MÍ> »•* Il Lu tic*? hon fer t ». \ V IS C O PATRONS OF HUSBANIRT. _ _ _ j M A R K E T .» Â P P L E T O Iü S ’ ni s ] CM *| * IMO lbs* | < inalili lo r cX- : t-.- III i 7 »5 t ' b b l. m ill m r iii/ .T 1/ 111 \v- Lt'w is- i ville. I Liberty grange, no 2i<>ii ft ntl H V/ s / j i)o//on j Evening <‘'tar grange, no 27. Multuomuh laciMi .Il Johnson, /• . , , -, . far Ilio <***; JaeiHI illusoli. master; Il I » ampbell, mtm h Hillsbord, / ’ho liix grange, .Ja**kson co; ,1 Hr rin. master; W F Herrin, see; /'hw nix: ftjiringwater grange, Clackaiuas co; ./ lì tiOwcllen, master, T M /»eed, see; Kpring* Vater. 7nalatin grange; Ulnckamas co; ! ■ 'I KllUl porti.lUd: i very subject. Printed from new type, un lo o Hm. ( )> illustrated with Several Thousand Lnyrav- > in iu U n rn il o f ihr imbi. ii| ;*.t E n e Arme iie's and 31»jo . • 1 ii f iiiil ilnlr Un»• irni'l*, / lui ft't F Uwens, sec; Vi’ose- P dl.T L A N D M \KKET. * I . • .1 t < . / , . , l J o / j l / / i ' i 1 d, L »d- i). r« ••••nt 1 Vi fifo n i lite /'diluir ¡ini y*'V>"*>/>■ tu ¡unii uh, bur MilMut gratige, in- X), l ’ imiti Ila cO; 1» M Tho work otyginullv jniblish'd miner the tjrhm/r¿ ut Ih*.s ¡tu i>nHrli'inf (t* tuif jo ]> io«) »I,.;. i f i»»•«*tii»*t in*T t lu- < ■* AV If K \T PruuihiU* r, master; 7 1 ; Me Guy, see; J/il- I C5,y’ title of TltK K*W VM»3!te*N C v t."i>SMl V »• Ji­ ^ i’ bushel. ( >\T: ;i ■ j-r-i publie \l:»v- Mount Zio» grange, Plarkamas co; S Tin* was 1 -anipUtcil in l'feJ, sinee widt h tilBe , ih/tutù’*: toil. 1 ul ) 1 a rim i: standard brands tli" wide circulation whirl» it has attained 1 Dir Jtiuif/ln* unii lltv ciututu’i* Mitili ,r . ; ; , p r o fe s s o r J’erryilab* grange. n*i W, Folk < n; Geo. l nev, master; W H Mattoon, sec. $."> .'»M "¡I » i/arding grunge, < 'lackamas eo Oeorge in -,1| parts of the I nited States, and the | o f it. H M. 11 imu i i,’Im Milu Couiegys, master; J I riz/ell sec; l ’erryib le. i i l t Í:«' c h a ir in signal ill velopim nts which have taken place i MoMiunville grabge, no ill, Yamhill co; Ulark. master; A G Wilbnr sec. K v r l k i - *1 i0(<* t AO 11 cental. Hoik, Jamo* Tubini, J iific. ,i,¡,| \i> rilare, frntro- in • vi rv brunch " f mw»»»»ee, literature, and \ Ruid,»ulster; D O Durham, s*■<•; MeMinn- I H'illamette grange; Mnltnomah co; 1) O nions - tie \1 tin I m n r, if. AY Hill, -fun d iu n I lery, master ; >' E 7’iuldoek. sec; / ’ortland. art. have induenl thoT'dltorsand publish* rs rt l.v n f e r r i n g t<> .XJi ni.u— F.xtra dairy îîOc J It. tn submit it to an exact and thorrwvrnivvD- | M ultnom ah, Jacob Joltn^uit,Tasi Ville. Lafayette grange, no 22, Yamhill co; A 1» \ Ac. ion, and to issue a new edition entitled i P ortlan d . th*.• tinte c i»II íes * 'pen tu :i mali w I tu t'Oimunii, 1 Henry," master; H IT Ijinnson, se**; Laya- Tur A mkkh . vn (’ vci . oi ’X iha . Clackanm <, E. Furto'*, E u f” Crn k: .lÀKiS - ’ J -fC V d o / . yetto. Incuto bis daughters, O i * 1 ■o r c i to Within the last ten yt ars the progress of North Yamhill grange, no 3d* Y amhill co; H tnfon, A . C o w a lh s . l*oi l.Titv drow n cliickens, $3 00 S U B S C M IU E / / discovery in every department of knowl­ • ii -t l!i»*rc 1 W li^ til«* b*>; a r d in g - s c h o o l, (T/,.‘t AO I! R Iianghlin, master; D < Rtewait see. S V E S ( U H )E ! (I ozh . Yamhill, A. />• //"*/•;/, ÌMftUjfHe. edge has made a i » m * “work of reference an | North Y’amhill* bll t there XV*•re few tini »ron *t*iy good AVoot,- 22 (- Humphrey*, imperative Want- I -----— Weston grange, no 31, Umatilla eo; J S The movement of political affairs ha* kept . Jhllslnn'it. ill is. and tli DM* wert* e xeeedinxlv ex- H ums -Choice dry, lAc V H*; salt WTiitc, master; M ’cArthur, see; YVeston, ! pace with the discoveries of scienefl, and IL A . Wit tri, T u rn er. M arion, 1111*1 Horse grange, no 35, Umatilla eo; J d, 7c. p< usi ve; amIt he ordii] i their fruitful appliciition to the industrial E. E. Eiinniu'i, Tm ujcut; N I ’erkius, master; D A ltichards, sec;Wes L in n , | nnil useful arts and the convenience and re­ last he sc! mol xvas 1the* Forest Grove flctail Market. finement of social life. Great wars androti- W .I.. C u ra s, f r i n ; J. IT. Sin Mi, M a r - ton. • , • .Scio grangt no 3(5, Linn co ; Tlios Ylun* Th e next alltern alive x\ 1 sequent revolutions have occured, invojv- rts'iu rtf. t kers, master; G 7’ Foster, see: Scio. CORBKCTK1» X V K K K J.Y . ! iug national chunges of peculiar moment. cat ion, xvhieh had a ^ MT at ileal to Eu stern O ro/on, Eastern II ushin/- kantiani grange, no 37, Linn co; Win Cy- | The civil war of our own country, which ms, master; W A Kinsey, Hec;>'ck>. to n , and fdaliu, Frank’ Shelton and i 1 •omnieinl it,, but it xx-ns a costly Wheat, "p Musini___ J was at its height when the last volume of (i 00.. Flour, f* barrel........ H7i.se*> grange, no 3»S YVaseo eo; Hubert ; the old work appeared, lias happily been Win. Shelton,. Walla Walla, W. T. occss, a ltd iur>reo ,T« > d e p r iv e d Ç otîi YU*1. V 1*>......... nò.. Mays, master; G II llamett, sec, The Dal­ 1 ended, and a n« w course of commercial W ertem Wushunjlmt T ern tn n j. E. s o . . les. * 1 1 calti iv iuut ojíeos of Potutili s, f> Inolici. . . . 25......... j and industrial activity has been com- L. Sm ith, O lym p ia ,and J u liu s H orion , E^-s, frr-h f* .... Molali:» grange, no 1'*, Ulnckamas co; P S v F A sh ia n d . .-school was the third and Ix-st ( hl. M •JOT" 25 guble eNjdorersof Ati iea iti................. Xoyer. master; ('has Howard, sec; Oregon Til** great political rt volulions of tbw Anil lorallif'l iriliii n this jit r tod ¡etimi Oity, ir.(" 2o r.^r.YfApbiuing. as it did, both Dricil píune,’ r' t’*--- 4(" 5 <1 cai'li s, pP» .. Damascus grange, no 41, Clackamas co; S advantanufl of thorough sehuvl S\ n»y» Y* Ki i», tri tati) 2 ôi>......... of time, have brought into public view a to r tlw oruanization o f i/rauy< irili l . e**. master; Norman Paid in <•: Da ' 1 271; . . .. multitude of new in**n. whose names are in maseus. l home teachings, and the object Coffee, I n tail) Y1 P' • n x ’e ir e ini m ediah’ ailenlion il appliva- every o n e 's m outh, and of whose lives every­ 75......... Japan (retail) p Di ./urdau Valley grange, no 42, Litin co; ,r ♦ V AYoracn’s Education t’ nion Tea. one Is cu riou s to know tin* particulars. tVÒn is m ude l<> ine, / tedi at tem i ttff ter­ Tea, Green, (retail) Y* John Bryant, master; A T MeCully, see; Great battles have been fought and import­ 50.. soli o r send a deputi/. Neio. was to establish such schools, not as Salmon, lu st p 1, barrel. F O R E S T -G R O Y E IN D E P E N D E N T N" 12 ant sieges maintained, of which the details Sugar, Mv the lug {4 D>. Junction City grange, no 43, Lane co; F P A S T E L C L A TIKE, are as yet preserved only in the newspa­ they are, but as they ought to he, in Lard, Y*’ # '...................... 14(s River grange, no 45, Coos eo; Cyrus < u hi be calcalited to ukert infcre V.*J, YA t o ......... .. press, it has accordingly been the aim of S .. F i-h ( frrs^t) f> *>•.......... 7. indriff, master; Robert Rooke, sec; Coos the editors to bring down the information fi beneficial influence upon the welfare « f trio N A T I O N A L River I’ O. to the latest possible dates, and to furnish O F F I C E » 7/ni'jiy Home grange, no 4<>, Linn co; J c f a community than that. The com­ (ili A M IE . du accurate account of tin* most recent dis- Ajournai dr ruled to the interes, s of Newman, master; Lindley, s****: Lebiinon. overis - in science, of every fresh produc­ pany, iu association with the Union, Union grange m* 17, Lam* e*>; Hvnson tion i ii li(culture, ami of the latest inven­ Washington County and of the Muster, DiidbjW. A d a m s, ir m i. Smith, liiastiu;; S Looney, see; >1 unction. h ml already founded schools at Not- tions in the practical arts, as well as to give Rock Point grange, no 46, Marion eo; J succinct, and «»rigimilrecord of tin* prog- k a n , loma. ting Hill and Chelsea, which were Shite, Thomas Taylor, Gohnn- Downing, master; G S Downing, see; Sub­ (Irerseer ,f i> luJitieal and historical events. ress oi * , limity. exceedingly flourishing,- and consid­ The work has l>eeu la gun after long and i hi a , S. <' 1 X E Y E It Y F A M 1 I. Y. Greenville grange, no 43, Washington co; and with the j Male nuil Fi-maleAgents clear if 20 per day careful preliminarj’ labor, ami ered to be a great boon to the resi­ Te’i -tuer, T. . 1. Thompson, l'iain- lUm Wilson, master; J F fie rce see; Green­ most an. J-h* re*** urces for t arrying ou to u ville. riete , Mm. dents of those neighborhoods. It tasy. Outìts and comity rights granted free. successful termination. » ondv-riiil Aehiev «incut Orleans grange,no 50.Benton co; .T M ’Coy SteirarJ, A. J. Yauyhn, Early None of the original stereotype plates was now proposed to establish anoth­ master; lFin Winning, see; (,'orvaliis. New Invention, la te s t M jle . have been» used, but evenr page has la en (iu re, M\ss. Union no 2 grsng*-, n<> 51, Douglas co; A printed on new type, forming in fact a new er for the district of St. John’s LAUGE SIZE FAMILY lU. Jhninpsrrn, A Mathew,master: d G Fluke, sec; Looking- ( l . A ss't Stei raed, ('■yelolsedia, with the same plan and com- | AY iod, where the education to be gl**^. pass as its predecessor, but with a far great- ¡ S eie Jira iisiriel'. S. J. Willamette grange, uo 52,Benton eo^John Chaplain, Her. A. ti. (Jvusfi, IVasli- er pecuniary expenditure, and with such ' ell would 1)0 enuui to ¿pat plJOV- II inis, master; C Single, see; Corvallis. ' improvements in its composition as have I iiii/bni P . 1’ . ,/ WITH TABLE AMD TREADLE Syracuse grange, no 53, Linn co, II Far- d for the boys ivfcUfuvetvy Col- I bee u suggested by longer experience and en- F. .M. M e p o ir a l, C o r - well, master; A Miller, see; Miller's sta­ COMPLETE. Tri usurer •>i6 ch<$[ » l l w a j said girls t < were j larged knowledge. tion, ONLY FIFTEEN DOLLARS- 1 ■ ! The illustrations which are introduced j " n "J y . y . Sjusiuw grange, no 54, L me co: I) lJC'nrt- ¡ hy>!catly, morally, ana iutellectual- O. If. Kelley, Wo shin j- The suce* ssful invention and production , for the first time in the pn-sent edition have j .S*v n fai y , wright, imtster;./ F Amis, sec; Siuslaw. ly uneaqual, a s n rule, to such an of the O.M.Y Firu# Si/.KD reaUv good Familv W en added not for the sako of pictorial * f - ,/o /j, Jt. (}. ( ovota grange, no 55, I.aii*- c*>; S Stvjilien but to give greater lucidity and force to (¡ate- hi’i’jti'C, (). U illividii¡e, Or- master; S T Puke, secj Siuslaw. education; an 1, though he did not S, wiug Machine f..r hss than $75 that oper- ! feet, th*- explanations in the text. They embrace j at- s by F oot Fowl-. Ii. J'.ngeiie grange, no 50,Lane eo; Jesse *'*>x, chard drove, Jnd. eve in tin e ^ ali tv of woman and F iuzjc M kicvls , F uemicms . D iploxias , all brandies of science mnl of natural histo- j muster; >'t John Skinner. s*-c;Eugen«*City. .feres, .Mi's. In W. Adams, ry. ami depict the m< st ftr.ii'»H»mi; V H (Y»Id* chanies and manufactures. Although in­ < verv ! well, niaster; 4 Turner, see; Albany. at ion of life was less the re- * v< rv *1 seiiptiiui of sewing, H em , F ell . tended forinstrm tioii ratln-r Ibitm-mbellish- ini/fìon, P. C. T ic k . S eam , Q cilt , B ua id , Goun, H ind , R<'si burg grange, no 53, Douglas; R G Inra, Mrs J C, Abbott, Clctrksrille intellectual and moral G a THKK, KCFFI.E.rLAIT, F old , SCOLLOP, koll im nt, no i»ains have be* n sparisi to insure suit *c 0'ibb*«, master: R Weaver s»c: Myrtle * 'reek. their artistic excellence; the cost of flu ir G am tsou grange, n<> fit*, P olk; G II Eil- ine strong n. n than the exercise o f pa- EMBliOtDER, KCX I P BREATHS, ite, if'**. YVlLL execution is enormous, mid it is believed l>nr a. I X P E P E N D E S T ow es alle­ SOW AN'VTHINi. A NEEDLE WILL OO TlIIUH'tiH, Imdy Assistant Slev’ard, Miss C. *1. ars„master: II Ah xainh r. s**e; B* tlu-1. tience industrv, and temper—qual- V. IKES THE STHOSIIEST &TJTUU they will find a welcome reception as an ad* I Hall, Washington, Jj. C. Dallas grange, no (¡1. / ’oik; R Clow mas­ mi rabie feature of the Gvelopiedia, and , gia n ce to ho p a r ty but the p a rty ter; D d 7/* times, s*.c; Dallas. iti very much dependent upon A'.Yo lU.Y.so sTiiosoìhat th.- f LUT11 WILL worthy of its high character. Free u til'd ( ’ oiii in if tee. Spring Valley grange, no *>2, P->lu; D Gib­ I P . IH 1>* fot** the Seam will vip apart. Doe IUm. Saunders, Washington, P C . This work is sold to Subscribers only, | healthy organisms. Taking, then, th*- sarae work as a $75 Machine. son, master: YV A Henry. sec: 7. ua. o f p u n t i l i E S S I VE I D E A S and pav.ible on delivery of each volume. It will P. Wyatt, Aiken, Cnk’i’shurif, S , C. ( 'iirnelins grange, no *53, Washington co; lias n * i' self-adjusting -» > n*u>» iipiiu- straight I'uiuiviit needle, » » < y nu , ' relin- avril«« î . - . i . the broad average, the central point vol­ ble acculate feeds direct motion, no compii- I ^*e e*>mplet**d in sixteen irge *>i -i *• li P 11’tlls, master; 11 m 11 -eves, sccjCoruel- E. It. Shank fund. J/ubiuje, bunt. J I E F O H M ; is con trolled by no . .. 1 l nniou 1» PnlliHlIIlll't umes, »an each containing flllOlli about »»(Hi pages, of moral and intellectual capacity eatiou of . useless eoggs or emus to j ms. , oil or i get u* i fullv im* y illustrated iuuYiiiio with several thousand XVoo*l ('resswell grange, no (it Lane co; G 13 V. is rather hiirlier in the male than ut of order, w silent, easy working, light £ p ftnil with with numerous nuuu.roUs co colored O f f i c e r s o f t l i e O re g o n S ta te Engravings, ami C lign e, Fa< lion o r M on op ’A y ; bul Day. must* r: A J Johnson, see. *'ressWi-Il. running, verv rapid, smooth nnd correct, I t . ? . : .. , (•ra n g e . the female group; hut though man quickly understood and easily managed. I Lithographic Maps / ‘ieasent liill grunge, no fi-5, Lam* eo: Jas Master, Panici f 'lai Ita, Salem P o . Parker, master;.! D Matlock, see; Eugene. is llw fearless and outspoken -------- P r ic e and S tyle o f D in d in g. The last useful invention t*» n*n*!er the xvas higher in that respect than xvo- difficulties * if sewing lesss laborious. Secretary, J J TSmith, Harrisburg. King's Valley grauge, no (iC > , Renton <-o;R 5.00 In ertm Pbilh, ]+r vol.................... man, he xvouhl not go so far afi to ./(I r int, master; C-T Nelson, sec; King's The m-vv and improved patented B utton A P YUCA ’I E o f the P E O P L E . 15.00 j Orerseer, II m t'yrus, S<’io. In 1/airon) I.i uttf r. ¡n r vol............ Y al-i-y. say the lowest of the xvoinan group H ole YV oiikkr tbe culmination of jH*rf**ct 7.'HI Lecturer, deorye Hauler, 1 V alia /.-* Il'ilf Turk■!■]) Morroro, ¡ hi - nil.. Forest Grove grange, no C>7, lUashington iiueh inieal accuracy, practical skill and 6.00 1 Walla. v. as lower than the lowest of the utility, w,th beauty, strength and durability ; In Ih’if Hnshi, rxtrn ijilt, fur nil. eo; //. nrv*l»iixtou, master; H T Buxton see: hi Full Morriso, antiijnr, * lilt eih/fs,.. iiteicard, Jl /* (fids, F*>r*-st Grove. man group. Both, however, stood eoinbincd. A long re»jnire*l labor Saver. p*r in /,,*" ‘ ....................................10,00 Chukiilpiim ginnge.no (>fr i’ol........................10.00 mi an * quality in the matter of pa­ tachments fit ALL machines, with which Dotv, master; IF Steiwer, see; Jefl'erson. Olds, Walla Walla. Four volume s now ready. Succeeding - Laurel grange, n*» *>'.*, Douglas co: L Has- tience, industry, and temper, and as over seventeen diffident kinds of beautiful volumes, until completion, will lie i«su?il 1 Assistant Ulrica rd, W M Powers, br*M*k. master; 11 Nichols, sc*-; .Stur'sPoint. sewing. F ancy , E labohatk .O knamkntai #, I n - the capacity for education rested up­ tkicatk , F ink , I’ i . aln and hrnoNo, can be once in two months. S icdd's. //iglihind grange, uo 70, Clackamas eo, D * # 'Specimen page» of the A mkbican J on th >.-.0 qualities, he could discover dune with perfect cuse uud rapidity by those j Anthony h ii mpson, Cvr ! B right, master; J / ’ 7/ingo, see: Oregon 1 'ha plain, who nkveb saw a sewing muchinu before, j C ycloc . e iu . a , showing type, illustrations, I City. rail is. no reason why bringing up tho edu­ They an* the most valuable adjuncts ever I . . Multnomah grange, no 71, d/ultuoinah co; pab ned to advance the uscfulluess of Sew- etc., will l>e sent gratis, on application, date-Keeper Frau k Sla lton, Wall d Mow, master; J (’ Newell, sec; East Port­ cational standard of girls to the mg Machines. F ihst -C uum C anvassing A gents wanted Walla. land. same- ’ i vcl of boys should be calcu­ The inventors of these excellent machines | Address the Publishers, West Union grange, no 72, lUashington SIT IISC H I l*T IO tf 1‘ I U C E , Treasurer, It A Witzel, Turner. co; \ Jiolcamb, master; David Lenox, s e c ;) lated to endanger their physical wel­ cm be relied ii]K>n as upright uud responsi­ I ). A P P L E T O S atisf ictory, and that measures ples or private use. plain Douylmf eo.; Orley Hall, Walla Walla; Cottage Grove grange, no 7", Lane eo; A • • i sTvles, with 2-3 TABLE and d A Wells, Dueña Usto; I liornas II Npalir, master; Horace lvnox, sec; Cotage mullí l e tnkeu f. r effecting an im- TREADLE famished with Muiib’rs, S' io; A 1) Henry, txifayelfe; Greve. rovement.” eq'iiqments for immediate Charity grange, no 7fi, Lane co; M H’il- H X Hill, Junction. ns*.......................... $15 Each. kins, master; F i l Wilkins, sec; Willamette ÜtHn n irriti A* f ought lo ltt-ware ; cabinet style . . . . . . . . . 40 ' 17*te P resid en t, J u mes Tatum. has from MACHINES with Table FILL Franklin grange, Lane co; G .11 Miller, < f t lung t<» l.-.’ich exeiri.se. They II S ecreta ry , A \V Stannard. CABINET STYLE. . . fio master; J F Kirk, sec; Franklin. • ul* 1, U4 nuieli as p<> ,sil»le, lie qui­ NO EX I'll A CHARGES made for pnekiug 7 ce n su re r, C P H u rlim rt. YVupato grange, B’aslungton co; T R etly upon tho sol i and suffer tlieir or shipping toANY FART OF THE COUN- * Thoni]»son, master; F D Stott, sec; Gaston. TrvsteeM, F . S h ed d , F. Pow ell. THY, SrEllAL CEKTIFI* ATE for FIVE YEARS I Yoncallli ginugii, Douglas co; A Lamb, mothers to fan them. 1 iati-K ee/ier, F I ins F u n n in g. with every machine. Sjieeimi-ns of sewino , j master, J It Drain, see; 7->ruiu’s P O. ches o f e x c e l le n t lan d fo r A g en t, J. Jl. Slum p. AY *> fuel the follow ing item in an illcstrated iV'DKs, with nmii'Tons recoin- ( Columbia grange, Washington eo; Jits sale in Washington County. Inibrie, master; F Kenedy, see; Glencoe. Illinois paper: “ M r.------ who has iin-!idi»tions,whol< sale cash ]>riei*s, extbaor - i dinary ivdccements to ageuts. A;o, mailed S I' 1 IO H D IN A T K G R A N G E S l*i*avertmi grange, lUashington co; TTuc- i :» in retirement fur a few weeks fr* e. Exelusivi- control of T krritobt given O regon . ker, master; Jas .17’ Kay, see; Portland. ¡ifier marrying and burying three gratis to eajwtbl*- and energetic agents, nier- Marshfield grange n*>l, Clackamas *•<>; Oakland grange, Douglas *-o.; E Stephens, Lt- : . came up smilingly to the al­ i li.mts, ston keejiers, <(*(*., who will travel or YV lUDtvia, iu.»*U*r; 7'J Matlock, see; master: F, H Pinkson. see; lUilbur. Clackamas O. Soil iville grange, no 65, J.mn co; YVm 13 iar again yesterday, having begun open agencies nnd exhibit the wonderful 4» merits of *>ur lnaebiues in th* ir localities, Hi Eagle Creek grange no 2, Clackamas co; Gilson, muster; G Burge, see; Sodaville. * n a new family.” and solicit order*. E Eorbes, master; Franklin Foster, see; Da­ 7’owel’s Valley grange, .Imltnomali eo ; 7 Q Cl r o mascus. K YVilliams, muster; R IFitliington ; sec; All Orders and roiiininnication innst be ’1 ie JVtrpit Tree 1 ‘l’est professo« Ä e Oak Point grange no 3, Polk co; J. W. 7’¿Well's Y'ulltV. addressed to the Principal office O D* lnvr* è! rovp.ied ayonrtg lady who Nirk, master; James A Dempsey, see; Rick- < lUoodburn gTangc, Marion eo; G Dimick, \ W ¿»1 iis.li« , oes to bed at nine, cats HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINE, W real. M moster, Wm Durst, sec; R\>odburu. * Buena Vista grange no 4, 7’ulk co; E C *.< :;.'ti;y, ;-j.< ,-»ks jilain English, re- e P- 0 . Box 1238, New York- Howell /Tairie grange,Marion co; B*,Sa]>- > /Anil, mu^er; L M Hill, see; !>uem\ Vieta. ^ iugfield, master; ,/ohn Ni wsom, sec; Sa- ; ' ! < r motín r, dor n't want to n vJ m Monmouth grange u*i 5, 7 ’<>lk c>»; I F* M ! {, m. X 0 TICE----- The JXDEPEXDEX1 >■ " 1 * y t- 1 rd, und knows h ow to M r>ntk*r ¿ia«teiq 3 N ( bure hill, see; Mon­ * „Yet dy grange, Clackamas; .folin Ringo, mouth. master; H' IU Nampson, hoc ; Ne»>dy. O has the sole right o f d oin g the Oak Plain grange no fi, Likn co; A lt ;J: Butt** Creek graiigi*, Clackamas co. E i/, en, of Salt Lake,makes i»** Price, luaabtt'i T J lilac.k. si*e; i/aJscy. Skinner, master; E M 7/artman, see; Butte e ation that, in her opin- Tangent grange, n*> 7, Linn co; E È f a n ­ Creek. LITIC A X T P H IX T IX d rl c y is ns goo* l f< >r women ning, muster; A Blcxins, si><*; 7’angf-nt. 1 ppt-r Mnlulla grange, Clackamas eo; ,7 C cz Corinthian grange, no 6, Linn eo; W K Muse, master; S Engle, sec; Glad Tidings. :nd that she xvouhl like Ui Price, master; C Wulil, see.; Lelmnoii. ilmc* husb ■U one to live with and Goshen grange, Laneco; IF R Dillunl, f o r W ashington C o u n ty and is . .Sliedd grange, not*, Linn co; F Sheild master; >' Engle, see; Glad Tidings. No 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, the other two to help sup- master; IF D Vautis, sec; sliedd. Ashland grange, ,/aekson co; D S Buick, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. her Grand Prairie grange, no 10, Lim ino; W master; \\ Beesoli, sec: Ashland. h ere fo r e in m in a b le lo all o f o u rcitiz en * P Anderson master; N 15 Fry, see; Albany. Charity no 2 grange, Linn en;F M Kitzer, ie trade of a tanner seems, for ¡f 7/arrisbiirg grange, no 11, Linn *•*»; John YV. H. ATKEN, Attorn* y-at-Iaw nnd Com* master; 1* 11 W»gl**, sec; Harrisburg. • rt ason or another, to conduce iminder of the Grand Army *>f th** Rcpnblid j 7/Sinith, mastor;* ♦I’m K l ’art* r, sec; Har­ M* adowville grange,Umatilla co; A LGor- risburg. * *' »liticai imminence. ()ur good in California and Nevada, will give prompt ‘h»n, master: •/ H 7*’aley, see; Mi*adowville. • Springfii l'l grange, no 12, Lane co; John <*ut ami our new Post-master- attention to the collection of Additional - THE FINEST AND Alta grange, l matilla c*o; ,/acob Frazer, CHEAPEST K«-lley, master; YV Couiegys, hi ApriDg- master; Gilliam, »i-c; l ’ilut Rock. Travel Pay, now due California nn*l Nevada 1 1 aro shining examples of \ olnntecrs discharged mor*-than three hnn- j field. Pendleton grange, Umatilla co; T H Sto­ ’e! even a-, far back as the !io- dred miles from home. Noldiers *-an depend Philomah grange, uo 13, Ronton co; N P rey, master:./ li Sharon, s e e ;l’cmlleton. LANDS IN THE STATE!’. n35:ly :|ys w*• have ( ’in ro’s evidence *»n fair dealing. Information inven free of Newton, master; A R Brown sec; Corvallis. Midway grangy, Umatilla e o ; . / H Chase, NpapCreek grange, no 11, Ronton co; J master; II C My*-r, so**; H*-pner. ''• pi’’ land 'em.—Site York’ charge. When xvriting enclose stamp for reply and state company anil regiment and 11 Miller, master; YV L Cuuthorn, sec; Cor­ Chehulem grungu, Tamhifl co; R Brnts- whether yon have a discharge. Congress vallis. Clicr, master. J P Shuck, see; YVest Ohchiv- a. An 1 rt nan ournl a ( fovernment ha^ extended the time for filing claims for Locke grange, uo 15, Benton co; F A 1cm. H 7-11», master; (' E Moor, sec; Cor valli.si blrinkt- reeentlv .n-uuuy, aun rolling it up. additional Bounty under Act of July 26.16»>fi, Y\ ashingfoti grange, YVashington **o:Isnftc j to January 1675, so all such claim* must be Excelsior grange, no 1<5, Yamhill co; W L Ball, master; d if Gustin, sec; Middleton. I put »t under 1 ji «» arm walked off sav­ 1naib* Is fore that time. Original Bounty of Smith, master; J E Convert, sec: Dayton, j < i nter grange, Liunco; YVm PUil]>ot,mas- 1 in,. : “ 1 i-s, t :pu, s iuoine--L' -for Pat- $loo has been allowed'nil volunteers who .Salem grange, no 17, J/arion co; Dan’l ter; /. it Moss, sec; Crawfnrdsville. ii* 1» uud. is lor gJci.arty; be megowl, * nlirted b* fo^> July 22*1,1W>1 for three year* Clark, master; John Mintv, sec; .Salun. TYiruergrange no 16,Marion <*o; 13 A Wiz- | Mill Creek grange,Yamhill co; 13 Ii Bran- i 1 ut llun leiunin' is a i'oiue thing, as D not pni«l the same,when discharged. Land soin, master; .1/ M Ellis, see, Elkhorn. M arrant* can be obtained for services ren­ el-master; H H HUlery, sac; Tinner; my further . w ould, say; for if I día .1 before ls-75 but not for service* in McKenzie grange, Earn* co: G 11 Ham- ' Brownsville grange, no 13, Limi eo; L. C P R IN T IN G D O N E TO uifrslcy, umstur; IF A B'oolcot, sec; /spring* J O B hadn't uu ivlicufciou I wouldn’t have th-* hit*- war. Pensions for lute war and Rice master;.A W Minnn},see; Brownsville. field. bet u afther tindut’ the blanket.” — war o{ 1*12obtained and increased when al­ F O R E S T G R O V E O R E G O N . «South"Brownsvili grange, no*20, Linn eo; Amity grange, Yamhill c o :-J J Render-j low* *1 for less than disability warrants, but I>u¡dairy Si tes. a n t t a c t u k e r a n d DEALER IN Consolidated with Rroifnsfille» no ID. Son, master;./ it Sawyer, see: Amity. no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Lebanon grange, no 21, 7.iim co ; It A Ir­ all kinds of B il!nmctte grange, Yamhill eo? Henry Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has vin«, master: J H Smith,' sec; Lebanon: The golden moments in the stream granted Pensiona to surviving veterans of Hawaii, muster; l ’uter Rarumlregt, sec; Knox Butte grunge, no 22, Linn .co; . ti Wheatland. " f life lu .li j ast us,and we seenoth- T. m s Revolution, N.-w Orleans and Mobile Miller, master; .17 Huston, */•«: Albany. Jacksonville gratigd, .htekson eo; F F j ** i ut sand;the angels come to vis­ I’riz, Mon* y is now due uml b* ing paid. W. SADDLES. BRIDLES, WHIFS & Lash Harmony grange, no 23. Linn c<>; F M IFalker, master; R A Miller, sec; Jackson­ Jl. Aik n also attends to General law and Powell, master; J .S 7’o.well, see; Albanv: it us. ami we only know them when and Collection lluaiuess ville. LV 'R« pairiug]>ron*ptly attended to. //ope grange, no 24, Linn eo; G F S'lnji- Farmington grange, Washington cu; R A tli* Y ail #lj(*. lll'iii’iie ¡.¡Hit. n20:fiui nl3;2 1 son, master; J UMillardsec; Albany. O lllH llL arpeuter, master, James IFithyeomb, see; S60 SAVED Sewing Machine, ISKJ l.MYERES 15,000 to 2 0 ,0 0 0 A War Claim Agency Wm McC READY. M LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Oregon. B ax R tt Co. • ♦Auburn ♦ A u gu sta ♦Buker City Clarksville Express Ranch EMoratlo ( t PIU Mohawk Pleasant Hill Rattlesnake Siuslaw Springfield Willamette Forks L inn Humboldt Bnsin ♦Albany Jordan Valley ’ Big Prairie live Valley ♦Brownsville Wingvillo Crawfordatille Diamond Hill Grass Ridge B enton Alsea Valley Harris Ranch ♦Corvallis ♦Harrisburg Halsey K ing's Valiev Libert v Lebanon Miller Little Elk Monroe Muddy Newport Newborn Newton Peoria Philomath Pino Summit Scio Toledo Soda Springs Yaquina Shcdd’s Sodaville C lackamas Sxveethomo Barlow Beaver M akio N Butte Creek Aurora Canbv Atimsville Clackamas Buttevillo Clear Creek Brooks Outtin^sville Gervais Damascus Hubbard’s Eagle Creek Jefl'erson Glad Tidings Marion Highland Monitor Molalla Nexvellsvillo Milwaukio ♦Salem Silvertoii Needy Norton St. Paul ♦Oregon City Stayton Osxvego Sublimity Sandy Turner Wood burn Spriugxvater Zion Ml'LTNOMAJi C lxtsop ♦Astoria Clifton Knappa Neliaiem Skipanon Seaside House Westport East Portland ♦Portland Powell's Valley St. Johns Willum ’te Slough P olk Bethel Buena Vista ♦Dullas Eola Elk Horn Grand Ronde Coos Coos ltiver Cotpiille Empire City Enchant'd Prair ^Independence pair view Lincoln Luekiamute Hermansville Lewisville Isthmus Montndiilh Marshville Pern' Dale Hnmlolph Sil kin Rickerall Zona Sitkum CoLtxniiA Columbia City Matsknnie Clarsliluud Rainier Riverside St. Helens Sauvies Island Scappoo.se Ciuuv Chetcoe Kllensbnrg Port Orforil Dorr, las Camas Valiev N. C'anyonville Drain Elkton Galesville Gardiner I\ el logs Looking Glass Myrtle Creek * Oakland Pass Creek ♦Roseburg Vnipqua City Wilbur Youcalla Scottsburg le u Mile G ItANT ♦Canyon City Camp Watson Dayville John Day City Prairie City Parkersville Sumpter J ackson Applegate ♦Ashland Mills Brownsborough Central Point Drew’s Valley Eagle Point Grant’s Puss Hot Springs * Jacksonville Lakeport Liukville Lnngoll Valley l ’ hoenix Rock Point Sam’s Valley Sprague River Table Rock Willow Springs Yaiuax JoSEIHlXB Kirby Leluinl Slate Creek Waldo T illamook Garibaldi Kilehis Net arts Nest ock ton Tillamook Trask U matit . la Batter Creek Cecils Cay use Marshall Mcadowville Mitchell's Station Milton Pilot Rock Pendleton ♦Umatilla Weston U nion Cove Island City ♦La Grande North Powder Orodell Summerville Union Wullowa W asco Antelope Bridge Creek Hepner Hood River Prineville Mitchell M t Hood , Pritchard’s Seotts Sliellrock Spanish Hollow ♦The Dalles W arm Springs. Wasco AYilloughby AYillow Forks W ashington Beaverton Cedar Mill Cornelina Dilley ♦Forest Gix)vo Glencoe Greenville Hillsboro Joppa Middleton Mountain Dale' Peake Sh oil’s Ferry Taylor's Bridge Tualatin Wapato AN cat Union Y amuill Amity L ane «Bellevue Butte Disai>'mentDayton Big Prairie * Lafayette Cottage Grove ♦McMinnville Coast Fork Mountain House’ Camp Creek North Yamhill Cartwrights’ Sheridan* ♦Eugene City AVest Cheholem. Franklin Wheatland Junction Newberg Loner Tom .Money Older Offices.