pre possessing appearance. She is not expected to live. She was kept a prisoner in the car for twenty-two hours. The wretch was caught in Spokane Falls. Sheriff Berry will bring him here by to morrow's train, provided he is not lynched, for it is probable that our legislatures have made no provision for such crimes. The March of Science. ! "Are you interested in the newest discoveries in science and the in ventive arts?" asked Mr. K no wall of Miss De Pork, a Chicago girl. "O, yes, indeed!" she replied enthusiastically. "I am so interested in anything of that sort. "Why, do you know that when my papa first went into the pork business he had to kill all his pigs by hand, one at a time; and it was dreadful tiresome, sticking three hundred or fonr hun dred a day. But now he has machines that simplify and beautify the work so that they kill and scald and scrape and cut up thousan Is in a day at his pork-packing parlors, as you would say in Boston; and the work is done beautifully. You must go with me and see it some day; its just lovely!" Puck. Administrator's Hale. A Good Farm at rnblic Anctlon. NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN, THAT in pursuance of nn order and decree of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, made and entered at a recular term thereof. to-wit:on the 9th day of January, A. D. I, in the mat ter or tne estate oi eter Alexander, ae eeased, and to me, as administrator thereof, directed, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, On Saturday, the 3d day of March, A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M., All that tract of Land lying, being and situate in Washington County, Oregon, and known and designated an follows, to-wit: The South half of the Donation Land Claim of William Yates and wife, in Sec tions S and 8; the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section K, and all the Donation Land Claim of A. O Smith and wife, in sections 7, 8, and IX, not here tofore sold by A. O. Smith and wife: all said tract being in Town. 1 South. UangeS West, Will, mer., and containing 27." acres, more or less, upon the following Tbbms or Salk : One-third of the purchase price to le paid cash in hand; one-third in one-year, and one-third in two years from the day of sale. Deferred payments to draw interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from day of sale, and to be secured by mortgage on the premises sold. Conveyance to be at purchaser's expense. GEOKGE ALEXANDKK. Administrator of the Estate of Peter Alexander, Deceased. jti-5t KxecutorV Xotice. TOTICE IS HEliEBY GIVEN. THAT the undersigned have Iteen dnlv ap pointed executors of the lust will and teuta meut of George liobinson, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. All persons having claims against said Estate, will present the same to us, at the office of W. J. Hare, Attorney at Law, at Hillsloro, Washington County, Oregon, within His month from the date of this notice Dated at liillsUm, Washington County, Oregon, January 24th, Ihhh. JOSEPH S. KOlilNSON, MAHY 3. KOttlNSON, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of George Kolijnson, Deceased jS'-'.t A. IYJ. COLLINS, llUlmbmrm, ttrmyon, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER and Millwright. I will furnish doors, windows, frames, blinds, and mouldings of all descriptions. Office and shop near Fi a ney's black roith shop. Hillaboro, March 31 of THE-PATENT EXPANSION Chain Pumps Simple, Cheap and Durable ! MANUFACTURED HY A. D. ORUNDACE & CO. I-out in lit hill Strr-et, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. WM. McFADDEN, Sole Agent for Washington County. Address orders to HiiUboro PostolEce. n!7-3m BrawiUr'i Patent Kola Holder. itA iwir nn.n mrw w Lrr. jut, pr xii'-r-f nf li 1 u Jr horn' fort. On agrnt aoM l-'it". in iifM day", on dealer 11 w di- In 14 daya, hst Samples worth rkis. Write forterma. CO X. E. BBEWSTtK. BoUj, MJch. MOHNieJl'09 VAMHaaf CS 0 HotqtBtM paw awaid -1V OHM ism SMI JO .00 nnu - n afl.gV.MJ 0000009 PA7SHTS Caveats, and Trnde Marks obtained, nnd all PATENT BUSINESS conducted for MOD 1 KATE FEES. OUB OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE. We hnve no sub agencies, all business direct, hence can transact Patent business in less time nnd at LESS COST than thoe remote from Washington! Send model, drawing, or photo with de scription. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents." with references to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Add res.-) 7. A. SXOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. lung All! Rubber p Bucket FIFTY YEARS AT THE FRONT. For nearly fifty years the reeognized authority the world over on all agricultural matters, allways abreast of tbe times, and always spending lavishly for the best talent and experience, the American Agriculturist begins 1888 with new contributors, new artists and new type, and the edi torial staff, which has made this Periodical a power in both Item ispberes, re inforced with fresh blood and brains, thereby combining the experience and erudition of years with the vigor and freshness of youth. The Ameri can Aariculturint keeps pace with the growing intereet in agriculture largely brought about through its teachings, and continues to-day, after absorbing twenty-four other agricultural papers, to furnish the current agricultural literature where tbe English and German languages are spoken. Every number contains nearly 100 original illustrations and original articles from W different writers. Price fl.50 a year; single numbers, 13 cents. CHRIST The These magnificent works of art are neither old time chromos nor ordinary engravings. The latter is an exquisite photoetching, far superior to any thing in the market. Christ on Calvary, the companion picture, is executed for us by the Mezzograveue process, which far surpasses any other for softness of tone, vigor of action and general superiority of execution. They are on heavy plate paper, SKx2 inches in size, forwarded, post-paid, in tubes prepared for the purpose. Price $ li each, both forwarded in tubes, post-paid, to one address, f 1.M). American AsrlcwItwrlM (Kng.or Ger.), with Choice of Pictures. I.M American Asrtealtarlwt and the Two 1 'let urea, SJS.OO fiend oostal for Soecimen scription of the Pictures, and Portrait of Munkaesy, the painter of these great works, now attracting world-wide attention. iAXVAHSKJtS U A XT ED K Yt'.lt 1" It'll KUt Address, PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, DAVID W. JUDD, Pres't. J124K Hew City FOREST GROVE, OREGON, (OPPOSITE l"OSTOFFICE C. W. RANSOM, ' AM Vttni'l.KTK Drugo and PATENT MKIHC1XKS, TOILET AIITICJLEM, PERFUMEKY, BJ5k.SE B-AJLiXj goods, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Books and Stationery, Etc., Etc. In fact, everything that is usually found in a First-cla Irug Store, and everything sold at reasonable rates. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is carefully conducted, and, under Mr. Itansoins management, patrons need have no fear but that their prescriptions will be carefully and accurately compounded. His long experience in the Drug bnsineai in this county people in his lino. Call and examine his for ale: ! D ESIKAULE PKOPEUTY IN U1LE boro, consisting of Houses and Lots ! 7Terms made easy to Purchasers For further information, inquire of the undersigned. I,. 31. (JOSNKV. HillsWo, May 18. 1H87. wliMf CKi,fr:nicATi:i Wapato Plow D. J. PORTER, Jla it ii f a c 1 n re r, 4-ASTOX, Oll-M-OX. 'IMIIS PLOW HAS NO SIPEKIOH .1 for all classes of work and in nil kinds of soil. Easy draft and durable. For par ticulars, address me, or call and see the plow. D. J. PORTER. Gaston. Or., March 22 1887. ii)24 tf David Cobwin. ItCPKBT P. WooSTM. Meat Market! CORWIN & WOOSTER, Props Main Street, - HILLSBORO Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork ! Kept constantly on ban J. Highest market price paid for Beeves Mutton, Veal and Hogrs. Fair Dealing to All ! KntiMfnetion .aaranteel Please Give us a Trial1 Kept. , Pleane ray t'p. ALL PEKSONS KNOWING THEM- selves to tte indebted to me are reqneet U to come forward and make immediate settlement. L. A. JOBE. Hillsboro, Or., Not 11, 18b6. ull-tf ON CALVARY, First ! only Keprodnctlon In this Country, and number. English or German, full de 1 Broadway, N. Y. Drug Store ! Manager. 1.1 XK F FKKMH, PVKK Chemicals, FIXE SOAPS, AKTISTS' MATEIUALS, FISH 1X4. TACKLE, enab es him to fully meet the wants of thr Slock Prices, and you are bound to be THE few Store GLENCOE, OREGON. KEEI-S CONSTANTLY ON HAND a well selected Ktock of Merchandise, Groceries, Provisions, XSto. CASHMERES ! -KD LADIES' DRESS GOODS FI LL BTOCK OF Boots and Shoes t HfHixhest Price paid tor Country Prodnco Call and examine Stock, Prices, and see ir you eannot Uo as well at nome as in Portland. Contractors and Imilders would do well to examine my larpe stock of Al HhhiKles be fore closing contracts with other parties, ltespectfnlly. R. HANCOCK, Olencoe. Or. Nov.lC. 1K8&. nl8-ly G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and lie tail Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. PLASTER AND CEMENT. LAND PLASTER -A. SPECIALTY. No. 65 N. Second Street. CORSEIi D, Fortlaud, Oresoxt. - I nni7C tntl "ix mnta torpMUeti, il rlllsCand receive free, a costly box of Roods which will help all, of either sex, to more money riftht away taaa anything else in this world. Fortnnes emit tbe workers absolutely sore. At ones address Tana Co., AofroaU, Maine. Notice to the Public. I now have my New ROLLER PROCESS FLOURING MILL In operation, and am making a rery superior grade of Flour. The public is invited to givo the New Process Flour a trial, Will keep constantly on hand ft full line of Flour, I? ran, etc. Exchange business done with Farmers. WANTED, 'A Stock of Buckwheat and Milling Oats. Highest market price paid. JOHN MILNE. sjo-iy Tualatin Hotel Main Street, bet "d and 3d Hillsboro. - - Oregon. R. WAGGENER, Proprietor. TIIE TABLE MII.I, CONSTANTI.V HE Hl l' lilitwl mi'ii the lM-t ttit- murk' t i.tT r.!, ainl uoijiliiaiirriiiar will l( ar. in ftrtviiih' nr the comfort of unenta. Excellent Accommodation and Popular Trice ! LARGE SAMPLE ROOM For the Accommodation of Commercial Travelers. IF'IR.IEIE CO-A-CIPi: To and from the House ml tf COMMERCIAL HOTEL! IliiUhoro, Oit'tftm. JOI1X RONEY, - Proprietor Good Board and Lodging At Iteasoiiable ( liarjrc. IIKHTCI-ASS IMVi:itY Connected with the House. fwfFree Hack to and from the Hotel. nUMf Six Bucks for Sale. O ONE-VEAK-OLIS AND '.I LAMIft. ) nil long-wooled, 4rnd'd (Vttswold and lieicester. 'i'hey gained first and second nreiuiums in their different cI.ikws; ul. sweeiwtakes for the In'st live lon-wooleil LitiubH, at the t'iintv Fair. onnty ruir. W. CHALM El IS, Ha., Cornelius, Washington CV Oregon u3-tf IIIYHICIAXS, -flNIHTEKS, VOCALISTS. P Fit LIT !. speakers and t he I'rofeSNions w iu-r-ally recommend SANTA Alii E as the h hI of all medicine, for diseases of the THKOAT CHEST, LUNGS. BEWARE 0E IMITATION'S. Km that onr trade mark. SANTA A HIE, is on every bottle. Hatisfnction guaranteed or money refunUed, uy sll 1'ruijjjiHis. ?Tr1 r TaV ai"l , MAKE SO 31 INTAKE. By dispelling the symptoms so often mis taken for Consumption. SANTA A HI K tins brought Kindness to many a household, and by promptly breskinti up the Cotijjli mul Cold that too often develop into tlmt futitl disease will yei ssve thomuinds from nn tin timely grave. You mnke no mistnUe by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy always in the house. fy UAUANTEED A ltSHIVE CUKE IT for Catarrh. Cold in the Head, liar Fever. Hose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness nnd Sore Eyes. ltetore the serine of tate and smell; removes bad tastes and unpleasant breath, resulting from Catarrh. Easy and J .feasant to nse. Follow directions snd a Jure is warranted by all druggists. ! per box; f 1.10 by mail. Send for circular to AIUKTINE MEDICAL COMPANY, Oro- ville, Cal. Ask for SANTA ABIE AM) CATK ( I KE. For sale by all Druggists Jarabo. Jumbo. The Orkrinal Abietine Ointment is only pot up in large two-oanoe tin Utxes, and is an absolute core for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin erup tions Will positively core all kinds or piles 25 eta per box; 30 eta by maiL Ask for the Abietine Ointment. Sold by ail Uraggists. daoiy il GEO.W. PATTERSON DEALLK IN FURNITURE llllUboro, Oregon. Fnrnltnrr, Carpets), Hut (Inc. Iloddlns, Wall Taper, Cnrlaln, I'iclureM, rirtare Frames), a!nM, Itaby Carriage Mprlng lleda, And things that von want, too numerous to mention, at POKTLAND FlilCES. Also, a General Assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 7s a Specialty of this house, and I bare constantly on nana an tnat ean oe aesirea n this line. Also Agents ior tne ORONZE1IMONUMCNT8. (Jive me a trial, and le convinced Ttbst 11 in.'Mii litiMiiiesrtand upon a grout rednctiou hnsu. ni -il HILLSBORO Livery Stable L. A. JOBE, Proprietor Ox'clorw for HACKS. BUGGIES AND'- RIDING HORSES, Attended to promptly, ALSO, FEED STABLE. Kememlier the Place MAIN HTUEET opposite lint Tualatin HoU-l. llillslsiro, Or., January 28, 180. tf km Pacific E. B. .llileM Shorter! go I.oniV LeMM Time! AccoinniodH lions Unsurpassed for Comfort nnd HnfetyJ Fnres nnd Freights via Vliiiiinn snd the Oregon Develop ment Co's Steninsliips much lkss lliiinliy nnv other route be tween nil imints in the Williniieite Valley A. Hun Francisco J DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS (Except Hundiiys), Is-nve Vi.iuin i. . Arrive t'orvallis Arrive Allmtiy ,. l-uve AlUinv ........... Arrive Corvxllis Arrive ViKtiiiiik 7iX) A. M K)::w 11:10 I M P. M. 'J UK! P. M r. to P. M Oregon nnd Calif. tni;i trains connect nt Alb.iiiy snd i orvullis Fare Itetweeu C-orviillis, Albnny and Sun FriniiMsti nnd Cabin, flt.UI; Kail nnd hU't'raje, If'.f.oo, CI IAS. V, IUXJFE, Ael'. O. F. & P. Ajt., Corvnllis, Or. vm. M. I in to. (i tieral Maiificer. Oregon Development Co. First -cliissSti'itmsliip Line ls-twen Ysqnins and Sun Frmwiseo, tviiuiectinu at Ynoiiinn with the t ruins of the Oregon I'scitiu Ksil- I 'ompiiiiy, NAILINO DATES. I UOM SAN rHANCISfo; I'nstern Oer'oti Will.iniette Valley. Eastern Irettoii Wllliiiiiette Vnlley Eastern trefoil Will.niietle Valley Wednesday, Jnne . .Tuesday, Jl V 5 . . .MoiuUy, " Sunday, " Saturday, " 1'UOM TuriM4t Eastern Oregon U illainetle Valley. , . Eastern rejoii Willamette Valley Enatern t)ret;oti W illaiuetU Valley, Wednesdny, July Tuesday, " C 12 l. Sunday, " ?4 Friday, M W Aug. fi The Coinrmnr reserves the right to change steamers or sailing dates. H. II. TOHY, Oen, F. & P. Agent, 004 Montgomery St a21-tf ban Francisco, Cel. The Btrrsavr OVIOK to sswsw. bVb. avaul Merwlt. awh nar. - IM pafH, U.xllY, telMe,wttlt ' 3,BOO UlwetretteaM s wvnol. I'Kl.n usiirrfi OIVBS Wbaleeavle Prtcwa turret I rnf-tHrre mm ell t nrnasua mw WamUr Trlla hew tm order, mm eies eaaet ee mt every Ihtae; r e, et, mrimU, wear, es l..w. r. with. Tlus. IMVAL.UA BLB HOOK rsBtUtlia mtat eillis rlaa4 from in. mnmwmetm mt th wrl. We will mI1 eepr KHICK te mmT a mrmmu mpom reelp ml 10 eta. te mmtrmj rsprsiae mt mslllam. m mm hear frees wo. Il.irrirullw, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. fit V tiV VTeee- Aveeee. CMeaare, 111. AH r'" 10 cents postage, and lil K I w" w'1' ,,lfti' y"u r,u," IT I r I royal, valuable, sample Ikj VI DO O of gMHls that will put yon in the wny of making atous monkt nt once than any thing else in Amer ica. Ilotli srxes of all ages can live at home and work in spare tin . or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. HriMsoM & Co., Portland, Maine la'-l-lv Tale pmm b kept esi He at the YERSOW .DVERTISINq SSlweVITER A CCTS OZZZL 11 DAVIES' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY S W.OOKNEIt Flint and Taylor NlreelN, U'OUTLAStt, OJIKUUX, rarArtlstlc Work a Specialty. Ink. Crayon And U o(f r I Ioim nl ri) Mittal rMMUIIII Is I aW tt. B22-3 FARM FOR SALE. IOIt HALE, (iOIII) 1AUM or ihh Acr-s, in t'oluml.ia ruiiiityi norm clear, l itld p t fi ct. WILKES P.ltOS,, rimmill.., or i'70 Front Htrei't, I'diUiiikI, Orison. JUMiu Call an d S cc im. w. itovt'iaiiY -AND- BOOKSELLER I'ori'Ml (iSrovc, And net your Illiilie.v'H Unl'lh if Drugs. Medicines, Toilet Articles, envelopes and Paper, Musical Mer chandise, nnd everything usually kept in a Firl Cl'tut Country l'iii.', Hook and Novelty Store, PRESCRIPTIONS and FORMULAS Clin fully C"iiiNMiii(, il nt all hours. dlG-tf NEW GOODS ! m ...... - , CASH TALKS! Wehrung & Boscow iiiM.siior.o. oiti:;o, HAVE JUST Itl.CEIVEI) A WELL Bvlectod hloek of Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, CLOTHING, Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, SILKS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES Ii4kN Trim in i n , BOOTS 6c SHOES And n Fine Assortment of Furnishing Goods For Ladies and 1 ntleiiien. ' All kinds of i'lllliieln' J'l'Milllin tnkell In Ekchatue. Ja'-'H if OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA IA Oregon A fiililoriila It. It. And Coimei liiitm, THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE ! Time Ilelwcen Portland mill Man Fraiiclsco, 3D Honrs! C&lifornia. Ex ore a Trains Run Daily between Portland and San cranciaco. IKlVH. I AllI.IVK. Portland 4HK) P, M, S Eraneiheo 7:40 A.t Snu Fran. li:: P. M. Portland., llHOA.M Loi-nl Vuunr-Hfii-t' It'll! u, i .rrr.t Siiiiilny, t.KAVK. I AillilVK. Portland A. M, Eiiuene :!) P.M. Kiiueim . uiNi a. jvi , i rotiiiuxi ;i:t: P, M, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS EXCURSION SLEEPERS For Hecoiid-Class FaKHeiteei on nil thl'oiili trains Fit EE l I'll AKiiE, The O. A C. it. It. Ferrv makes connection with all the regular trains on 1lie I'.uhI hidw division from the loot of F Sin et. West Side I ovisioii. UETWEEN POUlLWI) A COUVALLIS. Mail .Train Ihiily, except Sunday, t.S4V, Portland 7::i0 A. M. llillslxiro H:4r A. M. Corvallis . 1:.K P. M. Hillsboro &.-04 P. M. AllllIVK. IlillHboro ,M:4( A. M t'oi vallis p. :'.' P. M IlilUlnifn j-. n:t i M Portland p, M' aysTAt Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Oregon Piteilin, Express TVaiu Daily, except Sunday, I.EAV. Portland . .:) P.M Hillslmro.. f.ror, P.M MMinVille,ft:45A.M Hillsboro.. .7MA.H AUHIVH. HillHboro. . r,:0t P.M MeMiuville,NNip,M lhllNboro, 7:'J. A,M I'oi tlmul MM A.M E. P. Ill HJ EES, U. KOE1IL1.U, O. F. A P. Ag't. Manager nt tf. Drug gist