« IMW Li KOKEST GROVE. .Ir.lv 30 1^71. L o c a Mi-y TiM-:s. l N e w n 1 li-v. M r. ( ì i'tintl h ctu iT i • fur the ! U It'peiult'iit ( 'lmmpioi'is « ; : Hie lì oil ( r o»s, lu red un tho < n i-a d e to au annrei-i- x * i 1 *. , r ts t w eek. alive uudiein e at tin* ( ’ di cliu ieh lust Me •inlay :in«l .♦«„Tim* T h e im lebtcilnes of C oos s . San» Hugh s ' Agri v.Hurl : »s sohl to have been very intere.stiug. C oun ty is $ 8 ,7 7 0 78. hton-umll.lackMi.iih »hop huvoh« «.*n crewd- 1 > Ir- M c P o u g a l is a fluent am i pleas- y\\i1.1 machines repaired. Steve lluris ul- In this lecture he took grou nd f o i l «'ountv TrensuVer H e said that the is out oi :lIKl uVt'r surplus >.i has btvn working night and «lav for sever­ tv otti an su lira «ge. in the treasui al «lays. The farmers make things lively cause of corruption in politics was liv e n C hinam en are r n ployed in | now While the larger towns on the riv« r ow ing to the tact t tint wom en w ere, excluded from participation in ]>«»1 i- ' the harvest tields o f Lane C o u n ty , j are dull and th ir streets deserted, the ham­ tics. Then liov. i l n o tin* gen tlem an \ ];lst resort. ' «1 iiPL I LoW U it I ' lets and villages in the interior are often account for cClTUption in the church I V ie of tin* finest and inert valuable blocks thronged with brown armed men and vehi­ and ll,o hum., , v l „ r , » • „ , « v A " ; ‘ ’ i l>! ell .-o u t ' f:.n ...*r ... t h . O i . t u " I t y „1 I'-,,',« . 0 r, cles crowd through tht- streets at early mt rn tl.eir •‘ m it--.-! I I - « .v s h , N « r l h .m Now \«.rk W I . . . R .... tin-' of ( >r the harvest tields and come in at evening -iv i- .1,1. t. the I .allot a..,I t h .v » i l l “ rR' " ' 1 iw l,',**l , ; lS ‘ ' ‘ X.-oHoiU .« v t o .l. .a; ■ »; ■ ; e from work. v o l . . » , « * ..Vila Of jiovi'.'iinioi.t i„u l N ortlv.ru i«im Klim'J th o of ^ e egon. y<»u an* her.‘by cited mid required ; t >appear in the « ounty Court of the State ; I of Oregon, for the County of Washington, at I 1/ t *>urt Room thereof, nt Hillssboro 1 in the i . r ir * r m SALE! V Klt.t. r>B C ites — AND K ii . i . ki *. — R. / / T th* brated ••Horse Tarm r '1 undertook to t urn- a tiue large three veur old hors ■ for Mr. Gleason in this city The horse m is thrown down amt Alt Vai.j» perfornu 1 his usual manip’ dati. n. Th' howe imraedi- »K -it.lv- T h . n why ,l „ not , h . men m en o* of Utah l tali am and i W y yom o m in in g' g v vote ote down nml \ d ow n p o oly ly g a m y an d the liq u or o r trail- trail'- } w W T ho e Un nited ite d B reth r e th ren re n L have ave Been l>een liolelin* h oldin g- • religious r e lig io u s services se rv ice s near n ear Slier. S lier. ie’’ W o d o n t a b s o r b y o u r a ssertio n im m ed ia tely , M ack. A nd s u p p o s e th e y s h o u ld v o te th e e v ils dow n ¡dan . T h is d e n o m in a tio n has a very g o o d m-*ir h ersh ip in th a t s e c tio n o f th e c o u n t r y . ' 11 tely sicken«- Lain« died in a f«*w d.iys the -. - | " oiud t lnw k* i p tin ..i <■ • - . . . m i n dter Mr Sloan, a go >d lu.rse «Odor and , not would they ru.-h w itn p istol c o c k - trainer in tins place, opened the horse and * d and saber girt, and wade t II oug he says that sont irtemal part was ruptui- .b lo o d and s! augntei to a > Horn an 1 ho boats on tlie l pper W illam ette a tim / t , through ll!U,l JUV these days, the freigh t and p a sse n - g f r travel b e in g to ligh t too iuiv ru n - f*7^*.an;{tnJi ,,m . JllUrylll.v ol .,7 .. !£fv' ,‘i' , ,,d .... . i f ..... ■!.. ,,o. Wsrantad II ,i ,l .n „ s - i the to p o f this q u e stio n . Pnor. Coxis-X. State G. Inst \v, « k from his tour to the Sound «1 y ';| s . •id*». Ib* inte nd. 1 to go to Yaqui but 1•arned that tin ■ smalli »«>x was on t WAV :ifu i hing'il h 1 » desti!a iti on t ■ Salili* riv«»r in ih« « i'i ad** lllOUIItain». AYliih* Wasljlingtou T«* nu TV he i S. attic W k haVe stood over an inf. mal moie hill for a werk with a -pad«* but he w, n’t to «>ur gaze. Hiilaft.-r hill « f our Early , 1 nouth , lng , u • . ' , 1,. ♦ t: i ■ • : si Rose spuds have wilted hi neath his attacks and still he go*son eompt« ring and to con­ quer. We will give any grang« r two Ist-, to ' ■at -h that r.iseall V mole. I lu* l ï o a m «if D ip ô c t o r s «> i d lc - M in tiv ille (.'o lle g e , at th e ir m e e tin g To F akmcrs ant > thi Priu.ti . The . v.t, r - • hel 1 last w t'ck , tle c id c d to put tlp a îsingtinn of Eradl. v Mar- h ,v Co. ma!..- u ew b u ild in g as s o o n as jrvacticab le. I th ir appcannc. in our ,• luiaii.-. tliis m . , !;. ! lie l>,>ar.i have s*‘ t a b o u t liia k .lig Taisürm b. gan bnsim -s in Portlainl last n eeessa ry p ré p a ra tio n s. Tlu* b u ild - wint« r r.» wh.'h-al.- and r. t il m. reliants ilig is to b e b r ic k , a m i it is tilt* in te n - and l>y r daeing th. pri.-.* oí g., ,1-, .-»p .-¡ni- tioii to m ake ít olio wi >rthv o f th e to get a su •rivtion A. J. D. t.-Id a that U. >. law » prt oflieial in this ed rnarri. a worn« n from holding otho .which o| ,-i.'i> i- f.ds . Sh«- said that Hijude’s in- llttrn. e e.'-lipl«‘d With hers was all that -gave married ladies , *hc • in this State. V. ry • lisitiVe 1 .¡it'll' amook r- unid. "I ■ T he « xen-sion ] turn ,1 1 ist Naturd Era-lit v, M irdi A ( ’«». ly to ttie fainnug eoinmuiiity, [.«rsisti-ntly hit«-Rig. nth k . ping tlu u- busim ss W f.ire the nulilie the * I-, .lune «-f t’ ce I. • * ' ‘ -* * .cliit ..I in AU IR * 4 ul * * s 11 ,4*' | 1 ing p p-rs of th s't : • have gained a i r.-inaienti-.I trade w hich t le v lvt\ d- s 1 ». d 1)1• lai a* Bal­ lv « iirned. Tic v hav, » h ijli, 1 > feet « iah building three st 11<>5 t* * ; ih ptl. on front eg.- on First stri-« t ifu-en't brick an 1 Stalk Stri-, t. This 111 ; i v ait tilling fr**tn ir -u tire-pro. >f stnn tun tioor to roof with a g«- if assi 'itnciit i f . 1 .»0 •i.illv » - goods for til*- f.lfi ti l i> i-« *ui u* ty. \V« ha ted f,.r the farmi' l‘f t J in* ica. une r .11 the . -I Oiul attirili c* ♦'ll a which 1 . 'lie to til.s eilt, rpl W al.l- to com] etc w ¿•lì Y ». ml all the tchants firms ¡n u«! iVr do ¡11 n* » » •goods. R, in* mb« r M i»li\f- o , I and see- otid to lio edilcatiuiial edifico in State. pride of tlmt com m unity, the ,i /.• . . In th«- i irelut ( ..iut of ta Stah- f Oregon for tin- t ouuty of lashni 'mn b. A. Kothv ell, \ . James Kotl-'.vell, . To James Bothwcli tlie al.. \i; named de- : fendant , HEREAS « >N THE ¡MT-’ HA Y O l’ y V May A. il. ISTI, H -n.. W. W.'Upton. .. mlge of the alow named I’ onrt. made an order directing that ............... tl..- summons ¡ill this suit be had upon tl,.- above Heft, by publication ill tin Forest Grove lx- i isd o u h tl lie early Sprang drouth tho cause. .tints Port- ui« nt ' ■ y . ■:. ] c . . F. i! J. P«. M iran: »r. eteii n.vnings u This is a very di ­ rvi i. u it h t v. - lit s . I V •! I H A. T. H. tho thi- cl, 1 1st tin ir ; I • e '.V >\\ th i' r. si>.r:t or til* Mr.. .T ottv , ]..,< -, young wild eat which 1 h - ruis d. H-- b n krpt a t.cm j ELEVA'TOF. 1 Ritt* n in the cage with it and tu y nr. j f »uucis ■ >. • fro•*.dlv a • kittens g.-n-r i’ lv fir«*. T !_•- [ 1 ■-.vil î-i a* h ,-.v> v- r 1 » a sulky fellow. W hks - Hnniwav lectured her- -h - told tlm people t! ,t »h.- ran ar- nnd th*- Portland ! e do* ns-getting subscrii.« rs. And y* t sh«- ¡ ^ s:«\ » h-r --S. nsitivc nature has eft* 11 « > n I hurt bv n on .” !!’ ,h*o rain 1s r.«*<(l‘'il v.-rv A «i ,,,. t » ¡ V n , just 1o « t« n mal» h lati • rpain crt»j»S Till t0 pr**v,vnt t^inb-r.s frOtti tlrvimî «P* mul gh 1 iti 1 are V » **..!|IR*r J H the drouth m l he 1 • Y F-TFT.r» a \ a »1 n of ! s tî «Ult two miVs fr >111 th.- drove. While r din ¿ on a loud of oa's fell . fl and 0 lie of hnrtinc him ti J 4- '.«. heels î T.n « ver hi» 1>r* i ri. lslv. • S* reral «.f th* vomi'.* 11 un am1 marri«-d men ti 0 h *ve buu^ht a crup et Het arti’t hie e lo- Vf lt«d cren^Tt*pttional pin ] * • f f* ]« »sur • —ami •lie. i go th- crixiu**t 1*.dis. - . AV. D. I yman re turn« <1 h »rn? this WFf k. T he :L _TY*. * si JfMfh him ou t of hi- school u]> in k ( , Ad Pol) and pnlk count V ? tY)«1 Sf. he dio« i. tur Ill'll to th.» «■ “ grati ful shiLllfS/* -------- *- A ^ ors c» man in our t< •W.l rtf t too much » « 110 i^htm n ' tl iwn «at r* >ri H i us the other day and it «onfuse«l his understanding »«.m«-what. I . ; .'»«» b «: Ido 1 r».’ (Tl : 70 * > 1(*R tl,.». gshel. r irm st:uul::nî brnn-ls, 1,1.1. } > Bviii.i i 01 4 0 ^ 1 4"> P < entai. ( ) , , ^ * ) js lit . .. Extra ‘ lirv 1 non. ! -J 11 at «loi. Y.7 "T« II- w; < ', 0 , « »'* r ! Th. A > * / 1 \ i'*II» idei 1 1»*.i t- -«1*1’» To 1 T> Ai >tr< .vu 1 li colI« IL » »11 ' -2-20I fil e V II'. ( nuicc tliy , l-*c f > !t>; salt com•rCTFl> WEFICT.Y. in , i« A young couple procuring 1 1 In r p n ii » l> Ill -e-* -♦ — S tkvk Hviinis i H ixtox - have g«.tth< eon- mony, and were made man and wife eye. They | tract fr-.m L. Corbett toearrythe mail from in the twinkling of an Forest Grove to St. Jo. ('ood for //arris put up at an out-of-the-way hotel, Hinton. and this morning — ■ ....... T* r. S ayi 01» returned from his exenmon to Tillamook bay last .Saturday having had a good rest and a “ splendid” i.ote. M r . O. J. L eabo is building a two-story Inching *.n his premises. When completed T w ill be a commodious nnd neat residence. — - ♦- — — — P rohissoi : R orb ’ s new dwelling is rapid­ ly going up under th«- management of Kane Smith . L vm . in nnd Dr. J/arsh have filled th-- pi.ffut in the CV.ngregationnl - hurcb »me«- ik v. E. \\ alker witlulr. w. Tmcrops up in Scoggin and Patton’s Yollies«M nearly two weeks behind this part of the county. No more small p o i—all's quiet or Tualatin. “ the were quietly m - K m UY 105 Third Street, i ‘OP I L AND, ( )REG ON. n 13 FOREST 2 50 271. / •» . . . 1 25. . ó :,o H(n 1 !(« •>( tl 1 *( tl S(i/ V 1«; ]o 1 « ) M 10 «; I I I ,1 I f I» fcílíO VE DRUG AND ir. KCK fi . s a STORE Y i.o n . r n o :> u i E T o n . D L A L E R I N *5 ______________________ i SI eriff of vTaslun- ton C *.. Oregon e , , Hillsboro July 15th 1874. :: í p o r c s ' ® vov© P L A N IN G M IL L S 3 a s h & , D o o r F a c t o r y and to file dir»*cti*d and delivered cobiiimiid- , _ J f a __ » A. L. J( TINS* *N.Proprietor, ing Ille to satisfy the Slim of Si .1(11» S to- Manufacturer und Dealer m g< th* r w ith ¡titer« st,«-.>sts ati«laccruing <-ost» ; out of tin following described real estate t*> , pfBXUI'URE wit: 'I'll*- *:o«lth * ast quarter of th** Dona-! SASH. tion land claim *>f » has. and Lettitu J/cKnv DOORS AND BLINDS, in sections one and twelve. ( 1)A (1" 1 , T. 1. CEDAR. N. R. 3. \V Situated in Washington conn- | F ill and HARDWOOD ty Oregon. Th<*niori-, by virtue «>f said ; LUMBER, AC., At', writ, I, will, 011 Saturday the 15tli «lay of j August. 1x74, at the hour of mu* o’clock f.M., m - . T j #» at tl,«* Court //oils*- «i...ir in//iiishoro Wash- Planing. Tongue and Grooving. ington «a unty «)r«*gon, sell the above ublic miction to the Done to Order in a high* st biilder therefor, cash in hand, to satisfy said execution and aceilring costs. F i r s t C l a s s S t y l o . CHAS. T.TO ZIER a i . s o ShcrilT «*f Washington Co. Oregon. DOOR and WINDOW FRAMES. Hillsboro, ,/uly 22*id, 1x7-1. j TONGUE mul GROOVED FLOORING, jv23-t*v 1 PLAIN and RUSTIC CEILINGS MOULDINGS. E x e c u t o r ’s N o t ic e - BRACKETS, . ------ J BALUSTERS(Tumcdnml Scroll). rWlh»-undersigned liaxing been duly up- j also J i _ pointed and qualified in the County i stair Balusters and Newell Posts, Court of the State of Oregon fdr Washing- Constantly on hand and mad. to Order, ton ( ounty, Executor of the last will and Testament of .b.seph Rbye,- deeeas<*d. All THOSE \\il(> CONTEMPLATE ]>< rsor.s h.T'vine; ulaniis.Haumstsaid estate fttu . ■ . . i • • ,« ♦ 1 to ♦ prustnt , Z , 4 tlirni 41 * • , I , E. buiMiiijj nUliiH vifinitv ltMjm.stud t#» tec uimersion . • * at Hillsboro, Washington ( ’minty Oregon Superior-hmucements are offered ! "'iruV i'*X ,nMnhisJrom 1 ht date hereof. per everything m ces.arv to the Ereetiou* Hillsboro, July ith 1874. | Comph tion mul furnishing of any Tins. II. Tongue building call be had at A. X. Boyce. this Factory. july D-5\v UNIVERSITY T U A L A T 9 N iv‘23-4w 1 . .1 by th- ci.-rk of snid e.m t. ./iiiy nth i87i ■U" rm i til 1 S IN C .M It M A N l P A C T l ' K I N G C O S lI 'A ^ V , sum of SJlto,’*. and int* re »t thpm *n and eosts Our stock consists in part of ,, levied ( l]> thc folloxving ( f suit. I have 1 iU-oja-rt V <1* »cl. i,,-11 ill s*lid -v. it : B gir |)*r ..f M ?1( •int li chams TUOTH BRUSHES. STIÎÏPTNG BRUSHES, 'W f / t ? S ;f XV, st of the south«' ist corpt-r of file SOUtll- in x.i -1 ip::. ;■{*-i- * ■ * - 1 - tion 27 T. 1I.N -.o f R. F I N E C U T L E R Y , ;» 'V .. aml miming * 111 • 1 K’ :. nortli 30 33-100 20 |s- luO th* lie« east «hains, tlnnee ;n Y ell ¡ill». íU . N , Pt)RTLAM> OREGt CO AI l ì t* F A L L S I Z E S A N D V A R I E T I E S . i S«»utll 0 ; 100 «di:nin . t!it* ne•* west 2X 53 • s for t 1111 * 1 * *11 11 and [i (¡ 1 ,.) j, [ins. th« n •*”» » !<•0 chains to pra Meal Re. ó » Udaoit NF.ATSFOOT OIL, RAW OILS, '•f Y *n n g and ,|;. ,,'iu •* of 1X inn ilia,«-* 'litaiiiin«.; lfill acres; lai.Ml. - : ;-d 111 * II. Sell.l for ( 1 ' 1 ' ' mil the puree! of 1.¡ml »it; iatt.a il- 1 saidAY.ish- CASTOR O IL . i I. ARI) OIL, n::7 lv Hi FRAN A dAMES. iii*gt*ui 1•1 unty b* ing part <»f tlu ■ donation CHINA NUT OIL, ETC. SWEET OIL. BOILED land elaiin Urn Povt«‘r and wife,and botind- ■ .i b\ bi'giiti.ing at th-- south < ast c-rm rof S c h o o l H o o k s , s u it a b le fo r th e V r a d f iiif o f P u b li c S c h o o l. l.l'.O \ L A D V E R T '1 S F .M E N T S . I*«nation land «daini,and running tin tice on tin* line of s.*ii¡•I claim 20 -15- All articles warranted. Prescriptions compounded with care ami correctness. mins, thi-ncc north ifi• 12- 1(H) chtuns. A »»«‘»son's N o t ic e - n<»:i3 1 *.* east 20 15 1011 chain th -lie«* south 10«* chains to ih,* pia IT of beg¡lining, (’ E 1» HERE BY GIVE'. ining su iicrcv. [on lay. the 31 st ,1 y of A« ga­ ,,f. N *>\v. therefor«. in ]>nrs-ianc<* ntul by vir- IhjUiili/ati* *:i will ,‘itt« lot :it t ,,,. tile of said decree and the -aid order ofsule, ( ounty l i* l’ri for AA'.iish ,u on tin- 22*1 day of August, 1x75, at, the r the i tan 1. . *.«»11 and e«Tl* i'.tion i.f hiuir of lOo'clock A. M..at the«'onrt ilmise ror» ii* valu:*. tion,. «leseviipti ju 1 door in »aid county <>t Washington, 1 will 'Ul­ of 1 lUils. lots or ot her ‘ ,r<>• ' « lie Vi ir l»71 am« nt rolls ft, r ti.«- v. ir 1 - 71. as l*v >'11 (he above described property nt puhlie ti-. • a. J. F. plL’.R« j . ’ ! am tioii to th<-high- st hiiM«-r, for « ash, to A S ¡J -aw «rovid« d. B‘ K’<< rrrn 1 lililr Slnsror MiiHiifactnriiu; Co , ................................................. ......................sold ¿ 1 9 ,7 « H bc ' s W4.D88 Wlo eler ,V Wilson Manuf g CV.......... .......................................... 52,010 Grever A- Kaker S. M. C o ,. Doniestic S. M- C o............................... raid 40,550 Weed S. M, Co. ............................... ............. « ltd 42,440 ......................................... wo*«* 33,«*f» Wilcox Je Gihbs S. M. Co. ................ .................................................. so'd " *lson S. M. Co................... . sold 18,030 i Amer. H. H. O. A S. M. Co................ ( • 11 \r^ i, i o \i ,• ............... ’ *..........................Äüd 18.807 bold Medul S. M. t o............................. ............................................... sold Eh7y:l « ' “in ÍÍ’. I - ' m °V - ............ ................................................ Hold U .907 t. « . p l it J '\i • ................................................. Hold T000 ¡'"ir ," ,t b ^ ^ h - S M C«. ............................................... sold LOW b-irtram A irautim Manuf g C 31Ô . . ..................................................sold ' ' ' 1,1 * ’ ...................... an order->f sale, ¡.»sued out of said t 'ourt m D R oG S . M EDICIN ES, P E R F U M E R Y .P A IN T S , OILS, GLASS, BOOKS &c.', said cause ,,n the 21«th day of June. 1 x7 j t tu ni«* directed, eonim.Hiding me to make sal.* , ----------- of tin- prop rty herein «leseribed to satisfy (1 L A S S C U T TO A N Y S I Z E. tiie sewra! sums and the interest tiler« on a a s]«< ifi. 1 ill saiil deelTe. to-wit: So7*HI, an.I ii !. lest thereon in ■ el l 1‘oin.aml the further the .'tat. of Or* gi'ti. f**r Wasliington comity ill favor of L. I . Gl’ov. 1 1 f. :d. School com- j linssiotn rs, at. 1 against S. H. Elliot attest- GROVE o (X Vsli S h e r i f f s S a le . from Chu kanins ¡uni oak. Oregon. BI N E W A D V K K T IS F .M K T S . Another Runaw;. y Mftch. Riins, Asses «,r.W;.»hi'e g.n M*.\>i, _*'.n. satisfy said decree and <"»ts and a. i-niing Hillfclwro. Jah 58tli, l»7i. cost . CHAS. T . TO ZIEB. IK) <; 00 or> .. r#i ) I«; . lx . 25»H" 3 11*0« YEAR IM1K STATISTICS FROM SWORN RETURNS OF THE SALES OP _ Sewing MacMhes in 1872, (reported in .187:1,) slioyr t W i t ? SingCr MamiiactlUng Com puuv sold last year over FO R lA -FiN E THOISANI» more machines than ANA otho Company, and over one-quaitcr of a!l machines sold during that year. Nine out of to of said Singer Machines were for FAMILY use—proving the great popularity of Ui Singer in the household. , . Annexed are thi sides of the dir.rent makers: MACH»« PACIFIC Forest Grove Retail Market. •*! 'it 1 !■'!* ' ’ 1 i 1 in » <>rii -U ( ;»i. r‘ 1 *. ............ B ut unto imui LfcllK «*f tir* 1I# fu t fili t\\ • !l lui 1 1 Are cr eva» L’ t r. fit • h r* lo/. . J \ ml th* v who clioo tlli< h ■ î f y * B-.*t " -1 fi »ll red. -r> ! Ar ardirò ri î fast H« iv« n. 4 ']\i k< n. -) , 8 * fur li** s p »]IP— l» St tl - 1 • *_1 H N » f:ir 1« y«ulà • Di ’ VI« V 4 ■ -1 }U, } A\ ■ life's « ■ lest Ills Mo iiitains li ft *1 |f*, 1» ;•u t* a ht > Yt the bl U‘. i ht ir î • 1 IK ! \ Dri. i\t -_f. (retail) . Svn G u-r» Will be t1 .ne. whoso LTaf ion ^ will ( fV r* t til T* !h riu or»pli ali our i tortai fr* t 1 »W ,,. . S,. > US S-ill 1 ca. .b ; an ; ? t ' " ■ ; : < ven d hl« * * : 1 1. Iti: in lea, ( ip. • .1 . * 1 I tail : *» 1!.. : 11 1 1 ■ >r foret To 1 - .. ___ S.i ] r 1« *11, b. ,t -» ' bam ! Sag ir. 1 ! lit keg'*) It, Bell gjuus. Lare 1. p 4j. Muttoll. % 1 |K » 1H At th'* Metiiodl »t eh :rch. 1 ev. Air. If. If. I mi « r pro H h » on th** tir»l ami t1lini Sui 1 du vs 1 *• »I tac 1 numth. \ , . r» ff, At th • Baptist fhm ch. R. v. Mr. Clmndler F il sh; V» 15». . . Ini ¡ilei fourth Suu'ins i'Ì»l pre K’ ill s ou the It; -» 7h ni t uch mentii. last evening’s train, v S.i (>i i ( ‘. V »r>T of Orin Martin who lives near 'the the r«*quived license, calh-il upon a road b* tween th- Grove and Hillsbor«» f- 11 <*ff of a horse the other «lay and hurt him­ Justice of thePcace who had the un- dqiibted rigflit to jterform the cere­ self. / V ( M own chickens, o W ool H i; i s R r» Cr>UNKi.tr.s has s< Id tlm T',* n Catching County, whose love-mnkin^ has farm to Waiter Moffett f->r ?10,■'/«*. Whcre- been frowneil upon by their respect- f U i I ab W I )-v lt.-n make h al»o«it j-’i.OOb. H - bought the ive ])nrrcnts,arrived it* the city l>y « atching place about two years ago. > f l« c HARDWARE, IRON, r,TELL. Portland 5 n il A \ Firm ¡it Si Gö,*'< ! 8* i 100 Ihs. in! F io r u - K\tr:i in «1«m a n d 1 r < : ■ * port lit *S 3 J .* ' 75Ô V bl»l. ]*. i 1 . , .,'1 .)./H i \.( » * 1 t M j 2 Si ; i ! ;« 1 {;,< t*»I > » SALES OF T H E L A S T 1x71, in a suit wherein V.', S. Ladd, C. F. Tilton and S- Mead, were jdaintifis, and Lloyd Kn.oke. George A. St. . 1. Georg... & Woodward, Louix Nicolai.JuniesR Upton. m l « invi li - R. I ptoii wer. deitinlaiits; and I l i c l s - o r v F i n n i c . NORTHUP A- THOMPSON, SAN' T B A N ( [S C O A IA U K li i\ I. i ____ Il'ihs. Spol.cs. T t 'B T L A M ) M A R K E T , r-port of her las mrself. We did ! itiiiui* I’iin'mnf/iT Yn of clic* nt.itc* of ( *' \<>11 Jir<‘ J m *rt*bv u! l.-arm d -*f Tifiamo, i this v. i « k. It will n ÌÌ Ax « xebauge gives th«* following W I N D O \V G L A S S 1 v __________ (liseotiraging view of the condition Crystal sheet. Enameled. Stained and Cut S h e r i f f s Sit It*. of the grain crops in AY. T . : Glass, Glazing done to ord-r at San Fran-, ___ In many [nuts of AYashington cisco price», and satisfaction guaranteed. : --m y vjr‘(uo ()f „ decree of foreclosure duly L'enitoiy the wheat crops especial­ ’ 1' 1, * 'lt’ ' * "itland, Ogn. j QSrendeVed in favor of the plaintiffs in thc I Circuit Conrt of the ¿»bite of Oregon foi the ly that sown in the spring w ill prove 1 1 p h _____________________ eoiititv of Marion, on the 24th day of Juin . almost a failure, live n the T a li . h »ali ilei di'V g ■ > • siimgand inqoit an«l what h«- » iw a hat 1 - . ****oil ll-S'.veVer. ___— t ,. Sm ith, Kane & l C o . lD m th e lm g g y , h a p p ily n ot seriou s- lv in iu rin g th em . 'T i r X “ I C '.....' A. .1 . A s . . « * » , W j ’;'. - 4 w z ,i 1 • r v shut the '-it. s of r.iercv on m ankind. j T ** ed which caused th»- horse s death, b • 1 11 , ,, , ,• , . . it ; r.m g t'x p eu ses. l a l l t l i a t sort of th in g ? H e s a v s n ‘ <*v|M'Usive hors, -training, we shou Jlltl ?*IlSS YV itn ers T WO X'( unig ladies. j that it is \\ ila j>e>*it:« s a»* it is with V.ue f.r;> to mu h f>-r that horse’s h it ll k eep and M iss ibainetli of K11 gei ie ( i ty. men \vh0 lion»«* ■keeping': A few .lay s ago tue point . f a n He Nv;\s house bv them selves gpitier.ally have ‘ SUP1 »used to have l e n poisoned T kill « 1 1 a dirt 1 h* mi »«“, and so wit ll P« d it i’ s: one day !ast w• ek fro: a eat ing cam ly. discovered protruding frm a stivi , _ . , .. . irtiuul.u* nttt ntion mivi u 10 Jiuusi?-buiul on the thigh of a'child of jAV. sh l'uridin. blit pi it ¡1 wifi* in th«* ho 11»« * tun l she A t 1;:ist m* com i ts both were reco\--.* r- mg and frumiti wlio lives on Hairy creek. The n hur be- will cl « :Ui out the dirt.a ml so ill p o i- ing. 'l'ocfsf; of * r - ibi. i'.r bv tlu _ ing «-xcit. d put on h< r W liibv M ’.ss i'.ibbh' S h n vi u :ls I FOREST tiROYE OREGON, lin the needle uj> thrtMigt qimcut d ,.ii. M .-lh i u g i ’i hau a , [riviny t-> D allas last Saturdav lici : Tin . «■!! to cl« an nut lie w oitl l sou l his _jor.se becam e i int an i --e « \tr.i *> d unirmnagabh* am i •r. 1 wif,* dow u to ,lig out the m ini: have been ill tie' child » t: .Mr. threw lit r and tw o little children S U R V E Y O B . M cD ou gal is evidcntlv scratching- on weeks. 1 V H»’ 1“ i i * 3 L » T * & f c fr. V i f c * X . M l* J* j of Section S. ction 23, 27. and the s. S. E. ’" ' , 4 of th«- th* \ . E. •>« s Sect. R. 1 ir. IU. Mashington It as - • -------------------------, '• °* «*ot. 2(5 -f. T. 1 S. H. < ounty Oregon. Hums», the Mill.A.i V r hil.ol.l Judge of i H T J D O l l t C I * c fc { die < 'ountv t ourt f the >tate of Or. 'on f..r the t ounty of Washington, wiVh the seal' of 1 | said Court atrixed, this' .Seventh day of July, __ __ ¡ a . D. 1ST'. * * Attest: W. I). Pitteni' r c lerk. julv 7 lv. ' ulyd.dm --------------------- C a 1 • , s A C A D E W i Y '4 11 IIL T V: F Rev. S H. MARSH, D. I>., 1 ‘ « -.¡la ut. * 1111 ! Professor of Inllectual and Moral Philosophy. Rev. HORACE LYMAN, Professor of Rlieoric A. and M ., History. GEORGE II. COLLIER, A. M ., Professor A. of the Natural "elenoer. J. ANDERSON. A. N . Professor of Mathematics. Professor of tlu* Theory and Art of Teaching, and acting Principal of the Academy. J. IV. MARSH, A . M .: Professor cf Latin and Greek. * Mrs. P . X . SAYLOR, Prccrptvoss. aev. THOMAS CONDON, ILecturer on Geology. Miss 0 . A. HASKELL, Teacher of Music. Assistant in Academy. A Calendar : joying their honeymoon, when the i My machiner* is Stove Harris S h e r i fT s S a le N E W A N D F I U S T C !» \ S S ! wife’s jKih’r lod horses anil buggies ready at all gon for 'Washington County in fuVnr of Jo- C a l l a n d I 'x a m i n « * a mansard roof upon the y oung hus j VJThoi’is i epli Boyce and against Hulda Sherman and TCI ¡'I‘J «15 00 A XI) ?30 00 A YEAR. M. Sherman ct.al.to me directed ahd 'dr- j Before purenasiug elsewhere. band. The task proved a little too ^ GOOD SADDLE-HORSES AL- u32 tf liv* red. attest« .! pv the Clerk of said Court - 1 i> r , , mucli foV him, and a few vigorous 7 ways ready. r.n lii 9II(K iv ot n« -July Ti.l,- 1417« iill) J'atil *. on ,ne _otn il «lay 18.4, comniaiulmg • , . , * -x/on* /<•-». LitwUfr flatl , ,, . 1 f* 1 r 11 • ' .1 i ! rm! tfihCu n* pj 'crithii' fttr II blows from his son-in-law soon; ,, , , , . ,, », mo to make sulo of thf following uusenbod • ----- , , . . 1 . jforsf s binirdwi at reascnable rates, R*\il ig-tate to wit: commencing at a point i Address all or.l*-rs to b rou gh t him t o n sense ot Jus unirian- A- L. JOHNSON Forest Grove, lv action. Tho screams which the Hack conncets with the cars atC or- 27.5.» chains \v«-st, and 24.21 chains south of 1 the N. AV. c o n n *>f Sect.S7.T. 1. N. R. 2. j ” 1 wife uttered while the fight was go- 1 “ ',s t-> *(t A AV. thence south 11:< chains thence east i \JU irri r» i f ' D ST i i P W ITN' july Ifi :tf ing on attracted to their apartments 3 chains, thence south 23.1s.‘l chains,thence ! « « ** k -* ' * » ^ ■w iCk cx, J J 5 b ' west h.87 chains, thence north 15.00 chains. I /"> — the landlord nml the whole army of tlnnce west 23.38 chains, thence north 20.2'i ! attachées, and with many regre ts too chs., theijce yast 10 ehs. thence north 2.25 f belligerent old dad was conq.elh-d to 3E3C lXZ*X*£tla. H u r r a l l ! clis. then«'-tr' <*#st 13.25 chs. to place of begin- j ^ acknowledge his hasty and perhaps ing, nintaining 7l)lY acres more or less, sit New Styles and new piicesi I have now for sale the now styles and lat«*st improved Flor unted in A\ ushington County Oiegoq, to F J i l f S T G U ' I V E O liE (ii)N . * lie«- So wait,' mmhines at REDUCED PRICES, v ith extra induccmeuta to tho*e paying unwarrantable action, and then and ^ r’ ,rano°r>J*“ H satisfy il'c sum of ?22-18 21. Therefore bv ja w ' \ 1' 1 u i r n i - iv * , . ' CASH, and to p«*nioiis whodesirc, xve sell onthe installment plan- $10 down and, »nd$ 10 there :t treaty of peace was declared. J virtu ' of said execution and decree of fore- j J w l , j, , '» 1' lvK A -N1> s.»LALLR L« pt.r luonth until the Machine is paid for. On.* of our new styles feeds tlie work away; from The parties to this transaction nr«- RLJOK L I5 L J O K E i closure* f have levied upon said tract of laud, ‘ nI : the operator, so that wo have now both n sido and Hack feed machine. Every Machn warranted for ten years and no charge will I k * made for repairing or keeping Machine now friends, and will return home. Ov«*r the good news which in f.«et <-vrrv j mid on >|tt«irdav the "22nd day of August • * T T /V T 7? TST TT”* ic t c a T hk Grove tv,ys frequent the Old S r.ai­ ming Hole from rosy morn til! dewy . . ! tip-.» the »‘yja-es^Uttiu U»is a ftern t»«!!, II inmax k««ps tl»- g*r anger s’ st .* , ; ,- ‘ 1 » * » 5, ‘ tí.,1 i ,1" ' ” ' : tha< ' ' ■/ ' ! ' . 1 fc. ll lots of eoods. moia« .-s n \].. r.’ tiMii-i-ct: re. i : t! h. - r.i A / ' ENCE SE' body 1» anxious t.« hear. AVhy «»f «*ours.‘, ¡ 1874. at th«b«.nr of one’«, elook p. si. o f ’ ‘ «-onn> right to If disi •<*v«>,-unii lo< k for the * saiil »lav, in front of the Court House doari r> ¿ Tyryr V 2 K P * r r r ,i rtrir—reo o t 1 new More, Kell , . . and ecetfeeclu ap in Hillsbor« . ».’ountv and Atate aforesaid, I B R ID L E S, W H IF S & Lash g< io. 1 that are : • >ni tin re It is Vneyvth to i w7*1 sell th** above «le.scrilsed tract of land at Repniringproiuptlv .itt^nd* l i t i - i i . v bi«*lv tai!*; Til-* O^^f- w « rc l ’ ubîieaiftioii to the Li*'h*.-st biddu i*:> ii- or*!« r «lurin'; thitt time. Every. Florence Mncliine .4l in t Oregon kept in order fre charge. Call and ree them, or send f«.r circular with cut nnd and pnce list. MnuLi doH^red in anV part of the Btolo orjn Washington Tem loey. t| my owm wUk. J B LOOMIS. A?ent. !!!I Third St.. Fortland. Oregon. m v 28 tfffpr'*'» ■* g r . A i-, 2S .....