,-vN* Lafayette grange, no Vani Lili co: A 15 Ileiirv. master; li H l uinsoîi, sec; Laya- yette! S t ’B S G '/ M W i * u n s e ¡m in a Xoi tli Yamhill grange'. *10 ;53, Yamhill co Tkr •»eve i li a r von, «h'nresf. K li Lunghini, master* 1* C Stewart, sec; j Would tin- prettiest t d>\ yViï Ko risesi Edition. ) Umilili, . 1. ]!. H< un', ISl'niji tir. Xortli Yamhill. Weston grange, tu » 111, Umatilla co ; J ,S | If I had f'>r u |•* n t’> writ»' it I Eutin lv rewritten l»v the ablest writers 011 ÌYtishinylont T. IK Iht/nphri i/s, IHiitr, THE LEISURE TIMf OF BOYS. 1 every subject. Printed fruiti liew typ«*, mid masUr; M’cArthur, sd ;WeKton, T|v Mil «>{ n TughtingOc! j illustrateci with Several thoiisaiul kngviiv- JHIIshiirf.' M ild 1 forse grange, no .‘hi. Umatilla eo; J j \ni1 i»lmt -hould T ha»-» f»>r pup« r ■ .1 [nrjiy, 11. WHzrl, 'l'nnu'r. X /’eikins, master; Jt A liieharils, sec;Wes ; iiigs and Maps. AYt* wotilil su re st to Hvuiv parents T know what iriitiW h« I k ■ t: I j U ih , i], ]■'(! ìi 111 ti'/, limt/i'iitì ton. >eio «»range, no dU, Li 1111 co; Tlios 3Iuu- Knob ]>ngo k H mi W b, a rose-hat. who are perplexed with tiro MiWVulty i The work originally published under I 110 Il ni. f/t/r'u.s', Srio; ./. II. SiìiMli, 11a r­ kers, master; l* T Foster, see: Scio. title of T ub N kw A mkiucan * Cvi'*,oi».v.r>i.v ri fhn i'.;. A s siii iw v \»b»te vmii la 1 as! • ; of finding the wherewithal to nnutsc | .sautiam gri.nge, nO ‘A l, Limi co; llm Cy­ j was completed in lW»:k which time Ijlish‘1'* * ( h-ri/OH, Jyi.'lfi'H 1 1 usiti 11 f- rus . master; W A Kinsey, si e ; Xcio. And with Kiu*h a p* 1 » m il lMl*‘r ami interest their boys, to givb their i the wide circulation whifh it has attained ltaseogiange.no l’S Wasco co: Robert , j fon, unii fdnhn, /'V *(n/’ Slll'llon itml What ink should #i«-n be niiii' ‘ ; in all parts of the United States, and the lads eve ry opportunity of acquiring a Mays, master; (1 li barili It, .see, The Dal- I signal ilcvelopiiifiits which hfiye takou place Win. s in !,'.„ I , W iiiin W iiiiii, ir. r . T trs,wIll'll 1 wrote of u»y Korrow: 7 / ' les. mechanical tmele. The industry and ■ in every liraneli of science, literature, and Il r slm i iixliim jton . T . > . ) . ri/oyii. . I Tlic Dalles grange, 110 30, Uasco co; A J Win 11 1 wrote of my ph a-*«" • wine! ... . . . i art. haVe induced the editors and publishers h T . S ,, m ith ¡; H_ ,\ t,M in i’s S »i‘!is » / thr Myths. ingenuity of a buy of average ability, , ( )l;/m jini}e made to ftirnish him with Xoyer, master; Cfci'.s Howard, sec; Oregon Within the last ten years the progress of o / Abilitimi. { a never-failing source e»f amusements discovery in every department of knowl­ Alt fi /• imi lihf irifhi n filiti jnritnìirliov Oity. A k \v!;y I 1'vr tin' rose* fair. Damaseus grange, no 41, ClaekainaR co; S j edge has made a new work of reference mi f o r v'hirfi no ilnjnih/ lirt.< limi n/ijioinfriì /’ Lee, master; Xorman Darling, se«-! Da- And wlmnc they rouie, au«l whoso tin y e>f the* 1 Hist order. The l>oy w ho can imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept f o r Ihr orijiniizii/ioi) o f (fromfrit, v i li 1 mascus. m i r t : produce or make something aheadv pace with the diseovi ri» s of science, and rrm rr. 1 ni niril in/r nl/rnfion il din il ini- 1 Jordan Yalley grange, n o 42, Linneo; Tln v i .»mi' from In r. and m»t nlnnc — begins to feel that he is somebody master; A T McCully, sec ; , ; , i ti ', i ■ ! John their fruitful application 1" tin» industrial / • . l IO • , Uryaut Tln'V bring her smi ttiu ss with their own. I i uC and useful arts andllie convenience and re- j son or sridi il ili'nnti/. in the world, that achievement of a .Tunotion City grange, no 4*1, Lane co; F t »r a.»k ini' why I love her so; lini ment of social life, (treat wars and eon- j , result is not a reward re serve d for tl’ Folsom, mastext ./ tl Houston seejJtuiet- P A M I i f r l A R K R , sequent revolutions have oecuri d, involv- ; I know not. this v« ell I know, _ ,, , . ing national changes of peculiar moment, j M ostri- Stufi- (Iram io of ( h-minn n in i ■ 1,1,1 1 d_\. | grown people only. And the educa- flu si rosts laid aydl'loom and twine ; , . /, , « ,. — ¡ bi'.ivir grange, no 44, Ijiiin cï»; J trabtree The civil war of "iir own country which il- H » s h ,„ aló n . S o , i n i, UH. ] , l h . J ! 1U!lstt.r; s m (7ains, sec; Lebanon. | tion of mind, eye and hand, which A> slu round this for.it heart of mini . was lit its height wln n the last volume of ( nos Kivi '• grange, no 4. t , Unoseo-j Cynxs tin old work’ appeared, hits happily been DIRECTORY. | the use of tools and mechanical ap­ And thi is why I love tin powers' /.andriff, master; lìidiert lìooke, sec; t ’oos ___ I ended, and a imw course of commercial tin,'! til. v win lu rs. they re mini tin y n* pliances furnishes, is eif a great and Hiv«*r /’ 0 . ami industrial activity has been com- o r P I C ' K l t FORESr.(ifeÖVfe fÑ O Ü tlR D M T o f t l i e N A T I O N A L ! Il.u.py Home grange, no Jtì, Limi co; J our»! . mencctl. real value, lieyond the gooel result­ 4. K A M . H. Xi wiiian, master; Limili y, see; Lebitnou. i Eargty ai'i'i ssions to our geographical 1 love In r, and they -«»on will «lii, Union grange no 47, Lane co; Hvnson ing from the oeeupation of leisure I knowledge have In i n made by the indefati- And now \ oil km »M tin- n ason why. M usini-, Ifin ii 1 / Il lll/n- ¡ Smith, master; S Looney, sec; Junction. ih* un j gable explorers 1 'f Africa. j time. Moving nothing to do is us Itoci: t’iiiid grange, no 4K, Marioli co; .T ! The I'fi at political revolutions of the last f o n . Io id i. great a snare to the' young as to the *. . /», i.. I > Downing, ! di eade, with the natural result of the lapse time to write an mlvi rise- ¡,, peimaimiit and authentic listorv. ( 'Ini/iloin , Ih r , J . /!. (j'i-nsh, W ash- j W illaii'ette grange, no .12,b< illmi eo John W n sh iid jló n t'dtHSfjf Intuì of iti Harris, master; /’ Slagle, si-e; (.'orvallis, defiance of the sacred promise made and mind are now occupied with I unlit. Thill 1 » what we call businc s. d'.lts. j 1 11 preparing the present edition for the I id/lnn I >. U SyraVuse grange, no .r>:i, Linn eo, ][ Far- press, it lias ai'i'iiidiiigly lm n tin* aim of to your wife, drinking either whisky . marbles uu 1 kites, may be a "Watt, a 1 /’;•(,//,•///v/*, /■. M . M r J Ion :!, ( ' o r­ v.i li, master; A M 11 n-, s •; Mill er's sta- ! the editors to bring down the information i tion. or brandy cocktails, iu mint juleps, ! Morse or a I »esse 1 ucr, in empryo;! ---------------------------------------------------- j jj1(, ];lp,s( possible dates, and to furnish n im i; X. F. Sius]a'' grange, no It. Lam- eo: D HUiti't- and it is certainly an easier matter; __ j j - ■KJB M— all aei'lirale aeeoUllt of til** laost recent dis- .S',•/•(•(/ (/ «■ (/ , (t. II. i\ r!l,-ij, M1/,7,(7/(/ in punches, hot or cold, or any of | wriglit, mast- r;./ F Amis, see; Siuslaw. C EiO« H ■ U l l V I t ^ i j e o M l i t . ill s-" ii liee, of every fl'esll ]irodue- hm, h . , < ovota grange, no 11. Litiit1 eo; .'»Stephen t tion in tiieiaVire. and <>f the latest inveii- the fashionable mixed drinks? or to turn his thoughts and nursings j (luir- Ror/tor, O •Im, ( tr- | master: ST Duke, See; Sii’slaw. I ti'iils in (In ]’ radical arts, as w * 11 as t.» gi\'i into a channel which shall give ' full O m drinking wine and sucking those 1 a.geiie grange, no ad.L.'ire eo; Jesse f *ox, ! a siU'i'inet •Mui original n curii of (he prog- r ia ti'il ( 1 l'o r r Im i. s< ‘°Pt‘ their faculties. A s to most A ,lam s ■ n last I.'; >t John Skinner, »cc; Pugcne City. ! IV;,s ef po Airal alni llistnrieal 1 venís. C n -rs, M rs. H. victorias, regalias those hlooi S mil Hidgi grange, no 17, Linn eo; S The wurk ViHs 1 m en begnn after lmig alni Il tm f o n , , /nidi. cigars that none but bloods buy, boys the use of nieelmiiieal to o ls is : Isom, laaster; J.l/aek, see: Albany, ¡ i'aii ful |ire*iminary labor, nial with (lie R ijm nidt , Mrs O II l\i ¡h ;i, W ash- | < >rien* gnnigi , no 18, Linn eo; V II U r I i I- ! must iini'li n sni.i* 1 sfnr canying un lo a twenty live cents a piece, fragrant the most fascinating of all occupa­ STLAM ro W L lt im/ton, ft. ( '. | well, master; J Turner, see; Albany. tions. As logie and mathematics ¡ sin ei ssful li riiiiliiiliiill. with the flavor of Havana tohieeo, Ui'scburjr grange, no l'.t, Douglas; 15 O None of tlie original strrcntyjie jJates I-h »/v/, Mrs J C A Ul,'il!, C'arl.s ■;//( j Oil•!is. master: li Weaver see; Myrtle /’reek. i !ii»vi biven Used, blU every ] age lias bien /•urti. the Miiohc curling al*ove your head, have a value beyond accuracy iu ar­ * (1: nvt son grange, no (¡0, I ‘oik; (» II Eil- pl inti il mi new type, fminiug in fai t a 11 » \ v cigar after cigar, drink after drink, gument and the correct solution of j ars. master: Jf Alexander, see; bethel. ! ( yi'liipa ilia, wilh tlie raime ]dall ami eoin- [.liti'/ Assi An ni St' idiftl, Mtss f I', lias grange, no Cl, l*olk; 11 Clow nias- joke after joke, hail fellows well l*ri»l»lvi«K, iu that they teach men 1 pass as iis pii de«', ssor. biit \< ili» a far gri'.at- 1 Itili, ii'ushiunion, l>. C. i ti-i: D ./ //olnn s, see; jlallus. r t l l i f r < ' im m litro. I . r pecuniary 1 xjh ■ 11 «*¡tur«, mui with sudi met; happy evening; adjourn in the habit of using theii it Meeting I"'"* j spring Valley g'raiige lio (12, /’oik; I) Gil ! improvenients in its eompnsitinn as bau li/a. S o lim io rs , Wash i m/li m , I l i ’. soi . master; W A /A-nry, s«'«*;Zehn.' e rss v ste m e tic a l 1 v.so e a riX 'n trv .tu ru - 1 , ' , ’ 11 suggesti'il by longcr cxpei ieliei and ni- //. Il '/all, . 1 i f r ìi , ( 'ttfr.s/nii'1/ , S , t / orni li ’is grange, no (i:l, Il ashington co; argi d liti'iwledge. li l ‘ Il ili-, master; Uni Ucyves, scc/.'oniel- lì. /,’. Slm il i la m i . / / iilim /r, Io id i. The illnstrations wliieii are ¡ntroilueed 1 anee. 1 hese o reu p a tio n sb I I fui (In Itesi tuia in lia presen? i ilitimi havi t e a e li buys 1 /'ìvssw.'ll grange, no r> 4 Lane co; (» b ¡ lu eii aililed lint for (lie sal.e of pietorial < f- O llic e i’s o f t i le O re tío ìi to think, to proceed from initial • I Day. ma * ter : A -I Johnson, see, / ri‘ss well, | fiel, butto givi* gri iti r lueiditv and forcé t< > ( .c a n g e . Book Binder and Paper Ruler, /‘j. as, ut Itili grange, no IC /,1 C g r : Val-« y. 7Í/> ■ art, as well as tía viil'iolis Jiroeessi s of m e- ! serve their (fleet; and to acquire io . 7 a r e e , G e o r . H a u le r , W alla ‘J J Fla » n ’ t S tiikkt , Fon »I[ Grove 'g range no (¡7. ICashingtou . 1 hanics ¡nal manilfaetiires. Altlanigh in- I W dlld. I. 1 co; //ellvy*Bn\t< •n, master; II T Buxton see: knowledge by actual experiment, i tended fu 1 C'strnetion ratin i' tinnìembellish- j **r P i t i t t ì I I t e s t I E ID E . 1.9 a m i W i For, »t (¡rove. a-a l'il, R R Ohls i 1111 nt, 110 panis bu» < ' bi en spaivi! (o insun j which is the best way of learning cliukulpum gra/ige.iio GK..Vtri«>n eo; X 7» Hu ir artisti?’ I '.I'I 11. liec; tía mst of tlleii i d’d, M rs Chin, nW i'UUTI.AND, OKLDOX. I),,ly. master: 11’ Kt, iwer. see: Jefferson. anything. All the theories culled1 : execution IS onorinoti;, aliti it Is believed Laurei grange. n.»(V .), IiouglAs eo; L H as- i : tie v will limi a W« leoni )■ . option as an ad­ out of 1 looks leave un impressoti the ¡U M R o v ern , brook, mast, r: Il Xiehols, ';«•«•. >'tar’s Point. ' né j liiilable feature of tie //iglilamt “lange, no 70, Uhu'kainas eo, D ! mind and memory which is slight! ; worthy "f its high char, » « * 7 i 'right, masti r; -5 /’ 7,'ii.g*), m c ; Oregon ; j This \o>rk is sold. * illilr jb rtiìrtf r!iUÌ WjtìptJcen < ’I" /y)'*t n , , . ! ."»/«'m 7 ,S ( mi .. «//«. C o r ' ! ' li ity. the woman that you had sworn to compared with the practical experi­ ; payable on delivery of . ael '■ '» • / ».» Mn’.tnoin: li grange, no 7 ;. lfultnomali «•«»; ' I., eolej.let. d in rixt» • fl I: 1 w A h W t 'A ri nr thè J :E ÌÌrL E: love,honor and obey and she wakes ences of the true mechanic. Our Ha, " - 1\ ' '¡ i r , / «■'(»»/' Sm Itoii W all -/ l/or>, master; J ( X« w. 1!, see; East Port- i ; nines, » aeli eoulaining a advice is, to all who have the gn at ; ral I li. .nsalid Y\ . od Wait, ,. up with the room perfumed with ! fully illustr:»li d wl West i nion gran'',-, no 72. IUasliingt«»n * numerous ivh : responsibility of the charge of boy s: j ; Kngravings, and in / l . *u s u r e r . I! .! W it:,! Tare, whiskv and tuKn eo emanating from eo; \ //"leomb, master; D;»vi,l lànox, se e ;. ! LitLo raphia Map M, ¿ i and » your i- //illsboro. j your nostrils lips in a \«> i 1- Give them a lathe, or set of earix 1 n- R l'ir ' Oidi S t 'lli’ <'t 1t ild ..t; iI r tf. //ìllsbor«, '.rrang,, no 7J, lll.shiiigton e«>: even tors or blacksmith’s tools. nine that would kill an alligator iu Th-.s //cmjihreys, master: Il li Movers,sw ; 1rs !.. , R ■,/, M in r.ilro I Irli.. /../• i rt.. \NUi \<"1 I l;F.K TO OUPUU. A c­ Hill-boro. In l.ihnd I,■ I: olio ,-. y< f i the «lead of "Winter? | Laughter. | Give tln ir minds a turn toward the ri.,iiat books, of ¡ill size» nail styles, !!utl, i il!,-g::>m e, no 71. Marhxioo.' P F In Unit I ’ l l. • ¡J Mri T ' i■ < ■ C om m it/"-, Now if von have, how did von fill solid and useful side of life. You Dall Tiek- ts, Itili 1 h ails, blank books, of « ’asti, 111 : 11 , master; F V Mathien, Mf;bntt«‘- In Unii li":sii i. < •',''( •i'll . • : l i M H n r m y, 'le, • vì H". } In /■’./(' t fnri'ri-n, n,i!¡i¡i:i when y«m came to your .-( uses? llow will so,,n see the result in increased any f, L a ! If, Pill-:, Labels, Leases. Lett, l' ll> ads, 1*0-t, rs. ( ".'.»rity grange, no 7U, Lane «•«•; M lUil- ward practical results; and, still vulni’H 's. until «•• »i :|,!< ts<»ii. will b.- ¡»su.',! Il X J RII m tnm, l kies, mast, r; F M Wilkins, see; ICilluinett«* gone into the bath.room; put your Programmes, }»•■«•, ipfs of nil kinds, Show olle« in tuo monili head under the spoilt and turned more obviously, in the avoidance of Cards, Shipping Tags, Ac. Ac. 'Specimen pa^i-s «.f tin* .YX tki . i ' vn A! rango, no « «, ]», uton co; -1/ V« r- Partinilar attention paid to getting up C yi i."i'.i.i-i t , showing l\p«', illusi ration: . ( ) Hirer o> Mie ('< u(i'itl Graity« u.ist'-r: i li Sturi', s, <■; A!s»'a. that living stream of God’s upon it, idle mischief and nonsense (to omit Y»»ii('iat ioi. / books for ('olititi' Clerk s office. nTS tf et,'., will b, nt griitis, on application. till reference to absolute wickedness ri.-» g'v.ii'g'i .Limi «•>• : S J> //al,y,innst»'r: Rio sdloiit, il .|( rnmlrr. cooling your fevered bruin? llow ( Austin VY ¡,tts, s» «*; P«,»ria. Fn.ST-Cl.ASs C.lNV.tSslMl Acl.M'SlVAMKD t /<■<■ Rn sdh u t, ./ liner. Itiioni. I • aiik’ iii gr.tng«, lame co; C, .1/ .1/ìllcr, do you feel? Do you feel like you and moral depredation), which arc,! A,1., r it-« it never - t take i i I generation which is to succeed us. Thotiqisoii, master: F D Stott, see; Oastou. you fed like von would b • * I —- m 'J’r nslrrs, /■’. Slittiti, /•. /‘turili. a Ymn'iilbi grange, Douglas co; A Lamb, Hale-Ki '/ii-r, Finis Finn)imi. another drink? Don't y«u think VARIETIES, n 2 master, J II Drain, sec; //rain's P O. A’p-itl, »/. /». Stunt]!. »'(•Ininbin grange, ICashingtou co; Jas that your wife was little short of an ' Imbri, . master; F Kenedy, sec; (llenroc. angel if she asked you at breakfast j A l'hiheleIphia gi idlcman tidier L<.:v, rton grange. Il ashington co; 7’Tuc- I SI ' MORDI \ V i i ; ( ¡R A N G E S N. Ik GOO DELL, 1:< r, mast« r; J.is .1/ lvny, kit ; Portland. if you would have a cup of coffee, tise - a soap that is destined to wip* < Ircíd i¡. (iakkmd grange, Douglas eo: K ,>‘t«']»hcus, Mari lili, 1,1 grange noi, ('laiknnas , Dealt r in and rt main living under your roof out tho national debt. Tliore m: rter: E II Pinksou, s, «*; ICilhul'.' j YY IL Davis, master; V’,l Matloek, s, I probably some “ lye"about it. Ned «vili grange, n» xó. Lini' e«»; Win ]> 1 i ( 'be l.,unas /’. O. for another hour? Now. turn theta (,ii "ìi, must r; •' Lurg, . see; S o I mvì II c , “ Ah ladies,’’ said an old epicure G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D I S E ! Filigli * Ci'Teb grange no 2, / la, baimi» , Lies ami suppose that the woman /’,»v.il's Yalley grange, 1/ultnomnh eo ; T E Korb, - master; Franklin Fosti r, se«'; I as he opened a bottle of wine,*'what K YY'il!iuins, master; 1» 55’ithington ; sec; 0 a SO a Yoar musíais. could get Tier rights—the t ight to , js jllul.(. delightful than tin: popping j NTO I! MS THE 1TI5LIU THAT HE / ',»w, lì » \ ulh y. t*ak /'• int grange in, ?», l ’olk « •/ > ; .1. vote; the right to play billiards; thel(,f a champagne cork?’’ “ The pop-' S'l 1LL K kkis iuk L o'idbiirn grange Marion co; (ì Diniick, Nirk, must, r; »latins A Demi,s, v, s ,, ; Hi, mast, r, VY’ni Durst, sec; 55 «»oilburn. right to pi.iv poker 11 uigliter|; the ping of the «piestion! uiianiiiioiisly rea!. 11A. 1 I.O.M Il"", Il /'rain grange.Miu'ioiico; H’ Xap- 15«t, mi Vi ,ta ■ riinga no t, /'oik ’•«.»; E (' right t«> l*« t against faro; tbe right j l'**,;d the ladit s. j II ail. master; E ri Hill, »<•<•; Itiu na Yi-ta. pingli, lil, master; John Newsom, see; Sa­ Miiumaitb grai/ge no.’», /’,,lk 1 F M li in. to spend her evenings ;d hotels; the ! “ You ought to acquire the faculty i 1 5 , G O O to 2 0 , 0 0 0 ,\< « ,lv grang«', /'bn-kamas? John Ilingo, liuti, r master, 4 S Chur« hill, ; Mon­ light to go to the theater, by her- ‘»«-ing at home iu tin best society,” mast, r; U II Sampson, sec; XtTily. mouth. Call and See Ili in | ,r or invite 4 some gentleman .. ’ to . go! I said . a fushiouable aunt to . . tin Lntt, ('re, !; grange, .i'Iai-kamas co. E CHFrK o r X»TI.LF.N’r LAND FOK Oak /‘lain grange no (',, Libri co; AH self . . honest .. " nephew. I manage text easily* Sbinuci, muster; EM /Yartinan, see; Hutto sain in Washington Coiintv. Piiee, master; T J Itlaek, .»,■ «•; //als, y. n> bas sonn tiling good fo fell tin ni and with h« r, with the right to doas you , t.llollK|l>” ,« plied the nephew, “ by V'aiig, nt grange, n'» 7, Limi co; E E l’aii- t ’r,, k. I pj,, r Mobilia gmnge. Chickanifta c«>; J iii1 1 '. master; A LI, vins, see; Vaiigent. do and she was to come home ill slaving at home with niv wife and < 'oi inthian grange, no s. Limi «■• » ; \V" K Muse, mast, r; S Engle, sec; Glad Tidings. I tlie m«»rning to you, cigar iu her | children, < i isln n grange, Lati, co; 1C H Dillard, 1 Prie, , ma»!, r: (' \\ahl, s, ,-; Lebaivin. niast, !-; .s' Engle, s e e ; ( ilml Tidings. «sfasM grange, in: t», Linneo; F Slitilil mouth, pretty «bunk, staggering up A young lady engaged to I,» mar- Sueli as Ashland grange, /aekson co; D S lluick, i master: 1C II’ Y antis, : ; >h< «|,1. tho steps with her b«»«»t» <*r her slnx's 1 in d, but gelting sick <>1 In i' icirgain, HATS AND CAPS, (irand /’rairie grange, no 10, Limi oo; YY mast« r: \Y L< , s,,n, s, c: Ashland. i harity n , 2 grange, Linn co:F M Kitzer, ; otr, waking you up, with all that :il'l'hcd t«» :i friend to liel]» h( r untie /’ And, isoli master: N l> Cry, see; Albany. LOOTS AND SHOES, niast« i': I’ II ICigle, sec; Harrisburg. i i 4 i i the . knot it was //arrisburg grange, no II, Linneo; John llavor of r vvhis-ky or tooxe’cfi on her . . . . before . . . . too , late. “ Gh M.adovv ville grange. Umatilla co; A LG or- LADIES’ AND DENTS’ //Smith, master; Il i.i 11 Port, r, see; Har­ J i i - , certainly, he replied. “ Its verv don, mast, V;./ II //»by, sec; Mendowvillc. risburg. bri atli, what wmil.l you to ¡,„tie it now, while it is only Alta grange, l mutilili co; Jacob Frazer, | WEALING A ITA PEL, N'pringfu'M grange n>> 12. I-ane co; John J suit of «livovre l»ef«»re you got your: a lx'tiu knot. ” Ki lh y, must, r; \Y ( orni gys, s« « ; Nj.ring- mast, r: < ■ illiant, see; Pilot Hock, /’«■mil,'ton grange, Umatilla co; T II Groceries I ti. 1,1." breakfaet. | Laughter. | Ami yet | The Detroit l i r e Press says; A r« y. uu ring ./ 11 Sharon, see: Pendleton.' /'hiloinah grangia no Lì, Lenton co; N P this amiable part of God's creation, Nirginia sln riif ttski ii ,t murderer if Of all kinds, and «»(her Articles !«><> nmn< r- Midway Umatilla e o ;./ H CliABt, X O T IC E ------ The I S D E P E S D E S t Newton, master; A lì Lrown s» «-; /'orvallis. master II grnhgy, *' Mv< r, .»«■«•; 1L j>ii*-r. this noble man, this mail made in "t< d to make a speech on the ous t<* mention. And hopes l,y Noap t’n ik grange, no 11, Lenton «•«»; J 'A Chi liu'eni granga, Yamhill co; H PViibs- lmn the stole right o f tiding the Il Miller, master; VY L Caiithorn, ste; ('or­ the image of his Maker, gifted with U1'V ,niU!»« I*1»«;1: eher, master; ,/ /’ Slun k, sec; Wèst Chi ha- vallis. 4 ,, . ... ... , . ¡ n o t ; it lo o k s lik e ruin, and 1 d o n ’t i •y¡ 1« in. i . d e l l c ’t, w ith g en iu s, w ith pl.ysictd j WJ|„ t to ^ WL>t; „ „ OJl w ith lh e | I.oekc gnmgc, no là,' llcnton co; FA Washington grange, Washington c«>!Isaac L ttlG A S T P it 1 S T !SO Il ella, master; C E Moor, see; Corvallis. stre n g th to co n tro l till o th e r th in g s | htui'dii"'.” Lull, nnster; ./ (/ (Justin, sec; (.MiiMlcton. Only to merit a Llbei*»T Patron:«;. » the Excelsior grange, no 1<>, Yamhill eo; W L . : ( '« nter grange, /rimi eo; Wm PhilpotVfnns- Public. Smith, master; J E (',»ovari, see «•r« tried upon th is w o rld ; th is m an j AH i« y ow n ,t exp erien ce in lif e , ' • " f o r Washington County a n d is Salem grange, m» 17. 1/arion co; ban'l ter: / L Moss, sec; CrawfordKville. Mill Creek grange,Yamhill eo; 15 H I»ran* w ith th e gen iu s to go Idovvn iu th e j tetielies mo th e con tem p t o f cu nning , Hiqhcst Cash Price Paid for Produce. Clark, master; John Mintv, see; Nalam. Dowels ol the ea rth am i r a k e < up th e 1 n o t th e fear. 1 lie p h rase “ profound i _ _____ _______________ V unu r grange n.. lH.Marion c : 15 A Wiz- ’ ’ i? M ,stVr ' V M h lls- sei’- h f r e f o r e ih rhlitHHc to tfrtfehiffiixtenX , 1 master; It if liillery, sue; 'I'm,,, r; 1 v f*' o re s and m ould them up in th e form s i cu n n in g , I ihs a lw a ys seem ed to me j JE * T* I«* T f A 15r«.wnSville grange, no 1?', L inneo; E ' | tield. ' ' ’ ’ A U oolcot*Mic; *»f lx tu ity ; th is ’ m;m w ith g en iu s *l ‘ ‘ »ntixdh tio n in te n u s 1 n ever > U A F U A IIO r Lrownsvill grange, no 20. Einn co: I son. K niaster;./ Savvy« r, see; Amity. 'v »“ 0 1 ' I Consolidate«! with Lrownsvill, s no . I i, .» ICilbiin« tte grange, Yamhill co? Henry p o w er, an d th e g en iu s to b uild what I d isea sed .- M rs. Jnm esn/r. Lebanon grange, no 21, /.inn «•<>: K A Ir- oho. a . i k . vsk , ritopiUEroj; 11 »weft, master; Peter Barendrcgt, sec; | vine, master; •/ /.' Smith. l a ball' 11. 1 stoo«l upon to-dtty and i UlicaEand. l’inox Lutte grange, no 22, Limi co; .*»' •/ackshnvill«» grange, ./aekson co; F F look ed from over your c i t y ,! ^ °rk is lx'ing e n e rg e tic a lly ; Miller, master; .1/ Il listen, sec; Albany, •Calk* llarmonv grange, no 2d, Limi «>>; F M ville. r, master; It A Miller, sec; Jackson­ ti e ltittguificciit brid 'e th at i l ,usi,f,d fo rw a rd on th o ro ad from S ' <,on‘cr »»f First and M/>rris«»u stm ts, i Pevv. ll, master; J N /‘«►.well, se«*; A1 ba 11 v. n¡55;ly VOHTLAXI) OHEGON. nt'2 ly Girniington grange, IC.isliingtonco; R A the Seattle Coal Mines to Seattle. | //<»pe grange, no2 1, Limi en; G F Simp- Carp, nt« r, master; Janu s ICitliyconib, sce‘ sen, master;,) Millar«!», «■; Albany. 1 lie iron rail is being forwarded to 1 lillsb, >r<>. , M,,nogrange, no 2'», Polk «•<>; J 1/ L, vv- PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. /’hu'iiix grange, Jackson co; J ITcrin, WOODCOCK & INTERMELA, the < ast side of Lake "Washington, j 1« y, master; Il C M VlmmoiuIs, see; Lewis­ master; VYr FHcrrin, sec: /’hn'iiis. ;m«l will soon belaid, and the barge ! ville. Springvvatcr grange, t'bwkamas co; J ” VY hob sale ami Ketail Dealers ill Deputies of the StatejG range. Liberty grange, no 2<’>, Lane o ; II //ill. j L, .V, lleu, master, /' M Herd, scè; Kpriag- building on I ako I’nion, will be : •M niasti r: J (' Jennings, see: Jiiuctiou. water. _ a. 7’nalntin grange; Clackamas, co: ./onn trver- t C'«l within ten days. Next Evening Mar grange, no 27, Multnomah to r a n n e r a o f Oret/nn timi Washington cA; Jaco«] Johnson, mast« r; // T Campi,« K r*>sc, master; Joseph ltarstow, svc A regon ! Monday the work of taking out look this thin« night after night,and f.OJll antl forwarding it to Seattle 1 organize /m- sei/-¡trofei-finn timi /nr/liG sè>g East Portland. Stalls Nos. 1, í), r>, auc 7, ]>, aver Creek, grange; Cln-kamns co; A B Umpqua grange, no 2/5, Douglas co; li M ' eninibirmeli/ of/he industriai /mi-suite. «lay after «lay- «lou t see beneath the vv ill lx- eonunenced, and in Ave . Gnrin y, master; H'F Owens, se«-; A’ose- Ma-* master; M O Gard »ei; j J o /ariidate Ibis v o r f , / Inwt'onniniis- burg. ,Y K IF C I T Y M A U K E T , lió»rner grange. ( lackamn* co ; Arthur j Muiles that she wear» upon: lier weeks’ ti me everything will l»e in si,ond thè folline ing jsersnns fu insti tu te Milton grange, no 2?*, Umatilla < 0; D M JCarner, master; Job* Brush, soc; Oregon ¡ face, iu the b«]x*s tlmt s;lm will yet rein linens to take out regularly l-V) I ori Lui«!,..........................Oregon ; yrafìgrs m tliis jnrisiiit-tinsi, a -1 un/ Drumhillt r, master; 7' Il Vie Coy, see; .5/il- City. win him Ixtek to-bighcr and nobler, tonsi^ ^ ton. Mount /ion grange, Clackamas co; S /»a- 1 ALIFORXIA FK C rrS KKCEIVKD 1 , l , l"ht>'s: /’«rrydale grange, no Jil, l ’elk co; Geo nev, mast, r; VY’ H MuHoon, sec.' F t r D o u glas a n d Un' e o u n lirs »«»?(//( purposes, M uí deep and ruinous j A Salem man lias a single bhiek-! t «lircct per sti'iinicrs. Country (>nln-s Coinegys, master;.I Fri//., Il see: Perry,lai,'. //ar,ling grang«*, » tnekomas co; George I gf it . li. M. G u m e y , l> n ifiih R.<>. trenches hi is making in her wife's berry vine »»n i\hi« h i» now a bush* 4 '• '■ Mi-Sfitinville grange, in» .'il, Yamhill co: Clark, master; A Í? VY'Mhiir sec. A Held, master ; D O Diubam, sec; MeEinn- Il illain« tte grange; Multnomah co; D Cash paid l'or Country Produce- * dame^ Tatom, Dirie. . i»>l m<,1 lx i * heart If«1 <’• 'ii t *■•-(' ol L» i r i»-.. v ¿1 l«¡y, master; 5 E /‘addock, bec; /'ortlAiid. 12 1 ¡Mite JI. X. JRII ,J,ll)i tion. THE SONG OF THE TAJIL iu the prntHe <*f fho little children ■•||*|^ f t B A O E helping1 their mother to hide troin \ | f| | ^ y i A v C I their father tine mortification, the, F O R U flY T F R ruin he is bringing upon them. F W I1 “ U A I t i l APPLETONS’ (VdOPlEDIi. M c iflì'U lìa llt J itr n ìt t io lllt 'iji) t l ‘( Il liti Ut" . ( I i t i ' l ' i t / nl'lii'. s*, Ih iitun, „1, Si i h , ( *n't'iill 1 *. Inni i.< indili• to no'. I vili vtrini m nrr- hin. S. ,, / W. limniiiig; gn> liomr, not in tlie front, iloor, like: uti huiu'st man. <)h, no! i'«-'::**.—is .Stealing tlirongli tlicalley.|laiighti rj hoist tbo kitrlun window, gnt ll.rongh the window into the* kitcli- tn , jnill oft* your boots, g j i:j» the steps upon the cArpct with a tread lighter than a mouse, ashamed to wake your children, ashamed to wake yi»nr servant.-», ashamed to wake your wife, and crawl into bed with that lady that bosom eo m paii-' ion of vours -v ours bv (iod s law ; 0 8 ».,,W,.n.;I...rt-;|]() R, tlllll&JOB P l .m | ¡ Stale The i.\ ì ) k f f-:xi t fix i' ove* alle» •jtfiHre ht jtarhj luti the party S ■ li EF O lì il; a m trolled by t ii jite, ih r t li ih Monnpirilij; bill -------- / M srK S t:R ff* T i0 { ir io ff i , ./( C A »S H S T O R E ! I Ì»DSS r.i.i r»r,i Broadway, N. Y. I.M V E R E S O S r i l ’E. HIM TIIIYLS TO MIL! FAIR It F. AL 1X0 Al' if™ f J, r < The Largest Stock on the Coast, spans our liver; this man with that p«»w«*r iu him, gifts from God, that «'iiablcx him to accomplish sdniost anythin;'; this man who g'o<\s, just as f )m «h':x nlx*«l, up to lii.s home, uud exjxu'ts that liis wife will ^ THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LAND5» IN THE STATE!1. .r o ir P tir v T r S r i * C >: I V v’teL