"4 'rti tj-ita-1 t Tnjrn yxr t'x. r - THE INDEPENDENT. PENDENT. r W. L. JONES Editor and Proprietor ' KATES OF ADVERTISING!! One square, or less, one insertion $1.10 On" square, each subsequent insertion, Ml Notices of appointment aud final aattla inrnt, '. .1M Other legal advertisement!, 11.00 per square for Mie first Insertion, and IJ0 otuli per aqunre fur eaeh nlHquetit insertion. Kpeoial busim-HS notices in local columns 2ft cents per lino, Regular business notioes 10 ci-ntii per line. Professional curds. !! per year. Hecinl rates for large display "ads. I4f" This pnjx'r may foe found on file at Qco. 1 Howell. Co' Newspaper Advertis ing Korean (10 Spruce street) where sdrsr tising oontracU tuny be mads for it in Nw York. . PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. FUBLICATIOH orrica: Aam Street, : : Shute'a New Brick HILLS BOKO, OREGON. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per annum, in advance .$2.00 Sis months, iu advance 1.00 Three month, in advance SO U GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOl 37T PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE.' Vol. 3 Ifillsboro, Washington County, C 011, Thursday, January SO, 188H. tfo. 34. OFFICIAL DIKECIOKY. IHstriet OflVeerw. Judge Fifth District F. J. Taj lor Prosecuting Attorney. . .... T. A. McBride Deputy for Washington Co . .W. X. Barrett Legislative Officers. State Senator . . . W. D. Hare. ) D Onlr, Representatives vD. Smith, ) Thott. Paulsen. Count)- Officer. Judge K. Crandall Treasurer J. S. Waggeuer Clerk J. V. Morgan Conditioner, ... JhJ Sheriff . . B. P. Cornelias Surveyor ... . . L. C. Walker Assessor T. J. Wilson Hehool Superintendent . T. T. Vincent Coroner C. W. Hansom Tw omeere. f T. H. Tonfrue O. T. Ledford Truateei Willis Waggener J. C Lr.mkin A M. Colliiw Treaanrer.... H. WehruiiR Iteeorder . W. N. Kirrett Marahal .S. Wilson StXMETV MEETINGS. HILLS BOKO OKANOE, No. 73, 1. or It. Meets in Oood Temiilars' Hall, second and fourth Saturday in each month, at - o'clock r. M. J. W.SIIUTE, Master. Janeh sawn.!., hocretary. HiLLsnoito lodoeTno. 17, I.O.O.T. Meets in Good 'rttnipl.tra Hall, every Saturday evtxiin, at H 1. M. C. T. TOI Kit. It kmihh, S cy. W. C T. T DUALITY LODOi:. No. , A. 1'. A A. M. Meeta on Sntnrdav on or after each full woon. All brethren in t;ood standing are cordially invited t'. meet with in. V. A. HA 1 LEY. It. ClANDAll., SeC. W. M. MONTtSUMA LOIHiE No. 50. I.O.O.F., llillsboro Meets every Wednesday evening at .7 o'elook. Sojourning brethren cordially iavitsd to nttend. W. 11. WE1IUUNO. M. Collins, Sec. N. O. IO LODGE, No. i:, K. OF 1.. II ILLS BOKO Meet every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd FeJiows' Hall. Sojourn ing brethren in good standing cordially in vited to attend. S. T. Linklatkr, C. C. T. S. Whathicbbeo. K. of K. nnd S. GLENCOE LODGE No. , K. ();' P. Meets e rt rv alternate Saturday nt 7 o clock p. m.. nt Gleneoe. Sojourning breth ren in good standing cordially invited to at tend. J as. j. cuittr, M. Thompwv, Koflt. A S. C. C. HIIiljSIMJRO LODGE No. CI, A.O.U.W., HillslK)r; Meets on the second find fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:HI) o'clock p. m. Sojourning brethren cordially invited to attend. li. CK AND ALL, W. 1. Hark, Kec. M. W. 1)HENIX GRANGE No. rj. P. or H. Meets at Gaston, Or., on the third Friday of each month. J. W. SAPPINGTON, Master. H. D, Bbtant. Secretary. APATO LODGE No. 40, I. O. O. F. Meets in Gaston on the tlrnt and third Saturduy in each month. JOHN WERE, N. G II. D. Bktamt, Secretary. CHARITY LODGE No. 7.1, I. O. O. F Tualatin Meets Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, on or before each new nnd full moon. Brethren iu good standing invited to attend. J. C. SMOCK. S. N. Poam, See. N. G. WC. T. V., HILLSIiORO MEETS on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, nt A o'clock p. iu., at the M. E. church. AND OF HOPE, III LUSItORO MEETS X5 -every Sunday aftornoou, nt -1 o'clock at the M. E. churoh. " CHURCH NOTICES. HILIHOHO METHODIST PASTOR'S Apiintiueuts. First Sabbath in each month: Reaverton. 11 a.m.; Wesley Chapel, 3 p. iu.; Mt. Harmony, 7 p. m. Second Sab bath: Hillsboro, 11 n. m.; Reedville, U ii.m; liillsboro, 7 p. in. Third Sabbath: Hills boro, 11 a. iu. ; West Union, :t p. m.: Hills boro, 7 p. m. Fourth Sabbath: Hillsboro, 11 a. iu.; Reedville, : p. m.; Benvertoii, 7 P' m' C. M. BRYAN, Pastor in Charge. (CORNELIUS METHODIST PASTOR'S J ApjHjiiitments. First and third Sal baths in each month, M. E. Church. Cor nelius, at ll.. m. and? p.m. Second und fourth Sabbaths in each month, Gleneoe, nt 11 a. H. Fourth Sabbath. Oak Grove, at p. at. Second Sabbath, Meacham's sfhs)I honse. at It p. M. Saturday before the sec ond Sabbath, I eisya school honse nt 7 p. m. 11. B. Elwoktiiv, i'astor in Charge. CONGREGATIONAL PASTOR'S AP V pointments. First Sabbath in each mouth. Gaston, nt 11 . m.: nnd on the hill, back of Gaston, It v. M. Second Sabbath At Hillside sehool-hoiiss. 11 a. m.; Green ville, it p. m. Fourth Sabbath liillsboro. Christian church, at 11 a. m. Visitors to Portland Should not for-et to call at TOWNK A MOORE'S Si Fiuscisro Gai.i.kuy, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in at tendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. No t rouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, nnd this is the nearest gallery to the rive principal ho tels. Enlarging in Crayon a aiecinliy. Cor. 1st A Morrison Sts. 7janly A. S. VENEN, Watchmaker and J eweler ! HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN Forest Grove, and is prepared to do all kinds of Watch work. Jewelry repaired and made as good as new. Pine Watch Re pairing a specialty. Having had It years experience in the business, 1 am safe in giving a written guarantee with all work seutout. lal.Vtil A. S. VENEN. Money to lioan. I will .oan money in sums of $ 1000 .and upwards. Only real estate security ought. Time, three to five years; com mission not to exceed 2 per cent. W. II. ItrCKKK. jan7tr Land for Sale! T P1IE UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE several Farms and a large amount of first-class, unimproved laud, lying in Wash iugton county, Oregon. IMMIGRANTS And others desiring to purchase land would to well to give me a call. Now is the time to secure comfortable otea on easy terms. THOS. D. HUMPHREYS. liillsboro, Jonejfttta. 1883. TliOFESSIONAL CAliDS. g B. IIUSTOX, ! Attorney at Lata and Nutary Publir, HiLLtiBoito. : : : Obkoo. Office : Main Street, Next Door to Brick Eloik j!2-tf -yy N. BAltllETT, Attorney at Law, AMD iJrputy OUt. I'rnirutiHjf Attutney, IIILI-SnORO, ORKOOH. Oflloe in Chienette Kow, Main street. a7 tf i yiLLIAM D. HARE, Attorney and Counselor at Law, HlI.LHBORO, a7-tf E. MILLEU, M. !., noMa:ovA mis r, N. E. Corner First and Main Streets, I PORTLAND. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. jfT Diseases of Women a Sueriulty. ( )aioe Hours-1 to 3 P. M. Jatf I ? A. I'.AILEY, M.U., Phyxieian, Suryrnm and Amntrheur, HM.I.SBORO, OHEGON. Oflloe In (Uiennett's Row. Residence Three Mocks south of drag store. Othce honrs From 8:30 to 11 a. m., and 2 to ft p.m. Q T. LINK LATER, 11. IV, C. M., Phyioian, Suryeon and Areoucheur, iumii!oiu, onmox. Office At Residence. East of Conrt House. j-tf yy ILSOX BOW LBV. Physician, Suryeim and Accoucheur, forest ;kove, orkoon. Oflice At the drug store. Jal tf rjHOMAS II. TONGUE, Attorney at Law, 1IIM.SKOKO, WASIIINUTON OJICSTV, OREGON. fH tf RAl.KIOH STOTT, JOHN B. WALDO, HESKCA SMITH, SAM. K. STOTT, W. L HOISK. STOTT, WALDO, SMITH, STOTT & BOISE. Attorney at Iw, Nos. r.. 6, 7, H and '. Waldo Block, Cor. Second and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON 'JMIOS. I. HUMPHREYS, Notary Public and Conveyancer, HM.I.SnOUO, OKIklON. Otllce In New f'urt House. I,egal pa pers drawn and collections made. Itusiiiea entrusted to my care promptly attended to. nihil tf W. H. Adams. V. S. GltANT MlblUAU t 1 4 DAMS & MAKO.I AM, . a Attorney at Law, 7 and 8 Mul..ey liuilding, cor. Second and Morrison streets, d'. tf PoBTLASD, Oil. R. SANDFORD, PHYSICIAN, SL UG FOX, AN O At ( OU II KI R, GLENCOE. OREGON. OFflo at Drug Store. Dealer In Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils, Etc. School Hooks kept con stantly in Stock. o-'l-tf WALTER BROS.. - - Nsw Vobk D. N. i E. WALTER A CO., Sax Francisco WALTER BROS. Importers of and Dealers in Carpets, Upholstery Goods, Wall Paper & Window Shades. 85 KlrBt. Street, I xios Block, - ltJR ILAND, OREGON. o'jO-Cm D. S. STRYKER, D.D.S., Til HE LEADING DENTIST. of Teeth. fr..0O to fl".l. E trading, fto cents. Filling. $ 1.00 aud up ward. Electricity used for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Try it. All Opera tions Kirst-Class. J-tf Sign of the Tooth 107 First Street, over Prentice's, nlo-Cni PORTLAND, OR. It. XIXOX, 3D 33 NTIST, OF FOREST GROVE, iS NOW MAKING TEETH FOR .",00 and $7.50 per set; best of material and workmanship. Will compare with sets costing Teeth extracted without pain. Fillings at the lowest prices. All work warranted. Office. 3 doors north of Brick store. Office hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. dLD-tf A. M. COLLINS, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER and Millwright. I will famish doors, windows, frames, blinds, and mouldings of all descriptions. r-y Offico and shop near Fianey'a black mith shop. Hiuaboro, March SI T. R. CORNELIUS, -DEALER 1N- Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS, HATS, HARDWARE, Agricultural Implements TjIuviueit., etc. Aj'f-nt fir tin DUBUQUE-N9P.WEGIAN Plows & Marrows The U-st in tlus Mark. t. t)f all kituls taken nt the highest market pritv. Coriu-lius, Or., Nov. Is, lsSt',. nis-iy P. M. DENNIS," FIRE INSURANCE AGENT ( Successor to t". T. Tii.ier, if i r J.Si:Ol:0, - - OREGON. ALSO.- - I : estate: a.i:xt. i 0 1E(TU. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE ki purchasj-aud sale of Farm iiiuls and Town l'roix'i ty Note. Having purchased of Mr. C. T Tozier liis liisnrnnee business, 1 jim con ndeut of lieint; able to t;ive satisfaction, since 1 represent the Leading Insurance Companies. t47Oihce: t)ne disr South of PostofFiee. m:tl-tf M. BROWN. E. JOHNSON. JOHNSON & BROWN, Contractors and Builders iiii.r.sr.ono, oukgon. I LANS. SPECIFICATIONS, AND Estimates furnished upon application, for any class of building. jl'-'-ly GET YOUR TINWARE HiiiV Tom's Tints hop ! Roofing. Guttering and Spouting A SPECIALTY. MfYoii can U sur.- of n Square Deal. Opposite Brick Block. HILLSIiORO, OREGON. THOS. MADICAN, J l- ly SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, FOREST GEOH', OKI GOV J. W. II ADKINS, - - AKent. DEALER IN AND RKP A IKER OF ALL kinds of Sewiti;; Machines. Domestic, Household, and all makes of Standard Sewing Machines kept constantly on hand ami tor s;d. at lowet market P""". nu.Vtf R. S Y2TVESTE R , 1.J ITILISUOl:o, OREGON. PAINTING Tn GENERAL. KnNiiuinor r.nd Iroorative l"nier llansr. AH work Warranted First Class 2-7Leave Orders at the Citv Drng Store or The Indwenif.st Onu s. " al-tf II. SCTH'LMERICK. C KtHTI CITT S3 Market SECOND STREET, HILLSIIORO, - - - - OREGON -ALL KINDS OF Fresh Meats Kept constantly ou hand and sold onEAr for. cash ISTHighest Market Price paid for AND 31 it to is Shot' p. Please give na a call. SCIIILMERKK Jt KOCH, Proprietors Hillsboro Oct. 13, 1887. ol3-tf R. W. McNUTT, ( 01tELII S. . - OltEC.OX. -DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE Groceries, Provisions, Eto. JUS RECEIVED A large aur(m-iit .f MILLINERY GOODS! Comprising all the latest styles in HATS RON NETS. Etc. BRANCH STORE At Vernoniii, Nehaleni Yull, Where good of rverv Ies-rit are kept constant! v in stork. June If. lsS7. jit; tf S. HUGHES & SOfi. FOR" F.ST .IMVI, IEI.D, Dealers in SHELF am. HEAVY tt U STOVES and TINWARE 2 FARMERS' fflECHAF-ICS' TOOLS ! the KAI WACsO.V, j (j 'I" I , r Jj i ! Such nrt Knives. Sciss..rs and Razors, i.f the 1 inest Brands. We handle no Shoddy nor Cheap John Goods; but lor articles of like quality or grade, we ilcly competition in price. S. US i II IS A SOX. ol'l-tf TIIK CaltKAT ock Island AND Albert Lea 5i ! The Direct and Popular Line in connection with the NORTH ERN PACIFIC RAIL- WAY from St. Paul nnd Mimiec.polis J t To Chicaeo and the East. i . , - I 0 OI. LOUIS antl tlie SOUth. To Des Moines. Leavenworth, Atchison and Kansas City. The Only I-ine Connecting with the OREGON SHORT LINK nt Council Bluffs. St. Joseph, Leavenworth and Kansas City for Chicago and ali points East ! PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING AND PALACE DININC CARS Accompany all Through Express Trains. Tickets for Sale by all Connecting Railways, and Connections made in Union Depots. For full information regarding Rates, Maps, etc., apply to CHAM. KEXM HY, General Agent, No. 3 Washington St ret t, PORTLAND, OREGON. K. A. IIOLBROOK, Genl. Tkt. and Pass. Agt. C. li. I. A P. R. K. CHICAGO, ILL S. F. BOYD, Genl. Tkt. and Pas. Agt. M. A St. L. B'y MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. addlery I kmn . A VIMIOW. ianue uiy thought was wide awake I I was dreaming, may be, at rocking to and fro, 1 anna around my baby, I along my cheek and throat rosy fingers playing, "Stooped to kiss the sunny curls, "t her forehead straying. Jooliab rhymes of Mother Goose Jtjmi and tune came springing not made for song and yet f children like my singing I aang a mystio spell ead all the world completely )er woman singing sat, ) rocked her baby sweetly. A T. Mmu'l t am. a Imlr it mnr 1 was like my baby's father. Ami as aha, swaying, softly sang, I saw soma tear-drops falling; I knew her thought, I knew her heart. Her heart to mother calling. A midden passion filled my soul, 1 longed to soothe the weeping; My baby st irred upon uiy breast. My lsby gently sleeping ! The vision lied, yet well 1 know Though I was dreaming, may lie Far down the future sits my child And rocks my baby's baby. Mrs. George Archibald in Babyhood. ; KNF.KAL NEWS. The World of January 20ih says; Xot content with 1cumii i.ii.'oftlie- fairy like pulact-s ol' t lie late Kin Kudwijr, of Uavaria. W. K. ':inIt-t Lilt ajijMii-s to ! further disjsmsl to adopt m-iui- of the eccentricities of that ill-fatt-d monarch. If we are to Is-Iicvc IZtijIili journals, the French actor CMti'liii jrave a private jK-rforiuancc diirini; his htay at Constan tinople, on l)ourd the Alva, at which Mr. and Mrs. Yaiiderhilt const it uted the sole audience. The charge for the jsTforin- ance was $3000. Jaini'S F. Xowlin was hahel at Cambridge jail. Mass.. January 20th for tiie murder oi i .tirie .. Cotiinaii, bis i employer. January I. 1SS7. The details of the murder, which was committed for money, an 1 for which yoiin Xowlin was execute!, mark it as tin? most horrible in the history of New Fnjrl.ind. Xowlin, who was only 17, was employed by Os'iiian 1(mI liver milk. .Aceorditi to j XowlinV otifesioii he went to the barn i and waited fr ('slinaii early in the moruiii' and w hen lie aeared he struck liiiu in the lut k with a knife, killing him instantly. I To afterward cut ttj the Iwxly so he could cany it ami put tin j; the arts in an old milk na;in drove about til I ceil miles away and ihrevv out the pieves where they were found by a farmer. The Salvation army coii-ists of 2202 corps with 5GS4 officers. During the lat year, 1,S10.3S0 meetings have Ik-'ii hell, 2,717,880 houses visited. anI l4S,'.HKi jstsoiis were iim verted in (ireat Britain aloite Thes. conversions were not due to th. still, small voicu cither. Iatc rejM.rts i'rom the carthUake country in Soiiora, Mcxiio, Kiy that earthiiakcs still occ ur, though not s ,.,,,, rv. , - u. ,ltj ., wonderfully torn tip apjK'araiuv. .Martin Duran, a Mexican senttneed to j le hanired, has U'eii respited by St-rctary Bayard for thirty days from January 20. Mrs. Sarah A. McCurdy ha sued August Mucnter, a rich SttsAton at torney, for f.).i,OUO (iainaires. 1 lie com plaint alleges that while cinployel as her attorney in the estate of her deceassl husband. M neuter joined with the holder 1 of the iuort;;asjes to cheat her out of her pnM-rty. (Jen. J. W. Shanklin. formerly sur ' veyor-p-neral of California, is in FI I'aso, ! whence he will p to Washington n i busincKS connected with a bi irrigation j project in Southern ami Lower California, j He savs he has just completed surveys f,lP immense canal to leave the U" M ' , '' "lt Colonulo river a short distance ls low Yuma. It will cross to the w-st side of ,,vr th MM-an boundary line, iiuo ixmcr vaiiiornia, auu viicncc Lro lu k north into the -real Colorado . i -..i:e :.. .1 desert, a large jwirtion f which lies at no great elevation above the sea level, and is in fact in some parts I slow it. (2cn. Shanklin says no great ciijiinccrinj diffi culties are in the way of the enterprise, which once finished will be the greatest irrigating undertaking in the world. Xew York telegram : Mail advices from Columbia river salmon packers continue to state to eastern eorresjMiiidents that there is a probability that the fish combination will charge at the rate of 81.2," Ibr fish the coming season. This, with freight charges, etc.. it is estimated will bring up the cost of Columbia river salmon in this market to about $1C7J 1.70 per doz;-ii cans. Jobls-rs think this may restrict packing ojs-nitions on the river, and at the same time create a high market for nun jwi tors on outside rivers, including Alaska. The bills appropriating $30,000 to build the school for defective youth at Vancouver, and $12,000 for its support the two years, have passed both honses of the Washington territory legislature. In 1885 bituminous coal was the most valuable mineral product, but in 1886 it was surpassed by pig iron, which bad a higher total ralue than silver and gold combined. last wwk a MlurJv raiuluT of Clackamas county, Oregon, 12 miles from Oregon City, cam.; home atiJ fouul that his wife and 15 mouths' o!J halc haJ disappeared. Having a good idea where they had gone he started ou horseback and with a shotgun to find them. He overtook thcui in company with his wife's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Btk. An altercation euuej between Gordon and Beck, who was also loaded with a shotgun, which ended in the former beiug shot in the back by Heck. Twenty bird shot penetrated his hide. The wounded man went to Oregon City and had hisH wound dressed. Beck continued on his The latter he claimed was abused ly her husband. Win. O'Brien, editor 1'tiited Ireland, who has been confined in prison since OctoVr 31st. was releas-d from Tulla more jail last Friday. Je pnsveded to a priest's hotie in Tullainore, follow! by a large crowd which cheered him rejwatedi'y. Th re was no disorder. A telegram dated Xeiiia. Ohio. Jan uary 20, says: About 2 o'clock th'w morning the residence of Frank Smith took tire and Is-fore the inmates, who l were sleeping coilMI In; awakelleil. Hie t entire structure was eiivi Iojh .I iu flaine. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their live children Were blllll.l to death la-fore assistance is.uM reach them. The dominion government of Canada is indignant over the kidnapping of a man from her soil. Tw-o men cscajied from the Michigan Sault jail to the Canadian side of Sault S.e. Marie, having filed the iron bars of their cell windows. One was trade. I by the American officers to the Canadian side of Sault, and an ap plication was m ule to the local authorities for his arrest, but the officials dcidcd they had no power to issue a warrant. The Antci iean officers finally went in eirch of the man, and they found and overpowered him and placed him iu a sleigh and carril him off. Canadian newspaticrs characterized tin adventure as an international outrage and clamor for the return of t U- kilu:ipcd jiil bird to Canada. From the Buiuhgrass Iliad.-, pub-lish-.sl at L xiiigtoii. Morrow county, we learn that at church l.t-t Sunday evening, just alter a very al!e sermon by Key. David Wirt, a theological con troversy ;ros Is tween Kev. Mr. Il.-.ich and two church members, Mr. W. W. Kirk and II. Farimworth. All hough 'the argument' is descrils-.l as Im-iiivt -of short duration," it resulted iu the arrest of the trio, and the machinery of the law was put in motion. After a jury trial, Bcv. l.-aeh w.m fin.il $20 and csts. Th ' other two threw tlnMiu.-lves ou the mercy of Justice Hall, and were fined each $10 and co-Is. Mr. 15 it h's tine was paid by friends, but Kirk and Farnsworth declined to pay and Wire Itslgeil in jail. It is not stated whether these brethren occupy the same cell or not. l'robably not. Hay is selling at $27 per ton Seattle. in The Cascade tunnel will Is completed by May 1. The workmen are in 7iWl feet, leaving 1S"( feet yet to be com pleted. Fhiludelphia was tiiieil by a heavy fire last Monday night. Ijosm-s ae estimated at $l..r00,0O0. At tJoldendale, W. T.. last w.sk. the thermometer registcnsl a low as tweiiti six degrtss Isdow zer. James l!. Blaine, jr.. is the father of a bouncing lsy. Mrs. Blaine was Mis Marie Xevins, of Columbus. Ohio, when young Blaine married her a year and a half ago. She had just graduated from the Lyceum school of acting, and Modjcska had engaged her to travel wih her company. In the ease of Moses Mitchell against the Southern Pacific company for $."i0. 000 damages for injuries received iu a smashup on the defendant's road last July, the jury after Is-ing out 30 minutes brought in a verdict awarding p'aintiff $11,000 last Friday. Thecas . w ill ! apsaled. Mormons Invading Georgia. Atlanta, Jan. 20. Mormon preachers are at work in several parts of fJeorgia openly preaching the doctrine of polygamy. In War ren county they have become ex ceedingly hold, one of them having claimed a division of time last Sun day with a local Methodist preacher. On the line of Clavtou and Fa vet to counties an apostle named Murphy, formerly a respected citizen of that section, but who afterward went to I 'tab, having now returned na a Mormou missionary, in strenously spreading the tenets of the Latter Day Saints. His missionaries have lately located in that county, while others are spread over northwest Georgia. There is much feeling in the sections thus selected and many threats of summary punishment have been made. JOHN RISklN'S ROMANCE. How He Courted, Married, aud Mas Divorced. Xew York Graphic: John Kuskin did a strangely wayward thing when he consented to get married He did a most erratic, and, to the public, a most inexplicable thing, when he arranged for his divorce. He had accepted some of the loftiest traditions about womanhood that men sometimes read and talk about, and he looked for his ideal compuniou. One night he met her in the drawing-room of a London had brought the young lady to meet the even of the great writer. It was n June night; ho wan 3.1 and who looked like a (I reek goddess. He was dazzled. She wan a tall, graceful girl of 10, with a face and figure as faultless as ouo of the statues of old. Xo one ever ex pected Kuskiti to fall in love, and he tlid not. She was poor, needed u home and its comforts, so they were married. Their vedded life was peaceful, friendly, kindly to the highest de gree, but there was not a spark of a (Tec lion to lighten their existence. She admired the great man nhe had married, and was grateful for the wealth and comfort he showered on her. lie worshiped her at he would the marble made life-like by the sculptor's chisel. There was nothing human about the life they led as husband and wife; and he was a woman who in her heart. like nil true women, laugh at the traditions that made her Hex love distant worship. One day Buskin brought an artist to paint his wife's picture. And the man was Millais; and he was a bright, cheery, handsome fellow, human every inch of him, with a great and absorbing love for the beautiful, and a willingness to tell of his love. He legan to point the portrait of the magnificent woman, and when he had finished it he was in love with his friend's wife. Womanlike, she saw il, and per haps sLe was not full of sorrow and reproach. It was the first tribute of real manful love that had been laid at her feet. Aud Buskin? His wide eyes saw the romance that was weaving around those two lives, and his heart realized how little afl'cctioti he had to lavish on the woman whom he bad made his wife. How he told her the story of his prido iu her, and tlio sacrifice lie was to mako for her, while tdie lay prono at his fret, is one of the things which he or she could toll. It is difficult to obtain a divorce in Fnglaiid, but John Kuskiti secured it for her, and one bracing morning iu the early Wiuter, a month after the divorce was granted, Buskin ntood beside tho couple in one of Iondon's juiet churches, nnd saw them made man and wife. That was a good many years ago, aud since then Millais has become rich aud famous, and is now Sir John, and his wife is my Iidy Millais. The warmest, sturdiest friend the , struggling painter had in his toiling days was the man whose wile he bad married, and through nil the years of Millais' later success and great honor ,ohu Kuskin has been the welcome guest aud almost daily visitor to the man and woman whose lives ho so tinsel full ly crowned with happiness. DESPERATE BATTLE. A Widow anil Her Children Niin-f fully IteptiUe a SherltTs Posse. Sax Dikoo, Jan, 20. Particular reached here this morning of a terrible, tragedy at Ocean Side, iu this county, last Wednesday. Daring the absence of a rancher named Levy Stone fioin his ranch, a family named (Soen, a widow and two sons and a daughter, look possession. On Stone's return he instituted legal proceedings to eject the parties. His title to tho property was confirmed, and on Wednesday when the sheriff, deputy and two citizens went to take posses sion, the whole family of Ooens faced the officers with revolvers. Tho sheriff attempted to uso force, and was shot in tho face. In the melee which followed, ono of the citizens was fatally wounded and the three Ooen children were killed. Mrs. Ooen compelled tho sheriff to to retreat, and sho still retains possession. A cowboy named Sweeney, in tho employ of the Hashknife company ,Custer county, Montana, recently performed the unusual feat of lassooing a full-grown blacktail den. Pensioners of 1412. The following are pensioners of the wur of 1812 in Oregon and Washington, drawing $8 per months SCBVIVINO PEXSIONFBS; loses Browu, Cartwright, Linn county. William Shaw, Silverton, Marion county. James Wall en, Douglas county, James Woodv, Looking GlaM, Grant's Pass, Josephine county. Solomon Cox, Kugene City, Jacob Spore, Coburg, LonO county. All nro !)0 years oil or over, Blown Sporo 1)1 and Woody OH. winow 1'itNsioxF.n. Ilebeccit Uurkhaidt, Lebanon, Linn county, Sarah Denny, Seattle, W. T. Sarah Duncan, Lebanon, Linu couutv. Sarah l'ngarl, Scappoote, Or. Moran (it irtin, Xorth Yamhill, Or, Fliziibcth Howell, Walla Wallu, W. T. Amanda Kimball, Orotown, Tilla mook coulIv. Mary Mtinjar, Hnrdinau,. Morrow countv. Manv Simmons, SodaviMe, Liun countv, Margaret Souther, Portland. Susan Shuck, liillsboro. Kvt lino Walker, Bickleton, Kliki tat county, W. T. Asa Cooms, Sattlf. W, T. Francis Hill, Malheur, Or, Nancy W'iggs, Ibn-k iTeek, Liuu county. Mary M. Corwig. Warnic, Wasco county, Mary English, Salem. Mary Flournoy, Looking (ilast, Douglas county, Mary titer, liuttcville, Marion county. Sirali A, Jaekhon, Molalla, Clackamas countv. Muhula McCalasler, Salem, Nancy Moor, North Yamhill. Isalx lla Staley, Yoncalla, Douglas county. Sara A. TitlUW, Portland. Elizabeth WeKlfall, Hull, Baker county. M.vrv !!. Tillamadgo, Dayton, W. T. Th uges of tlw) widows range from .10 vears to IU. The Vu) They Boom. "Are you gotting ready for that excursion of eastern capitalists which is coming hero when the railroad is completed?'' usked a prominent citizen of a new Kansas town mayor. "Oh, yes. We've made arrange ments with Metropolis City to borrow its county aat for tho day, and will movo it down." "That's good. Anything else?" "Yes; each merchant is going to put up lilt y packages which will look as if they contained ugar, and the farmers will be going out of the store with them all day." "Fifty packages won't last." "But they'll keep sneaking them around in the back door again when tho capitalists aren't looking, Wo purpose to well each bundle twonty times. Then we're going to have two brass bunds, and the railroad company will side track a couple of freight trains hero all dav, and I'm having tho creek dammed up two miles above here, and just before they come we'll cut the dam and let her howl all day, and call her a river and I'm going to salt the town well with n barrel of kerosene and have an expert smelling of it and talking loud of natural gas, and then there'll bo two or three men run over with teams, nnd a lot more will bo going around nnd looking awful deep and sticking stakes around for new buildings, and everything will boom proportionately a!l day. Oh, you just let me alone to extract the reluctant dollar from the pocket of tho eastern investor!" Chicago Tribune. Father und Son Asphyxiated, f Sah I)ii.oo, Cal.. Jan. 20. The dead bodies of I'. L. and F. ( J. May hew, father ami son, of York, Ne braska, were found iu their room in theTremont Houso yesterday, All tho g'as jets Mere found turned on and the lighls out. They were In California about a month, and it is supposed the lights were left burn ing to warm the room. A tempo rary stoppage of tho meter put them out and the subsequent flow as phyxiated them. The overflow of the Yellow river, in China, has made a lake of 10,000 square miles. Within the seopo now under water there lived several million people. The suffering among thoso who survived is terrible. 7. 9 flu V V a. ty-sr sjiijn mm m m