APPLETONS’ THIS SPÄßE o i i h m m m \. FOR HOXTER litiral salvation. In liis own eonn- i tv. where he was know n, he made a verv poor run, but in the other poi* A bot ' t women— Men. ! tions of the State, where he was not New Revised iTdithm. Tm: tie ml of winter— Flios. Entirely rewritten by the ubltst writers on known, lie made a good raee. This \ good thing to be Jinule of— Maul shows, then, the advantage to him «»very subject. l*rintc»«l frum new typo, mid i Host rat« «1 with bcveial Thousulal Euyrav- of honor. of not being known, and also shows in^s und Maps. I t is a carious fact that all women his sagacity in keeping in the back-I , 7 ~ ~7~, , . . . . T I Tim work original!« published under the are curious. ground l>y playing sick, lie was ; title n( T he j ; kw A mkrican CvcLopiniA Never sigh over what might have sick to some purpose, for he knew 1 " ;,s completed in 1SC>3. since which time . ‘ * . . »lie wide circulation which it has attained been, but make the l*e*t of what i-. that his strength lay m his obscurity in ,,.,rts )(1 tl„. Vnitc«1 States, and the Never turn a blessing around to and in being a stranger to the peo- i si ’»al d.-v« lopm.'nts which have taken place . . . , ° . . i ii in every branch of science, literature, nn«t see whether it has a «hark side to it. pb* of the State. Hereafter,we shall j !irt, lmvc indued th. « «litorsand publishers | ‘If we can’t hear, it ain't for the advise candidates who have liot titer- to submit ii to an « xu« i ami thorough ri-x-is- , ion, ami to issue a m w edition entitled Jack of ears, as the ass said to tin . it enough to cany them successfully j 'p1IE A mkkican ('vcx.oi-.ri.iA. cornfield. Within the last ten - years the progress of | ! through a campaign to follow L a . i v , : «liseoverv in cverv «lej.artinent of knowl- A Pittsburg newspaper eqdls the . . . Dow s course— take a few harnr less ■ (.(ige has made a new work of reference an ! debt item of that city “ due xriops ” I medic ines ami wrap a red flannel rag imperative want. . The gentleman rri“' movement of political affairs lias kept A vnrr.-OF fact old a io t in d their n ecks, a n d c la im to b o pact» with the discoveries of sei« nee, and th in k s it must he a very small base : ih< r fruitful application to th«» industrial “ wretchedlv ill. ” be!! that can he caught on a fly. ______________ j and useful arts and the convenience and re-| • VA«iETl§S. rp ,, . ., G bvy hairs seem like the light «if a J.HL UeiOl111 1 1 o \ 01111 ilO ilt id } €\v soft moon, silvering over the evening | Yt)rk citv lias aiWetl eleven millions of life. of dollars to the city’s debt in about A country ~oir(,v. in its advice to two years flir d a half. The people correspondent«, savs: “ It y o u eve now anxious to reform the re- studied punctuation at nil,punctuate; are ‘. but if vou have not, let it slide.’ H illsboro. M arion, 11. vl. Witzel, Turner. L in n , E. E . Fanning, Tangent; Wm. Cyrus, S cio; J. H. Smith, H a r ­ risburg. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Yashin ton, amt Idaho, F iank Shelton and II in. Shelton, Wolle Yalta, II . 1. 1 Vest c m soli o r send a deputi/ lineineiit of social life. G reat wars and eon- i s q iu n t revolutions havo oevured, involv- FAMFL ( ioos River grange, no 45, Coos co; Cyrus : A.andriff, master; Robert liooke, sec; Coos River J’ O. O F F IC E R « f Ilio N A T I O N A L Happy Home grange, no 40, Linn co; J GRANGE. 1 Newman, master; Liudley, st-e; Lebanon. I n uni grange no 47, Lane co; Hyuson ! Mast r, 1/adlg IT. Ad a ms , H u n - \ Smith, master; S Looney, sec; Junction. Rock lV iu t grange, lio 4«, Marion co; J ! f o n , Iona, , n. , /. i i Downing, master; G S Downing, see; Sub- DIRECTORY. Orerseer, ¡. 'etnee, T. -1. Ttrimps in, Plain I l o w. Mi a. ; i v » - i »t ; Steward, A. J. I Uligini, L a r i y 1 ( l o r e . Miss. Ass'l S te w a -d , a. I r. Thompson, \ X e ir U rotisw iek, X I J . , ., , i . / i t m / : ■ ho p i a » , I, r. .1. /*. ( i r o s o , Y a s h - t onion I / . ( ' . ’1 '•lisorer, ning, X. Y, Se. I . ' ■ •il it id \t 1 ' * It ) methought thy h- .it 1* mine to gravy run until ) -Hi tin glow ( nielli .1 intorni». .11 toiaelt, ig. Iiial felt I te., will b»- s- nt gratis, on application. 1 ’itvsi-t I..VS.S « a m issino Am nts w.vxrrn the Pl.bli-hus, D . A l ’P L L K / X i t c o . , •r.» a P nti. .r attention paid to getting up Books for t'minti t 1» l k ’s ofi'.-e. n3s tf Rough on Mudge 551 B r o a d w a y . N . Y . ii 2 b J U l l stow a llo w s that lr js Sc .-t cll a w i (>f til* Tie;e>tiry. 111 «1er the li; a-lt- arris«. a begun.-, a uy Ì »<•riv ubo ut P L A F R K G t ht- b.vil.l in-g wasliati! «• to 1 rulliti!” a t‘- fl- laim-ial »Iu¡yViisi an«l to indicate what M I L L S c .mo »» in sv into B r i s t o w ’s room i. M E Y E R S Sach & Door Factory A. L . . T < P r o p r i e t o r , they consideri l t-orit i-tgfoveretimetif- Manufacturer and Dealer in til pi » icy. i»ris <\v inf ill-! to «1«» most P C R N IT P R E , S A sli. i»t tii.s him sei«’ , ntiil is ini roiluci tig a DU« »RS A N D B L IN D S , thse; j dine- that is almost martial. On C ED A R, 1TB ;.nd II \RD\VOOD yesictihiy, Mr. Mu 1 .-«-, h«n-toforc* a « ] ) t e , e »«iji.ftllü i m > u s anvl . , cnl su h a ltf-ru , : L U M B E R , AC., AC. __ HAS 1 r.OM tS.OCG to 2 0,000 ( RES OF E X C E L L E N T L A N D FOIt sale in Washington Countv. itml thicxv Pianing. Tonnu’e and Grooving. lj;iiis«-]f acro ss a s o fa in the familial Turning. Scroll and Hfe-Sawing style of Bii-lturtlsi n «lays. At the mo­ I ».¡nt- to Oriler in a ment B -low was explaining a new IP.iXN'Ci'fc O l i ' U a S U S t y l e . iinuina il M» a to an « fli -ial visitor. D O U R :md W I N D O W FRAMES. T u N G l K and < iR U U V I.I) F U IOR IN G I As In finish* »1, Mud'ge Broke in, pat- p r . \ TN imi Ri s i l e C EIL1NGS i', ly oh-t-rviiig', “ Excellent, M U F I.D IN G S , b r a g h i : is Mr. Secretary, 1 am glati to lie able to a.ree v» h you in what you srtv.” Bristow turili’*! upon him chillingly. “ Yottr t-hj».-f is tin- ( ‘ommissiouer <>1 ( 'nstoms, he sai.1. “ lii-jiurt to him at once. A\ lit n you have any future Business with me transact it through him Jl I have any special use for you I'll send for you.” Mutlgeedged out. La Dow and hL Canvass. 'f> to Ct Stair Ealustcrs au«l Newell zr. Tosts, , < 'oiistallilvou iialld and Iliadi to Ol d. r. y __i w TH O S E W H o CONTEMPLATE building inthis vieiuitv 3 X y. c Superior Inducements are offered ! y. t—t For every thing m eesaarv to tll( Erection' Ct»mpl< lii-n and furnishing of any building can be bull at this Factory. j. v W m V- N E W A N D F I R S T G LA SS! F O J tE s T And the wont done will be of STYLE AND M THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST Bifore jiureii.isiiig tlsewhere. energetic, i \ Shingt, s, /..iiiilu r limi HuiMing Alati able and assuming man in Oregon, nul f/ g. *)• t n * acht I/a ft f I if u ’ork. Address ¡«11 orders to lit is ¡ihout the most lucky man in IN THF, STATE!! best posted think his expenses will not electioneering amount to over { angfactgrer and OREGON. dealer in X I - A . I L . JST U S S , SJ^'Iìv’pairiiigyiroiuptly attdidtd t»». __ WOODCOCK M. M c D o n a l d . G .U O V E nl3;2m A. L. J O H N S f »N Forest Grove. the State. He has run, or rather been j run,lor Congress, and those who an- ■ M cC R E AD Y. SADDLEd, LRIDLES, W HIF8 à Lcsh LANDS I ni, D C. i L d e - L -/er, f). J / 1 ii widdie, (>e- e.'inrd ( ¡ r o ve , Loi. Ceree, Mr s. D. H ”. Admis, Udii f o n , ¡own. I'onionii , .des (> 1! hell eg, Il asii h- inglon, D . ( ' . j fiora, A/rs J ( ' Abbott, ( l ar fse Iona. L ni g Assista nt Sf eoa n i . Miss ( H o d , MM' ■h t ut ¡h m . 1 r. i * /; Et t'iif i Et’ ( ''ni .E t te 1 ' m . s. fil Hil /V, ( » fls/t ! ugi' », /> C. D. ■e S, ( ir loi o ra t Ol' f li G » . >. *5 ite» *be ’t r '1' ( t I . /• ï /’ ' . t s , e rro c J II s i . i . /* ( h-erse * '>*, I >nt h tf /’««>■. » ■ « ' . ¡. 'ehi e• /*, //-. nier, Y alla ]ViIU(I + St ewa r d, lì P (/Ids, l.o Ig Assistonf S t e i m r d , (/Ids, W olio II alla. Assistant Steward, he, i ds . ii Airs Chloe M P ow e r s 1 hdjhiln i / . 1 I l f It'"i,y S i ¡up.-ton ( or rail a ’ -e h e pe, -, F r s, 1/aiion eo; N R Dot y. inastila W st iw« r, se«-; Jittïrson. R E F O R M ; fs co n tro lli d by no L.uu-t 1 grange, no t»J, Douglas co; L Has- brook. mast. î : 11 Nichols, sic; .Star's Point. C l igne, F a rt ion o r M o n o p o ly ; bid til.dilati.! LJ1aug»-. no 7«», t'lac lOHlMis CO* 1) • IFng lit, loa st.•r; J P /•iugo, s*•y; Oregon j I is the fearlcssm ifd outspoken ------- «'itv. AI nIf nom; ill grange . no 71.Multili imah eo; f ./ I/o¿f n a>ti r: J ( N« vv. 11. set•; E ast Port- \D VOC A T E o f the P E O P LE . & INTERMELA, AMiolesftl»« and Retail Dealers in (¡RCmifLS i Pttlüfiül»:» PATRONS OF HUSBAr.ZPiY. Deputies of the State Orange. ___ i • a B. nt. >11 eo; FA ! 11 i lls, tu,ist * 1 ; ( inor, s.l-f : Corvallis. là vclsinr gran • 13, Ya’tulli 11«•<>; W I, 'niait, see Smith, master; J E (.'»ovijrt, see: ; Button, Dux ton. ; >alem gtang«-, no 17, 1/arion eo; Dan'l I ( lark, master; John Al.ntv, sec; Salant. 7urn« rgrange ii«« I s, Alari-m od; I* .V W i/- j «1 master,* Il H Hid ry, sa.-; 7’iiriu'r; Brownsville graii;.-«-, no 13, l.inn co; I. C : Rice master; A W v-t matd.s ; jir.ivvnsvili»-. Nouth Brow iis\ iH ! . 111 e, no 20, Linn eo; C. lis..lidlut» <1 w ith ih W ».svilii*» I’d El. ! than ■ . -\ li»> • Î4 . /.inn . R V li­ vine, me Ii ^ .lit se.'; E. n.iaon. Km»:. Putt, -rii11 ;e. lit 1 i. Emu «•«,; y Al . . . ., i ; M Ji. |s)ii ■ • \ ; ' . . . 11 m-.» >nv . :■ «'. IK, ! 1 ran i o. i M P-.W. b ! .1 • » s / \ AN //ope ! E. ni. eo; G F ramp- j k i , n i . 1« i .o A . i u * ,, n m . Mono grange, n< » 2», Polk eo; J M i.ew - B-y, master; Il ( M I itnntonds, see; Lt iris vil'e. I g . Lib rty grande, no 20, Lan«* co; H N II ill, master; J ( 1 Jertnings, see: Junction. Evening Star grange, no 27, Multnomah t-o; J.ico«] Johnson master; II T Campbell, ««c; East Foithifid; 1 ni] «(da grange, ho üS. Jiouglas « o; R M Gnrin-y, tftast» r; IF F t iweiis; see: //ose: | buri 2îl. n itili I,-è (fi; 11 U j Miltott L;i«Tii^(, rio 2 fi; î \ iiîtlill.f Drumhiller, masttr; T fl McCoy, set-; l/»l- has the *< a ., right o f doing the ioill. t r t ♦ j Washington grange, W ashington coilsaiic | Ball, mast« i ; ,/ (f (instill, see; Middleton. | ( ’« nt- r grange, /.inneo; Win l ’hilpot.mas- ! ter; /.W Mi ►ss, see; Cravvfordsville. AIill Creek grange,Yamhill eo; B B Brnu- soui, master; M M Ellis, see, Elkhorn.- McKt-nzie grange, Luncco: (J ft flam- niersley, nlaster; IG A IGooh-ot, stc; .Spring- ti. Id. Amity grange, Yamhill soii. master;«! L 1 ITO i X T P R IX T IX G ■ fiir iVashington Cou¡ify'andw ¡1 . ~ ns hcreforc invaluable, to all o onret.itcr. eo; J J Ilender- II Sawyer, sec; Amity. 11 dlamette grange, Yamhill co! Henry 11 *w«-tt, n aster; Peter Burcndregt, see; Il ia utlulid. ./acivsoiivillt- grange, .Jackson <•<>; F F IGalker, master; R A Miller, see; .Jacksou- vill»*. - Farmington grange, IG.ishingtoheo; R A II. it sbovo. 7'hu nix grange, «Jackson co;. G k e o u ' iGarrof.- rrtaster; UoliH Bttffth; tec, o f •»' f-gv. ton. Muiu ¡t Zion g range, CÎaek.-imaS eo; »4 / ’« rrydale grange, no 30, F olk <-«»; Geo n, v, master: W H Milttooit, sefc. it on-c Coniegys, m asti r; J Frizzell sec; l ’errydale. | 7/unling grange, Claekalmis Co , George I nrmcrs partit-uhir atttntion paid to to tus/ tf n I f P.M tla iiJ..........................O r e ; « . j granges in this ju r is d ic tio n , us mi/ There is another thing that we will I J O IX E lfS WORK and STAU; ! t i AUFORNIA FltFITri RECEIVED deputies; say in his favor as showing his good J «lii*e»-t pt-r bt-.unci-». Country ordir» j Eoe D o u g la s and tin - counties sooth ir. MhOXAJ.D. juilgtrwnt— ho stayed nt ltotiie. YYc-, B F1LD IX C 1. IA' f I o f d. l i . M . (j’nrnl'i/, 'Jeu M ile P . O . M cM innville grange, no 31, Yamhill eo; 1 Clark, m aster; A C W ilbur sec. thought iliij woultl hurt him, but,on j Shop on Fine street above Alt-Ready’ s. P o lk , James Totani, D i x i e . A R eid ,m aster; D O D urham , see;M eE iu u - IFillametto grange; Multnomah co; Ì) Cash paid for C n n t r y Prod aoe H :<»nT ville. the other hand, it ha- been hiq po- ««..-— UleiT, master; S E J'addock, see: J'ortlsnd’ Lane, 11. A. Hi d, Junction. n42-l v tliice d o l l a r s , although some think | A R C H I T E C T A N D R C I L D E K it has cost him as high as rivedollurs. « « T I L I # F U R N IS H P L A N S AND SPI ( ▼ ▼ itieations for Building s of all it* -<-ri|> Ntiw we consider i?."» a small sum to the M il.! . alt ktnds of FINISH Gull und E x a m in e J elect of Oie^ol** //. Kelley, Was.'ii ng- of O F F li' AI v machinery i«t The Walla NVidia Fnion gives this SUPERIOR t n tin- Democratic liejne¿entativc j Cor­ .. Gri-ejiville grange, no 43, Washington co; Wm Wilson, master; J F Pierce sec; Green­ ville. UllCilUb Orleans Ifrilllut grange,no »no v(t, 53,Benton i»t mou t eo; w, J »u M ’Coy vvo Ulilst(.r; |fm Winning, see; Corvallis. I Union no 2 grange, no ol, Douglas co; A A M «thew,master: J G Fluke, sec; Looking- j ^ j o u r n a l devoted to the intere*.» -io * t u I \\ ulau'ette grange, no 52, Benton eo,John . . r • • , j ;l, ris ma.-ter: C Stagle, s«-c; Corvallis. | W ashington ( . o u v t y a nd of .Svmcnse grange, no 53, Liuu eo, H Far- i v». li, master; C A MiBer. set»; Miller-» sta- | State. timi. Siuslaw grani»«*, no 54. Lane eo: D B«~urt- , vvTight, master :./ F Amis, sic; m u s I hvv . (,'ovot.t grange, no 55. Lane co; S .Stephen : master: S T Duke, s«-e; Siuslaw. '. ] r.ugene grange, no ad,Lane eo; .T« ss»i Cox, J ma i v >t John Si.iiiiier, s« e;Ei.gene City. I Saiul Ridge grange, no 57. Lmn co; S ; Isom, mast« r; J M a •k, m o Alll.iliv. ( >ri> tit gì-,ma,., mj 5s, Linn «-.i ; V n Cald- w - 11. mast, r; J Turner, »«■< ; Albany. Douglas; B G Roseburg grange, no 5îh «libi»», mast-‘r; R W« aver S o ; Mini*» ('reek Gairets. n grange Ilo <»0, ars. master; II Mixander, see; Bethel. Dallas grange, not i, l ’olk: R Clow mas­ ter; 1) J //«»lines, see, Dallas. .» - 5j»riug N ’alley grange, no 62, Pulk; I ) Gib- soi.. inaster; W A lit nry, sec; Z» na. Corm ìins grange, lu» (.3. Ilushington co; Ü 1‘ ir.lls, master, U ni R.cves, sec;Coruel- R 3 3 T & S ’iOEHOUSi uj B A I T ' S l ’l.ItS Tuvm-d¡imiScrolli. ' A USO j ------- If he is not the most POST ¡»IMIS l'ült THE LlMiliESi! V1.\Y TillMiS ?) [Extra Ct from a Was hiCgl -m L tter. V. M . M<-D o n a i , FOREST-UROYE P 1 I INDEPENDENT 1 P" I ^ bit« ■h*-n spi t: met ho« 1 h h* stole thy h. 1 homas laylor, Lolnrn- I .» jtv ° bin, S. ( '. y M - ► yrrrr.n r r nr my heart ft-rr Junction City grange, no 43, Lane eo; F \V Folsom, mastei: J G Houston sec;Juuct- w st Fuit »11 ^r.aii^e . no 72. U ashiugtou , eo; Y iJ ¡eo IH Ì i>. mast er; David li. m»x. sec' il A -1' >ro. Un .sbovo or;itnof, no 73, I t ' « di ington eo; | Th - it mp 111V v>. in. «sur; 11 li Al» Vel's,S< e \ 1 litiasi »oro. Butteville grunge, no 74, Marion co; P F F ' di re ( ornili idee, D o n n i Ciistleinau, inasu r; F P Maihieu, seigBuMt-- Soleni; Il M ( i n n i , g, leu mi]. ville. ( 'la r i '.'"ttage Gi'uve grange, no 75, Lane co; A Dong,ns co. ; (/elei/ Unii, Wnttn Udllii: li spalir, ma-tei ; liorat-t- Knox, see ; ( ’«.itiige j ti .1 lit-//'-, l i m o n I isto; 1 humas ( i I ' Ve. M o n fers. Sein; J // Hen r y, ¡ . a 1 (igeile; Charity f'V ingc. i>.o 70, Lane co; AI 1G.1- ; S U dè J R I P T I O p r i c R. GENERAL MERCHANDISE! 1/ ,\ H dl, »/ n net i on. kins, mastti; t Ai Wilkins, sec; Il «lluiiiettc | Forks. Alsea Grange, no 7 1 . Beniort co; AI Ver- I NFORMS T H E P U B L IC TIP' HE O l l i ; e i s o f tii«* f e u t r a i ( h a u ; noli, tuast.-r; 1 11 Starr, w e ; Alsea. s T I L L K kki - s tub I -^^11 • a t i o n P» o. t i grange,Linu t-o;s D //.«lev- muster; i P r e s d, • d. II' A t -‘ a nier. \u tm Watts, s. i ; P, oria. Vier P r : so h ld , .Inm>. Tatum. r r.iuklin grunge. Lati«-co; G AI Aliller, I F A» See/; ¡Oi y, m.asti l ; .1 F Ivii-K, s. «-; Franklin. A 11 Sta n on rJ. M .tjiato graugt*, II ashiugtou co; T Ri / r> o - n r e r , C P P i i r f l o i r t . Tb<»in] sou', master; F i* Stott, sec; Gaston. | G a l l a m i Set* H i m 'fruste s, /■'. Shci'nl, F. P n irell. A «.vacuila grange-, Douglas co; A Lamb, ( iafe-J\eejwr, JJ ns J a iin in g . master, J R Drain sec; /(rain's P O. He has something good to tell them and . ig e ili, J . lì. Sto inp, Goluinb'a grange. *! ashiugtou co; Jas Jitjbt'ie. master; 1 Kiji .lv, sec; Glencoe. Beaverton grange, iFasliiiigtou co; 7'Tuc- S U B O R D IN A T E (¡R A N G E S k« r, inasti r; Jas d/’Kay, see; Portland. O retitm Oidvlaud grange, Douglas co; E Stephi-ns, Such as Alarshtìeld grange n o i , ('lu-kamas eo; master; E H Ptnkson, sec; IFtlbur. W IG Davis, master; 7'J Matloek, s.c; H A TS A N D C A P S .' od tville grange, no «5, 1 .inn eo; Win B Claekan as P. ( >. 1H)( ITS A N D S!I( IPS, 1 igle ( re. k grange no 2. ( ku-kamas eo; (»d-i.ii, li asti i ; ( Bulge, m i- ; S< ulax ili»-. /’ovvi Ps Valley graiig»«. Multnomah <•«» ; T 1. la» i l»« -, master: Franklin Fosti r, see: D a ­ L A D IE S ’ AND GENTS' K U dii ins, muster: 1» Ukthingtoii ; sec;! masi US S 2 S O a T o a r Oiik /’<»iut gmng" tu» 3. Folk co; J. IG. l ’ovv« IPs Valley. W E A R IN G A P P A R E L , II ooilbnrn grange, Marion co; G Dimiek, | Nirk. m isti t ; Jaim-s A Detupsi v. set-; Riek master. Win Darsi, st-e; lFo«»dburn. reai. Howell Traili»- grange,Marionco; IF Nap- i G r o c e r i e s Bui-'na Vista gra’igi no i, J’olk co; E C JJtll. master ; I. AI Hill s,,.- Buona Vista. pingtield, luastt l ; «/cbn Newsom, sec; Sa­ | Of all kinds, and other Articles to . numer­ Monmouth grange no 5, /’olk «-.»; I G Al lem. .Needy grange, ( lackamas; .John Ringo, | ous to mention. And hopes l>v Biitl.'i- master: ) S Churchill, s«*e; Ab»n- tu-ist«'i ; W IF >uinpsou, sec; Needy. moiitli. Butte ( reek grange. Clackamas co. E (> ik /‘latiti grange no G, Likn co; V R F A IR D E A L 1X0 Skinner, mast« t : E AI /fartman, sec; Butte Prie«-, ninsttr: T J Black, see; //alsey. 7'amgent grange, no 7, Liuti co; 1-i là Fan- Creek. ! Only to merit a Liberal Patrona >f the ning, master: A levins. m e; 7'aiigtnt. I ]>per Molalla grange, Claekannis co; ./ Public. ( oriutliiaii grange. u-> K, l.inn co; W K Alu .e. master; S Engle, sec, <;i „i Tidings ! G.isln n grange, Lam-Co. W R Dillard, [ Priee, masti r ; ( W e Id. s* e ; Lebanon. master; S l.ngle, see; Glad Tiiliit‘gs. ,,li«'«ld -.Tiim ge, no'.*, Linneo; P Sin dd Hirhcst Cash Price Paid for Produce. Ashland grange, .Jackson co; I) S Buick, « masti r; lt IG Yautis, see; Miedil. ^ | Grand /'taira- grange, n». in. U nii ao; W mast«-r; W Be« sou, sec: Ashland. ( It -lity n,> 2 gratige, Linn co;F AI Kitzci, j P Ami r *S( m• v: Frv. st G; Albany. m. 11. I .inn c:•<»: John masti r: P II 11 ¡gle, see; Harrisburg. AI» adoivville grange.Umatilla eo; A LGor- I a R P« •ri «r, s«.-; Har- «Ion. master; .1 11 J.’aley, s«*c; Aieailowville. ] risimrg. t .«Ita grange, l uiatillii «-.»; .Jacob Fr azt*r, •s]>ringti«-1d ^ no 12, I zUTlG ino; John GKO, A. PKASE, PROPHIKTOB Kelley, maste .111« C\ s S( ’(• J >pri-g- master: Gilliam, see; Pilot Rock. Pendleton grange, Umatilla eo; T H Sto field. The Largest Slock on the Coast, ivy, master:./ 11 Sharon, s« c; Pendleton. . i 7’liilomah » 'uton eo: N P IO 13. 1> Midway graiigy, Umatilla eo; ./ H ( h.vse! S. W. Corni r of 1- irst and Morrison streets, X,v. tnit mn , 1» row'll s i orvailis. master; \\ i Alver, see; 11-pner. X O T IC E ---- The /XD E P E X D E X 7 >.- i»i t n (■ ;< ¡.i no 11. Ih'i’t« i • n go ; J P O R T L A N D O R EG ON . nl2 lv Ch iialem granga, Vamhiileo; S Bruts- Il Mill« r. masti 1. (Hit til o 1U \ 1 or- ckt r, master: ,/ J’ Shuck, sec; West CheliiP j rO R E !, until eomph tion, will be issimi «.ne»- in two ne »nt lis. 'S ] »email pae.s of th<- A m Vine VN ( Vi I.el-.lI'll, showing typ« , illustrations. I Oity. ' j Damascus grange, no 41, Clackamas c«>; S \ p Lee, master; Norman Darling, sect Da- I i mascus. niascus. grange, . n 1 _ J<>r«lan Valley V« lley K™“* T o . 42, . . . . L . in n e o; John Brvaut, master; A 1 Met ully, sec, ! ^r,j(). -C , niiiaUOii PBimm. CLARK E Lafayette gran"?, no 32, Yamhill co: £♦£ Henry, master; It II Lauiaon, sec; Laya- yette. . , a S Ü B S b m b È !! North Yamhill grange, no ,33, Yamhill co 'S U B S C R IB E ! K It Laughlin, master; D C Stewart, sec; North Yamhill. Weston grange, no 31, Umatilla co; J ¿' White, master; M ’cArthur, see; Weston. IFild Horse grange, no 35. Umatilla eo; J N -Perkins, Inaster; D A Richards, sec;Wes ton. 6'cio grange, no 36, L in n eo; Thos f l a n ­ kers, master; G T Foster, sec: Scio. Nntitiam grange, no 37, Linn eo; TFin Cy­ rus, master; W A Kinsey, sec;Scio. *• i IFusco grange, no 3H. Wasco co; Itoo»»rt I M «vs, master; G If Burnett, sec, The Dul- | les. E. The 7'» lies grange, no 33, IFasco eo; A J Dufur, master; E L Perhurn. sec; The Dul­ les. Molalla grange, no 40, Clackamas co; P S f* r the Noytr, xuastei; Chas Howard, sec; Oregon Master State (Jroin/e of (/regoli and '*•' B« aver grange, no 44, Linn co;.J Crabtree Washington. Sa. m i , Oet. 1, ISTI» t | vaster; S \V Gains, see; Lebanon.' »« FOREST GROVE. LIVERY & FEED Sìlfi! K W T 'F A C T C R E S TO ORDER. A c ­ k i count Books, of all si/, ^ alni styli - Ball Tiok-ts, Bill II ads. Blank Book , of any th sir- 1 patt- rn. with print»-»! le nds or w ithout. Blanks. Briefs, ( 'af.ilo/m-s, Cnnls. < 'ertiti at»' s, ( h cks. Circulars. De» -Is, I la ud- au-1 Bills. L ib Is. l.-ases. Lett, r H» ad «. Pos». rs. Pr-».ranimes U.c-ij.ts of ail kinds, Show t ara . Slopping 1 ■ .s. A e., a. F. Southern Oregon, 1). S. It. 11aik, o f Ashmnd. Ana locallih/ nothin this jurisdiction fo r which no deputy h i s I reo appointed f o r thè orgaiiization /uiiizatioii of granges, unit n oli ' rereiec i m mediate - ‘- i u - i : attention .ai.i.a;,.,. i f applica- , . ... ,‘ u finn is ma de to me, l ietti attend m pier- i y Lt«« n u L t*\ K.--- II'ashiugtou territory. L. Sindh, Ol ympi a, und .Julius Horton, Seattle. ing national changes of peculiar moment. Hi«- civil war of mir own eonutry, which was ut its height when the last volume of the ol«l work appariti, has happily been j end« d, and a m-w course of e »umu-tvial and industrial activity has been com- i m« net «1. Large accessions to our geographical t knowledge have been made by the indefati- AYaterbury, Comi., lias a bashful \\ ork oxen are in g n at demand in gable explor« rsof Afri«*it. young man who mad«* a cull one « ve­ Coo« C’ounty- Tin- great political r< volutions of lie» last ld g , and after partaking of a little decade, with the natural result of the lapse , rl he (irangers are making exten­ ice creimi, -asked, “ is there any­ sive preparations to build a large ottime, have brought into public view a i multitude of m w men. whose names are in | thing else'r” ; warehouse on the WillamettA, ju-t ( ver- one's month, and of whose lives every T ue only paper inNew York which | below the Hogers landing. It is one is curious tt> know the particulars. 1 pot a l«-j oi 1 into tin- White House tlu-;r intt ntion to lav oft a town sit«-. « lia at batti» s have beiti fought and import­ ant sieges maint -»ue«l. of which the details at the tirant wedding was the // >•- A t i w ft.n m.ross the y ouu riv- are as vet pres< rv»«l only in th«- m wspi- pt Is or in tie transient publications of the " ■. A,ul dB reporter disguised lnm- erro;l;, lu, ir A del ia. that was cur duv, but which ought now to take tle ir M-lf as a col«*ii [ ¡i huait'« .1 leet i rom tin- pn s. it has accordingly b.a n the aim of ineiit. Tliat is wliat vii-« all busilli s. 3.‘ \t di the cenitie. It has . t in- lutft lt w :ts ali oi tm leet coid.« :n sei. nee, of « Vevy flash ] »roilite­ «.-a L *v»i -w l :i" d throil;D ti il iti lini a 1 lire, and of the latest inven­ ii servii •«• n n nit»«!1 eonx 1ltrotlgîl. t v.ri« >ntly ti' 1 s in lie j-r. . dial arts, ¡is Well as to giva * circi l a t i . udv the mil it r. 1' of wit»« -It , a sueeiliet. and origin il I'e. old of the prog'­ we 1 ;i\e ii«»t the reu: totesl i«i« :! " T p ° n ll s> of ] • I iti» d alni historical > va tits. applicatio i«atit»n at this « lìiC'( the o « m r The work has la tti begun alter long and > F~3 E-3 3 5 ^ ear. fill pr« lintii:ary labor, and with the can recover the property ^ 1 I« t n < » t : i ] I 1 » ; « 1 1 « i s I n tarrying on to a l I Sews. sin » ssfnl terminati« n. None of tin- original stereotype pintes Hells were tolled when the death lia V »■ b e l l Us» d. but every page has lu en of Suuiner was announced in Dan­ prit!» d on new type, forming in fact a m w bury, autl H n m g km-11 a Libc* - ( \. ¡op,cilia, with the same plan and t-om- ty Street man rushed into the street 1 if" luvdi '«•essi ,r. but w ith a far ureat- 1 y t xp» uditilire, and with SUfll ♦ •filili:!1 and wanted to know where the tire ' P « >Vt * ! 1 ♦litS 111 its c«imposition ns have v\as. lie was informed that there STE A M P O W E R st« (1 by long. r t \[)eiit net alni e n- « 11SU; ivas no tire. “ Then what s the mat­ 'A d ir r0v-iL. -1 Ì,»now ledge. ter':'’’ “ Sumner is dead.’ “ Dili lie The illustrations which are introdne -1 »1* titir 1 tiivt timi in the ]»r« s» t : t < .1 »loi , have live here?” “ No. “ Die here?” — L 1 » 1 Y— * n add.« 1 lint fv>r the sake of ].: i-.»-ia. ef- “ N o .” “ Well, what’s up?”— Jciu- ;:t« r bn:: to ft. give lneid 'i an 1 f<>rct to I , . i ♦' < : \j»i..111:itimi:- in tiif t. \t. Lliey en.1 »rat-« ItÆ JR. E R O 'W IX T , 11.i. ji .h. S ( if s*'if 1 < » and i t liai ; ». r; « ! l.isto- A writ« rin the Aldwauket-N« So I • ! the respectful sympathy of 1 (itili l i l'ilio Stud Ditch. il feut ur 1 s ft si t nt i v. un intertitre . au.l all gentleman who give out their t, ; is y ^ f Ii a - illr \ ♦ ! 1 • » ils i »r» cesses ( i.f nu­ . - and i.laniifaetun s. Alt In >u-di in- washing: “ li is awfully annoying to ir iix o r IN NI NEST tow n I ii «1 iIn riustr it t it »i» nitln r than eitibellisli- toi’ rs. lia ib at have some other ‘t-llow s el<>tht-s left t lit nn y ailis have h» » n span d to : illsliv. ill ones room by the washerwoman. Eook Binder and Paper Ruler, it-i r ill ti- ti.- . x.'i 11. l.ei c; the cost of th» ir A <;«M*1> S A D D L E -H O R S E AI Saturday we put Oil ««other fellow’s it;« «U i - eli ornions, and it is be lit 1 «-t » w . « s 1 1 . 1» V \s i!1 tind a VV. leoni. e re< » ¡.tion as ; ill a.l- shirt, but couldn’t wear it. Although Ut Me ft atur* • of till « '\ «b n ;« < I : » . nnd it was rutiled around the bottom, the ! ' Il le’c eenm ets i tin ears at Cor- nf it.- hi.dl char; let« r. • l \ liV 1 liils t a ;ee a da'. . si« eves were too short to button cutis KONT S t i u t t , »V >1 k is so«d t. » Sr.1 .el ib. rs Hi1 1 S A on, und there wus no place for a col­ iv a \ *!«• ( «nd- liv . ry of each volume. It will rati iv 1 ■ 1 at i-ci Hör ’- n » ii .j ,it ♦■ «i in sixte» 11 lai »ge oeta v .> V.»l- lar.” . «' a. Il cot it.» in ii* : about so" : \ m s. PORTLAND, ORI'.tiON. Y:it best thing oil c re m a tio n y e t: ( 11 î Y illu-t rat« 3 W it' 1 s. v ml tlnm-aml Wood U J 1 my '. ’ s, with limili i ons «• olol <. 1 1! r t hi- :ask. s oi1 til • shelf h- m ath, *- ¡th «-1 ai-i in .*i a])-.. F r i c o a r i a . : A yo.tiill to e« »‘Vins - n.J to sbitwals unkni-wn: /i / . D ■ i'*‘ o u „/ Sigh ■ . f H i n d i / ' n . F.itr s, \tons flow nul1 III * 5.03 / 1 ..-/ 1 U ih. /../• ?■»*/ { h. '/■ ■/ r u ! . . It, r. rn! . ........ i • /.il ÙY»!it mark« d h In iilVlM 7.mi I d Hitir Dot. t Ij M( i T per >'ol... S.Utl In II.i/f Itosi, (, tjffrtt (¡at, (Jl r eo!.. N«> h»n •¿t r SG t k his ciudi N. E. G O O D E L L , II tth fiij '/id ( dyes, . In /’. 1/"(T. N or ill iW il t- filli- lesi. 1 13.(13 ■ > /’’ ' W ]" th»*r, idii; ini pdj pi.11(1 D. ah r in I d /■■»// / lussiti ¡n r iv Triis1»nj4 lii s spirit m v For:r volimi ♦•s now i'ea.1 v. S.lee. t d:nn hook , Multnomah, Jacob Johnson, Fast Pin tland. Clackamas, F. Forbes, Eagle C reek. U n io n , A . Sim/tsnn, Corvallis. Yamhill , A . ) ' . Ifeiiry , Lafayette.. ■ 1 Vosl'imjtun, T. D . Humphreys, ^ R ÌN T ÌflM m y?