Hillsboro. Phu nix grange, ./ack»on eo, .J Herin, master; AV FHert in, sec; Phoenix. Sjiringwater grange, Clackamas co; -J TI Low eilen, master, I'M Peed, sec; Rpriug- water. Tualatin grange; Clackamas co; v/ohn Kruse, master; Joseph Bantow, scc;Orcgon City. Beaver Creek, grange; Clackamas co; A ß May master; M O Gaul ree; IParner grange, Clackamas co ; Arthur Burner, master; John Brurh, sec; Oregon City. Mount Ä on grange, Clacknmas co; S Ra­ ney, master; W H Mattoon, sec. 7/arding grange, Clackamas co; George Clark, master; A C AVilbnr see. BYllamette grange; Multuomnh co; t) lerj', muster; .S E Puddock. sec; Portland. *■ I 1^^— . ■ — — — — MM Mono grange, m* ‘25, I’ olk or.-; .T M Bow- ley, master; ll I' M'Tlmmonds,sec; Lewis­ ville. n iv 11 m m Tv.n lovers lv n »*• _*r t sji.' u ; Liberty grange, no ‘2l>, Lano co; H N //ill, Deputes of the State Grange. master; J V Jennings, see: Junction. Thfly’Iii.h*«! * "ft i h* t ■ • f ^ i tli New K ctimh I lalitiim. on! humid it is p" -isible t*> lìm i a Evening .Star grange, no ‘27, Multnomah MiUjjJpft tin dill, m ' i '1 sunnv li ir. T h o fo l- Entf■« lv V“ writ It n by the uble-t writers mi 7 urm rrz of ( )r> Ji»'s Nint; Printed from n> w type, nml I VI r subject lowing paivmr.tpli is from mi article ¡linciati il witli Several Thousand Eimrav- oryrniizr fo r s<'I/-/>ro',’< flioii ami f o r (lid | fee; East. Portland. < * limMiii'^turn ! Umpqua grange, no2S, Dougins eo; I* M I i H liofili’ no a t of Ihr im i il si rìdi jid rrd il* O love's lih-st j rial' l>v tli«* same author in a recent limn- ¡ligi* imi Maps. (iurney, master; 1EE Owens, see; Zi’ose- To fm ol Udir lìiis d'or/:, 1 hd’rr rom mix burg Iwi- of till“ I’op'dar Sri- nee: Two ni iMi >1 fruin'f lif port il sf> )•: lo turi il’1!1 The work origina 1 iV publisbeil under tlie sitimi llm foli oirimj /involi Milton gran ge, no 29, T7 mntilla ct)\ D M ’I Ilf l>l Ull HUMi* I.Ul'l'V I'Hillllll ■*. A striking v«*rifi< ation is at hand. fitte of T iik N kw X mkr T cax (’ v i . op . t . dia i/rum/ry in Ihis ¡(irisili.i liou, ds f t V Druiuhiller, master; T it Me Coy, sec; Mi\- Tl»**«irw 1 » soft as funning win -. I ton. On turning *o the rain-map, it will was compieteti in 1*63, silice wbicli timo depili irs: Mie wi«l«' < ircnlation whifli it has attained AY hit* |>> t?iN mi fa*- pathway -6* p f ‘errydalc gretige, no 90, Polk ro; Oeo l'or JhmifUis orni fili’ nfi'vlies solidi In seen that, o f th»* entire New in all parts of thè United States, and thè t t pllT“ -< \ fll I’ l l'l roftiegys, master; J Frizzell sec; Perrydale. of il. J{. M . (jurlimi, /' ii Mdc McMinnville grange, no 91, A'amhill co; World. tlie largest of the parts dis­ si /iial de\t 1*.pini nts wliieli h tve laken piace () ti n l> r pii'lf' Poli:, tloim’s Talom, fiirir. in everv blandi of seit lice. 1 it* • ratti re, and A It« id,mas ti r; D O Durham, see; McEinn- tinguished by the absence of shade a I i t. have imiticeli tin“ editors anti publish« i s j Lane, II, A’. Hill, dom ito o Two fan s o'* r a rrirll i., nt villc. to submit ___ it t" an exact and thorough revis- 1.1 wi n I.K'kru’. Two liunils allow tin Lafayette grange, no 92, A'amhill co: A B as almost rainless, is that ( ’initial t ioti, JldllmiiHali. Janni) Johnson, Las"- ami to issili“ a m w filiti un «ntitlcd Henry, master; It II Laiuson, sec; Liya- tli« r while th* «a pressili *fli'h Portland. il . America find Mexican region in T ur A mbr » an ( ' ycloim ' hia . yetto. Ciuciti mas, l'ori ics, b.dtjb'l r it i. roikf.l, Within thè last tea yi ars thè progress of North A'amhill grange, no 39, A'amhill co which indigenous civilizations devel- «lise >verv in everv «lepartim ut of knowl- PrntoH, „1, Si ni fiso ii, ('orvallis. It K Laugliliu, muster; D C Stewart, #ec; S ÜB SC P IP E ! I ho watt ti* .1 a lif«' that Invi bail si nt. S u n s e P IP E il oped; and that tlie only other rain­ « dge has mudo a new work of refi o nce an O no) on in hour! Vomitili, .1. Jl. limrij, Lafaijrlle. North A’amhill. imperativo want. Weston grange, no 34, Umatilla co; J S O liid l.*'p'iuvr* less district is that which formed WashintjloT, , T. II. Ilamphrrifs, The niovomeut of politicai nffairshas kept IFliite, master; M’cArthur, sec; Weston. part of the ancii nt Peruvian territo­ pace v.itli th« ll. On L< ;i'l> that rose hy slow illirica lìlK ini ut ..f SKeiallife. Creai wais amlcon- pro-inea eivdilation has left its most •Scio grange, no 36, Linn co; Thos Miin- l.ikt l*ii.Is up*ill tío- lily spire. seipn nt revolution • have m-ciired, involv- II ut. ( iji ' iis , S rio ; J. II. Slittili, ¡1 a r­ kers. master; (1 T Foster, sec: Scio. conspicuous traces. Inductively, ìng natioual «'hangf s of prelibar moment. ri si miti. (> pati* nt lifi ! Nantiain grange, no 37, Linn co; lUm Gy­ Elisi rn (Ir*'t* lid* r atril«- ! was at ila le i .dit vvlien fhc la>t volume of ion, ami ìdalio. Frani Shrllon ami I rus, master; W A Kinsey, see;.Scio. 1 Pasco grange, no 3is Wasco eo; Robert markable lnanr.ei the physiological thè old work appi an d, has lisppily beni I', i two still srt too* tin rtlo r> , Mays, master; G II Barnett, see, The Dal- Win. Slwlloii, Widlo Widla, II’. T. ended, and a n- w eomse of commercial deduction. 1 he red li^lit h 11 iilumt th* ir kn.i s; E. 1(1S- Wasliiidfloii Irrm fori/. and industriai activity lias been com- The Dalles grange, no 39, IPasco eo; A .T * >ii lnsnds that ios*' l>y low dfo|. S. IT Pai l , of California is one of the best for gable iA|vì«»ri rsof Africa. I Soidlwrn (h 'n ijoii, O vanished past ! Noyer. master; ('has Howard, sec; Oregon Tbe .;• • « at politicai ri volntions of thè last | o f Ida m l. physical and social developments. The r* d liiffit shore ii]*on th* floor decade, vvitli thè naturai ri nil of tiic lapse j Anif lin'dllifi/ wilh i n III is / a risd irl ioii Oity. Damascus grange, no 41, Clackamas co; R 'I'lie rainless Summer is the greatest of till have brought int‘ > publii \ii - 'a f'nl. irhffh /»o Ji/ml d lids hrr a (lppm idl'd And liiad«“ th«' spart“ brtwe* n thi m will T Lee, master; Norman Darling, sec! Da­ lioso names are in / ■’ ' 1 multitude of new men, whose l*ooii a dry atmosphere, accelera­ They drew their ehnirs 11 j* si !• hy sid>. ev. rv ole s ni"utli. rud of whose liv* s every ; I /»>/* Ihn orifdnizal io V of ijrainjrx, will mascus. Tin ir j'ale fhei ks joined, and said. On ted evaporation through the pores of one 1 -, curious to know the particulars. I rncrirr imim’iliiilr olfriilion if a p p lira -l ./ord,in Valley grange, no42, Linn co; master; A T MeC’ully, sec; «».♦o I* * bijunt the skin, a solar initiation kept up Cn nt hattlm tirtv l»ci n foii” lit and import­ ti on is imiJr lo im / will a/fi'iid in p er- ! ant sieges maintained, of which the details ( t memori* s! i l i I ‘Scl°- FOREST-GROVE INDEPENDENT JunctionUity grungV“, no 43, Lano eo; F j evenly for more than six months of are vet preserved only in the n* \\ -.pa­ son or Semi a ai pnl'i. O pa d »hut is’ F A S I E T ( ' T A P E E, j IP Folsom, master: J G Houston sec;Junet- j tin year these are some of the best pers or in the transient publications of the Master Siale lìram jr of ( Irct/on and j ion City. day, but which ought now to take Un ir possible climatic conditions. A place in permanent and authentic hstory. CLIMATE ANDMANKIND. Washington. Sai m i, (h f. ì , i s t : i j Braver grange, no 44, Linn co; J Crabtree | master; S W Gains, sec; Lebanon. In preparing the present edition for the wakeful, quick witted people of iu- DIRECTORY. Coos River grange, no 45, Coos eo; Cyrus pi' SJ it li: uecordinglv been thè nini of /.midriff, master; Robert Book*-, see; Coos cxhnustiblo < nergy would be the informati'») ■drtors to broig down tic the « From tlie San Francisco Hull'fin | River /' O. to thè lutcst po,-.sible dates, and to fumisti (B T T ì E II o l H ip N A T I O N A L natural result. These elmracteris­ v«“ copy tlie follow in ": //tippy Home grange, no 46, Linn eo; J :■ n ;u culate account of^he must recent dis- g u a n i ; il j Newman, master; Liudley, see; Lebanon. tics are already so prominent, as to <'.vcrif. in sci* nep, of « v < rv fn sh produc­ A journal devoted to the interests of Herbert Spencer, in his No* »«./• >■ /«/ ; Union grange no 47, Lane eo; Hynson tion in hictfiture. and of tln- lut» -t in\< n- at ie-f the atb ntion of all intelligent Wnu- Jouli;/ I!’. Ada iv f Mastr Smith, master; S Looney, sec; Junction. hi iru;s out some facts which if not al­ is in the practical arts, us well us to give j Washington County a"d of the Bock Point grange, no 48, Marion co; J observers. The children me in e ­ a succinct, and original record of the prog- i o n , Iowa. together new, me of great interest 7 Indili7 .■ Ta i/lor C ola w - i Downing, master; G S Downing, sec; Sub- - . o f po itieal and historical events. i ft errs* r pt» ssible, and hard work is per­ | limity. State% touching the influence which clinmti The work has 1» en begun after long and \/,{„ y < Greenville grange, no 49, AVasliington eo; formed with Jess of fail nig m erge »r« f«il pn liminury labor, und with the i /' ../ 1ms upon tho physical ami socitil de­ eet a er, T. A. Thompson, Plain- l l ’in Wilson, master; J F /*ierce see; Green­ most un pi* i* s un « s for cunying on to u lure than almost any where el>e. ville. rieir, Min. velopment of races. W t know that stiecessful termination. Orleans grange,no 59,Benton eo; J M’C'oy Our dry climate does therefore car­ None of the original stereotype plates Ear i f Steward, A. J. Vamjhn, there are vast areas of territory on master; I Pm Winning, see; Corvaliisi have bceen used, but every nage mis la en (lore, .Miss. U«iion no 2 grange, no 51, Dotiglan eo; A which human life exists, hut where ry with it some of the most favor­ printed on new type, forming in fact a new . I.sy / Stew&rd, (/. 11. 7 honipsoii, A Mathew,master: J (« Fluke, see; Looking- dia, with tuo same plan and com- there is no development. The race able conditions for physical and so- Cvclup:» glass. A eie Kra usuàri. X . J . p.iss ¡is its predecessor, but with a far great* cial development. We may accept Willamette grange, no 52,Benton eor-tolin r pecuniary expenditure, and with such makes an eternal battle against ad­ Chaplain, l/er .1. /». (íroslo II nsh- Ilai ris, master; C Stagle, sec; Corvallis; improvements in its conqmsition as have the dust and the brown fields i m/lon IT ( '. verse conditions. Its energies arc Syracuse grange, no 53, Linn eo, H Far- be* n suggested by longer experie'lice anil en­ of the long «Summer for Treasurer, E. M. McDowal, Cor­ well, master; A .Miller, see; Mill er's sta­ expended in keeping up the light for large 1 ktiowl* dgc. tion. illustrations wlii< h are introduced nimi, X. )\ existence. Thus, where i* intense that intense vitality w hich is a part fnr The Sinslaw grange, no 54, Lane co: D BCart- Seere/an/, (T IT Kelletj, Washing­ the tirst time in the present edition have of the inheritance. wviglit, master;./ F Amis, see; Sinslaw. been added not for the sake of pictorial ef­ cold, as in tho high latitudes north ton, />. C. Coyota grange, no 55. Lane co; *S «Stephen fect. but to give greater lucidity and force to ft afe- Keeper, T). Ihnwiddic, Or­ master: S T Duke, s*c; Sinslaw. o f 70 deg., the Esquimaux exists,hut MODERN ORTHODOXY A RATIONAL the explanations in the text. They embrace Eugene grange, no 56,Lane co; Jesse Cox, chard (icore, lad. ¡ill branch« s of scii nee and of natural lii'-to- he does not multiply rapidly, nor is VIEW OF HELL. ( ‘eres, .1 frs. IT II. Adams, muster; >t John Skinner, sec; Engone('itv. l v, and depict the most famous and remark- his condition materially improved Sand Ridge grange, no 57. Linn eo; S ibli features of scenery, architecture, and j 11 uioa, Iowa. Isom, master; ./.l/ack, sc«“: Albany. irt. as \ vt 1 1 as the various pruct sscs of me- from ago to age. The long night It is only a human religion such om om i. .)/rs *) I f Krlh'if, 11 ash- Orient grange, no 58,«Linn co; V H Cald­ i hanies and manufactures. Although in- i . and the short day, the absence ot as that of Buddha, or Thor, or Jupi- t* m l led fo rinstruction rather than embellish- | (m/don, y . well. master; J Turner, sec; Albany. Roseburg grange, no 59, Douglas; B G hba'a, .Mrs . / ( ’ .Ihholl, ( ’h fuel, and the necessity of eating :er, that may fear the growth «if in­ mi nt, li" pains have be* n sptired to insinv Tibbs, master; R Weaver sec : Myrtle Creek, their artistic « xccllence; the c*>st of tie ir Iowa. large quantities of fat and blubber telligence, and that may fade as the xi cution is * normoiis, and it is believed j Garretson grange, no 69, / \* lk: GH ini - I.adii Assistant Steward, .Miss * . H. i ;irs, master; II Alexander, see; Bethel. th* v will Bii*l a w* Iconic reception us an ad­ D ie 1X1> E P E X D E X t ow es fr//e- oil to supply the warmth continually lit of reason dawns; but of a relig­ Dallas grange, no 61 , /'oik: li Clow nias- mirable feature of the Cyclopudi.t, and JIali Washington, IT C ter' l) ./ //"lines, sec; Dallas: lost l>y the intense cold, arrest de­ ion from (Tod, given by inspiration, worthy of its high character. E r n -a li re ( 'oni ni iller. y ia n ce to tto p a rty fiat the ¡forty Spring Valley grange, no 02, 7’olk; D Oil»1 This work is sold to Subscribers only, II ill. San mines, Washington, l >C. velopment ami lower the vital condi­ the lirst distinguishing principle son. master; W A //eury, see; /iena: payable on delivery of each volatile. It will ft. W'l'ilf, A l i e n , C o iesln irif, S , C t'ornelius grange, no 63, H asliington eo; tion to that of mere existence, leav­ must he that it reveals its reasona- o í P 1 K M Ì P E S S I V É I D E A S Und mpleted in sixteen large octavo vol­ E. IT Sim at land. ]>nbni¡e, Iow a. R / ’ IPills. master; IVm Reeves, sec;Cornel- umes. each containing about 899 pages, ing just force enough to tight out leness as fast as man unfolds his ius. P E E 0 P M ; is con trolled by no fully illustrated with several thousand Wood j Cresswell grange, no 64 Lane co; G B the battle with climatic conditions own intelligence, and still become Engravings, and with numerous tailored O flu t't s o f t h v O r e g o n S t a t e Day, master: A J Johnson, sec, Cresswell; G ru n ge. t on the night si«le of nature. There more glorious where there is the Lithographic Mtips, C liq u e, Faction o r MonojjohJJ but / ' leasent Hill grange, no jiit nh.l' s Stew ard, lì P ( >hìs, Forest Grove. 19,09 Substantially the same effects are press itself in infidelity. When a l"r ’ ........: ............... Ta Ji/ Assistant S tew ard, M rs ('Idoe 1 19.99 ( hukulpum grange,no 68,3/hrion eo; N Jl Ta Fall H'tssia, /> »diarity grange, nn 76, Latte co; M 4» i I- i 11 X H ill, J u n ction . kins, master; F M Wilkins, sec; IPillamette race of men. The earliest social de­ the cross and our holy faith away Forks. velopments probably began in cli­ from such a degradation. W e must Alsea Grange, n o 77, Benton eo; M Ver­ 1 O ffic e r s o f t h e ( ' c u t r a l G r a n g e non, master; I H Shirr, see; Alsea. .\ss»c i a t i o u mates which offered the least resist­ indeed, separate forever the righte­ / ’*• oria grange,Linn co:S D i/aley,master; P res id en t, II A lexa n d er. wicked; but, as tho ance or made no warfare on the race. ous and the Austin Watts, see; Peoria. I ire P resid en t, -fames Taloin* Franklin grange, Lane co; G M J/iller, Spencer holds that “ solar radiation drunkard is punished in this world, O a S O a Y o a r S< erniari/, vi li Sla a n a n i. master; J F Kirk, sec; Franklin. n.ts FROM and as the murderer accepts of his 7 n asa r e r , C P H u ri hart. being the source of those forces by Waputo grange, IPashington co: T R Thompson, master; F D Htott, sec; Gaston. 'Trustees, E. Shedd, /•'. PowrIT which life, vegetable and animal, is arrest without blaming God, as the Yoncalla grange, Donglas co; A Lamb, (in te -K ee p er, Elia* F a n n in g t carried on and being by implication soul feels its own wickedness and muster, J R Drain, see; Drain's P O. A g en t, J. P . Stam p. Columbia grange, IPashington eo; Jas the Hource of the forces displayed in does not reproach his Creator,so the Rubric, master; F Kenedy, sec; Glencoe. ^ ^ C CRES R E S OF EXCELLENT LAND FOR | SI BOR 1)1 N ATK (ill A \G KS. human life, and consequently to so­ lost world is a place, not where God Beaverton grange, IPashington co; 7'1‘ttc- sale in Washington County. O regon . ker, master: Jas .l/’Kay, sec; Portland. cial evolution on tracts of the earth’s is seen as a cruel monster,hut where Marshfield grange no 1, Clurkirtnas eo| O ikhiml grting«“, Douglas eo; E «Stephens, surface where solar radiation is very the human free-will stands forth in I W IP Davis, master; 7’ J Matlock, sec; master; E ll l ’ inksou, s*'c; TFilbur. I Clackamas / ’. 0 . Sodavillo grange, no 85, /.inn eo; AVm B all its divine powers, and reveals a feeble.” Eagle Creek grange no 2, Clackamas eo; Gilson, master; C Burge, see; Sodavillc. / ’owcl's Valley grange, .l/ultuomah co ; T : E Eorbes, master; Franklin Foster, see; Du- <•/.> Take this deduction as true, we self-punishment over which we can t - K Williams, muster; 15 IPithington ; sec; | inaxcns. O may note how physical and social almost imagine the Heavenly Father C-1 Oak / ’«»int grange no 3, Polk co; J. IP. Dowell's Valley. IPoodburn grange, NIarion eo; G Dimick, himself to shed tears. Such is the Nirk, master; James A Dempsey, see; Kiek- development are arrested in a very master, Win Durst, see; IPoodburn. re«*l. liot climate where there is an exuber­ perdition of reason—a place not in Buena Vista grange no I, / ’oik eo; E C Howell / ’rairi*“ grange,Marion eo; IP Nap- . //all, master; L M Hill, see; Buena Vista. lingfielil, master; c/ohn Newsom, flee; Sa- ance of vegetation. There the at- where the Savior and God become Monmouth grange no 5, /\>lk co; I F M em. mospheric humidity is generally the an inquision, but where the sinner’s jVeedy grange, Clackamas| .7ohn llingo, Butler master; J S Churchill, sec; Mon- X O T IC E ------Thr J X D K P E X D È X 1 master; IP IF Nampaon, sec j Needy. ; mouth. , own heart and own will have woven greatest, the depth of moisture sus­ Butt«* Creek grange, Clackamas co. E | Oak / ’lain grange no 6, L i k n e o j A R pended in the clouds varying from themselves garments of perpetual has the sole right o f doing the Hkinnci, master; K M //artniau, see; Butte Price, master; T J Black, see; //alsey. r* w ’S. Tangent grange, no 7, Linn co; E E Fan­ Creek. five to six feet, while as far north as sackcloth, and where the tears of 1—* Upper Molalla grange, Clackamas eoi ./ ning, master; A Blevins, see; Tangent. L IT IG A X T P l i l X T i X G California it hardly averages two sorrow fall not from a malicious de­ Corinthian grange,no 8, Linn co; W K j Muse, master; S Engle, sec; Glad Tidings. w' 'S1 . »— i ■ Goshen grange, Laneco; H II Dillard, IT ­ Price, master; 0 Wahl, see; Lebanon. cree of (rod, passed from eternity, feet. The humidity of the atmos­ m Mit'ilil grunge, no 9, Linn eo; F Shedd master; >V Engle, see; Glad Tidings. for Washington County and phere arrests solar radiation. The hut fall out of the sinner’s own Ashland grange, ./ackson eo; D S Buick, master; IP IP Yantis, see; Nliedil. master; W Beeson, sec: Ashland. Grand / ’mine grange, no 10, Linn do J W elouils have already taken up as wretched soul and miserable life. Charity no 2 grange, Linn co;F M Kitzer, / ’ Anderson muster; N B Fry, s*'c; Albany. here fore invaluable h a ll o f our citizens much moisture as the} can hold. Thus, over almost ever}* idea of the 7/arrisburg grange, no 11. Linn co; John master; P / / lUigle, sect Harrisburg. Meuilowville grange,Umatilla co; A LGor- //Smith, master; lPm ll Porter, sec; Iltir- The processes of evaporation arc Christian religion there is lying a don. master; J H Dalev, sec; Mcailowville. risbnrg. Alta grange, Umatilla ro; «/aeob Frazer, very slow, and for long periods al­ «Irapery of reason fresh from theGod Springfield grange, no 12, Lane co; John Kelley, master; W Comegys, see; Spring- master; Gilliam, sec; Pilot Rock. most suspended. The air being hot of infinite wisdom, and beautiful to Pendleton grange, Umatilla eo; T H StOv field/ rev, master: •/ It Slmron, sec;Pendleton. and moist, there is very little escape man, the imago of the rational God 7’hilomali grange, no 13, Benton eo; N P THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST N«'wtou, master; A R Brown sec; Corvallis. Midway graugy, Umatilla eo; -I II Chase,- of moisture through the skin and — Irani a Sermon by Prof. Su'titj, oj master; 1P(' My* r, see; Hepner. .SoapCreek gran ge, no It, Benton co; J Chehalcin granga, Yamhill eo; S Bruts- lungs. W e have here a very low vi­ ('ll ted go. II Miller, master; W L Cauthorn, see; Cor­ LANDS IN THE STATE!'. ch*r, muster: J / ’ Shuck, see; West Cheka* u35;ly vallis. tality— an inert pcoplo dreaming A Family in a Bad Fix. Locke grange, no 15, Benton eo; F A 1*111: their lives away and incapable o AVasliington grange, Washington eni Isaac Wells, master; C E Moor, sec; Corvallis. Ball, master; ./ Gustin, see; PMiddleton. Excelsior grange, no 16, Yamhill co; W L making any great effort. Center gl-ange, /.inn co; AVm Phil|»ot,mas­ A merchant of Louisville lately re­ Smith, master; J E Coovart, sec: Dayton. WOODCOCK & INTERMELA, But in the mountains of these ceive! a letter from the unfortunate .Salem grange, no 17, J/arion eo; Dan’l ter; Z B Moss, see; Crawfordsville. Mill Creek grange.Yamhill eo; B B Bran- Clark, master; John Minty, sec; Salem. tropical countries we often find partner of a debtor firm as follows: Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Turner grange no 18,Marion co; B A Wiz- sum, master; 1/ AI Ellis, sec, Elkhorn. Sir: The firm of--------- is busted, considerable difference. There the McKenzie grange, Lane cot G H Ilam- *1 master; IP H Ilillery, sac; Turner; merslcy, master; 11 A it oolcot,sec; N'nrin"- JO B Brownsville grange, no 19, Linu eo; I. C ami Mr. H----------has gone away with P R IN T IN G ì i M i t i 7 t í atmosphere is more ran fled, solar Rico master; A W Minard.sec; Brownsville. field. all that was left. For myself I am evaporation is greater, and the abo- not able to pay anything. I am Amity grange, Yamhill co; J J Hender­ .South Brownsvill grange, no 29, Linn co; S. W. Cor. El PST mul YAMHILL Streets. Consolidated with Brownsvilles no 19. son. master:,/ ll Sawyer, see; Amity. riginie who occupies these bights is nearly barefooted; the seat of my Lebanon grange, no 21, '/.inn eo; R A Ir­ IPillamette grange,*Yamhill cot ’ Henry H-iwett, master; Peter Barendregt, see; really a more vigorous man than he pants is out, and my shirt is as rug­ P o r t l a n d , ................................. O r e g o n vine, master;«/ ll Smith, sec; Lebanon. Knox Butte grange, no 22, Linn co; S HTieatland. 1 ALI FORNI A FRUITS RECEIVED who lives in the more humid atmos ged as a politician’s conscience; be­ Jacksonville grange, ,/ackson eo; F F Miller, master; M Huston, see; Albany. direct per steamers. Country orders sides, I have a big family to take Harmony grange, no 23, Linn co; F XI II alker, master; It A Miller, see; Jackson­ phere below. It would appear from care < > t, who are iu I hr sanw t i*r if'i'V rulli riu n iti s. V. lu ll' I i cliiiirilf i simply I m >I tiud am i socia l APPLETONS ili'v i'k ’ jimi tits LANDS FOR THE LANDLESS!! I.MYERES 15,000 to 20,000 GROCERIES k PROVISIONS C PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. LfcT 0 ? P08T-0FflCfe8. Oregon. B ake K C o . * Auburn ♦Augusta ♦linker City Clarksville Express Rabch Eldorado Gem Humboldt Bflsin Jordan Valley Ilye Valley Wingville B enton Alsea Valley ♦Corvallis K ing’s Valley Liberty Little Elk Monroe Newport Newton Philomath Sumtnit Toledo Yaquina C la ' ckam .M? Barlow Beaver Butte Creek Can by Clnekamas Clear Creek Cuttingsville Damascus Ea^le Creek Glad Tidings Highland Molalla Milwaukie Needy Norton ♦Oregon City OsAVego Sandy Springwater Zion Mohawk Pleasant taill Rattlesnake Biuslaw Springfield Willamette Fork 3 L inn ♦Albany Big Prairio ♦Brownsville Crawfordsville Diamond Hill Grass Ridge Harris Ranch ♦Harrisburg Ealsey Lebanon Müler Muddy Ntewbern Peoria Pine Scio Rod a Springs Rhedd’s Sodaville Sweethome M arion Aurora Aumsville Butthvillh Brooks Gervais Hubbard's Jefferson Marion Monitor Newellsvillc ♦Salem Silverton St. Paul Stayton Sublimity Turner W oodbum / M ultnomah C latsop ♦Astoria Clifton Knap pa Nehalem Hkipanon Seaside ttotlsc Westport Tsast Portland ♦Portland • Powell’s Valley St. Johns W'illam'te Slough P ol * Bethel Buena Vista Coos ♦Dallas Coos lliVer Eola t ’oquille Elk Horn Empire City Gmnd Ronde Enchant’d PiaiHelndependcnco l-ainiew Lincoln Hermansville LuckiOinute Isthmus Lewisville Marshville MonmouHi Randolph Perry Dale Silkin Rickernll Sitkum Zena C olumbia Columbia City Matpkanie Clarsliland Rainier Riverside St. Helens Sauries Island Scappoose C ubby Chetcob Ellensbxifg Port Orfrird D ouglas Camas Valley N. Canyonville Drain ElktoH Galesville Gardiner Kellogs Lookihg Gloss Myttle Crtek * Oakland Pass Creek ♦Roseburg t’ mpqua City NVilbur Voncalla Scottsburg Ten Mile G rant ♦Canvon CitV V Camp NYatsoil Dayville John Day City Prairie City l'arkersville Sumpter J ackson T illam ook Garibaldi Kilchis Netarts Nestockton Tillamook Trask t'MATILI.A Butter Cr»«ek Cecils Cavuse Marshall MeadoWville Mitchell’ b Statiod Milton P ilot Bock Pendleton ♦Umatilla Weston tJxtoK Cove Island City ♦La Grande North Powder Orodell Sum hierv ilia ih io h W’allowa W’ asco Antelope Bridge Creek Hepner H ood River Prineville Mitchell l i t Hood Pritchard’* Scotts Shelliroek Spanish ttolloW ♦The Dalles W'arm Springs Wasco W illoughby W illow Porks Applegate ♦Ashlahtl Mills Brownsborough Centml Point • Drew’s Valley Eagle Point W ashington Grant’s Pass Beaverton Hot Springs Cedar Mill ♦Jacksonville Cornelius Lakeport Dilley Linkville ♦Forest Grove Glencoe Langell Valley Green A’ille Phoenix Hillsboro Rock Point Joppa Ram’s Valley Middleton Sprague Rivet* Mountain Dale' Table Rock Willow Springs Peake Sholl’s Ferry Yninax Taylor’s Bridge’ Tualatin J osei ’H in S WTapato Kirby West Union Leland Slato Creek Waldo Y amhill Amity L ank Bellferue Butte Disap mehtDayton Big Prairie ♦Lafayette Cottage Grove ♦McMinnville’ Cortst Fi/tk l/Iodntain Hertfsé Camp CfCfk Íím tb Vtttöhiii Cartwrigim’ RheHdtth ♦Eu^ehe City Weit Chetali«*» W h«fttí»«4 Franklin Hewheff Junction Long Toiri ♦Money Order Office«'