' S d*i 0 f t C V O L . 11. 0 t - ( FOREST $ > GROVE, t V t W A S H IN G T O N im prove tho breed of horses in THE INDEPENDENT. 0 COUNTY, < 3 c OREGON» the o t , with white star, striped face, TH URSD AY i OCTOBER t ò u t NO. 2 » 8,1874. HEAPING VS. HEADING a c TELEGRAPHIC! OREGCY State, in addition to wlmt he has tic- : little white on his hind feet, and The new County C lerk o f Yam hill com plislied in the finest breeds of ! _ • i i qno «om u ls M r. lie e d ' -p D allas , Sept. 1 0 ,18i4. / weigns i,.rou pouuua. j E dit «»« I tknizbb : —Th e question, county has issued eight murringe l i ­ rrnusHKD at cattle. Am ong the number purchased j ^ fwm M r Robt< ch erry , j which is the most profitable process censes since July 1st. A m Fintiti at anchor in Muoliosotnfil seas B oston Sept. 20— Oifh. B u tler e i - Is ovt rmoro haunting my s >ul like * of harvesting, Reaping or H eading,is , . . . . Toronto, Canada, at a cost ofi3,0(>0. „ ... v • * * i , . . r 1 here is considerable sickness m plaius his note to G o t . K e llo g g , i#-' . - Oregoi fo rest Grove, • • dream. now being agitated among farmers. . . . ... \t Tocu.vr Although to m e Uvl.l tim i inoro \n; ,,loll r.m n fr just now «n .H h c 51. cently published, by 6 p.ying he lie is considered the finest young And the mystical grace of the slender palm- G eorge M. ‘ A chesnut stallion by ¡train can lie saveil in a given length j ' 8 ■l , c Vo|> us.v. tree*. secured to appear before the Su­ S . L U O DEI. horse of the kind ever im ported into That lift their light plnme* in the indolent Patchen ; first dam by V e ru io n tH a m - o f time, with an equal amount o f j Th e C om ity Clerk o f Maihm coun- preme Court to argue against grunt­ brertc, bit tonimi; second dam bv O ld A b ­ Canada. N ine o f his colts seen by mauiial labor and expense, by head- tv issued 13 marriage licenses and ing the petition of the M cita ery pkf- Editor and Pr*yr!#tor. ; Recurs in my thought, like the «dLiugt* dullah. In him, through his sire, Mr. Reed, show great uniform ity in ing than by reaping— this may he received for record G 4 deeds during ty to to have K e llo g g prohibited from the c a s e - b u tto take all things into September, thread of gold there is the blood that produced L u - ' breed,- .all bavs, with white star in consideration the evidence seems to taking possession o f tho VlsM 1 G o v - i That rau in the woof of the weaver of old. t , lim rtera, fine act o f ho in favor o f tho reaping process. I The total value o f ; property in ! ernmeut. »n U to p ro h ib it J o i . D o r- TERM S OF S U B S C R IP T IO N : And still shadows lengthenand smooth bil­ oy, Am ri iran G irl, G eorgoM . Patch-1 for(.llc.a>,‘ en, Jr., H arry G etiett, Sam Pu rdy i , ... . W e w ill tnkc average farmers for i l - , Coos county this year »s ?> 1 ,100,000. i . lows gleam. rin» y#*ur........................................ W •¡^ * I head and neck, com bining great llIstration> T h e ialla is generally A tax o f 25 m ills on the dollar has ! r c l1 from takinS anJ further M Rii mentii«...................................... ? j and others. Through his first dam the matter in his Court. Th e Thr«*«» m onth*,...............* ................ i *** Gray peaks that were tossed in the torture ! strength afld action. Mr. R eed, by seeded at ditTcreut times, which been levied. he has the blood that produced Son- Sin^l« copie*.......... ...................... W i of tire argued and decided bfefoM ib is form er huge importations o f the makes it more convenient fo r the T h e charter with which it is p ro -' ' was ......... ° ■Stand bare in the sun, and hefeir with taz, Princess, Honest John, General I best stock to be found in the United rvnper. Say one pieco . o f , t»rrtt,. grain 1MTES OF ADVERTISING: nn , , .... .... ................~ ~ ................- ........... . ■ ... , ,î ' I posed to clothe the town o f D a lla s, | in ‘ o Congress. W h e n lC ó n g ré í* j K n ox, Cnmours, Batty Aland a n a l ... i soars . , . « . . i . i „ . . . . , i 1 ,;.., ripens 1 'ipens and nud is cut, bound and w ell {• . . . . . . ’ ! v ____ -i t . n . . oo + a - forbids the sale o f spirituous liquors,- ! adjourned B utler n tot? th 6 hotA to States tu u l1 ¡‘ iiada, has pioveu nun- .* , . .. . ,r -t t - *° Vml HcutpiarfH I>f battio, an.l alignir.li nml others. T h ro u g h his second dam f shocked, making no ditlerence if it is 1 #i*.»l 1 TIMI 1 »4- 2 *•#}. i A ' p< >1 self a benefactor to the State, and an elou,ly or lhimv si,ou bl it como a except to persons r.rmed with a doc- 1 K e llo g g , asking tuf hfs f 66 s And put- 10 00 lr»’, «V I fi *0 3 :# o Z uo there is the blood that jirodueed 1 wait. 1 toi s In s c r ip tio n . | a VBj ne Upnn his scrricAV w h iclf i «■■■•. •> tai -i ;>o 4 30 H .V) là 00 , That Miy in «Irrisión Ilo Htr'Mig mul a»- Goldsm ith M.-ud, D exter, Volunteer, example worthy o f all praist*. S >rfli- shower the grain w ill not be hurt, 00 nt» • J < > 0*» j o u ‘ o .\ o 3 00 pire: 1 MiiVTH. ir.af in tht- ( )n i/onian. ! but dry out soon after the shower is Th e County Court o f Josephine at lie thought they «ie^ rved . K e llo g g 4 .so fi (VI «» on •JO IV) \o ini Rright seas, bittt r-hosrtod.strike wild on t)l^ ' Nettie, Gluster, Huntress and B o ­ 3 M<>*. — over. Then,u ntil the grail! is rcadv its last session made a levy o f 2 V ets. wrote a reply saying it was all a per­ £ • to 10 IV) K (Vi 3U 00 * M<>*. nd 0 u I *tnir**, dine. Although Autocrat has no shore. THE WISCONSIN RAILROAD DECIS to stack the farm er can exchange on the d ollar— an increase of one- sonal matter o f his own, that the ex­ 1 THAB. 10 00 16 00 .V U 0 30 00 I A im I *ing their old uuthrin, “ Deplore and record, and has very little training, work with his neighbor,and then bo- fourth o f a cent over last year* This ION. Lo‘ *i SoTtc**,M cent* per line for the fore the next piece is ready to reap raise is made to meet the extra cx- penses had been very heavy/ am$ j ^ deplore | he has shown wonderful speed,mak- -— — flr«t in»ertton. am! lOcenUa line for each | For all that is sorrowful under the stars!" j ■ •, ■ , 0l, r ,r . , i 1 he can have the first all ill stack,and peus« liable to occur from the B riggs asking B utler if he would cqnsider • ubsa.pient insertioo. No m*tice less than | ing a m ile in less than 2:30, half- I he railroads have expenenc so on until his grain is nil in the and other cases, him in the matter, rtfni enclosing rf 4 o pent*. the woild h is not mile in 1:13, and a quarter in 34see- • another heavy defeat in Y\ iseolisin. stack, and then when its convenient i A lib rat reduction will be nindr on regu­ , An empire of death? j check for one thousand dolfors. i knowa, onds. H e has the combination of The Supreme Court of the State has ( it can be thrashed out/i/t one tim e— ; ^ ie .Sof/esiim/» sats: A lady lar ailvrrti*trs. In »11 its great story of trouble and wrong, ! » i . ... t , • • . • , <• *i e... .niiii..# fuw-n«. , i f,........ named Ml'S.GleilU, livin g about three N tw Y ohk , Sept. 2t>.— T h e TYib- , ..... . . . . **•'o f blood that has produced the fast- granted an ununetion to force them m jiim n g fewer noises ana n u c i . . . ,. , ’ • r, .. AGENT AT PO R TLAND , O R E G O N —L. Another like Molokai, drear and aloup, . . .. , bon.In .»f linv ..nn « 1,011 miles Irolli Salem, over ill 1 oik n 10 ; o f to-ilay has the fo l’ ow iu g: Ktnrm«. i to com ply w ith the provisions o f the R tj ors‘ j n },^a,1in„ ^ ,„ 1 tlu esh iii" at con,,t.V, narrowly escaped death yes- AGENT AT SAN FHANV1SCO- L .P .F ish - , "her*- Pluto, the hojs -sl.*yer, sits on his 1 ost trotter“s 111 tl,e " o lid . N ew O iu . eans , Sept. 291 .— ThA fo l­ m orning at an early hour. She tLri>n'’ woomu iiN. ! I’otter law, for winch the A ttorney- j t , |0 ^ time. ° Whereas, o n " the terday ............. ■ a riMima iO A 21. Merchant *Exchange California street. And rule* as a tyrant, unchecked in hi* b ja(,j. Ht»i.llion bv Borden, son of o 01u>r!^ had applied. 1 he proceed- | other hand, it requires a full team of went out, as was her custom, to low ing is a copy o f Senator Carpen-' AGE’S r s AT NEW YORK CITY -S. M milk a cow, which had a you n g calf tc r’s letter to G ov. K e llo g g : l'” **''» vv.... 1 1 ...... t>;i .« ....» ..c w .... 1 1 ...... i ing was somewhat unusual, but now hands and horses to feed the thresh- I ‘*rrrsGii.i. A Co.. 37 Park Row, cor. W oodhurn P ilo t, out o f W oodburn , , . . . t, by her side. As Mrs. Glenn ap­ With none to dispute him, and none to de-} lW km an *t.—G*o. 1*. R owki . l - ;ir K' lbxjj:— I. urn desperately hands must quit and wait for the on her and knocked her down, en­ ration* intenilnl (ar meertion in I iie j railroads should still refuse i sun to come out— and if a man has deavoring to gore ll«’r with her horns. short. Can you send me $1,000? 1 * 1 .rr**PRST must be authenticated by The red *ltn* wheel ov. r and drown in tli. Red Fox. In him there is the blood j ^ T errib ly frightened,’ of course, the Ih* name and addr*** of the writer- • * *«a; that produced Lad y T h orn ,B rigu oli, ’ ibedienee, it will be competent tor , but a small crop it w ill not take long lady screamed for assistance,but be­ I f so, it w ill be a Gtsl-send. not ne. e«*arily for publication, but as a ! the State authorities to move for a to eat up the profits of the year’s la- Yours, truly, 1.ike elustrringlilie* the white star*ilecay; Metllbl iuo, l'ateheli, I'.rricson, John guaranty u( g««*! faith. fore it reached her one o f her ehartors. This *,or- But the worst feature of the M A TT. H. C A R PE N TE R . OFFICE -Sear Los»n Johnaon ■ Planing f Moons blossoms, and wither; but. wind- Morgan, Pilot Tem ple, and almost forfeiture o f tuen* was badly broken, and . . , heading process is seeding the farms wrists Milt*. w ard or b e. the identical blood that produced " ''V * 10 ,1 10 tIS-' *> a « '»>« wjRl w il«l oats. Th e grain being so she had reeeived several bruises on New Y ohh , Sept. 3 0 .—A N ew O r ­ No rising sail beckon* «tr bids thrui Ire f rec the body. Had the enraged animal’s P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S . 5[i'm l,iiiio (¡¡ft , the stallion Hint lias ' ;l " lo" ' sl >c<’ ,*v lll;in . . ’ . 1 crop o f # wheat 1 . . wild . . . oats . is sown the Of «.orrowing spiritsaml waft them »wav by his breeder, E. S. W m W o r th , i ! " somP Cuses.against theeompames. ; w j,i have the start, the result is a tli«* injured lady was doing as w ell as f 0 R f > T tiR U V F , . • • • P R E G O N . gen«*ral the temper o f th « people o f could be expected. F.s«p, o f C hicago Illin ois, to the i ^ sll> ts " oie *u various stages o f J CVOp uf wild oats insteiul of wheat. They buy not. they »«-11 not 8 -theJoy ati.l th., raised alwjut gettin g hands to bind has the fo llo w in g : Tkry king tlr-ir Mining» s#>ng* «Ttd*it 1 >rHi.i- K ysdyk’s Hambletouiati. First dam leans *j>e« ial gives the full text o f k its opinion granting the injunction, tho grain. O f course a man would Phyticixn and 3urjfeon. ing ili» ir li*ir by Boliver, J r.; second dam bv Dr. M ary W a lk er is a strange pro- four-column address to the United" intimated what a forfeiture <>f char­ rather drive a header wagon than to F 0Ä Z3T G R 0 V Í. - * * * 0KEQ0N Till day ln* g'U’ r dev-t., and th» curtain <•.' k Ou il g Messeng« r D uioe. She has ter meant. In this intimation it bind grain; but let half a dozen «bu t of our late war -a strange pro- states, issu«*«l by G ov. K eH ogg I d ' O f FifT. -At th* Drill Stor*. ' „ . . . fanners exchange work and they can duct both o f its physical and tlieoret- day. I t >a au elaborate dt feuwe df siilo by Spaulding's ! i oes not ditTer from the position ta­ RKHIDKMCK- OrcerH*ondnif*ck«outh ,U " i’^ d from th* Und-r. r risimi of a colt at her bind all tlu*ir wn grain if necessary. ic»l excitements. D u rin g the war m‘ 2 2 :ly Abdallah. Spaulding’s Abdallah was ken 1 iv all laym# n of «*0111111011 sense his aduiiuiatration from all charge« •f Ik* Drag The cause ofthc scarcity of bands is And dim *h»d ’W* mnrf on «lir *ilT^ring ’ by O ld Alnlallali; bis dam by Star Mary found h«»r w ay to Castle Thun­ made, but preaent» no new point*. 011 this branch of the subject. F o r­ that in tBe.* us«* «4 headers it requires fl y T*»o»(r*o’«. >i*‘or^‘ • Gazer, soil «if im ported Messenger— feiture of franchise means no more more help at the same time than with der, in Richm ond, »m l had a pretty H e asserts he was legally elected, 0 * 0 fl. rrXNiB. IH&rfrt When one goes they all go, hard time o f it. The first thing they and in proof aays the negro vote p And touched by th* moonlight th»-ir d*rk fa­ thus com bining a large amount of than the f«>rf*iturc o f the thing reapers. Durham k Thom p»»*. res glow. Messenger blood, the fouutain In n i granted —that is to say, the right to and when on«: stops they all st«>p. did to Mary in that lovely prison the State, added to that o f 5,000 to But still they are engaged for the wa s to force her to tloff her tinmen- And low like tbr w*i| of th«> wind in the a t t o n s t: i' s-A 7 /. a i r , of famous trotters. 10,000 w iitft Republicans, is large/ run across or along public roads o f. season nml must los«» the timo when pin«1* tionables and don the emblematic OI.LAN, than that o f the disfranchised whit«*/ tli«* State. W e need not sav that a th«« weather is unfavorable to head X«#. 10» Fir*t Atr*ft. Th»ir fitful song* quiver, and, broken *nd pidticoat o f her »ex. A t first Mary H e repeats his form er statement that And another thing, harvest, can bo •low, RORTl.iXD. * * ^ OKK<;OS Is a bay mare, by Border C h e f, son railroad without that right would he commenced much earlier by reaping, wept, then waxe«l wrathy.and linal- hi* administration cost $7,000,000 •v*«m lr>*t in tlie l>rnt of th<* aurg# i below; of M em brillo Chief ; first «lam (Hindu practically resolved into old iron. It as tbe grain docs not need to 1* so Jy f*H into love and quietude. At And w‘> r the gilt water*. >lrr»m-*wret and less it an W arm oth’a and $14,000,000 A LTR 1D E Ï 1 E T . M D., by O liver, n thoroughbred s<>n of would be a railroad which could not «lead ripe. N >\v, with these oonsid- 1 * , • . - , . 4 . ... , , , »far, . • 1 •, ■ ,1 • last, in ! 8 M . «-lie was liberated, ob- lex* than that o f the preceeding G or- «lam by You ng l>e operated. erations, it sums up in tins manner: • TT X X O 33 O X . Th«ir hearts trarrl outward, wli*re, loat liko \\ eguor; second ’ That grain can hr saved with less '* o jed * new puir o f pantloons, ami , ®rnor; that he has reduced the State Onus; third dam by imported Onus. » atur This is flit* second gfrnt defeat PFIPE IX PCKUM’S Bl’ ILDIXG, ; risk; mor<> economic,ally; with fewer iu the position o f a martyr to j $yo 0 ,0 0 0 iu two year*, and th«' X. w. *orn*r *f Fir*t *nd Washing- Tb“t fell from Üirir h^«vrn, Owbyee rv- ; She has a colt at h«*f sido by M en- j whi« h the railroads in Wisconsin 1 lieh 1 teams and hands at any one tim e; patriotism, stalked the » 11100 th ami { rtttc 0f inxation oue-half. H e de­ clin# *. U « fi'.rot*. P*rtl»ud, Or**j*. »3« D dans, son of l*yskyd * Ilam bleto- j ,114ve im.t iu { \w colirts to which they , that the land wiH lie le?t in i ifetter bm ed i.ave o f lVnnevlvania Avenue clares the Republican party in Lout niait * 1 » *• • a «i 1 ___ IB : _ . 1 __.*n .1 a . it A man. Vt hat reek they of hattleur conncil, or »11 appealed for protection against the condition, and all w ill agree that the to tjje Älliu, rlu<.nt 0f tli« crowd VALIIME ATOTT o f siaua is w illin g to be jutlgeil by th 6 ». a. » all . worth more reaped than The hop« or eu«I«*»vor of lalMjriuf# time? j ooi . dkn f some audience a* the W h ite Houso, even ministration, to bear in tnind that a «» I f ■mile, lier side, bv Spaulding's Abdallah. 1 on the whole it would he better for one who prefers (he heatisr. Our with Lin coln , whom she am used bv T)ir 111 . 'Svilii and crown of » tropical « lini*'. thcr come from men who hate R «- the railroads everywhere, without columns are open to the farmers on F R A N K L. STOTT. m i vvi.u , her pert ness and nonsensical uffecta- j publican principles everywhere. H « And tini*, wliilc the vlwmiip. and __ p:> further controversy, to admit the this and all other agricultural sub­ tions o f superior ability, which she [ reiterates his willingness to resign i f at#- w,,rid Is a bav mare, 3 years ol«t,1»v A llia m -! . . . . _ , , , power o f the State to regulate the ject*. W rite us short and sound ar- would assert in an English altogeth ­ A t t * r n f T , a l * k « w « I k liiiilding and wrecking and Imildiiig ora, son o f MoniWrnio ( lucí and : .. . . . it was simply a personal matter, but corporations organized by permission ticles aln>itt the business o f farr ing er her own. A ll sorts of things were It I l l s BORO. Olì KOOK. Susan, by American E clip se; first 1 believes there it a principle in vo lved of its laws. It would secui that it » » ‘1 " in 1,0 t(» publish them, Gffle#« in n«*w ( ‘.-»art Iluti*^. A »tnuigr ship at anchor, hrr canvas all (1am J>v im ported K n igh t o f St. ! mui 8l,lM" h" * l>ut 81111 »•“ “ •**•• “ I which makes it h i. d a lj to m u ti» was against the exercise o f this pow- 'V e are not particular about having living, and to-day conies the news of j ^ furl««!, I * 1 0 .. , . (ic o r g e ; second dam bv im ported w Lite aim* »»t 111 purple, and ninni is 1111 - . e f that the railroads, nt least in W is- wor«ls all spelled right, but we her 1 lacing the boulevards o f Paris ^ ™ T H 0 MAS H . TONGUE. P«arlod, Monarch; third dam by American • consin h a V 0 lieen f a t i n g . 1 1 W a smnoto X,October 1 . — T h «P ir t K A well "a n t goo« 1 ideas expressed in as few iu the breeches that were tho wonder Lie»low Molokai: ¡unitili imlolrnt palm Eclipse. A t t o r n e y -at - L a w , lie D ebt statement «how's a reduc­ ! digested communication, which w ill " ofds as p o s s ib le ^ o f the avenues o f YVashingfon. It Srarrt flutt« r» a pilline, for thv «lays arc to KITTY I v \ vih tion o f $435,000 during September. be found in the supplement ««f this j I U l l . W v Waxhingtrin County, Orrg#»n. seems that Mary is on her way te» catm. T he s t a t e g r a n g e . And Death, th»- gray «1» »pot, *0 pati«ut Is a gray filly. 2 years old, by Silver j r>iiti,,n ,,f the llullrlin, sets forth Constantinople, where all of her sex VARIETIES. _ Tli«* Stato (¡rangoadjourned after a fhe and tru«’. Duke, son o f Iron Duke, ami run- verv r ]r .,ri v u mt the real loss inflict- do wear those things, not metaphor- ------ -Sam m l S iwpsn,‘ ¡it Ot frl'tm l M'litth'y. ning back through the dam of Silver (.q *OM ti(P milroads o f that State by- pay'* session, to mot on the fourth Tuesday K A weather reporter— A clap 0 / 'One of theSandwicli Islands,to which the Duke to Engineer, the sire o f Lady ' f |H, potter law is very small and in- in September 1*77», in Portland. The fol­ C a d ili A K lllin , lowing ollicrs have boon elect«*«! for the d i­ the «» flic ial chief physician «>f the ! thunder. Hawaiian l#-p«Ts ar* hauishol. alling year: Sullolk. This m iy has perhaps ns i significant It w ill be mudi wiser St rained svWetnes«- Kissing'througlF J T T O n X K V S A S I> f O V S S KI.OH seraglio o f the m ighty Povle. Master—Daniel Clark, Mirimi Conniv. a vail. large a proportion of Messengi-r j for t],ere Cor]*orations therefore to Oregon, ___ M i s c o l l n n y , Mary has strtick tli«> right piece nt AT LAW . A crying shame— Our neighbor’» blood in her as any animal of her ; n,liuit the iwitrer and argue for its Gvcrsc, r William Cyril*. Linn County. last. H er medical shortcomings L«‘eti»n r E. L. Smith Olvinvia, W. T. D»ktim'« Ruilding, First Htr»G, S. G.REED'S IMPOFtfATION OF THOR­ voting O one. age living. ¡exercise upon wise and just, princi- t*t-w.«r.l W. M Shelton, Wailu Walla, will pass unmarke«l iu th«> land of w PO R T LA N D , OREGON. OUGHBRED HORSES. P referred creditor* are tho»«* w h ^ MiNMK, ! pies. T h e character o f the struggle Wasliingtm Territory. Assistant Stevvanl W. M. Powers, Linn talismans,ami bloohicrism w ill flour­ «lo not dun. ish 111 its indigenous soil. Th e Eng- B U S IN E S S C A R D S , k L O D G E S . , Our traveling correspondent re- Is a bay filly, 1 year old, by Silver in which they have 1 »eon fo r some County. T h « pound of fleali—MWking tough Vha|*hiin M. Peterson. Jnekson County. turned from San Francisco 011 the Duke, dam by T oron to, mm o f St. ( time engaged, has been iilogical and Tri’ii^urer S. P. Lee,« lackamas «’oiintv. lisli K h eilive has a French male phy- ; steak tender S<‘ n tury J. Henry Smith Linn gicinn, but the great Sultan w ill have John L. S/rvnn*. W e have room for Law rence. Through this filly ’s dam ! foolish in the highest d«*gree. M lien ■The cause o f woman' «u ffra g «’ this morning only that portion «if there is the blood that produccilRoy- it is established tli.it the the part p.ut is Bate keeper A. A. Matthews, Dnugla* « » ‘ i Am erican fern: lc surgeon. In Scarcity o f husband». MOLOKAI.’ \ N O - S.- Hughes, N O TAR Y PUBLIC AND COLLECTOR. Lis correspondence describing S. G. F.GAL PATERK DRAWN. ACK- R eed ’s horses: A n"wbdgements tnk«n. Will attend M r. Reed was a passenger on his arornntiy (0 all busiues* entruKted t#> hi* ! . . . ... L .. »iu iv return from a lon g tour 111 the vv <*st- v*r#. I i ern, N ortliern and J o h n C o o p e r , N ew 1 States and Cunada, with England the object al G eorge, T oron to C h ief, Thomas greater than the whole, the railroads i County Jefl'crson and numerous «»there, noted w ill be able to set at for their extraordinary euduranco. ance the communities in which d e li-' they nrc operated, but not b&iore. mviunktta Is a chestnut filly, one year ohl, absolute by ri.T., I , c. llK,l. V..U.I.I1I L.ulv Assistant steward *niii, Line County. M en in form er ages, but in «lificr- - t i ent w alk s o f life from railroad Constrntinoplo M arv Mrs. l w ill trea«l A fashionable lady say* her hus^- « ¡ » « c i*>- a » » » ^ » a ^ u » * * ™ * * * * .Ijr. • Cunimcn.a, nml l.v 11 Io n - lino o f fe-1 CTiiM go-liM « t t y «»m « . s. l'nl- , , ,* . .. , ! o f ’em do tlieir bu sin ess after * w i - maio philosophers, (»esulo vvlio.se Clara«* County, W, T.; II. N. Hill, Lan« m ail- ¡ County; C. K. Moor, Renton County; Gr- beauty au«l wisdom the fame o f Su- Tnlkin,To f oarsman John P x u f sail D .’ k and Cady S .’s ]*ales as the savs it’s a great thing nowaday« to* moon before the sun. H eartily do Vie “ a gentleman and a aerfRer.-” Autocrat, first dam by Kossuth, sec I m r n v c d r n i # i > ! p . l i n t h i s it 1 l'C«*! l o l l . D U l * '. ' 1,1 r , o f purchasing some thoroughbred on'd dam by Am erican Eclipse, Lndv ! struggled in tlua direction, b u t , ' L : Sitlriu. K- * l,rh< twins County; M. " I'isk, we congratulate the Turk on his ac- ] One good trait in BrooWyn la d ie » M E L h H homes for raising this class o f stock Th orn , Sm u ggler, G eo. 3)1. Patcben, ! nmny “ f ‘ ,ltm Iost ,1,nr h' adfl* «position, but gallantry forbids that is, that tl**y dorr t d a ft to« naan dX rntV il though they tried to plaster over the A Boston paper estimates that the on his farm in W ashington county. Pocahontas and other ct k ^ o i.IC ir s THE PATRONAGE OF THE weakness of their position by the B cceher-Tilton scandal has <*o>»t in we should congratulate ourselves on j their parents much befortf * * f «g o o f ij>r*-oT<*. Work: warr'wiM (nhe#* <*«>r H e is confident that he has succeed*! trotters*—had a cross of American , .,. b j thirteen « r fourteen years. Walnut and Ihn» Strr« t». pretense o f a divine mission. ’The types,telegram s, correspondence,and ny>,1? ed, after great trouble and expense, KelipKC. u goo, n« « a Junius H en ri Browne, etfffc (i f f sagacious opossom desccmhul from j law yers, live hundred thousand < 1 <» 1 - I t was ‘ 'D arlin g G w corge” when a dead The silent m ajority.” T h a t ia securing some o f the best trottin g j sprinu U k u » ma M» FOREST GROVE LODGE, No. 136, thc tree the moment it saw that Cap, , bars. Probably. But who is to cal- bridal couple le ft Omaha; it was i a very fine thought, and rfmv let I blood on this continent or ever im- , T , . . .. , , , I Is a chestnut lilly l»v Lakeland Ab- tain Scott was about to bring his rifle d ila te the m is c h ie f it has «lone to the “ dear G eo rge” at Chicago;at Detroit Junius stop parting his »aii?F fff tips p o rte d from Europe. T h e horses , , j it was “ G e o rg e ;” ami wh«:n they | jjliddle. 1 , ,, dallau, dam by Alexander s A b d a l­ to his shoulder. Th at determ ined 1 "»orals o f the community? e e t s a t ITS H A LL e v e r y s a t - purchased by M r. Reed were all on .. . ........ , , . ., . . . . . reached Niagara F alls it was “ Sav ! , W hen a young Xrtrtf iHf© pnrt« his lah. This filly isjinbrod to Abdullah, anlr#rk. All b«aard, under the care ofM r. L o rd , a hair in the tnidtHe goes down on an ■Q#>mh#*r* of the Ord'-r in go###! Mith#linc arc *. . • -i • .1 • # r tlie same as the renowned Goldsm ith imr about, and tho railroads every- ! originated in E nglam l in tlm Kith , . . . •ortlially invit«*«! to attend. competent judgo of tins class ol care had better make a note «if the centui A, when ¡i party arose who fav- ) W hen they tried to force M issGay, ! orange peel Maid. From her form ainl pedigree w heio whether he got* dp again or not. ------- ! stock. Th e farmers of Oregon v»iB I f they do not submit to tho o rn l a republican form o f govern- o f Independence Missouri into a g r«a t things may be expected of this H O LBRO O K LODGE N « 1 , 3 0 , ■ be much gratified to kno'^somethin; A Boston court has decided that ment. T h ey adopted as their motto | marriage ‘against her will|* she kicked liliy. ! pow er which made them,they w ill lie the words; “ \Y't<# hope in G o d ,” the the minister’s lint oft', knocked tire if a woman lendk money to h er hua- A. F. k A M. of these choice animals, and w ill re- vo?N«# M.vJy/r« brought down in a most distressful iuitialsof which form tho word j young nmu down ami rode o ff on a bmtd sb*' cannot get it back. T h e * FOREST G ROVE, OREGON. Mret joice that Mr. Reed Im* given anoth- Tho vvor«l thus meatiH op mul«?, with one foot on each si«le o f j tieewiori will u«>t be new to many Saturday before the Fall Mnoa in practical m anifestation o f his Is a thoroughbred iraporte«! Clydes- j a/id m angle«! condition.— S. b'.llnlh - “ w h ig.” him. wives. x i r ‘ •»ch «*ch mouth. Brethren Br«*thrru in g«md i * position to kings and monarchies. good taste and great enterprise to dal »tabion, four years ohl, bay col- b*i#. jf'*u*iin¿ ut iavited lo attend. r. « , - T i t - — , ..... r .. K A TIST A A D J E M » \1