\ \ \ \ /orcst-dßrooc Jhtòe»enìient FOREST GROVE, VOL. THE INDEPENDENT. PLIGHTED, A D -1872- “ Two Bonis with l>nt a single thought Two hearts that beat as one.” rCBLISH KD AT N e l l ie , loquitur: Farcit G r o v e ,...................... Oregor H . B . L U Bless my heart! You’rocotne at last. Awiulgladto see you dear! Thought you'd died for something, Belle— Such an age since you’ ve been here! My engagement! Gracious! Yes. /Junior's hit the nnuk tins time. And the victim? Charley Gray; Know him, don't you? Well, ha's prime, Such mustaches! Splenid style! Then lie's not so horrid fust-- Walt«* s like a s* raph. too, Has some fortune — best and last. Love him? Nonsense. Don't be ' soft.” Pretty much as love now goes; He’s devoted, aid in time I'll g* t used to him, I s'poso. First love? lliimbng. Don't talk stuff! Hello Brown, don’t be a fool. Nt xt you’ll rave of flames and darts, Like a chit at n l>oarding-school. Don’t be “ milled,” 1 talked just so Some t wo years back. Fact niy dent! But two seasons kills romance. Leave one’s views of life quite clear. Why, if AVill Latrolie had asked Wb«n he left, two years ago, I ’d have thrown uj> all and g*Uio Out to Kansas, do you know? Fancy me a settler's wife? Blest »scape, dear, was it not? Y’es, it’s hardly in my line To enact ‘ .Love in a Cot." Well, you see.I've had my swing, Been engaged to eight or t«*n. Got to stop seme time, » f course, So it don’t much matter when. Auntie hat* » old maids, and thinks Every girl should marry young — On that theme my whole life long I have heard the changes rung! So, mu bfl'e, what could I do? Charley wants a stylish wife; We'll suit well enough, no f* ar. When we settle down for life. But for love—stud! See luy ring! Lovely, isu't itV Solitaire. Nearly made Maud Hinton turn Green w ith envy and des iair. H* rs aiut half so nice, you see— IHJ I write you. Belle, about Howshe trod for Charley, till I sail* d in and cut her out? Now she’s taken Jack McBride. I believe it's all from piqilC--- Threw him over once,.you know Hates me so she’ll scarcely sp. uk. () yes' Grace Church, Brown, and that, l’ a w< n ’t mil d * xp« nsc at Le t ; I ’ll b>* ort his hands for good: Cost a fortune two years past. .My trousseau shall out-do Maud’s. l ’verartr blm ch* from pa, you know; Mt a i to have my dress from Worth! Wont shujust be rat i/e/.though ? — .Pice H’iiiC’ics in Scnbif r’» for Ai'/ust. C E , Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: On« Tear................................................$» S u months...................................: .........1 *>0 Three month«, .................................... I "0 Single copio*........................................... 10 RATES OF ADVERTISING: 1 » c o l TIME l * MO*. 4 r>o 6 no 9 00 lì M«>*. 6 00 10 O0 16 00 l TEAR. 10 00 1Ü 00 30 00 M l v ;n 6 00 8 50 12 00 20 00 30 00 50 00 L ocal N oth es ,20 cent* por line for the flrnt uiM-rtion. *nd li'ceut.sa line for each ml'seijnent insertion. No notice lens than ,~>0 cent*. A hi« ral reduction will be made on regu- l;ir advertise rs. AGENT AT PORTLAND, 0 /? E G 0 N -L . S a M I'KI.S. AGENT AT SAN FR VXC1SCO—I. P .F ish - kk room s‘Jo Jt *¿1. Merchant’s Exchange California street. AGENT'S AT NEW YORK C IT Y -S . M. i'ETTKNoti.L .V Co., 37 Park Row, cor. Ucckmnu st.—trKO. P. lloWKLl. & Co., 41 Park R>>w. TO CORRESPONDENTS.—All communi­ cations intended for insertion in 1’ hk IwoKCKKi'Kar niuet be authenticated hv the name and address of the writer — n >t necessarily f• »r publication, but us a guaranty of giM>d fiuth. O F FIC E —Near Logan Johnson's / ’Lining Mill*. ‘_______________________ PROFESSIO N A L CARPS. \1 ILSON B O W L U Y , 31. J). Physician and Surgeon, FOREST GROYF., . . . . OREGON. OFFICE At his Residence, West of Johnson's Planing Mills. nt'Cly \V. II. SA V L O R , 31. 1>., Physician and Surgeon. FOREST GROVE. - - - - OREGON < >FFICE At Die Drug Store. EKSI1) EN<' E— Curie rS iv *ud Block south of tke Drug Store. m22:ly II. Y. G eo . II. DrttHAM, IhMrlct AH' trnttf. T h om psoh . Durham & Thompson A T T O H X K Y S -A T -L A IP , Nò. 109 First Street, OREGON. PORTLAND. ANTI-MONOPOLY. ALFRED KINNEY, M-D., 8 TJ B . G E O State Convention of Iowa Reformers— An Excellent Platform. N . FFICE IN DEKUM’S BUILDING, N. W. comer of First and Washing­ O ton Streets, Portland, Oregon. nJ7 ly h a i . e i o i i C. A. B 4I.L. BALL The State Anti-inonopo'v Conven­ tion was held at Des Moines, June s t o it . ¿4th. A. S T O T T , No. 6 Dekum'a Block, PORTLAND, OREGON. FRANK L. STOTT. A t t o r n e y - at - L a w ln iL sn on o, nitEnox. Office in new Court House. Attorney -at - L a w , HilWs.ro, Washington County, Oregon. *• KILLIK. SliattiM k A k i l l i n , A TTOllXEYS A XI t COC.XS E U )ll A T L.\3V. Dekum’s Building, First Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. 111 1 i BU SIN ESS CARDS, ¿c LODGES. S. Hughes, NOTARY PUBLIC AND COLLECTOR. EGAL J’ATERS DRAWN. ACK- A u<>wle4genD«nta taken. Will attend ».rornnÜv ts Jill k>uemes.s entrusted to bis care. ®40 I D E S T I S T A X I ) J E W E L Ell tN O lflfU X* THE TATRONA ì G E O F THE k uv». W^rk warvcmfcA. Walnut unii l ’ina Streut*. 45Aro cor » 3 9 .ly ERBEST GB OVE LODGE, No. 138. - T -, M eets l i it s it a l l ï t z r y airduy ».vunuig, at «» cflrlock. sat - AB «• lib e ri e f u -e v ti ghinditi;’ a re »I , ,V II!Villa;ti U «.uti* id i XÄDfcSh M i . HO, A. F. A x yi . y* was large tional rights; oppressive laws enact­ ed, burdensome taxation imposed ,an immense ficti tious indebtedness cre­ ated, resulting in the degredation of those States and the genet al im­ poverishment of their people. 3. That tho conduct o f the pres­ ent Administration, in its bold defi­ ance of public sentiment and disre­ gard of tho common good, in its prodigality and waste, its extrava­ gance, in the innumerable frauds perpetrated under its authority, in its disgraceful partiality for and re­ wards of unworthy favorites, in its reckless and unstable finance policy, and in its incapacity to meet the vi­ tal questions of the day and provide for the general welfare, stands with­ out a parallel in our national history; and the highest considerations of duty compel the American people,in the exercise of their inherent sov­ ereignty to correct these accumula­ ting evils, and bring the Govern­ ment back to its ancient landmarks of patriotism and economy. 4. That the faith and credit of this nation must be maintained in­ violate; that the public debt, of whatever kind, should be paid in strict accordance with the law under which it was contracted. That an over-issue of paper money being at variauce with the principles of a sound financial policy, the circulat­ ing medium should bo based upon its redemption in specie at the earli­ est practicable day, and its converti­ bility into a specie equivalent at the will of the holder, and that, subject to these restrictions, it is the dutv of Congress to so provide, bv appro­ priate legislation, that the volume of our Government currency shall at all times be adequate to the general business and commerce of the coun­ try, and be equitably distributed among the several States. 5. That tariffs and all other modes of taxation should be imposed upon the basis of revenue alone,and be so adjusted as to yield the mini­ mum amount required for the legiti­ mate expenditures of the Govern­ ment, faithfully and economically administered, and that taxation to an extent necessary to the accumula­ tion o f a surplus revenue in the Treasury subjects the people to needless burdens,and affords a temp­ tation to extravagance and official corruption. (5. That railroads, and all other corporations for pecuniary profit, should be rendered subservient to the public good; that we demand such Constitutional and necessary legislation upon the subject, both State and National, ns will effect­ ually secure the industrial and pro­ ducing interests of the country against all forms of corporate mo­ nopoly and extortion; and that the existing railroad legislation of this State should be faithfully enforced until experience may have demon­ strated the propriety and justice of its modification. Rctolvcd, That we, tho delegated representative of the people of Iowa, j favorable to the organization of an Independent political party, laying I aside past differences of opinion,and earnestly uniting in a common pur­ pose to secure needed reforms in 7. That while demanding that the administration of public affairs, | cordially unite in submitting these railroads be subject to legislative control, we shall discountenance any i declarations: action on this subject calculated to 2. That all political power is in­ retard the progress of railroad enter­ herent in the people; that no gov­ prise or work injustice to those in­ ernment is worthy of preservation,or valuable auxiliaries to commerce and j should Vie upheld, which does not civilization. derive its power fiom the consent of 8. That the limitation of the Pres- the governed by equal and just laws; I that the inalienable rights of life.lib- dency to one term, and tho election of President, Vice-president, and j erty, and the pursuit of happiness should be secured to all men with- United States Senators by a direct | out distinction of race, cclor, or na- popular vote, and a thorough reform j tivity; that the maintenance of these of our civil service to the end that capacity and fidelity be made essen­ principles is essential to the prosper­ ity of our republican institutions, tial qualifications for election and and that to this end the Federal appointment to office, ai-e proposed Constitution, with all its amend­ reforms which meet our hearty in­ ments, the rights of the States, and dorsement. 0. That we demand such a modifi­ the union of the States, must and cation of the Patent laws of the shall be preserved; that the mainte­ nance inviolate of the rights of the United States as shall destroy the States, especially the right of each monopoly now enjoyed by the man­ State to order and control its own ufacturers of agricultural and other domestic institutions according to implements of industry. J THOMAS H. TONGUE. K. V. SHim'CI. attendance and the best of feeling prevailed. The following is the platform adopt­ ed: A T T O H N E Y 8 - A T - L A >V, nc5:ly The W ASHINGTON E C »REÜT G R < ITA, AM; KG OST. M. .t -Saturday before -the J’ull * .on ni « v u month. Bwrthren u: good stcjiiuj^ «fe invited to attorni. its own judgment exclusively, is in- dispensible to thut balance of power on which the perfection and endur­ ance of our political fabric depends, and that we denounce as a criminal excess o f constitutional power tho policy of President Grant’s adminis­ tration in fostering the enormities perpretrated in certain States of the Union; in arbitrarily interfering •with their local affairs; in sustaining therein the usurption of aliens and irresponsible adventurers, who by certain men have been illegally in­ vested with official authority, and others deprived of their constitu­ 10. That t.ie personal liberty and social rights of tho citizens should not be abridged or controlled by legislative enactments except so far as may be necessary to promote the peace and welfare of society. 11. That, holding in grateful re­ membrance the soldiers and sailors who fought our battles, and by whose heroism the nation was pre­ served. we insist that Congress filiall equalize the bountios, and grant to each one of them, or to his widow and children, a homestead of 1 (»0 acres of land from the unappropri­ ated domain of the country. COUNTY, OREGON, WOMANS CRITICISM OF TILTON. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER MRS. applicable to unappy wives, and she Making Patchwork Husbands KO. 24 3,1874. “ home sweet home .” He writes Irom St. Louis Dec, 31, 1864: My Dearly Beloved Wife: It is mid­ night, the last hour and moment of the year, I am sitting alone in my room at the hotel, thinking of home, and full of homesickness. Under my window, a serenading band is play­ ing “ Home, Sweet H om e,” in hon­ or of a military officer here. I feel as if they wero playing it in mockery of * * * Already my date of 1894 is wrong; I ought now to say 1865. 1 think of one year of family history full of small yet important events—the growth of the children, tho ripening of our owu minds, tho growing affection botween us all ripening with time, tho goodness of God in sparing our lives, the daily discipline of cares, trials, sorrows, joys—all the changes of life fashion­ ing ua, as under tho molding of Providence, into constantly new creaturos, and 1 trust into higher better lives. ♦ * * * j have seen in my daily visits to the new cities and among families of every town many sweet and pleasant ladies and children but none that I would exchange for my own. I suspect NLTON’S LETTER. that at this hour you are all abed and asleep. I would liko to catch a George Alfred Townsend's Description glimpse of your faces and to steal a of the Tilton Mansion. kiss from all your cheeks. This would be more comfort than all the George Alfred Townsend, in the pleasant attentions I am reciving. course of his celebrated interview with Mr. Tilton gives the following WHERE THEY WERE GOING. description of the latter’s house: who makes her matrimonial troubles subject of any confidence with a male friend seeks, instead of avoiding, this appearance, and is, in a large degree, unfaithful to her marriage vow. The editor who is trying to win sympat hy for this false wife as ono “ crucified between two malefac­ tors,” simply talks blasphemy. Ho to whom he likens her was the pure dying for the impure. She is the sin­ ner meeting the just reward of her sin — the persistent, impenitent sinner, who for years violated her marriage vow in receiving the frequent visits of a man with whom her husband believed her to hold impropperrela­ tions. Where is the self-respect, wliero the wifely fidelity, of a woman who, by her own showing, received semi-monthly visits, for five years, from a man, while, all the time, her husband was charging her with adultery? A woman who says slie felt her self-respect strengthened by such visits, and told her marital sor­ rows to such a visitor, is a strange representation of Him who was in­ deed crucified between two malefac­ tors. es. He was the lucky on«. Hi could go to see his girl tho Beit night if he wanted to, and not hat« to tell her that he had been ont ta the base-ball match and gut hit with the ball. The best place in that vi­ cinity was in the buggy, holding the horses. Ladies seem to have taken to it as a substitute for tho old amusement of making patch-work-quilts. A W ell, tho three bounced out. Then. womau is to have but ono husband; the countryman set those long arm« and, failing to find in ono man the going,and the three immediately im­ qualities which satisfy her, she takes agined that the hot spell had brought «several more, and, extracting special on a tornado, accompanied by an qualities from each, and patching earthquake and enlivened by rapid these together and makes unto her­ strokes of lightning. self a partner who suits her to a That countryman seemed to have nicety. In this case, Theodore suit­ fifteen fists. ed Elizabeth in some respects bet­ I ’ll tell you whar your goinM he ter than Mr.Reedier orany ono else, yelled, as the first of the three tried and in these respects no one— not to climb over the fence on hit east even the sympathetic Henry—could ear. supplant him; but also Elizabeth Thar’s whar you’re goiu’ l be was a Trinitarian, while Theodore fchrioked as the secoudof the three ex­ failed to see tho truth of this central ecuted a back sommereeult in the figure of her faith, and so here stood ditch. a lrage part of her spiritual nature Au this is the way for you to trav­ in a state of positive celibacy. What el ! he cried, as the last of the three was to be done? Should this trust­ tried to balance himself on his nose ing, confiding nature remain half- in the middle of the road. mated? Should the most important He started for the lucky fellow part of this human vine grovel on who was in the wagon holding the ' the eartli for want of a suitable oak horses, but the lucky fellow let the on which to climb into tho upperair? horses go and got out of the w ay. Forbid it all the affinities? God Then he made another speech, as- knows I would not make light of the follows: Oh, I ’m an earthquake, I sin or sorrow of any living creature, am. I ’m a volcano right from the but the twaddle contained in Mrs. bowels of the earth. Give.me some Tilton’s confession is such a bur­ more nuts to crack I Give me room! lesque! W ell,is it not a natural out­ Give mo some more raw meat to growth of much that has been called chaw up! “ popular literature” for the last The three slid off behind the fence- half-century? How many thousand Showing How the Boys Will Make Having passed the night atTillon’s down to where number four eat heroines have been sent forth into Mistakes Sometimes. house, I arose at 5 o ’clock to write holding the horses aud they elld in­ our world of fiction, whose husbands and,as I passed down the stairs and There were four of them and they | to that buggy and the buggy e lii have, wickedly, persevered in de-. through the house,I was struck with were bloods ryoung bloods. You have quietly into town, and then the three voting themselves to business, in the reaomblance of the place in pro­ seen a young blood. He is the elid futively into a drug store. They order that they might roll in luxury fusion of engravings to tho residence son of his father and his father is had been out to see the base ball and idleness. When one of these of the late Charles Sumner. Yet one rich. He is called a young blood match and got hit with the ball.They pretty darlings first discovers that j thing knew where they were going during because ho bleeds the old man. her Mr. Smith is not the Frederic the trip. At all ItTRANOELY AFFECTED ME. The young blood toils not, neither the balance o f Augustus she had dreamed of in events they did not inquire of* any engravings does he spin-but bis head spins once boarding-school, she is inconsolable; About a dozen of the also takes a spin more countrymen, quietly driving priest was the in n while. He but by-and-by some fellow comes wero priests. The dwelling. In ono uround with the boys among the home in their truck wagon. along who is “ all soul,” except his monarch of the moustache, and has not anything on room there was Schaeffer's picture of girls frequently. W ell, there were LaDOW ON PILOTAGE. earth to do but twaddle his thumbs. of a devil iusidiously bidding awhite- four of them. It wrs Sunday night. In him the afflicted heroine finds robed Christ throw himself down They had been out to Rinkle's aud Perhaps it is generally known in from the Light. At hand was Adieu were coming home,on the St.Charles Oregon that Mr. La Dow it the Bep- something wanting iu her plodding partner, and soon sets to work to an Monde, a young priest led to tho rock road. They sat iu a two seated resentative elect to Congreee, to eoo> patch up a husband out of the ma­ cloisterlgozing for the last time at the buggy, drawn by a dashing span of ceed Colonel Nesmith, if not to fill terial thus furnished to her lmml. picture of his love. Right opposite bays. Presently they came to the the same position to more than fill Old Counting-House supplies the this was a kneeling nun, by Gerard. large open common at the inter­ the seat which that gentleman yet drawing-rooms and carriages, and Just in view was Rage’s portrait of section of the rock road and K ing’s holds in Congress. Mr. La Dew le young Twiddle Twaddle furnishes Mrs. Tilton, a round-headed, dark- highway. a heavy man— a very ponderous* Here an episode occured.You have man. He weighs not eo much an companionship while lounging in curled little woman, a sort of Little them; and this is all recorded as Dorrit. Over the mantel was Page's all seen an episode. Daniel Lambert or os Dixon H.Lew- Shakespeare. Next to it was a fine perfectly innocent, until it comes to It is something sudden. is weighed in their day, but still ke And so unexpected. that point at which human law portrait o f Wendell Phillips. A Paul will never be invited to ride in a quite It seizes you with amazement. race where catch or feather weight« stamps the intercourse a crime. De La Roche artist’s proof dinning-room. Transfixes you with. awe In this are called. But his FaletaMan pro­ Our literature has been positively reached across tho Tho Grave Digger and Hamlet look­ instance the episode mashed your portions do not alone give him weighed down with accounts of wo­ men Wiio havo sold themselves at ing down on Ophelia’s eoffin were in nose. weight. He is hefty on ideas—amt the altar, and found consolation in a corner with Titian's Duchess of A countryman was driving home in they likewise are hefty. One of them the Platonic regard of men who sat­ Modena. Madonna de la Sisto was a lowly truck-wagon drawn by an tumbled out o f his mouth at Astoria isfy their souls-want, while the men over Mr. Tilton's desk. Ixaulbach’s aged and methodical gray horse. Tho the other day, during his vimt there, they married paid their milliner and Venus, listening amorously toLearn- young bloods came dashing up with and it nearly knocked over one of tho and hotel bills; and their pictures ing, crowned with laurel,was on the their prancing bays. The young oldest inhabitants—quite great as are often painted in such colors that, floor. Ou one of tho parlor mantels bloods were beory. Fat Jack might have overcome a to tens of thousands of eyes, they were Reuben’s Descent from the The young bloods drew rein and Welch rare-bit in his way. The two Cross, Titian’s Christ Tempted with appear very poetic, and even charm­ look the countryman hollered whoa! The wero seated where they Ctesar’s Coin, and David s Napole­ ing. Never did a serpent more suc­ y. b. asked the c. if he could tell out over the broad bay upon whoee cessfully hide amid roses than sin in on in the Imperial Robes. Over the them where they were going. bosom) the Navies of the world the passion-laden romances which piano were Page’s curious oil-paint­ Tho profound c. told them to hell. could commodiously ride. Ships off prove so large a part of the mental ing of Christ, and engravings ofJolm Then one of the y. b. said you’re iu the anchorage attracted the ob­ Milton and Sir Philip Sidney. Over nutriment of American women, and servation of tho mighty man. De­ a blanked liar. no class of these is so detrimental to the daughter Florence’s beautiful At this the countryman laid down liberately he rolled his prospecting the public morals as those which carved writting-case was her father’s his lines, and got out of his truck- eyes along the hull o f the largest; oil . portrait. Over Mrs. Tilton’s deal iu wagon right into the middle of the then, after a long breath audio deep Platonic Attachments of Neglected household organ, which she played road, and made a speech as follows: guttural voice he interrogated and sweetly, was a largo crayon of Hor­ Wives. You roosters have lit on the wrong was answered thusly: “ What does ace Greeley. Over the book-case it cost to pilot them big ships over Nothing all women need more to fence. Just one of you stay in the was what I took to be another the Bar?” “ Ten dollars a foot.” wagon and hold tho horses and the keep in mind than this: a husband priest watching, in a dark archway, “ Umph! Ten dollars a fo o tf* “ Yee must be made of whole cloth. All other three git out here. I kin lav all two figures kissing in a sun-lighted sir.” “ Ugh l About how long is one his proprieties must be found in the dust between here and town with court. I never saw so many pictures of them big ships?” “ W ell, that one man, cr be finally dispensed ye. Oh! I ’m the feller that can koep emotional of the matter so lately en­ one you’re Lookin’ at, Colonel, is the flies off. I ’m letter than any with. The instant a wife finds that acted in this house. As to about two hundred feet.” “ Hugh! any other man may possibly supply muskeeter bar. Just'one of yer hold the daughter F lorence , i them horses— my old mare’ll stand Ah-h-h-h! Ten dollars a foot 1 Two to her something lacking in him to hundred feet! Ten times nought is whom she has plighted her faith, Above referred to, she is the idol of I without hitchin’—and the balance ten times nought is her only safe plan is to down brakes, her father, and in full sympathy with j jist waltz to Joseph right here nought; nought; and ten times two is twenty reverse engine, and make a dead him. Ho says that sho is the embod­ now. Come on, git out! And tho ir­ halt, before switching off on another iment of more talent, tenderness and ate countryman announced his firm — why, that’s twenty hundred dol­ track. No woman is justified in real womanhood than any person lie belief in tho canine parentage of the lars] Two THOUSAND DOLLARS to piioi taking any man into her confidence ever knew. The night we came in young bloods. Then he danced and ono of them big ships over the Bar? about any want ofjharmony between we found that she had been there pranced up and down tho road and That’s too much. I ’ll have that her and her husband, unless she and departed, leaving him a little kicked at the horsos’ears andjgyrated stopped. I'll fix that as soon as I tears to my his long arms and has resolved upon separation, or her note, which brought throw his old got to Congress. No wonder it confidant is her father, brother or eyes when it said: “ My dear papa, slouch hat high up in tho air. Oil, costs to get these big strips here. uncle. If she bo too weak to bear her shall we not uli come together again? I ’m a catamount, I am. I liked thousand dollars! Why didn't I run burden iu silence, or to lay it down, My heart is with vour sufferings ” to be stopped in the middle of tho for pilot?” And in about an hour let her seek the confidence of one of Such a family I never saw forj high road, I do. I ’m a four-year old bull afterwards ho had reached Flavel’s, her own sex, or of some man and his pride of character— not indifferent to pawin’ up big clods right out of and the history o f tho two Georgea wife,whom she can consult together. tho wcrld, but not living for it. the ground, I ’m a whole menager- let tho chronicler of men and thing» in Astoria relate. Our task is ended This is tho only safe plan, and she \t the close of the interviewTown- io of ro.val Uengai tigers, and a cage But wo hope our new Board of TVado who presumes on her reputation and send gives sorno of the letters which full of grizzly bears. I ’ve fit in the will pass appropriate resolutions to innocence of intention io neglect passed between Mr. Mrs. Tilton just ring, I have. Git out here! Git out do lionor to the “ coining man’* who such precaution, is likely to find her­ prior to the beginning of .the troub­ I say, and I ’ll show you whar you’re shall so soon stop this thing of self in need of long explanations le. I venture to telegraph you some goin’ ! charging ten dollars per foot (deck which never can be quite satisfac­ of Mrs Tilton’s letters to her bus- Then three of the young bloods measurement from stem to stern) for pilotage of vessels over the Bar. tory. band, to disprove the recent charges pulled off thejr coats and accepted What breadth of beam and depth of “ Avoid the Appearance of Evil,” of neglect, harshness aud starva­ tho pressing invitation. Tho other hold there is in such a capacious sat iu the buggy aud held the h ors' Representative!— Bulletin. Is a Scripture injunction especially tion. I