'apparent lini í 'to First ümy oí a Woman. ero io l.'.a of the lire woven >t alow in follow­ i ; in » usury without any i> Wit i. ing the same instincts of self-prcser- \ liiUicss is a thing which girls gut* - into tl At present the vatio i by removal of even thing cannot ailord. ,0*»Leacy is a tiling ance for {lie pi upon fromme ¡lar to gai^L, and jhc , de- .which cannot lie lost and found. No" 'lieh is at tin i ander, and tÂctioiÉÊfnta^Xcjlv this fine» ¿v e » art cm f l ifcie tothegrape its bloom ri his ano uni s i ¡0,(10!) y:.-; „ V lib j^ y , without love, without ] tllOTll:- e, without regard, i-. de- j To 1ft'. a OUI). Once T?>t thconoto eosi itructiveto all that make woman ex- j conl^Fíible mío gold, aa l eluuso for­ 1 I ire I ; ( vhole of this g n at r*. erve will alting and nimbi ng. me and ivailaMe to-TjLo* world as is our an ‘• Tli is will", thus ■ things are small; re tjian p ? *r- tauco of about JU miles. -u r- lcndin* u ....................-nato wlucü M'i'b ’T vT. .T 'H i T i f l i v he nothin;.:, l»ut they are all. ” j am prefers this route to the SLito road, j ji;is mm-fi i do with shaping the laiu rate of interest. <»oven.ments such : iccei on of strongt«, *»»»>» i ,« . Nothing? It is the first duty of a , to j keep i /r! mon- um., 1 wutli the liad on many occasions; so •the mountains In in " lower, less pie- ^ourso of ho city papers, whilo the .'•o into’ilio mark' It anfl borrow v.n- tirali y, of rrtm r , helps woman to boa lady, flood breeding j If is this uv,mnco> instance, 1,10 the bad have cipitous, and the ground freer horn j cuailtry presa fora like rououu lep re-, der the best conditions they can : cv everywhere cheap. It. is literally literally ! 1 hi l,u'’ " au J iav<> suiTur- rocks. The summit pass of the sent the demands of the borrowing mako, following tho natural laws true llmt U per cent, is now tlie av- , ml with the good, ami probably r trat is good senso. Bad manners in aj woman is immorality. Awkwardness: itary road, taking Pivi. Cottier’» class. As to the principle involved 0ftrade. Just tho same natural ” . .. . Accise- ecctioM ° f tll° citf wouia not have ofl’ectu- may bo ineradicable. Bash fulness i measurement, which is undoubted-1 the Portland press is right,of course, ptui thccitucn, and the inter- L “ sa;nc comlitioh, 1 ax ing the ! ,K CU ljun,!ei1 oi lts Hh,ms 80 tfl tins < country trade I ally ully aud tlioroughly thoroughly in the next fifty is constitutional. Ignorance of cti- j and lw wo s;ay this not for tho Sì ‘C’1 ial fereuec lv curimi, is 1,500 loot nU.'.e thi* I »tu e say results. In .. thi untry tradì re su fennec of the-government the government, is invidi-Uaiao inviai ivs -ii i esne i. pcoially is | ! years years to to conio, come, as as it it has has this this eve evening lunette is tlio result of circumstan­ ,.i.... • «.bile patties who have been • benefit *. th it U wc ous ;n’ uc .inniimw ;»« vinbifim» ially is linfulb Jenressed th«uì^li benefit of of iho capitalists., th o emulai: in'its dealings,in violation ofthe oi the ! is nainfulh > it P E idern States ano iu the space of three hours. So, on ces* A ll can bo condoned, and do l B E E H I V E S TO R E wish him wo11, but tor the «p® over the Stato risii 1 aws of political iconomy ,and porni- thi '• i >il'it of comincicml < not banish a man or woman from the j M'* * 1 j the whole, Chicago has not only had inti rest oi t:i’.e farming COIuni... :ious in its results on public mor­ far ox- to a .i,. mother big < ov U h y ration, but a amenities of their kind. But self- sappi -I we derivo pur from wlir :n tis. ing aitytiiing wiiich has boon OCX li ! great purification as well, aud will in possessed, unshrinking and aggres­ W e take tlio ground thaï: usiary î tuo rovi sii i ih vieuecd i In England where usui y laws are J. B. Matthews,Proprietor. sive coarseness of demeanor may bo reckoned as a State Prison offenso, and certainly merits the mild form tan tic «Status, it ir< abundant ou tlùs oi lc sitaiut called imprisonment ful : T he groatast uullmst variety of (fi-nora v_'o:«.-t, and a c uva» pieni i * iluction 1 life. It is a : hamo for women to be M< rchamliso is k«*pt in the Beo ITivc Storo through tili« region, is a route which and arc bad morally became they i-^te of interest lifs* fall on, raid ti:< in ih iato of interi t ha ¡ takenj ( '(»Ioni» ; j lfi Ilio V- * ; loss ir, t.d¡mated at ? 1,000.- lectured oil their manners. It is r. ’ of any place In (lit* County. This Stun Iu*« leaves the Gulo’» Crock Military rowl interfere with tho sacred right s c i ¡s satisfactory to ub class; s. y 1 <*» / there s an nbundauco ot loanable ! littersiiaiuo that they need it. W o - 1 alwa.VM 1,01 n notCl1 i,,r jts Viiricty aml il a poiûtlSmiles above EorChUìvove propi i-ty and per- mal lil>erty. Tho rate of interest is solt-ix dilating, ts'init/s Flt«U be not only not*«! for the extent cai>ita l iisul wfct ivitlistanding the fam- ; men are the umpires of society. It is /md turns u plleor» H ill to tho right Esury laws spring partly fron the for every rise in the mie E nds to ilio, tlio inu.au market ii. a* o over- j E ast S ai iix.vw, Mich., July b <)— A i»f its variety, but fur the them to whom all mosten ponts and croêsci» tlie mounUin at a pass, ancient prejudice that it w as w rong h ,sen tho demand and »ower the stock. match was trotted at Saginaw I)riv- should be refern d. To be a lady is Q u a li!* o f its Goods which according to Prof. Collier’s to charge interest for the u c ot r;lto, and every fidi, to increase the in g Park to-dav for a purse of OdEbOa. more than to be a prince. Á lady is measurement is only 72.) feet above money loan :1, and partly from the j t,Kland and raise the rate a law so 000 winner, i:1,r>(‘0 2,.r)i;0 to t AND THE I to thè second and ^1,000 to thè always in her right inalienably wor- thid place, and consequently but absurd notion that gove rnments comprehensive yet so simple that the lloindns countV is U5.000 in d M. thy of respect. J’o a lady, prince about 012 foci above the t>ca level. could dctcnninotlievalueofthoirown f00i wh0 runs niav rt ad; vet gov, rn- borse that beat thè be l timo on rec­ Snow obstructs this pa;s only in *>o- money. But gover imcnt.s, inouyu men(3 unwisely interfere w itii it mid j Tinf it'll count a i s divided into ord. “ (¡oldsmilh Maid” won thè and peasant alike bow. Do not be c m : a i » m i s s o f i t s p h i c r not liavctbe im­ verc winters. After leaving the s um- they have given up the idea, long : aistmb the relations of trade and in- ! eighty school ihst riot fi with I , lia lìrst money in Birce straiglit l.eais, restrained. Do I n 11 fur CASH, consequently I have scholars. pulses that need. restraint. Do not they could ’ jure the natural pr lnit the road will descend an aliuool since exploded, .'Viiv e>l tlu no l <> Ks to make up oil of good cunluuari. ìmfkir.g theremarkabl time o f *2 :1'.! j wish to dance with the prince un­ Dallas mIW C: *ir.f*1-, io the I -oi it with imi>ercsptiblo grade to tho Neliolein re:?ulato the value of their money— j people. *J:l(ì’, 2:10. “ Judgo Pui!c:r >: ” •i g iti who reiai*»td e»ight oíliera of sought. Feel differently. Be such j ----- Volley at Big Prairie, distant from have learned that value is relative "NVe hope that our J.egislaiurc will mar; uigo ila two ( i a * * i ; i j : :l w< »a i i l have was Ilio onlv conte dant. “ Gold- that, you confer lit nor. Carry you r-; O X E MA NS’ J/UA/71 /*V AS HOijJJ , »hat lau1 there this placo about 30 miles. At this i and not absolute—many <-f them ' abobsh the usury law in this ¡State don e even k ite i „ii. ilGiu in the jir smith Maid” broli e o r C(.¡ ! 1 t î Î 10. (B 'g Prairie,) the route will join the .-till hold to the equally false nothin next fall. ■ ■80 “ ,ar tba‘ !°'.,k ! AS heat, but still won by a length. ii}) to you for reward— not at yor in : Military road w hrh makes a curve that tkrv can regulate the Irnttuibl>' (' al vin I ». Donald , well :known She won the second heat by two Su’ d. here to tho oast. Aud ubo the State vainc the interest—of money. a ; a new si >:tper writer on this; coast, lengths, and the third by four rebuke. The natural sotiment of AH will f.uo id ike in prices, which sbafi man toward woman is reverence. He Ilìi.S si lecce ded ( P. Crandall as cd- The loanr.Ma value of monev va- road unites with tho Military road lengths. “ Fullerton's” time was. A. IT.Scott, tho contractor for the itpr uf tito Salci il S/tilr. unni. loses a large means of race when he fttwavs ho TIIE VERY LOWEST they c:ui at this point and keeps it to A »it ria. rie* jfod as do other values. It de- 2:20— 2: IS -2:1S mail route from Purest (¡rove to As- is obliged to account her a being to j be alTurdod for Thc three routes named are «boot pends on the law of demand and . Tho Oregon city "Woolen Factor' , „ . T) • - , _ a , . | torin, n> about the worst .sol l man is doing a a ova prosperous busine es, tho same length to Big Praine- dl» mipplv—on “ theproportion between ’ C uicauo , July Bi. -The Asso- «or’s be trained 'into propriety. A man's F o r C a s h ! . V -i. • ^ i| v i a i » that over lived cast of tho 1 tockv and i i being run up t > it »full capac­ miles. But hero it is prupoeea I*} the sums of money ready to be rop- ideal is not wounded when a woman estimate puts the t mountains. Ho contracted with the ity. worldly wisdom; but if in Mr. rarkc.i not to follow the Milita- loaned in any market, and the N ew G oods are coast an tly arriving ami erty at >ö,0Ud,0ü(i, but ho adds that fails in Government to carry the mail on grace in tact, in^scutimcnt, in deli­ :1 * The farmem in Yamhill and Wash ¡ ry and Slate road, but turn down tho amount wanted at that time by good 1 n" in;., to the cheapness of labor and this route for m ->7 and wa ; compeil- inglQii counties will this year adopt ■ cacy, in kindness -Jie should bo At ir ( rtHJilá, G ood G ood «», t i il'ìAP GGOltó» Nehalem Valley and follow the river borrowers iu that market.” Now 'alii’ornia plan of sacking their matcrial.it could bo reidaced for ^ »,- ed to sub-let il at over . am ,¡>>0. rlh is , ' i i I '■ L V* Il Lv ] 1 ^ « lie receives an in- ; .*1 : 1 * y •through tho scttciuentsi’or a distance what scintilla (if right has govern- aver tlio proba- wlu it iu ill.’ iield, thus saving the ; 000,00 > \\ Il:cu WI L L HULL . / HuniU'-m. w. id hurt.--(/ of 20 miles tc the point wlu.ro tire ment to compel Sohn Smith to pay j ’ ¡"s ” u ’’ , .mense of hauling it in bulk from 1 ble vilu ri - 1 I. - Tim total amount ’ * f i vcral con- t h.c machino f > tlu nani. Militai-) ' road crosses the river, and twelve per cent, interest on money CÜU 1,' c^0a» iaN ‘ ‘B.11 ' ['ir\ t * s w».n: :i*. ; im M \m: \ M ist Vîu . j y wilt ab.Yity Is-, p nil tie* Rtandanl Rrnmls . i : i -, — , i _ i »; i. in the burnt d i >tri ! tracts for mail routes en this coast x4 l then take that road to Astoria. when lie might borrow for eight or Mr. U. Tv. Scott, of Ironton, esiimatcd salvage. s2s2.‘'>_ udiorous :•■(•«'■-- - was witnessed on * 1 of ( i. 0.1 ; nv. l. l»r to * :i strl«q ln(««/ritv of pur- ; and also in difierent parts of tho i Pennsylvania, is building a light- pose t< * dual a i l would be (Unit by. I, The importance of tins new route (on per cent., or John Jones to take Benssclaerand Saratoga train tho '70. insurance conqianios, s: Union. Ilo makes a busincM oi tak- ; draught steamer at ('anomali, for iivit you t ) myrito.v, which 1 now chtisteft i ,. will be appreciated by tho public twelve per cent, when he might get ther dav. A nev i\ marrie d collide Many raw lmildi HO ihc iug contracts and sub-letting them, t cany :ng wlic.it and lloai • at dead low the < .ir ami took a scat. Tire when it is known that the people o f ; fifteen or twenty? No right wliatcv- •ed. ( nt< planned and work has (•••! water through tho Lock ; and Canal* He sins that on the whole he has 1 Nelialem Valley have no outlet, in e er pi jg nu unwiso interference i w.••iiting t i1 : iaokc, loft his lm: Tho dimer, ioi - will k 1U in leiiglh Julv 10. (I veenb n. i made a good thing thi*year oil the e 1 • • 1 '•vadth of beam a. ‘ H fc*, t, and B » ft 0 MV. State road has been built only throe, with the laws of trade, l \vout l’ ito tho sino i'll! (Y-Of)v . d iv e S to re ; contracts, and that he had inh lost : ,i i M B e e .'I r. •¡»t! claims that hi- nto do:•*'*, an 1 V i» • h«v de b miles on the Astoria end aud but 22 j Usury laws arc wrong for two prin- Tlw. on any contract but this one from #at will be the* lighted draug’u ii r. string'« r itcrcd the car miles on this end. This cud ef tho cipat rossons: First, they do not earner vet built in these waters tho Grove to Astoria, on which he i v J \. (’Ainpln-l I« ‘¡iiumhi t.r* M t State road lacks seven units of being , ullow money lenders,whose business it V P S (■ ,'( )\Y 1, I k ‘ (|l : icily » iu a > r I, E ok st Greve. till S will lose sl.BOO a year for the time nc . v. i ! Itoli-111 Ulie \ 111 « ; *«•r \\ if-. built to the Nehalem river and the j ¡g j ust a3 honorable as any other, to of service— four yours. He said «Ì , and It ,{i A. \l J I A T T I I E W f t she beg:iu to 1», $20,000 that was appropriated for the make the best terms they can with A c eni m y 1. is ! • 011 organi/. ■ I un- that he wa* f«* >hd in this wav: load! i: iia; lining tinit her iiUSff.nd ad by the Legislature has been j their capital, while in every other ; i* the laws of Oregon, h nm g it» road r. Nov. 1Ì7 1**7^ u*io\* . . . . . ,•» ». l * , : got hold oi a mai) of the countrv rir.u, • al b ¡sin«, s ¡ oflic in ( ’• u’v.i• 1 ¡s, , g i the a*n - nily epeu icnt ana it is not liken iiuii uie , department of bnsine->s men are ul-.r, . . . . . n7 :t.\ • ! , ... , . , n • „___i , , , , , . . , ! tlirongn xrliicu the route lie» and saw * e to sell t . goes ir tb ■ prrp«>.*c of i Oust nicling a * c m * ; » * 1 * ^ 1 1 * * ' ( * j t )C !1 ».lid :• lie: toi i i IC iople will go down into tacn pocu- ( lowed to exchange their services and . , . , , . peopl are filli or while t u< \ vc Gem i li jo i arrow gang'O railroad from Corval- oon .,, Î iy ivclin'* d t»11 lii i 1)1cast. cU for anothcviippropriatioii :or tai» j and products without hindrance. a road marked «ml as Lane s ( treat ?d¡ht irv oad/’ami ho 1 i to v.iv navig.-.ble water.» ui b* qui aro on tin ir my out. All e Star i ,, sbaiiill oist red. route soon, in d tac 3 utvsoon. iu fa ¡act Uie h«aie ioa;• I -« ■ » . , , _ . ., fi, . , , . , .. : tho L. ri. mail would l a sort of ea- propose • V « he situa :ion , tilerv ¡ r ck i:i for r it do doua not p.ifci ^uro..gu «*.1 fonu; for value is relative—is the re- , ( *r\.'tili*. tiirongh “ the ca iern \v * t ! i w I sy-gomg thing, and sujuais d timi ioní, i. lili used W’ tll l>iushc-s. tlcincuts at nil; it would cro s the snltant of the desires aud efforts of an*I hoiunern }■.,»*• 1*1 iía ¡.¡ h L u , 1 hit I he could Hub-lot tu sóme >«Ooi' who I • • t .plaint«*1, liusl *und was river, if built, above the battlements two persons; or to bo more exact — a!"* ruing to all paris of the great 'IMI chopper with a.o^nsa in iiii » coumy \ " mòtti a hr< Oil w « IV Alii an id indenenuent i-i jlied, and wife tried hard to ap- and take the ALilitavy road aud cross * ‘ -Tr'?: uruATio's of aivtt ' ai . itkcii . vsi : us - I at a bargain of throe or four hundred o ){•*.< ;• f<>- *.h*- iievatt. to i ) he presented uirAiiu/oncerned. 7 7*« >-/1 An. thp river again some 20 miles below; T\ri i-mm t v Excn'iKc.n bf - tweex tavo i - j ,, I !\ t î i m v, l ;iititin*r, corner of Oak ftBu )oar. i o hr. amn/.cmont Gli c . Church Commi — i Elm Avenues, oppusiL the' Congre Tin iridiTiT now b. in*: unit :mv< besides the rouuC at this end woum ai nvu rs; and when government at ». * ! * »V Ot ilC , ,, 1 The pmniiiHMit ¡>ious women' oj 1 gattonai .lmrdi, Eor. t Gmvi*. Ongon, he learned that there was not e ven a the AVillann t at Spri n "field wil 1 be 1but 1>y tho adviiuo ()l t ru . iitl.-l be blockaded with mow Par six , tc+npta to make monev interest uni-! T'-Vi 1 .. ' ^ , 1 , n- ;u2i are described bv Norlia Ber- I 1- of immense value to tlu* po i > i * 10 oi 1with] ieM , i i » , ins :. lu it ho d tnies all months m each year and u» pi ecipi-, form it transgresses this gfeat law of , » f . . as “ givi n to laiikiuess, slinkiness, a Lit 3 i {V-'iïess as it . i- . ; ° i he red raii've nL iiUiiiiitiLiiiK. iinn 1 I n roper int :m:icy with an­ ali 11 «. m d-down-in-tiie-back ex- 'CS of ii cha * 1 tous and bad for driving stuck or . the variation of values and interferes i when Küstern folk > bi l for contracts; will toF.ugcne and th mil: a l.Tli .(¡re -. lull.'' Tilton. will be two span . in t io brill-.ro of Ho teams. The new route would pass , natural laws of trade. Grow-1 i* «a-a-rr for the mail service on this coas. i eat.}i one of 2 5") fe d and two right bv tl 1C* liOOi iv ui t.iu settius, j ¡nf,ou^ 0f theso two considerations ! i lias ltnpacked ft lftrgo mwt wt-lt-si4ecte»i*stoOi G at . vi : st < > n . July 17. Maj r .tone i they would do well to iuvt.stigalu the I ¡»¡»1 ,roaches of 100 feet ca«-h, it is th «A «T of save the establishment of a branch are two other reasons whiclicondomn ku 1 127 Kiowas, with ! men. att; m c Q R E Ä Ö Y . V « m flint M .ur. A. S. ! and postili route in tlie uppe r .settlement, 1 the usury laws. In tho first placo I country through which the route ! Smith tries» patent, Miller, the oversee;*, thinks it will be j Comauehe» and .\j»aches in Lost ‘ passes. Dll Y (KIODS, <'LOTIRXG, HATS; I h A wouldpMBOver th • * *•_••' ^ they are rarely obeyed> except per- j conq-letc 1 iiy l'io first of September, j Valley, Jackson County, killing' L 'o m 'ii n a tion s. FA S C Y A IiTICLES, dr. The Company will then commence a three and wounding three. He lost L -.. :■ •ignificant alup1 le, insuring an o}vu j o v j -^j 0 joanej . anq a ]aw ----- ' bridgo across tho McKcuzio, on ilio four men. The fight lasted three FO R E ST G RO VE OREGON. Holladay and-the O. S. N. Compa- ' Albany road. road the a oar rou.n 1 i\c- pt pemup» . js 1J0^ ^eiiera]iy obeyed is in- hours. Tho indians wore routed, ANI FACTt'KEU AND DEALER IN ALSO kavo mado A n O ueiion Wui'AT Sun* Ij< 1ST AT lmt pursuit was not deemed pru­ ITE. all li i mis uf comprotnibc one winter in 1 x*'!\ u u. j j urjOUs publie morals and ought nv Family Groceries and Prorikivns, Mr. I ail.« 1 J.iat as soon a. il j to bo repealed for tho public good, and now this company deg. •>! min. west. No Indians for two days. F o r e s t G ^ r o x jc -how it to him, and the Professor wjlc.n jn facj. oftentimes thev either i ^1C J,>c^ and enlarging'tho ware- '^‘do or other particular given —S .K nil In fact, even thing to be fourni in ft first G ai . vfstox , July 18.— A Sherman ( 'limnii h‘t July 1 Uh. will do so. u lr s Variety Stori». prevent him from bon owing at all or I house. They also have made pro- P L A H S g t i C M I L L S special says the Indians and a band rhe citizena^f For. st Grove and greatly advanced rates of inter-1 P0Si**^ ^°r ^ho building of two b ir- of rangers collided in Kingsboro co., T E L E G R A P H IO ! Galr’s Creek will not consult their est. For if his credit b*o a little ! o c's ^or carrybig grain on tho Lower S a s h & . D o o r F s s c to ry yesterday, aud the latter wore victo­ own interests if thev do not materi- weak he is unable to borrow at the j Columbia. J licy proposo to make it ¡ A. L. JOH?iS(^N,Proprietor, rious. The ranger lost cue killed Ma'infact'u ur ¡.i*.il Di alur iu ally assist Mr. Parker to open this egal rate and is compelled to pay ' Pecu^ aik\ tiopicalfor the O. ri. vs. and several wottnded. The Indians ITE X n 1 RE, , ii-i 1 ;• Company and Huliadav who have My gfHKis vere k levied uqiressly for (liU ! «uce avo „ tho . lender read. Once r.y.< n#*d to t! a much higher rate of in -! , . , , , „ SASH, CiiiiAuo, July 1 i. The fire limits j whoa •k< d u\ 111:: s rauen in Lost i market and I shall nlwnys keep up a full - « 1« 1 *w. » «1 i combined to suck the blood out of could command, to a great extont, terest to compensate DOORS AND 1’.LINDS, him for th e !,. , . assortment making on the south are at No. i!S State j valhy, were juiv? ned by a band 01 CEDAR, ■ , i t e • i i* 11 1 | nU farming and trading community, tho trade of the Ni haicm country. ruik and odium of violating the la w .1 0 ITR .ni.l HARDWOOD FASH TONARLE CLOTHING ' street, near Harrison, on \\ abash , cavalry, but defeated them, and Ma- Futhormoro imn.igration to Nehalem Furthermore if the law makes the I 1. I'M HER, «VC., «VC. j avenue, and No. -1 7 ."), just south of I u prominent fejitnr«* ill my store. Mj' r « k *(U I J'»r lone their couinuinii i would be compelled to go on this rate of interest too low, holder? will ; Great A b u n d a n ce o f Monev* j are all «nr, my suUM*H«»a buy and i«>*i? word last night that they rlaiiiiig, Tongiie and Grooving, rout©. Immigrants wouM i < ver take I'ujhlal, and my use it themselves who would other-1 The Jluxler d Drpo.Alor, a and A-V 1 inn rounded, Turning. Scroll and K«: Sawing tlie Columbia river r ut' 1-y Astoria wist have loaned it, and so interest- j lately started at San Francisco ives bash avenue is tho only point where distance from tlu* post. Done to Order in n to Ncbaloir., with this road oj « th *1 1 uhaneed and tlio borrower is C'th- the following cheering view of tho the firemen arc operating, I OU men were dispaici ■’iio’ist C l a s s S t y l o . PH ICES LO W ok lh<‘ LOWEST Monev given to this enleri)*P' v. onl 1 I ALSO or compelled to pay a higher rate,or I financial prosperity of California: «ceno of ;action, siiice wt DOOR and WINDOW FRAMES, bo bread east on tho waters that not borrow* at all. rio we have j At no time since tlio Franco-Ger- 'LONGER and GRO()\ 1.1) FLOORING, lias bee'll rcc'ivod. would return, with increase. ELATN and RESTIC CEILINGS proved that usury laws aro a disad- 1 man war, and tlio consequent crea- Clark streets, where w »rkmen were MOELD1NGS, r hiini/r to the borrower instoad of ^10U ° f !l gold standard in Germany, mixing materials which exploded r m irra of Tin* T i . mikhani C W u M iin a to n C o u n iy P a ir BRACKETS «' Anihuf hini, and their disadvantage ! suspensi on of specio i>ay- i aml cause 1 the conilaerutioii. On sA!ii'.-~The records of the Interna RALCSTERS(Tur*ird and Scroll). mtl^ts in !• ranee has there been uuy- , , j Levenuo Liiicau shows tuai the late also I n* , t msfomers and nil in this- Wo acknowledge the receipt «J is greater in proportion as the law is I n,;nfy i;i.n ,1 « , .. money tn< south the an; leached nearly to temporaneo crusade affected but verv Stair Balusters and Newell Pests, I vJnitv th.* i„Titati.*n Lt.» ••eomeaud see.-.’ Eoiiutiiutly oil lnui.laDiliuatlut.» Or.li i*. the premium list of ihc* A\ ashingt-1. ( obeyed. It is not nccessarj' to prove , that now prevails. Throughout Jackson, and within a block of the | s!i ffitlv the consumption of liquol* We like to show a«), il, vlu tlieryou jiarchaso or nut. County Agricultural Society to^ be ( that they aro disadvantageous to the j America, Europe, and the East there I Palmer House. The St. James i s ! i:i this country. During March last 71IO.SE W H O CONTEM PLATE awarded at the Eight Annual Fair, lender wlien tho crusiide was ai its height, dui for that is assumed by thoso ■ rcdiu-ted employment tho la, t house burned on St .a. liuil.’ in^ iutliis vicinity State lor money m trade, and tlie name I «. . .... , . tho special tax on liquor saics wai to be held at the Fair Grounds at who o mako those laws Superior Induccinonts are offered ! re- t . ___ prospect o! a more than average :itrcct‘ lh o ^struelion and but f'8,000 less tinnì fui* Ilio suine Hillsboro, beginning on September I f it is good for tho State to com- j yiehi of tiu * , , , _ . - - important crops. I muovai of goods and furniture arc, iu monili of bSVM, but t ! io cxoiteniei’.t Fur cv< rvthiii'.** nrccRXiiry to the Erection' Coin]¡'.I. ¡ion ;«n.l fnrnisliiuK of any 28 and continuing for fivo days. pel money lenders to loan at a cer- j As regards Kumm*, the claim is very , all probability, as great as tlie aclu- evidentlv mudo thè di dillers l’ear iti ‘ •uii.ling can I h * leni ¡«t The list of premiums is extensive tain rate, why not make sellers of striking. In Germany thu guld j 1 loss of buildings and property ro- " -dOp^tuei made- » , . m,, i ,,* .,< w:v i .*, *, izens. W e hope that this Fair will be sell at a uniform rato? Tho princi- , . « « VEV. A N !) F illS T ( LASS! 1 quale to meet th«* then inibiteti cun ' tilK('8 ,),u *l moueiaie-sized lire now diicers und ot Ih ¡lini* siili Au.l llu* work ilout* will la* «»f well attended by our farmers, w ho pie is esnctly (ho seme. Ho then dition;of the ,10w promi,,-1 .l-*laya to ret ehiu.;;o people to clear-1 March luiva stcli.lily .„-.vase,., »... SUPERIOR. STYLE AND FINISH should be now raising farm products our Legislators uho M ic r o in ausu- cs to be ample, au-l tho mints luivc 1 ins out their s o u l, :m.l clu.ttoL.aml now nearly roach the ..1.1 limit. their labere. In France . to cotn}>ete for prizes. Such emula­ ry law w ill please take a note of this ceased am ibuilt every sturo «*ilong ( 'a ll and Eviutiuu* tion is worthy and lias a practical and next full give us a law setting a i iucon' < lt1,ll>ll. !H’te ‘drcidntion, of a y *.,} i - * and Stato street,and T m ft >!’» * purufi.i-. .« cLowhcre. ,.,., 4. A . ,, . . . .. . b ... , , i magnitude which literally cheeked " a\cnu Ü .* is timt, t« »i >, a h u n.orous pomn utility that should not be ignored by uniform price on cattle, hogs, ftheep, i (];e i,rc;,«jnlJ,, ol q, , .-, J.limbi \wl Ibnblìj-J Mute ‘ Sitting as tar nor: Monroe, was remov- said to have re ¡narici d timi ho was \ A. I U N M A N . ll'*«7.. r* / i*iLc / t hi * • > I has pa^.ed into i.udi a u the proudetit or the humble d citi wheat, butter, etc. 11 o: u«- tat I u . ». Fuivjf Grov ()r. Nov. 7, ls7J valuable living out of eli arity t«> the midi i ta \ lit* » . B ! ; ««-.i i ^ e And if usurv laws arc so good f *r proporiioi: to th: ’ 11 . M zen, i 1 1 v He n7-iy ! to 1 1 1 *: i ,t liv< h r wh i wi diet n »HN afetv.au«! ' 1 j LM i tsüs luiciuy giade ami coiapaiatiu *s in- }u country districts wberemon-