/ FOREST G ko VE, V O L . 11. THE INDEPENDENT. rréinsmso Torsst Q r tt», at M kmvhis , July S . l i . . . » . L U 1 O rtr*i C TO , K«iiU»r urtil Pr«|»rU*i«r. TERMS VW ^VlJSi’^ i r n o X . One y«'»»r, ..................... Six imiiith*,.. ............ ............... 1 W 1 (»K Three months, ......... 10 Suijjle c»>l>U'ft.................. It VTES Ó r 'D VERTIS» NG: *2slL TIMK 1 I WEEK. 1 .v> 2 INJ »> 1YKXKH. 2 (Hi n *0 IMI I MONTH *2 .V) 1 M i a MfW. \ .VI #; ♦; t h ) V' 1H1 1 Y K\II. ] m hg V' ( y 1 Lo A I. X TICK , j f.r>t ill s* rtiiMi, i '»**'• ’l’1, nt in-< rti< XU nt*. A HI nth I ,1.., ♦* ir.vlv.rtt-' u rol .’> 4 Ô0 ;» imi 11 1*0 it; oo i r, ,t t; H r»M 12 (Ml •/i ) (Ml +ti no «»0 ( M ( 1.’Ml 1») (Ml 1" (Ml •j( > (Ml uG INI a 0 (Ml !M 1(Ml - ri Ilfs PiT ]i eli A Ills 1 Un N » utilift* it * '• th iill !» AGENT \T ÌM'FT» \ NI ». r,ON T S AtrEVT AT ^ \ \ v P 'N f ! S P O I,. V 1 * ïsh - . j , .1 V _ -■. [ filiform;» -ti< ft. All ¿’NTS AT NEW \«>11K < M '» -S. ’'I. l*KTrRM»i*.L»V ( ’«*.. 5(7 l ’.irk It «, »'>r. I'ln ktlWU 1‘. Ho» KLL A 1 41 I’ark K "«’ TO roK H K S r«%XTFNTS. Ml »•..nimniii- CHti*>ns int« nilf«l f r ii*f»T»i<>n in Tins I ni > kpkm 'RM ninst bi* Atitl.«*ntici»t« T b' thf nume ami i i’ ilffS' j?f thf vritf-r— ll.it 1H » vril4 f ‘lanini M i l l s . ___________ , , ____________ I P R O F E S É !O X A h < ARPS. W IL S O N HOW LH V, AL D. I’ I m siclan ami Snrgeim, FOREST HKOYE. • • • • t’ ltKbON. 11. -Theta *>., FOREST GROVE-. - - - - OREGON This is 1\' 1 ilton. A t noon the examination was interrupted"1 y lunch, and was the fastest resumed at 1 o clock. At this hour Beecher is still under cxaniiivition. It » h ::>-» i : i :, August 13. — In the race here yestiuxlay, ( ¡oldsniith Maid trotted a mile in 2:1 lq. Slie was pitte»l against American Girl hml Judge Fullerton. B k ' m n o t >x.Yt.August 11 — (.'liar- ley Foss' uncle arrived here to-d.iy. OFFH’E -At ihy fV n - ^ re. iG* siivs the little boy detaine 1 by the ItESI DENTE—t\ *vth rìseci«Iiil l,k ^ 'ï ntli 'i f tbf* Drug Stuft. iu-2:ly police ts not »Ms m j'h ev. P akis , August 11.— There is great H. Y. T hompox . filo. H. PrnmM, excitement in the city ib conse­ quence o f intelligence that Marshal Durham & Thontfee, Rises that soft pathetic harmony. form erly preach, was asked yestenlay by : . , . . . . . . , . , husband what she thought o f M rs T ilton a gifted , v.ihhing w o­ man, married to one as unlike n HARVEST v ie w s i t . the fo llo w in g: by « xnmples to excuse the improprieties. W oman The V irgin ia C ity Enterptine gives One could hardly detect the sensu- » f illity o f E dgar A llen Foe ill his ex- «jiiisite literary creations. I t is ccr- ... . , , titin, indeed, that the influence o f an , author may l>e quite independent o f ... , . , , 1 is „ u m ia u n . character. Th e political pow er | , , j c f Dean S w ift was little affecte«! by a her | 1 t j j I ! | .-.J Now doth a little cloud all white Or golden bright Drift down the warm, bluesly; Au»l now on the horizon lino Where dusky woodlands lie, A sunny mist doth shine. Like to a vail bo fete ri lioly shrine; Conceali ig. Half-revealing Things Divine. (^weet, sweet, sweet, Ts the \vin»1's song, Aqir in tho rippled wheat All day long. Tli.it exquisite music calls Tin? reaper everywhere — Life and death must share The goldod harvest falls. as can be. I t would not be strange, equanimity that it has forgiven ti e ! So dotn all end— perhaps, if it proved true that this j layman tor like oflenees. I he <>n«' Honored Phylosophyj wonderful man and this ill-m ated ; Science aud Art, is thought to walk upoi‘ a higher woman were attracted toward each The bloom ot the heart; — plane than the other. other; may lie they have both done ; Master, Consoler, Friend, N ow if a new rule is to be institu­ Male»- Thou the harvest of our days w rong; but if they have, lier’s is the ted by the Church itself, we are sure To fall within Thy ways. greater sin; for, us of old, ‘ the wo- i* must be at the loss of much o f its — Scribnrr's for A ugost. m»»n must Have tem pted him .’ ” j capacity for good. Th e rule pro-1 “ B ut;” asked the inisband, “ if it is ; BITS OF FUN: posed says that the sins of the cler­ true, what think you o f his stiF : g y may be offset by the quantity and ; preachibg?” Then came a longer A smaF *ll‘ k'g —A mustard plas- , „ quality o 1 their sermons. T ried by pause; but at last the true woman ter. | .)• standard undoubtedly Mr. looked up frank and clear and said:, On the contrary— H id in g on ti B eecher’s virtues far outweigh his “ You never listened to H en ry W ard mule. crimes, be they ns black as those Beecher. H e never assumed self- A fHeat hardship— An iron steam- which have sent the murderer to the er. righteousness. His starting point is W e dd not wish to distort the lhean- scaffold. His words, have been the tlm tw e are all sinners,himself incluil- m P e o p le who must draw » thè line the above quotation, but it , u en ~ i e i • . consolation of thousands o f aching >me where— Anfjîcra. e«l; and I doubt not but Ids people ! somewhere ¡»hiiiily indicates that, whatever i hearts, the guide o f thousands of feel that the w orld cannot afford to The strongest propensity in w^- th» nature o f M r. Beecher's t r ’ ns- well-«**tiered homes. H ow bniRV are lose such a brain and such a heart as man s nature, says a snrly editpr, is gression, it should not all’ect his the rtform s they nave inipeH^d, the his,even if what is surmised be triib. a d1e^ fe to k “ ow what isJ ° \ u8 on * stumhug in the mori‘ 1 and Christian heroisms they have nerved; the gra ­ T,., . . ,, , . , and the next to manage the 10 b. It he is a fallen angel, he has still 1 _ t ° * com m unity--that the nobility of his ces they havfc evolved. Th ey liTve more glon - abovt him tlmh common 1, Uvedifag IV ear W e are constant- words should be sufficient to con­ beett the grandest \vor»ls, the most , , , ’ . , . . i ly told that the evening wore on — done any liowevo* grave offence, moi als; even Ü he fails at last to ¿ ut wllHt the evening wdrh oh such coercive-words o f the age. H ow 'J ins is rather a violent reduction of reach the shining city, he can guide occasions we are not inform ed. "Was much the Church owes him. H ow others on the shining way, better . it the clo*c o f a summer's day? the priestly ollico to secular stand­ much the 5»t**tr «>wcS hiPi. Thotr« ards. but it is proposed by a r e lig ­ ato debts o f gratitm le »lue him that ! tliau Ü” ' ° thcr amoug the cluldreu o f ! W h en you say to and unwelco^ed , i j m en.” acquaintance who has been awav: iou s, not a seeuh’ r. journal. Tite fo ie j «•an »»ev,r I » l» » .l. 11.0 h ,fluence , | ..jJ y dear fa.now> t £ o f the advice, if adopted, 1 h” has exerted cannot be t lggera ■ A SONNET- ! see you ’re back!” you make a state- cannot be lim ite ited i >e to the | ment equivalent to saying to him: case of M r. Beecher. It must have <>w ■ ,> me thie.'1 Let ino count the \ j ' m rejoiced to see vour back. I f Hie new standard is to be aj a*»» | • w general application, or no applica-1 »• „ .. ,, , L, wavs. 11 11 . ' plied, to no «»lie caff it be more htD ■ t i„ve thee to the depth nnd brwflth 1 A j unior asked a young lady thé P n. Mr. Bobcher, great as he is, j applieJf thiih to M r. Beecher; b u t 1 bight i follow in g conundrum: I f small cannot t i i « ». 1>\ on«, law and L1s ^ Wc do not see how its application *'»-v seal soul can cun reiuh, reach, when f» élit*” ont éf si” ht are waifs,are large ones wafers? brother e'ergym «• ergpmcn by another. another, brother en by | {.ftn in anywise be restricted. If, F" r the ends of Be e „ n , „ Anywise be ^ »r ic «o .1 . If. ;• - * * * ■ > ? « " . Sr. Ar.uvNS, Yt., August Ub- The uiglit express fioin B mtou to M»'n- treal was wrecked tins nioru’ ng a few miles »•*" Bichford, 5 t. Tu»' follow­ ing persons are report»' l ¡rilled: En­ gineer Larcot, road master C. S. Harris, conductor Quiuiby the tlr**- man and a little gill. A wrecking tral n and two physicians have gone to the scene of the disaster. Mortj A\ e are aware that the priesthood .» e *1 .I' • *• I ., I l°vc thee tc ?fl,e level of everv dny’s 1 therofore, the religious sentiment o f ' . • . , * , ,, ,, . ,, . Ar M.-st quiet need by son and eand-ebght. than 2d persons are report"»l injured. is not regarded with the same awe that it was a centurv ago; nor d'Puld V " - KlS ‘ ? eUmnet ° S(‘ * [ r ' j j love tIlte freelT. as for Right; { N u m b e r o f S a lm o n T a k t n r r B ocflier 8 words against his acts—or Ilove thee purely, as they turnfrom Praise. N ew Y<»rit, August 12— A rslation IN PKKT’ M S b i t l i B n «», N. \V. »•..ru'-r of First aud WaslMng- o f M oulton says Faank lni»l befi’ ve Strvft*. Portland, «'r> goti. 9 ndi ly the Committee only 'h e lett«‘rs re- ferre«! t > in the T ilton statement. R\L*t .11 hl'àìr. A CAM.. H e determined that only th o se, speeial'y included in the Com m ittee’s H A L L fc. S T O T T , k f ic e ltfife bers o f the Com m ittee u|*on each p.Mut presented in the charges nMide third heat ever trotted in a lace. Physician and Surgeon. THE PURITY Oh THE PULPIT. 1 Knchestcr I b'in<‘Ci'ul we eojiy the fo l­ the Beecher scandal, l'he w ithhold­ M\mui>, August 12. - The Inipnr- ing of M oulton's statement, creates rhtl reports that E n glan d, F r a n c e . io w ing excellent and w ell concluded i i r ii i article, which has all the more force much ilnfavorable conmient, and and i/ Germ any have form ally rceog- , i , ,,. | now from it snertiuenev ,in view oi the there is a belief that a com prom ise) ni/.ed the Spanish republic. { _ , . , . * __ , ..... i ___ ! recent healrt-siekening and soul-sor is oil r .ot. '1 lie .I i'ii "s says that it is L omh » n , August 12.— Tho .!/'///• I ro w in g developments in theBeeeher- evci‘ stated that Mrs. '! ilton is pre- ftinir Ei'prrx* savs that we are now in T ilton great scandal. The D<‘m 6 to I priwit to shite that she has bee ft la- 1 the m iddle o f harvest, and the new says: boring under a haMueinatieiC that wheat crop shows nothing to indicate Mr. Beecher jnvachcd his fare­ Beecher is w illin g to 1 « sign his pas more than average ipiality aud well sermon, previous to his vaca­ torate; that the society will refuse grow th. Some tic Ids show pit nir.tiire tion, on Sunday, and has retired to to accept his resignation aud that ri [icnii'g. the country, without saying any­ T ilton wMl, upon thes< conditions On m i, August 12. -Grasshoppers thing in regard to the scandal which again op'rai the doors of his house * > in ihoextreuie Sothwest h iv e n o ir lv shadows his name. This is a grave his wife. niiuyd the crops and destroyed tin ml. say tin« least, but bavin; General Tracy sai l to -la y that the grass so that cuttle and hogs arc already expressed our opinion on CommiMee had not decided whctln r starvin g.B elief movements are being tins point we do not need to reiter- llll- it w ill keep M oultcn's stit< m made he re. ate i t . ( >nr i. ; »resent puri ios«, ¡s rath- til all p’ ocecd’ Vg w re i rint Cm, i»», Augiil-t 155.- Th o / l'Un «»»<■ er to imb ilge in som« ¡encrai ob*« r- r keep it back altogether. . this m a uiiig pu blishes tiraî marital vat ion utteran- in.-pi r«« 1 by C*(. 11«tin \am- M oulton wa1 briet’ v c i • »a »rrespo ndence o f M r. UUt l Al rs. C»'S of t! !<■ re xjy ' ■ » i . -< r« ss, which Pi ined, a rd he maintain« l ll ie same T ilton , » xtemlin g over ; • 1>f*ri< ». 1 o f seem 1 to 1 » s c:irvi«'« ( i LO their u b i­ position He rcitcrati d what :iM- four yea vs, ami u»> to w ith ini th; mate, ol IlMlOU s <¡»f ti['( »111)le for the :it if any peurad in his statement, mont hs -.1 .Airs,’ l ilton s ;•11. ■ * -hPli COU- Ch ure *1, ;»s icinil icq tO 1«»’ver its in- attempt v c iv made to ass 1 Ills 1 lOsl- fissi»*». l i C«*V( rs over fo ¡i r' p:»*.«es Mil» lie0. Th» • sityle () f thought to t o n as j» *ii- no at • >:: art ICS or t i o f tlie ),■' per, an .1 shows m 4 p ilS- which \\e refi s. j»«•rl i;*j .s, most for- ‘ piestioi: his 1> mo", In nvght be un ,f i,. / *.» \ '(•. si'»nate ¡».flection f »11 tilt' U, » ri )t!i c ib iv i \pi-i in th0 . It •lev the necessity of m iking a Mirth» r Wl'itl'lS. There app» ar 11» ) 11 >ubt c i when statement. F or 'lie present, l*econ­ the autlicui.eity of the letters. i f at the worst it should la iC ll tented himself with furnishing the X kw Y ouk , August i:>- -2:d0 P . ^r. that a noble and great soulcd man Committee with » xaet copies o f d oc­ — At this hour it has just been made has been.on some occasion, betrayed uments quoted by Tilton. known that the Plym outh ''¡lu rch into conduct which plunged him in­ i in 11 nas ( 'n in n o, Am InvestigatingC om m itteo met in the to self-i“ prbaeh and g rie f- feelin g been issued for a straight-out Dem o­ back parlor of Beecher's residence at to which smaller natures aie strau- cratic Convention for 1 illiiio is, eoin- Id o ’clock this m orntngam l that two g e ls - w< shall feel that the fuel can- meueii*g Tuesday, A^^ust ^"'th, at stenographers are present, lieeeher not eeli]*se the record which he has Springfield. sat V lth the Com m itte, and made liis made ('or himself in this past twen- B i ki ' alo , N. Y ., August 11.— In statement from notes Avhieh he held. ty-lhM years as a m ighty champion the 2:2* race here at D riving Park, H e answered ouestions put by mem- in every OFFICE At F.* li. si I. hi e. *’ --t » r for a purse of ■jU.nOO, ''b id e d among M..biis«>a> l’lsiiina Mills iit.*:lv four horses, Pulu won three straight beats, D erby second. Tim e, 2:21, W . II. S A V L O H *. M ’ 12.— E verything is is (piict at Austin and the trbdps great »lissatisfabtion >\ • tit the d rift of disbanded. 2:24V, 2:li;-;. How lrirge transactions for some tim e past, | to be only secoml in importance and writings. N o t always, we think. and sales have been ino«lera‘ e utl‘0 n) \ value to the "h< at crop o f the Byron, judged by the Prison er of State. tOe as to «pirility. C hillon, would pass for purity itself. T E L E G R A P H IC ! N kw Y okk August no WASHINGTON COUNTY, 0BEGOÍÍ, THURSDAY AUGUST ¿0,1874. thetii to thcil' lips vows. in scaling their F its t ruffian— W*ot was I hup for, \< it so H g .iid «»!. The j Ids silence, which is substantial!}’ i Dove thee with the passion put to use and wot ’ave I got? W’ ell I floor'd a itrit fs, and with my chil»Ihoo»l’s woman, took her watch, and I> e N orthw est in the Orrt/^niun makes England clergyman of the eighteenth i i the same— they must make up their century incited a vast amount o f awe go t two years and a flogging. 8ee^ th»; ♦'•> 1 1 ,»wing statement about the n iin d s to a fu ll secularism o f the T , \ T T O 11 \ K V S « A T L A " , Request •sliouhl be furbished. This . 1 love tin e with a love I seemed to losi ond ruaftin— Ah, I flung a woman informant neither asserts nor »lenies sa'mon fisheries on the low er Colum ­ bv his inaccessibility. ( ì ram i,gloom v Church they must bring it «loiVti to With lny lost love thee with tLo out of the top floor window, an’ I* t » No. r, D< kiini's Mock. and peculiar, ho was a bein g set that there were other letters, but an bia : profane standards. AYe tafh d o ei not stop {tt calculate to an infinite depth: but he ,» , .» ... v * ,» will be canned at least 200,(KiO cases height preserved and Theo»b>ro sati-tie»!. ” * ’ the ground tiiev assume, r o r t h e 1 ! through what regioné ‘of the earth , VilU .S lto W P . OHMI O V. o f is ffs each; tin* balance of the rarely or never fell. Arthur Dim- | M i . ju uis , AYigust 12. — Unfounded, A correspondent at L o n g Branch it- stream sfiall flow’ , what fotèij continued purity o f theChurch there * »flüi-c in new Court H'-ns". fish w ill be pickled for Vdiat is mesdalejwas /» .<»»>• nrtiiirn Matter it sibili take ifl, and where tumors, t<» the « tl’e«-t that whites ha*». known as mess salmon. This w ill is no safety save in conform ing it to furnishes this: W e must rejoice ‘ hat the ministry . 1.«c u killeil at Austin, etc., make the be 50,000 more cases than were the most exalted tests of Christian1 In the afternoon chme from the S Jh« U , * ? • itsc.% f t /k . from its own fullness w itll dn irre- THOMAS H. TONGUE. to t!ie people than it wa? itv. excitem ent intense. A call for arms, raiMied last season, unrl tho pickle,1 is Ocenn House six or eigh t te n d e r ; ,irM8iblo n x o lio n .-lk rd e r. in addition. There are in th’ vs of o ld — that something o f it - A l t «» ( li n -at- L a w « men and artillery posted in the salmon minxes with bumBes, looking cau- quite a Pumber of small fisheries s:inctityis lost, without any dim inu­ Compulsory Kissing. . • , , - , . , , rl„ ° . | A zealous but Ignorant Negro street Specials ay l’»*om dnO to PMl tiously behind them. T iiev tiick 1 , u IIilblM.ro, ^ •“ Kington County, « )r»-gon. that arc exclusively engaged in - 1 , ; preacher,m expounding to his flock tion o f its power or of its real spirit­ vneti lid d e d ami marched into Aus­ pickling salmon for barreling. The leu wa} t own t ic steps, accorti- as to the astounding nature o f mira- E verybody in I'araguay smokos,and tin this m orning, but foi'inl only gross value of the salmon take1' in uality. A Ye must consider it as oile p.anied by their guardian o f safe rind ctes, got a trifle confused in, the mat? signs o f the every female above the ago of thir- Y.. I>. MIIATTTCK. *• KI I. LIN about thirty negroes, mostly non- »he Low'd* Columbia this season will of the most hopeful proper age, and »ire watched from ! ter. H e said, “ M y b felo ^ a friends j times that our preaching is direct teen ylicws. I am wrong. 1 hey do •»mount t.o £2,000,00(1. Sliattuek > Ki l l i n, .*n miraici’es was ’bdlit combatants O nly eight m« ii were the bank by their mother and rtdtitin i the greatest of all IKK M'MKKKOl I’KKSONS KMI'KOYKI*. practical— that flic pulpit tells nien 110^ chew, but jmt. tobacco i»i their the loaves and fishes— dere was S|- evening dress. There are at this * ’n < )U X E Y S J.Y D m l AN J ll.o i: , arrested. Fver* thing was quiet at I here are 2 )0 boats <‘iigage»lin the 000 loaves aud 2,000 fishes, and de how to live and how to die - t h a t tho 1 mouths, keep it there eonstaflHv. ex- last 'accounts. l-shing on this river, employing 600 si' a 1 o f t' ,IH 110 Inore Bum fifteen people all twelve ’postles had to eat dem all, AT LAM . i"en, or two men to a boat - »me to pricstlv ex«‘bisiveness is so sensibly cept when eating, and m told, on the whole strcti-li o f sand *in«Fde miracle fs dey (»id ’ttt bust.” X kw Y okk , August 12. —A corres- D- kuiu’s building, Fir^t Str' < t, manage the bout and the other to at- 5 « (¡ixe.l,and that the pulpit «leseemls chawing it roll it about and suck it. In a sabbath-school class,in wllicti ])on«l( lit writes that newshas* » a*-h< d teiul to the net. These men are fol’ friendly converse with the pews. G n l} imagine } ourself about t«> sa- tiom Sandy H ook to A\ cst End. PORTLAND, OREGON. The minxes disappear in the disre- the lesson touched upon tile- .jitonl^ Berlin that Cliina has pushed for­ paid 25 cents for every fish they I ’lie intiuiftte association of the j 1,lt<- ‘ he red lips o f a magnificent lit ]>ut.able shanties that are meant for 1S(! lle io t l to the »laughter o f «•.itch, making the wages paid to B U S IN E S S C A R D S , A L O D G E S . ward l!)O,t>O0 picked tloops to the i'hurch with the m om ’ reform ers of I Uo H,d*c, am ri hd w ithin satin and .i»-..w ; . i *i .i ; Heiodias, the teacher asked whether tlu se (»00 limn for the four months iiiessing cases, and presently th e y ».. . *i * u i 4 Kashgar frontier, ami in addition , . 1 J * , it was true that H erod rvas oblige»! Hsliing £250,0(1(1, less about £50,000 the period, its enforcem ent o f the Hashing with diamonds, as she puts em erge in w oollen blouses ami ; keep his vow when it would le a « placed large garrisons in the towns for r e G --leaving an average of £5133 ibities of tin; hour, its exposition o f ha«*k with one delicate hand “ parits," holding «'licit other’s hands 1 to the beheading o f .John the Bap- of Baikerel,un»l Chinese trot ps have for «'a»'1! man for the four months the gospel o f labor and o f love .are while with the other she draws forth and em itting little screams as the I tist. “ I guess if she had asked fo r AY e r e ' t not for the wliiskx N O TAR Y F fB L IC AND COLLECTOR. m oreover been concentrated lit the fishing the index of healthful spiritual pro- from her mouth a brow nish black soft, white sand toiff’lics their ten- « wu head H ero»! would not have north, 5n Tarl>akati. Id»» and Olvo- bottle and ear»l (¡ible, the fisli»’rme!i grass. It much of pretension i m s » 'u^ cco <|uite two ineheslong, i toba . v i I . » - i x fe!t himself obhge«l to keep it, re­ F .O A L P *T T R S DRAWN. \('Y- o u tlie Lower ( ¡eduml'ia might l»e :i d d fbet, and looking around to see UcJ bright bov o f 10 ur i 2. J hou ¡• il-' f' < *>s taktn. Will attend sutia, y.hi< h can l*e nv 'lily made comfortable ami prosperous class «»t been elim ii' ite.l from tho pulpit, j Voicing like a monster grub, grub and j ■ . .i, t!v t<' >!1 hr-ificsH entrusted to his available for war with Kashgar. that fiobodv is phot'dgi^phing them. — - ♦ ------- , . It men. In the thirteen canning es­ nint h of usefulness has been added Ihen depositing the savor} lozenge on , h 10 ly The first external reve‘ atioii of the One ban see their fragile b o d ie s . . „ is pivpos* »1 to attack th«? country tablishments there are 2,000 men thereto. V e ¡ire not now afraid of thc brim of your sombrero, puts up sl'Ivnl; .'veil from Ihh top o f tho : '» g ill mul. 1 » » tin .le ..^ -to lo rt ; siniultnii*?ously from two sides. At «■uqToye I in all the departments ministers, and tin y <1 <» not, ask us to Iter face and is reatly for a salute. I . , . , , and lounge; to be at th a t street cor- J o h n C o o p e r, earning daily £2,500 including night l»aiiK? when they st' p, with bated , ners without intelligelit teAeonjto be St. l ’ etersbilrg it is l*elie,vetl that in 1 hey rire our in­ have somethin's seen ¡m over-delicate work find other extra time, making be airaid <*l them. l»ra:*th and anxious loohs; into the | going anywhere whoti nietj to be j > r. s n s t ;i y p r /; i r i : /. /; n that event Pu ssia would at once £250,000 paid for wages during the timates, our associates, men among foreign er turn '.‘ way in a shudder of white spume that is ro llin g mu'i about many placed rather than any} conic to the assistance «»f Kashgar, , 100 days comprising the lishifig sea­ men, set apart indeed for a holy Of­ loathing under such circumstances, %<«»I.inTS i 111* V » ntbNAOE OF THE foam ing un the beach. T\Vo or ' to do no thirty tangible, but have in­ from April t»> July imJusivc. V » " —.vi Oflii-e cor s ince China is khown to b*o arm ing j r son fice, but administering it in charity k ¡Mid get the epithet o f “ parage” np- tention o? uerfbrmlng h number of ,n . f ... . , • l’iio «tiriied salmon is now s’ellin throb steps mul they are aftkle deep \\ ahmt filial I ’ir • >tr* « t* also fo r w ar with Russia. jdi'cd to him by the oftemlcil beauty v m ‘ Y duties t to-morrow dt a * » i i ’’ tangible duties, * m tlm ocean. A t that all amorous ... r U ... wholesale for fifteen cents a pound, not in terror. rV«t , ,, , , the day niter.— ChArle* D ic liM . At the same time; wo must hohl I his sensitive sijueamisliib ss.H ow <- wavh, swollen with dew ie, makes a t , B oston , A ilgu sl 12.— Th ere is a or £7 25 per ease, from which is to * ... . FOREST GROVE LODttE No. 136, be i ev‘c r, one sÒon gets use.l to this in n them. They see it coining) the : Eiicli period d! Mfe required _e 2 all Jhe expenses ref« vrc»l that the niinisLvv is bound to zm - rcadv demand fo r all desirable be delimited . , . , , , . * v # X. <3. G i T . , to, besides freight, insurance, com- its wjiik and Raiaguay,w here you are,per force o f clasp of their hands tightens; they j ial gifts aliiji graces’ . T h ere! 'ty move circumsjx'ct in its w kinds o f wool ami the market isjfirm. ., f ,, I ..»istom ob1‘V,(..i d > i tuu i i I take a decn breath; tlic defiance o f , »lopendently o f tne progrfess Bt,char- KF.Ts AT ITS H ALL EVERY V\T- ( oiubingand »lelaino selections are mission and interest on the ea]»ital. con vorsat .- urn ., than the men of otlicr eusunn, ooi.geu 10 kiss every hidv , .. .» • • i , . ,, ’ J ii-uir ?_i A t th'c commencement »»f the can­ ,, i i , , • , thcil' sex is m their eyeri, but the ; actel’, persons snine ,part!cilmrly in > 1 urdav «\tiung, at IS »«'» lo, k All very much wanted, ami sales are n ing business the net profits were professions it it would exercise all . ° a e in »»» u« «•» »>, ¡md one-half weakness o f their sex is in tliclr ver- one 3 tir ml. •s of ili" «V T t in go >1 ni t a ’ ii'i- br another another perioiR period, Rticording to the influence for good of which it is ! . v ou *n ’ i'(‘ally tem pting enough te l»r ;', and they beint their knees their 'natural tcrtlperinlent endow- leatbly made at, T)of" (12 cents bs to ligh t, ow in g to tlie i in perfect, know l­ \vl‘ d îüost charm us in «piality for washed, and t.U/ 45 cents edge n< cessar}' I»» «’(»niplete success. capable. In it precept »»hd example , 1° len d er y»ui regardless o f tlfio con- amt bow their heads) and the ravish­ medi. , Those wHb ing « lenient breaks over them with a youth dò not rilways dispense the Now it is a paying business, but that . pet IIO L H H O O K L Ó IX »E ^ 0 . HO, so uhwasho«!. But there is now \ery | nnlst harmonize.“ There is ri" psyi'ho- ! requeue« s, and you wouhl sij) the wet embrace, hugs them a moment steady fragraiice o f good deeds ill is th«' result o f <'co’ .<»mical manage­ logicAl puzzle, w hich has ¡»‘ ‘’ ays ¡ i t - . ‘1°"' the proffered lip in the face A. F. A A. M. little; offering, ami receivers ven ' in foam ing ]»uroxysm, ;»Ud then goes midtile P fe ’ and our ideal of old age ment, tlmrough superv ision, a rum- tiVicti'»*. more or less ritteatl'on, the |(>! a tobacco f'h tory— « von in the broken and bellow ing to fling itself j ¡s o fte n best satisfied by those who a F » »REST ORO VE Meet g« nerally d« » li'ho to sell for «lcliveiy jdi te kiiow hdg*' o f fhc busiin Sunird.iy h^for *1 lh*> Villi M' »>n in - ahca»l. I lie stock ofC a liforilia *\o*>l ample « Vpi iicnc«' aild limmeial abili- Jqiu-stion being whether we canjudgi «louble-distille»! hoix'v-ilew of OM in reckless delight ilprill the sands ( lia\e passed unnoticed through tho V r «w li monili br.^Nr.*»? in goo»l where their feet have trod. more active perioils o f life. C the oliamoti !' of ;m «»ittlior by h’ s Virgin»';1.. has lx c il eousiderably re»lilced l»v ' m * S* H ug h es, J 7