/ THE INDEPENDENT. and Miss Curtis JAMES STEWÀRT AND HIS MURDER­ started to Umpqua Wednesday.They ERS. go to take charge of the Uiripqua FOREST GROVE, September 3, 1874. Academy. They have had a pleas­ ant vacation at home this summer A Letter from the murdered man s Local Nows . Brother. and go to the scene of their new la­ bors refreshed in mind and body. We THIRTY-SIX YEARS AGO. wish them success iu, their impor­ North Yamhill, Aug. 29, 1874. tant work. Wilbur i3 an outpost of E d . I n d e p e n d e n t : — It is too true A Scrap of Interesting Border History academic education in Oregon and — Labors of a Noble Pioneer. needs active and efficient teachers, that it was our beloved Brother who W e bespeak for them the active sym­ was so fouly murdered on the third In the year 1838, in the month of pathy of tile earnest and intelllgeht of the present month atM oro, Cali­ supporters of Wilbifr. fornia. The first intelligence of the September and on the first Sabbath G eorge N aylor and lps brother terrible tragedy was received in a of that month, Rev. E. Walker, our Charley harvested ^0 acres of plub letter from his wife written some townsman, delivered his first dis­ wheat on their farm last .week which course west of the ilockv mountains made 45 bushels to the acre, and a three days after the murder. The at the Whitman Mission in Walla , good deal o f it had been destroyed letter Was a very unsatisfactory one; Walla valley, in the, then, Territory ' l,y cattle and hogs getting into it.by | She expressed not the least regret on o f Oregon. This wAs the first Con­ swimming the creek. It probably her own part that he was killed, gregational sermon preached on the would have gone 50 bushels had it j stating that her brother had been not been thus injured. The fcarae ‘ bonorably acquitted in a preliminary Pacific slope. The audience was ground last vear produced o;> bush- . : * . ,, . made up of thirteen white persons, els to the acre. George and Charley ; examination. The day following the receipt of her letter, we got letters viz: Dr. Whitman and wife; Rev.H. j ore industrious young farmers. — *------- | from two different men, informing H. Spaulding and wife; Rev. Asa B. J. M . R o b in s o n our photographic . ug great indignation prevailed, Smith and wife; Rev. Cushing Eells and wife; Win. H. Gray and wife, artist paid the Grove a slant visit | throughout the community where this week. He lias been doing *= a " : the bloody deed was committed,and Asst. Missionary; Cornelius Rodgers; biz” at ! annui rushing business at the mu us iik that i mn notw mu xv ithstanding ii mwiuiiiiim . the assuring Mrs. W alker; a Canadian named Brownsville, Linn count}. He p i o - : acquittal of the murderet, that our Compo; and a few Indians. At this poses to move from that place to the brother had without a doubt been meeting Compo made a profession of State Fair and from there ho will mura ered in cold bldod. Our fa- religion and was received into the come back here to photograph our j tber> B E stewart> started iranie- Church. When \Ve regard tile days diately overland for the scene of the of missionary labor in Oregon with good looking people s faces. T he first term of the College began tra g e d y , and is now well on his wax the hardships, dangers and priva­ tions, we of necessity must concede yesterday morning, th e old bell to the place, where, on his arrival, to choose men of gteat bravery and soil ml a vefy natural ami makes the : he will thoroughly investigate the af- devotion to duty, and those old pio­ old school-goer feel like putting on Tnir, and take steps to have justice neers move about nmoug us with his hat and rushing to chapel. The meted out to the villains xvho have their locks silvered with age and the ! students are coming iu.new faces aitd so foully taken from us a son and toil o f the wilderness, it is right and 1 old,and the earnest work of study has brother in the very vigor of man- proper fJr us to pay them that re-j begun. A prosperous year is antiei- hood. M e thank you for the friend- \ ^ 1 ly notice you gave oUr deceased bro- spect which their service demands. I pate J. „ _ . - .i. ther Ifi vbur last issue, and would — It is probably to R eligious .— R e». F. Wtf'ker will . *. ask you to copy an article that lias Mr. Walker's Vote . ' , _ , I occupy the pulpit in the 31. h. , , f ... i since appeafed m thd Chronicle con- That the United Suites owes its pos­ church at Hillsboro next hundax, . ... r,M*. corning him. I have not the copy session of Oregon and adjacent Ter­ « Sept, fith, at 11 o clock m . 11ns , . ” . w > i ... , , . ... at hand or I wbiild rfcfer vou more ritory, for in a meetiug of the early will be the 37 rtntiiversatr of Ins . . . . . . . , ‘ ... particularly to it. missionaries the question of sending ministerial labor on the Pacific T, ... , , . . ... '> It will bo seen froifi this article re- Dr. Whitman to the Atlantic States COASli * ferred to, that the villians are not on political business was being Tin College girls took possession satisfied that he is gone forever from warmly discussed Mr. Walker b id , croquet grounds this themselves and us, but they are try- him go if he thought he could do of the city morning after chapel and they sent in# to gain sympathy for themselves? anv good and save this fair Terrifdrv1 to the United States. Later it **as I the balls whizzing round. M e have by the circulation ot reports that are milch beautiful and intended to degrade his fair nanie owing to Mr. W's. presence in the | not Seen so active calico for three months. and that are without the shadow of Spokane country, where he remained i a foundation. On the return of out three months after the TV hitman j H i i . i . s h o k o B e v * t . n . — Tlios. Tongue massacre, that prevented that tribe one of the champion croquet play­ father lie will bring the remains for from joining the Cay uses iiitb“ ir war ers of Hillsboro, was up lu re hist interment at home, and sad will it against the whites and, it may be, week and an average Forest Grove be indeed to begin a family burying saved the settlements in the Wiliam- > player bMt him four games out of ground under such heart-rending circumstances. lette Valley. six. D. C. S. The First Book and the First Typo J ake S t e v e n s o n and Herbert M e1 The following is the article in the Mr. Walker published in the Spo­ Cornack intend to go over to the Ne­ kane language a small patnphW of • ll ale in country this week to look for < 'linnuch- concerning the murder of a ?to**k ranch. They have some sixteen pages, doing the composing thought of engaging iu that business James Stewart which the above wri­ and press work himself. It is there if they can find good range for ter wishes us to copy. The report of the doctor as it will lie seen gives a thought that this book was the first stock. flat contradiction to the imposthu- and onlv book published in the In­ Tin: N khat . em D elegation .— Sever­ inous, cowardly and infamous lie of dian tongues of that dav. Manr a l families have come over here from y ea rs ago we heard Mr. Walker de- ' the Nehalem country to school their the murderers that lie had any dis- ‘liver a lecture iu which he gave an children. Mr. Shearer, Mr. Fat- uuse whatever. And we hope that k ’ccfrr*.t of his early labors among I bi»nks’s father-in'-law, has just b>- the murderer will be hanged by the cat*-d m the (n o v - for tins ]»urp»#se. neck and the tmnatural wife will re- the Indians, their customs, Ac., and j T hk npjiearaiT'-a of the students the punishment due her crime, now in this age when every one is marching in double file on the (*ol- But here is the ( hroniclee report: turning lecturer wc cannot but think “ Stewart's rharriage in the Cocke that a public Ur> ik on the same sub­ lege Walks and gathering in busy- tongued knots under the umbrageous family was a most unfortunate one. ject would mm ’> interest an audi­ ; They strenuously opposed it. oaks does the heart good. ence of his friends and neighbors. j The examination before J”trstice * F iik . su P aint —The school author j Simmeler only lasted six hours. The P rof . C urtis G eorge H. A tkinson .—W e are in j ities are spreading paint over the triends of the accused man w ool to V j I the Justice to shake bauds r*nd receipt of the Long Island College j school building at . T, Hillsboro anu . , .* thank him for what he lmd done tor Hospital Circular, of which Institu- j tion George H. Atkinson M. D., is a making other ímprovments about the (hem but Justice Simmeller got out I of the Court-room, remarking at member of the Faculty and occupies . building .of a substantial nature. „ , T _ th* same time that they need not the position of Assistant to the Chair ; On Monday of last w eekM j.D unn tpank him. He Could not, with the o f Practice and Assistant demonstra- j tor of Anatomy» Dr. Atkinson is a living, at North Yamhill, received a evidence, do othe rwise than find the serious hurt bv getting hry hand pr¡-oñornój gniltvof *hc charge, and there- son of Rev. Dr. Atkinson of P ort-; on a hook used to bang meat iorT ti„ ^ orj 7 e,i Í 111 reit>ftsed irom. CUR‘0,,F; and. He left the Institution here , caught n ® Justice Simmeler is a nuin m uch respect- ¡ ed here. He is eonscieutious in all his do-' as an undergraduate sotm* five years 011. - . ings, but this will place him in embarrass- ago and went East, entered Dart­ J u d g e H u m y p h r e y s , o f H ills b o r o , I mentwitb lpnny who consider that a nght- mouth College as a sophomore and Y , - i '/ */• /< ; eon's verdief rested altogether with him. It graduated, then took the m edical, n a j re c e iv e d from (io\. (ir o v e r an ; H,,,.IUR unfortunate tlmtn/ftre testimony was course of that institution and received appointment as Notary Public in no^ elicited in the rase. . * George ce re-called. ThiB seems to be sim­ ple justice both to the man Cocke and to the He does not deny the killing. He , t i,i , , simply claims that he acted in defense of went down to Clatsop County last | hi8 StowRrt.B wiie; hut a» she. was | some distance frem him at the time of the week. ! affray,this is considered a lame and pititable - ■■■ - — — - Mrs. Logan -Johnson has lOllG | excuse, to say the least.The Grand Jury will L ast week Hteve Hafris bought a have to take the case up or there is no use new horse up the valley and started to East Portland on a visit. Of law in California.” to the Grove with the horse bitched in the hack. But when the horse passed his old stamping ground he refused to go' any farther, and Steve pushed him ard the hack about a mile when the horse got the advant­ a g e of him on a hill sidh and refused to budge. Stf ve then had to get another horse td bring the mail here. O ne of our typos accomplished a feat the other day at croquet rarely ever done by the most expert play­ ers of the game. He went through to *Ke first stake and back to the middle wicket b< foro stopping, and it was the third time lie had played the game. Now then who can beat this. Misi Maly Blank and brother public. Oua croquet players hitVG Contract­ A very rapid and easy way to make mon­ ey. Procure territory to introduce the la­ ed their wickets to five inches. test useful invention that is wanted every P rof . M arsh ’ s m elon pa tch was I day, by every one, every where, who has a , . , . . i i family, a full sized Sewing Machine with destroyed b y some thieves last ; 'fable andTreadle for only $15 that does the week. j siime work as ft Machine you would pay $75 I f o r , tapid. smooth and fir m , makes n seam D h . S aylor got one of h is anklfes . strong the clothwill tear before the stitches ° rip apart. Eight new attachments for all sprained Monday by llis horse falling , W o rk , and the improved Button Hole Work er used by us only. Agents only need çhow oh it. HtfcVE H a r r i s them in op era tion to sell in ev ery h o u s e th ey has bought Mr. H in - 1 ''ntrr; $ io an d u pw ardsL cleare’d d a ily by- smart agents. No such Machine was ever ton out and now Steve runs the busi­ offered a* anv such nlice. 35,000 sold last year. 100,(XM) Families urfe them. Demand ness himself. increasing every day where they berome knowri. Machinists, Families, Tailors, Ac. N ew S chool H ouse . — The people recommend them highly. Bights given free of iieaverton school district are build­ to first applicants. If there is orl agency in your place, write for it, or buy a Machine ing a new school house. for your family or a relation, there is none better or so cheap. Machines Rent to all “ I ke ” says that pills are still g o parts of the country on receipt of price $15. M r . E. C. B ryant who went to ingflown. Ho makes s o many th a t | Read adverilsemeiit in another part '>f this s .hool here last year is going to Mr-1 . „ , ,, , , , , ■ paper. Address the HocsEiioLt? S ewimo MinnTille C'ollege this rear He | he can afford to sell at w h olesa le p ri- >iACHIN-K,p. o . Box 1238. New York City . I ces 1 h21 :fy went up yesterday. f y For th e very b e st P h o to g ra p h s , go to Bradley & Kulofson’s Gallery with an ELEVATOR, 429 M on tg om ery Street San B t u r r a D Francisco. •v. R eligious. At the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Hülfe preaches on the first and third Sundays each month. At the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Chandler preaches on the second and fourth Suudaj ni each month. _______ NEW ADVERTISËMETS. E E u rra D ! Mr. Farmer, Granger, and all the rest fhe living R E J O IC E M IS C E L A N E O U S . of R E J O IC E ft Over the good news which in fact every body is anxious to hear. Why of course, come right to Hilishbro,1 and look for the new store, Keliogg’i placò and seethe cheap gc’uds that are sold there It is enough to make any body smile. The Goods were carefully selected and of great variety. Cash paid for//ides, Wool, Furs and all kinds of produce. KAHN A FRIEDENRICII. j 11-n 12 FOREST D R U G AND G R O tE B èl K STORE S U R V E Y OH. n o LL PETSONS t i c . e KNOWING L C - W A L K E R , SURVEYOR. TIIEM- selves in d eb ted to the undersigned b v n ote or a cco u n t are requested|to come an d settle the sam e on or b e fo re the 1st o f O ctober. W.-H. SAYLOR, M. D. sep3 :tf _______ FOR SALE. O n E a sy T erm s t— IMI-— THE V.MTIKE LOT OF MACHINERY tIN THE FOREST GROVE PLAN­ ING MILLS . . . .CONSISTING of . . One ten Horse Power Engihe&Boiler, 1 Planer and Matcher. 24 inch Sui facer/« 1 Saw T a b l o 1 Mortising Machine, l Force I*ump 1 Turning Lathe withTools, 50 feet Shat‘ting& PnUie* 500 feetBeiting ALSO, 5 0 , 0 0 0 F K E t i A sso rted 31 o u ld in g DESK, STAND, ANtf f.VULE , I .E G S NEttEL P o s t s | STAIR BALUSTERS. R esidence at Forest Grove, Oregon. n ? ’ L. C. Walker, Surveyor,has Field Note of the Legal subdivision surveys. L E G A L ADVERTISEMENTS’ ~~ W. H. SAYLOR, PROPRIETOR. D ESLEÍ IN * * " DRUGS; MEDICINES, PERFUM ERY,PAINTS, OILS, GLA*Ôl, BOOBf â«.,' S h e r iff ‘ »S a íe . Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of fhe State of Oregon for Washing- tonCounty on the 1st day of September 1874 in favor of W. II. Williams and against Samuel R. Remick and to me directed and delivered commanding me to make sale of the property herein described to satisfy the sum of $2,120 C2-100 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent.per annuity from the ‘20th day of May 1874, together with costs and ac­ cruing costs. llA-refore by virtue ÓT said execution and order of sale I have levied on the following described Real Estafe being the property therein described to wit Being the Donation kind claim of the said plaintiff-, W. H. Williams, No. 50, situated in the said County of Washington State of Oregon, being parts of Sects, seventeen (17) and twenty (20),Township one (1 ),South Range one (11. West, buiindyd as follows to wit: Beginning at a point 17 chs. north of (lie south west corner of said section seventeen, I running thence east 54.40 chs. thence south ¡ 20.75 ehs. thence east 3.61 clis. thence south : 27.25 chs., thence v. est 38.UÍ chs., thence ! north 56,00 chs., to the place cSf beginning, containing 310 71-100 acres, and on SAT- i UKDAY the 3d day o f October. 1874, at the hour of one o ’clock l*. m . of said day, at the Court House door in Hillsboro, County and State aforesaid, I will sell.the above des­ cribed tract of land at l ’ ublic auction to the highest bidder foi cash in hand to satisfy said execution and accruing costs Witness my baud this 2nd day of Septem- her l,s74. CifAS. T. Tozieft Sheriff Washington C6unty Orbgrii. GLASS B CUT TO AN Y S Ï Z E thir stool consists in part of PAINT BP.USHE3, VARNISH BRUSHES. n a YL b r u s h e s , CLOTHES BRUSHES, STRIPING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES. OTJTijBH.Yf i • • k (,’0 M B S O F A L L RAW OILS, LARD OfL, SWEET OIL, ä l Z E ^ A ^ D • • • V A R I E T I E S . I^EATSFOOT O il* ■ CASTOR OIL. f 7 t o Oil CHINA NUT i l , 1TO BOILED S r l i o o l H o o k s , s u it a b le f o r t h e A c a d e m y o r P u b l i c S c Ä o o l. All articles warranted. Fr-seriptrons comjiou'uded with care and oorrectneM. no33 1 FLORENCE SEW ING I • i ‘ New Styles and ne» prices «•nee Sewing machines CASH, and to persons who desire, we sell on the installjaeritul _ . ^ per month in til the Machine is paid for. One of our n s j styles feMs tiwwork m j t t o i » the (Operator, so that we have now both a side and back fetfl muciane. wanantod for ten yyars and no charge will be made for rqpajjring| or keeping Machines i: Adiiiinistrntrir's Sale. in ordej during that time. Every Florence Machine in Oregon kept in order free charge. Call and s«.é them, or send for circular with cut 'and and pnce nst. Machine JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TTf.VT 25 per cent Below iu pursuance of an order of the County delivered in anv part 6f the State or in Washington Territory, at my own risk. J. B LOOMIS. Agent. 113 Third S t. Portland, Oregon. Customary Rates Court of the State of Oregon for Washing­ mv28 —» ----- r - . ton County maife at the August term 1874 T H I S Machinery is new and of thereof, in tin- matter of the estate of John and of first ( lass make. D. Richardson deceased, and to me as ad- N f l l l i c e o f F i m f l S e ttle m e ir t. minstrator thereof directed. I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at the Court House door in llillsbpro Washington In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. County Oregon, on SATURDAY 7the 3d day IN LOTS TO .SUIT, of October a . l). 1874, at the hour of one In the matter of the eatute ofJ. H. Myers, ON VERY LIBERAL TERMS. o ’clock i*. m . all the right, title, interest, deceased. and estate of John D. Richardson, at the Address, o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t time of his death or since acquired by his A. L. JOHNSON,Forest Grove. the undersigned administratrix of said estate, in and to those tracts of land lying, l-eii'g and situate in Washington County « state 1ms filed her firnit account in said I Oregon and being the X. F-. *4 of the X. W. Court snd that Monday the 5th day of Octo­ \ rf Sect. 26. The S. W. \ of theX W .“ ber. 1874, at the hour of ten o ’clock A. M., is the time fixed by said Court for .hearing I of Sec t. 25, and the H. E. of the X. E. ‘ 4 THE NEW IMPROVED I of Sect. 26. all in Town. 1. South Range. 1, of obr^rions thereto and the statement REBECCA MEYERS, ; West, containing in all 120 acres, upon the thereof. Aministratrix. \ following N Will Sell N TER M « OF SALE. aug!3:4t i One half of the purchase price U. K. coin in SlierilFtiSale. | hand, one half to be paid in [T. S.eoin with­ in six months froift the dayof sale, with in­ y virtue of a writ of Execution, Decree terest at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum, of foreclosure and order of sale issuiul and to be secured by mortgage on the prem­ out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ ises. gon for Washington County in favor of Jo­ H en ry W f h r in o , Administrator of the estate of John 1). Kich- seph Boyce and againsf flnlda Sherman and C. M. Sherman et.al.tome dirooted and de­ ardaon. sop3-4t livered, attested pv the Clerk 6f said Court on the 20th day of July IV 4, commanding me to make safe of fhe following described SlifrrilfN Sale. Real Estafe to vtif. commencing at a point 27.55 chains West, and 24.31 chains south of VIRTUE OF AX EXECUTION A7?P the X. W. corner of Sect. 27.T. 1. X. R. 2. itder of sale issued out of the Circuit W. thence south 11% chains thence east Court of the State <>l Oregon for Washing­ 3 chains, theuoo south 23.183 chains.thence ton County iu favor of L. F. Grover et al, west 9.87 chains, thence north 15.U9 chains, Lido Feed r.nd Back Feed. School Commissioners, and again» S. H. thence west 23.38 chains, then«-«“ north 20.26 Elliott et al attested by the Clerk of said ehs., thence east 10 chs. thence north 2.25 THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM­ Court, August 25th. 1874, and to me directed c hs. thence east 13.25 chs. to place of begin- PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED and delivered cbmmandingnie to satisfy the ing, containing 79% acres more or less, sit- SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. sum of $1,400 8-100 dollars being part U. uuted in Washington County Oregon, to S. currency andimrt U. S. coin together satisfy the sum of $2248 21. Therefore by with costs and interest, and accruing costs, virtue of said execution and decree of fore­ by making sale of the following described closure I have levied upon said tract of land, If tiers ii a FLORENCE MACHINE real estate to-w?t: The South East quarter and on -Saturday the 26tli day of September within cao thousand miles of San Fran­ of the Donation land t'otm of Charles and 1874, at the hour of one’o clock r. m . of cisco not working well, I will £x it with­ Letitia McKay in scctrops one anti twelve said day, in frontof the Court House door out any expense to the owner. (1) Sc (11) in T. 1, X, tf. 3, W. situated in in Hillsboro. County and »State aforesaid, I Washington county, Oregon. Therefore bv »•ill sell the above described tract of land at SA!£UEL HILL, Agent, virtue of said writ and order of of sale. I Publicauction to the highest bidder for have levied upon the premises as above de­ No. 19 New Montgomery Street, scribed and on WEDNESDAY the 30tU day cash in hand to satisf said executiov S.fiy GRAND HOTEL BUILDING. , of September 1874, t the hour of one o’ clock accruing costs. CIIAS. T. TOZIEft, «A S FRANCISCO. P. M. of said day at the Court House > * I Sheriff of Washington County O^gon. I' door in Hillsboro, County and State afore­ • # Hillsboro July 29th 1874. said I will sell the above described premises D. BAXTER- SO MANY aug 27—iw. ut Public Auction to the highest bidder w . cub to men at h is store all the tim’ n 23:7 m therefor, cash iu hand, $338 75-100 in hat he has no time to Write an adveriee- U. S, currency, and the balance in ment. That f« what we call buaine a. 39tt. U. S. coin to satisfy said execution and ac­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon cruing costs. for the County of Washington. ( HAS. T. TOZIER, E. A. Bothwell, vs. James Botliwell. Sheriff of Washington Co., Oregon. ie of the finest and must valuable blocks To James Bothwell the above named de­ Hillsboro, Aug., 20 th 1874. in the city of Forest Grove with improve­ fendant. sep3;4w. ments consisting of comfortable house, ex- HEREAS ON T //E 30TII DAY ,pF excellent orchard, good well, fruit cellar, A d m in is t r a t o r 's Sale. May A. D. 1874, Hon. W .W. Upton, barn, etc. This property will be sold, part Judge of the above named Court, made an for cash and part on time to suit purchaser. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT order directing that service of the summons A.J .A nderson . Aw. in pursuance of an order of the County in this suit be bed upon the above uained ulv 2; 3m Court of the Stat«- of Oregon for Washing­ Deft, by publication in the Forest Grove I n ­ ton County made at the August term a . n. dependent for six weeks. Therefore, jVi the 1874, thereof in fhe matter of the «state of name of the State of Oregon, you are ffereb STEAM POWER P. S. Field, deed, and to nie as administra­ notified to appear and answer the comjbluint tor thereof direetel, I »ill sell at Public of Flff. herein filed, by the first diVy ¿T the auction, to the highest bidder on, SATU /.’- term of said Court next following the expi­ DAY the 3d day of October, a .i>.1874,at the ration of the publication of this mimmons hour of one o ’clock r. m . at the Court House which said term will commence at rtiylsboro door in Hillsboro, '•fashington County Or­ County and State aforesaid on Monday the egon, all the light, title interest And estate 5th day of October A. D. 1874, and if you of I’ . S. Field, at the time of his death or fail so to answer the plaintiff will apply to the since acquired by his estate, in arid to all < 'hurt for the relief therein denianaM, to-wit: those pieces, parcels or tracts of Knd lying, \ That the bonds of matrimony novi existing i being and situate in Washington County, bO^een Tiff, and Deft, be dissolved. Oregon and deseribed as follows, fo » it: That the care and custody of James' G. | — KF.i-T nr 1st, The Donation Land eluirrt of Chris­ Bothwell and Nellie E. Bothwell, children of I tian Emrick in) sects. 3. 4. 9. and 10. Town. Ulff. and Deft, bo awarded to I’ lff., and that j S t o v o H d r r i S 1,South Range 3 West, containing 320 acres. Flff. L’aVe JudgcnTCfit against Deft, for the * » r* * ' v ’ £ • • 2d, Commencing 50feot east of the X W. costs nml disbursements of this suit. on C oiner o f Pine and Itireh. ! corner of block No. 6 of the Town' of Forest Book BinAfff ibid Paper Baler, THOS. H. TONGUE, Grove, thence south 100 feet, thence east 50 ooil h orses and buggies ready at Atty. for Flff. feet, thence north llK) feet, and thence west jy 2 3 ~ fw fh o i’ rs 50 feet. o b O D SADDLE-HORSES J t - 3d. The south half of lot No. 4. in block ' No. 12 in said town of Forest Grove. C t *5 A ways ready. 93 F eont S t r e e t , 4th, Commencing 200 feet east of the X. | In the Circuit Court of the State of Orcgrift //orses bbarded ftt reasonable rates. W. corner of block No. 7, in the town of ! for Washi ngton Couuty Forest Grove, thence south 100 feet, thence peT* Ha8k connects with the cars at t'Ar- west 200 feet, thence sontli to S. W. corner James W. Gibson vs Hannah 'Ti’^ o n . ( FORTLAND, OREGON. elius twice a day. of said block No. 7, thence east to the S, E. To Hannah Gibson the alx>vo ¡Varied De­ julyl6:tf fendant. . ( corner thereof, thence north to the N. E. corner thereof, thence west to the place of hereas on the 7th‘ « t of August a . i>. beginning. 1874, Hon. W. it. Upton Ju dged the 5th, Commencing at the X. W. corner of above named Court, made an order .direct­ O a r p o n t o r cbOato block Xo. 4, of Walker'8 addition to the ing that service of the summons in^his suit in o t S lio p . town of Forest Grove,thence south 2.63 chs. be had upon you by publication ot the name thence Cast 5.70 ehs. thence north 2.63 chs. in the Forest Grdvd I ndependent for six thence west 5.70 chs. to the place of begin­ Consecutive works;' Therefore, in the name ning. of the State of Oregon, you are hereby noti­ 6th, Lot No. 4, in block Xo. 9, of Walk­ fied to appear and answer the complaint of er’s addition to the town of Forest Grove. plff herein filed against you, by the first 7th, ..Lots No. one and four (1 4)’ in day of the term of said Court, next follow­ block No. 4, of T. G. Naylor’s addition to ing the expiration of the publication of this the town of Forest Grove. summons, which said term will commence w- a- Tracts Xo. 6th and 7th, bring subject to at Hillsboro, County and State aforesaid on ANCFACTURES TO ORDER, Ac­ the life estate of Emily Field, and the re­ Mouday the 5th day of October, a . d . 1874, count Books, of all sixes a: «4 ***** mainder free from all mcuieVwmces, upon and you are further notified,, that if yow j| p articular attention given to house-build the following Balt Tickets, Bill Reads, BW£k Books, of fail so to answer, the plff. will apply to (be ing and fraiuing. T erm s Cp ba le . Court for the relief therein demanded, to any desired pattern, wttfi, printed heads or One c'df 8f the purchase price, IT. S. coin wit: that the marriage contract now existing witftont, Blank's, Brief*, Catalogues, Cards, OREGON in hand, one Half to be paid in U. S. coin,in between plff. and deft, be dissolved, and FOREST GROVE six months from the day of sale, with inter­ that the care, custody, and control of Me­ CertifiesOsa. Check*,' Circulars, Deeds, Hand- est at the rate of 10 per cent, pcramtfim.and linda J. Gibson, ami Man- E. Gibson, mi­ Bills, Labels, Leases, Letter Heads, Posters. 71 REY. E. Walk- be secured by mortgage on the preniises. nor children, of p lff. and deft, be awarded Programmes, Receipts of all kinds, Shot* ^aer will sell to p lff S. HUGHES Card*, Snipping Tags, Stc., to . from ONE to NINETY acres of good Administrator of fhe estate of P. S. Field’ Tuos. H. T okot - e Particular attention paid to getting up farming land lying adjacent to Forest Grove. deceased. Atty for Plff. A pply to Elk ana h Walker of this place. • aurfO—lav aug.,J3-6w ¿ooks for County Clerk’s allies. n3& B B!. Always in OrinudSeaifforVorL FOR SALE! o W FO REST c e o . H. HI Mis GROVE. STABLE PR PUTRÌ,’ W Smith, Kane & Oo- FOR SA LI M