/ * ' s /U**/ WE* FO H FST VOL. 11. THE INDEPENDENT T E L E G R A P H IC ! l’UHI.IMIM) AT Forest Grove, Editor and Proprietor. t e r m s of s r r .s r r .ir r io N : Ono y oar................................... v r,( "Six months................................. ■ Thru* months,........................... 1 ^ Single copies,.......................... . KATES OF ADVERTISING- TIMIt 1 S4, \ 1 WKKU, 1 • H f • > >. K K S. ■> Ï MONTH. *> :»o MHS. 4 HIMI e. MDS, J 1\ k.yft. H> 1M i col ■i » 1 it (M» u (H> it; INI 00 S' 7 . « <>o •) :,o «A Ii (Ml 10 (» » r> U( > 1 ' go ! t; l»0 ts »0 V2 •jil tui :to (^( 5(1 00 T a O u. Noirub.. ) G» ut'* ]>• r lint* f« fir>t ii" . rti-All. all*! ll 1 r!: 11 > : 1 linte in! N» * liotier less V \ l)»(,IIIt ut ills*•rti* .»U fi liti. A IE ral r In[Gf i* n \\*111[»«• H1 fli» on !ar ado iti*. r>. A« ¿ENT AT PORTLAND. OFbuOX L. SlMl'KI.S. AiiF.Nl AT SAN FKANi isri T. l’.l jsu- n. r<»mis‘ju ,v ri h.int’sEv lii*"««- . California *tr.«t. Ad AN TS AT NEW VoUU CUT -S M. PrrrKN'.ii i. .V Be., l ’arl; Row. yKPKNi»K\r must b, auth'utii itisl by th,-n uut-mid address , f th« wr»b-r- liot !»••« i - ; • rily for jniblirati'ii. b"t as a gnnniutv of gt«*i5 faith. OFFICE N, ar I.o'.;;.n Johli'-ai’s damn..; M ills . Pi;< HT.SSK )N \ I GAUDS. W ILSO N IIO W I.IÌY , >1. D. lMtvsiriau ml snrircch, FPKK'*1 bKOVK, • * * - F I L L ON. OFFfCE \t Iti* K '. .- ’i •■. v' '* ,,f 'Johnson'» I’l.min« Mill-. nC1. ^ \Y. 11. s \ ’i LO U , 31: D., Physician a id Surgeon. FOREST GROVE. - - - - OUIGCIf Nrw Y ork , July 18.—Tho Cnro- nor's Jury in tlu‘ <*:iso Win. MeGor- mick. who died of hydrophobia,have elusoti their examination. They re- « -a i,l hvdroohobia as an inocculatcd front ISCilSO lot transmissible non.rabid-animal. Thoyjrceommend excision of the nart bitten whenever practicable, and immediately after bite is received that the wound be allowed to bleed for a few minute aUd that »t be cauterize 1 with nitrate of Giver, r.itric aci 1, caustic, potash, coal. In case or iiot iron, or burr to excise a physician is not presi be 1 ied the wound, a cord should ebovc it, and, profiling tho mouth £ i XJ n Gb ns 'I*j. <3 K IN' bi'.KI'M S U1 iI.I‘*Ni O lii« N. W. i • • rn. r of 1 ir>t and Mu bin r.»u Sir.-, ts. l'ortlui'l. Oi.-^ou. lK* 1 UAi.Kie.il 'Terr. C. A. 11* 1.1.. HALL A. S T O T T , A T T O It N E Y S - A T L \ >V N>>. (*. 1», k'nii's B1 r o i i T L A N l ), C K E iiO N . bOAdv _ FRANK L. STOTT. A t f o r ii c y - a t - L a w , ii!LLstt'>i:o, omy>ox. Offic- in m w Court llous«-. THOMAS H- TONGUE. A t t o r n e y - a t - L a iv , TlilW"»ro. W.i.'Lin«toii County, Oregon. r.. vu.:. in . %. i>. sii.irrrci. Shuttli« U ik Kiìliii^ 177>>/: A FIN J.Y/t C o l ' X S TA.o il AT LAW. I». kmii’H Ibiildin«. Fli t Str«.-t, 1‘OKTLANO. OKEliON. L U S IN E S S G A L D S , «V I.O D G E S . S . Hughes« NOTARY PU B LIC A N D COLLECTOR. KDAL PAPERS DRAWN. \GK- I g«-,,riM ji nowlcdgi’incuts (¡iki Will -.it* nd >tlv to all business entrust« d t*» liis ii . .ao. * iiOly J o l m C o o p e r , h T X 77 S T J .Y 1> A T IK T L K /.’ p»l T< ITS TUE PATRONAGE OF THE \c. II»«//* wit rv*hkU *J. Oilifu cor Walnut :tr.1 |*hi.■ Slni-ts. n*>.ly t > FOREST GROVE LODGE. No. 136, I . O . G . T ., ivrs AT ITS IM fJ L i: AF.KV SAT- « lot k. M KI unlay • 1*111^', il* All ~ i mi.t r* el tin » »ni* r iji ;*r,, Mi fi.libili ¡g an- ••oliai! v i).\it. .1 to Htt. 11.1 i r oLi IIKOOK LUDI . j. M l, A. M A. F. F O R E SI r C K O YE. OR KCOiN ::o , M.tt Sat ni <1a» i l»••foi-«' tl i.- 1 nil Mt. on ii) Pr. tin • a in ca’ J.i in1 .nth. l. E itii : a»*, iu« lit«! tu ..i'1 L *•■1 .!.«• ( •st'f -b.s. 121 rimi 1: State atri’., vof Ma. li sili, in the mi. iiii.g. ( )wi; ig to.'.rrent d< - llnme 1 i' ing t!:e alano, , l A 1 ili' le e eisith rabie pr,,g- .-•s l.e- lire le;»art:ii' :it was «on Pie The lire was., ho we ver eon- the building ai lù w as extin- J he tirst . at 8 o'clock. The first lloor upitd by ( * i!*s L v />8. «.Y Go., a i*i tat vii jewelry store, Alaid the asene« ftlìO r . 1 i ( 'i * in the N. ' 11 ° of it V'/as sa y ed. E. ¡síer «V ( n.,furi!» iture ami e ’.r- pet dea lers.occunied the b asement the upper tlot'i s. Tl ie stock anls, Shaw ^ AYinslow. in an ug building, wì is di:; laged to ellt «>fS lo,(KM. The totalloss iì ted at a (piartiar of a million. Yoi:i;,Jnlv 22- It is tblinit. 1'ids an: rtaineil that em receive 1 t«> im-ur- tl;e ■'UC' ess of the new live-twenty loan. L inker; place the New A’ork subs« ; ioti« M at iron' $80,000,0011 to 8100,0(111,0(10. COUNTY, O REGON, THURSDAY J U L Y CO, NO 1Í 1874. THE NEW COMET. hroughout. Egypt and has no excoriation,th ? wound should 1 S5N spread throughout. inown. To the astron- aoplied as ludíais wc be sucked and caustici omcr the appearance of comets has soon as possible. always bo mi regarded with deep in- Th 0 V ish* AY a ?\ >N, July 20 tore-t. For some time past tiie ai- illgtoi* Nation: il Manu nuait Soch'ty tontion of this class of observers lias a*'e movin g am1 propos o t. » ra 1 si S. »! M )} - been turned upon the new comet re­ ()(i(( t«> com 1 i i e the wi )* k i l l the i ar- cently diVovorod be 3!. ( ’oggia. of li; st j>OSSil>led aie. Marseilles, on tiie 17th of April,This Ni:w Oui r » n s. July 21 A Gul- net Vas first s" I i S, ( rr.îl’e. v. ithiii Í went v-< >ue t legrees 1 f hanf nclu‘S il . t uC Á •ed th settle the north poio. It was moving in at 1\itv ’ y « i l , i ;idi au ■lit ascension about one ami a half l’V, liml wi re i•( plll?( il wi[th lier twertv-f :?s ki lied :aiul woundte J n was diminisking by ineiits wit! i Indians are imites t>f an an • in the fro4*' :’'l ipuut'1 **s 1. P siiowed ;a. tail ex- N mv ()i;lLI.’A**.s, July • 11 rd the northe;> a’'■»Ut 1 ] t .i ( I * OliV pillili fill < ' eut ion f l 11 ( i ourtu p es in h ilgtll, wrich was . ( ’ong1VSSÌ )nal Distrii't , nominated m .•tuning lighter and was ( ieo. L. S; nidii, ami ]’asse I resoli;: u t to t Ilf naked eve. The f ti'MIS i ndoi[•sing Grau t fol* **. third line •¡it at tho onsor valory in in; t Till. C hiero : of the most ltoWe■rful ili the v orbi, is not :ti orking ordì AY s ' i : n '.Tt ’N, July 21 -A for the fact that tin* «lome of the receiv;e 1 at tilt1 AVECe I! buildii g i . out of lv’ air, and on this Lie in* >ruing A . b . Da vi­ recount most o f tin* observation« ( ? o v « I'll'»!’ Acti ri g it 1. . VI■] 1!toi* j :v) 11]» 1 s 1 1 ’t ( _».S that par re have icon made bv ni ans oí a le 1II.V JJ. ALFRED KINNEY. M D.. W A SH TV 1 TON UP THE NILE i an he known of its movements, ami j Jlunl before the Uova Astro nominal A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE. tiie calculation involveil in this task ! Society iuEuglanil. This contirmeil ------ L\ JOAQUIN MII.LKIÏ. i •• position \ m > \ iti r -si niM ir- j arc almost inconceivable,ami retjuiro j the theory ably sustained by the Ital- j Tin; xk . skon on tiiAKLr.s klmxi :i;’s i.n’t: i*■ ruotiiiEss in Tin-: Kxowi.KiHtK ok j the minutest.accuracy. The method ( ian Astronomer Schiaparelli some j — “ m rv fiust ano always .’ À grand ohi Neptune in the prow. tiiksl ijonnis —liKMAKKAiu.r com - most commonly usod in computing; years ^ago, that nietourij showers With heard oh . blown by winds of seas, This is (he great victory, the groat llray-browneil r.nd stained with ruin and i.rs of thk last ckxtiky . j the parabolic elements of a ecmet’s weie phenomena caused by the pass* storm ; 1 orbit is one invented by Others, a ago of the earth through the mattet lesson, the great legacy of his life, , « f Trulli tti V. V. Tii 1 German astronomer,toward the close of whichcomets'trains are composed. that tho fidelity of a public man to | ¿F’nz/le.l Kin«. I see him now Shiml up, turn Jrcamilv, look-bark The appearance of comots has in • of the last century. According to It was found that this comet, if in conscience, net to party,is rewarded AloQg the low ltoHt’s wrinklej track. a all cases attracted the attention of , the method devised by Gauss and existence, would cross the earth’s or- j with the sinccyest popular love and Then fold a mantle round a form mankind, and until recent discover- Hulplacc, the six elliptical elements bit on the day named, and oh that ! confidence. AY hat an inspiration to Broad built m» any Hercules, ies in astronomy revoaloil the nature of a comet’s orbit may be derived particular day a great star shower i every youth longing with generous And so sit it ntlv. a <*f these lwdiesthey were contcmpla- from, throe observations, but in some j was visible over a largq part of Kit- 1 ambition to enter the arena of State, Beside ted with superstitious dread as cases four observations may be nec-; gland which continued for over live that he must heed first and always The turloned sea-Kinc s it his hrido — omens of Divine displc asure, and cssarv. For some time past the hours or during the time the earth was the divine voice of his own soul, if J at .id In *nt\ in ydiose eyes . . . . . i Jitiy nil tiie peace purdtlinoa were roparded as the precursors of weather has been so clomly, and the passing through the .yoieot's train, lie would be sure of tho sweet voices j A snn-liorn blossom rudd torn to the human race. > ■ atmosphere so s< full of moisture, that 'This meteoric display consiste i of of good fame! Living, how Sumner j From out tin* lilies, to 1>n some calamity woi >y worn as stern n lircsf a-, ore liven in the present day this opinion it has been found exceedingly ditli- i shreds of matter so minute as to be \ served us,and dying, at this Above moment prevails among the illiterate classes cult to flake accurate observations, i unable to penetrate our atmosphere, how lie serves us still. In a time Stood Kill« ait sea or anywhere. hi most countries, 'Theterror which Hy the aid of a powi rful glass, how- \ These small bodies mt*lted and evap- when politics seem peculiarly mean A sad sweet dreamer—oae who knew the appearance of Lida's comet in ever, the work of determining the | orated. liigU iii the more teuuous re- j and Hellish and corrupt, when there Not anythin« of earth at all. nl-'KICE \I t’. ■ l*mc Ft re. :1 o W.'l UESI PENCE C .r iri ? ndF.l h'MiC’i of th • Pm« St >f. ì - — Jy < • ; au v » . .* > i« >1 . 1 A *’ 11 It K ' Itìi. and a.wkiiig " it l f . V. T ho MI’ s 'N. stiriomd thè re ;:■> prev fir.“. II. 1 >CKH » M. break. The tei.■ rra.’.i Durham & Thomr^o: var.led lo Pr« si.b ut ( ? ».on .1 t T o /: .V /; VS .if A .1 IK D a idi. No. im* l'ir.-t Sri., f. i »KF.i polîTl.VNI». G U Ô YE , cu -UV 1 U i fork r» ilai-to»’,owned ’ ut nielli» ,\\lu > lias in:».’ un* ir’i.•re»tiug discou ims with this g^ass. In ih's (itv and S ' ; 1 1 o there tt liar liv ti y facilities al olisi r va- n ai' aip’inent Ob laatorv, at Vibauy, ias j;ii nit io> I ; s \t. Mr. Hutherfovd’sol>- d avenue, forni r « comi ‘lvaiorv, ’ ii it street, then* is a line re- b, orbit of the new yomet has been sue- j gions of the atmosphere, and sank eessfullv accomplished b\* A. C.Dur- j to tho earth in the form of an impal- . . . | 1 ier, a Frenchman, residing in Lon- j pable powder don, whose calculations are consid-j On the 12th of January, 1^10, en d to bo correct. According to ! Lieut. ^Iaury,of tho Observatory at is a general vague apprehension that i ^ ol Ut know its Imne or bliss ; the very moral foundations of the i * 1 ,lot touc^ ^10 ®an‘^ And tuts may be because she drew national character are loosened,when II(.r ftlj nf liferi«ht fmmthehan.1 good men arc painfully anxious to | Of (tod, and did not choose to learn knotv whether the heart of tl’o poo- j The thin«« that make up earth’s concern, his computation, the position of the Washington, discovered that this; pie is hardened, Charles Sumner j Ah! there lx>seuls none understand; , comet at midnight on the 20th ilist. 1 comet had separated into two d is-: dies: and the uniYorsality and sin -1 Likeolond» tl.oy canrot touch the laml. will be 7 hours :>1 min. ~>7 sec. and 1 tmet fragments, which coutimu .J to cerifcy of sorrow; such as tiie death ! ,>ri%0 as du*y may by fb-ld or town. , , ,. i ,. , , Dion wc look wi ho at this and frown , ........ . 70 deg. *0 min. J see- north declina- travel together at a distanc of three of no man left living among us could i And worry “F< h »1,’; and cry “ Take hold tion. mean IJorlin time. Its position or four seconds from each other, or awaken, show how true, how sound, ; of anj 0fg,jj on Frodor’s rmp is just above the j from loll IKK) to LIT,OOP miles apart, how generous is still the heart of j T. . , , . , , ,. ,, : . , ,,,, • • 1 l naurhorpd ships, that blow aad Wow, small arrow west of stars forty-two l he question as tojwhethcr the nu- the American people. 11ns is the , ^¡1 to and fro, and then «odown eleus of a comet is in any case a sol- dying service of Charles Sumner, a In unknown hook that nono shall know, and forty-three of ( ’aiue’us. Down to the time of Tycho Hrahc id bodv has often been discussed,but revelation which inspires America to Without mio ripple of renown; has been bind his shining example as a front- ! J’*10' ‘lr,ftini'’ ‘boamors aailin« l»y. it was bf lieveil that comets were of no definite conclusion terrest^’al origin, being generated in rewind. The passage of the nuelc- Iht between the eyes, anil never j « nlj livo to die. ^ tin* uio'er regions of the atmosphere. ! ns of a comet over a star would aid again to despair of the higher and I ^ niost glorious destiny of his country. I i li- s< not fools, tho teat of worth **1< hold ¿on have of earth. Th oc situated bevond the lim- stance of the actual occurrence of And or that destiny what a forsliad- That know not any harbor known; it 1 m's orbit, but until the j such a phenomenon has ever been owing was he! In that beautiful And it may i»e tin* reason is IIS established. Newton home at the sunny and leafy corner They touch on fairer shares than this. tilt ■atisfactorily A 1 form of the orbits.very little was t I k ivas of ilio opinioa that the nuclei of of till' national city, where lie lived Her month was E«ypt,8 month of old.' wn about their movements'! vclio comets mu m cesarily bo solid 1 »od­ among books and pictures and noble Pushed out. and ¡»»ntiii« fnll and bold ? > simple bounty. Why, her month I >l: iepler ima gined that the ies, otherwise they would in many friendships and lofty thoughts— the j " r“st’s 8"t,,crwl from the .1 in straiglit lilies, ilrl- cases be dissipated by the intense home to which lie returned at tl’c ' , , P 1 1 • it O I 1 rue warm Month Hide of Pamdiuo , on close of each «lay in the henate, ami -ii.,,., , , J » \’ ( * 1 path of I'cat to w hich the* arc ubUcteil " ‘ 1 ,l ‘ 11 * w 1 hen breathed nj»on and handed ilown tin’ comets might bf curvilinear, and their passage o! the ponhelion. to which the wise and good f’-om cv- j;v rm«cls ,.n a stair of stirs, ¡ubisi D. ieri el showed that the com- V'lu'ther solid <>r nor, it is certain r month Vta ‘IK* 11.12 ill jeu had said the union of even wider liberty This Prefttllrp colnog froni onttho ^ c!,;; a ]r*rab.»hi, or a hy¡x*rbola, comets undergo in their passage I , through the pvrihelion is almost in- :l,,d juster law. th0 Ameri'*aof com- bar cent nries. The w.»rHhi|»cr but it must !>«• one or tho othc y. w ho was one j conceivable The comet of 1S1J ]»ass- prehensivo intelligence and of moral «'ld-timo boanty. scoin« her. t]\( so cur . Hall» rters of the the-! « d at the perihelion distance of 4.7,- power! For that ho stands; up to i Thegreat forgotten dead (K tiu ea: O' fair «load Egypt <»u th«* rim ‘ f' (>VY ■ e gr; itation, m l need to prue- ”>«iu miles, that of 1(580 at tiie d is-1 to that his imperishable memory, ; Of Timo’« renio test reach ¡shore. t il*<* Ycwl » 7 » * ‘ ft*** K iv u iu n iijin 1 /.HlO/'t1 4 ,) miles ever lifts us lifts us to his own And sh»p«‘d the Sybils, soein« this. COI n.f'ts, 1 >y collecting all tho record- at the instance of o«l observations mado «»n tiie ;c Do 1- from tin* sun. Newton found bv c a l- great faith in America ami in man. ; Had liare«l hi» head, and drawing near, 1 m » w « h 1, and made a shrine thereat. ics down t«* I7t)0. Aeomparisin of, culations that the comet of l(»Sd, on, Suddinlv . from his strong hand my the orbits of tMo comets of 1531, its passage of the perihelion, was Either, my father, the chariot of I s - . * 11 ns ‘ •* worshipe«l her. 1 (i(57, and 1(582 convinced him that sul»jected to a heat2,l>U0 times great-: 1 an«l the horsemen thereof! -th e That dreaminess that tills the ey«,a they referred to the same comet, and , or than that of red-hot iron. The banner falls. Do it ours to grasp Jt | ^ 8U”'Iorn Kagan worshiper . ift» r much research lie predicted its great comet cf lSfd,which approach- ;in‘1 eiirr.v forwanl, still high- j sheHeetned to see still calmer ekiee--' fractory telescope, having thirteen return in 1758. During the period eil nearer to tho sun than any other! er- Our work is not his work, hut To see the white wave» leap imd pimy inches of clear local aperture and that clasped between the publication . reeorde«l in history, must have been ; ^ he well «Tone only in his spir- j Round isles in some far middle scan, f f liftcen feet of focal length: hut as of Halley s re searches and the time | exposed to a heat of still greater in -, *t. As in the lmroie legend of your ! ^ cmn} reoi“ blow white " i * *pn«e M'ostern valley gv i~.dll..» win,ÎH nmdo this glass has boen constructed chief­ announced for the return of the com- j tensity. ». the men of H ad lcv, a » /A/ ___ swoct ___ > i with ■ tho pcrfnm«» f • il i* 11 C t * i fniiling vin«*s and loaning trees, faltering in tho tierce shock of In- Ai»«l ahe waa verv Bad. K ’ ly for ¡»hotographing star groups, it et < if )I 1082 an important step had The tail of a comet sometimes at • \ Is ° is schhnn used * > take nstr« nomical i been made in the application ot anal- tains an enormous length. The train! dian battle, sudileuli saw at. their; . * All «lay '•bservations, in eonseouence of the vs s to physical astronomy. Metli- , <>f the comet of 1(580 was DO,C00,000 ! head tho lofty form of an unknown ; captain, with whito hair streaming j Her two round bands, r.i’k soft and brown diiliculfy of adjusting the instrument ods of solving, by approximate pro- miles long; that of tin omet 1F11 : In her ungatheml garments lay it is composed. _>ir. li'ithcrfo is at present in h ur«»pt‘, md his assistant is daily engaged eoiujilcting tlu »hotogmjJjing of the , 1 principal constellations, and i.r> he line has not adjust« d the instrument to ub- ■•erve tin* movements <>f the n< w com- turbatimi were invented by 1.tiler Chjrant and Id Alembert, assiste«! bv y Mine, Laponte, «'aleillated that ic comet would be retarded ."»lSdavs (he i... .« action ..f Jupiter, and 100 bv a the of comet of 1845? had a tra in UO,000,000 , m viigu.«-«...^ i u « . mans ami u .iu -, A1| )lay shp di(, not SJ>(,akor ^ miles, and that of Domiti’s comet m *h«':n to x i < t « » i x, so, men am ( All f Massachusetts, of America 'nd took no «late at all; all day ' length. The deveh»nmcnt of a tail if iu that national conllict already b o -, b« r black abundant hair fell down » * advancing » * tiM 4 variT i 4 the i ■ ^un, «»un as and vital as the stru*r- . rinj»l«*«I «»utTciits o\or lier, when a comet 4 . is as vast »as« ami Miai as in« wiun i'h of his life, the contest v liicli is ; At nightthoy tonched the lily shore. «lavs bv the action of Saturn, and l'crihclion aliordsa striking instane Ai**l wo passed on, in night indeed. predicted that its passage through f the wtmdcrful influence exerted l^youd that of any party or policy Against the far white waterfall. perihelion 'Y«»ul«l take place on the upoti it bv tho sen, althiJUgh 11 1 <» or measure - the . contest for con- I swim more, shall know no mom. Uth of A]>ril, ITo'.l, but allowed that moil«’ in whictiit. is exerted omibnuos science, ’ntelln-nce and mo»*iility. as j 0f hor for avP Aml yon who rejt<1 n dif’h renec of a month might result lie involved in great mystery. In tin1 supr. m«i power ill ,-Oiir ]>«»liiii's ThisItrokou bit of dream with smile, Half voxel, that I saw might at all. from inaccuracies in calculation. On the comet of 18:78, on Aug. 20, the and the sole salvation of America tin UJtli of AlarcF, 1(550, the comet length of the tail was two «tegreef/'r you shot hi falte r or fail, suddenly Th' WttT,‘ stn,ok »‘w»phc*in the ri»ed, * ’ • -‘¡i- W alto ot brooklyn, has a j-ood gla>s,and at too ooservatory at- taclicd to (. I'b'mbia ( ollcge there is ;i Me and a l’ait-inch glass ef great- power, but n< ithcr of these glasses S t . F u I.,July 2* — Kep *rts fix the? ...i i i, i * 1 Ami all tho sad song of the oar ,. , . . , .... . have been made use of to made <»!»- passed through this point of its or- 11,000,000 miles. On Oct. 10,it was x our hearts shall see once more the:,,,. rhat 4(»ng, long mght, against the Nile, amount of wheat «1« strove t by grass­ s<-nations on the new comet. Inc 1 »it, and thus established beyond sixty «legrees, or 51,000,000 miles, to\.« iing foim, shall heal again tiie \v.is; Nevermore and nevermore hoppers at amillion and a half bush­ most reliable information that, lias doubt the truth of Ncwto’Y s theory Tli 9 orbits of comets vary in their im:j»iving voice, shall be exalted with This side that other shore that Ilea els, and they are * ’ : 1 1 > 1 c to destroy been furnished about this clestial \i'i- (,f comet» lengths. Tho orbit of laieke’s comet tho moral energy and faith of | Like Nile below the PunuUae. half a million more befor harvest is Gharles Sumner, and the victories : c toi up the pi« »-« id wasgiu n in a let- L id a ’s comet,on which observations is contained within that of the planet over. Other cereals are ii prosper- v man w ho was sc-en epming t< r 1 rum I iol. Lewis Fmit.ii, otJiocii- were made in IK72, solved a very iu- Jupiter, while the «»rbit. of N\ lialley s of his immortal example shall trails- j uiis condition. of ‘ a n’ Texas newspaper office ester, which appeared in the 77 >“ :i , teresting probh'm in connection with comet extends far beyond that ofNo- (‘on;i lll<' triumphs of his life. Go ^ " with, his nose iplit open one eye gouged out. . (/iirhs# Tul'u/i/ ou Su » u u t . OREGON. few days since. The comet is now those bodies. This comet was dis- j ptime. Donnti's comet revolves in and an ear chawed off, explained to. visible to the naked eve. and is situ- covered on the 271li of Feburary, ! an elliptical orbit, with a period of a policeman that he .was ,uot a sub­ ÏHETERRÎTORiES. ptaper mil is are etCil The ( 'lack am as 185(5, by an Austrian officer, whose about 2,000 years. Tho comet of ¡ scriber to tho paper— hctjnil simply, again in running onh r. V"ft beneath the polar star, at :i name was given to it. According to 1811 has a period of 3,(>(55, subject Í reetlv entered the pffioe to ^scerUiin if the ! One of Olympia's saloons have editor was in. “ Ac|lhe wa 3 in,” An in; «(liions young;■ selio* »1 lila’am, t1ist: ••ce from it of about 25 degrees, the calculations ofdambart andClau- to an uncertainty of forty-three years. ! closed down, he mournfully added. over in 1 I’olk, lias invi uti d an *•tl’eet - or a » out widwav between it and the sen it has a period of (5.(5 years. A The aphelion distance of this comet The Nez Perces mire, Linghan uul ]»roccss to subdm* rctractory Not :nnnv years f ago a Hartford •. • - - j . . . ,oi District, I tali, is report mi to na\e , urchins. She stands them on their horizon. AV ith Lie aid of au opera little before its arrival in the pori-1 is fourteen times that of Neptune,( I, , , *i i v ’ iki luio I., nan was drowned, rnd friends glass it can be easily seen as a liizv, been sold recently for 8 *oo,(»uo, to .- , . . ,. helion this comet, passes through the j about 10,121,000,000 miles, licads, and pours water down their . t;roug!it homo tho «lea«i(body to his. i an English company. .v E • •/ * J “ m bulous mass with a bright jmint descending node of its orbit nt only | trouser-legs. —' \ 1 affectionate wife. Afi spon as they. ()uo 04 tla«i Atli«»l, M ;ls.s, school- ^ The Walla "Walla Stu.'>. ./»«/; .speak-1 came to the front ¡^oor with’ the Many Indians an iKlIlif C‘lllJ)lOVCH on one side. It i* ai. present moving .a very short distance front the earth' made widow ap- orbit and m i l s;’ > 2 great fears of a ina'm.s, says the local paper, adopts ! ing of the crops in tho eastern part1 corpse, the 'n e w -m i lit Ids toward the earth, and is now visible this season in the harvest throughout Denton county. 2« huge all night, but will soon be visible collisiou were fiitcftaineU when i t ' n novel mu.lc of inmishmeut. O f . ' of WuslhnSton Tornt.«-y. s ^ » : penred and «idly remarked: “ I bodv of these dusky sons and daugh­ only in the early part of evening, set­ ; fenders of either sex and all a-es are l hi s so:isoa scems.to c. im!avol. ‘' ! Kncss vou » * » «• »< •• •-* > t l « t « » 0 « »¡.no of ” 7 '” 7 » “•"»*.* « « « * nrc «jfrirwUuwl i n s u l t « In I mmuui to t h ^ i L k d ^ r , £ £ won™ ters of the forest are now encamped ting' in the northwest. Tt will be the comet r passage through its d es-! ‘ ,,nih‘ 11( ,l ]" ,l°\\ n -l..i on tho , :J O U 1 0 it is grasshoppeis, in t drip on tho carpets!” in the vicinity of Monroe. brightest on the evening n o of Aug. n i oendiuii l W c tho enrth would bo lloor' fn<'° *1.." ..»un.l, with arms ! ..ihor» »p iim -K nn.l so. lx (noon | A Brooklyn wribj'r on itreot-oar, Professor J. I*. Me('raw,of Salem, * sics holds this . opinion; “ To. who has bet your ploco for eyery ynnn<» ic for the past s who enters—who has bpvi. .oa^ ed in inventili . ’ isit or shopping, an«I wpo will ar. Tho t • City, recently, , doubtless «lance half dozen s^ts after, structure am eeamo terribly i she gets home— is not gallantry, .tyujt. terrai in the Major Diatonic star in Leo, and as the moon will be ‘ a pathway for itself 25(J,UU 0 miles in ; ] the whrile town, it adds. indignant and declare«! that the wo- die air of an affected fop, or dowfe'-. and shows what letter or letters an ood thin" about ■ man iu the c-tso ira# a sell sure right fool, and will never bo ]W -. ‘The re is one ired to be flatted or sharped in (disent it will he subjected to spec- diameter, and yet in this enormous reipiirt b,il»ies,”s,iid a recent traveler; “ they 1 enough. Another Chinaman man who has order to preserve the prescribed or-j troscopic analysis under eireiinistan- section of tho train, having a .volume , V g ......... ...... ...... ..... > -i i . , ,, „a iit 1 > the ... I ' formed . , by ' a , sensible -------r •I. , TI.?, «Ucmlar is so ,,l»i, u,„> , 0H U m tM e ,„,v I ,l( ul>out v 2 w m t cCb!‘ lllilos. -v.M- H .,,,,, o \V„ l„ao p ris of, ,, 4 that any inVlUguut boy | ^ f„r ,„mT ¡ m>thi„ , « a i,,,» tl.au a „.„tori,! | ^ Forty-nine inmates in thè Wash­ rir! of ten years can be taught the soni Chinamen get too ing! on Territory Insane Asylum at Until the eh i •• litsof a comet’s or­ shower was the result. Attention j less, laughing, v«»racioiis little liea- *a vs, 11 ;po.'itioii of the calc in a few nnu i re bad,all sanie Melican man.” Steihu com. nothing u’u ntarv jf.-oii). , bit i i l hate been i determined .v iv .4 ..a...w ,i i w .u i.'., was called to the subject by Mr, ' d*tu ili all agi Oil ail countries ’« • » * ^