1 H Pllsboro Mono grange, no 25, I ’ olk eo; J M Bew- hienix grange, Jackson co; J Hcrin, iey, master; I t V M ’ 7immonds,sec; Lewis­ master; W FHerrin, sec; Phccnix. LIST OF POST-OFFICfcS. Springwator grange, Clackamas co; J U W e kemrnHh»h«‘rv we go, or what swept ville. W uf . it —F irm at £1 1*0 100 lbs. > IM f Liberty grange, no 26, Lano eo; H N Will, Lewclleu. master, T M Jieed, see; Spring- Deputies of the State Grange. F lo ck —Extra iu demand for cx- May pilot ^ktliron^h caverns strange uml master; J C Jennings, ec-c: Junction. purt at ÿü 7.>5 ft bbl. fair New Revised Edition. Pualatin grange; Clackamas co; John Evening Mar grange, no 27, Multnomah Farmers o f Oregon and Washington O ils—f i r.r.O 1 7f* *|f 1(H) tbs. Entirely r> written by the ablest writers on Kruse, master; Joseph Barstow, sec;Oregon <’ t tar nud pathliHR passion, while the Oregon. every subject. Printed from new type, and organize f o r self-proteetion and f u r lha co; Jacoq Johnson, master; 11 T Campbell, stream U nion ' s —$2 55(a 2 87$ ft 100 fl>s. soc; East Portland. illustrated with Several Thousand Engrav­ ennoblement o f the industrial pursuits. ^B eaver Creek, grange; Clackamas co; A B Of life our hark doth orTit.s whirlpools Umpqua grange, no 28, Douglas co; 11 M May master; M O Gard sec; ings and Mups. PO R TLA N D M ARKET. bmr. To facilitate this work, l have eornmis- Gurney, master; TUP Owens, sec; iiose- iVarner grange, Clackamas c o ; Arthur Spreading swift w tn ^ sa sa u l* lo !!»•• dim siond the follow ing persy u rational iuijx'rativc want. Washington , T. D . Humphreys, North Yurahill. Diamond Hill Weston grange, no 3-i, Umatilla co; J S Hints—Choice drv, 15c ft H>; salt The movement of political affairs has kept Hillsboro. r]*cty, so full of love for lier fatuous Grass Ridge B bntoh IFliite, master; M ’cArthur, aec; Weston. pace with the discoveries of science, and d, 7c. M arion, B. A . Witeel, Turner. ICild Horse grange, no 35, Umatilla co; J Harris Ranch theix fruitful application to the industrial ami erring father, an intellect so Alsea Valley L in n , E. E. Farming, Tangent; N Perkins, master; D A Richards, sec;Wes and useful arts and the convenience nnd re­ ♦Harrisburg ♦Corvallis Forest Grove Retail Market. disposition ho clear and calm, a finement of socialise. Great wars and con­ IFm. Cyrus, Scio; J. II. Smith, H a r ­ ton. Halsey King’s Valley .Scio grange, no 36, L in n co; Thoe Mun- sequent revolutions have occured, involv­ risburg. wholly unselfish, git ims out from CORRECTED WEEKLY. Lebanon kers, master; G T Foster, sec: Scio. Liberty ing national changes of peculiar moment. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washing­ the Franciscisu Convent, the usual iS’uutiam grange, no 37, Linn co; Won Cy­ Miller Little Elk Wlip.it, bushel ........ •...... ........ The civil war of our own country, which ton, and Idaho, Frank Shelton and rus. master; W A Kinsey, sec;>Scio. was at its height when the last volume of atxnlc of envy, remorse and discou- Flour, "f 1 burn ì .................. . 6 n o . Muddy Monroo IPasco grange, no 38, Wasco co; Robert the old work appeared, has hnppily been JFm. Shelton, Walla Walla, W. T. o » Newbern tcntnu lit, like an ungelicnppnritiou: U»»rn M«*al. P lb ............... . Newport ended, and a new course of commercial . Western Washington Territong. E. Mays, master; G H Barnett, sec, The Dal- 5ft Bulat»»»'*, p bush**).. ............ Peoria Newton and industrial activity has been com­ iL . Smith, Olympia,and Julius Horton, les. :ind with tender selt-deirialthe faith­ Fogs. fr< si, ~f* dnz.................. A •25___ Vhe Dalles grange, no 30, Masco co; A J menced. Pine Philomath •25___ f o r the Butter. goo«l fri'sh role f* lb ful nun, in the midst of constant ill­ (250(0,3 ftO Dufur, muster; E L Perham. sec; Tho Dal­ Large accessions to our geographical Seattle. fhickens. f* »h»z. ... ....... Scio Summit Southern Oregon, D . S. Ii. Huik, les. ness, endless toils as nurse and at­ Baron, aides fN lb Iftfò* 12 knowledge have been made by the indefati­ . ....... Soda Springs Toledo Molalla grange, no 40, Clackamas eo; P S gable explorersof Africa. . o f Ashland. 2 » Yo 25 lift's»:, f) !b............ . . . . tendant; laboring often nearly all f J >ri» Noyer, master; t hus iioward, sec; Oregon Shedd’s Yaquina The great political revolutions of tho last ltifi/l 20 d Blums, "f* !b........ ... Any lot'allity within this jurisdiction Gity. decade, with the natural result of the lapse Sodaville O the night with her needle, regular in Dril li Apples, "p ll> 4("i .......... fo r which no deputy has been appointed Damascus grange, no 41, Clackamas eo; S *> 80 , . • of time, have brought into public view a Syrup, f 1 K«*g. (retail) . bweethorae C lackamas her devotions, shivering with cold in Gotti 1 , \retail) p 11 ' ............. *> 7 1 / multitude of new men, whose names arc in fo r the organization o f granges, will P Lee, master; Norman Darling, sect Da­ Barlow r* — «•very one’s month, and of whose lives every receive immediate attention it applica­ mascus. li). . . . the thin garb of her Order in April, Tea, Japan (retail) f* Jordan Valley grange, no 42, Linn co; M a r io n Beaver one is curious to know the particulars. *25___ ! 1 Green, ( retail) j? It' . . . . tion is made b> me, / will attend in p er­ or sinking lx»noath the heat of the Tea, John Bryant, master; A T MeCully, sec; Great battles have been fought and import­ Butte Creek Aurora Salmon, last 'p» | . burn! . 5 SO,.. son or send a depotg. .Scio. It, Florentine Summer, became each Sugar, bv the Li g ■N" 12 ant sieges maintained, of which the details Aumsville Canby FORE8T-UROVE INDEPENDENT Junction City grange, nn 43, Lane eo; F I)A S I E L C L A R K E , 1 1(0 . 16 are as yet preserved only in the newspa­ L a rd . ? ) ' * .. . Butte ville Cluck a mas Master Slab' Grange o f Oregon and lb Folsom, master! J G Houston sec;Junct­ N" 10 pers or in the transient publications of the Mutton, V lb ion City. day, but which ought now to take their 6(0 Ift Brooks Clear Creek Beef. lb ........................... Washington. Salem, Oct. 1, 1873 *n » Beaver grunge, no 44, Linn co; J Crabtree 10 place in permanent anil authentic hstorv. 8(" Fork, ti » . ............................. Gervais Cuttingsville 1 master; S W Gains, sec; Lebanon, comforter; ml friend. Her mind V eal, £ lb ....................................... In preparing the present edition for the \n'- 10 DIRECTORY. Hubbard's Damascus j Coos River grange, no 45, Cooa co; Cyrus press, it has accordingly been the aim of 8 ___ resembled'he* in it« clear­ Fish (fr. sh) ? lb.................. /.andriff, master; Robert Rooke, sec; Coos Jefferson Eagle Creek the editors to bring down the information Fish, i «alt i P ». ness of perception, surpassed it in o f t h e N Y T I O N A L River P O. to the latest possible dates, and to furnish O F F I C E R Marion Glad Tidings | Pappy Home grange, no 46, Linn co; J GRANGE. dn accurate account of the most recent dis- the conception of moral purity. A Monitor j Newman, master; Lindlev, sec; Lebanon. A jo u rn a i devoted fo llie interests of Highlaml overic . in science, of every fresh produc­ Molalla Newellsville Union grangu no 47, Lane 00 ; Hyuson correspondence grew tip between tion in literature, and of the latest inven­ Dittili/ IP. A d a m s, Hrtit- Smith, master; S Looney, sec; Junction. Master, ♦Salem Milwaukie tions in the practical arts, as well as to give Washington County and of the Galileo and his child, of which all Rock Point grange. n<> 4K, Marion co; J succinct, and original record of the prog- I kon, loica. Needy Silverton Th om a s T a y lo r, C o la m - j Downing, master; G S Downing, sec; Sub- his letters have been lo.-t or pur­ O verseer, rcss of po iticul and historical events. Norton St. Paul State. 1 limitv. Tho work has been hepra after long and bia, S. C. i x i: v e it v r a m 11. v. posely destroyed; but those of lii.s Stayton ♦Oregon City Greenville grange, no 43, Washington co; M.ile .md Female Agents clear #110 per day careful preliminary labor, and with the - T. A. Thom pson, P la in - llm Wilson, muster; J F Pierce sec; Green­ Lecture, Sublimity Oswego daughter, recently published, indi­ tasy. On tits and county rights granted free. most ample resources for carrying on to a ville. rieie, M in . successful termination. Turner Sandy cate the tender affection that linked W onderful Achievem ent Orleans grange,no 50,Benton eo , J M ’Coy .1. . J. Vaughn, Early Steward, A None of the original stereotype plates Wood burn Spriugwater master; lUm Winning, sec; Corvaliis. New Invention. Latest Style. tlo-in together. When Princes were have Ween used, but every page has been Gore, Miss. Zion Uuiori no 2 grange, no 51, Douglas co-f A printed on new type, forming in fact a new L A R G E S IZ E F A M IL Y IT. llio m p s o ii < A Mathew,master*, j G Fluke, sec; Looking- faithless or the Inquisition frowned Ass't S tew ard, M ultnomah Cyclopedia, with the same plan and com­ Sete B ru n s w ick , gliisR. Sister Maria Celeste wrote to Galileo pass as its predecessor, but w ith a far great- | C latsop East Portland Willamette grange, no 52,Benton e o jo h n Her. A. If. G rush, Wash- ( 'haplain t-r pecuniary expenditure, and with such ♦Portland ♦Astoria such consolation us only a spotless 1 //arris, master; >' Stagle, sec; Corvallis. improvements in its composition as have ! WITH TABLE AMD TREADLE in gton D . C . Powell’s Valley Clifton Syracuse grange, no 53, Linn eo, II Far- been suggested by longer experience and eu- I intellect could give, w a tc h ed over the COMPLETE. M 1 . MeDowal, C or­ well, master; A Miller, see; M iller's sta­ Treasurer, F. J St. Johns Knappa larged knowledge. family.<4 her untrustworthy !>rt John Skinner, see; EugeneCitv. Coos ♦Dallas V wards ov merit . H onorable M ention ,A c ., rv, und depict the most famous and remark- | Sand Ridge grange, no 57, Linn co; S scene of ileatli around it, was al­ dx-., over a ll others . able features of scenery, architecture, and IU n k on , Iowa. Eola Cooa River Isom, mast« r; J.Waek, s« (': Albany. art, as well as the various processes of me- | V i am m u , M rs O H K e lle y , W osli- Is larger than som e $75 m ach in es, w ill do ways cheerful, and concealed her Elk Horn Orient grange, no 58, Linn eo; V H Cald­ Coquille ( vt ry d escrip tion o f sew in g, 11 km , F e l l . ehanies and manufactures. Although in- j well, master; J Turner, see; Albany. Grand Ronde Empire City terrors that she might soothe those of T i c k , S k i m , t/cn.T, U k a id , C ord . B in d , tend» d fo 1 instruction rather tlianenibcllish- . in g a o n , D . C . Roseburg grange, no 53, Douglas; B G Itlo r a , M es J C Abbott, C larksetU e no pains have been spared to insure Enchant’d Prairielnd^peudenco others. “ I look upon aou as my G u u k k , B c f f l k , P l a it , F o l d , sc o l l o p , r o l l | nieiit, bibbs, master; R W« aver see; Myrtle Creek. ba rn. their artistic excellence; the cost of then KVKKoIDKK, 1 CCX CP lIKKATHS, ilv , d o . W lLI. | Lincoln Gurretsoii grange, no tk*, /‘»»Ik; (» I I E il- ! Fairview patron saint, ’ she wrote to Galileo S. U IMTHIN«. A NKKDLK WILL OO THROUGH, ! execution is enormous, and it is believed D u ly Assistant S te w a rd , M iss C . .1. ars, master; II Alexander, sen; Bethel. I S D E P E S D E S T owes alls - Hermausville Luckiamute they will find a welcome reception as an ad­ “ (to speak according to our custom 1/.IA A > T H E S T H O IW E S T S T IT C H mirable feature of tho Cyclopaedia, and H a ll, Il asín tig lo n , D . C . Dallas grange, 110 61. Polk; l i Glow inns- , Lewisville Isthmus h.\i> U'.V. sk sTRONi.that the 1 7,077/ WI L L t» r: D ./ //'»lines, se»'; Dallas. * E rem itin ‘ Committee. worthy of its high character. here), to whom I tell all my joys I E .I ll before the st ain will rip apart. Dot­ glance to no party but the parly Murshville Monmouth Spring Valley graiig«'. iu> 62, /‘»»Ik; D Gib- This work is sold to Subscribers only, Il m. San m ices, Il as/iiugton, D C . a m i sorro w s, s h e b e g s ( iu lile o to the same w..rk as a *<75 Machine. Randolph Perry Dale ! son, master: W A //»■ nry, s»«-; Z*-na. payable ou delivery of each volume. It will D . Wyatt, A ik e n , C o k rs b a ry , 8 , t ’. | Cornelius grange, no Cl. IFashington co; ’ o f P H O C P F S S IV E ID E A S mul Silkin s j [( 11..s self-adjusting straight nt edit*, relia­ be Completed ill sixteen large octavo vol­ Rickerall send her a new counterpane, as F . H. S lu in k ltu td . I In tin g e, ¡own. ble acculate feeds direct motion, no eoinpli- umes, each containing about *00 pages, } U P Bills, master; iViu Reeves, sec;t'oruel- Sitkum Zona j ius. bad given away her own,or prepares ration of Useless coggs or Cains to oil or get fnllv illustrated with several thousand Wood I lE F O B M ; is controlled by no niit of order, is silent, easy working, light Engravings, and with numerous eolore« 1 O f l i c e r * o f - ('ri'sswell grange, no 64 La tie co; G B ; tlu * O r e g o n S tilt** for him two pots of electuary as a , running, very rapid, smooth and correct, j Day. master; A .1 Johnson, s o, Cresswell. C olumbia T i u ^ mook G rH iig «*. ( ’ligue, Faction o r AFonopoly; but Lithographic Maps. Z'l'ai.,» nt Hill grunge, no 65, I.ane e*o; .las I preservative from the plauge. But quickly understood and easily managed. Columliia C .’ity Garibaldi P rice ami Style nj Binding. Master, Daniel <'tnrke, Salem P O. Parker, master; J I) Matlock, s«-c; Eugene. J The last useful invention to render the it was the daughter who was now diffi. ulties of sewing lc-sss laborious. K ilc h is is /he fuirless and outspoken ------ Mutakanie King’s \ alley gruiig»'. no 66 , Benton e o .lt; Secretary, J H S m ith , Harrisburg. In extra i'1-.th, y.»T co t ................ S*.»Jk* C'liirslilmul Nelurts J Grant, master; CJ Nelson, sec; King's The new and improved- patented B utton the guardian saint, an l the great t ) rerseer, Win Cyrus, Scio. In Lit,non Isultit r, ¡nr col., ............... • 6.0tl A D TOC A I E o f the P E O P L E . H ulk W orker tho culuiiuation of perfect V alov. | Rainier Nestoekton In llu tf TurUty Mnrroro, per >*>/., 7.00 1 Leti aver, Ceorge Hunter, Walla pb ilosopher had one to watch over tin elmnieal accuracy, practical skill and Forest Grove grange, no 67, Biishiugton j Riversitle In Half tfusai, extra > ¡¡It, ¡ » r rat., . S.Oil Tillamook Walla. co; //»;ury"Buxtou. master. II T Buxton sec; | him in his latter years but the faith­ utility, with beauty, strength mnl durability In pull MarrnC", ilhtigne, i/ilt Ctl1 ' < i rove. | combined. A long required lnborHaver. Ulrica rd, H P Olds, |Kr ./J.,--*..........'................. 10,0ft ful spirit of his child. H a r p e r ’s M a g ­ Sauvies Island tS N ew P atented S ewing M achine A t - Ghuknlpum grange.in» 68 J/arion co; N IL J Lady . I ns slant Stew a rd, A irs Chb In Pull tfussin, f>er rut.,................. 10.00 Doty, master; IU St. iwer, s» <•; Jefferson. i tachments fit A L L machines, with which S c ^ ip o o s e U matilla azine. Olds, Walla Walla. Four volumes now ready. Succeeding 1 over seventeen DIVTKKKNT KINDS of beautiful Laurel grange, no 63, Douglas »■»>; L Has-j Rutter Creek volumes, until completion, w ill be issued Assistant S tewanl, W AI Power . brook, master; 11 Nichols, s< » ; >'tar’s/’oiut. I sewing. F ancy . E laiioratk .O rnamental , I n ­ THE WAY TO CONQUER. C urry Cecils one»* in two mouths. Sihcdd's. ti . icatk , F ink , P lain and stroxg , cun be //ighlainl grange, no 7ft, ( 'laekamas <>», I) t Cayuse C’lietcoe * . 'Specimen pages of the A merican done with perfect ease and rapidity by those B right. master; J /’ /tingo, see; Oregon t 'haplain, Anthony S i mpsou, C or \ Kllensburpr Marshall “ I'll master it,” said the as, and who NEVER SAW a Sewing lllHcllilie before. C yci . oiw . iiia , showing type, illustrations, 1 itv. rallis. Multnomah grange, no 71, Multnomah co; Port Orford liis blows fell heavily on the iron; They are th*- most valuable adjuncts ever etc., will I h * sent gratis, ou application.. Meadowville put* tied tii a. 1 vance th« usi-fullness of Sew­ Cate-Keeper, Frank Shell on, Wall ./ Mor. , master; J <■ Newell, sec; East Port­ but every blow made lii.s edge more ing .Machines. Mitchell's Station F irst -C lass C anvassing A gents wanted Walla. land. Dour, las Milton blunt, till he ceas» d to strike. The inventors of these excellent nuu'hine.s Address the Publishers, West Union grange, 110 72, H’ashington Teens»rer, If .1 11 itte f Turner. can be relied upon as upright and responsi­ S I T B S C l l l I * T I O X P R I C E , Camas Valley Pilot Rork “ Leave it to me,” said the saw, eo; A //" 1 < 0 D . A P P L E T O S J - C O ., master; David Lenox, sec; i Ceres, Ales Jane Cyras, Sein . ble nu ii. well worthy of the confidence of //illsboro. N. Canyon ville and With his relentless testh lie Pendleton 513 a 551 Broadway, N. Y. Pomona, Mrs M Pmeers, Sliedd. 1 //dishorn grange, no 73, lUashington co; . , , . . , onr Christian Readers.— ‘ 'Northern Church Drain ♦Umatilla worked W kw ar.l and forward o n standard. ” N. Y. Dec. 27th. H o rn , Airs 1 j . , p e ril , AIcAhnn- Thus Humphreys, master: I l II Meyers,see; Elkton Weston its surface t ill th e y w e r e till to rn O rders R eceived , and machines promp. Hillsboro. ville. d o w n o r b r o k e n ; th en h e f e l l aside. ! ly forwarded to any address upon receipt of Galesvillc Buttevilh* grunge, no 74, Marion co; P F Erem iti re Committee, Daniel Casti»man, master; F P Mathieii, kcc Jlntte- Gardiner “ H u ! h a !” said th e h am m er, “ I U n io n Ciarla', Salem; li M Gurney, Ten mile, vili»*. l i i »i i t *n i *51NC j L E M ACH INE S for sjiin* Kellogs Cove k n e w y o u w o u ld n t s u c c e e d , T 1 1 , p ],.3 or p,|*nte us«*, pi*iu Douglas en.; Orleg Hall, Walla Walla; Cottage Grove grange, no 75, Lane co; A Looking Glam Islaad City "h o w you th e w a y ; b u t at h is firs t styles, with 2-3 T A B L E and ( I A Wells, Ilm uà Vista; Thomas // A’palir, master; Horace Knox, sac; Cotag« Myrtle Creek fierc e s tro k e o f f flew h is h ea d ,a n d th e T R E A D L E furnished with ♦La, Grande Aflinkers. Sein; .1 If Henry, Lafayette; Grove. iro n re m a in e d as b e fo re . cquiqments for irmuodiate Charity grang»'. no 76, Lane co; M B~il- ♦Oakland North Powder H y H ill, flu net ion. kins, master; F M Wilkins, sec; inilumetL' Pass Creek Orodell “ S h a ll I try ? ” a s k ed a » o f t , sm a ll j M Ac u i j « a w ith extyakin k Forks. ♦Roselntrg nam e. B u t th e y a ll d e s p is e d t h e ! « j , * ...................................... 20 •• Summerville Officers o f t i l * O u t r a i G r a n g e Alsca Grange, iu>77, Bon toil co; .1/ Ver­ fla m e ; b u t h e c u rv e d g e n t ly ro u n d M ACHINESwith Table * Cover 25 Umpqua City Union Anso i a t i o n non, mast» r; 1 H Starr, 6 C<*; Alsou. th e n o n , a a d Y -ia b ra c cd it, an d n e v - f ALA*'HINES with Table, half P re s id e n t , II’ /’»»•ria grange,Linn c o ;S D //aley,master; Wilbur ^ Y u llow a Alexander. Austin Watts, sec; l ’ eoria. I ’we P resid en t Yoncalla James Tatum. e r le ft it until it melted u n d er his ir- 1 ^ A C M N E S ^ w ith ’ Table, fu l l HAS FROM 3 0 a Y e a r Franklin grange. Lane co; G M Miller, S erreta ry , A W’ Stan nani. Seottnburg resistible influence. cabinet style ....................60 “ W A SCO master;.! F Kirk, sec; Franklin. There arc* hearts hurl enough to N O EXTRA. CHARGES made for packing 7 cen su rer, (J P Burkhart. Ten Mile Antelope Wapato grunge, Bash ington co; T R j'C'ist the force* of wrath, tlu* malice* "* "hipping toANY P A R T OF THE C01TN- Thompson, master: F D Stott, se.c; Gaston. Trustees, F. She,id, F. Powell. Bridge Creek , , .......... . . -t ,1 , e 1 T R \ , S pecial certikicate for five years Yon» alia grange, Douglas, co; A Lamb, o l p ersecu tio n ,m n l tli<* l u r v o f i>ri>io. . Giufcr Gate-Keeper, Elias Fanning. Hepner 1 • . ’ . - 1 ’ 1 with every machine. Specimens of sewino , master, J R Drain, s i t ; Drain’s I ’ O. cres of exc e l l e n t l a n d f o r HO il' to iii.iku tlicii' nuts reco il 011 illustrated rooks , with numerous reeom Agent, J. If. Stamp. ♦Canyon City Hood River Columbia grange, lUashingt»m 00 ; Jus sale in Washington County. th e ir ailvi Usuries; lmt th ere is a p o w - mi Dilutions,wholesale cash prices, extkaor - Camp Watson Prineville Imbrie, master; F Kenedy, s»c; Glencoe. S l : B O R D I N \ T E G R A N G E S . cr stronger than auv of these, ami DINARY INDUCEMENTS tO llgcntS, ,tC, mailed Dayville Beavi rton grange, lUashington co; /’ Tuc­ Mitchell«* fr» »‘. Exclusive control of T erritory given O rego n . ker, master; Jus .M Kay, s«-c; Portland. is that heart that cun gratis to capable and energetic agents, mer­ John Day City Mt Hood Marslifisld grange n o ], Clackamas eo; Oakland grang»', Douglas co; E .Stephens, Prairie City Pritchard's chants, storekeepers, «fr., who will travel or IU lUDaiis, master; T J Matlock, hpc ; master; E 11 Pinkson, sec; Wilbur. " 1 » 11 agencies utul exhibit the wonderful Parkersville Clackamas P. 0. Scotts Soil 1 ville grange, no 85, Ainn co; Wm B h H H j merits <*f our machines in their localities, GRAINS OF GOLD. Eagle Creek grange no 2 ( laekamas <■»»; ! Gilson, muster; (! Burge, ftoc; Sodaville. to Sumpter Shellrock and soli» it orders. E Eorbes, master; Franklin Foster, s» l * c ; Du- /’owi'l’s Yulh-y grange, Multnomah » o ; 7 «1 Spanish Hollow uiaseus. M All Ordern and communication must be K Williams, muster; B WYthington ; sec; fV NYealtii is not his who "et-s it, but u»l ; E C 0 p. 0 Box 1238, New York- Howell /’miri»; grange,Marion co; B'.S’ap- »** Brownsboruugh Willoughby « > ions »livido them. Go efbe. //all, master; L M Hill, sec; Buena Vista. i pingfield, master; John Newsom, ace; Sa­ O ft ts Central Point Willow Forks Monmouth grange no 5, Polk eo; I F M lem. a M > B"ve, says Alexander Smith, is the N O T IC E ----- The I N D E F E N D E N 1 h H Drew’s Valley Butler master; J S Churchill, sec; Mon­ rv w 1 .Needy grange, Clackamas; John Itingo, discovery of ourselves in another. mouth. Engle Point W ashington i master; W W A’ainpson, seo; Ni«*dy. Ö > M A Oak /'lain grange no 6 , Likn co; A R , Butte Creek grange, Clackamas co. has the sole right o f doing (he IP E !/ » Grant’s Pass Beaverton f ilig «*i\U i nai talkers ehas- l ’ rme, master; T J Black, see; Hulsey. . 8 kinner, mastir; E M H artinsn, sor; Butte > Ö Hot Springs Cedar Mill ti* »J the Lio- <1.Useless of our Tangent grange, no 7, Linn eo; E E Fan­ ! Creek. ’ A rj Ö 1 L IT 1 G A N T P H IN T IN G Cornelius ♦Jacksonville «e n sea. ning, master; A Blevins, sec; Tangent. Ü Upper Mobilili grunge, Clackamas eo ; J cn Tí Corinthian grange,no 8 , Linn co; W lv - Muse, inasti'r; S Englo, aec; Glad Tidings. — Dilley IP Lakeport One forgiven everything to him /’rice, muster; C Wahl, hoc ; Lebanon. A ♦Forest Grove Linkville Goshen grange, Lnncco; I f It Dillard, — f o r Washington County and is > Nhedd grange, no 3, Linn co; F Slied.1 master; >' Engle, see; Glad Tidings. who forgives himself nothing. C h i- ; No 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, Glencoe- Langell Valley •— W master; U” IU Yantis, see; «Sfiedd. nose Proverb. Ashland grunge, Jackson co; D S Buick, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Greenville Phoenix Ö Grand Prairie grange, no 10 , Linn 00 ; IF luuster; \V Be<*soii, see: Ashland, Hillsboro • P Anderson master; N B Fry, see; Albany. j Charity no 2 grange, Linn eo;F M Kitzi r, h e re fiv rt invaluable to a ll o f ou r citizens Rock Point Parley ¡in»l Hurrender signify the //urrisburg grange, no 1 1 , Linn <-o; John W. II. A IK E N , Attorney-lit-law and Com- Joppa «.•line thing where virtue isconc* m» <1.1 Sam’s Valley master; 1’ ft Ifigle, see; Harrisburg. //.Smith, master; Ikm R Porter, w c; Har­ mamb'r »>f tlio Grand Army of the Republic Middleton Meadowville grange,Umatilla co; A L G ot- — ALne. de ALiinh non. Sprague River risburg. a» California und Nevada, will give prompt doti, master; J H A’aley, s»*c; Meadowville. Mountain Dale Table Rock Springfield grange, no 12, Lane eo; J dill Jleii Mhouhl keep their eves wide I .» 11 » ntliili to tlio collection of Additional THE FINEST AND Alta grange, Umatilla eo; Jacob Frazer, CHEAPEST Kelley, Peake master; W Cotnegys, see; A’pring- Willow Springs l’ruvt-1 1‘ny, now title California an»l Nevada master: Gilliam, sec; Pilot Rock. open l>eforo inarrnigo, ninl iialf shut Sholl’a Ferry field. \ olniit«'(uid th» sum».-,wli' ii discharged. R 1111 I Turner grange no 18,Marion co; B A Wi/.- F e e d e r l i . M arcia. Bi" Prairie ♦Lafayette som, master; M M Ellis, see, Elkhorn. an-ants can t»*.* obtaiu*i»l for servi»'»*s r* 11 - »1 master; IU H Hillery, sue; Turner; M»'K«uzio grange, Lam ico: G li llain- Cottage Grove ♦McMinnville Brownsville grange, no 13, L in n co; L C The Iflock of granite, which was • »1» r» <’, before 1855 but not for services in PRINTING DONE TO Coast Fork nn rsley, muster; i f A lFoolcot, 8 ec; A'pring- JOB the late war. Fi nsions for lute war and Mountain House Rieu master; A W .Stuiard.si-o; Brownsville. an obstacle in the path of the weak, i w'»r ot 1 M 2 obtained and inerens/il when al­ F O K B S J / G R O V E O R E G O N . fiehl. Camp Creek •South Brownsvill grange, no 20, Linn co; North Yamhill Amity grange, Yamhill co; J J Hender­ Incomes a stepping-stone in the' ow. »J for less than disability warrants, but Consolidated with llrownsvilh-s no 13. a n u f a c t u r e r a n d d e a l e r in Cartwrights’ Sheridan son, muster; J li Sawyer, see; Amity. !no pensions in. allow» »1 to’ M» xi» un and jaitliway of the strong.— Carlyle. Lebanon grange, no 21, /.inn eo; It A Ir ­ all kinds of B'illamctt»' grunge, Yamhill cot Henry ♦Eugene City "West Chehalem Florida war soldiers. State of Texas lias vine, master; J A'Smith, see; Lebanon. H'lWett, 11 aster; l ’i ter Bareudregt, see; Let a man keep the law, any law ,' granted I'eiisions to surviving vi temns of Franklin W’heatland Knox Butte grange, no 22 , I.inn eo; ,v H’hcatland. r.n»l hi*: pathway will be strewn with lex is Revofutioll, New Orl» ails nml Mobile Miller, master; At Huston, s»*e; Albany. Junction New berg Jacksonville grange, Jackson co; F F Harmony grange, no 23 . Linn cUy attended to. //ope grange, m> 2 1 , l.tun <•<»; G F ^iinp- Farmington grange, Washington eo; II A than the amount. Emerson. ORDER. n l3 ^ ’ Money Order Offices. n 2 ft :*im s » ju , master; J CMillardsee; Albany. arpeuter, master; James Bitbycouib, sec; NO CHART NECESSARY SAN FRANCISCO M ARKET. APPLETONS’ CYCI j OPAEDIA. S60 S A V E D Sewing Machine, i . M Y E R E S 1 5,0 00 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 A W IL D R ICH W ar C laim A gency Wm M /WIcCREADY PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY.