? H \sboro. Mono grange, no 25, Polk eo; J M Bew- i ’ hcenix grange, Jackson co; J Herin, ley, master; H C J/'/'immondB.sec; Lewi)-» master; W FHerrin, sec; /’hoemx. LIST OF POST-OFFICfcS. ville. W heat — F irm at SI «0 * n ° 0 Tbs. Springwater grange, Clackamas co; J H | Deputies of the State Grange. Liberty grange, no 26, Lana co; H N /fill, Lewellen, master, T M /feed, sec; Spring- M . OosMdin basin vented anew 3afety F lo u r — Extra in demand for ex master; J T Jennings, sec: Junction. water. New Revised Edition. port at $5 25@ 755 f* bbl. shimming api a atus, which has been Faimiers o f Oregon and Washington Evening «Star grange, no 27, Multnomah Tualatin grange; Clackamas co; John Entirely rewritten by the ablest writer« on Oregon. O ats — *1 55&1 75 f> 1°° even,’ subject. Printed from new type, and organize f o r self-protection and f o r the co; Jacoq Johnson, master; I I T Campbell, Kruse, master; Joseph Barstew, sec ¡Oregon tried with succuastul results in Paris. sec; East Portland, Oxioxs— $2 55@2 87^ ^ 100 It'S. ugrav- ennoblement o f the industrial pursuits. illustrated with Several Thousand Euj, City This ingeuious apparatus consists Beaver Creek, gtange; Clackamas oo; A B Umpqua grange, Ho 28, Douglas co; R M ings and Maps. Tu facilitate this work, 1 have commis­ PO R TLA N D M ARKET. Gurney, master; IF F Owens, sec; Rose- Mav master; M O Gard »ec; principally of an india-rubber pneu­ sion d (he follow ing persons, to institute burg. ' Warner grange, Clackamas c o ; Arthur B aker C o . Mohawk matic tube, which, starting from the The work originally published under the granges in this jurisdiction, as my Miltou grange, no 29, Umatilla cO; D M Warner, master; John Brush, sec; Oregon ♦Auburn W hf . at — l V ioo n>s. Pleasant Hill title of T he N ew A merican C ycloke D ia deputies: Drumhiller, master; T R Mo Coy, Bee; „Wil­ City. top of the chest, passes under the ♦Atigtibta was completed in 1863, since which time O ats — 12c bushel. Rattlesnake ton. F o r Douglas and the counties south Mount Zion grange, Clackamas co; S Ra­ ♦Baker City left shoulder down the spine as far F r o n t - F ir m ; standard brands, the wide circulation which it has attained Siuslaw Perrydnle grange, no 30, Polk co; Geo. ney, master; W H Mattoon, sec. R. M. Gurney, Ten M ile in nil parts of the United States, and the o f it. Clarksville as the loins, and then divides in two $5 50 U bbl. Springfield Comogys, master; J Frizzell sec; Perrydale. Harding grange, Clackamas co; George signal developments which have takefi place Polk, James Tatoin, D ixie. Express Ranch McMinnville grange, no 31, Yamhill co; B arley — ?l 10(51 50 ft cental. NY i llame tte Fork» Clark, master; A C Wilbur sec. in even’ branch of science, literature, and branches, which arc rolled round Lane, H . X . H ill, Jun ction A Reid,master; D O Durham, sec;McMinn­ Eldorado W'illamette grange; Multnomah co; D art have induced the editors and publishers O nions — 2c V H ’- and round tho thighs as far as the Multnomah, Jacob Johnson,East ville. 1ery, master; S E Paddock, sec; / ortland. Gem L inn B u tte r — Extra dairy 20c ft ro; to submit it to an exact and thorough revis­ Lafayette grange, no 32, Yamhill co; A B ion, and to issue a new edition entitled Portland. knees. Some smaller tulies are Humboldt Basin *Albany Henry, master; R H Lamsou, sec; Laya- common, 121 Qf 15c. Clackamas, E. Forbes, Eagle Creek. yette. T he A merican CvCLoramn. joined on to the tube which goes Jordan Valley Big Prairie E«es— 26c ft doz. "Within the last ten years the progress of Benton, A . Simpson, Corvallis. North YamhiU grange, no 33, Ynmhill eo; Rye Valley ♦Brownsville P oultry — Grown chickens, $3 00 discovery in every department of knowl­ down the back, and meet on the Yamhill, A . R. Henry, Lafayette. R R Laughlin, master; D C Stewart sec, edge has made a new work of reference an Wingville Crawfordsville @ 8 50 p d ozet . North Yamhill. chest, following the line of the ribs. S VBSCR1BE ! S U R S C R IR E ! ! Washington, T. D . Humphreys, imperative want. , „ . , , Diamond Hill W ool — 22@30c ft lb. Weston grunge, no 34, Umatilla co; J S The movement of political affairs has kept Hillsboro. A ll these tubes are inclosed in a B enton Grass Ridge H ides — Choice dry, 15c V lb; salt pace with the discoveries of science, and IChite, master; M ’cArthur, sec; Weston. M arion, B. A. Wilzel, Turner. double casing of llaunel,which forms I Gild Horse grange, no 35, Umatilla eo; J Harris Ranch | Alsea Valley their fruitful application to tho industrial I c. L in n , E. E. Fanning, Tangent; N Perkins, master; D A Richards, secjlTes a shirt, buttoning in front. An ami useful arts and the convenience and re- ♦Harrisburg ♦Corvallis tinement of social life. Great wars and con­ TFm. Cyrus, Scio; J. H. Smith, H a r ­ ton. Forest Grove Retail Market. Halsey King’s Valley opening at the upper part of the tube, „S'cio grange, no 36, Linn co; Thos Mnn- sequent revolutions have occnred, involv­ risburg. Lebanon Liberty closed by a copper button, serves to ing national change« of peculiar moment Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washing­ kers, master; G T Foster, sec: Scio. COKKECTED WEEKLY. «S'antiamgrange, no 37, Linn eo; Mm Cy­ Miller Little Elk The civil war of our own country, which ton, and Idaho, Frank Shelton and inflate the apparatus. This appara­ rus, master; W A Kinsey, sec;.Scio. was at its height when the last volume of Muddy Mofiroe Wheat, f) bushel........ IFiisco grange, no 38, Wasco co; Robert tus can bo used for bathing, or in Flour, ‘d barrel............ tin* old work appeared, 1ms happily been Wm. Shelton, Walla Walla, W. T. Newberfl Newport HV.sbvu Washington Territory. E. Mays, master; G H Barnett, sec, The Dal­ ended, and a m w course of commercial case of shipwreck. It is only neces­ Torn Mod. f* tb .......... les. Peoria Newton and industrial activity has been com­ L. Smith, Olympia,and Julius Horton, Potatoes, f* bushel........ The Dalles grange, no 39, lUasco eo; A J f o r the Philomath Pine sary to open the aperature at the Eggs. fresh f1 doz....... menced. . . , Seattle. Dnfur, master; E L Perham. sec; The Dal- &> Large accessions to our geographical Butter, good fresh role f1 Scio Summit neck and to blow into it; the loss of Southern Oregon, D . S. R. R uik, les. knowledge have been made by the indefati­ Chickens, ^ doz........... Soda Springs Toledo Molalla grange, no 40. Clackamas eo; I ' S o f Ashland. gas is said to be so extremely small Bacon, sides f1 lb ....... gable explorers of Africa. Shedd’s Yaquiua Noyer, master; C'has J/oward, sec; Oregon The great political revolutions of the last Any loeallitg within this jurisdiction City. that one inflation will last a whole Cheese, V lb.................. Sodaville decade, with the natural result of the lapse fo r which no deputy has been ap/Huntcd Pried Plums, ft>... Damascus grange, no 41, Clackamas co; .S ’ of time, have brought into public view a day. To render the apparatus more Pried Apples, f1 r lb Sweethome pie«, t* C lackamas KeH, multitude of new men, whose nninctj are in f o r the organization o f granges, will F Lee, master; Norman Darling, sec! Da* K e«. yU . retail) Barlow in asciis. complete for “ those who go down to Syrup,V every one's month, and of whose li^es every receive immediate attention i f applica­ offee, (retail) f* ft» M abion Jordan Valley grange, no 42, Linn co; Beaver one is curious to know the particulars. tion is made to me, 1 will attend in p er- sea in great ships,” Mr Gosselin has Ten, Japan (retail) f1 ft’ . John Bryant, master; A T McCully, sec; Aurora Butte Creek Tea, Green, (retail) "p ft). Great battles have Wen fought and import­ son or send a deputy. >'eio. invented a buoy to accompany the Salmon, best f» ‘ {b a rrel. F0RE8T.GR0VE INDEPENDENT ant sieges maintained, of which the details Aumsville Canby Junction City grange, no 43, Lane eo; F D A N IE L C L A R K E , are as yet (»reserved only in the newspa­ Sugar, by the keg ft> swdmmjiagABptxatuS'WUich will hold Butteri lie Clackamas Master Stale Grange o f Oregon and IUFolsom, master*. J G Houston see; Junct­ pers or in the transient publications of the ft* ..... ................ ion City. piDrisfbns- o r valuables .— Medical Lard, Brook» Clear Creek day, but which ought now to take their Washington. Matton, V lb ................ Salem, Oct. 1, 1873 Beaver grange, no 44, Linn eo; J Crabtree Gervais Cuttingsville place in permanent and authentic hstory. Beef, r* ft* ...................... Record. master; S U Gains, sec; Lebanon. irk, I 1 ft>...................... In preparing the present edition for the Hubbard’s Damascus Coos River grange, no 46, Coos co; Cyrus DIRECTORY. Veal, “p lb........................ press, it nas accordingly been the aim of ALL SORTS. Jefferson Eagle Creek Candriff, master; Robert ltooke, sec; Coos Fish (fresh) r1 ft>............ the editors to bring down the information River V O. Marion Glad Tidings Fish,(salt) lb.............. to the latest possible dates, nnd to furnish O F F IC E R o f th e N A T I O N A L U sppy i/ome grange, no 46, Linn co; J Monitor dn accurate account of the most recent dis- "W e wait beneath the furnace’ blast GRANGE. A journal devoted to the interest of I Highland Newman, master; Liiulley, sec; Lebanon. overifc. in science, of every fresh produc­ Newellsville I Molalla The pangs of tn m sfon n atiou ’ Union gruuge no 47, lame co; Hynson tion in licetature. and of the latest inven­ Washington County and of the | Milwaukie ♦Salem With heated visions of a vast Master, Du dig W. Adams, Mai/- .Smith, master: S Looney, sec; Junction. tions in the practical arts, as well as to give Rock l ’ oint grange, no 48, Marion co; J Silverton Needy And general cremation, sucein ct and original record of the prog­ kon, Iowa. Downing, master; G Downing, sec; Nub- State. St. Paul Norton ress of political and historical events. Thomas Taylor, Colum- Overseer, You can’t eat enough in a week tu j limity. A The work 1ms Wen begun after long nnd bin, S. ( '. Stayton ♦Oregon City M e V E R V F M l L V. Greenville grange, no 49, Washington co; last a year, and you can t advertise careful preliminary labor, and with the Sublimity Oswego Leetuer, T. A . Thompson, P la in - j lUm Wilson, master; J F 7’ieice sec; Green­ M;de and FemtdeAgeuts clear $30 per day mo st an pie rcFouieesfor earning' on to a on that plan either. ville. Turner easy. Oufits and county rights granted free. successful termination. Sandy vine, M in . Orleans grange,no 50,Benton co; J M'Coy Conversation overheard at Long Wood bum Springwater lYouderful Acliieveinent None of the original stereotype plates Steward, A . J. Vaughn, Early master; llm Winning, sec; Corvaliis. have beeeu used, but every page has been Branch— “ And s o jo u go to Europe Zion N ew In ten tio n . la te s t Style. | Gove, Miss. Union no 2 grange, no 51, Douglas co; A printed on new type, forming in fact a new every summer? A te ypu sever Bea- M ultnomah LAR G E S IZE F A M IL Y A Mathew,master*. J G Fluke, sec; Looking- Ass’t Steward, G. II". Thompson, Cyclopaedia, with the same plan and com­ glass. sicki*" p. Ok, no. Pa thinks the East Portland C latsop pass as its predecessor, but with a far great­ X n c Rrunsieiek, X. J. Willamette grange, no 5*2,Benton co John Steaner« are eo dangerous; he al­ ♦Portland ♦Astoria er pecuniary expenditure, and with such Chaplain, Rev. A . R. Grush, Wash­ I I arris, master; C Stagle, sec; Corvallis. improvements in its composition as have ways tukes usTiythe land route! Powell’s Valley Clifton ington D . C . Syracuse grange, no 53, Linn co, H Far- W IT H TABLE AMD TREADLE been suggested by longer experience and en­ Knappa St. Johns well, master; A Miller, sec; M iller’s s ta- Treasurer, E. M. McDowal, C or­ L o t’s wife wouldn’t have looked COMPLETE. larged knowledge. tion. Wiliam’ te Slough Nehalem back but a woman with a new dress The illustrations which are introduced ning, X . Y. ONLY FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Siuslaw grange, no 54, Lane co: D BCavt- Skipanon for the first time in the (»resent edition have Serretary, 0 . H. Kelley, Washing­ passed her and she wanted to see if wright, master; J F Amis, sec; Siuslaw. The successful invention and production been added not for the sake of pictorial ef­ P olk Seaside House ton, D. C. the back breadth was rutiled. Toyota grange, no 55, Lane eo; S .Stephen of the O nly F ull S ized really good Family fect, but to give greater lucidity and force to Bethel Westport Gate-Keeper, O. Dinwiddic, O r­ Piaster; N T Duke, sec; Siuslaw. Sowing Machine for less than $75 that oper­ the explanations in the text. They embrace Mund Muller, von summer afternoon, Buena Vista Eugene grange, no 56,Lane co; Jesse Cox, ates by F oot P o w ib . chard Grove, lad. idl branches of science and of natural histo­ Yas tending bar in her fader's saloon. master; St John Skinner, sec;Engen P rize M edals , P remiums , D iplomas , ry, and depict the most famous nnd remark­ Coos ♦Dallas Ceres, Mrs. I ). 1U. Adams, Sand Ridge grange, no 57, Linn c »S She suit dot bier, and singed Shoo F!y, A wards of merit , H onorable M ention ,Are., able features of scenery, architecture, nnd Coos River Eola 1U ukon, Iowa. Isom, master; JJ/ack, sec; Albany. «t o., OVER ALL OTHERS. And viuked atder men init her left »‘ye. art, as well as the various processes of me­ Coquille Elk Horn Pomona, M rs 0 11Kelley, Wash- Orient grange, no 58, Linn co; V H Cald­ Is larger than some $7." machines, will do chanics manufactures. Although li < 11 A i v o nnd 1 «W t 1 4 *1 •44 • ~ in- * . y'i Empire City Grand Ronde well, master; J Turner, sec; Albunv. It was mentioned one day to Pres­ every description of sewing. H em , F e l l , \ tended fo rinstruction rather than embellish- j Xngaon, It. ( . Roseburg grange, no 59, Douglas: B G ident Lincoln that two ladies ot his T cck . S eam . Q u ilt , B raid , C ord , B in d , ment, no pains have been spared to insure Itlo ra , Mrs J C Abbott, Clarksville Enchant’d l ’rairielndependence bibbs, master; R ll’eaver sec: Myrtle Creek. f acquaintance had quarreled and G ather , K u ffle .P lait , F old , stoi . lo p . roll their artistic excellence; the cost of their hwa. Fairview Lincoln Garretson grange, no 60, /'oik; G I I Eil- . 77 if IN D E P E N D E N T owes EMBROIDER, RUN UP BREATHS, Jtc, d’C. WlLL execution is enormous, and it is believed alle­ loaded eucli other with abuse. SfW ANYTHIN«» A NEEDLE WILL OO THROUGH, Miss C . A . Lady Assistant Steward, Herinausville Luckiamute ars, master; H Alexander, sec; Bethel. they wi'l find a welcome reception ns an ad­ “ Have thev called each other uglv?” M AKES T H E S T R O S I E S T S T IT C H mirable feature of the Cyclopiedia, and Hall, Washington, IK C. Dallas grange, no til, /’oik; R Clow mas- I Lewisville Isthmus giance to no party but the jM rty ter: I) ./ //olmes, sec; Dallas. asked the President. “ No, sir.” A'.Vri M’.V.so sTKONGthat the C LO TH W IL L worthv of its high character. Executire Com m ittee. Monmouth Marsh ville .spring Valley grange, no 62, /’oik; D Gib­ This work is sold to Subscribers only, “ Very good; then 1 will undertake T E A R before the seam will rip apart. Doe 115n. Saunders, Washington , I ) C. Perry Dale Randolph son, master; W A //enry, sec; Zena. o f P R O G R E S S IV E ID E A S c payable on delivery of each volume. It will the same work as a $75 Machine. to reconcile them.” It. Wyatt, Aiken, Cokesbury, S, C Rickerall Cornelius grange, no 63, Washington co; Silkin Has self-ad jnstiDg straight needle, relia­ oe completed in sixteen large octavo vol­ R /' Bills, master; Wm Reeves, sec;Comel- E . R. Shankland. Dubuqe, Lara. A fair widow in Portland,who had ble accuiate feeds direct motion, no compli- umes, each containing nbout 800 pages, Zena Sitkum R E F O R M ; is rant rolled by no ius. ition of useless co>_rgs or rums to oil or get fully illustrated with several thousand Wood buried three husbands, wen’ with a Cresswi ll grange, no 64 Lane co; G B Clique, Faction or Monojxily; but gentleman who had paid her marked out of or 8.00 I In Half Rosin, sxtra gilt, per vol., mechanical accuracy, practical skill and co; //enry^Buxtou, master; H /"Buxton sec; Trask St. Helen# Walla. you had only a little more courage. Jn Full Monaco, antique, gilt edges,. utility, with beauty, strength and durability Forest Grove. 10.00 I Steward, R P Olds, Sauvie* Island A long required labor Silver. per i.of.,*** ’ .......................... Chukulpuin grange no 68,.1/arion co; N // A Missippian married a widow for combined. 8 N ew P atented S ewing M achine A t ­ In Foil Russia, per vol.,.................... 10.00 Scappoose U matilla Lady Assistant S tem m i, Mrs Chloe Dotv ,na‘t,.r; \y stri wer, s¿c;‘ Jefferson* her money, and on the wedding tachments tit A L L ma< hiues, with which Four volumes now ready. Succeeding Olds, Walla Walla Laurel grange, no 69, Douglas co; L Has- Butter Creek night possessed himself of the treas­ over seventeen different kinds of beautiful volumes, until completion, will be issued W M Powers, bronk. master; It Nichols, sec; Mar’s/’ oint. Assistant Steward, Cecils C ubby ure and struck out. Unluckily for sewing. F ancy , E laborate ,O rnamental , I n ­ once in two months. Highland grange, no 70, Clackamas co, D Shedd’s. Cavuse I!hctcoe tricate . F ine , P lain and S trong , can I k * w Wriglit, master; J i * /fingo, sec; Oregon * . Specimen pages of the A merican - him, his wife’s daughter, a strap­ lone with perfect ease and rapidity by those Ellensburpr Marshall Chaplain, Anthony Simpson, Cur C yclopjedia , showing type, illustrations, City. ping girl of twenty, observed the who never saw a sewing machine l>cfore. Meadowrille Port Orfonl vallis. Multnomah grange, no 71,.Vultnomab co; theft and departed. Giving chase They are the most valuable adjuncts ever etc., will W sent gratis, on application. Mitchell’» StatioD Gate-Keeper, Frank Shell on, Wall J Mort-, master; J C Newell, bee; East Tort she overtook her papa, threw him paw ned to advance the usefullness of Sew­ F irst -C lass C anvassing A gents wanted land. D ouglas Milton ing Machines. Walla. down, tied him to a tree, and cor­ S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E » West Union grange, no 72, Washington The inventors of these excellent machines Address the Publishers, Camas Valley Pilot Rock Treasurer, R .1 Wilzel, Turner. rected him with a hickory stick. can be relied upon as upright and responsi­ co; A // d lcomb, master; David Lenox, sec; D . A P P L E T O N A C O ., N. Canvonville Pendleton Ceres, M rs Jane Cyrus, Scio. //ill*l>oro. Presently the bride appeared, and ble men. well worthy of the confidence of 540 k 551 Broadway» N. Y. ♦Umatilla Drain Pomona, Mrs M Powers, Shedd. 7/illsburo grange, no 73, lUashington eo; joined her daughter in the castiga­ our Christian Headers.— "Northern Church u 2 Elkton Weston Thos 7/umphreys, master: H H Meyers,sec; Standard.” N. A". Dec. 27th. Flora, Mrs L . , Reed, M cM inn- tion. The piteous cries of the un­ 7/illsboro. O rders R eceived , and machines promp. Galesville rt lie. happy groom soon reached the ears lv forwarded to any address upon receipt of Butteville grange, no 74, Mnrion co; P F UxlOM Gardiner Executive Committee, Daniel Castleman, master; F /’ Mathieu, sec ¡Butte- of the police, who hurried to the the following cash prices: Cove Kellops Clarke, Salem; R M Gurney, Ten mile, ville. spot. Tied to the roots of the tree S IN G LE M AC H IN E S for sam­ Looking Glass Cottage Grove grange, no 75, Lane co; A Island Cit Douglas eo.; Orley Hall, Walla Walla; ples or private use, plain was the husband of only a few hours’ styles, with 2-3 T A B L E find Myrtle Creek ♦La Grande ' G A Wells, R um a lista; Thomas i 7/ Spahr, master; Horace Knox, sec; Cotage creation; the step daughter, stick in I Grove. - T R E A D L E furnished with ♦Oakland North Powder Munkers, Scio; A R Henry, Lafayette; i Charity grange, no 76, Lane co; M W il­ handJaml rapidly repeating the licks, equiqments for immediate Orodell Pass Creek I l X H ill, Junction. kins, master; F ¿1 B ilk ins, sec; Wllamette use.................................... $13 Euch, tli© bride was punching lain m the ♦Roseburg Summerrill» | Forks. ribs with her list?, calling him thief, M ACH INES with extya fine ta ­ Alsea Grange, no 77, Benton co; M Ver- ble .................. 20 " Umpqua City O fficers o f th e C e n tra l G ra n ge Union robber, Jvu-Klux, using cuss-words, M ACHINESwith Talde a Cover 25 i non, master; I I I Starr, see; Alsea. Asso ta tio n Wilbur . Wallowa Peoria grnnge,Linn c o ;S D 7/aley,master; etc. The ease was compromised by M ACHINES with Table, half President, W Alexander. Yoncalla Austin Watts, see; Peoria. cabinet s t y le .................... 40 “ the return of the money, but the Vice President, .lames Tatom. HAS FROM W asco Franklin grange, Lane co; G M J/iller, Scottsburg 8 2 5 0 a Y e a r M ACH INE S with Table, fu ll honeymoon was over. Secretary, A W Slatinarti. master; J F lvirk, see; Franklin. CABINET STYLE ....................... 60 " Antelope Ten Mile Treasurer, C P Burkhart. Rapato grange, II ashington co; T R NO EXTRA CHARGES made for packing Bridge Creek Thompson, master; F D Stott, sec; Gaston. Beaten at their Own Game. or shipping toANY P A R T OF T H E COUN­ Trustees, E. Shedd, F. Powell. G bant Hepner Youcalla grange, Douglas eo; A Lamb, TR Y, S pecial certtficatk for five yf . aks Gate-Keejier, Elias Fanning. ♦Canyon City master, J R Drain, sec; //rain’s P O. Hood River with evt rv machine. Specimens of sew ing , CRES OF E X C E LLE N T LA N D FOR Agent, J. It. Stump. A late dispatch from London says: illustrated books , with numerous recom­ Columbia grange, Washington co; Jns Camp Watson Prineville sale in Washington County. Imbrie, master; F Kenedy, Ree; Glencoe. mendations,wholesale cash prices, extraor ­ Dayville Mitchell r A cricket match between England dinary inducements to agents. Ac, mailed S U B O R D IN A T E G R A N G E S Beaverton gruuge, lUashington co; T Tuc­ John Day City Mt Hood O regon. ker, master; Jas .1 / ’ Kay, sec; Portland. and America was concluded to-dry free. Exclusive control of T erritory given Marshfield grange no 1, Clackamas co Prairie City Oukland grange, Douglas co; E .Stephens, Pritchard’» the Americans winning handsomely gratis to capable and energetic agents, mer­ IF WDavis, master; T J Matlock, sec; ■ master; E H 7’inkson, see; Wilbur. chants, storekeepers, «f<\, who will travel or Parkers ville Scotts The total of the English teams on Clnckauias /’ . O. Nodiville grunge, no 85, /.inn co; Wm B open agencies and exhibit the wonderful -d Sumpter Shellrock both innings was 200,the Americans merits of our machine« in their localities, Eagle Creek grange no 2, Clackamas co; j Gilson, master; 0 Bnrge. sec; Sodaville. E Eorbes, master; Franklin Foster, sec; Da- , Spanish Hollow winning by one inning, in which and solicit orders. Powel's Valley grange, .1/ultnomah eo ; 7 «i m asciis. J acksok K Williams, master; B Wlthington ; sec; ♦The Dalles they scored 2u5. At the conclusion All Orders and communication must be Oak Point grange no 3, Polk co; J. IU. i ’owell's Valiev. Applegate Warm Springs of the game a match between En addressed to the Principal office. Nirk, master; James A Dempsey, sec; Rick- ! Woodbiirn grange, Marion co; G Dimick, ♦Ashland Mills Wasco I real. gland ¡.nd Canada was begun. The HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINE, master, Win Darst, sec; lUiixlbiini. Brownsborough Willoughby i Ruena Vista grange no 4, Polk co; E C j Howell Prairie grange,Marion co; W Nap- Canadian team »cored 118, the En P 0. Box 1238, New York. j //all, master; L 51 Hill, sec; Buena Vista. ' pingfleld, master ; John Newsom, sec; .Sa­ Central Point Willow Forks glisli team then went to the wicket , Momnonth grnnge no 5, P olk co; I F M lem . Drew’s Valley N O T IC E ----- The I N D E P E N D E N T and w hen time was called had scorec ■ Butler master; J S • Churchill, sec; Mon- Needy grange, Clackamas; John Ringo, M W ashtxìto * 15 for one man out. | mouth. master; W IU .Sampson, sec; Needy. has the sole right o f doing the I Oak Plain grange no 6, Liku co; A l l Grant’s Pa9» Beaverton Butte Greek grange, Clackamas co. E As cricket is the national game o: Price, master; T J Black, sec; //alsev. Skinner, master; E M 7/artman, sec; Butte Cedar Mill Hot Springs 7'angent grange, no 7, Linn co; E E Fan­ Cre«k. England it must be peculiarilv grat­ Cornelius ♦Jacksonville L IT IG A N T P R IN T IN G ning, master; A Blevins, see; 7’apgent. Upper Molalla grange, Clackamas co ; J ifying to the American boys tha Dilley Lakeport Corinthian grange, no 8, Linn ° ° ! R K j Muse, master; 8 Engle, see; Glad Tidings. ♦Forest Grove Linkville Price, master; C Buhl, see; Lebanon. | Goshen grange, Lane co; IU R Dillard, they have so signally defeated their f o r Washington Cou n tg and is .S'hedd grunge, no 9, Linn co; F Shedd master; S Engle, sec; Glad Tidings. Glencoe Langell Valley cousins o er the eastern sea. No 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, master; W B Ynntis, sec; Nhedd. Ashland grnnge, Jackson co;' D 8 Bnick, Greenville Phoenix Grand Prairie grunge, no 10, Linn oo; W master: W Beeson, sec: Ashland. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Hillsboro G« herefnre invaluableto all o f ou r citile ns Rock Point liooD I.Nouitii. 1 lie Lsa ni o u r is P Anderson master; N B Fry, sec; Albany. Charity no 2 grange, Linn co;F M Kitzer, Joppa Harrisburg grange, no 11,"Linn co; John Sam’s Valley master; 1* JI Wlgle, sec; Harrisburg. true to the traditions of its party W. H. A IK E N , Attorney-at-law and Com­ //Nmitli, master; Wm R Porter, sec; Har­ Middleton Meadowvillc grange,Umatilla co; A LGor- Sprague River mand.-r of the Grand Army of the Republic and will not forget the past. Tho risburg. don, mast«*r: J 11 /fuley, sec; Mcadowville. Mountain Dale in California aud Nevada, will give pruiupt Table Rock ^ »Springfield grange, no 12, Lane co; John Alta grange, Umatilla co; Jacob Frazer, other day it had an enthusiastic edi­ att« ntioii to tho collection of Additional Peake AND CHEAPEST Willow S p rin g s th e f in e s t Kelley, master; W C’ouicgys, see; .Spring- master; Gilliam, sec; Pilot Rock. Skoll'8 Ferry torial on “ the Resolutions of "38.” Ti iv. 1 l’ ay, now due California and Nevada Yainax field. Pendleton grange, Umatilla co; T H Sto­ 5 oluntei-rs discharged morethan three hun- Taylor's Bridge Philomnh grange, no 13, Benton eo: N P rey, master: J H Sharon, sec;Pendleton. OurDemocratic contemporary should di« d mil« - from home. .Soldiers can depend LANDS IN THE STATE!’. n35:ly JosErmxE Tualatin Newton, master; A R BroMn sec; Corvallis. Midway grangy, Umatilla co; J H C'hasc, on fair de ding. Information given free of have some consideration for the i«r- O charge. Soap Creek grange, n«i 14, Benton co; J master; B C Mver, see; H-pner. tu n writing enclose stamp for Wapato Kirby //Miller, master; W L Cauthorn, «ec; Cor­ Chehalein grunga, Yamhill co; N Brnis- norance of the present generation, tiplv and state company and regiment and West Union Lelaml vallis. elier, muster: J P Shuck, sec; West Chehu- whether you have a discharge. Congress and republish those antiquated res­ h is i xteiub d tin- time for filing claims for Slate Creek Locke grnnge, no 15, Benton co; F A leni. Bells, master; C E Moor, see; Corvallis. Y amhill Waldo Washington grange, Wasliington co:Isaac uiUUtiouul Bounty underAct of Jnlv 28,18«;6. olutions.— N. F. Bulletin. " ' ‘‘ unary is, so u|| su,.(j c(BiU|H most be Excelsior grange, no 16, Yamhill co; W L Ball, master; ./ «iustin, sec; Middleton. Amity Smith, master; J E Coovart, sec: Da\ton. Center grange, /.inneo; Wm Philpot, mas­ T he F astest S teamboat in - tiif . mad; b, fur., that time. Original Bounty of L ax * Bellevue Salem grange, no 17, d/urion co; Dan’l ter; /. B Moss, sec; Crawfordsville, ^ e , n “ bowed all Volunteers who Butte Disap mentDayton W o r l d .— The Mary Powell yester­ enlisten before July 22.1,1861 for three years Clark, master; John Minty, see; Salam. Mill Creek grange,Yamhill eo; B B Bran- Big Prairie *Lafavette not paid the same,when disehnrged.Lund 7uruergrange no 18,Marion co: B A W 1Z- soin, master; M M Ellis, secf Elkhorn. hnrgi day made her trip from this city to if \\ arrants can b< ' •mined for services ren- el master; B II Hillery, sac; 7’urner; McKenzie grunge. Lane co: G Ji Hnm- Cottage Grove ♦McMinnville Poughkeepsie— 75 miles— in the un­ dered before Is Brownsville grange, no 19, Linn co; L C mersley, master; IU A B’oolcot.sec;/I'pring- J O II Ant not for services in P R IN T IN G D O N E T O Coast Fork Mountain House kite war Pensions for late war and Rice master; A W Stmard.see; Brownsville. field. precedented time of three houis and the Camp Creek North Yamhill viar of is 12obtained and increased when al­ F O R E S T G R O V E O R E G O N . South Brownsvill grange, no *20, Linn co; Amity grange, Yamhill co: J J 7/ender- Cartwrights’ fifteen minutes, deducting the twen­ lowed for less than disability warrants but Consolidated with Brownsvilles no 19. j son. master;./ R Sawyer, see; Amity, Sheridan a n u f a c t u r e r a n d d e a l e r in pensions are allowed to Mexican and Lel»anon grange, no 21, /.inn co; R A Ir ­ j Willamette grange, Yamhill col Henry ♦Eugene City West Cbehnlem ty minutes speut at the various land­ ( no all kinds of 4 londa war soldiers. State of Texas bus vine, master; J R Smith, sec; Lebanon. I Hawett, n aster; Peter Bareudregt, see; Franklin "Wheatland Knox Butte grange, no 22, Iknn co; S HTieatland. ings. It is also reported that she I grant« .1 Pensions to snrviving veterans of a n n e s s , Junction New Derg ' Texas Revolution, New Orleans and Mobile Miller, master; M Huston, sec; Albany. i Jacksonville grange, Jackson co; F F made the run from this city to Pi« r- 1 rize Money is uom - du«-and t., Uig (>uid. W. Harmony grange, no 23. Linn co; V M M alker, master; R A Miller, sec; Juckson- Long Tom SADDLES, BBIDLES, W H IFS & Lash Powell, master; j .V Poaell, sec; Albany | ville. pont, 28 miles, in one Lour.— X . Y. 1 II. Aik ii also attends to General law and nnd Collection Business Farmington grange, Wushiugtoneo; R A //ope grange, n o 24, L i n n c o ; G F Simp I [^R epairin gproroptly attended to. "Money Order Offices, ORDER. Hail, Aug. 8. 1 Carpenter, mas er; James Withy, omb »«c; nI3,2 Bn, master; J CMillardsec; Albany. GOOOttWS FOR BATHERS. APPLETONS SAN F R A N C IS C O M A R K E T . PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. HIERHIN lU L O P lE D H . 3 6 0 SAVED Sewing Machine, LANDS FOR THE LAXDLESS!! 1. MYERES 15,000 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 War Claim Agency Wm McCREA DY M n I n‘20:6m t è