IED .. ShtrtedcttitV they 8aW to himrOomeawayr Kis her and leave her thy love is clayt They smoothelr treaw" of dark brown hair; On Joer forehead of stone they laid it fair; Over her eyes, which gazed too much. They drew the lids with a gentle touch; With a tender touch they closed up well .The sweet, tbin lips that had secrets to tell; About her brows and beautiful face Pliey tied her veil and her marriage lace, And. drew on her white feet her white silk shoes Which were the whitest no eye could chose! And over her bosom they crossed her hands "Come away," they said, "God understands!" And there was silence, and nothing there . But silence, and scentaof eglantere, And jessamine, and roses, and rosemarr, And they Mid, "As a lady.snould lie, lies she;" .. - i . ? - , And they held thair breaths as they loft the room, . . With a shudder, t glance at its stillness and gloom.- . But he who loved her too well to dread The sweet, the stately, and the beautiful dead He took his lamp, and took his key. And turned it. Alono again he and she. lie and she; but sha would not speak, Though kissed, in the old place, the quiet cheek. lie and she; yet she would not smile, Tho' he called her the name she loved ere while. ITe and she; still she did not move To any one passionate whisper ot love. A BLACK HILLS DUEL. I shall nerer forget the night which closed the day that Jack McConibe sold the "Maid of Erin" mine on Carbonate Hill, Leadville. The consideration was $63,000. The "Maid of Erin" was not the only one of Jack's mines. He was interested in the "Highland Chief," "California Tunnel," and a dozen others, and his heart was just as biff as his parse. He w& one of Leadville's first six aldermen, and made it a point to know every man in the mines, and a jollier fellow could not be found from Denver'to Sajnache pass. Jack deter mined that a portion of the proceeds of his last sale should be devoted to his friends, and as a consequence it was a gala night in the Carbonate camp. Prinks and cigars were free at Johnny Shea's Gem saloon, in Harrison avenue, and the programme was to conclude with the stage box and an unlimited qnantity of champagne at Tom Kemp's Grand Central theater, the largest variety house ever erected in the West, or East either, for that matter. Being a "news paper man," as Jack put it, the party would not be complete without the writer, so, dropping my work, accom panied by Harry Norton, the city editor of the Chronicle, I joined the gay party. A gay party it was, too. Apart from the host there were Lieutenant Governor Tabor', Alderman Ed. Kavanagh, Alder man Kelly and a half-dozen local majors and colonels, and one general from the regular army, whose name I cannot re call.;; The female members of the thea ter were also well represented, it leing the custom in that city for tho actresses, from song and dance artists to the lead ing lady, to visit the boxes and quaff champagne. On that particular night, Ida Corey, of the Corey sisters, a most finished 'dancer, flirted with Governor Tabor, Maggie LeClaire clinked glasses with Alderman Kavanagh, and Viola Wray, Amy JTmlor, Frankto Hussell, Lottie Beaumont and Fannie Garretson entertained the company. Amid all the hilarity, Harry Norton appeared ill at easo. He drank a few glasses of champagne, and then removed his chair to the corner of the box, out of the glare of the footlights and lit a cigar. "What ails you, Harry?" I asked. "It cannot be possible that vou have the blues to-night?" "No," said he, "but I was just think ing of a little incident which happened to me f on r years ago to night in Jan nary, 1870, In the Black Hills. If you care to hear it, draw your chair a little nearer." Harry's manner of speaking impressed me strangely, for he was seldom comrati nicative, at all times reticent and rarely referred to his past life. He was a dash- I ing fellow, about thirty five years of age and there was pot a thread of silver in his raven hair or heavy drooping mus tache. He was a native of Buffalo, and had been connected with the Courier of that city.had written half a dozen books, and there was very little of the United States that he had not thoroughly" ex plored. His fnll name and title wasCapt. Henry J. Norton, the title having been acquired in the recent Cuban revolu tion. "This term it,' narrated incident, as I am pleased to he began, "has never been bnt once before, and then it was poured ihto the ears of a priest at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, about eighteen months ago. When I cross the range and go prospecting in God's country, you can tell it if you see fit. Four years ago to-night I "was in Deadwood. I had returned from an ex pedition np the Yellowstone river and published a book on my research. Dead wood was at that day what Leadville is at the present time all life and fire, riches and glitter. There were no beg gars in her streets, and every man was the possessor of gold, mining stock or unlimited credit. I was a guest of the Dakota house, (and passed my nights, in the main, at the theaters. At one of the theaters a woman whom I had known in Detroit three year9 before, .was sing ing ballads. She was too noble a woman to tread tho boards of any stage, many others, gifted with a sweet mezzo soprano voice, she found on the variety stage an easy avenne to a livelihood. She was a woman, every inch, and was always accompanied by a young hister to and from cities and their Michigan home. Being an old friend, she felt perfectly at home in my company, and we were to gether ranch of the time. No man in Deadwood, except myself, would she permit to act as her escort, and the con sequence was that it was not many weeks until I was envied by half the men in the camp. On the night I refer to, after the theater, I went into the bar-room for purpose of taking a drink before retir ing. While pouring out a glass of whisky a stranger walked np and accosted me, saying:. . - "Yon are Mr. Norton I believe?" "I answered in the affirmative, and in vited him . to drink. He hesitated a moment, and then calling out for a lemonade with a 'light stick,' asked me to accompany him out to the street. He was a fine-looking young man, of heavy build, and wore better clothes than the average miner. I noted all this from the fact that he was a stranger, who wished a private conversation witli me, and had been so uncivil as not to intro duce himself. Together we stepped le yond the doorway, and then halting, he said: " 'Ton are a man and a gentleman, and ' I am the same. I love Miss , men- tioning the name of my actress friend; t and " she ' could love me, I am certain, were it not for you. I raised my hand to strike him down, and the muzzle of a revolver, the bntt of which was clutched in his hand, deter red me. I stepped back a couple of paces. " 'I have thought this matter over, he continued, lowering tho revolver, 'and have determined that one of us must die. I could have shot you down any night and none would have been wiser, but I am frank enough to make you a proposition." "But I shall make no objection to your marrying Miss " I said hurriedly. "She is nothing more than a dear friend to me- Go ahead and win her, man." I thought him crazy, and believe to this moment that he was not in his right mind. " 'No, said he slowly, and with deter mination; 'this world is not large enough for we two men. I will kill you before this night is done, or you will do me the same favor. You are armed and shall have an equal chance for your life; we will go up the valley a little ways, and there settle our quarrel like men. If I kill you none shall ever know whether the cases were right or wrong, and if fall it will be with no malice toward you. "He. took my arm, and we walked up the street together. It seemed like a dream to me. and vet there was the man anxious to murder me, at my side. I besran to grow nettled, and was suffi- cientlv reckless before we reached the Bismarck stage road to have fought him with the bowie knives had he demanded it. Then. too. I was angry at the free manner in which he had spoken of Miss . Up the valley we strode, some thing like four hundred paces. The snow was crisp and hard, the moon was full, and in tlie clear sky lit up the sur rounding country and the sleeping city below in a fantastic manner, lwo or three hungry cayotes, which had ven tnred down to the outskirts of the camp. scampered away and were, except myself and companion, the only evidence of life in the valley. Presently my strange guide and enemy halted and said: " 'You stand here and I will step ten paces farther one. "I obe3ed his directions. "Ho paced off ten strides, and, remov ing his hat, faced me, revolver in hand. " 'Hold on! said I; il your mind is fully made up to shoot me. at least let mo know your name. ' 'That'makes no difference to you,' said he. 'It's as good a one as you can boast. Please be ready to fire when I count to three. "I am a clever shot with the pistol, and can shoot the spots Axom a card at even twenty yards, and felt confident that no matter how good a shot was my antagonist, that I could kill him at ten paeas. I drew my derringer and cocked it carefully. I was standing witli my back to the moon and he was a little above me, and the moon shone full ou his broad brow. He leveled his weapon and began to count. As the fatal words were slowlv pronounced. I raised my re volver, and at the word pressed the trig crer. We fired at the same instant, and I felt the wind of his bullet by my head He sank to his knees without a struggle and fell uion his face in the snow. "My being in the shadow a little below him and the moon's rays falling on his pistol barrel had, even at so short a dis tance, disturbed his aim. I walked for ward, turning over the body, still warm, and looked vLjwn in its face. My bullet had sped true. There was a sm.ill, bluish looking hole, from which the bloud had not j-et sprung, in the centre of his forehead. If any one heard the pistol shots, no heed was paid, and not wishing to be arrested and chaiged with murder, I walked down the valley over the hard-leateu snow and returned to my hotel. After a minuto's pause Harry Norton reliarhted his cicrar. emitted a cloud of smoke, through his nostrils and con tinued. - "The following afternoon I saw quite a crowd assembled at the city undertaker's, elbowed my way into the group, and asked an acquaintance standing near what caused the commotion. " 'Some cuss got sick of the camp, went up the valley la6t night and com mitted suicide. The wolves were hover ing about, and picked his bones pretty clean before one of the men from the "Homestead mine" came down to town and found him.' 'He might have been murdered? I answered in a questioning tone. " 'No; he committed suicide, was the reply. 'His revolver was found in the road, and one chamber had been emptied. He just got homesick and went up there and "called" himself, and the wolves hod a good meal and he can't be identified. He was not murdered, for over 8200 in bills were found scattered about. "I walked away and shed no light on the mystery. In Deadwood, where peo ple came in and departed by hundreds every day, mysterious disappearances were rarely reported. I am in ignorance as to the name of the man whom I shot down in that strange dnel, and though I remained in the Black Hills for some time afterward I never paid another visit to the theater where my lady acquaint ance was playing. "That is all." Handsome, talented Harry Norton has fought his last duel and penned his last leader. He fell into the" loug sleep last May, after a day's illness from pneumo nia. Such a funeral as he was accorded was never before witnessed in Leadville. The four daily papers in the camp turned their column rules, and the Pacific Coast Association and a band of music followed the remains to the second cemetery that Leadville has filled in less than three years. He was buried by the side of Charley Vivian, the actor, and a friend from Colorado informed me a few days ago that in the vacant lot adjoining poor Harry's grave, just to the left, Texas Jack was laid to rest last summer. Thinos That Pay. It pays to have a garden if you will take care of it; if you do not or cannot, you had better not have one. It pays to make a garden as rich as possible. Stable mannte is, per haps, the best for the purpose, but good superphosphate has the advantage of being more convenient to apply and is free from the seed of weeds. The value of wood ashes, especially for potatoes, peas, beans, etc., is very great. It pays to delay planting the ground until warm and dry, so that it can be well pulver ized. The distorted and crooked-parsnips, salsify, radishes, etc., and slow growing stnnted corn, are the results of ggy and lumpy eoil. It pays to have walks through your garden, made of loose stone and and coal ashes. It pays to plant your vegetables in long rows instead of old-fashioned beds, and to use stakes and a line in planting every- i thing in order that the rows may be straight and even. It pays to rotate your vegetables from one to another; and, finally, it pays to kill a weed wherever you see it. I A comparison of the official oaths of several countries, apropos of the Brad laugh affair, says a New York paper is not uninteresting. France demauds no oath, not even any equivalent formality, before her legislators-enter upon their duties. Even under the empire the deity was not called upon, the simple formula being, "I swear fidelity to the emperor and the constitution." - In Austria, also, there is no oath, but, . in reply to a question from the president of the reichsrath, whether the new mem ber "promisea loyality and obedience to the emperor, inviolable observance of the constitution, as well as of all other laws, and conscientious fulfillment of his duty," the new member simply re plies, "I promise." The reason that members of the Ger man parliament take no oath is that many of them are under oath of alle giance to their respective states in the German federation, and so a conflict of duty might arise if two oaths were in sisted upon. The Prussian member of parliament takes an oath beginning, "I swear by God, the omnipotent and om niscent," and ending "so may God help mo." As if this were not enough, those who choose, it is provided, may add "through Jesus Christ to eternal bliss, amen." x The Spanish deputies are put through something of a catechism. The secretary asks them: "Do you swear to observe, and make others observe the constitution of the Spanish monarchy? Do you swear fidelity and obedience to the legitimate king of Spain, Alfonso XII.? Do you swear well and truly to behave in the mission confided to you by the nation, always aad in everything seeking the welfare of the nation?" The answer ex pected is "Yes I do swear," and the re plication is, "If you do so may God re ward you, and if you do not may he call you to account." In 1S7'J, it may be suitl Senor Castelar and fifteen others v.. re the Bradlanghs of Spain, but their objec tions were not based on religious or irre ligious grounds. In Italy the president of the chamber of deputies says with elaborate polite ness, "I invite the honorable gentlemen to take the oath in the form following: "I swear to be faithful to the king and to observe loyally the fundamental stat ute and the other laws of the state, with a single view to the insejwirable welfare of tho king and the country." The new deputy responds with the single word, "Giurgo," (I swear). The oath to which Mr. Brad la ugh ob jects seems harmless enough. It reads: "I do swear that I will be faithful and War true allegiance to her majesty, Queen Victoria, her heirs and successors, according to law; so help me God." Ob viously, any man who believes in any God, whether Jew or Mohammedan or Christian, might honorably assent to every letter of this oath. And so, too.of course, might any man who believed in no God at all. For him the oath lacks its usual sanction, and scrupulous honor might lead him to point this out at tho time of complying with the custom of oath-taking; but there can be no doubt that dozeus, perhaps scores, of other members of Parliament do not agree with Mr. Bradlaugh in this view of the subject. The United States, it is generally known, have two oaths, but their jreei.-e forms are familiar. I lie Seed of leuuonij. If the mistress of the household is in clined to lx-,eti;ttvagant in her expendi tures, her servants, who are quick imita tors, will soou follow her exaiuple, and make sad waste of the materials put into their hands. The improvident class, from which our help mostly come, soon learn the lessons taught by such exam ple, and become careless of the property of the employer, even when they have no thought of appropriating anything to their own use. Bnt such lessons, it should be remembered, make our em ployes, of both sexes, totally unfit to manage a home of their own, or save enough, when family cares come upon them, to keep them from the poor-house. How many of us have seen what wretched incompetent creatures those girls be come after marriage who have lived in wealthy families, with a great abundance to work with and no cautions from their employer to use it discreetly and with a true economy. They are inca pable of making the most of their small possessions. If they had been taught economy, and how best to manage their own earniugs.they coyjd help their hard working husbands to build up little com fortable homes for themselves and rear and educate their children with such care that they might become among our most influential citizens. But unless those wealthy ladies with whom they took their first lessons were those who feel the true responsibility of their pos tions and the guidance they owe to their servants, when the untutored damsels marry they drift as helplessly as a rud derless ship in a storm, and year by year sink down into deeper poverty and wretchedness, ending perhaps in a pau per's grave ruined for life by the ex travagant habits learned before mar riage. A Hr'gtat t jTtarjr IJIrd. A family living in the Hotel Victoria have a canarv bird named Beauty, which &as shown a wonderful aptitude for picking np tunes, and seems to be far in advance of others of his kind in general intelligence. He is esiecially fond of the head of the family, recognizing his footsteps and greeting him with a burst of song. On a recent evening, in the presence or guests, the door of Beauty's cage was opened after the master had seated him self at the piano, and the bird Hew to the gentleman's shoulder and then to the music rack on the piano. When his master whistled an air playing an ac companiment, the canary warbled and trilled in accurate tune and time, hop ping upon the player's fingers and over the keys. When the whistling and ac companiment ceased the bird perched upon his master s head and awaited fur ther ordeis. . Then Beanty was placed in front of the rier glass, where he sang to his reflected image in harmony with the piano accompaniment, and when his ma. ter stoped playing the bird flitted around the room in pursuit of his shalow on the ceiling. After he had convinced himself that he had cornered his dark silhouette he sat gazing ab stractedly at it till he was coaxed away. After Beauty had retired to his cage he kissed the members of the family good night, imitating the kissing sound when he touched their lips with his bill. His education hr.s been acquired within a month, and his tutor is tho little daughter of the family. A bright little boy who had been en gaged in combat with another boy, was reproved by his aunt, who said he ought always to wait until the other boy "pitched upon him. "Well," exclaim ed the little hero, "but if I wait for the other boy to legin I'm afraid there won't be any tight." Official rathe. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE. XUM XiiMwh KsalMtaa) fcr Htm fnu. elsea 1I.m. It is only from exceptional bnstnees enterprises that the public obtain the fullest poaaible advatages. To give these aud properly remunerate the conduct ors of an establishment requires a combination of conditions seldom rnet with. There niuat be a rota prehensiv knowledge of all the facta pertaining to the branch down to the aiuallest details, the possea aion of ample capital to purchase all material at the lowest cash baaia from first sources, and if manu facturing enter into the business, (he greatest skill ebonld bo commanded to insure superiority of con atruction and finish. These are the principal con stituents embodied by those business houses who cater successfully to the public .n any line. A most magnificent illustration is furnished by "Nieoll, the tailor," whose establishments, 727 Mar. ket and 305 and 507 Montgomery street. Han Fran cisco, are as well known and patronized as are his fialatial stores in New York, or his elegant eatab ishuient in the .Lakeside Building, corner of Clark and Adams streets, Chicago. It is perfectly safe to say that no tailor in the country making to order ran compete with Kicoll. To the proof: He bat. an office in London which is a great center to which manufacturers of cloth at all points send their goods for sale. He purchases regularly in London ami also in Paris, and when occasion requires, his buyers visit manufacturing scats, such as Huderstield. Dewsbroy. Leeds, Stroud, Trowbridge and Frorue, and in Scotland, Oalaschiels, Dumfries, Langholm, Jedburgh and Selkirk. Treating with and buying solely from manufacturers in immense quantities, and all for cash, he invariably contracts mnch bet ter terras than any other buyer. lie baa also the mofct fav irable arrangements with the different steamship companies, especially the Inman, for transmission of goods. Changes in atyle, as soon aa they occur, are wired by private code from London. Domestic fabrics are also purchased for cash from manufacturers. Business with Xicoll this spring has started in booming. During his many seasons, experience in this city, he reports that at no time has he been so pressed to fill his orders. He haa been compelled to procure the services of several first-class cutters from New York and Paris, in addition to his usual force of favorite artists in that line. Be showed ns the most elegant a-id stylish aasorsiuent of apring and summer gouda both foreign and domestic, of designs esecia)ly prepared for bis house. Those favoring "Xicoll, the Tailor," with their patronage, need have no fear of aeeing their suits duplicated on the backs of Tom, Dick or Harry, who favor the many shoddy shops in which thiscity alounda. "Xic oll, the Tailor," employs none but the luuatfskillful, artistic cutters and efficient workmen, and such is the promptitude of the house that a suit can be ready to wear ai hours at ter the measure is taken If de. aired. Suits are made In a superior manner from $20t ConnoiHf eurs of dress and the general i' ut ile will, therefore, see that "Nieoll. the Tailor," can meet their wants more effectually aud economically than any other I'ouse. His country trade is also increasing Immensely. His rules and system for self-measurement are so simple and reduced to such fiue mathematical prin ciples that any one living at a distance or in the country can measure themselves with the greatest ease, and ensure a i-rfect tit. These rules and self, measurement guide with a good selection of sam ples are mailed free ou application. To those who have never patronized the famous house of "Nieoll, the Tailor." we would advise them to take the first leisure hour and Inspect the marvels of clothing fabrics in his elegant establishment, 727 Market street, Hai Francisco, fcvery courtesy is extended to visitors and patrons. How the Money Wext. "Oath" was talking to an old printer in Washington City a fortnight ago. He told him a verv singular thing to tdiow that in our day there really haa leen ome improvement in government xhrewduess, if not in scrupulousness. Thi old printer said that he printed the Pacific railroad re ports in Buchanan's administration, and that it was the largest job done under the government at that time, amounting to $3,000,000. The reports contained mag nificently engraved colored illustrations of the flora of the country through which the road passed ; also a vast amount of other matter that had about a much bearing on the subject of railroads as the life of Mohammed would upon shrimp fishing in San Francisco bay. It was simply a stupendous steal. AIM'OIXTr.n ATTOnSKV. Mr. Ilenjamiu I. Cohen has removed his law office to the suit of room uumlwred 'jo in I'nion niock, Portland, Or. Mr. Cohen has been appointed Itesi deiit Attorney of the Kiiitsble Mercantile Company of Xew York, and tho Xorth American Attorney's nd Tradesmen's Protective I'nion Company of Con necticut. These are two of the largest and mos-t re. sponsible collection agencies in the country, and claims placed in Mr. Cohen's bauds will receive careful attention and be vigorously pressed by the iM-i-t IeKsI talent of the I niteil States aud Canada He It a also engaged acompetent assitant to aid hnu in tne enforcement of local claims i " ow 1 do Must tiitltealtatlnKl jr Aver As an ol.t prae-tftlirrter, that Wsmei's Kaf Kidney eni !t r 'nr"ii sflnong the most va'usbie iIIm-ov- erles of in l'Jlh feiiturv. I cannot my too ranch in its behalf. Pitt-burg P.. April. 1 " feigned.! J H. CONN Ki.L. M. D Pfunder's S. S. S. Fever and Ague mix ture. A sure pilot. Attention of parties interested H called to the advertisement of Mr. ('hiimller, of t'ortland. lhoe interested should call at once. The old made young and the weak strong by drink ing Damlaua Bitters, the great tonic. Doe-lota ! I would never leave my bed. That was Ihrce months auo. Now I weigh 1J pounds. I cannot write half of wht I want to kv. but Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure did It all." H QRQ1VK. Kahway. N J. Woo ls the hatter, 14:5 1'irt-t t. Portland Or., is the lioss place to buy hats. You will always fel good and never have a sour stomach if you drink Mamiana Hitters. One of Woods the hatter's new styles makes the homeliest man look handsome. The haadwBMitrttblart phntoemphs ever dls. Iliied lit Oresjnti ur- s h tern at t'rnak it. Ahell'a gallery lu I'wrtlund. lie Is the leudlns; trtlvt ls the state. Send to Wood the hattr, Portland. r. O. N. P. Co. (New Scries), No IK. PariMd Busks Uirectory ! III K.XA VIiTA POTTERY. WHOI.i:AM: UCPOT , aiT and 2 Front, A. M. femitb. Prop., manufactures drain tile, stone ware, flower pol, vases, lire bik-k, tic. Country orders filled promptly. rOMMIWItU H KRI'IIA.XT. I. II. I'l l IT -No I. PITT Xo. ToKroiitMreetT'holemle dealer in California and Mcxlcuu Jruit and prodoee, lima iikt alio rui on hi low rules. ART OOUDi HURrs PAl-AClTOP ART TheTT'a-liiia-hoiie fur picture frames and mouldings, wholesale nii.l retail. Kancy goods and arttals' materials ir lal t y. IM Urst wtreet Po rtlunil. .'. C. Morse A Co. JF.WKI.RY. XEW YORK. JKWIXRf lll-IW Kirat street, manufacturer, holewle and retail Jt weieis. Kolled tiold llracelels. -Neck Chains etc., aud Parisian lUamondM. Aluminum (told Watches (or tl- eeud 3-cenl stamp for catalogue. A T H.N At l.W. ariiOUK M:A U Ttooiu I t. second floor, I'lttoii Hl.wk. Ail leKal htiHiiiew attended to In Ore Kou and the Territories. Collections made aud eli sion procured. I. PAKZIUEK.-Kooms II and IZ. I nk.n Block I'aitular attention to Collection, Coiumisiouer and Notary Business. inrTElx HCRTOV HOX'SJE Ilaaa Marx Prop., rerner 'I hir.t atid F streets. Hoard and l-o.11ii; f I per day. -ngers anu iwHjv ro aiei iroot mhilj iwi iikuw o o G z H 3 0 -i u. 0 n td 5 1 2 s a: cd 3 o 3 2 IX CD a o : ! o D PI X (A R O 0 id Q 0 S3 CO Interior HenttUgency. PsireUstae GsmmIs sms Orders, Bell PrsMlsje mb C'smslgTiaarwt. Maabvc advances M raaalgaaseat. Wat will Mat asay. ttellla rasBsnleslaB (eaarfM llgat) aaly. Oral, rieav. Waal. Patalaee, He.. a saaelalt y, A areata fmr tne Caanaaerelal Flaar Mills, A seats far taa HarlaarateM Flaav It Ilia. A sweats far aha I-arayette Flo as- If I lis. lav Or-ala Haars always mm haaasl la lata ta suit. ?. II. FARIMIt, Ajreat. Partlaad, On Must Close by the 15th. T. IX. OliiLiiclloi- Of Portland will positively rlr,s bus'neas by the I5th of June, aata and offloa flsoirea for sale at a bargain Parties indebted MU4T close their ac counts at once. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OP PIANOS fc ORGANS PIANOS ifc OKGANS SIMON HARRIS, FIRST T.. IET. FIXE AKD Aall, JPartlua-. tar. Is okTeriiic; NK.V full sized 7-oclave Upright Pianos, war. ranted for five years, at tlie low price of $275.00 ! .Vorlnve Loriug & KInke PAL" ACE OIUiAXS at the reduced price of $S5.00! Cull pxMiiiiiie thrse Ijistrun-nitx. SIM0.X HARRIS. llNMlraiesl (sttalaxua wal Uau tap Hi ea Unas. ar Or ter direct and ar the lare;e eowm adoca pi t- trawling ag-nu. V. H. ANDKDi Occidental Hotel. (KKProN nik K'JKOPKAN PLAN). Cor. First and Morrison Streets, Norrn t Andrui I'roprlctom. Hr l lunil .. Hr " Free t'otclt to ami from tl-a Hom. Inl7 Im V K. Cham re ft la lit, la T. A, PoanaoJ. Life Scholarships ... Paid in Installment ... arcs END KOtt I RC L' L 4 kfl.-a mr3 leow m J. a. BURNER & CO., POSTOFFICE CANDY STORK MA y UFA CTV It Eli OF Every Description of Plain and Fancy Can dies, Wholesale and Retail. H WING HAD 12 YEtR4 fcXPERIKNf E IN two of the lartrtat t ar.dy House lu Man Fraorlsro. wholesale buyers can rely upon buylns; Csn1le a low as In rtau frranci o. Our Koola are all piiro anl highly flavored, au-1 tone lint freb Cs til it-a ft-nt to tne lis'w sn1 we manufacture the larjj -st variety in Portland. i;v, us a lda.1 orler aud see loryourrelt. POSTOFFICE CANDY ST0EE, FIFTH AN0 MORRISON STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, PORTLASD. OREGON MACHINERY DEPOT 43 Front at., Paitlaarf. H. P. GREGORY & Co Keep a Complete Block of Head Warklnax Maehlnerv- aw m i ia ana mwi, inarm mat a' -reie, Mean Knajtaaa aad Bctllera, Ktrana, Hand and I'owrr Pa raps. Meant Knglne iua aara, I.ubrteatlsjfr Olla. It low-a and Kihanst Vans, Kmrry W lai-a-1 s a net Machinery, Helttnaxa peelaltjr. PaefclitK, Hose, Valves, Aprtnar. ! Orders from the country filia l with proinptnee THE KTaNIUBtJ SOAP CO.'S la the Best and Cheapest, 1 by it and a troNViMcau rNDAKI HlMP .. 204 f-acramento aire...... ........... Han Frauclsco. CaJ. mru 7m Safe, Sure V Spowly. In the ml'M of aprii'a we are In tsad health. Tb aarue lias - holal of us: shake as we may we esnnot sliuke It olT unless we use I'f miller's Hure, Kfe and Npeedy J-'ever and Ague? lire, a pure ve elahle n-inedr. A treat nenellt, also to those having; used chemi cals, BOeli as quloine. Iron, etc l'rW--. si. per !!. Your drug atM has it or will a;et It for you. Price I,iHt-l81. F. E. BEACH & CO., I OS Kraal ai.....l"arilnnl, lrefai 1 AVIN IKMl'ED TIIKirt NEW TRICE LINT 1 L for IHsl which tfveaa complete list of Rea-iilar tze iNMtrw. MI HUe Ioor, Front Ionr, Kiklliic TSMr. MiiKle Wash Ifttfti-, Iioiilile Mah Innra. ilaxe1 Whitlows.!.! IJiC"t:lzel Windows, S l.lKllls;ilareil Wl'tiown, 4 IJKhls: KreiH'h Kasli, Transom l.!lila MitnMe Blind, Inside Blinds, KU of opening required fsr reicular siwd wlnduw. lief i of weights required for regular siwd window; Prlee of window alas per box of TO ff: Nuniher ler liicht of wlulowrlass In U of V) feet; Price er Lli;ht of wumIow aTaaa, atiift-le thiek; Prte pee IJglit of wliwlow alaas, doulile tlilek. Mailed fM to any addrewa on aplii-atlon. Any le for ms! hi not f.Mind In ttata catalocue will ne eheerfiillv furiiMied on applb-ation. Ail 'etfera of Inquiry win receive proinpi and uareful attention. $70 $75 IHIinIPIP, IBTIFI&I cSS CO., .. ... ....... . r. . .... ,.- Importers and Scalers in Farm Implements and Machinery. OFFER FOR THE SEASON OF 4S81, , - - THE FOLLOWING LIKE OF MACHINES, THE BEST IN THEIR CLASS ND t'NECJUALED. the Mccormick harvester and twine hinder. The McCormk-lc for 111 Is made as a TWINK HINDER, and we have no "Twrnty Dollar Twine Attach. I ments" to pron.le purchaxer, or put out "wit it Intent to deceive" fanners and lu-ip 1"!4,li'i ., i.L iiM IhlNKINU machines which may have Kone out of dule, 'I he sin-cess of tho M.I i, ll.M I KM. I H K J.J rrnirtna- the nast three years l: well known, and we now wfti-r the I WINK HI IS Dt.jU, Willi foil kuaiantee that It Hilinaintaiu the same htkh standard of iH rfortlon that the V I HE UIM'J .K M.s in inn unvir.; uie nesv in the market. Farmer, DO X0T give your order for a SKLF-BINIHXCi JIAKVCNTEIl until you Exnmliio (ho . Mccormick twine binder for iboi. Riiflalo IlttN ( hallonjfo Tlupshor, iJi'estl)- Improved for IHMI, Champion Comlitnod Mower aud L?aior, Champion Siugle Reaper, ' and ft feet tut, Champion Xew Mower, front nit, Champion IJht Mower, rear cut, McComilck's Imperial Mower and Kraper, MeCormk'k'a Xew Iron Mwer, McCornilck'n Prize Mower, McCormlckN HandI)indlug: Harvester, Marhs Hand Rinding' Harvester, TOGETHER WITH PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, FAX MILLS, HOUSE HAY 10HUS, RUIN HER AXI) LEATHER UFLTIXU. All of which we offer at lowest market ralos. K'I NAME and totofl1cn address for our new sh I'sta. loKue whU h Is now ready. Portland, DR. SPINNEY. Wa. tt Kearny street, a. V., Traats aU Cferaala nasi Mpaalal IN a YOUNG MEN TTlM MAV BE Hi) r'r'ICKl Nil lllOM THE EP f I fecta of youtJifnl follies or Itidlwretlon. will do Weil to avail tlieirm.-l ves of (Ills, the erestesl lnr. ever Ik;. the alls.r of aulferinit tiunimiliy. lilt HIMNNKY will guarantee to furMt !U tor ever ease of Sx inliisl Vteskness or prit atc OUs'saes of an kind or character whk.-b he umlerlukes and falls t curt. MtOnr.E-AtlEII MIX There are man y at the mkh of thirty I slaty who are troubled with too frequent evaetmiions of the bladder, ofln acooninanied by a slight sniMrting or bu ruing senaatioii and a weakening of the sysu-ut hi a manner the pietleiit cannot account for. Ou eaaiu Inlug the urinary deposita a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small part Icles of alliuuien wtil appear, or the color will be of m lliln mllkisU tine, again changing to a dark and torpil aoM-itriu e. There are uiany me ri who die of this dlfnY-uity. iniee rant of the cause, which Is the second atwre of Heud nal Weakness. Lir. H. will guararitee a perfoct cure li. all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the gen I to urinary organs. Office Hours 10 tot and to. Hnndaysfrom 10 to II A. M. ConsultaUou free. Thorough examination and advice, tik Call on addresa Da. riNHKY sb .. No. It Kearny street, wan rrancbs o, i hi. WORK SrfC PRICES FwSTttYeXMWLL S!3 PonTLAND.Dn. J-OIIIT -fV. CHILD, PSurMiteUI, Ieiiler ta lrsn, f 'heatlenls and l edict me s, ' r. Mi irfxon and Kecond Mm Hh, I'crtlniul.t ir W'holesK)e himI lvetnl' .u nt fur Forest Flower Cologne Mine. Hwhcl's ENAMEL BLOOM for the t 'fill i :r I ill KIIAW H Paotorial Sjrrui NIIAWH cerine Lotion for the Fure, These trerattons are euunl to nnvtlilng of the Kind ever otfered in this market, and all are Invited to call and see for themselves, Orders ty mull prompt!) attended to. JOHN A. t'UlLIM'riiKKM. fehiS 'or. Morrison and ond sts., I'ortlmid.or IPiTAlHAXT TIIK MKHT S Til K t ITT All Modern Improvements. 0mii all day. J. If, IIK t:. F.K. PrnaHrliir, J. B. KNAPP & CO. , ! Commission Merchants AND PURCHASING AGENTS. V 1 1 a'sootl cm CJimnilMain WOOL, OKA IX. DAIRY PHODVCTS A SI FRTJITH A SPECIALTY. Aj;ciit lor I'arrotl'a fatcut Doubletree. 257 First street, Porllund, Oregon T" We have the best facilities hi Oregon for storing turner so as lo keep it sweet and in a marketnlile con dition. No charge for storage of hotter consigned to lis. EVER DING & FARRELL. WOOL DEALERG. CotitlgnmeQla solicited. Advances mad I Portlianrl. Orecon. I'V N rvons or t'livsleal llel.llliy, Hemlunl Weak less, HHrniNtorrhoea, fmisMlons, I miMjtem y ,f liausted VilMhiy, t'reniH- lire le'lltie and I . it if MAIKMII. from a linte er cause prHlured. It cnriclii lis ami t urllles the Itlood, slreugtliena the Nerves, lirsin. Muscles, IHtrestlon. Iteprodui'tive Oigime, and t'hvsienl and Mental Faculties. It stois any uniiHt urul delillitating drain uMn the system, preventing In volunlarv losses, tlebUitating dreams, seminal lnwn alth the mine, ete., o destrm tive to mlii1 and Iswly. It (s a sure eliminator of all KIII.NKY A Nil lli.AIlKlt I1IM I' I, A I NTH. Ta lhaae sfrrlsf trsm s rlrrla mf loathful ladiseretlana sr eveeaaea, a nvritv, tksrasih aea arrMssrst I I HK 14 I . K. A.Ti:i:n. I'rW. AOperhottle.ortivetMittleslu case, with full illrwiioiis ami atlvino. .. mi k... cure from oliservatlim to an V a hlress uisin rccelt of price, or o. U. To he Imd only of II r, nallleUI. X I M Krsrst street. Man Kraiieiwo.t'ai. ConaiiitMtloiisslrii-ll v i-onlMnnilnl. hy letter or at onice, KltKK. For t lie convenience of iwtients, aud In order to secure nerhi-l se-reev, I have alope1 a private address, under which all Vackages are forwarded. Wes' Sore Care for Catarrh" JIUfl! Oil IHtV, IMtKK fl00; ATM OH 111 KH I f " J InstlfTlHlors." ri e .Ms-, lu v I'ure and InauflU. tors mslle.1 on r"o li of nrice. with full dlreciioii for UW.HC H.U. HK I IIMIIUK Jk 1 o. Iiriurirtsis IAI l-lrst street, Portland, Or. Kl. Agents for the N. I'aelnr t'oas uiMrMt Italian Sheop Wash. I mfrtact ef i barest, ftwm awkUM, rrepared by the Pslfan O ivarcmejtt oropanv, t'urcs tnoronghl ib4 MA II OK 111 K SUEKP, And fa an exeellent Fhern Din. fbe heal and rbetpeet remedy known for tiring (be Hcah. f uo ccaaiut in xn call F'.r paokt lars apply ti ( MAJ DDMIlllHa,MU at t'tl , Pol Agents, 111 racrameuto atroat, M, F. 'al. AM. , Nlll. f riOnoTte result of'ovl 111 llllWrrrlAIIIIII Ilodjfes SliigIe(Jear Header,' UrcHlly. Improved for ll The Ilfllu Farm Vjioii, With comnioii or sluki -iwH hod, Iron or steel Nkeln Tiger and I liomas Sulky Uuke, !Iolllgvi1h Sulky KaLe, iMonllnr aud Superior Seeder, Monitor (Jraiu Hi ills Mausileld Kujrlues ' hluiluiisi y or pi'liille, uiouut -d or on hklils I'ort'hle Saw Mills CiM Mill Madilu. r Portable Plulform uud If ay Scales. A FULL LTKR Ol' Oregon. Tlie Great English Remedy. a a never lulling Cure for Nervous Dilil Illy ,Ki Iihiisl cd 'lt.illt V.Heniiiiul Vt'euk in ns- i rniuloi rlnei l4 Manhood, JuiNa'ticy I'Minlyslw, and all t lie lerrl hie Him Is of Nelf-AlMlsM t ) i f 1 1 J Follies, mid ea resses in lusliiii r years sui li ws Iiss of Memory, IiNhlliiili'.NiM'tiiriiiil I nils hIoiis, Aversion to Moclety Ulliilii HN of Vision, Noises in the 1 1 cud; I tie vital Hold ntissliiK iinolmi i veil lu the me, and iiiuhy olin i liis.uises-tlmt h ad to Insanity and deal h. .. J j HK. JUIXTIK will Hgree to forfeit Five Hundred llllra 1 r it case of Oils kind tlie tlTAJ, It I M'ltlKAl'l Vl; under his special udvice and treat inent) will not cine! or for iinyl IiIhK linpuro or ttijiiri ousfoiind in It. lilt. MIVI'IK treiils till pilvaia diseases siiccessfuli v wild. ml mercury. t'onsuilMtlun free. TiioroiiKli eiiliil"Hlllill imd advice, Inclieling Hiiulvstiof urine, atm. I'rle of VIImI Itestui-Mllva ;inO a txillle, or four times the 411am uy, f iimjii; sm-iiI lo any iiih.ii 1. ij.i of pn.H , or '. O. I)., sxcur from oliservatlon; ainllii private name. If desired, hy A, I'd MI.VI'll'i M, II,, 1 1 Kcmi ny sli-eet, Hnn I'mni lu u, ( uk nit. i 1 ti r k 111: v H km ki v, Hit. Ill It iri'M'l l, cures nil kinds of KMney and Klod.lcr (kiinnlaints, ioiiiiri'lKfa, Oleet, Is'iicorrluea For aide hy all Uruaalsls; l a holtle, six liottles for V III. MIKTIi: lAMIKI.Ic I'll. I, sr. the host iiiidchcKH-st 1 IM.I'HI A ami Illl.lOU cure in ttie nun ki t. lor 04lc hy ill! ln'tflHis JIulMiK, I'AVls a Hi,, J'oilWiinl, Or.. v h deaal a cpt.N 1 i JLll WO i 1C elageand rorpedoa., lavll liiiila, la n Laatt'iiiM, Tot till Jlinr, Mines, arrnii), ami aloinaa t aiiUlea, SKT ROCKETS, JUNK UM.L BAT! fUOQUKT XtLT, MUM IfhUtH, AkClltKV, l.AN TK.vNli. ANU K J. Sill Mi TACKI.K Of Kffty Iii'scriptfon and Quality, AVr. liKeic aV hotv. Irt and tfit ateennil aee, llrltvaeiu Mors lio 1 Mill 1'eiiililll. 3 ELECTRIC BELTS, IHUtH, foils and Ap,.luncv lairkt lnirov.iiiriii. Nupermr tn A I I. ellirct. i.uuJi warrantr.l. I tmlili. Iicl i7l Pries. alwan Utscr il. ii ailu'M aa, TIM ticiunn-nl j St. Kan I ram ikii, aJ. iim 1) 1 yi D1W, HTAUKKV A I'AI.KV'H WW THKAT inent tiy IiiIuiIhIIoii for t'wnsHinjtilon, Aslhiva lli-aaehllla, t slsn k. II t eelu, llendxehe, lie. hllily, JVeuralwlM, Ksriiimuhm, aud all I'hrunla aaa Nervews Illsiirders, 1'ncknKes muv he con ve nleutly si-lit ny ct press, rmidy for immediHle use nt home. Heud for free puniplili-t. Address t lie prnpi I etors, HUH, H'VA It K KS' 1 I'AI.KN, Mill and Mil ol rsrd street, I'hllitd.'lpliln, Ph., or II. K. MA Ti ll KWH, Una Montgomery at reel, Han I run ! wn, I 'si., from w hot 11 can tie ohlitined liulh lufnruialloii and siiiilles. :w.n mfiffi! NM UUUigU U L3 J U L3ata. ft la muds Inini a Htmiile Irniiical of Kara Value, and Is a I'tHli l I. Itemed for all the ills' eases that cause puins l.i the l ivser .si I 0 tlie li.xl v ' for Torpid Mver-lleadischcN --Jaundice IHzr.inesa oravel, Mularlit, aud all the dllhciill lea of the Klduea t iver and I rliiHrv Oikhiih. For IV mole lllseiases Mensl riiMiloiiH, and during preauauev, li ha no e jiimI. It rcMor" ' 'ie 01 im us t hid ham k t lie hlood ai.d iienet is Ihe.hcst Itlootl I'uiiltec. II Ix I lie only known remedy tliitl curt s HiIkIii's 1 Mitcnse. lor I Ma tM-tes, use Wsrarr't Nsf 111 nheles t Hie. I or Hs!e l,v I i iiKrflxi sii.l hII 1 M-sier. at s I MA pet hot tie, ltrgeet lHitle In the liiiirket. 1 1 V It. II. Walt t'.ll S-'l. ?tnelear. w. V Ihoroutrhbrcd Poultry. HOGS 1 nd CATTLE. Irish f uce. I llerkshlrea and Mngirt t..l.....l tf'I.L.u Ifl.., ..1,. t. .,-... I ul. I iiinii'ii ..inn 1 'Si tii ie, v si tie. write, tncliHiiitf siainp, for clr cular and nrlce list to W J 1,1.1 AM Nil. KM, ioa Angeles, 'al. msia pianos d mm JTOtt .A.II1X Pianos from 100 1 Organs from IflO. JreI Have your inonef hv pnrchas at "i':' I he. lquarters. HPKNOKlt'H MbWIilesa ' ' riamis and HM1 Til Amerh an Orijaria 11 tn lnlslhiuiita. a. 11. 1 for circulars. F. W. T.M'I'II li CO., and 1A Fifth street. Man Fran. . , '1. Tiauos aul 01 s sua rented, tuned and re. .it... I. Siu)-uait aT. I ti n 1 1 1 ai a vyA n h e nm tim. mJ