The independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 188?-189?, September 20, 1882, Image 1

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RsptrnnoAir xvt roLitxei
VOI HI. NO. ir.
1'rloe Ten Crnli,
Phu I nnlthur ahort nor lull. I
tuthvr what I Hunk ruu'4 uall I
JUal llw alMi
Anil her Intuit anil Cert nru well,
IU f ditto, and out Uill
Ajijt U.
Tiuittitb hrf)rff ara aurt and blua,
Tnuv bat not tba brilliant bu
fifth .an
tet rbm In eh'lr dnttu I look,
Lias a pKiirit In book,
1 haro hid L
Net xi verr amll bur nuao la:
fiaulter bir ohaak, iiau rones.
Hoi aud whltos
Ant 1117 imiai dima not otiitmltltia
Mo tn ll bur nrnwn balr iriMvu,
. bmiifb liulgbt.
iiial a villa mal'kni ahn .
lany laUloa ibat run ava
Rank atiova bert
I Mun hari scMoiu railed hr ireltr
' ) bava uxvor th iiiyht bvr wltiyi
But I luve bcr.
i, 0. UMhruae, tit Vntury MajiuInK
I a
Simon Ronton wa una oft ho most
noted of I liu tally heroes of Kentucky,
man of much Intelligence, wonderful
oourage ami almost matchless muscular
capacity. 1 In it ml imur llcllcfoiitaino,
Ohio, In 18:1(1, at tlm advanced age of
'eighty-one year. Tim annals of tho
border abound in account of bU thrill
ing adventures; but one incident iu hi
lite I have never soon in print, and
therefore will repeat it a it ha broil
told to mo by old hunter mid Indian
flglitara, who know liim personally and
heard It from h a own lip. In mv tril
ling, however. It will luck much of Kuu
'ton's graphic way of putting tiling.
IU wan a groat smoker, the mit fin
portant supplies, next to Ilia weapon.
Doing hi pipe, poncli mid tobnoco.
'Food and clothing ho could 'itpturn
with Li gun, but not ho his to
bacco; nndhrnro hi fcsil to lay in a
uh'K ol hia luxury hcloru cltiii;f out
in any oipcditioii. ltut tiro to lijrlit hia
upe waa not ao rciulily nlilituiiiiiln, it
ivinir no lilllo troulilu to iirnitii tolinoco
by Hint and ntncl. It will bit rcnicm
turad th:it friction iiihIcIiph wro not
In common nto nutd yunra aftor Ron
ton' a tly.
At onn tlmo whi-n a prlaoniir in thn
band of thn Itritlali nt IVtro t, he w:n
partiuiilnrly admirtid by Kiir!lah ollli-uni
on account of tti rrtat alrcnlli and
courajfu. and tlie n.uny remarkublo ex
ploit for which hi) wm f:iinoin; and
one of tlu-HB olllccr-i, obanrv n hi fond
nnaa for aniokin and the di'licnlty in
lightinfr a pipe, pnncnti-d Kenton with
a tiowortul iiiH'kct btirnin'r-irln.t'ior Icnu.
br which ha could in.ily foctii the my
ol the inn on the toliacco nnd act it on
fir. Till thln worSml rhnrnilnly,
and for nmny rtf. whurmer lie wmit,
held IU p'ai.e fu po,ni'h wivh hi pipe
aiiTf itiiAl',' i.
It I an Incldimt In which thn aim
glaa noted a nlniilcai.t pttrt, which 1
bate resolved to rntnto.
A Hummer or two After ho became
pocaKor of the g;lii.M, ho wu nnin
taken rnptim by a pitrty of Indinii.
when nioofjnixinjr him nt once, resolvod
to torture him to dentil iminedintelv, ao
m to rid tlienuelvea of ao (ormidnlilo nil
enemy before he ahould hnve time or
clinnoe, to eacipe. A itnke wu driven
ioto I ho ground nnd a ipiitntity of dry
Uavet and WimhI piled about it, and
then the chief apoko, in broken Kni
llbh: J " Wldto chief hungry; cat fire, ho feel
i butter!"
f Kenton replied by asking thn privi
lege of amokinjr hli pipe beuire Imni ii.
Mow the Indinn of certiiin tribe were
.always alnularly p;uneroiis in rii-.pome
to inch reiiueat. especially n toward
pipo ami tobacco they entcrlained a sort
of religion deference. (If theao they
never robbed priaoner nor dcapoileil
.the bodiu of the aluiii; and among tho
few aacred object buried with the dead,
pipe were nlwny included. It wn on
account ol Hut iiiporHtitioii iitnutity
that the pl bore mich an import.tiit
part in the reromonle of a council, and
wu alwayiamoked na a bond of treiith
between tribe entorlnjf into treaty to
KCther. They never denied a enntive's
ipieat ftr a amoku, nndthereforo Ken
flriii wm lmmndinluly j;rittllled by a
grunt of M.ioiit
I After anourlntf hi feet mom firmly
fwilh leulhern tlionn for they knew
too well hi durin;; ami proweaa to five
kirn any ndvnntnjro tln-y uiilHiiiinlliiii
land that ho mK'lit fill nnd light hi
pips nnd enjoy hH I ant earthly unokn.
'liellheratoly ha proeooded to crumble
,4i p the tobacco and pack iliutothe pipe
! bowl. This done, he platted tho loiitr
iwomlen item in hi mouth, and semed
ready for flint, ttcel nnd tinder with
.which ro lljrlit the luxiin. With an
other grunt a red man piuisod blni the
ary ImplumcnU; but, to hi groat
o, rkenum reunion mem.
Then, with a driinintiu ircature. lie
extended hi right hand toward the tun
4u mid-heaven, it belli? .nhout noon,
and holillng it ihn with the burning
plnat oln'peil Ix'tween 'the thumb and
lore-linger, hedextrotmly brought It to a
fnon on tho content of hi pifin, which
la thli wny wa quickly ignited, nnd in
a moment ho wna pulling cloud of
nmoke from hi lip.
Thla wn beyond tho wit of the
avagee. The Inn being of glita and
transparent, they had not observed it,
and evidently believed Hint ho had
lighted hi pipe by nimply letting tho
fiMlght paa throiigh the circle formed
tij hi thumb and linger. All uncon
cerned hn puffed nwny, trbilo they
(rnthorcd In an excited group a few
yards dintant and diacuaand the Wonder
In rninl nnd muttering.
in a few minute he hud exhnunted
the content of the pipe-howl and pro
ecudod to rotill It. At till thn red men
hcuniiiA illout, and wnt'died him at if
cmi wero a aiipernntiiriil lielng.
While orumtiling the tooneco tno
flaa lay titiaenn nt hi aide, and when
a Wna ready to light tin Again, with
another mill more drnmntlo gesture, ho
aolr.od tho ln and held it toward tho
itin, and, with thrco or four eric of
rayiterioti aud itartllng Import to tho
Indiana, began whining the blulah
artioke ut coolly a before.
lty tht time the npuntttlon of the
nvagca wa in ftill operation, and UioT
were ripe fur alrnoat any dinplny uf
X Anton (uppoied tupernatural K)Wr.
Probably no people on the whole glube
wuiu ever mie eiiiti'.'e to lut-'h In liu
euro than the uativo tribe of Mortli
America. What they could not com
pruhvud thi y drendo l with craven fear,
e-pocially ir it emanated from the tun
orc'onU. Sea ii hia advantage, Kuu
ton Ktre'cbud forth hia handairuin, hold
ing tlio glaa ao a to kill. He the leave
near him. Then with a vtrnngti, wild
cry, he awiin; hi ariui aIkivo hi hend,
adroitly ahillud the leim to hi left hand,
and then ipilckly atarled a unudy In
another p uce.
Next, Htrug;llng to hi feet, Med
though they were, he gave an almost
iiipmhumuii luapjumping being Ken
ton' a Mecinl foitu and brought lilra
tdf to the huup of fngot that hud been
gathered for his particular entertain
ineut, nnd aentlug hiitisrlf near them,
went through a paiitoniiniH more weird
than before, whereupon a tlame bla.ud
up nrotind the aluke, a if the victim
were already faateiied to it, and ready
for torture.
Ills uext performance was to beckon
to the chief to come and unbind hi au
klea. The mytilled Indian hesitated,
but llnitlly ventured cautiously forwa 'd,
a if not dariii'; to diaoliev uch a man,
and began with nervoti linger to fuin
ble at the deerskin door.
While tint enxnged, Kenton lifted
ono hand, nnd instantly a lurid, blister
ing xilnt of lire fell m tho red man'
wrist. With an "Ugh!" ho Jerked hi
hand away, only to foul the burning
Jimmh on hi head.
Thl wa too much for even an In
dian' nervea; and with a cry of terror
the old chief Hpiang away ami ran to
the nearest tree, behind which ho took
alielter. The re it of tho Ravage imi
tated their leader, leaping behind ad
jacent trees; and while with wondering
eye they stared at Kenton, he pro
ceeded leisurely to unbind hi own an
kle. This done, ho waved hi arm towards
tho sun at if giving thank or invoking
further aid; and then went to a powder
horn, dropped by one of tho Indinn,
aud withdrawing the stopple, placed it
as he wanted it, fixed hi tiii-gl:vs so
thnt the focus would enter the horn,
and Mapping toward the Indians ges
ticulated fiercely nt them. Iiistautly
there was a vivid Hash and a roar, the
powder-horn tll-inppeared, and tho
frightened savage lied as if tho "(ireut
Spirit'' had suddenly come to tlestroy
At this, Kenton considered himself
master of tho field, and, in less time
than it takes to tell it, Hung upon the
lite whatever tho Indians hud left bo
hind them, foiled his own property
that they had taken from him, gun and
garment, and made haste from tho
A few yenr-t later, when pence hrvl
bi"en restored between Aiperio.uu and
Knglish, nnd the Indian were on pa
cilie tnriii with thn "Hunters of Ren
lucky," Kenton had the plt-a-iurc of
meeting nt a " pow-wow" with so.uo of
the warriors who had i unloosed thn
party a-i .IVytUy vW W.IJ Ly a asi:-
g.nss. Iliey knew Ann at 'mice, and
unwed an ungovernable fenras he c tine
forward to nhnke hands, i Mi ring the
iiow-wow'' ho often detected them
gazing at him with furtive glance, and
as no still hail tlio lens, he mitclilovoua
lv seized the lirst opportunity to call
tlown lire from the sun to light hi pipo
again, accompanying It with strange
Afterward ho learned that thoy be
lieved him in league with thn "lireat
Spirit," and able, if hn wished, to sum
mon the nuii to battle for him. HVdti
American Croroilllc.
Kecent Investigations havo shown
that tho crocodile is to be found in the
lc4-fmiucntcd parts of Florida, where
it has long been confounded with tho
alligator, and a single Hicimen Is now
among tho collection of reptiles at the
Smithsonian Institution. The great
point of dillcrciico between crouodiles
and alligator is that the former live iu
nnlt-wnter bayous or creeks near tho
sea, while the' latter are to be found on
ly In the fresh-water stream. Tho
crocodile, cnymnn, gnvln nnd alligator
are all typos of one group, the ('roco
dllla. In these reptiles tho heart re
somblo that of birds more tlmn that of
any cold blooded animals. Tho ventri
cle I completely divided by a septum
into two chambers; thn venous and ar
terial blood Join outside of the heart,
and tho brain is bird-like. The muzzle
of tho alligator is in a straight line, but
that of the crocodile la much narrower
behind the nostril. There are also
other Anatomical diflcroncoa. Tho croo
odile Is known among tho Indian as the
'long-nosed alligator." Tho Florida
crocodile is the orocodlln acutu of Oli
vier, and I entirely Identical with tho
Jamaica species, but entirely different
from the cayman of Guiana, South
America. Own of tho uiost Interesting
characteristics of tho American crooo.
dile is the euro that It takes of it off
spring. During tho breeding season
specially thn reptiles utter loud crlesor
shrieks that havo been compared to tho
yelping of hounds or puppies.
Aftor tho eggs havo baen burled by
tho femalosho trotpinntly visit the nest,
and when thn young are about to come
out she has ht en seen to move about the
nost in clumsy tendernes. scratching
the shells and uttering a curious bark
like sound that seems to excite the half
hatched young to renewed oxoitlons to
extrieato themselves from tho broken
eggs. This accomplished, the mother
leads her young from the river to the
marshy pools, safe from predatory visit
of the male. If hunted nt this time tho
fcninlo crocodile exhibits the utmost fe
rocity, and shows great running in
guiding her young to places of safety,
J'hn young are fudby the mother, as are
many of the young sen birds, by masti
cated food, disgorged for the purpose,
Tho movements of tlio crocodile on tnnd,
when In danger, are totally tliHerent
from those of tho alligator,
y gait I so well known. Tho croco
dile stand with their bodies olT (he
ground, erect upon their legs, and make
their attacks by sucrrsdve.Jiimp. The
American crocodile, is not so savage as
those of the Old World, yet numbers of
Instances aro known whero their at
tacks have resulted in the loss of Ufa,
Chicago Tm$.
For ond mllo of railroad It takes
859 rails, 30 feet long, f,1M) pounds of
spikes, A,6.V),ponnds of fUh plates and
1,750 of bolt.
The Peppy In China.
Tlio date of tho introduction of opium
in China is a moot point. Kvt n Sir Rob
ert Hart, tho luspcctor-tieuerui of
Chinese Customs, in hi report can say
nothing more delinlle ab.iut it than that
" Dative opium was known, produced
and ned long before any Kitropean be
gun the aulo of the foreign drug along
tiie coast." Chiniinn n themselves are
no belter informed; and it la only there
fore, by references to the poppy and to
opium in the literature of the country
that we tan gain uny positive informa
tion on the subject. The dictionaries
tell us that tho poppy has at different
periods boon known under the n.tme of
iu me bwa, "imperial grain Uowoc;"
Afe nang hwa, "grain-bug llowor;" aud
Yinglulihwa, " pitcher-grain flower."
ltolh the last litmus refer to thushapo of
the seed-capsules, and the other finds an
explanation in the "History of tho l,nter
Han Dynasty" (A. D. L'.V.'.'O), where
we read that at that period it wns the
duty of two especially appointed court
ofllcial to superintend tho making of
Vu me (poppv-seod) cakes for tho Km
peror's use. Of course tho seed of tho
poppy do not contain opium; but It is
obvious that some glutinous siib-tance
must have been used in making up the
rakes, and it is not a rash con jeeturo
that the juice from the capsules was
that used for the purpose. 1 his is the
more probable sinco the Juice ha long
been employed in a like manner in mak
ing the cake known as "poppy-juice
fisli." According to K'anghe cele
brated Kneyclopu'dia (published in
1720). these cakes aro made of flour
formed into dough by tho admixture of
the juice of the poppy, and are then
kneaded into cake shaped in the like
ness of fish. Under the. later Han Dy
nasty just referred to, the capital was in
the province of S.e oh'uen, where !be
poppy Is at the present date largely
grown; but wo learn from the "Shwuy
king uhoo," a work referring U a Some
what Inter period, that the plant was
not con ll nod to that district, since men
tion is therein made of its nourishing
also in tlm province of Kwang-se.
The instinctive admiration which the
Chinese have always felt for coloring,
especially in flowers, has gained for tlio
poppy aliigh place in their estimation,
lint, from tho nature of the literature,
the expression of their admiration must
lie looked for mainly in the works of tho
poets. Their enthusiasm forlbe tioppy
blossom, however, is vastly heightened
by an appreciation of tho charms of tho
juice mill the strengthening tptalltics of
the seeds; at all events, the-io virtues of
the plant find prominent mention in
Chinese poetry. With Yung Taou, of
the Tang dynasty (A. D. 61S-907), the
pleasure of night seems to hare pre
dominated. While on a journey this
poet was so enchanted by afield of pop
pies, possibly because they reminded
him of similar scenes in his native pro
vince of S.e rh'itcn, that ho forgot (he I
savs) all the griefs of ten' ' Uttiud mu 1
V travel. .The rr .wvvry1eh (I'J'.J- I
Sl) dwehs, in ilti o.le, iti. the curative
utid invigorating etleelj ? the poi'py
ecds and juice; and Soo b'ting, of about
the same period, a native of Fuh-kcen,
t .1 l ... ... . 1. . .l.!..l.
Iiraise tne ncuuiy oi inn piaui-, which
ki speaks of as being grown "every
where" (ch'oo ch'oo). Tho first medi
cal man who speak of the juice of the
poppy in a professional point of view is
a certain Clioo Chin-hang, a native of
Che-keang, who lived during tho end of
thn twelfth and tho beginning of the
thirteenth century. "At the present
day," writ' this author, "many peo
ple siiH'oring from cough and weakness
take the juice of the poppy as a remedy.
It is also a cure for fever Arising from
damp, and for dysentery. Hut," h
ad Is, " though Its value ns a metlicino
is great, it yd kills men liko a double
edged sword (Sha jin joo keen), and its
use should therefore be avoided at all
huaartla." HI. Jam' OazilU.
An Agreeable Storekeeper.
Old Jim Doolittle used to keep a store
In Cottonwood, Neb., but ho is now out
of the business. He was a very tieculinr
salesman. If a customer didn't buy
everything bo looked nt Doolittle re
garded him as an open enemy. Ho
took very little stock in the motto: "No
trouble to show the goods." In conse
quenco of his peculiar method of tinns
acting business iHiolittlo's trade dwin
dled until he wa able to enjoy all of
that solitude for which his nature seemed
to yearn.
One day a lady strayed into Doolittle' s
store and timidly asked the poor boon
of looking at somo cheap calicos. Doo
little clung heroically to his nail keg,
and kept right on w hitling.
"Yer want to look at somo prints, do
yer?" he snarled.
"If you please," repllod the lady.
" Well, now, rf yor air going to buy
some, I'll show 'em down; ef yer ain t
I don't propose to unlimber the goods
anil rauss up the couuter."
Tho latly Hod.
A man from the North Lotip stumbled
on to Doolittle' ntoro nnd went In to
buy a pair of boot. Tho stock of men's
foot wear was not vory extonsivcly sort
ed np, nnd every pair the Loup Fork
man tried woro too small for him. Tho
last pair of split leather kips were
mournfully laid aside, and with a sickly
smilo he said be guessed he had better
go somewhere else.
"Then yon don't want'no boot ter
day," snapped Doolittle.
"Yes, I ve got to havo snm butes,
pardner, but It seems these air aro all
too small enough."
" Yer don't act like a man a wanted
any boots," said Doolittlo, glaring at
blm like a wounded hen-hawk.
"They're too small, pnrdnor,"
"Don t you call me pnrdner, you old
lantern-jawed snoozer. Y'er one of
these linnicky chaps na can't bo suited
Dowheres, that's what yer nir. What
do yer have snch cussed big feet for,
" I guess I'd bolter bo a-going," said
the Lonn Fork man, pulling on his old
pair of moccasins and starting for tho
Yer had thnt, yor splay-footed old
mud-dobhlnr. Here, hadn't you better
pom? back nnd try on the ease! Mobbe
It'll lit one Vjf your hog-fat feet."
Something like a crowd gathered la
front of Doolittlo's store Immediately
after this colloquy. There seemed to
as) a kind of theatrical entertainment
going on inside. Anon tho Loup Folk
man would swing something over his
bead a few times, and thou he would
fetch the floor a thwack With It which
made all the alalAster crockery and
nutmeg-grater rattlo off the shelve.
Tho boor was strewn with canned
peaches, cove oysters, boneless codlisb
and pant bullous. The du-t was so
thick that tho excited audience could' t
sue exactly . hat was transpiring with
in, but from cerlubi ejoculatory sen
tence, overheard It wa surmised that
some one was trying to sell Doolittle a
bill of goods on thirty days' time, five
per oe.nt. olf for cash, ltut as he shot
nut into tho heart of tho crowd, and lay
there in a kind of soft, pulpy condition,
his face highly ornamented with dis
played ads. and cut, and a half pint of
teeth scattered arouid liim. the assem
bled multitude reverently made way
for a lull stranger who issued from the
store minus a hat. with a flushed face
and a long rout don thn back of bis
coat. Denver J!epti bliran.
LerL Jaw.
The fact that ihtfa have been thir
teen deuths of boys between the ages
of ten and sixteen year thU tffeek
Irom lock-jaw (tetanus), and nearly all
from wounds in the left hand from the
toy blank cartridge pistol, has attracted
general attention to the subject. The
tov pistol most generally in use by bova
thl summer is about four inches In
length, nnd explodes a blank cartridge
in a metallic case, with a paste-board
or other thick paper wad, nut carries
no ball or shot in tli cartridge. In or
der to Insert the cartridgo tho breach of
tho barrel is raised by pressing on thn
finger-piece forward of tho trigger, but
to do this the boy ta!;es hold of the bar
rel with his left hand. !ih nmvdo press
ing against Hie palm of thn hand, near
tho ball of the thumb frequently, and
raises the hammer w ith his right hand.
In loading, however, unless tho utmost
care is exercised, tiie hammer slip
from the fingor and explodes the car
tridge, while the barrel is held against
the palm of the left hand. The ful
minated powder, the wad, or the metal
lic case of the cartridge. Inflicts the
wound, which Is often so slight that a
physician is not called in, even If the
boy does not. Spartan-like, conceal his
wound from hi parents until he is
past rclie'. Many physicians say that
it is not any special pungency or acrid
ness in the fulminating powder which
causes lock-jaw, but that a lacerated or
jagged wound iu tho palm of the hand
is more likely to result In lock
jaw, because of the network of
nerves and tho numerous blood
vessels which conoeuter there and
radia o from that po nt. One of
the I irgest of these nerves, near the
thumb, connects with the muscle of
tho buck of the neck, and susceptibility
to lock-jaw follows an injury to tho
nerve near the ball of the thumb, espe
cially, a weil as to tho otVJs alsd""lhci
the palm. - Some plisioi:iowdcr used
pert tluvt the fulminating Lt cartridges
in thn manufacture of the thleh, infv it
Umn iHin fs propert '.v J- ar.r -.,,
irr 'V V'-"V mottes J f-u'm the ase
at least ot the fatal case, ten. a Lnr . n
the toy riistol came "5' - ..jiJ
iltglit at lirst that the n.'j-f,TVt aajmy
grazed. One physician i of opinion
that there is nn epidemic condition in
the atmosphere which causes lock-jaw
to follow so rapidly such wounds as are
produced by the toy pist l. The toy
cartridge pistol referred to sells at retail
for about twenty cents apiece. There is
n smaller make of toy pistol selling
from one to live cents, which hai no
barrel, and, instead of a cartridge, a
small, wafer-shaped chemical explosive
is laid on a round plate on w hich the
hammer falls. No serious accidents
havo been reported from these, though
sometimes when carelessly held too
close to the face tho fulminate has In
flirted a slight stinging. In reference
to tho more dangerous instrument., nn
intelligent merchant says that as long
as they can be bought bovs will have
them. For his part be would be glad if
the snlo could bo stoped everywhere,
but, perhaps, the only wny toeffectthat
purpose will bo to prohibit the manu
facture of the pistol by severe penalties.
liuitimure Sun.
Parasite of the Fly.
A microscopical discovery, which may
prove highly important in a sanitary
point of view, ha been made by Thom
as Taylor, M. D., microscoplst of the
Department of Agriculture. About a
year ago, while dissecting out tho pro
boscis of a common house flv. Dr. Taylor
discovered minute snake-like animals
moving quickly from tho proboscis.
Continuing his experiments from time
to time since then, he found that house
Hies nre very frequently inhabited by
these animals, lie has found them gen
erally in the' proboscis of the fly, al
though sometimes they are found in the
abdomen, and he thinks that since flies
aro carriers of these minute snake-like
animals, thoy may In like manner be
conveyers of contagions germs, much
smaller bodies. These animals meas
ure about eight one-hundredth to one
tenth of an inch in length, aud about
two one-thousandths of an Inch in di
ameter. They are clawed under the
Nemntoidm, genus Anguillula, They
aro much larger than trichime or so
called vinegar eels. Mr. Taylor has
found as many as seven of those ani
mals In the proboscis of one fir, and
three more in tho abdomen, ten In all.
Sometimes nono are discovered, some
times one only, but froiiucutly four are
seen. Thoir presence is usually indi
cated by a rolling movement In the an
terion portion of tho proboscis. When
this Is observed, if a drop of water lie
placed upon It, the animals will readily
lenve tho proboscis and take to the
water. They are frequently observed
passing In and out of the proboscis, to
and from tho water, as if the proboscis
was their natural home. A power of
twenty-live diameters is sufliclcnt to ob
serve their general movements, but for
examinations of their structure from 2A0
to 600 diameters is neeessary. They
are perceptible to the naked eye in cer
tain light. Mr. Tavlor proposes to make
the experiment of feeding Hies on tri
chinnsed meat to test the possibility of
trichina? or the eggs of trichime being
taken up by llios. Scitntiflt American.
a a 1
The shipment of strawberries from
Long Island to Iloston this season was
light when compared with former
years. The total sh'pmeut were 330,
i'.)0 quarts, which sold for an average
of ten cent s per quart, or over 3:l,0;i0.
The crop was less profitable and the
season shorter than usuaU.V. 1'. Times.
JXVtH 1X1) FIlil'EF.S.
--San Francisco ho a population of
275,000, of whom 3,000 are Chine-.e.
The plantation of F. A. Luling,
about four miles below Ifuhnvillo, La.,
has been sold for 10 1,000. The pur
chaser is Mr. Viterbo, a learned chem
Ut of Paris, who Intends to make this a
grand central place for the grinding of
cane. '1 ho owner i said to he backed
by largo means.
The longest three-quarter Inch rod
ever made wa rolled at the Altny (N.
Y. ) Iron-works a few days since. It 1
Mi feet long, free of 11 aw, and plump
from end to end. It I forty feet longer
than any rod ever before producedia
this or any other country, the next
largest having been made In Pennsyl
vania. The l.fe of railroad plant is not
great. New roads, with iron rails and
wooden structures, will need renewals,
for the most part, within ten years.
Ties will rot out In from five to eight
years. Kails endure according to trat
Lo, and, for light work, will last ten
years. Good wooden bridges, when
new, will be dangerous intenyears, un
less covered.
Ex-Governor Stanford's breeding
and training farm on the Southern Pa
cifio Railroad, forty mile from San
Francisco, comprises about two thou
sand acres, and is provided with every
thing which a horse could possibly de
sire. The stables proper cover an area
of over 8,000 feet In length and 150 feet
in breadth, and furnish accommodation
for 550 horses, in whose care seventy,
five men are employed. Chicago Timet.
The total length of telegraph wires
In the city of New York, including tele
phono and burglar alarm wires, is 10, 100
miles. The Metropolitan Telephone
Company leads with 3,500 miles, fol
lowed by the Western Union Telegraph
Company with 2.300. The weight of
this vast amount of iron Is about 3,000,
000 pounds. Of the number of poles It
is hard to estimate. The Western Union
uses over 5,000. K 1". in.
To repent without mending one's
ways Is to pump out the ship without
stopping tho leak.
Hope Is always saying there are
better thins in store; but if the store
keeper refuses to trust it is all the same
to bim who has nothing.
" Is it injurious to eat before going
to gleepP" asks a correspondent. Why
no, not fatally Injurious; but you just
try eating after you go to sleep if you
want to see a circus Burlinglun llairk-
The safest sort of love for a voting
man to indulge in is se'.f-ljve. In tho
. i 77 " w'e seconil.vno can
Wh... ... - L i
" - na:r mv wonjjTC o.r !,
sold Miss Tibbs. the tea-table. yye
are goinjr to have a musk-ale. I lihlnk. I
ii. rfi - -.,il -fl-r--r-xwU tK ro .,
"Seems to me, said Jones, the un
daunted, "1 would try something I
could come within less than a mile ol."
Miss T. say sht thinks Lieutenant
Jones is horrid. Boston Transcript.
Dog stories should be written in
purple ink. Washington Critic-. And
if told verbally, the tale should be re
lated in a wnggin. Seat Jersey Enter
prise. And the writers should pant for
fame. Chicago World. Gentlemen, the
one- is a good one. but you have em
barked oh a long trail. Adrian Sews.
Cur-tail it by all means. The Alert.
"When did George Washington
die?" asked an Austin teacher of a
large boy. "Is he dead?" was the
astonished reply. " Whv, it Is not more
than six mouths ago that they were
celebrating his birthday, nnd now he is
dead. It's a bad year on children. I
reckon his folks let him eat something
that didn't agree with him." 2'exas
Sij tings.
" Gracious, Sybllla, how Connt
Champignon sneezes; he is unaccus
tomed to our oliroate; go and tell him
to come away from that window." The
Count was a delicate-looking little fol
low with an enormous endowment of
capillary decoration on his upper Hp.
Sybilla, whom her mother mentally ro
served a a sweet matrimonial boon for
the Count, moved toward him at a Chi
ef go canter, aud archly attracting his
attention by a sharp thrust in thn ribs,
exclaimed: " Count, I've got a message
from ma to you." "Ah, zat is so vera
kind," ho murmured, with agaze of ad
miration nt Sybilla, who continued:
" Yes; she snys if you takeoff that mus
tache and pui it on your head you won't
be so apt to catch cold," Chicago
Admitted IU
" Who paid ther fnre In cent an' ony
put four ou 'era inter tho box?" called out
a Uangor street-car driver as he pointed
bis sharp face through the open car
Three men and five women snt as mo
tionless as if made of pasteboard.
"Was it you?" said he, pointing his
finger that stuck out through a hole in
his glove, at a fat woman.
"No sir, 'twnnt no scch thing."
" Was it you?" and he pointed at Dan
"Nary, I'm a vartuous member er
lety," answered Dan.
So they all deuied It, and the driver
proceedod to remark:
" Well, I'm glad 'twaut none of ye,
for one of them ceuts is er two-dollar-an'-a-half
gold niece, an' the coinp'ny
is ga'ner of two htinderd nn' forty-uine
cents by that spec'lntion."
" My stars an' garters!" exclaimed
Dan, "that's Jcs' like ad my financial
'vestments. I wasa-tryin' ter beat the
coinp'ny out on 'er cent. Gin it back
tor me. Here's ver tent," and lan
thrust both hands down into his pockets,
while an aghast look spread all over his
broad expanse of freckled face.
" Yer tu cnto. mister feller. Git up,
olo Jack," and he drove on.
Dan exolaimed:
" I sntim, I grow fooler an' fooler ev
ery day, an' I'll sign er temp' ranee
pledire agin having any more money,
co f lose it so slick."
"Then don't try to client again," said
benevolent looking Individual.
"I Jes won't. 1 don't hnve real hard
sense like a mill has, an' I'll jes sign
over all I know ter my wife, and Join
onto bankruptcy." ihtniit 'r I'rts.
Fish rmen' Superstitions.
A book about the Gloucester fishermen
says that fishermen are famous for their
superstition. One of their newest ones
works roost beneficially to science. Many
of the most important contributions to
the fish department of the National
Museuui at' Washington come from the
the Gloucester tidiermen, who have de
velojied a great interest in the work, aud
save for the museum the rare specimens
frequently taken during their voyage.
They carry spocial tanks for preserving
these collections, and believe that these
tanks are the means of bringing good
luck to a craft. The old belief In lucky
and unlucky sailing days 1 said to be
dying out among the Gloucester fisher
men, a fact said to be due. In a degree at
least, to the sharp competition that has
sprung up. It i not an unusual sight,
when a tine Friday come after a spell of
bad weather, to see a largo fleet spread
tan ana arparx itir tno nstiing ground.
A belief in "Jonahs" prevail among
fishermen. A Jonah may be something
animate or inanimate, or even tho result
of the actions or accident of persons; in
fact, almost everything that is supposed
to bring ill-luck is called a Jonah. A
vessel regarded as unfortunate is thus
said to be a Jonah; it is often difficult to
obtain a crew of good men for her if men
are scarce, although she may be well
adapted for the business. Equal trouble
is also sometimes experienced by expert
fishermen in securing a berth aboard a
vessel, becanse they have the reputation
of being Jonahs. It occasionally hap
pens that some vessels meet with ill-fortune
for years in succession and under
such circumstances, that evidence of
thuir being Jonahs Is as strong as
proofs of holy writ A singular cir
cumstance of this kind Is recalled. Sev
eral years ago a new vessel was brought
to Gloucester from the port where she
was built. She was of the largest class
employed in the fisheries a beauty In
model and rig and tho skipper, who
was a young man and part owner, felt a
commendable pride in hi tine schooner.
One day, however, an acquaintance of
Hie Captain said to him while the vessel
was being fitted for her first trip: "I'm
sorry you have had that vessel built."
When asked for his reasons he contin
ued: ' I have known the man who built
her to launch more than twenty schoon
ers during the past few years, and none
of them ever made a dollar for their
owners, while few of them hav lived
more than two or three rears, being
either wrecked on the shore or foundered
at sea." Strange to say, tho first Capt
ain who sailed in this "schooner had no
luck for nineteen months, although he
had previously been fortunate and felt a
pride in hi business. Finally, becoming
disgusted and somewhat disheartened,
he sold out his share in thn vessel and
loft her, almost convinced that what had
been told him by hi friend was not far
from the truth. The schooner (not ret
two years old) was lost at sea on ter
next ova?e. The Captain nnd two of
It) ere' were vlronvneti, ana xn survi
vors, after enduring much suffering while
lashed to tho wreck, wero finally taken
off aud returned come. This schooner
was continually meeting with ill-fortune
from the day she first sailed out of Glou
cester harbor to the time of her wreck.
The belief in Jonahs fortunately often
meets with rebuff so severe as to hinder
it from becoming anything like a general
one. One skipper once inquired of
another, nodding his head in the direc
tion of a man who was at work on the
vessel: "Are you goinc- to carry that
man?" Receiving an affirmative reply,
he continued: "You Won't get anv hsh,
then. He's a regnlar Jonah." There
ply was: "Jonah or no Jonah, he goes
this trip anyway." The trip in question
proved a successful one, and nothing
more was heard of the roan being a
Wesley's Tact.
The following anecdote of the founder
of Methodism has, we believe, never
been published. It reaches u from a
trustworthy source, anil it Illustrates in
a remarkable manner the mingled tact
and piety of that eminent man:
Although Wesley, like the Apostles,
found that his preaching did not greatly
affect the mighty or the noble, still he
numbered some families of good position
among his followers. It was at the bouse
of one of these that the incident here
recorded took place. Wesley had been
preaching, and a daughter of a neigh
boring gentleman, a girl remarkable for
her beauty, had been profoundly im
pressed by his exhortations. After the
sermon esley was invited to this gen
tleman's house to luncheon, and with
himself one of his preacher was enter
tained. The preacher, like many of the
class at that time, was a man of plaia
manners, and not conscious of the re
straint of good society. The fair younsj
Methodist sat beside him at the table,
and he noticed that she wore a number
of rings. During a pause in the meal
the preacher took hold of the young
lady's hand, and raising it in the air,
called Wesley's attention to the spark
ling jewels. "What do you think of
this, air," he said, "for a Methodist'
The girl turned crimson. For Wesley,
with hi known and expressed aversion
to finery, the question was a peculiarly
awkward one. But the agod evangelist
showed a tact which Chesterfield might
have en vie ;. He looked up with a quiet,
benovoleut smile, and simply said: ".The
hand is very beautiful."
The blushing beauty had expected
something far different from a reproof
wrapped up with such felicity in a com
pliment. She had the good sense to say
nothing; but when, a few hours later,
she again appeared in Wesley's presence
the beautiful hand was strip'vd of every
ornament except those whic.i nature had
given. Iiondon Society.
A New York Jenkins rises to re
mark: "The Princess Hrancnccio, the
daughter of Mr. Hickson J. Field, of
New Y'ork. and niece of Mrs. John Jay,
s living in a fairy palace at Home, with
gardens so largo that fountain, lake
and even the ruins of the baths of Titu
and th.i golden house of Nero all have
place within thrm. Her mother, Mrs.
Field, live with her."
A Polish woman, a fresh Importa
tion, to'd a Milwaukee directory can
vasser her name was"Suilwan. He
asked her to spell it. She couldu't;
but brought him an envelope directed te
bar. It wa "Mr. Csalawsoranoa."
Governor Bloxham, of Florida, re-!
port that one of the most marked In
dustrial features of that State i the teu
drncy toward small farms.
The present trgh prices are con
vincing proofs that farmers have not
been able to overstock the market yet.
There is plenty of room for more farm
ers in this country.
Good spice cake: One cup of sugar,
one half cup of butter, yelks Of four
egs, one-half cup of molasses, ona-haLf
cup of sour milk, two-and-a-half cups
of dour, one teaspoonful of soda, and a
teasgioonful each of ground clover, cin
namon, allspice aud nulniog. The
Fish fritters: Remove the bone
and skin from any cold fish. Make
very fine by pounding in. a mortar, add
ing equal proportions of bread crumbs
(not too dry) and but mashad potatoes.
Stir in a half teacupfu! of cream, two
beaten egs; season with cavenne pep
per and salt; form into small cakes, and
fry m butter or lard.
According to the Germantown 7'
graph a good remedy for ridding the
bushes of the currant worm, and one
that has been tested, is " to wet the
bushes with a watering-pot, and then
dust them thoroughly with sieved cotd
ashes. Repeat both one or two consec
utive mornings stiould it bo deemed nec
essary." Every cook knows how disagree
ble it is to hare the nutmeg or cinna
mon which is added to cream and
sugar for pudding sauce rise to the top
of the sauce, and when it is served to
have the first spoonful taken out too
highly flavored and the rest without
taste. To remedy this mix tbe nutmeg
or cinnamon with sugar before pouring
on the cream, it will then be gradually
distributed through the sauce. Pour
the cream on a little at a time, and the
spice will tend to dissolve. -V. Y. Post.
Mr. Nelson Ritter, who has handled
many thousand dozen eggs in his time,
tell the Uural Aeio Yorker that the
largest bo ever saw measured 9 inches
around one way, 7 the other, and
weighed (i ounces. The next was a
tritie smaller, weighing five ounces.,
Inside each of these was an ordinary
sized eg?, with shell hard and com
plete. Mr. James J. H. Gregory says
in the same paper that the sugar
pumpkin Is a trustworthy cropper,
nearly as fine grained as the marrow
squash, and very sweet.
Hired Help,
Much has boen written and many dif
ferent plans proposed as to the best and
most economical plan of hiring neces
sary help about the farm. The M sav
ing, if you want a job half done, aeud
if well done, go yourself." is very appli
cable at the farm, .but, alas for human
sndurancel there Are tinvj-1?"
(.riimarr Vt-f iu, '"M
Keep up wuh the Work to be done, and
tbe farmer is obliged to look to some
one else. On many of the larger farms
only two, and many times three or four,
hands are kept busy all the year around,
and especially is this the case where
much stock is kept, and where it is the
rule to feed all that is raised on the
farm and sell the products in condensed
forms. Where this I the en se hiring
by the year is best, as by that mean
you are not expecting a change at the
end of every month, your help get
better and better posted as to your way
of working and manners of feeding and
attending to your stock, while the help.
Knowing he U sure of his place, takes
raore interest in his work and is better
satisfied and will look more to the in
terest of his employer than if he wero
only working by the month. He soon
understands what is required of him,
and Is better prepared to perform hia
On large farm where help Is required,
continuously the surest and most relia
ble help is obtained by having men with
families, furnishing them with a small,
comfortable house and a garden patch
and paying them by the year. Labor
ers of this class are, as a rule, better
content, less likely to want to change,
and more trustworthy, and they will
look more to their employers' inter
esU, as they know that their living and
that of their families depend upon their
faithful performance of their work ahd
onthe success of their employers finan
cially. Day help Is generally the dearest ot
all. as the laborer demands higher
wages where he works by the day than
If he is working by the month or year.
Then he has no interest except to put
In the time as easily as possible, as he
has no assurance of anything further
when night comes, hence he does not
accomplish as much as if employed per-
manently. Then, generally shaking,
the class who go around working by tha
day are those who have not been able
to secure work by the month or year
generally the poorest of the laboring
classes as regards ability and willing
ness to work. This is not always the
case as circumstances sometimes com
pel the best of hands to be working by
the day. A good, reliable hand can
generally obtain steady work with very
little trouble, and if he has a reputa
tion for doing good, honest work, he
will find very little difficulty in securing
work by the year or month. Cor. Rural
iVetf Yorker.
Change in Feod Essential.
If one boy were to say to another that
he could not eat one quail, or part
ridge, a dav for thirty day in sncce
ion, very' likely the challenged boy
would reply that he could. At first
glance such a thing would seem not only
possible but a desirable task, for the
iiuail is a vary toothsome bird. Never
theless, many have tried to do it, and
theie is only ono Instance on record
wherein the eater succeeded. In Fob
ruary, 1870, two men, both of whom
lived in Washington, made a wnsrer In
regard to the matter. The man who did
the eating was a broad-shouldered, mus
cular person. He selected the hour be
tween nine and ten in the morning, and
ate a partrldi-e. in the prcsor.c of many
people, during that hour every day, for
thirty days. On the lat day he w a so
nervous as to lie almost unable to write
his name, and since then be has suf
fered a great desL Of coarse, such
wagers are foolish to a certain extent,
but we learn from this experiment that
change In our food i absolutely neoea