Washington County independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 18??-188?, January 17, 1881, Image 3

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The follow i
authorize 1 to
Gastou. ......
Forest Grove .
Greenville. . . .
Coi Hum....
Glencoe ......
Reavartou . . .
Scholia Ferry.
West Uuion..
Dilley "...
ng iiHiuftd persons are
receive auri receipt for
to tht Isdkpendknt:
C.'A. Raymoud.
.... I. Weyera
J. F. Pierce
.'. K. W.MeNutt.
J. J. Fowler
. . . W. L. Jones
M. L. Nicholas
J. D. Rowell
J. L. Thomas
Wb. McLeod
( Secretary of State
Treasurer .
.W. W. Thayer
. B. P. Earhart
....Ed. Hirsch
...W. B. barter
Sup't PnUie Instruction L. J. Powell J
Fourth Jcdiciax. District.
Judge Raleigh Slot
Prosecuting Attorney.. J. F. Caples
Wasihwgton County.
Judge W E. Smith.
Clerk A. W. Luelhng
Sheriff G. N. Hale.
Commissioner IH. Buxton.
' I sane Ball.
Treasurer W. D Pittenger
Assessor E- F.Wiluiot.
Surveyor J. C. Hall.
School Superintendent. J. D. Robb.
Corouor Dr. E M. Brown.
Church Directory fur HUlsboro.
2d. 8-tbbath at 11 A. M.. and 4th Rabbath at 11A.
M-. and at 7 P. M. by the Pastor.
5th Sabbath at 11 A.M., by Uev. O. H. Atklniio
P. D.
lt Sunday In each inontb. preaching by Rev. J.
T. Hnff. Baptist minUter. at 11 A. M. and at 7
P. M.
Hunlif School every Stbb-th at 2H P. M.
Vrnyer Meeting every Thureday evening at 7
Chrie'lan Church.
3d Habbatb. preaching by the Pastor. Rev. J. A.
Campbell at 11 A. M. , and 7 P. M.
Sunday S -hool every Habhath at 10 A. M.
Prryer Meeting every TueHday eveulugat 7
Court ftntt Monday
Circuit Court is held on the fourth Mod
day. ii March and the first Monday, in
Catiaty Coinuiisslouer Court.
First Wednesday, after the the flrst Mon
day in each month.
S a snarl lien -Correction.
We are reliaMy informed that the
Samuel Ite.-s thnt was htalibetl by.
lirymi in Yamhill ominty two weeks
bljo is tbt Sam Hess who is UDtler
iudictmeitt iu thin county fr a fe
lonious iiKsnu't ou Miss Fuller. Il
in snitl that, though he was leiriU
cut in the nffruy he i likely to re
ct er. ,
t the lime of Hess'a aimignment
we puldislu'tl on what we thought to
be ool authority that one of S.iu
Hess'H brothers h-il ben lrie.il for
the murder of n m in nn l wurtclare.l,
but wa njimVrel afterward. The
atHte;neut nan not correct Ami as
there are several crook -d reports .'o
in about this matter we rie the
yer-ion of anne who are conversant
with the facts. No-public trial of
Hes was ha I. A man by the name
of Caleb Moiris hal shot 'Cull"
H ss an l was acqnite 1 on the nle.i
wdf-defense. Not Ions after. Moi
ris was found deTul near the home of
Hes with a bullet hole through
him. Warrant were issued and
Cull He-ss and two or three of his
clique were arrrested and lodged in
jail, but the father. JWph Hes, es
caped The matter came before the
grand jury and was dismissed under
suspicious circumstances. smpiiou
an to a certain offi -r. L tst winter
the father.Joseph He-p,waa accident
ally struck with an ax and killed
The paternal home of the Hisses i
in the Chehalem valley, Yamhill
Ablk Skbmo!. Rev. Mr. Izer of Port
land rreacbvd an able and interesting ser
mon at the M. E. Church in thi place lnt
Sunday forenoon. Although it was extem
pore, it was ornate, closely reasoned, and
highly dramatic, chaining the attention of
the entire bona for an hour and ten min
titee. It is naid that Mr. Izer's health failed
him in tbe pulpit, and that hi baa been
atudyioK law for a year. Hi readiness of
languav;e and Kwer of logic would make
him aucceed in any department of polemic
diacu.tsiou or oratory.
Another Lawyer. We understand 'that
tbe Hon. W. D. Hare late Collector of Cus
toms for tbe port of Astoria who is now
living with bis family on his farm in this
county, iutend aftr putting his farm into
ood running ordr. to open a law office in
HiUttboro. Mr. Hare will be welcomed by
many old clieuts and friends. He formerly
had a good law business in this county.
IFhrbe to But Ftora Meaaers. B. .
Greer and R. H. Gcodiu have rented Court
ney Meek'a flouriug mill at Glencoe and
are mukiuK a urst class article of flour. If
you don't believe it tr it. Tbe proof of
the pudding is in the eatiu of it anyhow.
Theaw young men are politw and obligiug
aud tbe community ou-lit to give them a
fair tihure of their custom.
Tilk Bcildiso BtranED. Lat week Mr.
'Witbycoibbo'a bnildiug tbat he uses for
making tiles in on his farin over the Tuala
tin took fire aud burned up. We have not
loarne what the amouut of the lonn i.
When a yoanj to in jjo s into his jinip
aon blossom's ginleu iu bis shirt sleeves
and wickedly damages soiu weeds it is a
pretty sure ign that be U dead in love and
has.been accepted.
The sidew.ilk along a cert li a property
on Second Street la complained of. A Udy
fell through it tbe other day with an infant
iu her arms and fortunately emwped with
slight iujury. The Street Com uisaiouer
or Aiarshal ought to aMeud to tb.it.
Mr. John Jack has nb.mt comp'eted a
new plauk fence around bis blck iu tbe
sonthfaHt part of town, aud soon his neat
little home, will be roaly for a cook.
A popular clerk in this place, who is sin
gle as yet. though they say bis heart is uot.
sold a baudsome yonug womau a pair of
button khoes this wet k and put a pair of
shoe-strings inside of them! when the girl
remarked that he did not know thfy used
strings witb button shoes. Tbe Judge hap
pened to hear the re.uark and now tbe
young man is trying to buy biiu off.
Mr. C W Ransom has sold bis fruit firm
in East Portland and, in company witb Mr.
Failing formerly of this plaire, has tutted
a news depot and stationery business on
First street iu Portland north of tbe Occi
dental Ilotel. Call aud see him when you
go to Portland, itansom will make it win.
Our former townsman. J. Dix runs the
Washington hotel in Portland on Third
Street opposite tbe M. E. church. Mr. Dix
is a genial landlord and makes it pleasant
for every one. Call and see him when you
go t Portland aud get a square meal.
Tbe Prealey JackHOii-Pio-Wehrung-Bos-cow
buutiug party returned this wetk with
out blood on their tdiirts or feathers iu their
hair. A man that went with them named
Robinson however killed two deer. Tbe
Wtbfout mist hit tbe boys quite lively aud
they came back wiser aud wetter men.
Mr. Geo. Astell, HUlsboro' whilom pain
ter, who got diivted with Webfoot aud
went back to California, returned, to Hills
boro this week. He thinks Oregon is the
best country in tbe world. We hope be will
marry n jw aud settle down to business.
Lamkin has got bis loof on. and now we
may expect good weather uutil the camp
meetings start in.
What does tbis mean? Cyrus Garrison
hns hauled onto his town iota a lot of build
in;; material. Wbat is ber name. Cyrus?
Tbere was a pleasaut party at Preston
Jackson's last Wednesday eveuin,', and the
moon aud stars were shining and it was
nice witlkiug and sparking for tbe Hills
boro Beaux and Belles.
A. W. Laelling c-innty Clerk. A. R. Cook
and others started last Monday to the
mountains on a huutiug excursion.
Mr. William Masters has recently re
turned from a trip to the Caacadea. II
visited the canal in process of building np
there, aud says that god choppers are iu
demand, at $25 and $30 a month with
hoard. $1.12 is given for chopping cord
wood. Whisky is diunk tbere by the
wholesale. He saw tierce of whisky taken
off of the boat on Saturday and by tbe
next Thursday morning the cask was emp
ty aud Masters did not have a -finger in it
either. He a i.v grasshoppers are numer
ous aud crops are light.
Remember the ice-cream festival at the
M. . Church F iday evening.
A . O. U. W.-Hilsboro Lodge. No. 62, o
the above-named Order was instituted last
Mond iy and Tuesday by D. G. M., W. Ri
der. Tbe following omWr were installed
for the present term: P M W. J. Stotl; M
U'.. I B Ilaudley; F. A M Collins; O. J-hn
Miller; Recorder, J 1F1 Morgau; Receiver,
W D Pittenger; F. C T Tozier; G. G W
Uniler; I W W H McEIdowney; O til P
M Dennis; Trustees, C T Tosier. A M Col
lins, IFD Pittenger. Dr. E M Brown was
chosen medical examiner. Tbe Lodge
meets evry Tuesday evening. Mr. RiJer
also organized a Lde of the same Orde r
witb twelve charter members at f he Greve
lat week but we have net received the par
ticulars. Is it a Gravk? Mr. Henry Wehrnng of
this place fnud a rectangular ho!e in his
slashing near HilNboro which Las been
dug within a year perhaps which has a
suspicious look. A party examined it Wed
nesday. It is dug near tbe center of tbe
slashing, about nve feet deep and five or six
feet long and about two ftet wide, and at
this time has a little water in one end.
Some suspect that some one Las been bur
ied tbere and the corpse removed by rel
atives or it has been the place of conceal
ment of treasure, or where some ruthless
M-rson or persons have aimed to bury a vic
tim that they failed to kill.
A New Strawberry. Geo. Johns. P. M..
at Dilley, iu this couuty, has discovered
and cultivated a new variety of strawberry
which be calls tbe "Mark Twaiu." The
berry is medium in size, toag. dark red aud
has a rich aud delicious flavor. We
have not eaten as sweet aud rich flavored a
strawberry tbis season, though the se.isou
has been cool and moist, wbicu is unfavor
able to tbe perfectiou of th.s kiud of fruit.
Mr. Johns has a nice garden of small frnita
aud vegetables at Dilley. and wilt have five
tons of berries for sale tbis year. We hope
be will visit HUlsboro often.
Lcca Tcrn'ed. Mr. T. H. Tongue's luck
has turned. Tbe horse lost recently in now
replaced by five biau new colts, one of them
a Glen Dmiley tborongbbred. aud another i
a foal of tbe mare he bought at the R'ed
ville saie and which mate is tbe full neice
of St. Julien from two different strains.
Tongue's blues have departed aud be is
himself again.
WARNER DEWEY. At the bouse of E.
Dewey, by H. McLeod J. P.. F. M. War
ner and Miss Eliza Dewey, both of Wash
ington couuty Oregon.
Grove. March 2Jth, 131, by Rev. W.
Roberts, W. K. Patty of Mariou county
and Mrs. C. M. Cartwright of Washing
ton county.
THOMAS BAKER. At the honse of
Zecbariab Baker, Aprd 31. 1841. by Rev.
W.E. M.Cntchear, B. H. Thomas anl
Emma F. Baker, both of Washington
BOON E FE ASTER At tbe bouse of J.
H. Fesster. May 27th, 1881, by Geo. C.
D-y. J. P.. Geo. L. Booue of Clackamas
county and Mary E. Fcaster of Washing
ton count.
June 14tb. 18H1.
Dr. Crane moved to Astoria last Monday,
whither he goes to practice bis profession.
H. C. Lieser moved into the Roe Louse
last week.
Jess Crosley pulled up stakes and weut
to MjMiauville wiiere h hn pitdbI hi
candy teut during tbe Pioneer reuuion
which eomroeuces tomorrow, wh ere he will
dispense wetuea to the iub ibitanta there
of. Mr. David Brown is still quite poorly le
ing ooudued to bis bed.
Prof, Marsh was elected Assessor of the.
Town of. Forest Grove at tbe last regular
meetim; of the Board.
Mr. S uitb has erected a larg lumber
shed in tbe rear of Lis furidture store and
Mr. Bnford is building a commodious
buru ou tbe southeru part of his lots in
tbis place.
Capt. Tyler's new house is approaching
coiupletiou, it is a very good aud handsome
edifice, a credit to Forest Grove.
Tne grain crops in the vicinity look well
aud promise go d yields.
ThJ Iudiau school buildings have been
ornamented wit rustic lumber aud paint,
tbe fences with wLite wash; they present a
very fiue appearance set off agaiust tbe
green of the fir forest back ground.
Messrs. Lee and Stewart have a small
fonndery attached to their workshops here
and will cast a number of pieces toaiorro.
They will soon be prepared to cast the
now work for any a ricultural machine.
They are making a threshing machine for
a farmer of North Yamhill. Tuis enter
prise deserves sncces and is worthy of imi
tation as Oregon pays too much tribute
to Eastern manufactories when she has the
iron, wood and skill to make anything she
Last week two young men who bad im
bibed too freely of tbe devil's drinX acted
iu a very disgraceful manner on tbe public
streets. They should have been arrested
aud fiued severely, and in tbe absence of
money compelled to work tbe streets iu the
place of insulting people tbereou. But the
power of tbe Marshal aud peace officers is
unimportant without ability to punish va
grants. One f those ornaments a cala
boose is needed here to render culprits
obedient to law aud order.
The streets of this place have been graded
aud culverts p seed at tbe crossings. Tbe
City Fathers are determined to have good
streets as well as a classical village.
The following is au abstract of tbe pro
ceed ngs of the Couuty Court for tha June
term, 1881:
Probate Bpsisebs.
Estate of John T. Scott; property set off
to widow.
-Estate of R. P. Wills; semi-annual ac
count. Matter of J. H. Frazer insane; commit
Estate of Lewis Butt deed; final setle
ment. Estate of Thos. Summers; time set for
final settlement.
Commissioners Bckiness.
Transcript of J. P. Thomas iu case of
State vs. Starr; continued.
Mrs. Ann Sbea pauper; ordered that Mrs.
Ann Shea be struck from the list of county
Report of I "aac Ball, Supt., of Scholia
bridge; report received and approved and
the sum of $l,5.K).t$t. less the sum of $14.
2o cost of extra day of this term of court.
is ordered to be paid.
Petition for poor farm; continued to tbe
July term.
County Order 801. Class B.; duplicate
ordered to issue.
Locatiou of county road 80, on petition
of Schroeder; no d.i.u ije all iwdd anJ road
Location of road 89 on petition of H. H.
Hull; established.
Location of road W), on petition of G. W.
Marsh; established.
Petitiou to change road 8o; ordered to be
opened 33 feet in width.
Petition of relief of R. J. Chisom; $15 a
month allowed.
Sale of personal property of C. Kranse,
Location of road 92 on petition of J.
Milne; viewers and surveyor sppoiuted.
Location of road 91, on petition of J. D.
Wilinot: viewt rs and surveyor appointed.
Location of road 03 on petition of J.
Smith, viewers and surveyor appoiuted.
In matter of the Barnes bridge, Itaac
Ball to examiue and report.
In Hillshoro, June 13th, 1SS1, to the wif
of T. H. Tongue, a daughter.
In Hillshoro, June 1 lh, 1331 to the wife
of John Milter, a soa."
The New Bible. Quick Work
The new version of the New Testament,
which bas been so many years iu course of
translation, aud which is unquestionably
tbe most tmiMutant literary enterprise this
century has seen, is being waited for with
curiosity and mxiety by hundreds of
thousands. It is not generally known that
a first edition of 5 K,0i copies has a n-udy
been manufactured in Euxlaud, and 100,
00O are said to be already iu N-w York
City, uot oue of them permitted to be sold.
They are awaiting a telegram in En. laud
authorizing their issue. The first copies
can ouly b bad at tbe extravagant price of
$10 per copy. Tbe . iterary Revolution
proposes fully to meet tbe demands which
ita army of friends are making upon it by
doing probtbiy tbe quickest work in book
uiwkiug which has ever yet been accom
plished. Arrangements have been fu'ly
made to pnt tbe entire bo.ik into type in
side of 24 hours from the time a printed
copy of the Euglish edition can be procur
ed, and within three days at least 10,000
copies will be bouud ready for delivery to
waitiug purchasers, aud at least 5.0 Iq
copies will le manufactured every day
thereafter, uutil tbe deiuiul is m-t. It
will be printed in large, beautiful type.,
neatly and strougly bound in cloth, in a
volume of about SM1 pn:es, ud aold at the
uomiual price of 3 1 ceuts. , A fine editi-u
iu half Russia, gilt tup. will be sold for GO
cents, and one iu full Turkey uiorocco, uilt
edges, for 41.25. Of coarse, tho popular
demand will be enormous. Orders will be
filled iu the order iu which tuoy are receiv
ed, witb remittance. America u Book Ex
change, New York.
Fjr WdaJilagtsHi Coaaty.
Minerva Walker
acre; $10J.
to W. H. Willi, ten
Francis E. Allen to A. J. Hamilton 40
acres; $o00.
H. B. Ostman to V. B. DeLasbointt,
lands in Washington countv; dollars.
J unes Steel end wife to DeLashmatt et
als.. 20 ares; $1.
T. C. Hatch to VT. F. Hedges, 17 acres;
W. W. Graham to J. L. Marion 40 acres;
$3 20.
James Steel and wife to David Purser,
73 acres ; $500.
S. Hughes nid wife to M. A. McLeod, re
lease of lots in Dilley; $t I.
John M. Tire and wife to Mary D. Turn
ball. 15 acres; $400.
Mary D. Turnball to Meier fc Frank 15
acres; $1.
A. Meier to Mi-ier Jb Frank 15 acres; $1 .
T. D. Humphreys to John Sorenson. 80
acres south of Reedville; $350.
F. Elliott aud wife to William French, 80
acres; $'.)25.
G. W. Shearer and wife to S. A. Durham
ft al. 80 acres; $48'J.
T. D. Humphreys to Thos. Madison, 40
acres in Sec. 20, T 1 S, R 2 W; $2,020.
Jm. Nestor and wife to Robt. Pollack 50
acres, near Dr. Geier's donation; $J.OO I.
Catharine McCary et a!., to N. H. Gates
their interest in land in TIN, B2 W;
Martha Graham et al. to N. H. Gates in
terest iu certain land; $100.
June Humphreys to N. H. Gates certain
laud; $100.
Jenuett Burstou to N. H.Gates 137 acres;
E. A. B. Phelps to W. M. Gregory 10
acres; $100.
Thos. Hart and wife to Dr. E. M. Br wn,
lots & aud 7 in b ock 1 is Hillshoro; $C0O.
W. R. Jackson and wife to W. D. Pitten
ger their right title and interest to tbe do
nation land claim of Wm. Merrill in Sees.
G and 7, T 1 S. R 2 W, 320 acres; .for valu
able considerations
Jacob Blum and wife to John Graf, Lome
stead claim of Robert Caaipbell in sees. 13
aud 20. T 1 N, R 1 W, lfij acres; $1,200
tr t:t .s r.. . r d .
A. A. diiiuci anu won to A. v. ur w , ,
i0 acres iu T 1 S, R 3 W, sees. 33 and 34;
James Kelland and wife to James Hay
ward nl acres in sec. 3, T 1 N, R 2 W;
Thos. Stephens and wife to B. Dresses,
100 acres in Sec. 4, T 2 N. R 4 W; $650.
Jno. Russell to W. W. Graham 36 acres
of the W. W. Graham donation claim, also
another 4 acres of said donation claim witb
mill sitt : u I all the timber on his claim of
643 acres; -?300 iu consideration to protect
and defend Russell and Gorman agaiust
claim of Tice.
M. F. Nessley and wife to F. K. Arnold,
lot 1 in block 20 in Cornelias; $250.
Tbe asllenge to tbe Scholia Ferry club
wns as follows: We cflf.-dto go to tneir
place; gave them choice of time, sides and
questions. We snugsted two qnestious
that we bad never debated, and they were
told if these questions did not suit, to sug
gest others and they would be accepted.
Wbat more could we do or they ask? They
called a meeting but didn't table tbe chal
lenge but their messenger yd'cd around
here it was rejected" and "wusn't fair."
And be aud "A Member" threatened to ad
vertise it in the Independent, and we told
them that if they were so anxious we would
pay half the expense. Then they bneaked
back to Scholia Ferry.
General Aoency. Jr. T. M. Wilcox, V.
O. Box 333 has established a general agercy
in Irtland. The necessity of having a
person in Portland to wuom letters of in
quiry on any anbject may bt addressed,
witb a certainty of obtaining a prompt re
ply, has long been felt by people at a dis
tance, when there would have been no ne
cessity for such a sacrifice of time and
money, if such person bad felt assured of
a prompt answer to bis letters of inquiry.
Many persons believe themselves entitled
to money from the Stale or General Gov
ernment; some times a farmer has a par
ticular kiud of fruit, or grain or seed to
sell; many times a particular book is
wanted, some times mistakes are made in '
the purchase of good; in all these cases
such an agency at Portland is iuvnluubte.
A ways seid a three cent stamp and if tbe
service required he more valuable send
what it is sorth io rou.
New Stock fob G. L. Mrs. Parish of
the Hillfaboro Millinery stt-re cas bought e
now tock of Millenerv goods for the Indies
especially those who want souietbiup new
a particularly nice Tor tbe I. O. G. T. Grand
Lodge. Call ladies, nnd see, and buy.
Whereas, a petition has been presented
to the County Court ot Whingtou' Couuty
Oregon praying said Court to take the nec
essary ates ft procure- a farm to be knowu
as the poor farm ot said romtv. you are
hereby notified that the further considera
tion of tbe question has leen deferred un
til the July term. 11, ,f this Court at
which time all persons interested herein
will be beard .by either petition or remon
strance. Dated tbis 13th day of June. 1881.
Laud Office at Oregon City Oregon. I
May 25th. JtWI. t ,
Notice is hereby given that tbe following- i
named ttler bas tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof jn Knnport of his
claim, aud that said proof will be made be- j
fore A. W. Lnelling County Clerk at Hills-
boro Wnsbington County Oregou, on Wed- j
nesday July tttb. 1881, "viz: Isaac Skeins J
Homestead Application No. 3,002 and ad
ditional No. 3,823 for the S. ; of S. W.
N. E. of H. W. ; au.l N. W. of S. E.
Sec. 24 T2K.U3 W. Will. Mer: He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivatiou
of. snid laud, viz:
tt. P. Coruelius, of Glencoe Wash. Co. Or.
Wui. Johnson, .
E. B. Smith, "
James Smith. "
Bccklem's Arnica Salve. The Best
Salvk in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,
Ulcers. Salt Rbeura. Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail
kinds of Skin Eruptions. Tbis Salve is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in
every ca-e or money refunded, rnce
! c'u, Pe Fr S de at Browu'a, Drug
' "" Hillshoro. Bowlby's, Drugstore F.
Grove. Cornelius's, Drug Store at Corne-
ouge usvi a- c oinpany. n noiesaie
Agents, Portland, Oregon.
rat lo To Praef.
At S time when tha eoiuiuuriitj U flsoded with
so many uu worthy devices aud cooructiuus, it la
relrealilK Aud that la beneficial aud pure,
' No couaciooa are th j.rupri. t.r cf la. EtMU'a
New DiacuVEitT fur Ouuamitl4&, of the worth of
their remedy, that thev offer all who desire a trial
bottla ee mf rliuru . This certainly would
be diaaatruua tw thein did uot the remedy iee
tha reiuarkable curative qualities claimed Da.
Kixo'a New Discovert for Conauinpttou s ill posi
tively cure Aathaia, BrouchitU, Stubborn. Coughs.
Cold, PUthiaiJ. Quiu'y. Huara-:n taa, Cr up. or
any affu tion of the throat and lun.'a. Aa you !
I ue your exlatence tti ve
; trial by calling ou Dr.
thia woa l erfnl remedy -
Dr. E. M. Browu. HilUWrw-
Dr. W. BtslLy. ForatOrove. T. It. Corneliua.
Cornell ua. And obUlida s trial bottla fre mf
or s regular sis battle for $140. Hodge
Davia Jt Co. W b"Iale AgeaC Portland. Or.
pmn mm
For ISTE&5AI , snd EXTEEWAL Use.
NHii.:r'm:j reach botOa.an-wietfaai m
n.jfnui v. . '
A imrpgi Itmwd kd.
lilmrrliM. Ilyaeatery, Caiat.a. Claeiera
m.t mil Jtl Compiuint.
Kick IU
aiM HII I Cn I" nnvrreaiear
HIIJ llll.WI.ll I
Headache Pals tu the liack er aUii
tallatManu -earaii
PAin KILLEH ixrj&TiKirizrn
f.rln m-ifrwrmt rrlitf in all rati of
K raises 'eta. KamlBSt Hevere Here, etc,
PAIH KlUEft r.pMKi
Hraier, l-ter,Sellr.r,.r usa)lcla-.
km lnternaiy er ealcru-ily with eertaiuiy
C VSXTry ean afford to r- vrlthwnt tW Is
Tnluab!e reuw y 1 j th. h U yncm dtihk l
:.nn tU- rech c( ail.aiid it w!l a&uaily aav
V t na it c t In octf ' biHa.
( hf mJ -ru-el I. .1 Cfto. uOe. aa4 SI a kettle
PERRY DAVI3 A ftM, ProvMsnoe, It. I.
- Proprietors.
Notice in hereby giveu that by virtue of
a warrant issued out of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Washington
count j', attested by I be clerk of said coun
ty, ou the lGtb daj of April, 1881. and to
me directed, commanding me to collect the
delinquent taxes for the year 1830 nnd for
waut of personal property I bave levied up
on, and will sell, st public suction, t the
Court House door, in the town of Hills
horo, in Wssbiiigtou County, Orecon, on
Sii!urd3, the 18th day ot June, 18S1, the
followmg described tracts or parcels o
land. r so much tb. reof as may le uecea.
sjiry to satisfy the taxes due thereon, with
cost and charges. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock, A. M.. and to continue from
day to nay (Sunday excepted) until all the
land is sold, to wit :
T. G. Hollidav N. V, ot S. E. i and S.
E. of N. E. U f 33. T 1 S, R 3 W,
1GO acres; tax $-.40.
A. H. Whss S W. of Thomas Mc
Kay's Donation, T 1 S, R 1 W, 80 acres, tax
$ J 00.
J. H. Eagan o t n Don., T 2 S. R 2 W,
32 acres; tax $38 10.
Peter Swank own Don.. Sec. la. T 2 St
R 2 W, 100 acres; tax $7.20.
Unkuowu Owuers co.innencinf At the
S. W. coiner of Win. Porter's Don. line;
thencs S. 17.43 chs; thence E. 53. chains;
thence N. 17.45 chs. to Porters line; thence
West on said line to pi tee of beginning, be
ing W. I'of H. H. Hendrick's Don. in
Sees 33 aud 31, T 1 N, R 3 W, W acres;
tax $7.0.
Augeline Kennard Estate of; a tract
commencing at the E. line of that certaiu
piece of laud deeded by the O. C. R. R
Co., to Stephen Collin, which deed is re
corded on page 527, Book, 'F," Records of
uet.l, Washington Couuty, theyon, nnd
subsequently deed.' d by said Stephen Cof
fiu tq(4J. M. Carter, at a point 20 rods N. of
S.E. corner of said tract; tlcne W. 80
rods; theuee N. la rod; thence K. Ml
rda; thence S. l'MI u, to p'ece of begin
ning, containing 50 aeres more or l-s, atid
being a part of li. Wilcox aud wife's Don.,
in Sec. 36. T 1 N. R. 3 W 50 acres; tan
W. W. Weeks rart or L. Vanphn a
Don., beginning at a point 80 rrxls E. of
S. W. corner of S c. 2, T 3 S, R 2 W;
theuce E. 50 rods; thence N. 10 rods;
thence W. 50 rod; thence S. 10 rods to
place of begiuniiii.'. Sec. 2, T 3 S, 11 2 W,
30 acrts: tax $1'80.
J. L. Rathbnrn Lots 3 aud 4 ot Sec. 33,
T 1 S, R 2 W, 53 acres; tax $12 24.
Henry Nolaud. Jr undivided interest in
tLat part of II. Noland Sr's. Don. that lies
in Sec. 22, T 1 S, R 2 W, 18 acres; tax
G. W. bettsNorth Ell of G. W. Betts
and wife's Don., in Sec. 3, T 2 S, R 3 W,
40 seres; tax $4.50.
Thos. Piersou's Heirs of; E. ; of Thos.
Piersons and wife's Don., Sera, 34 and 35,
T 1 , R 1 W, 160 acrts; tax $'.M0
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
Th anderigned Laving filed Lis final ac
count as administrator of th rotate tf Lew
is Butt, deceased, in the Conuty Court of
tbe State of Oregon for Wssbiuuton Couuty,
the said Court has appoiuted Monday, the
13th day of June, 18.81, at 10 o'ciock a. m.,
for tho bearing of objection to the same nd
tbe settlement thereof.
Adrar. of tho est. of Lewi Butt. dscd.
Uillsboro. Oregon, May 4th, 1881.
Or V
The Thoroughbred Stallion
WILL MAKE THE S FA SOX of 1HS1 at tha foil.,.
InK plucee In Waaliliitfton Cunty, Orexon: M-n-day,
Weduaaday abd Kll'Uy l raeh week st IU
Uillabiro fair Groauda. ,
Tueaday and Htturdy of eub we'k at farm
Gre, aud Tbumiay or each week at lUiedvllle,
upon the following ti ru.:
MuKle HervU-e, f 15 00
Tha tM.-aaou 35 OH
Iu.urkiK y.iou
Marea rutrutNl to na to be bred Will paclva all
neeeaitary attention aud (rood pasturage, with or
without train, at reasotikbl ratea.
OIXN Dt'DLEY is a beautiful bay. 1 hands
biKb: ruu utile beat bru.g year old, carola
llo lb., iu l:ikj. I MH, and for beauty of lorta,
style and carriage, aulw-Uuio and power; riebneaa
aud parity of blood, has no superior In America.
PKDIOKEE Foaled 1x74. Hred by M.H.Han,
ford. North Elk brn SluJ farm, Letiutou, Ky,
by Imp. OLKNKLO.
1 dam.. Madatue iMid'ey by Lealntrton
2 daw.. Imp. Brittauia 4th by Flying Dutt-hiiian
4 dam.,
& daut.,
i d.ui.,
T dam.,
tt data.,
9 di Ui.,
10 dam.,
11 dim.,
l'i daui.,
1J daiu.,
14 daut.,
15 dxiu.,
IS dam..
It daiu .
Barbta bv the Barb
Vltula by Volt. Ire
by Idtery
Wagtail by Prima Miniater
Miaa Orltuatone by Weaael
by Auiat4-r
by Daiuaai ua Arabian
by Hamion
by Onatokw
Sophia by Oodolpblii Arablau
by Hobgoblin
by W bite foot
by Ieda
Muwuab Barb Mara
The get of Imp. Olcsshi. out at Lexington, dstua,
durinjc the peat two auiuii were' Hrt Iw mora
rate in Ajueilea than thegttof any other hara,
though fewer iu number, and aUrtlng in leaw
rai-ee than the Kt of Bonule Stotlaud. or Laaauln
ton- wLll la atreuKtb of liub aud ability to carry
wi lght ui1 atay a dlalanre, they are admitted to b
't Mtmutmt family It Antrim."
See their records;
Ferida 4 mi I la haaU.
MoLilor 1 Uiilea, iOJ.
Dan Sparling tulle heats, 141 H. 1:4, 144 .
Judith (full aiater to Olen Dadlay) ran utiles,
ISO lba. up, over 1 hardies la 411 J.
The abova rernrde, all made In IHSO, have never
been equalled, while that of Judith baa never been
reached by 4 aorcude by auy other horse, at any
other time. In America.
It la safe to say that, la strength, besnty snd
ati ylng power, under the aaddla or In barueas, th
calta of Oleu Dudley mill be itnaurpaaaad.
Tbe beat farm horses lu the world, are by thor
oughbred horaas out of large marca.
Address f uther Inuuirtee to
TH08. H. TOXOl'E, BUlaboro.
W. B. RAFFKH TV. Foroat Orove.
(1 .pit ft .
The English Coach
Draft Stallion.
1VIII make Hie Season of 1881 as
Dividing tbe time between the Farm of
tbe undersigned. 6 miles north of Cornel us,
and I mile north of Gaston, and st Robert
Imbrie's, 5 miles northeast of Hillsboro;
and calling st Forest Grove and Hillsboro.
TERMS (Season. $20
as follows: i luaiirunce, $30
LyGood pasture furnished to mares from
a distance. All attention given. No ac
countability for accidents. See bills for
Mred by Kir William W allace, ha by Dominion
King: Dant t'levrland Bay, by Itoyal l'eai-ock.
Sir W illiam Wallace waa lavd by Kiinon Beatia, of
Toronto, Canada, and Imported to Illinola by John
ROBERT BTll'CK waa raised by Atn-ara Frv.of
McLean CO., lllluola. HI nam, aa English High.
1 -uder. or aa it 1 called by the Eugliab, a Carriage
-Ujme.and aired by Old Hlghlaiidjiroperly tailed
o.inp." Her daaa. dm JlmSmAr, m bVy. 10 H
oaoua own. n einea i.uu pounoa.
Pondnion King waa a fall blooded Ensllah 1'raft
james im mm:
( 18mar4m)
1881. 1881.
number of mama, tb llair-Ureit t'lyitradale
II of three years old 9th Man-b, t C 'n.rlla
farm, the property of W. 1'balinera, Sr., 6 luilra
north of t'oriielhi. Ha was got by the Mweriitl
horse OLENF.I.O; the property of Major Jamea
Hnic ; dam Nell, (wl.lrb wna also dam of the well
known home Romance.) He la a bright bay with
white feet, aud ratcb ill fori'lioad: atanda 17 hand
high; ulrt ii feet 10 Itiebea; liiuba clean and act
ive with vigorous constitution; high lifed and
Riwd t tnHred ; took flrt pren.luui at the Waah.
ingtou tVmuty Fair two years, and awcepetakea at
tbe laat Fair.
TKKMH :...Inurance, f ; to be paid when
mares are known to be with foal. Season. f JU; to
be paid at the clone of tbe aeawon, Juua 90th.
S" Partiea having marea itiNiired will be brld
accountable for the aame if aold or removed from
the range. I
Bv virtue of a license and authority lo
sell the following described lands belong
ing to Louise 3lesick, a minor, duly grant
ed to me as guardian by the Honorable
County Court of tbe Slate of Oregon for
Multnomah Countv, by an order therefor
lnlv ii.flde on the 23d day of May, 1881,1
sill sell at public auction, iu front of tbe
Court House door nt Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon, on lba 27'h day of June,
isil, at the hour of one o clock p. m. of
snid day, tho following described tract of
land beiouging to raid infant ward, viz:
Tbe northeast quarter of Section 30. T. 2 S
It. I W. of tbe Willamette Meridian, in
Washington County. Oregon. Said lands
will be .old for one-third cash in Land, tbe
remainder payable iu two tonal payments
ou one and two years lime with interest at
ten ercent. per annum, secured by mort
wane on the premises, or for cash in band
as inr.y lie deemed desirabl.
DciiHAM a Thovpsom. Att'vs.
The undersigned having len sppointed
Executrix of the Isst will and testament of
John T, Scott, Deed., all persons Laving
claims against said estate are hereby re-
i mred to present them with tbe proper
vouchers to me et mv residence, at Forest
Grove.Oregou, with In six mouths from the
date hereof.
Forest Grove, May 15tb. 1881,
The undersigned, having filed bis udsI
account as administrator of tbe estate of
Henry Davis deceased, in Iho Connty Court
of the State of Oregon' for Wasbiugtou
County, tbe said Court bas pMinted
Thursday, the 7th of July, A D 1881, at
Id o'clock A M. for the heariug objections
to tbe same and the settlement thereof,
Admr. of the Est of Heorv Davis deed.
Hillsboro, Oregon, Jnue 8, 1881,
" Final settlem!
The undersigned administrator of tbe Es
tate of Thomas Summers, Deceased, Las
hied in the County Court, of Washington
Conutv, Oregou. bis final account of such
administration and said Courthas set Mon
day Jul 18th, 1881, for tbe hearing thereof
st which time any objections to said ac
count will be heard.
piivsiciix and snuiKory
eVaroet .rer. Orera
OFFICE At tbe Drug Store.
Physician. hurtrMn and Aecfiicber.
Mr. Hudsons Blacksmith shop.
Por4t Orrovo, Oregon,
27my81. .
Portland, Oregon.
OFFICE At Union"-Oiock.
r,l.F. GEIGER, M. D.
Orics. With Dr. Wi. Oetgcr, Forest
Grove, Wasbingtou Coouiy, Orrgwa.
l&aprtf ' .
e. r.i. onoun
llillsboro, Oregou
Attorney and Counscller at Law.
OFFICE la the Court House, Hllliboro,
13m. -
Attorney and Counselor at liw
Portlaod, Oregasi
(UprSI.) , "
Notary PubllcConvcyaacerDcpsty Dlst.
Ba4e. Buslneas aatruated to Ids cars aUewd.d
to promtly,
Omci-At Court ITouse. ct24.
Ulllstsara. WMklavrsaM Ca. Oreaasu
Thos., D. Humphreys
Notary Public and Ccnreyancer.
LECTIONS made. Business entrust,
ed to his care attended to promptly,
OFFICE At New Court Ilonse.
Shattuck Cl CIillinr
E. D. Sbsttuk. v Denton Killia
Attorney, and Canwllers at U,
IekasN'N Htslldlsisr. Fire I Mtreet,
srspectal ittcutlon klrvu to Land Titles si
litigation. i 20roy78.
F. A. BilLEY, M. D,
Physician. Surgeon ,and Acceucher
Hillsboro. Oregon.
Omcr. la Cbenette's Bow',
RE8IDENCE Three block south of Drag 8 to
LAW OFFICE In Vert's Liberal flail.
IlOURS-4 1'. M., till OA. 11., all day
on Saturdays.
Legal pspres drawn, collections made,
etc. jel781. .
Shop tin Tlilrd Street, aanth of Uood
Templar's llsll, IlillslKiro.
t'sAll kinds of jobbiug and repairing
done cbcnp and on short notlco.
Houlh of MlHerfcUcPoaald'a Black tb Shop,
Hlllstioi-o, OrtROU, (
Adolf Oicgreot,
Dealer iu all kinds of
Tht lllyhtti ice paid for h ,S'oc-.
-T :
Carriage; Sijgn, and Orna
mental Painting
Dene In flrst-elass style, at reasanable
rates t also
All work wsrraated to be flrsWelass.
nrPeople In tbe country wanting work
done will please writs to me and I will
promptly attend to It. . t . ,
Address, O. OJtDEMAN.
JlilJsbofo, Cregon.
Shop next door to W. D. Pit tender's store